篇一:有声故事目录全部 单 本 绘 本(28)阿文的小毯子 爱心树蹦
猜猜我爱多爱你 大猩猩 第五个 鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕
跟屁虫 好饿的小蛇 和我一起玩 花婆婆 活了一百万次的猫 鲸鱼 狼婆婆 妈妈心,妈妈树 妞妞的鹿角 七只瞎老鼠 亲爱的小鱼 晴朗的一天 让路给小鸭子失落的一角 失落的一角遇见大圆满 是谁嗯嗯在我的头上 苏菲的杰作 天空在脚下 爷爷一定有办法约瑟夫有件旧外套 月亮,你好吗 系 列 经 典 绘 本(344)不一样的卡梅拉(10)我想去看海 我想有颗星星 我想有个弟弟 我去找回太阳 我爱小黑猫 我能打败怪兽 我要捞到朗朗 我不要被吃掉 我好喜欢她 我要救回贝里奥
01 怕黑 02 见啥要啥 03 礼貌待人 04 恶梦 05 傻大胆儿 06 恶作剧 07 电视迷 08 知足常乐 09 作业的烦恼 10 和父母相处 11 在奶奶家 12 难忘的生日 13 南瓜比赛 14 钱的学问 15 对待陌生人 16 新邻居 17 坏习惯 18 搬家 19 实话实说 20 受人冷落 21 上学 学校的烦恼 23 爱护环境 24 科学饮食 25 凌乱的房间 26 朋友之交 27 去医院 28 女孩靠边 29 小霸王 30 难忘的假日 31 睡袋晚会 32 遇见圣诞熊 33 母亲节的惊喜 34 麻烦的家务活 35 睡前大战 36 玩具迷
舞台怕不怕 38 妹妹的假条 39 成绩单大麻烦 40 学会理财 41 找回轻松 42 看牙医 43鸟蜜蜂和贝贝熊 44 抱抱别生气 45 甩开嫉妒心 46 宠物真麻烦 47 自己做做看 48 自己画画看 49 自己试试看 50 自己种种看 51 安全第一 52 新朋友 53 我爱小金鱼 54 广告的诱惑
父亲节的惊喜 56 意外的情人节 57 鹦鹉学舌 58想想需要它们的人
我来帮帮你 60 爱上足球 61 谁的错 62 临时妈妈 63 熊王国的工作 64 棒球选拔赛 65 闹别扭
森林里的幽灵 67不给糖果就捣蛋 68 蜂蜜不见了 69 妈妈的新工作 70 去野营 71 电脑大麻烦 72 代课老师
开车去旅行 74 甜蜜的晚餐 75 勤劳的新邻居 76 万圣节幽灵 77 家庭新成员 78 家庭运动会 79 爸爸讲故事 80 妈妈不在家 81 生病的日子 82 复活节彩蛋 83 宠物总动员 84 森林大冒险 85 赛车冠军 86 阁楼里的宝藏
我就是喜欢我 找到一个好朋友 弗洛格和陌生 鸟儿在歌唱 弗洛格是个英雄 弗洛格找宝藏 弗洛格去旅行 弗洛格吓坏了 爱的奇妙滋味
冬天里的弗洛格 难过的弗洛格 特别的日子聪明豆系列(30)咕噜牛 咕噜牛小妞妞 小房子变大房子 城里最漂亮的巨人 小海螺和大鲸鱼 女巫扫帚排排坐 愿望树 小熊孵蛋
我永远爱你 忘了说我爱你 猫头鹰喔喔呼 火龙爸爸戒烟记 乱七八糟的变色龙 小猪变形记 长大做个好爷爷 小憨抱抱
小狗阿疤想变羊 小老鼠分果果 你是我最好的朋友 狐狸爸爸鸭儿子 狮子烫头发 我们是一家 美宝的魔法花园 当我们同在一起 看我,看我
噼哩啪啦打屁股 如果嗅嗅丢了 小羊睡不着 雪孩子 一只很饿很饿的小猪
汤姆去海滩 汤姆上幼儿园 汤姆挨罚 汤姆的小妹妹 汤姆走丢了 汤姆住院 汤姆搬家 汤姆恋爱了 汤姆去农场
汤姆和伤心的鲁鲁 汤姆的外公去世了 汤姆的生日
汤姆最好的朋友 汤姆的噩梦 汤姆尿床了 汤姆无聊的时候
01 在人体中游览 02 地球内部探秘 03 追寻恐龙 04 漫游电世界 05 奇妙的蜂巢 06 迷失在太阳系 07 探访感觉器官 08 穿越飓风 09 海底探险 10 水的故事 11 光的魔法 12 腐烂小分队 13 愉快飞行 14 光与植物 15 把热留住 16 有趣的食物链 17 探寻蝙蝠 18 穿越雷电 19 拜访企鹅 20 巡航北极 21 逃离巨鲨 22 走进微生物 23 跟踪昆虫 24 怒海赏鲸
我是彩虹鱼(5)1我是彩虹鱼 2彩虹鱼和大鲸鱼 3 条纹鱼得救了 4 彩虹鱼得救了 5 我才不怕呢
我会回家过圣诞节 新朋友 迷人的奥碧儿 你是我的阳光 送给嘟嘟的礼物 两个好朋友 独一无二 快下雪吧 世界之巅
不可思议的小刀 大河马 洞
古利和古拉 轰隆轰隆喵 骄骄的王冠 老奶奶的汤匙 米奇拉摩奇拉咚咚 木匠和鬼六 三只小猪 色拉和魔法店 神奇的水彩 神奇的竹笋 我没生病 消防车吉普达 小达摩和小天狗 小猫 小象散步 小真的长头发雪姑娘 我们的爱(6)
暴风雨来了 大熊小熊 小熊的特别愿望 我是这样地爱你 我好想你蜂蜜山
宫西达也(9)01 好饿的老狼和猪的小镇 02 今天运气怎么这么好 03 喵呜 04 你看起来好像很好吃 05 你真好 06 青蛙小弟睡午觉 07 我是霸王龙
08 一只小猪和一百只狼 09 永远永远爱你
花格子大象艾玛(10)艾玛与风 艾玛踩高跷
艾玛打雪杖 艾玛找回绒毛熊 花格子大象艾玛 艾玛遇见怪家伙 艾玛捉迷藏 艾玛和蝴蝶 艾玛过化装节 艾玛和韦伯
暖暖心第一辑(4)01 一个长上天的大苹果 02 是谁在门外 03 亨利爷爷找幸运 04 大熊有一个小麻烦
彼得兔的故事夹心布丁卷 两只坏耗子塞西丽儿歌
吉芙和拉芙 猪小小 手套公寓
搞怪的小食人兽们 快睡吧宝贝 丛林里的放屁声 巴尔萨历险记 龟兔赛跑 小食人兽和对头姐姐们 香蕉大发现
01 鼹鼠是个小画家 02 鼹鼠和伙伴们 03 鼹鼠和电视 04 鼹鼠做裤子 05 鼹鼠和宇宙飞船 06 鼹鼠和雪人 07 鼹鼠当医生 08 鼹鼠和雨伞 09 鼹鼠和玩具汽车 10 鼹鼠和老鹰 11 鼹鼠和兔子
小猪唏哩呼噜(5)快乐屋给宝贝儿一个有故事的童年 01 小猪唏哩呼噜历险记 02 小猪唏哩呼噜当保镖 05 小猪唏哩呼噜和蛇 06 小猪唏哩呼噜卖橘子 08 小猪唏哩呼噜生日礼物 蓝色小考拉系列(10)
01 蓝色小考拉的每一天 02 蓝色小考拉去海滩 03 蓝色小考拉肚子饿 04 蓝色小考拉自己穿衣 05 蓝色小考拉上街去 06 蓝色小考拉会数数 07 蓝色小考拉玩颜色 08 蓝色小考拉有礼貌 09 蓝色小考拉爱唱歌 10 蓝色小考拉认形状
噼哩啪拉系列(7)我要拉巴巴 我去刷牙 我要洗澡 你好 草莓点心 车来了 我喜欢游泳
01 小熊的哈欠 02 小象的大便 03 小猫的嗝
04 鼹鼠爸爸的鼾声 05 小熊的喷嚏 06 小鼹鼠尿床 07 松鼠的眼泪 08 猪爸爸的屁 09 小熊的尾巴 10 小鼹鼠吸手指 11 小熊的肚脐 12 小熊散步
01 小白想妈妈 02 小白尿床了 03 小白生病了 04 小白藏猫猫 05 小白去游泳 06 小白迷路了 07 小白乘火车 08 小白过生日 09 小白生气了 10 小白上幼儿园
小艾和小象系列(3)01 真好吃 真好吃 02 胳肢 胳肢 03 没了 没了 啪
小狗卡皮_嘎嘎 小狗卡皮_蝴蝶 小狗卡皮_蝴蝶 小狗卡皮_轮滑 小狗卡皮_喵喵 小狗卡皮_秋千 小狗卡皮_沙堡 小狗卡皮_沙堡 小狗卡皮_玩具 小狗卡皮_下雨了 小狗卡皮_小表弟 小狗卡皮_野餐
小熊宝宝系列(15)01你好 02拉巴巴 03午饭 04睡觉
05大声回答“哎” 06尿床了 07洗澡 08刷牙
09我会穿短裤啦 10收起来
帮宝贝儿爱上阅读让宝贝儿受益终生快乐屋给宝贝儿一个有故事的童年 排好队一个接一个 12谁哭了 13散步 14好朋友 15过生日
best animal songs(18)
01.talk to the animals 2:32 02.six little ducks 2:09 03.old macdonald had a zoo 2:40 04.kookaburra 3:20 05.oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? 06.chick-chick-chick-chick-chicken 2:20 07.the lion sleeps tonight 2:58 08.how much is that doggie in the window? 2:37 09.the pet shop 2:26 10.be kind to your web-footed friends 3:26 11.turkey in the straw 2:56 12.had a little rooster 4:02 13.three little kittens 3:22 14.little bo peep 1:59 15.three little fishies 3:18 16.mary had a little lamb 2:44 17.rockin robin 2:52 18.going to the zoo 3:50 我的第一本英文儿歌书(32)01 to market, to market 02 three little monkey 03 pease porridge hot 04 rock-a-bye,baby 05 the eentsy, weentsy spider 06 hickor, dickory, dock 07 i’m a little teapot 08 mable mable, set the table 09 the muffin man 10 i can sing a rainbow 17 are you sleeping ? 18 what’s this? 19 how’s the weather? 20 animal talk 21 the farmer in the dell 22 the wheels on the bus 23 rain, rain, go away 24 pat-a-cake 25 row, row, row your boat 26 clap your hands 27 old macdonald had a farm 28 this is the way 29 sally’s wearing a red hat 30 where is daddy? 31 if you’re happy 32 i am a pretty little dutch girl篇二:运用故事语音教学法进行小学高段语音教学的实践研究
运用故事语音教学法进行小学高段语音教学的实践研究 赵玉琴 沈姝兰
【关键字】 语音教学故事法教学实践小学英语
一、语音教学的困惑及分析 笔者在以往的教学中,一直比较重视语音教学,在词汇教学和语篇教学中注重渗透语音知识,指导单词拼读技能,但是去年有一次批改学生课本上的练习题时,发现仍有不少学生用汉语注音的方式来记忆单词的发音。如在science旁边注上“萨恩斯”,给picture注上“匹克切”等。同时,笔者还发现部分学生不会运用已学的发音规则来拼读新的单词,比如笔者在教授了car 这一单词中字母组合ar的发音后,让学生尝试拼读 hard和farm,仍有部分学生不能正确拼读。
在笔者接触的英语教材中,语音部分一般出现在每个单元的最后,即c部分。语音部分的内容主要是具有相同发音规则的单词的归类,以及由这些单词组成的几个绕口令或较长的句子。其用意在于通过这些词句的朗读,帮助学生了解和掌握英语语音的发音规则。但是在这些单词中,多数是尚未学过的新词,学生在不了解词汇的状况下,很难掌握它们的读音。同时,那些绕口的长句,实际语用功能不强,学生学习和朗读的意愿并不强,从而影响了他们对发音规则的学习。比如在五年级上册的教材中有这样一个句子:a frog frightens a flat flower on the floor,在这个句子中,frog, frightens 和 flat三个单词学生都没接触过,同时这样的句子在日常生活中也不太出现,因而学生朗读起来就很有难度。即使有教师在课堂上带教,依然有相当一部分学生在课后仍然不能准确朗读,更无法快速地朗读。
当然,许多老师会有意识地在词汇、句型教学中渗透语音知识。但是零星的教学渗透不仅缺乏系统性,也使得语音教学缺乏趣味性。例如在教学c部分字母组合er的时候,由于课本上只呈现cheer、deer、beer三个单词和一个带有deer的句子,教师在教学过程中,很难设计可以可以操练、运用的相关情境。又如在教学句型“what would you like?”和“do you like„?”时,教师往往采用带读和讲解升降调知识的方式,来帮助学生掌握特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的语调,学生也只学会了这两个句子的读法,一但涉及课外实际的语言运用,还是有不少学生把两种语调混淆。
由于语音教学与词汇、对话及读写等教学的结合不够紧密,而语音教学本身也不够系统化,因此,许多学生的单词认读、拼写的能力仍然较弱,不能很好地根据拼读规律认读、拼写单词,当教师希望学生拼读记忆的时候,部分学生只能不断地重复字母顺序来获得单词的记忆,而不能通过按照发音规则拼读来帮助记忆。比如说,当教师要求学生听写beef这个四会单词时,正确的方法应该是学生根据辅音b发/b/,f发/f/, 元音字母组合ee发/i:/来写出该单词。然而有些学生是直接机械地背诵b-e-e-f,beef,来记忆该单词的。学生用这样的方式记忆单词,不仅很容易遗忘,而且很难记住一些较长的单词。同时,学生对于语音学习不仅要发音准确,还需要让语言具有节奏感及韵律感。具体地说,就是学生需要学会区分意群,把握句中的重读单词及弱读单词,能够自然地连读并且具有节奏美感。而在目前实际的教学过程中,学生对节奏和语调的学习还只是停留在模仿的阶段,一旦脱离录音,就会出现语调生硬,节奏把握不准确,断句不恰当等情况。比如学生在自己朗读句子“how many people/ are there/ in your family?”时,不能够准确断句,有些学生会读成“how/many people/are there in/ your family?”这样的情况很难培养学生良好的语感,也不利于他们语音的入门。
在笔者教学的过程中偶尔发现,学生对于带有简单故事情节的材料,往往能够掌握的较好。在一次公开课中,笔者教学“three little pigs”这个英语故事。当学生模仿故事中的大灰狼“im hungry.look!three little pigs for dinner.mmm.”这句话时,笔者发现学生能够将场景中的情绪带到句子的朗读中,语音正确,语调自然,把大灰狼模仿得比较到位。在此次公开课中,学生十分喜欢朗读和表演这个故事,并且课后还有部分学生在教室里用英语模仿大灰狼。可见学生对趣味性强的英语故事十分感兴趣。笔者曾经阅读过一份心理学实验研究报告,报告指出:儿童在记忆有意义的、有逻辑的和有条理的东西时,具有较好的记忆效果。根据以上两点笔者有了一个设想:运用生动有趣的英语故事来教学语音,或者将我们需要教授的语音知识融入到故事当中进行教学。教师从学生的认识、情感和兴趣出发,开发教材,拓展语言,将语音知识融入到故事当中。利用具有趣味性的英语故事,通过让学生欣赏、阅读、表演故事等方法,调动学生英语语音的兴趣和动力,把原本枯燥的语音知识用一个个简单生动、通俗易懂的故事展现。教师通过在故事中反复出现所要教授的语音教学内容,使学生在不知不觉中入境故事中,通过情绪情感的感染,使学生理解一些语音现象,总结出一些语音规律,养成一个语音习惯,加深并逐渐自然地习得英语发音,语调和节奏的规律,让枯燥乏味的语音操练活动在趣味横生的故事品味中悄然完成。
发音规则的学习主要是元音字母、辅音字母的发音规律的学习。为了顺利而自然地用故事来教学学生发音规则,笔者选择语音规律明显、阅读趣味性强的故事,并在故事中加入辅音或者元音发音规则的教学文本。故事可以是由教师根据需要教学的音素来进行创编,也可以从原汁原味的英语动画片、英语绘本、网络故事中寻找。通过对故事角色的扮演以及对故事本身的阅读,教师教会学生总结发音规则,培养学生听音、辨音、发音的能力。下面我们通过笔者创设的两个教学情境,来阐述用故事法进行发音规则教学的实践过程。教学情境一 the core the horse spits the core outdoors.the core is short and small.the core in the storm has no support.his feet are sore.miss tortoise.there is a storm outdoors.can i stay in your store? i can show you more corn.says the core.ok.you are not a bore any more.i love corn best.says miss tortoise.they go to the north, but they can’t find the corn.the weather is warm and the core feels hot.miss tortoise , pour more water on me.please.wow!an apple tree is born from the short core.(上述故事文本适用于教授元音字母组合or在单词中的发音规律。该故事适合小学高段的学生。故事文本中大量出现带有or的单词。在教学中,学生通过朗读、模仿并表演这个有趣的小故事,来练习和运用掌握or 的发音规律。)
在具体教学过程中,教师先呈现故事文本中含有or的单词:core horse shortstore storm tortoise corn north warmmore bore outdoors sorry born support。请学生朗读并找出这些单词的共同点(都带有字母组合or);然后呈现四幅故事的主情景图,通过让学生用以上单词造句的形式(每个句子必须含有两个或两个以上带有or的单词),为各幅情景图配上句子并猜测故事的内容的游戏。这样的教学设计不仅能够培养学生的想象力,激发学生的好奇心,而且将or的单词放到句子中操练,一举两得。教学情境二
my sticky sticker book this is my first sticker book.it’s called the “sticky sticker book”.there is a spider sticker.really? stick the spider sticker on my vest.there is a spoon sticker.really? stick the spoon sticker on my vest.there is a spring sticker.really? stick the spring sticker on my vest.there is a stop sticker.really? stick the stop sticker on my vest.there is a star sticker.really? stick the star sticker on my vest.there is a stamp sticker.really? stick the stamp sticker on my vest.there is a nest sticker.really? stick the nest sticker on my vest.my sticky sticker book is the best.and my vest is the best.(上述故事文本用于教授辅音字母组合st、sp在单词中的发音规律。该故事适合小学高段的学生。在教学中,学生通过朗读、模仿并表演这个带有大量st和sp的单词,通过几个句型重复性较强的小故事,来练习运用掌握st、sp两个辅音字母组合的发音规律。)
对于小学高段的学生来说,容易掌握的大部分辅音字母都是发音单一,容易分辨和记忆的。但是辅音字母组合st, sp 在单词开头的发音较难,学生常常忘记需要浊化s后面的t, p,,而发成 /st/ , /sp/。通过上述句型重复性较强的故事,将以st, sp 开头或结尾的单词放在一起,让学生在故事中反复朗读和操练这些单词,引导学生发现发音规律,提高听读能力。在具体教学过程中,笔者首先呈现故事中的两类单词:以st开头的单词和以sp开头的单词,并让学生找出这两类单词各有什么共同点,通过观察和试读环节,引导学生发现发音规则。随后呈现故事的第一段和第二段,要求学生找出含有st的单词,并将这些单词归为两类。学生会发现,一类是st在单词开头,一类是st在词尾。教师通过有意的示范,引导学生发现st在单词的不同位置的发音规则:st在词尾要浊化t的发音,但是在单词开头不需要浊化。学生了解了这些发音规则后,笔者再让学生模仿朗读和表演这个故事来加以巩固。实践发现,当一个学生非常标准的将really? stick the „ sticker on my vest.表达出来的时候,其他学生也能够兴致高昂地将自己sticky sticker book中的相应的sticker粘贴到对方的vest上。
英语节奏教学是小学英语语音教学的重点。英语节奏的基本单位是一个重音或一个重音带几个轻音组成的节奏群(rhy thm ic group)。对于英语语音节奏的教学,需要学生能够学会在语言交流中通过停顿、重音和快慢及连读、弱读和省略等方式表达和划分意群。
在教学中,笔者通过让学生模仿、朗读、表演一些具备明显的节奏特征的优美故事,引导学生体会句中的重读单词及弱读单词,正确把握连读,从而培养他们良好的节奏感。因此,这样的故事最好是有声版的,比如原版的动画片故事片段,原版配录音的绘本,有趣的flash网络故事等,这样才便于学生更好地感受节奏韵律,地道地进行模仿。此处,笔者以原版绘本故事《bear hunt》为例。
nick 和 molly 站在那里不知所措,lucky 看了看那个“女孩”,突然想起以前在书上看到的外星人和眼前的女孩长得很像,便兴奋地指着她问:“难道你是外星人吗?”小女孩点点头,怯怯地说:“是的。我来自太空,你们能告诉我这是哪里吗?”lucky 说:“这里是地球!我叫 lucky,她是 molly,他是 nick。”molly 问她:“你叫什么名字呀?”小女孩回答说:“我叫 eva。我的飞船从空中摔了下来,就被带到了这里。”lucky 等人很兴奋,决定把 eva 带到 tina 的学校,并告诉她这件神奇的事情。众人到了学校后看见tina正在学校里上课(class),tina在很认真地学习(study)。lucky 便从后面指着教室里的 tina 说:“那是我们的小主人,叫tina。”没想到 eva一看见 tina 就飞快地(fast)跑(run)了。lucky,nick 在后面追,molly 飞在前面叫他们快点(hurry),lucky 和 nick 跑了半天,才将她拦下。原来eva 还没有接触过人类,所以很害怕。于是lucky 决定先带她去附近的一个农场(farm)玩。农场里有一个动物俱乐部(club),里面都是小动物,eva 果然没有再害怕。俱乐部的成员还告诉他们明天晚上有一个聚会(party),邀请他们留下来参加。
2.Fast Food Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive.For many people, this is more important than the quality of the food.These restaurants are also popular because the food is always the same.People know that if they eat in a company’s restaurant in the north or south of the city, the food will be same.If they eat in New York or London, it will still be the same.Fast service and low cost are important in the United States.One reason is that about 50 percent of all married women with children work outside the home.They are too busy and too tired to cook dinner every night.3.Slow Food Italians know and love good food.It’s at the heart of their culture.They don’t like to rush through their meals, either.In 1986, something happened in Italy.A McDonald’s opened in Rome.Many Italians were surprised and angry.They thought, “This is an attack on Italian culture!” One man, Carl Petrini, decided to fight back.”Fast food is the enemy,” he said.He started a group called Slow Food.Today, about 80 000 people from over 100 countries belong to the group.It began as a humorous but determined attempt to preserve Italian foods and support small restaurants from pressures of international fast food companies.It has grown into an international movement to preserve local foods and culinary traditions and to conserve agricultural biodiversity.Fast food is reaching more and more parts of the world.But Slow Food is getting its message to more and more people, too.4.The English Dictionary How many words are there in the English dictionary? If you had asked that question in the 1806, the answer would have been 28 000.In 1822, the answer would have been 70 000.Today the question is difficult to answer because there are many kinds of dictionaries.The number of the words depends on how inclusive the dictionary is.For example, there are apparently some one million insects already described, with several million more awaiting description.It is indeed hard to see how even a conservative estimate of English vocabulary could go much below a million words.A complete and exhaustive English dictionary today, therefore, would probably contain around 650 000 words.Don’t worry, though , few people use more than 60 000 words!
5.Electric Cars People are interested in making electric cars as early as the 1840s.One small electric car was made then, but it didn’t work well.Then, in 1912, General Motors produced an electric truck.These electric vehicles were of course not made for the public to buy.General Motors was the first to try again in the last decade.It was a big challenge.An electric car needs a battery.But the batteries are heavy and don’t work well.None of them could power a car far enough or long enough.And the new technology cost a lot.They did succeed finally.The car they built was called EV1 and it became available in California in 1998.It was the first electric car designed and sold by a large automobile company.6.Folklore------Stories of Cultures Past Folklore is the study of culture and history that is passed on through oral literature.The word “oral” means relating to the mouth, especially the spoken word.Oral literature includes stories, poems, and songs that are passed on by word of mouth.They are passed between family members and residents of villages, and one generation to the next.Before written language and books, and long before computers, people passed information orally------by telling stories and singing songs.In some parts of the world, the oral tradition is still the primary way of communication.There are many different purposes of these songs and stories.Some stories and songs taught religious beliefs;other celebrated romance and the triumph of good over evil.Still others gave important moral lessons, especially to children.Many of these stories contained supernatural elements like fairies, witches and magic spells.7.Your Sense of Taste Taste is one of our five senses.The others are hearing, sight, touch, and smell.You hear with your ears, you see with your eyes, and you taste things with your tongue.On your tongue, you have groups of tiny taste buds.Taste buds send information about food to your brain.You have a lot of taste buds, maybe even 10 000!People don’t have the same number of them.Women often have more taste buds than men.Because of your taste buds, foods like ice cream and bananas taste sweet.French fries, cheese, and ocean water taste salty.Lemons have a sour taste, and coffee is bitter.We all know about these four main tastes: sweet, salty, sour and bitter.Why does a sense of taste matter? For one thing, it helps people decide on safe things to eat.And of course, thanks to your sense of taste, you can enjoy all your favorite foods
8.Rainforests------Wonders of Nature Tropical rainforests are one of the earth’s richest and most fascinating areas.They are found in eighty-five countries in the world.These damp, dense forests thrive in Central and South America, Australia, and Southeast Asia.Although these areas cover just about ten percent of the earth’s surface, over forty percent of the world’s plant and animal species are found in the rainforests.Many of them are found nowhere else on earth.The rainforests are very important to the world.It actually contributes to the climate of the areas in which they live, helping to sustain rainfall.The thick trees also help turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, which is necessary for humans to live.It is believed that the rainforests contain important plants that will cure the serious and deadly diseases of today.Because of its vital contribution to the environment, and its limitless possibilities for science discovery, preservation of the rainforest should be a priority for worldwide.9.Giving a man a fish
There is an old saying: “Give a man a fish;you have fed him for today.Teach a man a fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime.” This saying, however, may no longer be true today.The reason is overfishing.The problem of overfishing is spreading.Since anyone can fish, many people do.Around the world, the number of fishermen and fish farmers is growing.The total has more than doubled in the past 25 years.When too many people fish, too many fish are caught.The days of teaching people to fish may be over.New solutions to this problem must be found, before there are no more fish to eat.10.A Big Head and a Big Mouth An idiom is a group of words with a special meaning.The words in the idiom do not have their usual, ordinary meanings.English is full of idioms.You know some already, and you will certainly know more.Many idioms mention parts of body: the head, the hands ,the heart, and so on.You might hear a girl say, “my brother’s getting a big head.” The boy’s head isn’t growing!A big head is an idiom: This boy thinks he is very important and special.His sister doesn’t think he is.She says that he’s getting too confident.A friend might tell you, “Be careful.That girl has a big mouth.” the literal meaning is That girl’s mouth is large.However, have a big mouth is also an idiom.Your friend means the girl talks too much or she tells other people’s secrets.Your friend is giving you some advice: You shouldn’t tell that girl any private information.You can’t trust her to keep quiet.11.Comfort Food It’s natural for people to eat when they’re hungry.But people eat for other reasons, too.Do you ever eat because you’re with friends and everyone else in eating? Do you ever eat because you’re tired, or because you are under stress? Many people do.People often eat to feel better.When people eat to feel better, they don’t eat just anything.They want specific kinds of food.They want food that helps them relax.They want comfort food.What is comfort food? For most people, it's food that is easy to prepare.It is often soft, so it is easy to eat.Eating it gives people a warm feeling.Sometimes it is a type of food that people loved as children.Maybe they used to eat it at specific times or places.Maybe it is food their mother used to make.Comfort food makes people feel “Somebody’s taking care of me.”
Yes.People eat to feel better.But more often, they eat comfort foods when they already feel happy.They eat them to celebrate or reward themselves.12.A Myth------a Cultural Story
A myth is a complicated cultural story.It describes the beginnings and other basic parts of culture.Myths tell, for example, how the world began, how people and animals were created, and how certain customs started.Myths are not the same as fairy tales.Myths usually talk about a time before history, or before the world began.They more serious and more supernatural than fairy tales.Their purpose is not only to certain people, but to teach them about the foundation of a culture.Myths are often thought of as religious stories, because they talk about gods and other supernatural beings.However, myths go beyond religious beliefs.Therefore, they can tell us about many parts of human life and culture, not just religion.13.Selling an Old House A man was tired of living in his old house in the country and wanted to sell it and buy a better one.He attempted to sell it for a long time, but was not successful, so at last he decided to solve a problem by using a real estate agent.The agent promptly advertised the house and a few days later, the owner saw a very attractive photograph of the house, with a wonderful description of its gardens, in an expensive magazine.After he read the advertisement through, the house owner hastened to telephone the real estate agent.“I’ m sorry, Mr.Jones, ”
said the man, “but I’ve decided not to sell my house after all.Do you know why? After reading your advertisement in that magazine, I can see that it’s exactly the king of house I’ve wanted to live in all my life.”
Speech So what is beauty? Does it mean that you will look beautiful when you wear new a dress or get a new car? Not necessary.As far as I see, beauty is a feeling and you just need to find something to feel.We all experienced that when someone get into your heart because of some reasons, you will kind of think the one beautiful or handsome.I can't say Michael Jackson is handsome but his dance and his music has conquered many people around the world.And James LeBron, the NBA basketball star, is not pretty either, but millions of people get crazy about him.So you see beauty is not just about appearance.And what makes you think someone is beautiful or handsome? It may be appearance, but mostly it's not because of this as there are so many other qualities which can make a chorus on us.I think everyone has got his own personal quality, for example, a teacher's excellent in teaching, a worker's good skills in construction or a athlete's persistence in running, these are all good qualities of their own.And to us--students at school, study comes first.So don't care too much about your clothes cause that's not a tag of student.Appearance ? Well, I don't think anyone is ugly.
三位一体语音教学计划(新版剑桥一级共分19 节课音素5 节,字母4 节,开音节字母组合 4 节,音标6 节)语音阶段总体教学目标:使学生学会自主拼读单词,音标。语音阶段学生自主拼读量至少在 500---1000 词。从第一次课就开始鼓励学 生学语音最终能力就是独立进行拼读,语音阶段谁拼读又快又准,我们将 评出一级(500—690 词),二级(700—890 词),三级(900—1000 词)拼 读之星,我们每次上课,补课为学生进行累计,最后对学生进行奖励。让 学生在语音阶段保持持久的兴趣。语音阶段单词教学(包括中心词,扩展 词),口语教学,歌曲,歌谣教学绝对不是一堂课的主要目标(这一点一定 要和家长讲清楚,口语教学只是初步培养学生语感,能简单交流即可,歌 曲,歌谣只是为活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习积极性),主要目标就是使学 生能够自由拼读,如学习字母 a 的短音,随便给学生 a 的短音单词,bap,hap ,chas ,sham等等,学生能够脱口而出;学完元音,辅音音标马上 进行拼读音标词:∕bet∕∕se Im∕∕’pIlet∕∕’ kwIklI∕;学完∕ i: ∕的读音规则 ea,ee 通常情况下读∕ i:∕,让学生马上进行符合规则的单 词拼读 Beef, meat。这是我们每节课的核心目标,而且要占大段时间练习的。学校统一为学生录制一本磁带。包括口语,口语不做严格要求,作业 单中可以不打口语内容。教师根据本班实际情况来定。包括下面计划,每 节课内容可进行适当整合,但一个原则,保证学生能够学会,而且内容还 不能太多。具体目标如下: 1.熟练读写26 个大小写字母,48 个音标。背诵直呼表。2.五个元音字母在开闭音阶中读音,能够快速见词读音。Cat bate but bute not note bit bite these het 3.能够熟练拼读常见元音,辅音字母组合的单音节词。Beef, meat, food thes quit chick etc.4.能够熟练拼读单音节及双音节音标词。Eg: ∕bet∕∕se Im∕∕’pIlet∕∕’ kwIklI∕ 5.符合规律的单音节词能够见词读音,听音写词。6.口语内容要求中等以上学生能够脱口而出,简单替换,中等以下学生要 求能够独处即可,口语不对学生做严格要求,考核,让学生量力而学。录 音作业不要求学生录口语句子。学校统一为学生录制一本磁带。包括口语,口语不做严格要求,作业单中可以不打口语内容。7.歌曲,歌谣要求学生能够集体唱出即可。每课目标如下: 第一课: 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1.导言 2 Enable Ss to master some knowledge of English.3Hi!Morning!Hello Good morning!4 一首歌曲 LA 1.Ss can master some knowledge of English.2.Ss can say the oral sentences and sing a song.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 直呼表前11 个音素 2 a 的短音 1Enable Ss to master the pronunciation of “ a”.2Enable Ss to master some words(三会:bag ,cat ,sand ,hat ,map)and sentences(Hi!Morning!Hello!Good morning!PAU1)3.Learn a chant : Hello,hello,hello,hello,Monkey,Munchy.Hello,hello,hello,hello,Panda,pandy Hello,hello,hello,hello,dog,doffy Hello,hello,hello,hello, cat,catty!(PAP4--5)LA 1Ss can master the pronunciation of a.2Ss can pronounce some words including “a”,and sentences.(Hi!Morning!Hello!Good morning!)小课 测试 听写音素,单词听音标号,教材中习题。过关 a 的短音单词没有拼过的词,辅音音素。第二 课: 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1 直呼后一半直呼表。2The pronunciations of the words including “e”,bed,desk ,pen,pencil ,egg.2.To distinguish the pronunciations between a and e in the words.LA 1.Ss can pronounce the words including “e” in closed syllable 2Ss can distinguish the pronunciations between “a” and “e” in the words.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 复习直呼 Review the pronunciations a and e 2Oral sentences :Your
name ,please ?I‟m Sam.Nice to meet you.(SAU1)3 Song :Hello!,Hello!Hello!Your name ,please ?I‟m Sam.Nice to see you!(SAP5--8)LA 1.Ss can pronouce some more words including A and E freely.2.Ss can use the oral sentences and sing the song above.小课 测试 听写音素,单词听音标号,教材中习题。过关 a,e 的短音单词没有拼过的词.第三课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1The pronunciations of the words including “o”:box,clock ,dog ,doll and the short sound of letter o 2.To distinguish the pronunciations of “a,e,o” LA 1Ss can pronounce some more new words correctly including “o”.2Ss can distinguish the pronunciations of a,e ,o.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 Review the pronunciations a,e,o.2 Enable Ss to master the sentences patterns :Ann:Hi,Tom.How are you ? Tom:I‟m fine.And you ? 3 An English song.LA 1 Ss can pronounce some more words including the short of a,e,o.2 Ss can say the sentences.Ann:Hi,Tom.How are you ? Tom:I‟m fine.And you ? 小课 测试 听写音素,单词听音标号,教材中习题。过关 a, e, o 的短音单词(没有拼过的词),辅音音素。第四课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1i 的短音 This is a pit./It‟s a pit.1 The short sound of “ i”and “u” 2 The pronunciations of the words including a and e(nib ,pin,pit ,lip,six,duck,gun,mug,cup,bus.)LA 1.Ss can master the short prounciations of “ i ”and “u”.2.Ss can pronounce the words including “ i ”and “u” freely.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1u 的短音 i u 的巩固练习,学习歌曲 Apple Tree 1 Review the pronunciations of “i”.and “u” 2.Enable the Ss to master some sentences : What is red? The car is red.LA Ss can pronounce some more words including “ i ”and “u” freely.Ss can say and use the sentences above.freely.小课 测试 听写音素,单词听音标号,教材中习题。过关 a,e,i,o,u 的短音单词没有拼过的词,辅音音素。第五课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1.复习直呼表及五个元音字母的短音 2.Review the oral work.3.Enable Ss to consolidate the pronunciations of 21 consonant phonemes.LA 1.Ss can ask and answer the oral work correctly.2.Ss can pronounce the 20 consonant phonemes correctly.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 What is red? The duck is red.2 复习所学过的句子 Review the words including “a,e,i,o,u”.Pronounce some more words including “a,e,i,o,u”.LA Ss can pronounce the words including “a,e,I,o,u” correctly.小课 测试 单词听音标号,教材中习题。过关 五个元音单词短音的拼读。第六课 第一个 45 分 LK 1.Enable Ss to master how to read and write the letters:Aa Hh Jj Kk Uu Qq Ww Ii Yy LA Ss can read and write the letters correctly.第二个 45 分 LK Enable Ss to master the sentences: Which is a school? This is a school.LA Ss can master the sentences in LK.小课 测 试 过 关 第七课: 第一个 45 分 LK Enable Ss to master how to read and write the letters:Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv and Oo.LA Ss can read and write the letters correctly.第二个 45 分 LK Enable Ss to master the sentences: Hello.Where are you going? I‟m going to the park.LA Ss can master the sentences in LK.小课 测 试 过 关 第 八 课: 第一个 45 分 LK Enable Ss to master how to read and write the letters:Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz and Rr LA.Ss can read and write the letters correctly.第二个 45 分 LK Enable Ss to master the sentences: How many lions can you see? I can see two.LA Ss can master the
sentences in LK.小课 测 试 过 关 第九课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1 Enable Ss to master the sentences: How many pandas are there? There are six.2 Enable Ss to master the 26 letters and learn the alphabet.LA 1 Ss can use the sentences freely.2 Ss can master the 26 letters and the alphabet.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 Enable Ss to master the pronunciations of phonemes 12 consonant phonemes and 5 vowel phonemes and pronounce the words including the phonemes.2 Enable Ss to master the sentences we „ve learned(From lesson 6 to lesson 9)LA 1 Ss can read the pronunciations of phonemes in LK correctly.2 Ss can use the sentences we „ve learned correctly.小课 测试 过关 第十课 第一个 45 分 LK 1 学习开音节 闭音节并学习a 在开音节中的读音及其单词拼读 2 中心词 bake name face make game plane wave bake LA Ss can use the words we „ve learned correctly.第二个 45 分 LK 1 Enable Ss to distinguish the open syllable and the closed syllable including a e 2 Enable Ss to master the sentences: What can you see? I can see a big book.LA 1 Ss can distinguish the open syllable and the closed syllable including a, e correctly.2 Ss can use the sentences correctly.小课 测 试 过 关 第 十一课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the pronunciations of letter i and o in the open syllable and the spelling of the words.2 Enable Ss to master some new words:bike, five, kite, mike, nine, close, nose, phone, home, rose.LA Ss can pronounce the words including i and o in the open syllable correctly.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the pronunciations of letter u in the open syllable and how to pronounce these words.(mute huge fume cute duke)2 Enable Ss to distinguish the pronunciations of letter i o and u in the open syllable and in the closed syllable LA 1Ss can pronounce the words including lettrer u in the open syllable correctly.2Ss can distinguish the pronunciations of i o and u in the open syllable and in the closed syllable 小课 测试 过关 第十二课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the oral work what we‟ve learned(L1----L11)2 Enable Ss to master 21 consonant phonemes 3 Enable Ss to master 10 vowel phonemes LA 1 Ss can master the oral work what we‟ve learned 2 Ss can master 21 consonant phonemes 3 Ss can master 10 vowel phonemes 第 二 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the pronunciations of 26 letters.2 Ss can pronounce the words including a e i o u correctly.LA 1Ss can master the pronunciations of 26 letters.2 Ss can pronounce the words including a e i o u correctly 小课 测试 过关 第十三课: 第一个 45 分 LK Review the open syllable and the closed syllable LA Ss can distinguish the words in the open syllable and the closed syllable 第二个 45 分 LK Enable Ss to master the sentences: Son: Mum, Dad, they are my friends.Mum Dad:Hello!Nick: Hello!I‟m Nick, she‟s Pat and he‟s Tom.We are all friends.LA 小课 测 试 过 关 a 的短音单词没有拼过的词,辅音音素。第 十四 课: 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master16 consonant phonetic symbols: ∕b∕∕P∕∕m∕∕f∕∕d∕∕t∕∕n∕∕l∕∕g∕ ∕k∕∕h∕∕r∕∕s∕∕z∕∕v∕∕w∕ 2 Enable Ss to master the sentences: Tell me please What animals do you like? I like turtles.I like rabbits.LA 1 Ss can read and write the 16 consonant phonetic symbols in LK correctly 2 Ss can read the sentences in LK correctly 第 二 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master
the phonetic symbols: ∕i:∕∕ I∕∕e∕∕æ∕ 2 Enable Ss to master the words: feet bee tree sea beach jeans LA 1 Ss can read and write the phonetic symbols: ∕i:∕∕ I∕∕e∕∕æ∕ 2 Ss can read and write the words: feet bee tree sea beach jeans 小课 测试 过关 音标拼读 第十五课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1 Learn how to read and how to write four phonetic symbols: ∕t∫∕ʤ∕ ∕∫∕∕3∕ 2 Oral English: Do you like oranges? Yes, I do.Do you like pineapples? No, I don’t.LA 1Ss can master the pronunciation rules of four phonetic symbols and master how to write them.2 Ss can read the sentences correctly 第 二 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the middle vowels∕з:∕ə∕Λ∕and master the pronunciations of some new words: ruler tiger bird girl turtle purple 2 Learn oral English LA Ss can master the middle vowels and some new words 小课 测试 过关 音标拼读 第 十六课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the pronunciations and writings of 4 phonetic symbols:∕tr∕dr∕ ∕ts∕dz∕ 2 Enable Ss to master the sentences: What do you do in the living room? I watch TV in the living room.LA 1 Ss can master the pronunciations and writings of the 4 phonetic symbols in LK.2 Ss can read the sentences correctly 第 二 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the pronunciations and writings of 5 phonetic symbols: ∕D∕ɔ: ∕ u:∕∕ʊ∕ɑ: ∕ 2 Enable Ss to master the pronunciations of the words :book good park farm horse fork wall ball LA 1Ss can master the pronunciations and writings of the 5 phonetic symbols.2 Ss can master the pronunciations of the new words.小课 测试 过关 音标拼读 第十七课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the sentences: What are the cows doing? They are eating grass.2 Learn how to read and how to write four phonetic symbols and two new words:∕θ ∕ð ∕∕ŋ∕∕ j ∕math teeth LA 1Ss can read the sentences correctly 2 Ss can master the pronunciation rules of four phonetic symbols and master how to write them.第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 Enable Ss to master 3 double vowels: ∕eΙ∕ɔΙ∕∕aΙ∕ 2 Enable Ss to master how to read and how to write some new words: paint rain toy LA 1 Ss can read and write 3 double vowels correctly 2 Ss can read and write 3 words correctly 小课 测试 过关 音标拼读 第 十八课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master 2 double vowels∕əʊ∕ąʊ∕ 2 Enable Ss to master the words including the two double vowels: cloud house cow down coat LA 1Ss can master the 2 double vowels 2 Ss can read the words correctly 第 二 个 45 分 LK 1Enable Ss to master the 3 double vowels and three words including the three double vowels: ∕ʊə∕∕Ιə∕еə∕ hare care ear 2 Enable Ss to master the sentences: A: Hi, there!Where are you going? B: We are going to Shanghai.What about you? A: We are going to Kunming.LA 1 Ss can master the 3 double vowels and the three words including the three double vowels 2 Ss can read the sentences correctly 小课 过关 音标拼读 第十九课 第 一 个 45 分 LK 1 Review the open syllable and the closed syllable 2 Review the sentences from L1----L18.LA 1 Ss can read the words about open syllable and closed syllable correctly 2 Ss can make dialogues by using the sentences correctly 第 二 个 45 分 LK 1 Review the pronunciations and the families of the 26 letters.2 Review the phonetic symbols LA 1 Ss can master the pronunciations and the families of the 26 letters.Correctly 2 Ss can read the phonetic symbols correctly 小课 测
试 过关
Good morning ,Ladies and Gentlemen:
I'm glad to stand here to deliver my speech to all of you.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life.In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice.There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference.Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get.Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process.The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles.Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I was a sophomore.After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand some new lessons at all.However with the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted.I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life.Gradually I could understand some parts and even found these lessons interesting.Moreover, I learned to act instead of complaining.In retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness becomes an unforgetable experience in my life.NO matter what the choice is, enjoy the process.In the process, your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will come to you.These are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see it.These make your life colorful.So my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process.I am sure you will get something new and intersting after my speech.Thank you for your attention!