用于祖父母及父母:恭叩 金安、敬请福安 肃请 金安。
用于亲友长辈:恭请 福绥、敬请 履安敬叩 崇安 只请提安、敬请 颐安、虔清 康安。
用于老师:敬请 尘安、恭请 道发、肃请海安、虔请 讲安。
用于亲友平辈:敬候 佳祉 并候近安、顺颂起居、顺侯大安、敬颂 台安 顺颂 时绥。
用于有祖父及父母而在一处者:敬请侍安、敬颂 侍福、并候侍祺。
用于夫妇同居者:敬请 俪安、顺颂双安、敬颂 俪祉(祺)。
用于政界:敬请 勋安、恭请 钧安、只请政安。
用于军界:敬请 戎安、恭请 麾安、肃请捷安。
用于学界:只颂 撰祺、只请 著安、顺请、文安、并请学安、即颂文绥、即候 文祺。
用于商界:即请 财安、敬候 筹安、顺颂筹祺。
用于旅客:敬请 旅安、藉颂 旅祺、顺询旅祉。
用于家居者:敬请 潭安、并颁 潭福、顺颂潭祺。
用于贺婚:恭请 燕喜、恭贺 大喜、恭请喜安。
用于贺年:恭贺 年禧、恭贺 新禧、即颂岁禧。
用于吊唁:此候 孝履、顺问 苫次、专候素履。
用于问病:敬请 愈安、即请 卫安、敬祝早痊。
用于时令问候:敬请 春安、顺颂 春祉、敬请夏安、并颂暑祺敬请 秋安、并候 秋绥、敬请 冬安、此请 裘安、敬请炉安。
用于当日问候:即颂 晨安、即请 早安、此请午安、即颂晚安、即请 刻安、顺候 日祉、即候 时祉。
商务信函结尾回复语 1.等候回复
We are waiting for your early/favorable/definite reply.We trust to receive your prompt reply.We shall appreciate your opinion.We shall be glad to have your reply.We look forward to your good news.Interest to receiving your comments.Will you let us have your satisfactory reply.We await hearing from you in this connection at an early opportunity.We are waiting to hear from you in this respect without delay.We trust that we may/shall hear from you in this matter as soon as possible.We shall be glad to hear from you on the subject very soon.We await the pleasure to hear from you about the quotation at once.2.提请关注,关照
Your prompt attention in this report/to this matter will be highly appreciated.Your attention to this matter and compliance shall be much obliged.We request you to give the above your prompt attention.We are confident that you will give the matter your careful attention.We shall appreciate your giving this your prompt attention.We sincerely hope that you will give the matter your favorable consideration and are awaiting your reply at your earliest convenience.We hope we may receive your further favor.We hope to receive a continuance of your kind patronage.3.承诺再次联系
You will be hearing from us again shortly.We shall revert to this matter at a later date.We shall communicate with you again as soon as possible.4.请求支持惠顾
Your kind patronage is highly appreciated.We solicit a continuance of your kind patronage.We request you to favor us with a continuance of your kind support.We solicit a continuance of your valued favor.5.感谢对方合作
Your cooperation is of great help to us.We thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.We take this opportunity of thanking you for your support in the past.We extend our gratitude toward you for your cooperation.Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.We are very much appreciate your cooperation.6.保证合作
Please be assured of our continued cooperation.You may rely on us to give our cooperation in every possible way.You may rely on us for support and cooperation to the best of our ability.You may rest assured that we shall offer you our cooperation.7.请求协助
We request your assistance in this matter.We should be grateful if you would give us your assistance.We should appreciate it if you could cooperation with us in this matter.We reckon on your help in this matter.8.祝愿
May friendship between our two peoples be evergreen.We wish that friendship and cooperation between our two companies be further developing in the future.We believe that our business with you will develop as time goes on.We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be increasingly developed to our mutual benefits.We are confident that this first transaction between us will lead to more in future.9.致歉
Please excuse this clerical error.We request you to accept our apologies for the error of our clerk.We sincerely ask you to accept our apologies for the inconvenience this error may have caused you.We regret that we are unable to meet your requirements.10.乐意服务
We are always ready at your service.We assure you of our best service at all times.We shall spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times.11.问候语
With best regards.With the season's greetings.With the compliments of the season.With best New Year Wished.With kind personal regards.With best wishes for Happy New Year.With my most hearty greetings and sincere good wishes for you and your family for the coming year.May all your plans and wishes come true.Heaps of Christmas wishes.Wishing you a merry Christmas.With kind remembrances and good wishes for a Merry Christmas and bright future.
用于祖父母及父母:恭叩 金安、敬请福安 肃请 金安。 用于亲友长辈:恭请 福绥、敬请 履安敬叩 崇安 只请提安、敬请 颐安、虔清 康安。
用于老师:敬请 尘安、恭请 道发、肃请海安、虔请 讲安。 用于亲友平辈:敬候 佳祉 并候近安、顺颂起居、顺侯大安、敬颂 台安 顺颂 时绥。
用于有祖父及父母而在一处者:敬请侍安、敬颂 侍福、并候侍祺。 用于夫妇同居者:敬请 俪安、顺颂双安、敬颂 俪祉(祺)。 用于政界:敬请 勋安、恭请 钧安、只请政安。 用于军界:敬请 戎安、恭请 麾安、肃请捷安。
用于学界:只颂 撰祺、只请 著安、顺请、文安、并请学安、即颂文绥、即候 文祺。
用于商界:即请 财安、敬候 筹安、顺颂筹祺。 用于旅客:敬请 旅安、藉颂 旅祺、顺询旅祉。 用于家居者:敬请 潭安、并颁 潭福、顺颂潭祺。 用于贺婚:恭请 燕喜、恭贺 大喜、恭请喜安。 用于贺年:恭贺 年禧、恭贺 新禧、即颂岁禧。 用于吊唁:此候 孝履、顺问 苫次、专候素履。 用于问病:敬请 愈安、即请 卫安、敬祝早痊。
用于时令问候:敬请 春安、顺颂 春祉、敬请夏安、并颂暑祺敬请 秋安、并候 秋绥、敬请 冬安、此请 裘安、敬请炉安。 用于当日问候:即颂 晨安、即请 早安、此请午安、即颂晚安、即请 刻安、顺候 日祉、即候 时祉。
用于祖父母及父母:叩禀、敬禀、拜禀、肃禀、谨禀、叩上。 用于尊长:谨禀、谨上、拜上、谨肃、敬肃、敬启、谨启。 用于平辈:谨启、谨白、手启、手上、顿首、拜启、上言、拜言、启、上、白。
用于晚辈:手谕、手示、手泐、手草、草示、谕。 用于复信:肃复、手复、谨复、复。
问候平辈:某兄弟前祈代致候不另。某兄处未及另函乞代致意。 问候晚辈:顺候令郎佳吉。并问令郎等近好。 代长辈附候:家父嘱笔问候。某伯嘱笔问候。 代平辈附候:家兄附笔请安,某兄附笔道候。 代幼辈附候:小儿侍叩。小孙随叩。某某禀笔请安
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大多数情况下,口语里好多音不读出来,容易蒙混过关,可是写起来就难免不出错,而且肯定会出错,连法国人都免不了。每年法国电视二台由比沃先生举办一年一度的全国性听写比赛,看谁错得少,不出错的常常是凤毛麟角,当然听写中肯定会有很多圈套。有朋友自称只错了三个地方,已经是高水平了。尽管法语如此之难,法国人仍对写错字或语法错误深恶痛绝,而且一点也不含糊,他们看到一个错处尤如眼中钉肉中刺,不除不快。如此,一般较正式的文字都要经过好几个人过目和修改。那些招聘人材的企业,但凡看到求职信中 有一处错马上就弃之一旁不再理会。
法国人对写信的格式十分讲究,如信的首句应避免以“我”字开头,结尾时根 据收信人的身份要使用不同的礼貌用语等。礼貌用语的格式一般都是现成的,但给一个平级的人,职位高的人,女士之间,女士给男士,男士给女士等用语都不尽相同。最简单的可以是“先生,请接受我崇高的敬意”,也可以是“请相信,女士,我最真挚的情感”,听起来似乎很肉麻,实际上人们并不在意这些信末用语的措词,但这也不是不注意如何使用的原因。而且它们虽千篇一律,不用却是无论如何说不过去的。