奥巴马 每周演讲之美国的创新精神

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第一篇:奥巴马 每周演讲之美国的创新精神

Hi, everybody.One of the things that makes America so strong is our spirit of innovation.Our drive to invent and harness new technologies to tackle our greatest challenges.It's how we won the race to invent the lightbulb and the Internet;it's why we were first to the Moon and Mars.It's why I keep models of American inventions like the telegraph in the Oval Office.It's a daily reminder of the genius that's embedded in our DNA;the way we've always shaped the future through our ideas and discoveries.大家好!美国之所以强大,其中一个重要原因就是我们的创新精神。我们对新技术创新和技术进步的不断追求让我们很好解决了众多艰难的挑战。正是这种精神让我们取得领先,我们发明了电灯、互联网;正因如此,我们最先登上了月球和火星。因此,我将美国人民创新精神的代表作,电报机等放在总统办公室。这些作品每天都在提醒我,这种创造精神根植于我们的DNA中,我们正是通过我们的创意和开拓精神塑造了我们的未来。

That's truer than ever today, with the constant stream of new apps and tools and data that are still changing the way we live–from getting a ride to paying our bills to developing smarter ways to combat climate change.时至今日,这种精神显得更加真切,新的应用、技术、数据不断发展,一直在不断改变我们的生活方式,从搭车出行到支付日常账单,再到采取更智能的方式应对气候变化问题,无所不包。

That's why, next week, I'll travel to Austin, Texas, to visit South by Southwest.It's an annual gathering of some of our most creative thinkers, coders, makers, and entrepreneurs from across the country.And while I'm there, I'm going to ask everyone for ideas and technologies that can help update our government and our democracy to be as modern and dynamic as America itself.因此,下周,我将访问德州的奥斯汀市,参加西南以南大会。这是一年一度全国各地的创意大家、编程高手、创造大师以及企业家欢聚的盛会。我过去之后,会向所有人询问新的创意,了解新技术来帮助我们改进政府工作,改善我们的民主体制,让政治与美国一样现代化、充满动力。

This has been a goal of mine since before I was President.On my campaign in 2008, we saw how technology could bring people together and help them engage as citizens in their own communities.So when I came to the White House, I wanted apply that experience to the federal government.It hasn't always been easy.And we've had some bumps along the way.在我还没有担任总统之前,这就是我的奋斗目标。2008年我参加总统大选之时,我们看到了技术发挥的作用,人们利用新技术汇聚,参与到选举中,行使各自的公民权力。因此,当我入主白宫之后,我也希望将这些经验应用到联邦政府的工作之中。但事情并不总是那么容易。前进的道路上,我们遇到了很多坎坷。

But we've also made good progress.Over the past few years, for example, we've done something that government never has.We asked some of the sharpest minds from companies in Silicon Valley and across the country to come help us modernize the federal government for the way we live today.And they came ready to serve, tackling some of our biggest challenges–like high-tech special ops units.但是,我们还是取得了很多成就。例如,过去的几年里,我们完成了以前的政府从来没做过的事情。我们邀请来自硅谷以及全国各地的高新企业的优秀人才帮助我们,改进了联邦政府的工作方式,改善了我们今天的生活方式。他们有备而来,全心服务,解决了我们面临的众多艰难挑战,比如解决了高科技特别运维单位的难题。

These teams are partnering with the government's existing policy and technical experts to re-imagine the way we do business and deliver services that work better and cost less.Already, we've made it easier for students to find the college that's right for them.For immigrants to track the green card and naturalization process online.For veterans to access their medical records.And yes, after an initial false start, we've made it much easier for tens of millions of Americans to compare and buy health insurance and the peace of mind that goes with it.这些团队参与改进现有政策,并与技术专家一起重新规划我们开展业务的方式,改善服务,让我们的工作更有效,成本更低。例如,我们让学生更方便找到适合自己的大学。让移民通过在线方式跟踪绿卡和入籍进度。让退伍军人可以掌握自己的医疗记录。还有,经历不完美的开始之后,我们已经让数千万美国人民可以方便的比较各种医疗保险的优劣,择优选购,买到手的还有内心的安宁。

That's what this is all about–making sure our government of the people and by the people works better for the people in the 21st century.It's about Americans working together to make a real difference in people's lives.Because the easiest thing to do is to blame government for our problems.Some people have made a career out of that.But our founders trusted us with the keys to this system of self-government because it's the best tool we've got to settle our differences and solve our collective challenges.And it's only as good as we make it.这就是我今天要讲的内容,确保让我们的政府成为21世纪的民有、民治、民享的优秀政府。这也是美国人民共同努力,为人们带来新生活的目标。因为我们的错误责备政府实在是太容易不过了。但很多人还是终身在政府服务。我们的建国先贤们相信我们,有了自我治理的关键制度这一最好工具,我们就可以消弭我们的分歧,共同解决我们面临的挑战。只要我们去努力,我们就一定可以做的更好。

That's why I'm going to Austin and South by Southwest–to keep asking everyone from all walks of life, working inside or outside of government, to help us make this democracy even stronger.And I hope you join us.因此,我计划前往奥斯汀参加西南以南大会,征求各个层面的人、在政府工作和不在政府部门工作的人的意见,帮助改进我们的民主制度,使之更加强大。我希望大家加入进来。Thanks everybody, have a great weekend.谢谢大家,祝周末愉快!


奥巴马每周电台演讲附视频: Pushing Forward on Jobs

Following the best jobs numbers since 2007, the President recognizes that such trends are cold comfort to those who are struggling and pledges to continue pushing forward towards positive job growth.President Obama looks back at the Jobs Forum he hosted days before and looks ahead to further action.He emphatically restates why he ran for President in the first place: “to fight for a country where responsibility is still rewarded, and hard-working people can get ahead.” 在2007年以来最好的就业数据发布后,总统认识到这样的趋势对于那些正在挣扎中的人们并无实际意义,并保证继续推进就业积极增长。奥巴马总统回顾了前期他所主持的就业论坛,并展望了进一步的行动。他着重强调了他起初为什么要竞选总统:“为一个责任仍然是奖赏,努力工作的人能获得成功的国家而奋斗”。

Every month since January, when I became your President, I’ve spoken to you about the periodic reports of the Labor Department on the number of jobs created or lost during the previous month;numbers that tell a story about how America’s economy is faring overall.从1月份我成为你们总统以来的每个月,我都会向你们谈起劳工部关于上个月创造或失去的就业数据的定期报告,数据讲述了美国经济总体进展情况如何。

In those first months, the numbers were nothing short of devastating.The worst recession since the 1930s had wreaked havoc on the lives of so many of our fellow Americans.Yesterday, the numbers released by the Labor Department reflected a continuing positive trend of diminishing job loss.在那些最初的月份里,数据简直就是灾难。自1930年代以来最严重的衰退对我们那么多的美国人的生活造成严重破坏。昨天,劳工部披露的数据反映了一个持续的就业丧失缩小的积极趋势。

But for those who were laid off last month and the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs in this recession, a good trend isn’t good enough.Trends don’t buy the groceries.Trends don’t pay the rent or a college tuition.Trends don’t fulfill the need within each of us to be productive, to provide for our families, to make the most of our lives, to reach for our dreams.但是对于那些上个月被解雇的人和上百万在这次衰退中失业的美国人来说,一个好的趋势是不够的。趋势不能买生活用品,趋势不能付租金和大学学费。趋势不能被制造,提供给我们的家庭,为我们的生活所利用,实现我们的梦想,以满足我们每个人的需要。

So, it is true that we, as a country, are in a very different place than we were when 2009 began.Because of the Recovery Act and a number of other steps we’ve taken, we’re no longer facing the potential collapse of our financial system or a second Great Depression.We’re no longer losing jobs at a rate of 700,000 a month.And our economy’s growing for the first time in a year.因此,我们作为一个国家,与2009年年初相比确实处在一个非常不同的境地。因为复苏行动和我们采取的若干措施,我们不再面对可能崩溃的金融体系或是第二次巨大衰退。我们不再每月失去70万个就业岗位。我们的经济在一年来首次增长。

But too many of our neighbors are still out of work because the growth we’ve seen hasn’t yet translated into all the jobs we need.Stung by this brutal recession, businesses that have kept their doors open are still wary about adding workers.Instead of hiring, many are simply asking their employees to work more hours, or they’re adding temporary help.很遗憾我们的邻居仍然处于失业状态,因为我们所看见的增长还没有转化为我们需要的就业。被这次残酷的衰退所刺痛,仍然营业的企业对增加工人仍然谨慎。许多企业只是简单地要求他们的雇员加班,或是增加临时用工,以替代招聘。

History tells us this is usually what happens with recessions – even as the economy grows, it takes time for jobs to follow.But the folks who have been looking for work without any luck for months and, in some cases, years, can’t wait any longer.For them, I’m determined to do everything I can to accelerate our progress so we’re actually adding jobs again.历史告诉我们这是衰退时经常发生的——甚至当经济增长了,就业的同步需要时间。但是一直在寻找工作的人们已经几个月,甚至几年没有好运气了,(他们)再也不能等了。为了他们,我决定尽我所能加快我们的进程,以再一次实际增加就业。

That’s why, this week, I invited a group of business owners from across the country to the White House to talk about additional steps we can take to help jumpstart hiring.We brought together unions and universities to talk about what we can do to support our workers today and prepare our students to outcompete workers around the world tomorrow.We brought together mayors and community leaders to talk about how we can open up new opportunities in our cities and towns.这就是为什么本周我邀请一批企业主从全国到白宫来讨论我们能采取的附加措施以帮助企业雇工。我们把工会和大学召集到一起来讨论我们能做什么以在今天支持我们的工人,并让我们的学生在准备明天超越全世界的工人。我们把市长和社区工作者召集到一起讨论我们如何在我们的城市和乡镇开发新的机会。

On Friday, I spent the day in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and met with workers and small business owners there.I stopped by a steel company called Allentown Metal Works, and spoke at Lehigh Community College.I visited folks at a job placement center, and stopped by a shift change at Alpo.The stories and concerns I heard mirrored the countless letters I receive every single day.And they speak louder than any statistic or government report.The folks in Allentown – and in all the Allentowns across our country – are the most dedicated, productive workers in the world.All they’re asking for is a chance, and a fair shake.星期五,我在宾夕法尼亚的艾伦镇度过,并在遇到了工人和小商业主。我顺便访问了名叫艾伦镇金属厂的一家钢铁公司,并在勒海社区大学演讲。我访问了在一个就业安置中心的人们,并顺便访问了在Alpo的一家移动兑换店。在商店和中心我听到了无数我每个单日都能收到的信息。我们比任何统计数据和政府报告都说的大声。艾伦镇上的人们——和遍布我们国家所有艾伦镇上的——是世界上最具有奉献精神的产业工人。他们所要求,就是一个机会,和一个公平交易。

And that’s exactly what I’m working to give them.In the coming days, I’ll be unveiling additional ideas aimed at accelerating job growth and hiring as we emerge from this economic storm.而那正是我努力工作要给他们的。在接下来的日子里,随着我们逐渐摆脱这次经济风暴,我将要针对加快就业增长和雇佣抛出更多的想法。

And so that we don’t face another crisis like this again, I’m determined to meet our responsibility to do what we know will strengthen our economy in the long-run.That’s why I’m not going to let up in my efforts to reform our health care system;to give our children the best education in the world;to promote the jobs of tomorrow and energy independence by investing in a clean energy economy;and to deal with the mounting federal debt.因为我们不想再次面临另一场象这次的危机,我决定履行责任,长期增强我们的经济。这就是我为什么不会放松努力的原因,以改革我们的健康保障系统,给我们的孩子世界上最好的教育,推进未来的就业,并且投资清洁能源经济获得能源独立,应对逐渐增加的联邦债务。

From the moment I was sworn into office, we have taken a number of difficult steps to end this economic crisis.We didn’t take them because they were popular or gratifying.They weren’t.We took these steps because they were necessary.从我在办公室里发誓开始,我们采取了一些具有难度的措施以结束这场经济危机。我们不是因为它们流行或是受人欢迎而采取,它们不是的。我们采取这些措施是因为他们是必须的。

But I didn’t run for President to pass emergency recovery programs, or to bail out banks or to shore up auto companies.I didn’t run for President simply to manage the crisis of the moment, while kicking our most pressing problems down the road.I ran for President to help hardworking families succeed and to stand up for the embattled middle class.I ran to fight for a country where responsibility is still rewarded, and hard-working people can get ahead.I ran to keep faith with the sacred American principle that we will deliver to our children a future of even greater possibility.但我不是为了经历经济恢复程序而竞选总统的,也不是为了使银行脱困或是支持汽车公司。我不是简单地为了应对那次场危机而竞选总统的,而把我们最关切的问题踢的更远。我竞选总统是为了帮助努力工作的家庭获得成功,支持处于困境的中产阶级。我是为了在一个国家里责任仍然是一种奖赏,努力工作能获得成功而奋斗。我忠诚于神圣的美国人的原则,那就是我们交给下一代的未来有更大的可能性。

And my commitment to you, the American people, is that I will focus every single day on how we can get people back to work, and how we can build an economy that continues to make real the promise of America for generations to come.美国人民,我对你们的承诺是,我将在每一个单日里对我们如何让人们回到工作岗位保持关注,以及我们如何建立一个让美国人世代相传的承诺成真的经济。


And everyone who already has health insurance, whether through your employer, Medicare, or Medicaid, will keep the benefits and protections this law has already put in place.Three million more young adults have health insurance on their parents’ plans because of the Affordable Care Act.More than six million people on Medicare have saved an average of $1, 000 on their prescription medicine because of the Affordable Care Act.每个已经有医保的人,不管你是通过雇主、医保还是医疗救助获得的,将继续享受这个法案已经提供的福利和保障。因为可承受的医保,将有三百多万年轻的成人通过父母的险种获得医保。因为可承受的医保,有六百多万享受医保的人们在处方药上平均节约1,000美元。

Last year, more than 8 million Americans received half a billion dollars in refunds from their insurers because of the Affordable Care Act.And for tens of millions of women, preventive care like mammograms and birth control are free because of the Affordable Care Act.去年,因为可承受的医保,八百多万人获得了保险人五十万美元的返款。因为可承受的医保法案,成千上万的妇女们将获得诸如妈咪项目和计划生育之类的免费预防性医保。That’s all part of this law, and it’s here to stay.在就是这个法案的全部,就在眼前。

We did not fight so hard for this reform for so many years just to build a website.We did it to free millions of American families from the awful fear that one illness or injury –to yourself or your child –might cost you everything you’d worked so hard to build.We did it to cement the principle that in this country, the security of health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few, but a right for every one of us to enjoy.We have already delivered on part of that promise, and we will not rest until the work is done.我们如此艰苦卓绝地为了这个改革奋斗这么多年不仅仅是要建立一个网站。我们做这些是为了让成千上万的美国家庭摆脱一旦你或你的孩子受伤或生病就倾家荡产的恐惧。我们做这些是为了完善我们的原则--在我们国家,医保不是少数人的特权,而是每个人都享有的权利。我们已经部分地兑现了我们的承诺,我们要继续努力直到全部完成这个大业。Thank you, and have a great weekend.谢谢,周末愉快。

  

n.覆盖,覆盖范围 premium['pri:miəm]video





还,偿还额 refund[ri'fʌnd]video

vi.退还;偿还,归还vt.退还;偿还;付还n.退款;偿 

剂 privilege['privilidʒ]video



vt.巩固,加强;用水泥涂;接合vi.粘牢n.水泥;接合 enroll[in'rəul]video vt.登记;使加入;把...记入名册;使入伍vi.参加;登记;注册;记入名册

 

n.保险公司;承保人 obsess[ɔb'ses]video



 prof[prɔf]video


13.I wishI’dtakenmorerisks 我希望我多冒险

Everyonehastheirownideaofwhat’srisky, but youknowwhenyou’relivingtoomuch in yourcomfortzone.In hindsight, some people feel they missed out on a lot of adventure life has to offer.每个人对何为风险都有着自己的看法,但是你会发现自己在舒适区里过得太久了。赫然回想,有些人会感觉到他们错过了许多眼前冒险刺激的生活。14.I wish I’d had more time 我希望我有更多的时间

Many people say time speeds up as we age.The six weeks of summer holidays we had as kids certainly seemed to last a lifetime.If time speeds up, then it’s even more important to make the most of every moment.许多人说,时间如逝岁月如梭,把我们给催老了。六周的暑假时光对于儿时的我们貌似是过了一生之久。若感觉时光飞速逝去的话,那么,把每个时刻都最大程度地得以利用才更重要。15.I wish I hadn’t worried so much 我希望我不那么担心焦虑

If you’ve ever kept a diary and looked back, you’ll probably wonder why you ever got so worked up over X.如果你曾记日记,回过头来看看,很可能你想知道为什么你要为X卖命般地工作。16.I wish I’d appreciated ___ more 我希望我更加感激___ The consequences of taking people for granted are always hard to deal with.把别人对你的好当做理所当然,后果总是让人很棘手。17.I wish I’d spent more time with my family 我希望我陪伴家人的时间多一些

Some people get caught up with work, move to other parts of the world, grow old with grudges against family members only to realise their priorities were in the wrong place.有些人忙于工作,有些人搬到世界上别的地方居住,有些人带着对家庭成员愤恨过到老,最后只会发现自己把重点放错了地方。

18.I wish I hadn’t taken myself so seriously 我希望我活得不那么较真

Life is just more fun when you can laugh at yourself.当我们能坦然嘲笑自己时,生活似乎有更多乐趣。19.I wish I’d done more for other people.我希望我为别人多做一些事情

Doing things for others just makes life more meaningful.为了自己的生活更加有意义多为别人做一些事情。20.I wish I could have felt more happy.我希望我能感受到更加幸福快乐。

The realisation that happiness is a state of mind that you can control sometimes doesn’t occur to people until it’s too late.实现幸福是一种思想状态而已,有时,人们来不及去控制幸福的降临。


peculiar 特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的 colossal 巨大的;异常的,非常的 bewildered 困惑的;眩 intense 强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的 fanciful 想像的;稀奇的

scrumptious 美味的;绝妙的,极好的 inspired 有灵感的;官方授意的

fluffy 蓬松的;松软的;毛茸茸的;无内容的 selective 选择性的

blurry 模糊的;污脏的;不清楚的

heroic 英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的 gooey 胶粘的;感伤的 witty 诙谐的;富于机智的

brilliant 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的;精彩的,绝妙的 zealous 热心的,热情的,积极的 courageous 有胆量的,勇敢的

dynamic 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的 valiant 英勇的,勇敢的

rambunctious 难控制的;喧闹的;粗暴的;骚乱的 daring 大胆的,勇敢的

opulent 丰富的;富裕的;大量的

sour 酸的;发酵的;刺耳的;酸臭的;讨厌的 vivacious 活泼的;快活的;有生气的 murky 黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的

quaint 古雅的;奇怪的;离奇有趣的;做得很精巧的 stupendous 惊人的;巨大的

sparkling 闪闪发光的,闪烁的;起泡沫的 zany 滑稽的;古怪的;愚蠢的 ferocious 残忍的;惊人的 determined 决定了的;坚决的

dubious 可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的 energetic 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的 remarkable 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的

wistful 渴望的;沉思的,默想的;引起怀念的;不满足似的 exuberant 繁茂的;生气勃勃的,充溢的

bold 大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的 inquisitive 好奇的;好问的,爱打听的 mysterious 神秘的;不可思议的;难解的 ecstatic 狂喜的;入迷的 frigid 寒冷的,严寒的;冷淡的 The Road Ahead for China's Reforms 中国改革的未来之路

China's Third Plenary party meeting has just unveiled a sweeping reform agenda for the next decade.Despite several crucial gaps, overall the new agenda is robust and substantive, marking the most ambitious reform program in two decades.In terms of long-term significance, this pivotal meeting is perhaps surpassed only by the historic third plenum in 1978, when Deng Xiaoping dramatically changed the course of China by embarking on market reforms and opening up to the outside world.国三中全会刚刚公布了未来10年的全面改革方案。尽管缺少一些关键领域的改革,但总的来看,这是一个强有力的实质性方案,是20年来最雄心勃勃的改革方案。从长远意义看,这次关键会议可能仅次于历史上著名的1978年三中全会,当时邓小平通过开启改革开放使中国的发展道路发生巨变。

Yet despite stunning successes to date, China's transition to a free market economy is far from complete.While the private sector has expanded, state and state-owned enterprises continue to occupy the commanding heights of the economy.Excessive regulations stifle innovation.Because of serious structural imbalances and institutional deficiencies, pessimists predict that China will be stuck in the 'middle income trap' with unstable and potentially explosive social and political consequences at home and abroad.然而尽管迄今取得了辉煌的成就,中国远未完成向自由市场经济的转变。尽管私营领域有所扩张,但国家和国有企业依然占据着中国经济的制高点。过度监管抑制了创新。由于存在严重的结构性失衡问题和制度缺陷,悲观者预计,中国将陷入“中等收入陷阱”,将在国内外产生不稳定的、有可能是爆炸性的社会和政治影响。

The future of China and, to some extent, of the world, thus depends on her efforts to deepen economic reforms.There is too much at stake.That is why it is so encouraging that China's leadership has reaffirmed its strong commitment to reforms.The Party has publicly pledged as many as 60 specific policy and institutional reforms.If implemented, they could transform China into a dynamic modern market economy with rule of law, open competition and entrepreneurship.因此中国的未来以及(从一定程度上来说)全球的未来取决于中国深化经济改革的努力。目前的风险太多。这正是中国领导层重申对改革的强有力的承诺为何如此鼓舞人心的原因。中共已公开承诺多达60项政策和制度改革。如果获得实施,它们可以将中国转变为一个法制健全、公开竞争、鼓励企业家精神的具有活力的现代市场经济体。

Yet without courage and perseverance, difficult reforms cannot be sustained.In the years prior to President Xi Jinping's ascendency to the helm, the Party has disappointed the public by under-delivering many reform promises.There are three main reasons why Mr.Xi must seize the current momentum and follow through with bold actions.然而如果缺乏胆量和坚持不懈的精神,艰难的改革可能就无法持续实施。在习近平上任前的几年,中共由于未能兑现许多改革承诺而令公众感到失望。习近平为何必须抓住当前的势头,通过大胆行动来将改革坚持到底,有三个原因。First, reforms are essential to the realization of the 'Chinese Dream.' President Xi has articulated a highly attractive vision for China: namely, to double national income by 2020 and to transform the country into a modern, high income, civilized, and democratic nation by 2050, when the People's Republic celebrates its Centennial.Just as Deng's vision of modernization marshaled China's energy and resources for economic development, Xi's 'Chinese Dream' is a brilliant construct that can rally and reenergize both the Party and people to embark on a shared mission.首先,要想实现“中国梦”,必须改革。习近平已经明确了一个极具吸引力的中国梦:到2020年实现国民收入翻一番,并且到2050年中国庆祝建国一百周年时将中国建设成为一个富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家。就像邓小平对实现现代化的高瞻远瞩集结了中国的能源和资源推动经济发展一样,习近平的“中国梦”是一个智慧的构想,能够团结和重新激发共产党和中国人民来着手完成一个共同的使命。

If Deng is remembered as the great architect of reforms that set in motion China's modernization, Xi's legacy will likely be judged by his ability to complete unfinished reforms and his decisive role in leading China to economic and cultural greatness.However, overly intrusive and often corrupt bureaucracy, inefficient state-owned enterprises, and the absence of a level playing field for private enterprises and a massive rural population hobble China's continuing progress.If the 'Chinese Dream' is to be more than just a pipe dream, President Xi must pursue serious reforms that unleash China's vast potential.如果说邓小平作为启动中国现代化进程的改革的伟大设计师而被人们所铭记,那么对习近平遗产的评判将可能取决于他完成未尽改革的能力以及在领导中国走向经济和文化辉煌中所发挥的决定性作用。不过,中国的官僚体系对经济干预过度,腐败猖獗,国有企业效率低,私营企业缺乏公平的竞争环境,农村人口众多,这些问题都阻碍了中国的持续发展。要想让“中国梦”不止是白日梦,习近平就必须寻求完成切实的改革,释放中国的巨大潜力。

Second, there are numerous pressing challenges immediately facing the country.Most of these challenges cannot be effectively addressed with quick fixes or fiscal and monetary stimuli.China's traditional growth engine, long powered by exports and government-led investment spending, is clearly losing steam.There has been a colossal misallocation of capital and acute economic imbalances.Widening urban-rural disparities and increasing social tensions persist.The broad structural reforms outlined in the Party's new blueprint could fend off these mounting pressures to ensure long-term social stability.其次,中国面临着各种迫在眉睫的挑战。其中大部分挑战无法用权宜之计或财政及货币刺激措施有效地加以解决。一直以来,中国的传统增长引擎是出口和政府主导的投资支出,目前正明显失去后劲。此外,还有大量资本配置不当及经济严重失衡的问题。不断扩大的城乡收入差距和日益加剧的社会紧张状态仍在持续。三中全会制定的蓝图中列出的广泛结构改革有望缓解这些不断积聚的压力,以保证社会的长治久安。Finally, strong reforms are the only means to meet the rising expectation of the Chinese people.China's current growth model has led to the greatest reduction of poverty in human history.Yet at least 100 million Chinese, predominantly rural citizens, continue to live in poverty.At the same time, China's newly affluent middle class who are well-traveled, internet-savvy and independent-minded demand continuous improvements in quality of life.This includes cleaner air and water, safer food, less corruption and improved public services.最后,强有力的改革是满足中国人不断上升的期望的唯一途径。中国目前的增长模式引发了人类历史上最大规模的减贫。然而,至少有1亿中国人(其中主要为农村居民)仍生活在贫困中。与此同时,中国刚刚富裕起来的中产阶级热衷旅游、精通互联网而且思想独立,他们要求生活质量得到持续的改善。这包括更清洁的空气和水、更安全的食品、更少的腐败和更好的公共服务。Chinese entrepreneurs yearn for less state interference, greater economic freedom, fairer competition and more effective protection of property rights.The exodus of wealthy and successful Chinese emigrating overseas in recent years is an alarming trend that underscores social dissatisfaction.President Xi can restore public confidence through vigorous reforms.中国企业家渴望政府减少干预,渴望有更大的经济自由、更公平的竞争环境和更有效的知识产权保护措施。近年来,中国的富人和成功者纷纷移民海外,这种趋势值得警惕,因为它凸显出社会中的不满情绪。习近平可通过强有力的改革重振公众的信心。

It is therefore reassuring that Chinese leaders have wisely embraced far-reaching structural reforms.With a blockbuster game plan in place, it is now all about execution.Delays or half measures would dismay China's poor, entrepreneurs and middle-class consumers while bolstering the case of China bears and naysayers both within and outside China.President Xi's credibility, the Party's legitimacy and China's future are all on the line.With Xi's decisive leadership, hopefully China can succeed.因此中国领导人明智地欣然同意推出将带来深远影响的结构改革,这令人感到安慰。有了宏大的计划,现在最重要的就是执行了。若计划迟迟未执行或执行得不到位,将会令中国的穷人、企业家和中产阶级消费者失望,同时给国内外看空和怀疑中国的人提供口实。习近平的威信、中共的遗产和中国的未来皆系于此。凭借习近平果断的领导力,希望中国能够成功。

Mr.Hu is chairman of Primavera Capital Group, a China-based investment and research firm.(编者按:胡祖六(Fred Hu)是位于中国的投资与研究公司春华资本集团(Primavera Capital Group)的董事长。

          sector['sektə]video

n.部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺vt.把…分成扇形 institutional[,insti'tju:ʃənəl]video adj.制度的;制度上的;学会的 fiscal[fiskəl]video

adj.会计的,财政的;国库的 consumer[kən'sju:mə]video n.消费者;用户,顾客

dramatically[drə'mætikəli]video adv.戏剧地;引人注目地 marshal['mɑ:ʃəl]video

n.元帅;司仪vt.整理;引领;编列vi.排列 continuous[kən'tinjuəs]video

adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的 commitment[kə'mitmənt]video n.承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身 momentum[məu'mentəm]video n.势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力 ambitious[æm'biʃəs]video



This week, I authorized two operations in Iraq.First, I directed our military to take action to protect our American diplomats and military advisors serving in the city of Erbil.In recent days, terrorist forces neared the city.Thursday night, I made it clear that if they attempted to advance further, our military would respond with targeted strikes.That’s what we’ve done.And, if necessary, that’s what we will continue to do.We have Americans serving across Iraq, including our embassy in Baghdad, and we’ll do whatever is needed to protect our people.Second, we’ve begun a humanitarian effort to help those Iraqi civilians trapped on that mountain.The terrorists that have taken over parts of Iraq have been especially brutal to religious minorities—rounding up families, executing men, enslaving women, and threatening the systematic destruction of an entire religious community, which would be genocide.The thousands—perhaps tens of thousands—of Iraqi men, women and children who fled to that mountain were starving and dying of thirst.The food and water we airdropped will help them survive.I’ve also approved targeted American airstrikes to help Iraqi forces break the siege and rescue these families.Earlier this week, one anguished Iraqi in this area cried to the world, “There is no one coming to help.”

Today, America is helping.The United States cannot and should not intervene every time there’s a crisis in the world.But when there’s a situation like the one on this mountain—when countless innocent people are facing a massacre, and when we have the ability to help prevent it—the United States can’t just look away.That’s not who we are.We’re Americans.We act.We lead.And that’s what we’re going to do on that mountain.As one American who wrote to me yesterday said, “it is the right thing to do.”

As Commander-in-Chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq.American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq, because there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis there.What we will do is continue our broader strategy in Iraq.We will protect our citizens.We will work with the international community to address this humanitarian crisis.We’ll help prevent these terrorists from having a permanent safe haven from which to attack America.And we’ll continue to urge Iraqi communities to reconcile, come together and fight back against these terrorists so the people of Iraq have the opportunity for a better future—the opportunity for which so many Americans gave their lives in Iraq in a long and hard war.Today, we salute our brave men and women in uniform—especially our courageous pilots and crews over Iraq.They’re protecting our fellow Americans.They’re helping save the lives of innocent people on a mountain—people who today know that there’s a country called America that cares for them, too, and that is willing to stand up—not just for our own security, but for the dignity and freedom that belongs to all people.


奥巴马每周电台演讲09.10.10 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ___________________________________________________________For Immediate Release October 10, 2009 WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Praises Emerging Consensus on Health Insurance Reform East Room WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Barack Obama praised past and current political leaders from across the spectrum who have come forward to support reform.Doctors, nurses, hospitals, and drug companies have already expressed their support.In the past several days Governor Schwarzenegger, Mayor Bloomberg, former Senate Major Leader Bob Dole, and former Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, among others, have all come forward to say that the status quo is unsustainable and that now is the time to reform the system.They see that this is a not a Democratic or a Republican problem, but an American one in need of a solution.The full audio of the address is HERE.The video can be viewed online at www.xiexiebang.committee is finishing deliberations on their version of a health insurance reform bill that will soon be merged with other reform bills produced by other Congressional committees.After evaluating the Finance Committee’s bill, the Congressional Budget Office – an office that provides independent, nonpartisan analysis – concluded that the legislation would make coverage affordable for millions of Americans who don’t have it today.It will bring greater security to Americans who have coverage, with new insurance protections.And, by attacking waste and fraud within the system, it will slow the growth in health care costs, without adding a dime to our deficits.This is another milestone on what has been a long, hard road toward health insurance reform.In recent months, we’ve heard every side of every argument from both sides of the aisle.And rightly so – health insurance reform is a complex and critical issue that deserves a vigorous national debate, and we’ve had one.The approach that is emerging includes the best ideas from Republicans and Democrats, and people across the political spectrum.In fact, what’s remarkable is not that we’ve had a spirited debate about health insurance reform, but the unprecedented consensus that has come together behind it.This consensus encompasses everyone from doctors and nurses to hospitals and drug manufacturers.And earlier this week, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg came out in support of reform, joining two former Republican Senate Majority Leaders: Bob Dole and Dr.Bill Frist, himself a cardiac surgeon.Dr.Louis Sullivan, Secretary of Health and Human Services under President George H.W.Bush, supports reform.As does Republican Tommy Thompson, a former Wisconsin governor and Secretary of Health and Human Services under President George W.Bush.These distinguished leaders understand that health insurance reform isn’t a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, but an American issue that demands a solution.Still, there are some in Washington today who seem determined to play the same old partisan politics, working to score political points, even if it means burdening this country with an unsustainable status quo.A status quo of rising health care costs that are crushing our families, our businesses, and our government.A status quo of diminishing coverage that is denying millions of hardworking Americans the insurance they need.A status quo that gives big insurance companies the power to make arbitrary decisions about your health care.That is a status quo I reject.And that is a status quo the American people reject.The distinguished former Congressional leaders who urged us to act on health insurance reform spoke of the historic moment at hand and reminded us that this moment will not soon come again.They called on members of both parties seize this opportunity to finally confront a problem that has plagued us for far too long.That is what we are called to do at this moment.That is the spirit of national purpose that we must summon right now.Now is the time to rise above the politics of the moment.Now is the time to come together as Americans.Now is the time to meet our responsibilities to ourselves and to our children, and secure a better, healthier future for generations to come.That future is within our grasp.So, let’s go finish the job.

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