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0901班 俸翠红

Three Affections

Three affections, invisible but overwhelmingly strong, have penetrated my life by searching for knowledge: my performance in school, my choice of career, and my understanding of society.These affections, like simple sails, have taken me hither and thither, drifting on a twisting river of the long period of time, reaching to the distant bay of the unknown world.I have searched for knowledge, first, because it attracts appreciation---appreciation so wonderful that I would often be full of self-confidence of making a presentation and standing on the stage.I have searched for knowledge, next, because it admires spirit---that unforgettable spirit in which one prompting quality spreads all over the world and urges me into the colorful liveliness area.I have searched for knowledge, finally, because in the depth of affection I have felt, in a magic dimension, the sight of the back of those left while the quiet footsteps have died away.This is what I could search, and then it was really good for my performance in school, this is what---all the time---I like.With the gradual affection I have touched.I would explicit my attitude on value or the deserved position.I would reflect my skills on discover how to develop my career…A lot of this, but not enough, I have practiced.My performance and choices, as close as they were possible, led forward toward the advance and bright future.After all, stepping into the society, that seems too far from me, but always surprises.Chances and challenges many people would face to, which always appear at the same time, the rich knowledge a strong pillar to any person, and the good atmosphere of persistence, working hard, and pursuit bring the success, and though the God could make a fun of human life.I long to stop my footsteps but I cannot, and I too understand.This has been my life.I have no pity for living and would be willing to accept it if the virtue and could be the gift for me.Pre-liberation China

I have searched for knowledge of pre-liberation China so I could make a conclusion on some major points of features on the paleo-society.Certainly, it was no doubt that paleo-people just had very low production power, extremely poor materials and possession natural resources commonly.They just needed to work and live together, but hadn’t been exploited and oppressed even no exploitation class in a real meaning, which was a part of the society in history of China.According to the historical records in China, many people had different views about the development of the paleo-society, especially, in pre-liberation China.Among them, I was following with pursuing for the common comfirmation: depending on organization of society, the whole process had been developed from blood relation family to clan society(the mother native to the father native);depending on archeography, there were three phrases in ancient stone article, new stone article, stone and bronze;depending on the origin of mankind, the human species had been evolved through anthropoid ape(straighten their back), paleo-people(earlier intelligence)and new talent(later intelligence), depending on the situation of marriage, I can distinguish four different periods, firstly, married in blood relation clan, secondly married in different clan, thirdly married in parallelism mode, finally conjugal relation in monopoly system.In the process of paleo-society, clan that was a basic unit had been evolved into clan commune, which was the paleo-society organization and constructed by multitudinous clans.In such society, paleo-people lived assembly, natural resources in public even shared with each other about love and property of clan, or I can say they didn’t know what exact things these were because they didn’t need more wants.Factually, the individuals hadn’t any right of heritage, which the whole tendency of the society was about clans, compatriot in class, tribes and tribal union.After that, mother native clan commune was a short period of dominance in paleo-society life when it caused the work divided into male hunting and female collecting, worst of all, led to the confusion, as paleo-people were in colony marriage they would not know their fathers but just know their only one mother who had to bear much more burdens, so it resulted in no bond on father native in blood relation.It was curious really.I was hard to imagine how many secrets I hadn’t known until now.Nevertheless, the paleo-people to some extent left their valuable possession in pre-liberation China for us, which we could store into our original records.At the same time, that paleo-people and paleo-society were also appeared cleanly in my mind, real and crude.


It is in Chinese tradition that the university is the cradle of talents.People attach much importance to education in university, believing university can transform an ordinary child into a superior adult.As a senior, I have kept

wondering” what should I learn in university” since the very day I entered my university.Now, I think it’s time to answer” what have I learned from my years at university”.Whether the four-year academic life is worthwhile depends on how we spend our university life.There’s no denying that university life is colorful and wonderful.For a student far away from hometown, university teaches me how to adapt myself quickly to the totally strange environment and how to be independent and strong-willed without parents’ protection.University life strengthens my adaptability and independence, which I think is of great use for my future life.To me, university is just like a take-off pad for a better life.Our campus is an academic gathering where we can pursue knowledge and cultivate our own personality.Our class is much more student-oriented.When at class, we can express different ideas and our teachers listen to our opinions carefully.Teachers pay much attention to instruct us to think independently and

creatively.They teach us how to deal with problems from multi-perspective.We learn how to develop our unconventional thinking and how to study

scientifically.“The years teach much which the days never know”, by this way, we master a lot of major knowledge by the end of our university life.A great person once said “knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it”, which means we should combine what we learned with practice.I think the beat way is to take a major-related part-time job.I have taken jobs as tutors, salesman and so on, which not only help me improve my academic students but also offer me much experience that I will never get from textbooks.At the mean time, I take part in various kinds of activities held in our university and therefore make some new friends.I learn how to make a good scheme for certain activities, how to harmonize well with the others and how to contribute my own strength to the whole team.When university turns a shy girl who could even flush when speaking to others to a talkative one, it’s really amazing.I learn how to build a healthy interpersonal relation, which will help a lot in my future career no matter what job I take.My university life offers me a great chance to know myself better and to know the whole society better.I come to university not for fame, not for money, but for knowledge, and it does give me knowledge.Along with it is adaptability, creative thinking, social responsibility and creative ability.A university campus, composed of adults from many different backgrounds, is indeed an extension of the real world.What I have learned in it is not only

academic knowledge but also survival skills.I owe much to my university life, which has really changed me a lot.The development of an individual human existence can be divided into several important stages.But no period can be more influential upon the later course of our life than the years we have experienced in college.Here is the cradle of intelligentsia with vision, mission and passion.And now, as I am ready to leave campus and face the real world, I dare say that no other place can teach me more.I am very proud that in university I have learnt how important it is for one to have vision, that ability to see ahead of time and possibly others.College has raised me up, so that I could enjoy a broader view of the world.University Library, the sanctuary of mind always keeps me in a close touch with the great thoughts of giants, Shakespeare, Russell, Churchill, Roosevelt, to name only a few.All these overwhelmingly famous names have turned familiar and friendly here.These great minds teach me how to live a meaningful life.They warn me that the last but greatest enemy for mankind is human existence itself.Their words of wisdom shall guide and guard me to overcome all the obstacles beset in the course of my life.In the light of this statement, I have to say that college years have brightened up my vision.It is at university that I have acquired an added understanding of the meaning of mission i.e.man should have shoulders strong enough to take more responsibilities of the time.College has enriched me, so that I, to some extent, have discovered the truth to live by.When I was a sophomore, I was chosen a volunteer for the Red Cross Institution.My job, then, was to assist the doctor with the blood collecting in a blood donation car on the street.Those days bestowed me with a moving but a little bit singular picture, in which the painful injection and hearty smile are perfectly and beautifully combined.Every parcel of blood means a piece of hope, through which I see that the possession of life lies in sharing.This is how college years has defined my mission.It is after some years at university that I have better apprehended Tonybee when he said, “Glory belongs to those who are actually in the arena,fighting passionately whilst showing every now and then mistakes or shortcomings.” I have understood the spirit of transcending myself, sometimes even in a crazy way.If youth is the freshness of the deep springs of life, then college must be the fountain of passion.It cheers in the chaos of gym;it hides in the silence of lab.During the college years, I never stopped pursuing my own dream, because I never fail to be inspired by the flowing current of young passion.Lawrence H.Summers, former President of Harvard said in his farewell speech, “College graduates, capable of deep reflections are what the world needs.” Living in a world of madding crowd, a group, or even a small group of people are expected to remain transcendental and sober.If any can live up to so high a standard of existence, college graduates can.And I am fortunate in being among them at this moment and having spared little time cultivating my vision, mission and passion in the past four years.With these, I have better courage to change myself and most probably better preparation for my future.How time flies!In a wink I am on the threshold of graduation.It’s a good time to look back to my four years’ campus life, and to have a reflection on my most precious years in my whole life.During the four years, there are sorrows and happiness, ups and downs, and it is full of color and achievements.I gain a lot, psychologically and physically.To begin with, study at university equips me with knowledge.Most people firmly believe that university is the ivory tower where we enrich

knowledge, improve our observations and learn methods.It is well known that it is an ideal place for learning, because there are numerous excellent professors and experts both academically and practically.In addition, reading and study shape my inclination and associating with different people makes me grow mature.Besides, I learn that love alone can awake love.In the years of study, our dear professors have set god examples for us, their responsibility, their carefulness and their detailed preparation of class, all of these rolled into one thing: that is their deep love to the course and us pupils.Illness or bad weathers can never easily wither their passion and

enthusiasm.From them I for the first time have a clear understanding of our parents’ life and their greatness.This make me think a lot about the meaning of life, and it lets me know that it is contribution not demanding that values.What’s more, I learn from our classmates to be considerate and thoughtful.They never let any details of other students’ unhappiness and troubles slip from their fingers.When you are in a tight corner, they will give you a hand help you out, which gives you warmness and happiness.It is

in college that I know the sense of true friendship.It is a place where I learn how to deal and share with my friends;a place where I learn to be more grateful for my parents’ hardworking.I tried my best to be nice to my friends and tried to know more about them.It is evident that if you want to be treated nicely by others, try to be nice to others first.A pure friendship is precious;friends can share happiness and sadness with each other with true heart.Life is full of ups and downs, in my later life, I will help those who are in great need to avoid some pitfalls and give a hand to people in plight on the road of life.In a word, campus life offers us greatly.The campus years are considered as one of the most important period in our lives which will significantly set out future.It matures our thoughts and broadens our horizon, and it lets me know what are valuable to our life.


In the picture,we can see three little birds asking for fast food towards their mother,their mother stands on the branch with a insect in the mouth and embarrassed expression.Actually,the comics reflect a trend in the society to some extent: the popularity and profound influence of western culture among youngsters nowadays,so it is essential to discuss and analyze the phenomenon from comprehensive angles

we are supposed to admit the benefits of western culture :firstly,western culture contains lots of fashionable and great-hearted elements,it helps to cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit,show the vitality and passion of youth,.Secondly,it provides the youth a platform where they can enjoy the exotic vowels,which broaden their horizons lastly, some positive concept such as democracy,the spirit of science, sacrifices and civic awareness may reach out for youth through western culture

on the other hand ,the negative influence deserves great attention as well,our traditional culture also needs to be advocated among the young.On one hand,as far as food is concerned,chinese food is a kind of balanced diet,which offers various nutritious elements to the young,while the fast food may not come up to;on the other hand,traditional culture,such as Calligraphy.Tai Chi performance , eastern philosophy is really beneficial to the development physically and mentally

To conclude,we may regard the popularity of eastern culture in rational way,reject the dross and assimilate the essence.




作者:504 朱正阳










蜡烛说:“台灯你别太骄傲了,你有长处,也有短处呀!”台灯满不在乎的说:“怎么了,我虽然有短处,但也比你强!”蜡烛说:“其实我和你一样,我们的功能一样……”“你别说了,”台灯打断了他的话,“怎么样我也比你强!!” 一天夜里,停电了,台灯失去了他的光芒,主人拿出了那只蜡烛,点燃了他,那光照在台灯上,等主人走后,台灯轻轻问蜡烛:“蜡烛,难道你不难受?”蜡烛身上“汗流浃背”,已没有多大的力气了,回答到:“难受,不过我的心里非常快乐,能为人们服务是件好事。”台灯明白了,心里想:我要学习蜡烛的精神,好好为人民服务。


早上五点钟起床到江边散步。晨的气息是那么地美好,我喜欢在宁静中行走。这时候,我的思绪是自由的。只是满眼望着平静的江面,偶尔低头看看脚下的小石子。四周静悄悄,我便坐在岸上,思绪像插上了翅膀,飘飘飘,飞飞飞,漫游着…… 等到坐得觉得有些麻了,就起来继续向前走。忽而看到一片小小的花丛,那是白菊花的世界。我很惊奇地望着她们,娇小的身体,奇艳的面容。我向折下来一支,于是便再一次向花海巡视,有一朵在中间,长得最高,最为艳丽,我伸出手,可是却又忽然想起了什么,罢了,还是不选她了吧。她让我想起了一些东西,令人忧伤。




















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