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作者:any88mm 发表日期:2006-01-25 20:24:14



Hey!wise up!放聪明点好吗?

当别人做了蠢事时,你可以说,“Don‘t be stupid!”或“Don‘t be silly.”但这是非常不礼貌的说法。客气一点的说法就是:Wise up!你也可以用尖酸刻薄的语气说:Wise up, please.然后故意把please的尾音拉得长长的。也有人会说, Hey!grow up.意思就是你长大一点好不好?例如有人20岁了还不会自己补衣服,你就可以说Hey!grow up.这根wise up是不是也差不多呢?

Put up or shut up.要么你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴。

要注意的是,Put up字典上查不到“自己去做”的意思,但见怪不怪,很多口语都是字典上查不到的。这句话也让人想到一句成语:walk the walk, talk the talk,即说到做到,有点像是中文里的言行一致,或是只说:walk the talk也可以。

You eat with that mouth?你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗?

别人对你说脏话,你就回敬他这句,言下之意是你的嘴那么脏,你还用它吃饭?还有一种说法:“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”你用这张脏嘴亲你妈妈吗?所以下次记得如果有老外对你说脏话,不要再骂回去,保持风度,说一句,“You eat with that mouth?”就扯平了。

You are dead meat.你死定了。

也可以说:“You are dead.”你完蛋了。

Don‘t you dare!How dare you!你好大的胆子啊

这句话可以在两种场合说,第一种是很严肃的场合,如小孩子很调皮,不听话,父母就会说,“Don‘t you dare!”意思是你给我当心点,不然等会就要挨打了。另一种场合是开玩笑,如有人说他要跟某网友约会,你说“Don‘t you dare?”就有点开玩笑的语气,你不怕被恐龙给吃了吗?

Don‘t push me around.不要摆布我。

通常当我讲这句话时,我还会想到一个字“bossy”,像是老板一样,喜欢指挥别人。如:“You are so bossy.I don‘t like that.”这句话也可以单讲,“Don‘t push me.”或“Don‘t push me any further.”还有一句跟push有关的成语:push the button,指使,操纵。如:“I know why you are doing this, someone is pushing your button!” 链接:多姿多彩的英语口语



久仰!I've heard so much about you.好久不见了!Long time no see.辛苦了!You've had a long day.You've had a long flight.尊敬的朋友们!Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends

阁下(多用于称呼大使)Your Excellency


On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。

On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.在北京过得怎么样?

How are you making out in Beijing?


I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢迎美商来北京投资。

American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.欢迎多提宝贵意见。Your valuable advice is most welcome.不虚此行!It's a rewarding trip!


As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候王先生。Please remember me to Mr.Wang.感谢光临!Thank you so much for coming.欢迎再来!Hope you'll come again.欢迎以后多来北京!Hope you'll visit Beijing more often.请留步,不用送了!I will see myself out, please.多保重!Take care!

祝您一路平安!Have a nice trip!

愿为您效劳!At your service!

为…举行宴会/宴请Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …

欢迎宴会Welcome dinner

便宴Informal dinner


便餐Light meal

工作午餐Working luncheon

自助餐Buffet dinner/luncheon

答谢宴会Return dinner

告别宴会Farewell dinner

庆功宴Glee feast



Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

鸡尾酒会Cocktail party

茶话会Tea party

包餐/点餐Table d'hote/a la carte

上菜Serve a courst您的位置在这里。

Here is your seat.请入席!

Please have a seat.欢聚一堂

Enjoy this happy get-together

请随便!Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself.请各位随意用餐。Help yourself please.您喝点什么?What would you like to drink?


At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … And … , to the health of Senator…, cheers!


Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to …


I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.敬您一杯!Here's to you!

祝你健康!To your health!

我要为此干杯!I'll drink to that!

随量!Whatever you like!

我失陪一会儿!Excuse me for a minute.菜不好,请多多包涵!Hope you enjoy yourself.女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.The concert/show would start soon.Please get yourself seated.Thank you.招待会现在开始。The reception will now begin.全体起立,奏国歌!All rise please.For the P.R.C.National Anthem!


The distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are …

现在请…讲话I have the honour to call upon …

开幕式现在结束。This concludes the opening ceremony.隆重庆祝Grand celebration


Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Establishment of …

热烈祝贺第一届…锦标赛Hail the first FIFA of …


On the occasion of the season, I would like to extend season's greetings.祝您工作顺利、事业成功、身体健康、家庭幸福!

Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeavours, good health and a happy family!


Hearty congratulations on your recent ecletion as …


Hold a meeting/seminar/conference/forum/symposium



举行谈判Enter into negotiation

交涉Make representations with sb.On sth./deal with sb.事物性会谈Talks at working level

对口会谈Counterpart talks

议程项目Items on the agenda


议题Topic for discussion

双方商定的议程Schedule mutually agreed upon

开幕会议Opening session

全体会议Plenary session



小组讨论Panel discussion

同有关单位磋商Hold consultations with the organizations concerned 一轮会谈One round of talks


谅解备忘录Memorandum of understanding

现在开会。I declare the meeting open.请…发言。I invite the representative of …To take the floor.下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况

Now I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijing's economy.我的介绍完了,谢谢!

That's all for my presentation.thank you.我先说这么多。So much for my remarks for now.我要说的就是这些。That's all for what I want to say.您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题?

I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues? 让我先谈一个问题。

If you agree(With your permission), let me start with one issue


Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.您对此事怎么看呢?

I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?

我提议休会十分钟。I propose a ten-minute break.我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。I will pick up where we left off just now.对不起,我插一句。Sorry for the interruption but

当然可以!By all means.怎么都行!Whatever you say.我没有异议。I have no objection.我方对这个问题有异议。We take exception to this question.我们高兴地看到…We note with pleasure that …


I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?


I wonder how the meeting went this morning?

我方很希望 贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。

We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible.请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。

You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.纠缠这个问题。Entangle this issue.提倡节约Advocate/uphold thriftiness

为了国家的繁荣For the sake of national property


The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.密切注视Keep close watch on 促进密切合作Spur/promote intensive cooperation

1.after you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。

2.i just couldn“t help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:

i was deeply moved by the film and i cried and cried.i just couldn”t help it.3.don“t take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例:

this test isn”t that important.don“t take it to heart.4.we”d better be off.我们该走了。it“s getting late.we”d better be off.5.let“s face it.面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。

参考例句:i know it”s a difficult situation.let“s face it, ok?

6.let”s get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:don“t just talk.let”s get started.7.i“m really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:after all that work, i’m really dead.8.i”ve done my best.我已尽力了。

9.is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。

10.don“t play games with me!别跟我耍花招!

11.i don”t know for sure.我不确切知道。

stranger:could you tell me how to get to the town hall? tom: i don“t know for sure.maybe you could ask the policeman over there.12.i”m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。

karin:you quit the job? you are kidding.jack: i“m not going to kid you.i”m serious.13.that“s something.太好了,太棒了。

a: i”m granted a full scholarship for this semester.b: congratulations.that“s something.14.brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!

15.do you really mean it?此话当真?

michael:whenever you are short of money, just come to me.david: do you really mean it?

16.you are a great help.你帮了大忙

17.i couldn”t be more sure.我再也肯定不过?

18.i am behind you.我支持你。

a: whatever decision you“re going to make, i am behind you.19.i”m broke.我身无分文。

20.mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用mind。)模范例句:mind you!he“s a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.21.you can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。

a:do you think he will come to my birthday party? b: you can count on it.22.i never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:oh, don”t worry.i“m thinking of buying a new one.i never liked it anyway.23.that depends.看情况再说。

例:i may go to the airport to meet her.but that depends.24.congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。

25.thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。

26.it”s a deal.一言为定harry:haven“t seen you for ages.let”s have a get-together next week.jenny: it"s a deal



1.If you…you'll…


If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too…you'll be a man,son.2.I have a dream that…

“I have a dream that…”是后面要跟从句的结构,表示“我的梦想是怎样怎样一回事”。这个结构也很适合后面做大量的话题拓展。比如马丁·路德·金在演讲里大量使用该排句,说的效果也极有分量,气势非凡。

“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-oweners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.” 3-1.I wish to…


“I wish to change that programming in my life.” 3-2.I wish(that)…这个句型后跟的是从句。“I wish I could live up to my potential.” 3-3.I wish for…后跟的结构是名词或名词短语。“ I wish for a glass to be changed into gold.” 3-4.I wish you…省略号处可放名词或名词短语。

“I wish you good health,I wish you sweet love,I wish you endless happiness…”

4.I'd love to…

实际上,“I'd love to…”的用途广泛,最常见的是表示比较强烈的想法,比如想吃东西,乐意帮助别人开窗……只要是含有一种非常愿意,非常乐意的态度,基本上这个结构都能派上用场。

“I'd love to travel to Italy or take a cruise around the Greek Isles.” 5.I'm going to…

“I'm going to live there.” 这句话不能简单理解为将来进行时,因为be going to也可以表示意愿与决心。“我要住在那里”或者“我总有一天会住进那里”。这层意思已经不仅表示心愿了,还有为了实现心愿而决心要付出努力去实现的决心。6.I dream of…/ I dream about…


“I dreamed of a partner who would hold my hand and share all my dreams and aspirations.”



国家奖学金—— National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship 校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship 校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship 单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship 三好学生标兵—— Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生—— Merit Student 学习优秀生—— Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖—— Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人—— Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者—— Excellent staff 优秀学生干部—— Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员—— Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生—— Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者—— Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体—— Advanced Class 优秀团干—— Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部—— Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人—— Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人—— Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人—— Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖———— Ethic Award 精神文明奖———— High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖———— Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖———— Prize for The Outstanding Contribution

工作创新奖———— Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖———— Prize for The Team Contribution



约会,在现实生活中,情侣约会,夫妻约会,朋友约会等等,约会代表的含义各不相同,那么“约会”用英文怎么说呢?如何用 英语表达“约会”呢?

appointment engagement tryst date rendezvous dating make an appointment with make an appointment assignation have a date 以上都是约会的翻译,在不同的场合,使用不同的表达方式。

1、appointment I've made an appointment for a facial next week.我已经预约了下周去美容。

2、engagement Fidelity to engagement is a virtue.信守诺言是一种美德。

词汇搭配 用作名词(n.)动词+engagement announce〔break off〕 an engagement 宣布〔解除〕婚约 cancel an engagement 取消聚会 keep one's engagement 守约

形容词+engagement previous〔prior〕 engagement 有约在先 short engagement 短暂的约会 social engagement 社交约会 engagement+介词

engagement for„ 的约会

3、tryst Ivy went to a tryst in a fancy dress last night.艾比昨天晚上穿着一件别致的服装去约会了。

4、date 用作名词(n.)If I pay a fee can I change the date? 如果付费,能够改机票日期吗?

用作动词(v.)Don't forget to date your cheque.不要忘记在支票上写上日期。

词汇搭配 用作名词(n.)动词+date advance the date 提前日期 bear the date 注明日期 break the date 不遵守约定

bring forward the date 提前日期 call off a date 取消约会 change the date 更改日期 cut the date 取消约会 fix the date 确定日期 give sb a date 和某人约会

have a date(with sb)与(某人)有约会 keep a date 赴约

make a date(with sb)与(某人)约会 put a date to sth 注明日期 put forward the date 提出日期 set the date 定日期

形容词+date closing date 截止日期 early date 早期

fixed date 固定的日期 future date 将来的日期 later date 晚些时候 latest date 最近的日期 no distant date 不久的将来 recent date近日

regular date 规定的日期,固定的日期 same date 同期,同一天 specified date 指定的日期 uncertain date 不确定的日期

名词+date birth date 出生日期 meeting date 开会日期

介词+date from that date 从那时起 on a certain date 在某一日期 out of date 过时的 to date 到目前为止

under date of May 1 在五月一日 up to date 时新的


date for an exam 考试日期 date of birth 出生日期

date of meeting 开会的日期


date the first of January 日期定为1月1日


date exactly 确切断定 date back 追溯

date back to 回溯到,从„就开始


date as 确定某物的年代为 date from 始于

date in one's mind 在心中考虑


用作名词(n.)He didn't recognize the address of the rendezvous.他没有辨认出约会的地点。

用作不及物动词(vi.)We'll rendezvous at the railway station tomorrow afternoon.我们明天下午在火车站会合。


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用作名词(n.)She acted rather iffy about dating him.她对要跟他约会之事表现得迟疑不决。


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dating format日期标记格式...radiocarbon dating放射性碳测定年龄,放...7、make an appointment with Please make an appointment with my secretary.请跟我秘书定个见面时间。

8、make an appointment Please make an appointment with my secretary.请跟我秘书定个见面时间。

9、assignation 用作名词(n.)She had an assignation with her boyfriend.她和男朋友有个约会。

10、have a date 用作不及物动词(vi.)I will have a date with Jenny tonight.约会相关情景对话

今晚有空吗? are you free tonight? free“空闲的”。are you free tonight?(今晚有空吗?)yes.why?(有空,干嘛?)do you have plans tonight?(今天晚上有事吗?)are you available tonight? are you busy tonight?(今天晚上忙吗?)今晚你能和我约会吗? do you want to go out with me tonight? go out并不一定就是“约会”,但是如果go out的后面直接跟with me的话,就一定是“约会”了。let's go out tonight.(今晚出去吧。)if you're free, why don't we go out tonight?(要是晚上有空,我们出去走走行吗?)愿意和我一起去看电影吗? would you like to go to the movies with me? would you like to go to the movies with me?(愿意和我一起去看电影吗?)i'd love to.(当然,我很乐意。)我们喝点茶什么的吧。let's have tea or something.let's have something to drink.(我们喝点什么吧。)how about having a cup of tea? 能陪陪我吗? please keep me company for a while.keep me company“和我在一起”、“交往”、“亲近”。我想请你去看演出。

i'd like to invite you to a show.would you like to go to a show with me?(愿意和我一起去看演出吗?)我能和你约会吗? may i ask you out? ask out“约会”。may i ask you out?(我能和你约会吗?)sorry, i have a boyfriend.(对不起,我有男朋友了。)would you mind if i took you out? would you go on a date with me? 你是想和我约会吗?(你想勾引我吗?)are you trying to pick me up? pick up“勾引(男人/女人),欺骗”。are you asking me out? are you asking me for a date? are you asking me out on a date? 在哪儿见面? where do you want to meet? where do you want to meet?(在哪儿见面?)any place you want.(你觉得哪儿合适就在哪儿。)我们几点见面? what time should we meet? what time should we meet?(我们几点见面?)how about seven?(7点怎么样?)




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    美剧的英文翻译是什么?美剧怎么用英语表达? 美剧的英文翻译是什么? 1、American drama; 2、US TV series 怎么用英语表达美剧?看下面的例句来学习 例句1、You feel like watchin......