
时间:2019-05-14 18:11:02下载本文作者:会员上传



Significance:Persistence can help us carve out a way to success,although the road lead to success Is bumpy and full of inevitable setbacks.Without persistence,how could Thomas Edison possibly succeed in producing the first electric lamp after thousands of times of failure? Persistence can make impossible possible.Helen Keller,she was born blind and deaf.However,throughout all her life,she never lost her heart.Instead,she persists in learning how to read and write not matter how it is for her.Finally,he became a well-known writer throughout the world.How:The way lead to success is filled with thorns.When being caught is some troubles,we should grit our teeth and stick to the belief/faith that our efforts and persistence will be rewarding.''Energy and persistence conquer all things.'Benjamin Franklin once said.3(谦虚的好处)骄傲自满的弊端

Significance:Modest can help people gain greater success.Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievement.Instead,they will work constantly to realize their next objective.As the common saying goes,''pride goes before a fall''.I you are absessed with your past success anf think nothing of further efforts,you will fail to keep pace with the development of the society and even be thrown out of the society one day.How:We should always bear in mind that modest will prompt us to go father.At no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishment,instead,it is essential for us to keep an open mind to new things,information,knowledge and opportunities.''Success consists in industry and modesty.''Li Ksahing,Hong Kong's most powerful businessman,once said.4.梦想目标和理想的意义(人生哲理)

Significance:Our dreams/goals/ideals will keep up from giving up especially when we are in great trouble.They will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach,bring out the best of us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith.It is impossible for those who have no compass in life to achieve success.A man who lives without a goal is similar to a broken-line kite that has its direction and then disappears blankly.The man who aims high may not reach his goal but he will get a lot nearer to it than the man who aims low or shoots without aiming at all.The poorest people in the world are those aimless,for what else do they have even without dreams?Someone lives a life without any aim,just like a tiny grass in the river.They never walk but drift to the wind.The slowest horse,so long as it does not lose its aim,will still be faster than a lingering man without aims.No wind servers him who addresses his voyage to no certain purpose.How:We should bear in mind that the poorest people in the world are those aimless ,for what else do they have even without dreams?Accordingly,we need to set a proper aim,even we may not reach our goal but we will get a lot nearer to it than man who shoots without aiming at all.Only in this way can we realize our dreams more smoothly.5.助人既己(人生哲理)

Significance:To offer help to others is to receive help from others.Some day they may help us in return when we come across difficulties.Helping others could not only be able to bring convenience and benefit to others,but realize our own values and secure happiness and satisfaction.In order to help others,each and every one of us must give some time to our fellow man.Even if it is a little thing,we should do something for those who are in need of help.We should remember that we don't live in a world all our own,our brothers and sisters are here,too.6.捐赠和爱心的重要性

As the common saying goes,''Love makes the world go around.''not only could love be able to help those who are in need out of trouble,but make the world more beautiful and harmonious.How can Wenchuan,one of the areas hit hardest by earthquake happened in 2008,rebuild their homeland at such a high speed without love from people at home and abroad?Donation is a way to express our love.Contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need reflects individuals' sense of social responsibility.It also generates a feeling that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is.Therefore,I strong advocate that everybody offers a hand to others.Only with our love and contribution,I am sure,would our society become more beautiful and more harmonious.

























express your views on the importance of Perseverance You should write at least 150 words.范文:

One glance at a pyramid can leave the viewer in awe of its beauty and splend or.Upon closer examination, however, one might be surprised to discover that such a grandiose structure is composed entirely of ordinary stones.Most people are familiar with the proverb: Rome was not built in a day.An object as grand as a pyramid is likewise not so quickly or easily constructed.Just as the greatness of the city of Rome is due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it is comprised of.The image of a pyramid reminds us that great success is in fact an accumulation of small a chievements.History proves that many famous artists and scientists are only successful because of their continued efforts, even after numerous failures.One might recall Leonardo DaVinci's drawing of an egg, Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting, or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb, for example.The fable that tells us that even water can eventually pierce through stone also points to the importance of patience and diligence.We should take such stories and histories into account and remember the importance of fundamentals;remember that one can build a pyramid only if one is willing to work with small stones.People would be wise to abandon rash inclinations and instead try in earnest.Perseverance is sure to lead to success.范文2:

We can see in the picture, a great Egyptian Pyramid towering magnificently into the sky.At first sight visitors may be overwhelmed by the pyramid and cannot help but marvel at the huge stones in front of them — the embodiment of patience and endurance of an Ancient Egyptian Civilization.During this extended period of building, one can only imagine the amount of patience and endurance that was required by the people before any of this greatness was to be achieved.The stones of the pyramid remind us of a famous saying: “Rome was not built in a day,” that is, great things are never done without much time and labor.As human beings, we are eager to win merits for ourselves.It is, however, only patience as well as endurance that can help us to succeed in performing great deeds.In the case of Si Maqian, without those brilliant qualities mentioned above, he could never attain such great achievements.Difficulties are unavoidable, unless we do not engage in anything at all.In the end, it is patience and endurance that counts.Some people would give up halfway in the face of what seems to be insurmountable.Men of such a type can hardly expect to succeed.We must take a step-by-step approach to accomplish everything until we get the final result.The reason is very simple: if one attempts to climb a mountain, however high he reaches, he has failed if he does not reach the top.

第五篇:优秀中考小作文 坚持 毅力


美文: 一.


三年九班 周界含 二.

坚持就是胜利。非一日之寒的坚持造成冰冻三尺;锲而不舍的坚持终为金石可镂,只要功夫深的坚持竟能铁杵磨成针。生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达胜利彼岸。正因坚持,使玄奘万里跋涉,西行取经,终为世界文明作出伟大贡献;正因坚持,使中国人民八年抗战,弹尽粮绝,却终于迎来了胜利的曙光;正因坚持,张丹张昊跌倒又爬起,终夺得冬奥会上商量银牌。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。朋友,我们要相信,惟有坚持成大业。三年九班 崔世佳 三.

顽强毅力造就精彩人生。破茧而出,蝴蝶蛹毅力描绘飞翔之梦;风雪洗礼,梅花用不懈谱写傲骨乐章;试飞折磨,雏鹰用坚持领悟天空广阔。坚韧不拔的毅力让人生绚烂多姿。丁晓兵一条臂膀,撑起血染军旗;叶笃正上下求索,将生命融入科学;林秀珍30载热血,善良让九州动容。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。朋友,冬天到了,春天还会远吗?怀抱坚持,让成功之路一片缤纷。三年九班 秦双 四.

坚持打造辉煌人生。坚持是融融烛光,暗夜里温暖你;坚持是闪闪航标,迷茫时指引你;坚持是淡淡星光,静夜中照亮你。玄奘凭借坚持,翻山越岭取得真经;国际考察队凭借坚持,艰苦跋涉徒步穿南极;叶笃正凭借坚持,上下求索笑揽风云动。没有坚持的利剑就无法劈开失败的枷锁;有了坚持的金镰,便可收获成功的丰稔。无论多少坎坷,一路走下去,你一定会圆梦。三年九班 王欣阳 五.

成功在于持恒。河蚌忍受沙粒羁绊,坚持不懈造就晶莹的珍珠;大雁横跨南北,坚持不懈完成大转移。没有什么可以随便成功。如果不是司马迁坚持15年的整理,怎会有纪传体通史《史记》的诞生?不是马克思40年的坚持创造,怎会有光辉巨著《资本论》的传世;不是歌德60年的坚持编写,又怎会有扬名四海的《浮士德》。行之苟有恒,日久自芬芳。走过坚持之必经路,成功就不再遥远。三年九班 初敏 六.

成功贵在坚持。坚持使海水终将棱角分明之丑石变成圆润多姿之卵石;坚持使新苗克服风霜雪雨之磨难长成高耸挺拔之巨松;坚持是成功之保证。李时珍撰写《本草纲目》,27年如一日,名垂千古;居里夫人,竭尽毕生,发现镭而驰名全球;邓亚萍持之以恒20载,终成乒坛女将。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。持之以恒方可到达成功巅峰,背起“坚持”行囊,走灿烂人生路吧!三年九班 姜一凡 七.


三年九班 张子胥 八.


三年九班 姜萌



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