
时间:2019-05-14 18:09:50下载本文作者:会员上传




首先,推荐信到底有多重要?该花多少精力准备推荐信?先看看笔者从美国高校教授和学生口中获得的信息: “这个人如果不去美国,将是浪费他的生命。’我就这样被强推到了princeton数学系phd项目。”

“西北大学交换时的一封牛推对我的申请起到了关键作用。(哥大ieor ”phd,gre仅1200分)



笔者想以自己的切身经历来阐述这个问题。在决定申请后,找哪些人写,从哪些角度写推荐信,心里一定要数,必要时还可以几个候补名单:-)。比如,笔者借参加竞赛的机会向教授咨询意见,然后是长达半年的沟通和不断汇报自己的进步,终于获得了参加其研究的机会,于是,一封推荐信水到渠成。另外,笔者选修某教授的课程,坚持每个office hour时间都去讨论一些问题。(注意,一点小的经验是这些问题要可持续讨论,比如做点改进后下周再去)结果顺利拿到暑期项目机会,另一封推荐信搞定。如此,笔者没有开口索要,反而教授们在得知我要申请时都主动提出为我撰写推荐信。因此,推荐信的索取是一个长期的,动态的过程,要考验一个人的机智、策略和耐心。推荐信的索取往往是困难的,在无数次想放弃的时候,都需要坚定的信念来支撑。殊不知,推荐信的价值恰恰在于它的难度,不是每个人都能弄到有价值的推荐信。如果老师不了解你,或者除了上课以外并无其它关联,一封推荐信上只有某某学习努力,经常提问,在我的课上考的前三名这样的话是没有多大力度的。俗话说,“攻心为上”,如果老师真的愿意帮你,写出来的推荐信还是不一样的。


以上是我对推荐信的索取和撰写的一点个人心得,希望对大家有所帮助。申请的工作是一项系统工程,不要过问某项是否有价值,有多少价值,尽心走好每一步就是了,因为你永远不可能提前知道到底什么会提到关键性的作用。保持一种良好的心态才是制胜的关键。may 4, 2009 dear sir or madam, during studies at university, he is enthusiastic for every specialized course.with a diligent and surefooted attitude and striving for excellence, judging from these qualities, i believe that the young boy will make brilliant records in future studies.i fully support his application, and i will appreciate if you take him application into serious consideration.美国留学文书之我感(1)-推荐信写作(万能模板)及细节



由于推荐信相对而言比较规范些,所以先说说推荐信吧 写推荐信的目的,这好像没有什么可首先还是说说写推荐信的目的吧,为什么要写推荐信,其实最主要的就是因为申请的学校需要 说的,但是可以想想为什么学校要我们提供推荐信呢?原因相信大家也心里很明白,当然是为了更好的了解我们,每一年学校都会收到上千份的申请,老美就会想:到底谁更适合自己的program?为了找到最适合自己的人,老美就必须要更好的了解我们,要了解我们的学术能力,专业知识水平,甚至是道德水平。当然这些在我们的ps里可以完全体现出来,但是ps是我们自己写的,带有浓厚的主观意识,而推荐信是第三人对我们的评价,往往比ps要客观的多,所以老








虽然现在很多学校都慢慢限制了笔推,而往往都采用网推的形式,不过其基本的准备过程并没有多大的变化。推荐信我认为最重要的就是要在事实的基础上突出自己某方面的特点。而且推荐信往往会由我们自己亲自来写初稿,然后老师改,自己亲自帮写推荐信的老师有,但是毕竟少。以下都是个人自己写推荐信的一些经验,推荐信模板在taisha上有,但 是不全,所以我还是将我的整个推荐信的每段的思路写下来:




第四 第四大段--结尾,这个段落很模板,感觉,一般就是写强烈推荐这个学生到某某项目,并欢迎随时来邮件,写上


下面是写推荐信时的注意事项: 1.如果是第一次写推荐信,建议先参考模板,毕竟推荐信的格式本来就是会比较死板一些,除非有老师亲自帮写的,不过总体来说,大体格式一样。等写出一篇完整的推荐信来了之后,再进行反复的修改,这时可以适当调整推荐信各部分的内容与逻辑关系。2.推荐信的内容切忌不要写得太浮夸,因为老师的评价越客观,给人的可信度越高,不过适当的有一些赞美是必须的。3.其实如果推荐信内能让老师写出自己一个到两个不足(不是很大的,不会严重影响到录取的那种不足哈~~),其实是






教授名 xxxx professor(老师职位)department of xxxxx(所在系)college of xxx(转载于:phd推荐信模板)xx(所在院)



(申请的学校)xxxxx department xxxxx university to whom it may concern: this letter is to support xxxxxx application for studying in the xxxxxx program in xxxxxx department in xxxxxxx university.(可以修改一下)(第一大段)i am an xxxxxx professor in the department of xxxxxx, 学校名字.(第二大段)





(第四大段)department without reservation.should you need any further information about him, please do not hesitate to contact me.sincerely yours, xxxxxx xxxxx professor department of xxxxx篇三:美国留学推荐信模板

解读美国留学推荐信模板 [导读]解读美国留学推荐信模板


xxxx professor(老师职位)department of xxxxx(所在系)学校名

学校地址(申请的学校)xxxxx department xxxxx university to whom it may concern: this letter is to support xxxxxx application for studying in the xxxxxx program in xxxxxx department in xxxxxxx university(可以修改一下)(第一大段)i am an xxxxxx professor in the department of xxxxxx, 学校名字.(第二大段)我如何认识申请人的„„我觉得申请人是一个怎么样的人„„(小例子)我认为申请人的综合素质怎么样„„(第三大段)具体的事例,这里举一个大一些的例子,能够说明问题的,比如申请人的一些道德品质,专业知识。有研究项目的把项目说清楚,自己在项目里是做什么的。

申请人的特点及优势是什么?是否有一些不足?(第四大段)program in xxxxxx department without reservation.should you need any further information about him, please do not hesitate to contact me.sincerely yours, xxxxxx xxxxx professor department of xxxxx college of xxxxxx 学校名字


举几个例子: 1.美国留学推荐信范文:工程专业 li li chinese academy of sciences beijing 100080, p.r.china dean school of graduate studies and research dear colleagues: i have known since 1991, when he was admitted as a master of engine ering candidate into the his research adviser, i directed his research and found him a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity.during his first year, he got a very good record in major courses.he particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as artificial intelligence and neural network.judging by his outstanding performance while he studied with me, i am convinced that has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training.i therefore lend him my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of his application.sincerely yours li li professor, graduate adviser 2.美国留学推荐信范文:计算机专业 from: jiao shou department of the special class gifted for youths university of science and technology hefei, anhui 230026, p.r.china july 1, 1998 dear sir or madam: was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the special class for the gifted youths, my university s unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented chinese was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.he impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china s scientific and technological the time, members of the gifted class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study scored the highest grade in that exam.he also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class my regret at the time, his english was not as good as his mathematics or physics.but i noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his english during his five undergraduate years with now, he seems to be at least as proficient in english as most of his former classmates in the gifted class.yours sincerely jiao shou professor and deputy head 3.美国留学推荐信范文:教育学专业 dear colleagues: due to limitations of research conditions in china today, i am very eager that an excellent student like her may have the chance to study abroad and make contribution to future researches in china.篇四:出国留学资料-出国留学老师推荐信——中文版-出国留学推荐信模板







xx交通大学土木建筑学院:xxx 推荐人签名:

联络方式:tl: memil:

日期:2012-3-7 更多资料来源请关注好老师在线资料中心











英文推荐信范文 november10,1999 towhomitmay concern: this is toconfirm that mr.lidashui hasworked asa full-timesystem analyst in the nyuniversitysince jun 1994(orthis letter is toverify that mr.lidashui worked as an chemist from july 1993tosept.1994).mr.lismain dutiesand responsibilities are asfollows: 推荐信1 本人应**大学**学院07级**专业**同学请求,推荐该生到**大学进行研究生阶段的学习。



推荐信2 作为**大学**学院一名教授,本人很高兴推荐**同学参加贵所的学术夏令营 及之后的推免生复试。本人在教授课程及指导该生实验的过程中,发现该生有扎实的专业知识,并



推荐人: 推荐信3 本人是**大学**学院一名教授,很乐意推荐**同学参加贵所的暑期学术夏令 营。在与该生的接触过程中可以发现,该生勤奋努力,踏实认真,积极主动,有




推荐信4 本人应**同学请求,推荐该生到**大学进行研究生阶段的学习。






推荐信5 四川大学经济学院财政专业06级本科生**是本人《**》课班上的学生。该生在学习该课程的过程中积极主动,认真踏实,并在本课程取得了良好成绩,在专业名列前茅。




推荐信6 四川大学高分子科学与工程学院高分子材料与工程专业06级本科生“名字”是我“课程名”课班上的学生。该生在学习专业基础课的过程中积极主动,认真踏实。有严谨的学习作风和良好的学习习惯。在本课程取得了“成绩”分的好成绩,学习成绩优秀,在专业名列前茅。该生不仅专业基础扎实,对科研有浓厚兴趣。虽然本科生的主要任务是学习专业基础知识,没有什么特别大的科研成果。但是该生参与申请本科生创新实验计划,在我的课题组参与创新实验“课题名称”,在大三上期进入实验室,学习了“研究课题”的相关理论,并且熟悉了实验过程中的基本操作,在课余的时间来完成这个创新实验。该生具有良好的英语能力,在各项英语考试中都获得了优异的成绩,为查阅英文以及以后撰写英文论文做好了铺垫。



推荐信7 某某同学是我所承担的大三下期专业课“课程名字”这门课的学生,该生上课积极主动,勤于思考,善于提问。课后能够及时复习巩固,学习习惯好,学习态度认真。善于与老师沟通交流。有良好的学习方法和学习品质,专业成绩优秀。该生有梦想,有目标,并且坚定执着,不轻言放弃。他对科研有一定兴趣,在本科生阶段就有意识的培养这方面的潜能,对未来研究生的方向做出一个大致的规划。有较强的责任心和上进心。该生每年多次获得各类奖学金及荣誉称号,综合表现突出,予以推荐,希望审核通过。


推荐信8 某某同学是我所任教的大三下期专业课“课程名字”的学生。他每次上课时都在前排认真学习,与老师互动,学习的主动性和深入性,这点我非常欣赏。作为一名本科生,他没有满足于所学的基础知识,较早的进入实验室了解实验室的基本操作及实验方案。有良好的学习能力和学习习惯。在专业实习中,也虚心认真,表现突出。该生英语能力好,能适应以后阅读写作英语文献,良好的英语运用能力将服务于他以后的研究生学习。该生各方面全面,大学期间参加了学院的学生工作任学生会某部负责人同时参加各项活动比赛,获得了很多奖励。某某同学严格要求自己,基础扎实,对化学学科特别是高分子材料学科有浓厚的兴趣,故推荐到贵校,希望贵校审核通过。


18th september 2009 to whom it may concern, i have known ever since he was an ma student, and since the autumn of 2008 he has been under my supervision as a phd these years, he has attended my courses and seminars in language testing, esl reading theory and practice, psycholinguistics, etc.he has impressed me as an intelligent, hardworking, and highly motivated student with great potential for academic achievement and intellectual independence.i have noticed, much to my pleasure, that he has a strong desire to probe into academically challenging topics and has the kind of determination and perseverance necessary for conducting academic has read, extensively, literature on language testing, corpus linguistics, syntax, pragmatics, second language acquisition, and other related subjects.this, i believe, has equipped him with the necessary theoretical knowledge which will enable him to undertake his planned far he has published, as a co-author, an article on the tagging principles of corpus for english majors, in addition to papers accepted and presented at several national symposiums on the has been heavily involved in two state-funded research projects: construction and applications of corpus for english majors, and assessing spoken english of chinese science and engineering majors: a corpus-based addition, he has also been a major contributor in two university-funded research projects, both of which concern corpus-based studies.his participation in these projects has enabled him to acquire much empirical experience in conducting research work, in particular corpus-based research.yours sincerely, zuo professor of english, college of english language & literature shanghai international studies university 550 dalian rd(w)shanghai 200083 p.r.china e-mail address篇二:出国留学推荐信范例-珍藏版

范例1 计算机教授推荐信 i came to know him in september 1987 when mr.chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters the class he was one of the most outstanding the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading system.i also found him good at other studies.范例2 商管系教授推荐信 though mr.cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often.worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.范例3 法律系教授推荐信 i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an in june 1978.fourth year study, i instructed her in anglo-american laws on i have known her quite well.miss lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second our university and in other university here, 80 is considered a , the highest level.推荐信的份量直接关系到能否出国留学,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和专业方向等情况。在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中,有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一,其份量仅次于于本科成绩单和标准化考试(gre、gmat、toefl)成绩。










推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填i dont know,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。推荐信样例 一(管理)

dear sir/madam: i got to know him personally when he was taking the course--methodology of management research(or methods of management as stated in his transcripts), a course i taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research.then he took one of my other courses--advanced strategic showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five.undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate my knowledge, mr.cai is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities.he was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of dut and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years.he was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--management forum of the dalian management school of dut.after i left dut, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and i am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position.therefore i feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program.i am confident that mr.caib will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the dut.please dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information.truly, yours xxx ________________ 推荐信样例二(计算机)from: fan pu department of the special class gifted for youths university of science and technology hefei, anhui 230026, p.r.china july 1, 1998 dear sir or madam: 我是怎么拿到宾大推荐信、西北、ucla的phd全奖的申请us的econ phd, 说难确实很难。top 10 的program,除了寒冷的明尼苏达,每个学校都会收到约800封申请,竞争约20个席位。完美的gpa,gre,扎实的数学基础和好的本科研究生学校会帮你在第一轮淘汰掉一部分对手,但你不会因此而被录取。除非你有杰出的成就,比如发表过论文,赢过国家级奖学金,剩下唯一能帮你的就是推荐信了。冷淡的推荐信是死亡之吻,而牛逼的推荐信则是免死金牌。

我手上有免死金牌,一块还是两块不知道,但是我在gre<320, econometrics b+的缺陷下跻进我的dream school northwestern university, 一定是因为推荐信。所以说容易也容易,只要有人愿意为你说话。

我的本科学校u of iowa的经济系很小,教授因为各种原因纷纷离开。大三下我掐指一算,教过我的老师只有两个可以要信,还少一封senior faculty的信。前途捉急的时候,scp的老师恰好来iowa 做宣讲会。蹭吃蹭喝之余,听说他们要招助教,而教经济的教授wilfred ethier来自upenn,今年被诺奖提名。我便知道,成全我梦想的那缕东风来了。

申请过程不繁,我递交了简历,特别标注了math tutor的工作经历,拟了求职信 etc。申请是rolling basis, 但我申请的很早,所以还有的挑校区。上海离杭州近,我便选择了上外校区。

当时觉得ta 是个很神秘的工作。虽然我的目的明确—---为了推荐信,但是ta本身的经历也吸引着我,并且最终带给我成长。它要求我上课期间保持12分的专注,对知识点了如指掌。它让我在不断回答问题的过程中体会teaching的艺术性。我的‘学生们’只比我小个一两岁,所以我要掌握好友好和威信的平衡:我记住70多人的名字,鼓励他们,也互相开玩笑,但是考试作弊零分没商量。暑校结束考评的时候,看到他们给我的可爱的打分和评语,我觉得当老师是一件非常幸福的,有成就感的工作。

和教授的相处上,却没有我想的容易。wilfred goes by bill,我便称呼他比尔。他老人家很慢热,加上时差反应剧烈,来上海一周我都没有机会邀请他出去吃饭。他每天就吃花生酱,中午花生酱,晚上花生酱,穿的衣服上也是写着花生酱。一个很聪明,但是很内向的人。我第一周和他交流的机会很少,除了工作上的。和他说话一开始很累,老冷场,但多次尝试之后,我发现了他的喜好。于是从第二周开始对他展开一波又一波进攻,屡屡得手,哈哈。



在和他游玩的过程中,我们有了许多有意义的对话。他看了我的fixed point paper,说it’s very impressive for a junior to write an article like that.我还找机会给他看了我为housing research收集的资料。告诉他我在iowa找不到教授教我做研究,但是我真的很喜欢research,这些都是我空余时间做的。比尔回答,‘读你的东西让我想到自己年轻的时候,i was on my own when i was an undergrad as well.’ 我非常感动。

暑校的时间很短,但我和比尔已经bonded了。不久后开学,我们一直保持邮件联系。我每周都会给他汇报生活,学习情况,和intellectual interests。他有时回,有时不回,三番五次以后我能准确预测他会不会回复。期末考试那周很忙,便没有给他写信,他竟然主动写信给我,说怎么这一阵没有你的消息?申请和生活都有什么进展?

后来我们成了笔友,最少每周来回一封,多时好几封。他的幽默让我捧腹。比尔在我的申请过程中给了很多帮助和金玉良言。他帮我写了一封favorable letter,帮我修改了个人陈述,最重要的是告诉我admission process的内部消息,告诉我过了deadline交材料不要紧,一定要waive right to see letters, gre quan一定要96%以上,verbal没关系,等等等等。我觉得哪怕他的信比重不是很大(毕竟我没有上过他的课),他给我申请过程的种种建议救了我好几命。

没有比尔,我不可能顺利圆梦。没有scp,我也不能认识比尔,收获这份珍贵的友谊。所以特别感谢scp的这次助教机会,让我峰回路转,柳暗花明。篇四:出国留学推荐信范例(巨经典!)我名字叫林蕊,生于1982年,2005年从上海师范大学(shanghai normal university)


我的祖父母和姑姑都是老师,很小的时候就从他们那里知道了很多世界各地的有趣的事情。诺贝尔是我对瑞典的第一印象,因为诺贝尔奖的存在,让我对遥远的瑞典有了一种崇敬。我读的第一个儿童小说就是《pippi》,后来才知道,这是瑞典作家von astrid lindgren的作品。随着年龄的增长,我逐渐知道了越来越多关于北欧,关于瑞典的历史和人文知识。从诺贝尔到圣诞老人,从爱立信到宜家(ikea)。知道得越多,我就越是对瑞典充满了向










2007.3.1 personal statement i am lin rui, born on april 29, 1982.majoring in english at shanghai normal university, i put across my undergraduate program of english in 2005 and obtained a bachelor’s degree of arts at the same view of my insufficiency in current acquisition, i am determined to file for xxx offered by xxx so as to win grandparents and my aunt are engaged in my early years, i got to know a lot of interesting things at every corner of the world from first impression on sweden was nobel prize, because of whose existence, i held a kind of admiration for remote sweden.the first children’s novel that i touched was pippi, which, i latterly knew, was the work of sweden’s writer von astrid lindgren.along with my growth, i gradually acquainted myself with north europe increasingly, like its history and humanistic knowledge, ranging from nobel prize to santa claus and from errison to ikea.the more i understood sweden, the more i yearned for it, hoping that someday i can set foot on this beautiful land.influenced by my grandparents, i was matriculated in shanghai normal university and chose to study english, for i felt that it was a powerful tool for me to understand the the four-year study at the university, i systematically acquired knowledge about english language, laying a sound foundation for listening, speaking, reading and writing in study, i realized that every course would bring me a different gain and all the courses were the cornerstone for the actualization of my ideal.i firmly hold the belief that so long as i studied earnestly and assiduously, i was bound to do a good the university, consecutively winning scholarships of our university, i smoothly passed tem 4 and tem 8 as well as the written part of shanghai advanced english excellent graduate.after my graduation, i serve my employment in regloplas(shanghai)co., mechanism and trade, which is a challenge for me.and i know that if i conquer the challenge, i will make a great enhancement.therefore i avail myself of the time that i can use to thumb through specialized dictionaries and exchange my ideas with seniors in these fields.from the initial ignorance, under my great endeavor, i am now able to deal with the professional kn 推荐信范例


一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面: 1.为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3.对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4.必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。


范例1 计算机教授推荐信 i came to know him in september 1987 when mr.chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters the class he was one of the most outstanding the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading system.i also found him good at other studies.范例2 商管系教授推荐信 though mr.cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often.worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.范例3 法律系教授推荐信 i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an in june 1978.miss lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second our university and in other university here, 80 is considered a , the highest level.推荐信的份量直接关系到能否出国留学,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和专业方向等情况。在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中,有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一,其份量仅次于于本科成绩单和标准化考试(gre、gmat、toefl)成绩。










推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填i dont know,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。推荐信样例 一(管理)

dear sir/madam: i got to know him personally when he was taking the course--methodology of management research(or methods of management as stated in his transcripts), a course i taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research.then he took one of my other courses--advanced strategic showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five.undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.篇五:出国留学推荐信:写法和样例

出国留学推荐信:写法和样例 来源: 冷晶的日志






申请us的econ phd, 说难确实很难。top 10 的program,除了寒冷的明尼苏达,每个学校都会收到约800封申请,竞争约20个席位。完美的gpa,gre,扎实的数学基础和好的本科研究生学校会帮你在第一轮淘汰掉一部分对手,但你不会因此而被录取。除非你有杰出的成就,比如发表过论文,赢过国家级奖学金,剩下唯一能帮你的就是推荐信了。冷淡的推荐信是死亡之吻,而牛逼的推荐信则是免死金牌。

我手上有免死金牌,一块还是两块不知道,但是我在gre<320, econometrics b+的缺陷下跻进我的dream school northwestern university, 一定是因为推荐信。


我的本科学校u of iowa的经济系很小,教授因为各种原因纷纷离开。大三下我掐指一算,教过我的老师只有两个可以要信,还少一封senior faculty的信。前途捉急的时候,scp的老师恰好来iowa 做宣讲会。蹭吃蹭喝之余,听说他们要招助教,而教经济的教授wilfred ethier来自upenn,今年被诺奖提名。我便知道,成全我梦想的那缕东风来了。

当时觉得ta 是个很神秘的工作。虽然我的目的明确—---为了推荐信,但是ta本身的经历也吸引着我,并且最终带给我成长。它要求我上课期间保持12分的专注,对知识点了如指掌。它让我在不断回答问题的过程中体会teaching的艺术性。我的‘学生们’只比我小个一两岁,所以我要掌握好友好和威信的平衡:我记住70多人的名字,鼓励他们,也互相开玩笑,但是考试作弊零分没商量。暑校结束考评的时候,看到他们给我的可爱的打分和评语,我觉得当老师是一件非常幸福的,有成就感的工作。


在和他游玩的过程中,我们有了许多有意义的对话。他看了我的fixed point paper,说it’s very impressive for a junior to write an article like that.我还找机会给他看了我为housing research收集的资料。告诉他我在iowa找不到教授教我做研究,但是我真的很喜欢research,这些都是我空余时间做的。比尔回答,‘读你的东西让我想到自己年轻的时候,i was on my own when i was an undergrad as well.’ 我非常感动。

暑校的时间很短,但我和比尔已经bonded了。不久后开学,我们一直保持邮件联系。我每周都会给他汇报生活,学习情况,和intellectual interests。他有时回,有时不回,三番五次以后我能准确预测他会不会回复。期末考试那周很忙,便没有给他写信,他竟然主动写信给我,说怎么这一阵没有你的消息?申请和生活都有什么进展?

后来我们成了笔友,最少每周来回一封,多时好几封。他的幽默让我捧腹。比尔在我的申请过程中给了很多帮助和金玉良言。他帮我写了一封favorable letter,帮我修改了个人陈述,最重要的是告诉我admission process的内部消息,告诉我过了deadline交材料不要紧,一定要waive right to see letters, gre quan一定要96%以上,verbal没关系,等等等等。我觉得哪怕他的信比重不是很大(毕竟我没有上过他的课),他给我申请过程的种种建议救了我好几命。






18th september 2009 to whom it may concern, i have known ever since he was an ma student, and since the autumn of 2008 he has been under my supervision as a phd these years, he has attended my courses and seminars in language testing, esl reading theory and practice, psycholinguistics, etc.he has impressed me as an intelligent, hardworking, and highly motivated student with great potential for academic achievement and intellectual independence.i have noticed, much to my pleasure, that he has a strong desire to probe into academically challenging topics and has the kind of determination and perseverance necessary for conducting academic has read, extensively, literature on language testing, corpus linguistics, syntax, pragmatics, second language acquisition, and other related subjects.this, i believe, has equipped him with the necessary theoretical knowledge which will enable him to undertake his planned far he has published, as a co-author, an article on the tagging principles of corpus for english majors, in addition to papers accepted and presented at several national symposiums on the has been heavily involved in two state-funded research projects: construction and applications of corpus for english majors, and assessing spoken english of chinese science and engineering majors: a corpus-based addition, he has also been a major contributor in two university-funded research projects, both of which concern corpus-based studies.his participation in these projects has enabled him to acquire much empirical experience in conducting research work, in particular corpus-based research.yours sincerely, zuo professor of english, college of english language & literature shanghai international studies university 550 dalian rd(w)shanghai 200083 p.r.china e-mail address篇二:英文推荐信 国外 名校


dear sir or madam: my name is ru han li, a student studying a-level courses at beijing royal school(brs).i intend to spend my college years in a british university by the end of september 2006 for my higher education at the same time to develop my scientific skill since i love to have a career in the field of chemical engineering.ive made up mind to read for a bachelor degree in chemical engineering in uk.the education in uk is well developed.the universities have perfect facilities with a long history and with some kind of strong financial and economic support.the shorter period of courses also attract me.last but not the least, conscientious study atmosphere and the rich culture of this beautiful country, always inspiring my desire for further studies in uk i would be grateful if you could give my application your favorable consideration.i am looking forward to hearing from you in the future.with all my best regards, yours truly ru han li 推荐信

reference in support of ruhans application three years ago, i returned china from cambridge university where i had studied for my phd in physical chemistry and then worked for over 10 years, to establish a british type school, is very responsible as well as pleasant person.he has helped many students in many aspects.he has helped his teachers in organizing some class or school activities.he concerns about the elder and the weak people.i also know that he came from a famous provincial key school in sichuan province.this school selects 1000 out of about 300000 students in that the key school he received a lot of awards and honors such as most outstanding student awards i am glad to have such a bright boy as my student.he is a promising student to achieve aaa/b for math, physics and chemistry in a-level exams.he will have every success in his future study and career.he deserves the high quality university education in the word.her application has my strongest support.if you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact me.sincerely yours, yuyan liu, phd cambridge university headmaster of beijing royal school national distinguished university and research professor of physics ①scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能)a.native intellectual ability(天赋)b.imagination(想像力)c.creativity(创造力)d.capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)e.intellectual curiosity或spirit of inquiry(好奇心)f.ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)g.memory(记忆力)h.accuracy(精确性)i.methodology(研究方法)j.capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)k.potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)l.potential as teacher(教学的潜力)m.ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)n.capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(是否有获致学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)o.probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)②academic performance(学业上的表现)a.breadth of general knowledge(知识是否丰富)b.knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)c.grade or achievement(成绩或成就)d.industry;diligence(勤勉)e.participation in discussion(讨论是否积极)f.academic maturity(学业上的成熟)③languages(语言能力)a.ability to speak, understand, read and write the english language(说、听、读、写英文的能力)b.ability to read significant literature in other languages than english(英语以外的语言能力)④character(品行)a.honesty;integrity(诚实)b.sincerity(诚恳)c.sense of responsibility(责任感)d.coorperation(合作)e.enthusiasm(热诚)f.conscientiousness(自觉性)g.ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)h.reliability;dependability(可靠性)i.concern for others(关怀他人)j.patience(耐心)k.perseverance(恒心)l.seriousness of purpose(求学认真) habits(工作习惯)n.initiative(主动性)o.record of disciplinary action or misconduct(曾受弄罚或品行不良纪录)⑤ personality(个性)a.amiability;amicability(和蔼)b.cheerfulness(愉快)c.ability to work with others(能否与他人相处)⑥ motivation(动力)a.internal drive for exellence(好胜心)b.objective defined(有无确定的目标)c.capability of sustained independent work(长期独立工作的能力)d.motivation to pursue graduate study(进入研究所的决心)⑦ leadership ability(领导才能)⑧ emotion(情绪)a.emotional maturity(心理成熟)b.emotional balance(情绪稳定)c.emotional adjustment(情绪调节能力)d.temper(脾气)⑨ health(健康)a.physical health(身体健康)b.mental health(精神健康)c.physical defects(生理缺陷)英文推荐信范文

sample 1: to whom it may concern: i have had the distinct pleasure of having kaya stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at eastern little hope high school.kaya has been more than the ideal order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.the academics at eastern little hope are most challenging, and kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses.kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater.she has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments.success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills.kaya also holds the degree of special distinction, as a member of the national forensic league.respectfully submitted, dan peel, ph.d.sample 2: michael’s leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to these programs, most of which have been started from the ground up.sincerely, john flester sample 3: to whom it may concern: i must also make note of cheri’s exceptional academic performance.out of a class of 150 students, cheri graduated with honors in the top 10.her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus.if your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, cheri is an excellent choice.she has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face.sincerely, professor william dot sample 4: to whom it may concern: mba degree for some time now and i feel that he would be an excellent candidate for your esteemed program.during his time here, andrew has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success.his efforts have produced high quality results time and time again.last year, andrew developed and successfully implemented a plan to streamline our production department.the plan was a major undertaking, requiring a great deal of thought and effort on andrew’s behalf.sincerely, john thomas operations manager tri-state directories sample 5: to whom it may concern: approximately two years and feel that she is a deserving candidate for your business school program.jane joined our organization as an entry-level customer service representative.demonstrating an incredible initiative and a strong dedication, she moved up the ranks quickly.after only six months, she was promoted to team leader.the board could not help but notice how successful she was in her new position and quickly offered her another promotion, making her part of the executive management team.jane leads by example and many people here find her enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and part of the executive management team, jane has worked hard to build authentic relationships with the employees.her efforts have created a happier and more productive team.sincerely, do’s ? ? ? ? ? ? you may need to use it again in the future.don’ts ? ? ? ? ? ? ? valuable resource.good letters vs bad letters 出国留学推荐信范文英文版 dear colleagues: in september, 2004, miss zhang was my students in general biology, the first professional course they take in the field.she likes it very much.i teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions.miss zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas.she never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical.apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for granted.sincerely yours, prof.×××篇五:我是如何拿到宾大推荐信、西北、ucla的phd全奖的我是怎么拿到宾大推荐信、西北、ucla的phd全奖的申请us的econ phd, 说难确实很难。top 10 的program,除了寒冷的明尼苏达,每个学校都会收到约800封申请,竞争约20个席位。完美的gpa,gre,扎实的数学基础和好的本科研究生学校会帮你在第一轮淘汰掉一部分对手,但你不会因此而被录取。除非你有杰出的成就,比如发表过论文,赢过国家级奖学金,剩下唯一能帮你的就是推荐信了。冷淡的推荐信是死亡之吻,而牛逼的推荐信则是免死金牌。

我手上有免死金牌,一块还是两块不知道,但是我在gre<320, econometrics b+的缺陷下跻进我的dream school northwestern university, 一定是因为推荐信。所以说容易也容易,只要有人愿意为你说话。

我的本科学校u of iowa的经济系很小,教授因为各种原因纷纷离开。大三下我掐指一算,教过我的老师只有两个可以要信,还少一封senior faculty的信。前途捉急的时候,scp的老师恰好来iowa 做宣讲会。蹭吃蹭喝之余,听说他们要招助教,而教经济的教授wilfred ethier来自upenn,今年被诺奖提名。我便知道,成全我梦想的那缕东风来了。

申请过程不繁,我递交了简历,特别标注了math tutor的工作经历,拟了求职信 etc。申请是rolling basis, 但我申请的很早,所以还有的挑校区。上海离杭州近,我便选择了上外校区。

当时觉得ta 是个很神秘的工作。虽然我的目的明确—---为了推荐信,但是ta本身的经历也吸引着我,并且最终带给我成长。它要求我上课期间保持12分的专注,对知识点了如指掌。它让我在不断回答问题的过程中体会teaching的艺术性。我的‘学生们’只比我小个一两岁,所以我要掌握好友好和威信的平衡:我记住70多人的名字,鼓励他们,也互相开玩笑,但是考试作弊零分没商量。暑校结束考评的时候,看到他们给我的可爱的打分和评语,我觉得当老师是一件非常幸福的,有成就感的工作。

和教授的相处上,却没有我想的容易。wilfred goes by bill,我便称呼他比尔。他老人家很慢热,加上时差反应剧烈,来上海一周我都没有机会邀请他出去吃饭。他每天就吃花生酱,中午花生酱,晚上花生酱,穿的衣服上也是写着花生酱。一个很聪明,但是很内向的人。我第一周和他交流的机会很少,除了工作上的。和他说话一开始很累,老冷场,但多次尝试之后,我发现了他的喜好。于是从第二周开始对他展开一波又一波进攻,屡屡得手,哈哈。



在和他游玩的过程中,我们有了许多有意义的对话。他看了我的fixed point paper,说it’s very impressive for a junior to write an article like that.我还找机会给他看了我为housing research收集的资料。告诉他我在iowa找不到教授教我做研究,但是我真的很喜欢research,这些都是我空余时间做的。比尔回答,‘读你的东西让我想到自己年轻的时候,i was on my own when i was an undergrad as well.’ 我非常感动。

暑校的时间很短,但我和比尔已经bonded了。不久后开学,我们一直保持邮件联系。我每周都会给他汇报生活,学习情况,和intellectual interests。他有时回,有时不回,三番五次以后我能准确预测他会不会回复。期末考试那周很忙,便没有给他写信,他竟然主动写信给我,说怎么这一阵没有你的消息?申请和生活都有什么进展? 后来我们成了笔友,最少每周来回一封,多时好几封。他的幽默让我捧腹。比尔在我的申请过程中给了很多帮助和金玉良言。他帮我写了一封favorable letter,帮我修改了个人陈述,最重要的是告诉我admission process的内部消息,告诉我过了deadline交材料不要紧,一定要waive right to see letters, gre quan一定要96%以上,verbal没关系,等等等等。我觉得哪怕他的信比重不是很大(毕竟我没有上过他的课),他给我申请过程的种种建议救了我好几命。没有比尔,我不可能顺利圆梦。没有scp,我也不能认识比尔,收获这份珍贵的友谊。所以特别感谢scp的这次助教机会,让我峰回路转,柳暗花明。


18th september 2009 to whom it may concern, i have known ever since he was an ma student, and since the autumn of 2008 he has been under my supervision as a phd these years, he has attended my courses and seminars in language testing, esl reading theory and practice, psycholinguistics, etc.he has impressed me as an intelligent, hardworking, and highly motivated student with great potential for academic achievement and intellectual independence.i have noticed, much to my pleasure, that he has a strong desire to probe into academically challenging topics and has the kind of determination and perseverance necessary for conducting academic has read, extensively, literature on language testing, corpus linguistics, syntax, pragmatics, second language acquisition, and other related subjects.this, i believe, has equipped him with the necessary theoretical knowledge which will enable him to undertake his planned far he has published, as a co-author, an article on the tagging principles of corpus for english majors, in addition to papers accepted and presented at several national symposiums on the has been heavily involved in two state-funded research projects: construction and applications of corpus for english majors, and assessing spoken english of chinese science and engineering majors: a corpus-based addition, he has also been a major contributor in two university-funded research projects, both of which concern corpus-based studies.his participation in these projects has enabled him to acquire much empirical experience in conducting research work, in particular corpus-based research.yours sincerely, zuo professor of english, college of english language & literature shanghai international studies university 550 dalian rd(w)shanghai 200083 p.r.china e-mail address篇二:出国留学_推荐信范文模板





“西北大学交换时的一封牛推对我的申请起到了关键作用。(哥大ieor ”phd,gre仅1200分)




进步,终于获得了参加其研究的机会,于是,一封推荐信水到渠成。另外,笔者选修某教授的课程,坚持每个office hour时间都去讨论一些问题。(注意,一点小的经验是这些问题要可持续讨论,比如做点改进后下周再去)结果顺利拿到暑期项目机会,另一封推荐信搞定。如此,笔者没有开口索要,反而教授们在得知我要申请时都主动提出为我撰写推荐信。因此,推荐信的索取是一个长期的,动态的过程,要考验一个人的机智、策略和耐心。推荐信的索取往往是困难的,在无数次想放弃的时候,都需要坚定的信念来支撑。殊不知,推荐信的价值恰恰在于它的难度,不是每个人都能弄到有价值的推荐信。如果老师不了解你,或者除了上课以外并无其它关联,一封推荐信上只有某某学习努力,经常提问,在我的课上考的前三名这样的话是没有多大力度的。俗话说,“攻心为上”,如果老师真的愿意帮你,写出来的推荐信还是不一样的。


以上是我对推荐信的索取和撰写的一点个人心得,希望对大家有所帮助。申请的工作是一项系统工程,不要过问某项是否有价值,有多少价值,尽心走好每一步就是了,因为你永远不可能提前知道到底什么会提到关键性的作用。保持一种良好的心态才是制胜的关键。may 4, 2009 dear sir or madam, during studies at university, he is enthusiastic for every specialized course.with a diligent and surefooted attitude and striving for excellence, judging from these qualities, i believe that the young boy will make brilliant records in future studies.i fully support his application, and i will appreciate if you take him application into serious consideration.标准的出国留学推荐信范文

confronting difficult challenges.温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。serving as his thesis advisor,i had a first-hand opportunity to observe the way in which wangs mind his senor thesis, mainly discussed two challenging questions in regards to″ann″.in our books in china,knowledge of ann and its uses are very rare.few people in china have studied this topic and consequently,the materials that are available on ann are limited.working on this difficult project,not only did rise to the challenge,but he went above and beyond the call of duty to analyze his secondary sources and test them for accuracy in this wayhe found mistakes in the book that 通过上面对标准的出国留学推荐信范文的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好申请美国研究生的准备和规划。



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