
时间:2019-05-14 18:43:35下载本文作者:会员上传


Title :

Don’t forget to make time for yourself

Author(s)/Date of access /URL(or Resources):

Unknown Article

Do you feel busy with things to do but feel like you don’t get enough “personal” time ? There are so many things that can keep us occupied;such as career, family and friends.Although your responsibilities may sometimes seem overwhelming, you can create more time for yourself.It is important to create some “me time”.If you’d like to carve out a piece of your life just for you, take a look at these ideas and inspirations.1.Consider arising an hour earlier in the morning.Even if you’re not sure this method will work for you, try it just a few days a week.Mornings can be quiet and interruption-free, which make them an ideal time to indulge in your favorite activities.? Try reading a good novel for an hour, practicing meditation, or even doing artwork.You’ll feel nourished if you engage in some of these pleasures without phones ringing or someone needing your attention.2.Use your evenings just before bed.If you have young children, perhaps you can put them in bed a couple of hours before you retire for the night.Late evening can be ideal for capturing some personal time.Although you might normally use that time to complete chores or other pressing activities, consider making at least one night a week sacred and uninterruptable.This evening is just for you to enjoy your personal activities.3.For those who love to read, don’t leave home without your current book.You’ll be surprised at the minutes you can capture throughout a day to read a page or two.If you’re allowed some 15 minute breaks at work, but often don’t take them, try using some of them to catch up on your reading.Riding public transportation can also bring opportunities to read during your commute to and from work.4.Train yourself to find and appreciate visual beauty wherever you are.Perhaps you often hurry from place to place or task to task.In doing so, you may miss noticing something beautiful right in front of you.Make a point of savoring the richness of nature.For example, during your walk to the public transportation area, maybe flowers, bushes, and trees surround you.Perhaps you hear birds calling or feel the warm sun on your skin.Growing plants provide one of nature’s greatest shows.Watch as they change throughout the seasons.5.Use technology to find time for yourself.If you’re a technology aficionado, you most likely have discovered the many ways of gaining personal time through technology.Use your favorite gadget to listen to music, hear a podcast, or view a short video.This will help you capture personal time throughout your day.You can learn a foreign language or delve into various other subjects using your mp3 player or smart phone.6.Talk with your partner.Being part of a loving partnership can be helpful when looking to find some personal time.Talk with your partner about your need to find more personal time to pursue activities that interest you.Negotiate a couple of hours weekly to do whatever your heart desires.Agree that your partner gets an equal amount of personal time as well.You’ll both be pleased with the mutual arrangement for more “me time.” You can help protect each other’s sacred time from interruptions, and give each other the gift of better quality time alone.7.Get a babysitter.Single parents can call on a friend, family member or neighbor to trade babysitting for a few hours a week.An agreement like this one ensures you’ll receive your special time each week and so will your friend, family member or neighbor.Making time for your needs might not seem easy at first.However, with some planning and creative thinking, you can capture a few hours a week to engage in activities you truly enjoy.Consider the ideas above as you pursue your personal time.After all, you deserve it!Ⅰ.Information about your reading The reasons why you selected the article(≥20 words)______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

The amount you spent reading the article __________________________________________

Ⅱ.Comments on the article

ⅰ.Note down five useful words you learned from your reading and translate them into Chinese.1.overwhelming

2.carve out 3.interruption-free 4.chore 5.__

ⅱ.Note down five useful expressions you learned from your reading and make one sentence for each expression.1.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________

(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________

(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________

(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________

(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________

(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Ⅲ.Choose any one among the four topics to finish a short paragragh more than 60 words, including at least half of the words and expressions mentioned in the two parts above.a.What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

b.What is the part of the article that had the greatest impact on you? Why? c.Is the writing effective, powerful, peaceful or beautiful? d.What new facts did you learn that you hadn’t known before? e.If you could talk to the author, what would you say?

f.What did you learn about yourself as a result of reading this article? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Title :Don’t forget to make time for yourself

Author(s)/Date of access /URL(or Resources):Unknown

ArticleDo you feel busy with things to do but feel like you don’t get enough “personal” time ?There are so many things that can keep us occupied;such as career, family and friends.Although your responsibilities may sometimes seem overwhelming, you can create more time for yourself.It is important to create some “me time”.If you’d like to carve out a piece of your life just for you, take a look at these ideas and inspirations.1.Consider arising an hour earlier in the morning.Even if you’re not sure this method will work for you, try it just a few days a week.Mornings can be quiet and interruption-free, which make them an ideal time to indulge in your favorite activities.? Try reading a good novel for an hour, practicing meditation, or even doing artwork.You’ll feel nourished if you engage in some of these pleasures without phones ringing or someone needing your attention.2.Use your evenings just before bed.If you have young children, perhaps you can put them in bed a couple of hours before you retire for the night.Late evening can be ideal for capturing some personal time.Although you might normally use that time to complete chores or other pressing activities, consider making at least one night a week sacred and uninterruptable.This evening is just for you to enjoy your personal activities.3.For those who love to read, don’t leave home without your current book.You’ll be surprised at the minutes you can capture throughout a day to read a page or two.If you’re allowed some 15 minute breaks at work, but often don’t take them, try using some of them to catch up on your reading.Riding public transportation can also bring opportunities to read during your commute to and from work.4.Train yourself to find and appreciate visual beauty wherever you are.Perhaps you often hurry from place to place or task to task.In doing so, you may miss noticing something beautiful right in front of you.Make a point of savoring the richness of nature.For example, during your walk to the public transportation area, maybe flowers, bushes, and trees surround you.Perhaps you hear birds calling or feel the warm sun on your skin.Growing plants provide one of nature’s greatest shows.Watch as they change throughout the seasons.5.Use technology to find time for yourself.If you’re a technology aficionado, you most likely have discovered the many ways of gaining personal time through technology.Use your favorite gadget to listen to music, hear a podcast, or view a short video.This will help you capture personal time throughout your day.You can learn a foreign language or delve into various other subjects using your mp3 player or smart phone.6.Talk with your partner.Being part of a loving partnership can be helpful when looking to find some personal time.Talk with your partner about your need to find more personal time to pursue activities that interest you.Negotiate a couple of hours weekly to do whatever your heart desires.Agree that your partner gets an equal amount of personal time as well.You’ll both be pleased with the mutual arrangement for more “me time.” You can help protect each other’s sacred time from interruptions, and give each other the gift of better quality time alone.7.Get a babysitter.Single parents can call on a friend, family member or neighbor to trade babysitting for a few hours a week.An agreement like this one ensures you’ll receive your special time each week and so will your friend, family member or neighbor.Making time for your needs might not seem easy at first.However, with some planning and creative thinking, you can capture a few hours a week to engage in activities you truly enjoy.Consider the ideas above as you pursue your personal time.After all, you deserve it!

Ⅰ.Information about your reading

The reasons why you selected the article(≥20 words)

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

The amount you spent reading the article __________________________________________

Ⅱ.Comments on the article

ⅰ.Note down five useful words you learned from your reading and translate them into Chinese.1.overwhelming2.carve out3.interruption-free 4.chore 5.__

ⅱ.Note down five useful expressions you learned from your reading and make one sentence for each expression.1.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

3.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

4.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

5.(useful expression and translation)_____________________________________________(sentence you made)________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Ⅲ.Choose any one among the four topics to finish a short paragragh more than 60 words, including at least half of the words and expressions mentioned in the two parts above.a.What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

b.What is the part of the article that had the greatest impact on you? Why?

c.Is the writing effective, powerful, peaceful or beautiful?

d.What new facts did you learn that you hadn’t known before?

e.If you could talk to the author, what would you say?

f.What did you learn about yourself as a result of reading this article?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________



One twenty in the morning, the plane landed in Paris, under the snow outside, there are two older has a fever,there are a few boys who do not speak English found what they want anxiously, and there are some people lethargy after sitting twenty hours of plane, However, I was so exciting because this is my first time abroad and the first time I went to Europe where I always dreamed of.I bounce to the hotel, ready to sleep when suddenly find that I forgot to take contact

lens care solution.In desperation, I can only sleep one night wearing glasses.Early

optical shops after I next morning, I found Countless alley.I a was crossed

dumbfounded when I saw all kinds of glasses, but can not find a bottle of liquid, the waitress is very enthusiastic with the French and I did not know how to express contact lens care solution.I said:” I want to buy a bottle of glasses caring water” and I figured my eyes embarrassingly.The witress gave me a Glasses cleaning fluid and I used it for Storing contact lenses.Eyes were stinging tears when I put the contact lenses in my eyes.Finally, I had to buy a new pair of glasses with my influent English.Since then, I began frantically learning English and understanding the culture of every country.I think we should become an international standard in today's era of globalization So as to better see the world, our life easy


Her chin always down slightly, attached to the blue and white scarves, looks

the some charming.Her black and hair submissively lie on

build, white plaid woolen coat, looks very serene.Medium forty-year-old looks like.When her piercing eyes fixed on the student’s work on her hand, her lips closed, serious and solemn.However,when this bright eyes look at us, kind of smile is often exposed mouth.Her voice always reminds me of Broadway's American comedian, full

magnetic and self-assured,bringing us laughter, like

morning Magpies’s song is

love to listen to her own story, just of always a always so pleasant.I’d like to see a dedicated actor with exaggerated facial

expressions and vivid interpretation of a particular movie scene, with the waving hands, locking eyebrows, and pouting, very cute!When she lectures to us, it’s easy for us to follow her, but I always feel a little Ningxia taste in her English, a little intimate and a little strange!Oh..This is the most lovely English teacher I ever seen!Ms.Lee!





Section A(请将题号1— 35 题的答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上)

Part I.Reading Comprehension(30%)

Directions: There are 3 passages in this part.Each is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Part II.Vocabulary(10%)

Directions: There’re 20 incomplete sentences, for each one there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the most appropriate to complete them.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line in pencil through the center.课后练习

Part IIITranslation(20%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English and English to Chinese.5个英语句子,5个汉语句子,都是课文里的Part IVWriting(10%)





关键词: 初中英语




























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