
时间:2019-05-14 19:12:52下载本文作者:会员上传


The euthanasia The fast advance of medicine and life–extending technologies enable life to be prolonged.The euthanasia has been becoming the hot topic around the world, and questioned discussion about its legalization occurs at home and abroad.In my opinion, the euthanasia is mercy.It can help hopeless ill patients to dead qucikly,relieve them from the pain , For these people,the quality of life is the foundation value of life.For these patients who can never be cured, death is unavoidable to them, so the euthanasia is the best way to let them away from great pain.And these patients have to suffer from the pain, at the same time, their family members have to stand the expensive medical expenses and the great hurt mentally,“We mustn't delay any longer … swallowing is difficult … and breathing, that's also difficult.Those muscles are weakening too … we mustn't delay any longer.”the words from a Dutchman asked his doctor to help him die.At that time ,he was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly get worse.Therefore,it's merciful for the doctors to help these patience come to an end of their life with the euthanasia.In addition, to reduce the pain of the patients is one of the doctors' duty, so euthanasia.is moral.To be frank, everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny, such as refuse any cure.And thus right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death, even when it's necessary to ask somebody else to end their life.In a word.I want to call on the legitimization of the euthanasia.let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible.





Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues in the world of medicine.As the picture given above depicts, a late-stage cancer patient is terminally-ill, asking the doctors for mercy killing.But the doctors look deeply embarrassed, feeling helpless because they are at a loss what to do about it.The picture really sets me thinking.It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing.Some people think that physician-assisted suicide can relieve dying patients of unbearable pain and suffering.They maintain that as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, he has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death.Others are strongly opposed to physician-assisted suicide.They contend that a doctor has no right to give a patient sufficie nt medication to control his pain if that may hasten death.They conclude that

it is illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.As far as I’m concerned, doctors have a duty to help dying patients to alleviate their pain and suffering.I also agree that doctors deserve to be punished if they prolong the needless suffering of their terminally-ill patients.In short, I am in favor of mercy killing.(207 words)






The protagonist of the “Death doctor” is a very special doctor, his work is send these people who are suffering pain and incurable patients calm into heaven, rather than to save the dying patients.However, his practice is contrary to the traditional values of the United States, therefore, it’s controversial and criticized.The furore was over when jack has been sentenced to prison.However, the debate on euthanasia is still continuing.This is a film that deals with medical reform and euthanasia.The biggest argument in the film is the right to life and death, especially death.According to customary law, suicide is indeed a crime.Jack argues that this is a chaotic medieval darkness, should be completely abandoned, the process of law is too slow, euthanasia in many countries such as Europe have been supported, why in the United States which claims to be dominated by democracy and freedom, is still subject to those stupid medieval customary law, subject to people backward thinking.Everyone has the freedom to pursue a better life, and everyone has the power to choose the end of life.From the humanitarian point of view, I can not deny the correctness of euthanasia.The ultimate pain of the body will completely deprive all the meaning and pleasure of a person's life, which is not the same as the spiritual distortions.It's hard to imagine that you're still trying to accuse her of violating ethics by calling her immoral.The health of the disease before and after the twisted shape formed a very sharp contrast.In any case are not cured, linger to live, it is better to leave as soon as possible calm.As a doctor, he knows how to respect life.And the young athlete, because after the injury can not continue his beloved movement, which into a severe depression, that life is meaningless, he asked to be euthanized, but the application was rejected by Jack.As a doctor, he still knows how precious his life is.Now, there are many Chinese who need Jack's death doctor to “save” the people, but how many relatives agree with the patient as early as heaven? I think life is not how long can be happy, is whether to do their own responsibility, only their own responsibility to do so before they can be worthy of the day, overlooking ashamed.I do not want euthanasia to get the support of the majority, but if that day really comes, I have nothing to complain about, because everyone has their own choice, and I will respect what they think is the right choice.





The mercy-killing has been becoming the hot topic around the world,and fierce discussion about its legalization occurs at home and abroad.In my opinion,the mercy-killing should be legalized.For these patients who can never be cured,death is unavoidable to them,so putting the mercy-killing into practice is the best way to let them get rid of the great pain.And these patients have to suffer from the pain,at the same time,their family members have to stand the burdens economically or mentally,as a result,their family bread down.Therefore,it's merciful for the doctors to help these patience come to an end of their life with the mercy-killing.In addition,to reduce the pain of the patients is one of the doctors' duty,so mercy-killing is moral.To be frank,everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny,such as refuse any cure.And thus right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death,even when it's necessary to ask somebody else to end their life.Therefore,again,I want to call on the legitimization of the mercy-killing to let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible,aimed at letting them live beautifully as well as die with dignity.


Topic: Euthanasia should be legalized.Tagore once said: let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves.Death should not be a process which is passive, desperate, filled with endless suffering instead it could be active, peaceful and decent.Euthanasia grants those who struggle with terminal illness or incurable morbidity merciful death, reflecting respect for autonomy of life.According to the modern medical ethics, social morality and the fundamental spirit of the criminal law and the constitution, therefore we have reasons to believe that euthanasia is reasonable and should be legalized from the perspective of philosophy, ethics and law.(97)

Firstly, euthanasia is beneficial to those who suffer from fatal illness from a philosophical perspective.As we know, it is the degree of happiness rather than the length of life that embodies the life value.Obviously, euthanasia is a wiser and happier choice compared with living in long-term anguish, helplessness and mortal fear.Furthermore, people enjoy the right to live as well as the right to die, so the legalization of the euthanasia reflects respect for people’s life, personality and dignity.(81)

Besides philosophical rationality, euthanasia also conforms to the modern medical ethics and social ethics.Bacon once said:A doctor's duty is not only to cure diseases of the patients, but also to alleviate their suffering and sorrow.For the hopeless patients, advanced medical technologies just delay the breakdown, prolonging physical and mental suffering of them, increasing the psychological and economic burden of their family, squandering pharmaceutical resources of our society, in some way, violating the modern medical ethics and social ethics.(82)

The main focus of euthanasia controversy should rests on whether it constitute a crime or not,not on its philosophical or ethical rationality.In my opinion, the implementation of euthanasia does not violate criminal policy.Firstly, the essence of crime is its serious harm to our society.Obviously, euthanasia isn’t harmful to our society.By contrast, it benefits our society for saving pharmaceutical resources.Moreover, the purpose of legislation is to maintain the social order and ensure the normal life of the citizens so punishment about euthanasia is unnecessary.(90)



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