A Rose for Emily书评

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第一篇:A Rose for Emily书评

Book Review of A Rose for Emily--The Conflicts between Old and New A Rose for Emily is a masterpiece written by William Faulkner with sort of Gothic style.This short story is too abundant to penetrate completely.Therefore, I would like choose a perspective—the conflicts between old and new to discuss about.Change is a natural rule as same as life and death.While, at the beginning of the new thing emerging, the old generation always defenses the ancient tradition with total efforts.In this short story, Emily is a symbol of old traditions of South.She sticks to her family honor and turns down everything fresh.We can see that from these typical conflicts I select below.The first conflict—tax affair was appeared in para.5.At the first sentence ―when the next generation, with its more modern ideas… this arrangement created some little dissatisfaction.‖ The new generation can’t permit Emily to be free from taxes.They invoked the challenge, ―they mailed her a tax‖, while the old fought back—―and there was no reply‖.In the fires round, the new generation got a disappointment.Then in para.6, the second round started.The government set up a special meeting

to save their first failure.Finally, they decided to dispatch a deputation to persuade Emily face to face.―Knocked at the door through which no visitors had passed since eight or ten years earlier‖ illuminates that the hostess of this house eludes the historic revolution.It was the old Negro not Emily herself who handled their reception.Next, the description of Emily’s house makes people feel creep.―It smelled of dust and disuse‖ ―It was furnished in heavy, leather-covered furniture‖ ―the leather was cracked‖ etc.Especially, a profound ―stood‖ in the last sentence when picturing the crayon portrait of Emily’s father illustrates that the old thoughts were still alive.Para.7 has the first appearance of Emily.―They rose when she entered.‖ They ―rose‖ may be out of their respect to the old cultural Emily stood for, or may be because they were surprised by Emily’s appearance.―a small, fat woman in black‖ ―a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt‖ shows that she hated changing.―She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water‖ This magical sketch makes people’s hair stand on the end.The old thoughts were degrading but the old warrior didn’t vanish.Para.8 exposes Emily’s distasteful attitude towards new thoughts.―She did not ask them to sit.‖ The ―just‖ explains the absolute arrogance of

Emily, it causes that ―the spokesman came to a stumbling halt‖.Although the conflict hadn’t started yet, Emily occupied the superiority.Para9—15 is a fierce argument between Emily and deputation.―Her voice was dry and cold‖.The repetition of ―I have no taxes in Jefferson‖ accounts for the ―dry‖ and ―I received a paper, yes‖ ―Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff‖ and ―See Colonel Sartoris‖ ―Show these gentlemen out‖ demonstrates the ―cold‖.―dry‖ and ―cold‖ also mean that she despises newfangled stuffs.Para.16 is a transition.In first conflict, ―she vanquished them, horse and foot‖, then it naturally leads into the second conflict ―she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before and the smell.Chronologically, the second conflict happened earlier than the first.Para.17 gives the background of ―the smell‖ affair –―her father’s death‖ ―her sweetheart went away.‖ These two disasters create suspense to readers.What’s the relationship between them and ―the smell‖?

Para.18—22, the author drug out ―the smell‖ affair from women’s complaints.―the mayor‖ who was ―eighty years old‖ expressed his incapability—―what will you have me do about it?‖ The mayor is also a

protector of old generation.Therefore, he made a negative decision on handling ―the smell‖ problem.Para23—25, town people showed their dissatisfaction again.―One from a man who came in different deprecation‖ narrates his fear towards the judge.―One younger man, a member of the rising generation‖ made a more powerful utterance.Obviously, Judge Stevens disliked ―the younger man’s‖ bold tone, so he said ―Dammit, sir‖ to disapproved of him.Para.26 says how the town people solved the ―smell‖ problem.Without the endorsement from government, four men determined to handle this difficulty by themselves.From the view of a long distance away, they were ―like burglars‖ ―sniffing along the base of the brickwork‖ ―one of them performed a regular sowing motion.‖ Until now, readers might understand what they doing were.Suddenly, the author cuts shot closer.―a window that had been dark was delighted and Miss Emily sat in it…her upright torso motionless as that of an idol.‖ This portrait of Emily truly scares me.She saw the invasion of someone else, perhaps she has already collapsed mentally, and hence she did nothing but sat like a stone.In this conflict, the new generation won.After all, ―after a week or two the smell went away‖.Besides the occurrence I analyzed above, the love tragedy between Emily and Homer Barron also can be considered as the consequence of the conflict between North and South.In this novel, Emily symbolizes the South, old and tradition, the Yankee represents the North, new and modern.Both young guys might be interested in each other when they first meet.But they possess altogether different values or concept of lives.So they inevitably separated before long.The conflict between the two partners symbolizes the conflict between the South and the North.And the absurd murder aggravates the contradictions.When I finished reading the story, a sincere sympathy emerges in my mind.Emily is totally a tragedy of the old traditions.She is a prisoner of the past, of the social and moral taboos of the South.In our daily life, everything is changing everyday.As an individual, we can only adapt ourselves to the protean environment and should learn to accept new things.In the war of ―new against old‖, the former always is the winner by the test of history.


外国语言学及应用语言学 2012132077号 姜作超

Introduction to Contemporary Syntax(当代句法学导论)is written by Professor Wen Binli of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.It is a book for English learners who are beginners of syntax.This book introduces the dominant theory of contemporary syntax study------Chomsky’s Government and Binding Theory, or the Principle and Parameter System before the publication of his “the Minimalist Program” in 1995.By using plain language, Professor Wen Binli elaborated various theoretical components: Theta Theory, X-bar Theory, Binding Theory, Control Theory, Government Theory and Bounding Theory.This book consists of twelve chapters, each chapter permeates with each other, and the content is systematic and cohesive.The first chapter is a brief introduction to the whole book, in which the author discusses some theoretical problems about the study of language.In this chapter the author discusses the relationship between language study and language theory, introduces two method and three methodological principles of language study, and explains the main content of this book and several problems about the edition of this book.The second chapter is about category classification and some basic syntactic concepts.This chapter describes three issues: word category, phrase category, and sentence structure and several structural relationships.The third chapter introduces Theta Theory, including subcategorization, argument structure, thematic structure, assigning θ-role, and the like.According to Theta Theory, a sentence is a structure with verb as the center.It is the features of words that determine the basic structures of sentences.The forth chapter discusses X-bar theory.This chapter reveals that the internal structures of a variety of phrases and clauses are consistent with X-bar Theory, that is all of them have common structural features.The fifth chapter is about Case Theory, including specifier-head agreement, Constituent-command theory, abstract case, morphological case, case assignment and Case Filter.The sixth chapter introduces Binding Theory.In this chapter the author distinguishes pronouns, anaphors and referring expressions and introduces three binding theories of pronouns, anaphors and referring expressions.The seventh chapter is a discussion of two different categories: PRO and pro.This chapter discusses the features, distribution and permissive conditions of PRO and pro as well as Control Theory.The eighth chapter is about NP-Movement.NP-Movement mainly involves three structures: passive construction, raising construction and unaccusative construction.This chapter explains the features of NP-Movement and how NP-Movement occurs.The ninth chapter discusses Wh-Movement.Wh-Movement occurs mostly in wh-sentences and relative clauses.This chapter also discusses the features, reasons and end points of Wh-Movement.Bounding Theory, which confines Wh-Movement, is also introduced.The tenth chapter introduces the features and permissive conditions of traces left after NP-Movement and Wh-Movement.This chapter explains Empty Category Principle, the phenomenon of parasitic gap, and strong crossover and weak crossover.The eleventh chapter is about logical form, which is a kind of semantic expression formed through α-movement on the basis of S-structure.α-movement is abstract movement, including quantifier raiding and wh-raising.This chapter also discusses the phenomenon of “subject-object asymmetry”, “γ-making” and “subject-adjunct asymmetry”.The last chapter introduces Head Movement.This chapter discusses Head Movement Constraint and introduces Pollock’s Split INFL Hypothesis.For beginners of English syntax, this book is a rather good material.The gradation of content is reasonable.The arrangement of the content is from suppleness to difficulty.It is easy for students to understand and learn.Students can learn step by step and at last master the knowledge of syntax.J.D.Brown suggests that materials should be considered from five perspectives: background, fit to curriculum, physical characteristics, logistical characteristics, and teachability.Cunningsworuth also suggests four guidelines for study materials: First, course book should correspond to learners’ needs.Second, course book should reflect the uses which learners will make of the language.Third, course book should take account of students’ needs as learners and should facilitate their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”.Last, course book should have a clear role as a support for learning.According to the above criteria, this book is pretty good.The reasons are as follows: In this book, the statement of the Principle and Parameter theory and its subtheories is systematic and comprehensive.The structure of this book is clear and appropriated.In general, each chapter of this book presents a different theory, and each theory and principle lays a sound foundation for theories of latter chapters.When stating the content of each chapter, the author does not confined to the statement in a single linear level, but use comprehensive method of statement.By adopting this method, the author not only constructs the systematicness and integrity of syntactic theory but also leads the students to master theoretical knowledge of syntax more profound.The logic of this book is clear and the language used is simple and plain.All the principles and theories in this book are summed up on the basis of the analysis of language materials.In the process of analyzing language materials, the author uses localized language, take examples, uses contrast and comparison method to make the statement easy to understand and master for Chinese students.In short, through the usage of various kinds of statement, localized language, and clear logic, the author makes abstract and obscure syntactic theories and principles easy to understand for Chinese learners.In addition, the well-designed exercises after each chapter can trigger the interest of further reading for students and lead learners to contemplate deeper so as to improve the ability of thinking, analyzing and solving problems.


































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