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welcome you to MCE!

families 马承英语辅导学校(内部资料)




welcome you to MCE!

knives 特殊单词:manwomen mousefeet Chinesebig / large / wide longwhite tallold 8.I have a big nose = My nose is big.I have big eyes.= My eyes are big.She has a big nose.= Her nose is big.She has big eyes.= Her eyes are big.9.Do you have long hair? Yes, I do.No, I don’t./ Yes, we do.No, we don’t.Does she / he have big eyes? Yes, she / he does.No, she / he doesn’t.Do they have new friends? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.10.I know.我知道。I don’t know.我不知道。

11.I’m thirteen years old.= I’m 13 years old.= I’m 13.= I’m thirteen.语言点:

1.在五官描述上,要注意英美人习惯。在西方国家进行外貌描述时,不说a big mouth,而说a wide mouth。他们的a big mouth往往用来指一个人嘴巴多,喜欢在背后说三道四。2.特别注意第三人单数时表达有时使用的是has。Topic 2 Her hair is brown.词汇和重点句型:

1.give something to somebody = give somebody something 给某人某物 Give the book to Maria = Give Maria the book.把书给Maria.2.right away 立刻,马上

3.dark skin 黑皮肤 light yellow skin 黄皮肤 fair skin 白皮肤

4.the boy over there 在那边的那个男孩 the boy under the tree 在树下的那个男孩 5.look the same 看起来一样 6.different looks 不同的外表 7.good friends 好朋友 8.look at the picture 看着图片 9.the pair of shoes / trousers 这双鞋/裤子 10.表示颜色的词语

11.关于颜色的提问:What color…?

--What color is the skirt?--It’s white.--What color are the shirts?No回答。


smallold oldthin longwoman boynurse dad第三人称 he him they them she her it it 主格:在句中当句子主语e.g.I have a good friend.He has a good friend.宾格: 在句中当动词的宾语或介词的宾语,形成动宾或介宾结构.Please call me Mike.(动宾)Give it(动宾)to me(介宾).Help us find him.(动宾)人称代词排列顺序:(可记住口诀)

you, he and I;we, you and they;he and she 口诀: 对你尊重you在前,谦虚礼貌I最后; 我们人多力量大,we要排在you之前,they委屈垫在后;两性并列不平等,绅士风度放一边,he 在前she在后。特殊情况:

1.为了强调某人称,或是出现在承认错误之类的句中时,应把第一人称 的I,放在前。

2.当说话人I的身份很高或回忆往事时,可以先说I。物主代词: 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 单数 第一人称 my mine 第二人称 your yours 第三人称 his his her hers its its 复数 第一人称 our ours 第二人称 your yours 第三人称 their theirs 形容词性物主代词,也称非独立性物主代词,不能单独使用,必须与名词共同使用.e.g.my name; your mother his friend their teacher Topic2 Come and meet my family

一、单词 1.职业名称

teach(教)----teacher(教师)study(学习)-----student(学生)work(工作)-----worker(工人)drive(驾驶)-----driver(驾驶员)farm(农场)-----farmer(农夫)cook(烹调)------cook(厨师)1.对应词: teacher----student nurse---------doctor 2.office worker公务员 policeman警察

waiter男服务员--waitress女服务员 salesman 男售货员--salesgirl女售货员 3.家庭成员

grandfather----grandmother grandpa---------grandma father------mother Dad---------Mum Uncle------aunt son------daughter brother------sister cousin

二、词组 1.工作场所:

in a school 在学校 in a hospital 在医院 in an office 在办公室 in / store 在商店 on a farm 在农场 2.a student of Grade Seven 一名七年级的学生

have a job 有一份工作 look after…

照顾……;保管…… a photo of my family 一张我家的相片 have a look 看一看

the young woman in yellow 穿黄衣服的年轻女士 on the sofa 在沙发上


1.I’m home.我回来了.2.Come in and make yourselves at home.请进, 请别客气.3.What a nice place!多漂亮的一个地方!4.Please have a seat= Please sit down.请坐!

5.My parents are both office workers.我父母二个都是公务员.We all love our work.我们都喜爱我们的工作.注意:both指两者“都”;all指三者或三者以上“都”


1.What do you do? I am a doctor.2.What does he she do? He She is a doctor.(二)提问工作场所: 1.Where do you work? I work in a hospitalschool 2.Where does he she work ?

HeShe works in an officeon a farm.(三)名词所有格: s’ 或’s, 表示“……的” Kangkang’s grandfather康康的祖父母 Jane’s family tree 珍妮的家谱

Teachers’ book 教师用书(教师们的书)

a shop 马承英语辅导学校(内部资料)




welcome you to MCE!

谈论事物: How do you like…? = What do you think of…?

How do you look in this dress? Not bad.How do the pants fit? They’re too long.询问价格:

How much is +主语(单数或不可数)? How much are +主语(复数)? How much do you want for something? 讨论价格: How / What about thirty yuan? That’s too expensive.It’s a good price.The price is good.表示感谢: Thanks a lot.Thanks very much.Thanks anyway.回答: Not at all.That’s all right.You’re welcome.请求帮助:

Could you do me a favor? = Could you do a favor for me? = Could you help me? 决定与否: I’ll take / have / get / buy it.易错点:

1.some 常用于肯定句;any常用于否定句或疑问句。

e.g.I have some friends.I don’t have any friends.Do you have any friends? some 用于否定句时,希望得到对方肯定回答或征询意见

e.g.Would you like some bread? Do you want some corn and wheat? 2.try on the dress try the dress on try it on(T)try on it(F)3.a pair of pants / shoes / glasses an umbrella 4.How much is this pair of shoes?(T)How much are this pair of shoes?(F)Topic 2 They are having a picnic 词语与短语:

be free 空闲;自由 visit a friend 拜访朋友 on Sunday 在星期日 go to West Hill 去西山

make a plan for… 为…制定计划 tomorrow afternoon 明天下午 tell somebody about something 告诉某人有关事项 right away 立刻;马上 discuss something 讨论某事 go swimming 去游泳 go out for a picnic 出去野炊 make a telephone call 打电话 have a discussion 讨论 do shopping 购物 go home 回家

make a picnic plan 订一份野炊计划 Don’t forget 不要忘了。speak to somebody 跟某人说话 take a message 捎口信

ask somebody to do 叫/要求某人做某事 call somebody back 给某人回电话 give somebody a call 给某人打电话 give somebody a message 给某人口信/消息

carry water 提水 collect firewood / garbage 捡柴火/垃圾 prepare food 准备食物 wash the dishes 洗碗筷 eat an apple 吃苹果 sing a song / songs 唱歌 have a picnic 野炊 look at a picture 看图 read a book 看书 play the guitar 弹吉他

fly a kite 放风筝 run after somebody / something 追逐某人/某物 eat / have dinner 吃饭 listen to the radio 听收音机 have a meeting 开会 电话用语:


① 在动词原形末尾加-ing washhaving drivepreparing seeopening listeneating(缺b条件)

Topic 3 Let’s go to the zoo 词组与短语:

go to the zoo 去动物园 the king of all animals 兽中之王 like something best 最喜欢某物 climb trees 爬树 pick bananas 摘香蕉 on the bus 在公车上

talk about something / somebody 讨论某事/某人 play with a ball 玩球 be excited to do something 做某事很兴奋 be lost 迷路 at night 在晚上 Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你。See you next time.下次见。have lessons 上课 have lunch 吃午餐 have sports 进行体育运动 go to bed 去睡觉

pass me a banana = pass a banana to me 递给我一个香蕉 重点句型:

1.What animal do you like best? = What’s your favorite animal? 2.--How long do elephants live?--About sixty years.3.How many hours do elephants sleep at night? 4.What time is it? = What’s the time? = Could you tell me the time? 5.It’s time to do something.6.I have no watch.= I don’t have a watch.7.What’s wrong with you? 8.Don’t cry.9.It’s very kind of you to help us.10.He is acting like a m&onkey.He is running like a horse.11.Would you please pass me a banana? 递给我香蕉好吗?

语法: 时间表达法:(两种)

1:00 one o’clock 1:05 onefive five past one

1:15 one fifteen a quarter past one 1:30 one thirty half past one 1:40 one forty twenty to two 1:45 one forty-five a quarter to two Recycle 2 Review of Units 3-4 词语与短语:

help people to buy things 帮人家买东西 look after patients 照顾病人 cook food 煮东西 ride a bike 骑自行车

Thanks anyhow.无论如何,仍然谢谢 think about… 考虑 … have fun 玩得愉快 in the afternoon / morning 在下午/ 上午 go to school 去上学 chat on the net 网上聊天 复习要点:

1.职业名称及工作场所;询问职业 2.复习现在进行时 3.树状家谱;复习家庭成员及名词所有格 4.询问价格 5.复习询问时间及时间表达法

at、in、on在时间表达上的用法:(口诀)at用在钟点、night; 上、下午、晚上都是in;

具体某天要用on,即便上下午包在内; 星期、季度、年太长,才于世纪同用in。

第二篇:仁爱七年级英语Unit1 Topic3 SectionB 教案(精选)

七年级英语Unit1 Topic3 SectionB 教案



Ⅰ、Teaching aims:

1.Learn how to identify singular objects in English.2.Master the usage of “a”

and “an”.3.Learn the spelling of words.Ⅱ、Teaching difficulties:

a/an Ⅲ、Teaching tools:

Some things around us, recorder, multi-media.Ⅳ、Teaching procedure: step1.Review 1.Review the numbers from one to twenty。

2.Chain drill.Review the sentence patterns in SectionA.What’s your name? How old are you? What class are you in? Where… from? Is he/she…years old? Are you in Class Four Grade Seven? Is he …? 3.Take out an English book and introduce a new topic.Learn and master the new words.New words: a, book, an, English, eraser, map, pencil, spell, can, try, desk.Phrase: in English

For example: This is a book.This is an English book.What’s this in English?

Step2 Presentation 1.Use objects or pictures to teach new sentence patterns and words.T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s an orange/egg/apple.2.Use the same way to teach and let students master the new words.New words: map, pencil, toy, desk, pen, ruler, car, blackboard 3.Sum up the usage of and differences between “a” and “an”.4.Learn to the new words “spell” and “double”.I Key sentences:

How do you spell it?

Can you spell it, please? 5.Learn 1a.1)Listen to 1a.2)Find out the sentences with rising tone or falling tone.Imitate them.What’s this/ that in English?(降调)

How do you spell it?(降调)Can you spell it, please?(升调)3)Read 1a aloud in roles.Step3: Consolidation 1.Complete 1b.Check the answers.Explain the usage of and the differences between “this” and “that”.2.Use objects or pictures to practice 1a in pairs.S1: Excuse me, what’s this /that in English?

S2: It’s a/ an…

S1: How do you spell it?/ Can you spell it, please?


S1: Thanks / Thank you.S2: You’re welcome./ That’s OK.Step4: Practice

Listen to 2a and follow it.Finish 2a.Step 5: Project

Have a class activity.Touch and guess things with eyes covered by a piece of cloth.Use the sentence patterns of identifying objects.Ⅴ、Conclusion: 本堂课的新知识点较多,所以偏重于教师的讲解学习,另外班级活动也是本堂课的一个亮点,很好的活跃了气氛,增加学生的学习兴趣,也辅助了学习。




(一)Hi!I am Li Ping.I’m fourteen years old.I come from a small village of Guangxi.I am a

student of Class 1, Grade 2.My School life is very interesting.Class begins at 7:45a.m.I have five classes in the morning.In the afternoon, I often have three classes.We learn Chinese, English, math, history, biology, geography, politics, physics and so on.I learn them with great interest.I like P.E.best.Because having sports is good for us and build us up.Sometimes, I go to the school library.In my spare time, I often practice speaking English with my good friends.And my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.I like my school life very much.1.What class is Li Ping in ?


2.How many classes does she have everyday?


3.Why does she like P.E.best ?


4.What does she do in her free time ?


5.Does Li Ping like her school life ?


一 :作文:My School Life,60词以上。

(二)Welcome to my home!This way please!Look!There is a big and beautiful room in my

home.That's my bedroom.There is a football under the chair, a basketball on the bed.My things are over where!I don't like clean my room!I have a pet cat, look, he is under my bed.I love my pet cat very much!There is a computer on my desk.I often study on it.I like English, so there are many English books in my room!I love my room!I love my home too.1.What is under the chair ?


2.Where is the pet cat?


3.Is there a computer on the desk ?


4.Are there any English books in the room ?


5.What does “over where” mean?


二 :作文“My Home”,60词以上。

(三)Mrs Brown is a teacher.She teaches English, she speaks a little English, too.She goes to

Chinese classes every Tuesday.Mrs brown is from England, bur she likes working in China.She says her students are very friendly.She loves them.Mrs Brown has a son and a daughter.Her son’s name is Mike.He is ten years old.Her daughter’s name is Sue.She is seven years old.They go to school in China.They have classes six days a week.They like their school very much.1.What is Mrs Brown ?


2.How often does she go to Chinese classes ?


3.What does Mrs Brown think of her students ?


4.How many children does she have ?


5.How old is Sue ?


三 :作文“Birthday Party”,60词以上。

(四)My name is Sam.My favorite season is summer.I like summer because it's a season of

enthusiasm(热情).In summer, everything turns energetic.We are the most efficient to do things at this period of time.What's more, we are able to do a lot of sports and activities in summer.The trees and grass become very green and beautiful and I like that colour for what it represents.It is a symbol of hope.And with hope, we are motivated and creative.So summer is also the season of hope.We are able to take cold drinks in summer which is my favorite as well.In a word, I like summer, because it makes me energetic and gives me hope.1.Which season does Sam like best ?


2.Why does Sam like the season?


3.Do the trees and grass become green in summer?


4.Are we able to take cold drinks in summer?


5.Do you think summer is a season of hope?


四 :写作:请以“My Favorite Season”为题写一篇小作文,60词以上。

(五)Hi, I’m Kangkang.The summer holidays are coming soon.I plan to go to Beijing.The

weather there will be sunny.I want to get there by plane.I will go there with my family.I

think Beijing is a good place to have fun.I want to climb the Great Wall.I want to spent

¥1500 each person.I also want to go to Guilin.I think it is a beautiful place.So I also want to there.What about you? Can you tell me where would you like to go ?

1.Where does Kangkang plan to go ?


2.How is the weather in Beijing?


3.How does Kangkang get to Beijing?


4.What places of interest does he want to visit?


5.How much money does he want to spent?


五 :作文Summer Holidays,60词。

(六)Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese people.It always lasts for 15 days.Before this day, all the family members eat dinner together.Last spring festival, my parents

and I had a wonderful time.We had the most delicious dinner.After dinner, my parents

watched the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV together.But my cousins and I went outside and

set off fireworks.They were so beautiful.The next day, we got the lucky money from the

elders.We are looking forward to the next spring festival.1.Hong long does the spring festival last?


2.What did my cousins do after dinner on last spring festival?


3.Who gave us the lucky money?


4.Is spring festival very important in China?


5.Are you looking for the next spring festival?


六 :作文“Spring Festival”,60词以上



My School Life

Hi!I am Li Ping.I’m fourteen years old.I come from a small village of Guangxi.I am a student of Class 1, Grade 2.My School life is very interesting.Class begins at 7:45a.m.I have five classes in the morning.In the afternoon, I often have three classes.We learn Chinese, English, math, history, biology, geography, politics, physics and so on.I learn them with great interest.I like P.E.best.Because having sports is good for us and build us up.Sometimes, I go to the school library.In my spare time, I often practice speaking English with my good friends.And my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.I like my school life very much.My Home

Welcome to my home!This way please!Look!There is a big and beautiful room in my home.That's my bedroom.There is a football under the chair, a basketball on the bed.My things are over where!I don't like clean my room!I have a pet cat, look, he is under my bed.I love my pet cat very much!There is a computer on my desk.I often study on it.I like English, so there are many English books in my room!I love my room!I love my home too.Birthday Party

Mrs Brown is a teacher.She teaches English, she speaks a little Chinese, too.She goes to Chinese classes every Tuesday.Mrs brown is from England, bur she likes working in China.She says her students are very friendly.She loves them.Mrs Brown has a son and a daughter.Her son’s name is Mike.He is ten years old.Her daughter’s name is Sue.She is seven years old.They go to school in China.They have classes six days a week.They like their school very much.My Favorite Season

My name is Sam.My favorite season is summer.I like summer because it's a season of enthusiasm(热情).In summer, everything turns energetic.We are the most efficient to do things at this period of time.What's more, we are able to do a lot of sports and activities in summer.The trees and grass become very green and beautiful and I like that colour for what it represents.It is a symbol of hope.And with hope, we are motivated and creative.So summer is also the season of hope.We are able to take cold drinks in summer which is my favorite as well.In a word, I like summer, because it makes me energetic and gives me hope.Summer Holidays

Hi, I’m Tom.The summer holidays are coming soon.I plan to go to Beijing.The weather there will be sunny.I want to get there by plane.I will go there with my family.I think Beijing is a good place to have fun.I want to climb the Great Wall.I want to spent ¥1500 each person.I also want to go to Guilin.I think it is a beautiful place.So I also want to there.What about you? Can you tell me where would you like to go ?

Spring Festival

Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese people.It always lasts for 15 days.Before this day, all the family members eat dinner together.Last spring festival, my parents and I had a wonderful time.We had the most delicious dinner.After dinner, my parents watched the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV together.But my cousins and I went outside and set off fireworks.They were so beautiful.The next day, we got the lucky money from the elders.We are looking forward to the next spring festival.


My School Life

My school life is very interesting.Classes begin at 7:30 am.I have five classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.I study Chinese, English, math, art, P.E and so on.My favorite subject is English.I think it’s easy and interesting.I don’t like history very much.I think it’s too boring and difficult.In my free time, I usually go to the library or play basketball with my friends.I like my school life very much.本文字数80字。提到了课程情况:什么时候上课;有哪些科目。也谈了对一些科目和看法,和业余时间活动。根据文章字数要求,还可以删减一些内容。

My Home

Look, this is my home.In front of my home, there is a big yard.There are some trees and flowers in the yard.My kitchen and dinning room is on the first floor.On the second floor, there is a living room, a study, a bathroom and four bedrooms.The living room is in the front of the house.We watch TV and talk here.My bedroom is on the left on the house.There are many pictures on the wall.Is my bedroom beautiful?

本文字数86字。文章利用方位介词,如: in front of, in the front of, on the first/second floor, on the left of等描述了各种房间的位置,还介绍了房间的功能及房间里的物品,如:we watch TV and talk in the living room;There are many pictures on the wall。因此这样的文章要写起来,其实可以写很多字。如果你觉得自己的家确实不怎么漂亮,记得要发挥自己的想象力!谁知道你的家是不是你写得那样呢?

注意表达方位的句型: There is/are … + 方位.或: 方位,there is/are …

要熟记以下方位词:in … ;on …;under …;on the right/left of …;in(the)front of …;behind …;at the back of…;between … and …


Father:read a bookMother:watch TVGrandmother:clean the roomFrank:do his homeworkMary:play computer games

It’s 8 o’clock at night.Frank’s family are all at home.After dinner, they are doing kinds of things.His father is reading a book.He thinks it’s very interesting.His mother is watching TV.The TV show is boring.His grandmother is cleaning the room.She is very busy.Frank is doing his homework.Mary is playing computer games.What a nice family!

My Birthday Party

Last Saturday was my birthday.I had a birthday party at home.A lot of friends came to my party.First, we had a big dinner.After dinner, we ate a big birthday cake.There was 15 candles on the cakes, because I am 15 years old now.I blew the candles out in one breath.Then Xiaoming played the guitar for me.Fangfang danced to disco.Xiaoping performed kung fu.Everyone had a wonderful time.本文字数74字。全文用一般过去时态描述了我上周六生日聚会的情况。注意本文只适宜用一般过去时态叙述,不宜用一般现在时态或现在进行时态描述。还要注意描述事件先后顺序的词:first首先;after dinner 晚饭后;then 然后。

My Favorite Season

My favorite season is fall.It lasts from september to November.It is the harvest season, and the farmers are busy harvesting.Leaves fall from the trees.I like fall best because the weather is not hot or cold, it’s cool.It is the best season to do outdoor activities.I often have a picnic with my family in fall.I like playing basketball, and fall is a good season to play sports.本文字数73字, 介绍了秋季的时间和特征(参照课本P83)。文章点明了作者喜欢秋季的原因:天气凉爽,不冷不热,是室外活动和运动的好季节。(各季节的天气及活动可参照课本p77)

Summer Holiday Plan

Summer holidays are coming soon.I plan to go to Hainan with my family.I would like to go there by plane.The weather there is very hot, so I need to take an umbrella with me.I want to take a lot of pictures, so I have to take a camera.There are many places of interest in Hainan, like Tianyahaijiao, Wanquanhe, and Yalongwan.I’m sure I will have a good time there.本文字数74字。文章用plan/want/hope/wish/would like to do sth.表达了一系列的计划。介绍了目的地的天气、名胜等,还加入了一些要带的旅游物品。想得到更多写这篇文章的思路,可参照课本P88,3a的问题,如你想去哪,跟谁去,怎么去,带什么去,想参观哪些名胜古迹?

请大家思考:假如这篇文章的标题是My summer holidays(我的暑假)或My last summer holidays(我的上个暑假),该怎么写? plan/want/hope/wish/would like to do sth.这些表达计划、打算的句型就不能用了,并且全文都应该用一般过去时态进行描述你当时去了哪里,跟谁去的,带了什么去,参观了哪里等等。

Spring Festival / My Favorite Festival

Spring Festival is on lunar January 1st.It is the most important festival in China.People start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.They prepare delicious food, clean and decorate their homes.On the eve of the festival, families get together for a big dinner.People stay up playing to welcome the lunar new year.On the first day of the festival, children put on their new clothes and greet their parents.I like Spring Festival best because I can get much lucky money from my parents.本文字数90字。文章先是说明春节的日期,重要性。然后阐述了人们是怎样庆祝春节的,包括三个阶段:准备阶段(一个月前开始准备及如何准备); 迎接阶段(除夕夜吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭,熬夜来迎接新年);年初一(孩子们穿新衣服,给父母问候拿压岁钱)。我们的课本中还提到了新年的其他活动和习俗,如people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances; burn the old picture of the kitchen god before the festival and put up a new picture on the kitchen wall when New Year’s Day comes.如果写圣诞节的话,也可以像这篇文章这样写:先说圣诞节的日期,重要性。然后人们怎么庆祝,也是分三个阶段:准备阶段(购物,打扫和装饰圣诞树,送圣诞卡给朋友);迎接阶段(平安夜上教堂唱圣诞歌,挂长筒袜装圣诞礼物);圣诞节早上(孩子们早早起床打开礼物,家庭团聚吃圣诞节特别的食物,互相问候)



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