
时间:2019-05-14 02:36:18下载本文作者:会员上传


辛 欣 历 险 记 辛欣一觉醒来,发现一切都变了。

























A story

A man walked alone to the house on the hill with his head down.He was a handsome, tall and slim young man who has black eye and curly hair as dark as a raven’s wing, with his eyebrows knitting in a frown.Having been living in a strange land far away his birthplace since he was two years old, after knowing his parents murdered by his uncle because of huge family legacy and bringing up by a loyal servant, he decided to revenge and paid witch his longevity and soul as sorcery’s cost to cause physical or mental suffering to his uncle until his death.Witch said that his uncle only had six mouth to live and Bob had one year to enjoy his wonderful revenge.However, it must be fate’s joke that Bob ran mad after pulchritudinous Sally and fell madly in love at first sight with Sally, feeling his beating fast, when he arrived the town one mouth ago.After knowing her plan to find the mysterious crystal against the sorcery, worried her safety , Bob held promise for accompaniment with her, her sister Fatima,and her fiance Norbert, a son of a judge.Bob enter into the house,which is double-deck villa with a small garden filled of red and silky roses.Sally, a young and beautiful girl , looking at her fiance----Norbert, with an air in which vexation and uneasiness, worried about her stepfather.Sally gazed fondly on his noble-minded, single-hearted, high-principled young face, and believed this man

“You see!It’s bob!He is coming!” said sally.“ Can we set off? It has no time to delay.” the Norbert said ,flinging Bob a scornful look.Bob did not answer anything,but just nodded his head in inconspicuous moving and put the map in Sally’s hand.After several days’ riding, they arrived at the border of desert, its hot temperature making them depressed.Frowning and getting off his horse, Bob was still hesitating whether he should help sally or not, knowing that beyond the desert they would find the crystal.He spat on the ground, looked up at the sky and lowered his hat to shelter his eyes from the shining sun, said: “I'm getting mighty tired of bringing you folk through the desert.I think rest is my urgence!”

“I would like you to remember the purpose of our, Mister Bob.Your objective is to get us to where we need to go!We have no time to have a rest.” Norbert seemed quite impatient of bob, was conscious of Bob’s deliberately delay during the way.Pretended to hear nothing, his both hands in his pockets, walked towards the cactus a type of green desert plant, beside the black and huge rocks, and hoped to find more drinking water and made a choice.Fatima took a peep at Norbert.She got down from her horse slowly, produced a long, slim hose from a bladder of water contained in her bag and put its contents into a smaller rawhide canteen.Actually, Fatima loved Norbert and did not want to save her stepfather because her stepfather made a engagement for Sally and Norbert, which broke her dream.She hided water and wanted to find a chance to persuade Norbert to give up, which can save their both life.Sally remained on her horse, reached into her backpack and pulled out a roll of yellowing paper, brown and crumbing at the edges, and after unrolling it, searched it once more for something she may have previously overlooked.“Fatima, let us search the map again.Maybe we can find the way.” sally said.“Come on, Come on, in the desert, we can’t identify the direction!All round us are sands!”Fatima shouted.Fatima seemed to loss her temper, with haughty air, disdainful lip,and the demeanor of an outraged queen, Sally stared at Norbert,hoping his advice.Norbert took the hand of Sally in his, and affectionately pressed it.Behind him, the sky darkened, spreading like night, and in that darkness seemed to bloom a dark shade of green and the stillness pounded in the space between his ears;his eyes widened.Suddenly, three of them heard a noise from Bob.Obviously, finding no water ,he was so angry that he used a knife to cut down cactus and then he walked away.“Or maybe he needs our help.” Said Fatima, stepping toward Bob.“Maybe we'll all be in need of some help soon.” Said Norbert, his voice shaking.The dark green of the sky behind him seemed to extend downward from the atmosphere, descended to form a funnel, and twisted wildly as it reached the surface.A dull roar grew louder and startled the horses as the wind lifted the dust from the ground and into the air, slightly reducing visibility.Norbert worked out the distance between them and the sandstorm, between his group and the huge rock which seemed to become a sanctuary for them, knew the time interval between his group and the rock was only slightly , stimulated by the fear of its wrath, shouted with a extremely loud voice, “RUN!” The three of them were panic, their eyes getting as big as saucers, and running in every direction in order to find a safe place or escape the sandstorm.However, the sandstorm was too fast and strong to struggle with.In that split moment, Fatima, Norbert, Sally and four mares disappeared so completely that can not discover any trace.Then, it had return silence as if nothing happened.Twenty minutes after, Bob came back but saw nobody.His fear suddenly became so extreme,so overwhelming, that it interferes with his intellect.He scratched as if to tear his hair, and shouted at the sky recklessly: “Sally!Sally!” Then, closing eyes , making the sign of the cross, he listened to the surrounding but heard the silence only.


[丛林冒险作文] ·今天是元宵节,我们全家一同去爷爷家吃饭,丛林冒险作文。吃完午饭,爸爸带我去田野开始了我们的冒险之旅,小学一年级作文《丛林冒险作文》。我们经过了六座不同式样的桥,有断桥、独木桥、板桥、拱桥等。还看见了一个个草堆,爸爸假装正经地告诉我,这是草堆怪,是我们遇到的第一个挑战。我们遇到的第二个挑战是穿越松树林。爸爸对我说:松树林是一个充满危险的地方,有许多的松树怪正在冬眠。如果你一不小心发出任何动静,就会惊醒它们。我们必须小心翼翼地快速穿越它。我和爸爸成功地避开了那些松树怪。这段既有趣又惊险的旅行就这样结束了。



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    三年级冒险作文 篇1 “丁零零”闹钟把我从梦中惊醒。我看了看闹钟,什么?才六点。这么早。我打算再接着睡觉。冬天也不能起这么早。我刚要躺下,一束阳光照射到了床上。我揉揉眼......













