第一篇:新编大学英语 视听说 book3 Unit5 听力答案及文本
Unit 5 language 1Part 1 Listening I Every culture has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions.These are the living speech of a people.The“ soap” expressions in English are just one example.Soap operas are radio and television plays about the problems and emotions in human relationships.They are called soap operas because the first programs-years ago-were paid for by soap-making companies.Like musical operas, soap operas are not about real people.And critics charge that they do not represent a balanced picture of real life.They note that almost everyone in a soap opera has a serious emotional problem, or is guilty of a crime.And there are several crises in every program.Yet, soap opera fans do not care about what the critics say.They love the programs and watch them every day.Such loyalty has made soap operas very popular in the United States.In fact, A few programs are so popular that they have been produced with the same actors for many years.Another expression that uses the word soap is “soap box”.There was a time when soap and other products were shipped in wooden boxes.The boxes were small, but strong.You could stand on one to see over the heads in a crowd or to be seen in a crowd.Soap boxes were a simple, easy way to make yourself taller if you wanted to give a public speech.Such soapbox speeches usually were political and one-sided.The speakers shouted their ideas to anyone who walked by.Many talked for hours refusing to get off their soap boxes.Today, you don’t need a wooden box to make a soapbox speech.Anyone, anywhere, who talks endlessly about a cause is said to be on a soap box,.Another, quieter way to win support or gain influence is to “soft-soap” a person.This means to use praise or other kind words to get the person to do what you want.Exercise 1 1.plays,real people,real life,emotional problem,popular 2.public speech,make
themselves taller, political, one-sided 3.soft-soap,praise, kind
Exercise 2 F F T T T T
Listening II A: Do you think learners should try to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation? B: That's a difficult question to answer.I think the most important thing is to be understood easily.For most learners, it's not necessary or desirable to speak like a native speaker.For some learners, for example, those who eventually want to teach English, or be interpreters perhaps, a native-speaker pronunciation is the ultimate goal.At least, that's what I think.A: Children often do not want to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation.Why not?
B: In general, children are splendid mimics and imitate strange sounds very easily and well.However, it is true that most children do not want to sound “English” when they are speaking English.This may be partly due to shyness but I think the main reason is that most children want to belong to a group—they dress alike, listen to the same music, share the same opinions and hobbies.Even if a child can speak English like a native speaker, he or she will usually choose not to—unless, of course, the rest of the group speaks with a native-speaker pronunciation too.A: What is the main reason why adults find pronunciation difficult? B: Numerous reasons have been offered for the difficulties which many adults find with pronunciation and, no doubt, there is some truth in all of these.It seems to be the case that children are better mimics than adults.But if an adult really wants to achieve a native-speaker pronunciation, then he or she can.It is NOT the student's own language that prevents him or her from achieving a native-speaker pronunciation in English.It is the fact that the adult student has a strong sense of national identity.In other words, he or she wants to be identified as a German or Brazilian speaking English.In my opinion, this sense of national identity is more important than other explanations, such as the greater anxiety of adults or the effect of their own language habits.Exercise 1 1 C 2 A 3D
Exercise 2 1.be understood easily 2.necessary, desirable 3.splendid 4.prevent, from achieving 5.anxiety, effect
Listening III(Dr.Mallard is an expert on bilingual education.She has a show on radio through which she answers questions from parents about how to raise their children to be bilingual.)Dr.Mallard: Hello, sir.You are on air.John: Oh, hello.Dr.Mallard? Dr.Mallard: Yes, How may I help you? John: Dr.Mallard, my name is John.My wife Maria and I just had our first baby girl.Dr.Mallard: Congratulations, John.You must be very excited.John: Yes, we are indeed.Here is why I called.Maria is from Peru, and speaks fluent Spanish and fairly good English, depending on the situation.I am a native English speaker and I also speak almost fluent Spanish.We live in the U.S and communicate in Spanish at home 95% of the time.Dr.Mallard: I see.Please go on.John: My question is this: how should we communicate in order to ensure the bilingual successof our child? Dr.Mallard: OK.From what you told me I guess you and your wife have already started using
mostly Spanish with your newborn girl.Is that correct? John: Yes.I think using Spanish with her just feels kind of natural to both of us.Dr.Mallard: That is fine, because language uses within a family should be natural: we use the languages to build a family relationship, not to “teach” the languages.John: But is it reasonable to assume that our baby will be exposed to enough English in the world outside our house and therefore it will be OK for us to speak to her almost solely in Spanish? Dr.Mallard: Well, in my opinion, yes.And I also believe that your baby will have a lot of exposure to English at home as well.She will listen to not only music and talk on the TV, but also relative and friends who are visiting or telephoning.Besides, she may also have English input from you yourself: for example, you may want to sing to her the English-language nursery rhymes that you remember from your own childhood.John: Ok.That really eases my mind.Thank you so much, Dr.Mallard.Dr.Mallard: You are welcome.Exercise 1 T F F F T T
Exercise 2 1.fairly good 2.ensure, success 3.natural, family relationship 4.exposure 5.visiting or telephoning
Listening IV Talk show host: Welcome to tonight's program.Our guest is Dr.Charles Adams, language learning specialist.His book, Learning a Language over Eggs and Toast is on the best seller list.Welcome.Dr.Adams: Thank you.Talk show host: Tell us about the title of your book.Dr.Adams: First, it is important to establish a regular study program, like planning a few minutes every morning around breakfast time.Talk show host : But, I took Spanish for four years and I didn't become a proficient speaker of it.Dr.Adams: Well , we can become fluent speakers in a matter of a few minutes here and there.We should follow a regular course of study and remember that there is a difference between native fluency and proficiency in a language.I propose the latter.Talk show host: What are the basic keys you suggest ? Dr.Adams: People must organize their study by setting realistic and attainable goals Some people think they can learn the language in 30 days and become discouraged when they can’t..Small steps are the key.Learning five new words a day and learning to use them actively is far better than learning 30 and forgetting them the next day.Talk show host: Um-hum.You mentioned individual learning styles.Can you explain what you
mean by learning style? Dr.Adams: Sure.People have different ways of learning.Some are visual learners who prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn.Other are auditory learners who favor hearing instructions over reading them..Our preferences are determined by factors such as personality ,culture, and past experiences.Talk Show Host: What is your learning style? Dr.Adams: I learn by doing.Talk show host: What do you mean by that? Dr.Adams:I know it might sound unusual, but moving around while trying to learn helps me.While I cut up tomatoes and onions for my breakfast in the morning ,I might recite aloud vocabulary to the rhythm of the knife.Talk show host : What is my learning style? Dr.Adams : You're going to have to read my book to find that out.Talk show host : Okay Thank for joining us.Dr.Adams: My pleasure.Exercise 1 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B
Exercise 2 1.Eggs, Toast 2.realistic, far better than , forgetting 3.determined, personality, culture 4.recite aloud
Part 2 Video Script Alice: So,each of us has chosen some animals that we believe use language.Peter,what did you learn about whales and dolphins? Peter:It was thought that only humans coummunicate over long distances.Alice:How? Peter:They use high frequencies which can carry over along diatances.And,in fact,researchers seem to think that these animals seem to have a need to communicate with each other.And one researcher thinks that one day we’ll be to know what they’re talking about.Alice:Good!.Henry,what did you find about...erm..elephants? Henry:I found that elephants can commmunicate over long distances too., but they use very low frequencies.I don’t konw whether you could call their communication language or not ,but I’ll look into it more.Alice:Ok,Margaret,what about parrots? Margaret:We’ve all read about parrots,but I”ve been about a parrots called,who konws 971 words.He isn’t counted as konwing a new word unless he’s used it at least five times in a meaningful way.In other words, if he just repeats the word, it doesn’t count.Alice:Do you have any examples of Nkisi’s language use?
Margaret:Yes.It involves Jane Goodall, the famous anthropoloqist.She went to see Nkisi.Nkisi’s
owner had shown him some pictures of Jane and some chimpanzees.When Jane walked into the room, Nkisi said,”Got a chimp?”
Peter:That’funny.Alice:Anything else? Maegaret:Well,yes,when his owner broke the she was wearing, he said ,”What a pity!”You broke your nice new necklace.”
Alice:I would certainly say he was using language.Maegaret: I have another example of a bird-like animals-tamarins,using long calls to maintain contact with individuals.Scientists have found that they have an individual and a group identity.Individuals in one group all sound quite different than individuals in another group,something like accents we have.Henry:Really?That’s very surprising!
Maegaret:Yes,what’s more amazing is they have even a sex-specific identity besides individual identity, so they can distinguish between males,females,neighbors,and strangers just like humans.Henry:Great.Now,Alice,what can you report? Alice;First of all,do we all agree that Amerrican ign Language is a language? The others:Yes.Alice:Well,all the great apes, such as chimpanzees and gorillas, can learn American Sign Lanuage.Henry:That would take some real work on their part.Alice:Right.But what is amazing to me is that each kind of ape can teach the sign language to others of their own kind.Peter:I’ve found that wolves and dogs communicate through body gestures and facial expressions.For instance, aggressive wolves and dogs stand tall with their ears raised,and their head held high.They show their teeth, and raise their fur so that they look bigger.they may give a loud bark.And when they feel frightened or want to show obedience,they lower their bodies, flatten their ears,tuck in their tails,and close their mouths.they may roll over on their back and lie there,belly up.Margaret:I often see dogs raise their rear and lower their forequarters in a kind of of “bow”.What does that mean? Peter:That means they want to play.Henry:Well,did any of us find any information about bees’dancing?That’s a very good example of how insects commmunicate with each other.Alice:Yeah,I’ve got some.there are two typical dances of the bees :the round dance and the tailwagging dance.Henry:Can you explain then in detail? Alice:Well,the round dance is the simplest dance.Ah...the bee performs it when it finds food near the beehive.It doesn’t provide much information;it’s more of.an...awakening signal.So,if the bee findsthe food it will start going in a small circle.Every one or two circles it will suddenlyreveese direction.Itcan go on for secondsand even minutes.Henry:What happen next? Alice:Erm...other bees follow the dancer and then fly off by themselves looking for food.If they haven’t been feeding at that the place before,they willlook for food in every direction near
the beehive.Hower,the dancing bee also gives off smells that are recognized by other bees frequenting the same flowers.They will then fly directly to them.Peter;What about the tail-wagging dance? Alice;Well,inthe typical tail-wagging dance the bee files ahead for a short distance,then returns in a semicircle to the starting point,again goes through the straight stretch, makes a semicircle in the opposite direction and so on repeatedly.The straight part of the run is given particular emphasis by wagging the body forcefully.In addition,...er...during the tail-wagging portion of the dance the bee also gives out a buzzing sound...(She mimics the buzz of bees.)Peter:Then what’s the purpose of the tail-wagging dance? Alice:It tells the other bees, very accurately, at what distance and in which direction the food is, so that they can look for in themselves.Margaret:Ok.I think we have a lot of good information here.Let’s look for a little more, then meet again.Ok? The others:OK.(861 words)Exercise 1 1B
2A 3C 4E 5D 6F
Exercise 2 1)over long distances 2)look into it 3)five times
4)individual, group 5)sex-specific, males, females, strangers 6)great apes
7)teach, own kind
8)raised, held, look bigger 9)round ,tail-wagging 10)feeding, every direction
Part 3 Video
Script Father Gerald: in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.Amen.Let us pray.Father, you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery.A symbol of Christ’s love for his church.hear our prayers for Bernard and Lydis through your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy goat.Ghost.One god, forever and ever.Amen.Charles’ friend : It’s his first time.He’s friend of the family.Charles: Excellent.Father Gerald: Bernard and Lydia, I shall now ask if you freely undertake the obligations of marriage.Bernard, repeat after me: I do solemnly declare… Bernard: I do solemnly declare…
Father Gerald:…that I know not of any lawful impediment…
Bernard: …that I know not of any lawful impediment… Father Gerald:…why I, Lydia… Bernard:…why I, Bernard…
Father Gerald: sorry.Why I…Bernard Godfery Saint John Delaney… Bernard: Why I, Bernard Geoffery Sinjin Delaney…
Father Gerald:…may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia John Hibbott.Bernard:…may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia Jane Hibbott.Father Gerald: Lydia, repeat after me: I do solemnly declare… Lydia: I do solemnly declare…
Father Gerald:…that I know not of any lawful impediment… Lydia:…that I know not of any lawful impediment… Father Gerald:…why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott..Lydia:…why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott..Father Gerald:…may not be joined in matrimony… Lydia: …may not be joined in matrimony…
Father Gerald:…to Bernard Geoffery……Sijern…Sijin Delaney.Lydia:…to Bernard…Geoffery…Sijin…Delaney.Father Gerald:I call upon those persons here present to witness… Bernard: I call upon those persons here present to witness… Father Gerald:…that I, Bernard…Delaney… Bernard:…that I, Bernar Delaney…
Father Gerald:…do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott… Bernard: …do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott…
Father Gerald: …do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott… Bernard: …do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott…
Father Gerald: That’s r… That’s right.May almighty God bless you all.The Father, the Son and the Holy spigot…Spirit.Amen.An audience: Bravo!
Exercise 1 1 goat → ghost
Lydia → Bernard Gogfery Saint John → Geoffery Sinjin John → Jane
johned → joined Siji…Siji Delaney →Sinjin Delaney
awful → lawful spigot → spirit
Part 4 Further listening Listening I
Language is the most important development in human history.The arts,science,laws,economic systems and religions of the world could not exist without language.Humans haven't changed biologically very much for some 40,000 years.however,our ability to communicate has led us form the cave all the way to the moon.Little is known about the birth of language.Written records that are more than 4,000 years old
have been found,but scientist study human beings agree that humans were probably speaking thousands of years before that.Today,most of us learn to talk by the age of three,and for the rest of our lives we rarely stop.Even while we are reading or just thinking,we are in a sense “talking”,if only to ourselves.Language is so much a part of human existence that we will be talking as long as we inhabit the earth.As linguist David Thompson notes,“when language dies,so will man.”
Exercise 1)economic 2)religions 3)exist 4)biologically 5)40,000 6)cave 7)Written 8)humans were probably speaking thousands of years before that 9)Even while we are reading or just thinking,we are in a sense “talking” 10)Language is so much a part of human existence that we will be talking as long as we inhabit the earth
Listening II Receptionist(R):English language center.May I help you? Caller(C):Yes.I'm calling to find out more information about your English language program.R:Well,first of all,the purpose of our program is to provide language-learning opportunities for our part of the U.S.[Uh-hum]For example,some students need to learn the basic functional language skills for their job.Others need intensive English so that they can enter a US university.C:Okay.I'm calling for a friend interested in attending a US university.R:We have a variety of courses that could help her,form basic communication courses to content-based classes such as computer literacy,intercultural communication,and business English.C:Great.What are your application deadlines for the next semester? R:Well,we ask applicants to apply at least two months before the semester begins.This give us time to process the application and issue the student's 1-20.C:What is an 1-20? R:Oh,an 1-20 is a form giving our permission for a student to study in our program.The student will have to take this form to the US embassy in their home country to apply for the F-1 student visa.C:I see.What's the tuition for a full-time student in your courses? R:It's five thousand thirty dollars.C:How does one apply? R:Well,we can mail an application form which can be mailed back to us,or a person can fill out our application form that's on our website.C:And are there other materials my friend would need to send besides the application form? R:Yes.She would need to send in a $35 non-refundable application fee,a sponsorship form indicating who will be responsible financially for her while studying in our program,and a bank statement showing that she or her sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition expenses and living costs for study.C:And how can she send these materials to you? R:She can either send the application packet by regular mail or she can fax it.C:And the application fee? R:We accept money orders,traveler's checks,or credit cards.C:All right,I think that's about it.Thank you for your help.R:You're welcome.C:Goodbye.Exercise 1.1)D 2)A 3)B 4)B 5)A 2.1.permission, apply for 2.application form ,Website 3.regular mail, fax 4.traveler's checks, credit cards
Listening III
The ability to speak or write two languages well is called bilingualism.bilingual education is generally a matter of public policy.In a country like the United States that has what may be considered a national language-English-bilingual education means teaching English to those who were brought up using other native languages.On the other hand,there are nations such as Belgium,Canada,and Switzerland that have two or more national languages.This does not mean that all citizens of these countries speak two or more languages,but they are entitled to government services,including education,in the language of their choice.Some South American countries,like Peru and Ecuador,have large populations of Indias who speak various tribal tongues.There are government programs to teach the Indians Spanish,the national language in most of Latin America.Bilingual education in the United States dates back to the first half of the 19th century,when millions of immigrants who arrived needed to learn English in order to make economic and social adjustments to the way the majority of the population lived.In countries like Norway,Sweden,Denmark,Finland,and Holland,whose languages are spoken by relatively few foreigners,bilingual education has long been a part of the school curriculum.Educated persons in these countries normally learn a second language such as English,German,or French for use in international communication.Exercise 1.BCE 2.1)other native languages 2)two 3)more 4)of their choice 5)Spanish 6)Indians 7)English 8)German 9)French
Listening IV
Identification of the factors that lead to fast,effective foreign language learning has become increasingly important because of the large number of people who are anxious,as adults,to learn a new language for a very specific purpose:travel,business,study,or international friendship.The requirements for effective language learning may be examined in terms of the learner,the teacher,and the curriculum.The learner must be personally committed to investing the time,applying the concentrated effort,and taking the emotional risks necessary to learn a new language.In addition to motivation,the learner should have at least minimal language-learning aptitude.While it is likely that nearly everyone can learn a new language if he or she is given enough time and effort,the ease with which you are able to acquire the language is related in part to specific language-learning aptitude.Other psychological factors that are important in picking up a new language include a sense of curiosity and a sensitivity to other people.Expectations also play an important role in determining the ease and speed with which you will learn your second language.Another factor is the learner's goals.If you are a serious adult language learner you need to write and clarify your goal in each specific area:understanding,speaking,reading,and writing.Clearly,the learner and teacher are far more important than techniques,texts,and program design.The most crucial factor involved in determining a language teacher's effectiveness,however,is probably his or her attitude toward the students,toward the language and toward the program.On the other hand,the language used in the classroom should be up-to-date and authentic.You need to learn not only words and structures but how to use them in a way acceptable to people from a different background.A good language curriculum will include practice in the nonverbal aspects of communication as well as discussion of cultural differences and similarities.Exercise 1.1.learner, teacher, curriculum 2.curiosity, expectations, goals 2.TFTFT
第二篇:新编大学英语视听说阅读第四册home listening原文及答案
The World Heritage Organization: Preserving Our Past
Today many organizations, both local and global, are devoted to preserving works of art, buildings, and even entire cities.The World Heritage Organization(WHO)is one such group.The following is a brief update on what is being done to preserve cultural heritage worldwide.The Tombs of Buganda Kings in Kampala, Uganda
The Buganda are one of eight tribal groups who have lived in Uganda for centuries.By 1750 they had created a well-planned centralized form of government.Their leader, called the Kabaka, was assisted by a prime minister as well as the head of the army and the commander of the navy.Over the years, the tribe has continued to maintain many of their original customs and beliefs.Tribal loyalty remains important to the Bugandans, even as many of them leave the country to make lives for themselves overseas.In 1884, in order to preserve and honor the memory of the former kings, the palace grounds of the Kabaka were turned into a burial ground for them.In 2001, WHO declared the area an officialWorld Heritage Site.The City of Quito, Ecuador
Before Europeans arrived in 1532, Ecuador was part of the great Inca kingdom.The area that is now called Quito became an important political center, and by the end of the 1500s the main streets of the city had been laid out and remain essentially the same today.As part of Quito’s early development, many grand public buildings such as palaces and cathedrals were constructed and decorated with beautiful statues and paintings.A powerfully original form of artwork emerged, combining European and South American Indian influences.This style of art greatly influenced the development of art in Latin America over the next 200 years and resulted in Quito being declared a WHO site in 1978.The Antonine Wall in Scotland, United Kingdom
The Antonine Wall is a 37-mile-long earth and stone barrier built across Scotland by the Romans to protect its lands to the south from invasion by enemy groups.It was begun in A.D.140 and completed two years later.Originally, forts were built every six miles along the wall, but this was later increased to every two miles.Today, the remains of the wall are clearly visible in many areas along its length, and it just recently became an official WHO site.Key:
I.1)Uganda2)burial site3)20014)South America5)Quito6)historic7)1500s
II.1.remains important;even as2.constructed and decorated with3.resulted in
III.1.Many organizations are devoted to preserving works of art, buildings and even entire cities.2.By 1750 they had created a well-planned centralized form of government.3.The tribe has maintained many of their original customs and beliefs.4.This style of art influenced the development of art in Latin America.5.Today, the remains of the wall are clearly visible in many areas along its length.Unit8
Slow Food And More
The Slow Movement is composed of a variety of groups worldwide that advocate paying careful attention to the beauty and pleasure available around us, instead of rushing through life.Slow Food
The Slow Food movement has been growing slowly but steadily since it was started in 1986.It was developed in response to the opening of a hamburger restaurant near the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy.Today there are several hundred regional groups in over 100 nations worldwide.In 2008, a group in San Francisco sponsored a Slow Food Nation event where 60,000 people convened.In 2004, the organization opened the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Bra, Italy, to promote awareness of good food and nutrition.Slow Cities
Like the Slow Food movement, the Slow Cities movement started in Italy.Its followers believe that cities should retain as much of their originality as possible to preserve their beauty and charm.This involves creating strict rules as to where cars can and can‘t go, and what businesses are allowed to operate in the city.Pedestrians and bicyclists are given priority over motor vehicles, and supermarkets and coffee shops with hundreds of identical stores are not welcome.There are currently 42 Slow Cities in Italy and many more in Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and elsewhere.Slow Homes
Slow Home is a movement founded by John Brown, a professor of architecture at the University of Calgary in Canada.He and his group believe that most new houses are being built cheaply and easily, but are unoriginal and boring.Therefore, the Slow Home movement encourages people to avoid standardized housing.According to Professor Brown, it is important for people to learn about design and construction when building a home, and to become involved with making intelligent decisions about the place where they will spend so much of their lives.Slow Travel
In this age of superhighways and jet planes, some people are talking about slowing down the travel experience.In 2008, two Swedish tour companies offered 8,000 train trips to various destinations in Europe.Typically, if one were to take a plane, the trips would take two hours on average.Alternatively, the train rides take a day or two.Despite the longer time needed, the program was extremely popular and better for the environment, releasing about 20 percent less harmful gas into the atmosphere than the same trip made by car or plane.Key:
I.1.A hamburger restaurant.2.Pedestrians and bicyclists.3.42.4.Standardized housing.5.20 percent less.II.1.The Slow Movement is composed of a variety of groups that advocate enjoying the beauty and pleasure around us.2.The Slow Food movement was developed in response to the opening of a hamburger restaurant in Rome.3.The followers of the Slow Cities movement believe that cities should retain as much of their originality as possible.4.People should become involved with making intelligent decisions about the place where they will spend their lives.5.Despite the longer time needed, the program was extremely popular and better for the environment.
1,Mention at least three reasons people get angry.What can we do to control our anger?
People tend to get angry when treated unfairly.Specifically, we may fly into a rage when we realize we were betrayed by a close friend or tricked by a clerk into buying something unnecessary at a high price.When people treat us with contempt, or deliberately ignore us, we may get annoyed.Also, the sight of injustice often fills us with indignation.For instance, when we see a child being bullied by a group of hoodlums, it makes our blood boil.To overcome our anger, we have two options: to fight or to run.In the case of a small offense, it's better to walk away and calm down.It is not necessary to explode at a slight provocation.However, when confronted with a gross injustice or a serious crime, we need to stand up for ourselves and speak our mind.After venting our anger, we may feel better.If we keep negative feelings to ourselves, we will probably feel miserable for a long time and regret not taking action.2,Why do people get depressed? Is there any connection between depression and bad luck? Can depression be overcome?
People feel blue for a variety of reasons.They feel depressed after failing an exam or losing a job.They feel grief when someone dear to them, for example a close family member, passes away.Suffering from a serious disease with little hope of a complete recovery, one may feel dejected.There seems to be a relationship between depression and bad luck.If your spirits are down and you show it, people might refrain from talking to you.Many good opportunities may slip away as a result.And you might be left wondering why your luck doesn't change.To cheer yourself up, you can study or work.Your mood might improve if you keep yourself busy and try to achieve goals.And if staying busy doesn't help, you can just wait for the sadness to go away.It is said that time heals all wounds.Finally, you might find solace in realizing.Your situation is not the worst.You can also choose to look at the bright side of things because every cloud has a silver lining.3,What makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy?
The greatest pleasures seem to come from hard-won achievements.For example, if after a lot of hard work, you passed an important examination, finished a big project, or got a promotion, you would feel incredibly happy, right? Human happiness is not limited to one's good fortune or success.If you help someone in need, you'll probably feel wonderful.This accounts for the success of Project Hope, through which people volunteer time and donate money to help people in need.4,Is there a relationship between reason and emotion? Which plays a bigger role in our lives?
Both reason and emotion are important in our lives.Although they are obviously different from each other, they complement each other just the same.Think about it, it is difficult to isolate reason from emotion and vice versa.When one is arguing, one is combining logic with feelings.When a speaker is advocating a principle, the feeling he puts into his voice reinforces his argument.When scientists conduct researches, they may choose an area that is interesting to them.Darwin studied science because he had been fascinated by plants and animals since his childhood.However, in some areas either reason or emotion may play a bigger role.Science students may need more logic than emotion to conduct experiments, while art students tend to rely more on their emotion for creativity.Within a family, people usually cherish the emotional ties between family members.Emotion could be more
important than reason when falling in love or trusting a member of one's family, whereas reason plays an important role when deciding how to educate a child.Together or separate, reason and emotion play critically important roles in our lives.What do you think? Or feel? 1,In what ways can people improve their appearance?
Some people just want to improve their looks in small ways.They may go on a diet to maintain a good figure, use makeup to improve their appearance, put a facial mask or a skin soother on their faces during the night, have their teeth straightened, or have their nails polished.Some others have a face-lift to change their nose or chin, make their single-fold eyelids double folded, and have their skin tightened to smooth out wrinkles and crow's feet.Some even inject botox(肉毒素)to remove wrinkles.More drastically, some people may have liposuction to remove fat.2,Why do some people want to improve their appearance?
A love of beauty is part of human nature.People like to see beautiful scenery, flowers, and animals.It is not strange that they also want to look at good-looking humans and improve the way they look themselves.With improved features, one may find a better job, attract a more desirable spouse, and gain faster promotion.Some occupations attach great importance to appearance.Most actors, anchorpersons, and fashion models can be recognized by their looks.It is sometimes argued that by looking good, one tends to feel self-confident.With confidence, success is more likely to follow in any undertaking.3,What disadvantages are there in plastic surgery?
We should not attempt to change our physical appearance by cosmetic means.Such changes may bring unexpected disasters in the future.Some beautifying methods, if not properly applied, have dangerous side effects.People who receive botox injections to remove wrinkles may eventually ruin their skin.Some surgical operations that are intended to make single-fold eyelids double fold actually make them multi-folded--not what the patient had in mind.4,How can one strike a balance between buying clothes on a budget and yet having fashionable clothes to wear?
People who don't have much money can also make themselves look fashionable.There are many ways to buy fashionable clothes without spending much money.For example, people can buy clothes that are on sale or sold in discount stores.It's smart to buy winter clothes at the end of the winter.Clothes are cheaper at the end of a season and can be stored until the next season.Some people are good tailors, and they can alter their clothes to make them fashionable.They may even create original styles.1,Describe some superstitions in English-speaking countries.English-speaking nations have a number of superstitions.For example, many people believe 13 to be an unlucky number, and do not want to live on the 13th floor or in Room 13.They say “knock on wood” or “touch wood” to avoid bad luck.To wish somebody good luck, they may say “I'll cross my fingers for you.” Superstitious people avoid walking under a ladder or opening an umbrella in doors.When they see a black cat run across their path, they think it's a bad omen.Some people may hang a horseshoe over their door to ward off bad luck.If they happen to drop a mirror, they worry that they will have seven years' bad luck.To ensure good luck, they may carry a charm of some kind, such as a lucky rabbit's foot!
2,What is the relationship between one's attitude to life and one's fate? Does the former determine the latter or is it the other way round?
Since the world is complex and mysterious, it is not easy to arrive at a definite conclusion.Some scholars, including a British psychologist, suggest that there exists a correlation between one's attitude to life and one's fate.But more research is needed before we can be sure of such a correlation.Moreover, the cause-and-effect relationship has not been clearly identified, and we are uncertain which causes which.In real life we can find counter examples: Some optimistic people are not very lucky, while some pessimistic people are quite lucky.Perhaps we should try to find out which case is more frequent: optimistic people with good luck or optimistic people with bad luck.Judging from my personal observations, the former is more common.I can even supply the reason: Optimistic people have more self-confidence, which facilitates their success in life.A survey involving many people is required to discover what most people think about this issue.3.Do you believe there are extraterrestrial beings in outer space?
It is difficult to come to a definite conclusion on this issue.On the one hand, many people claim to have seen a UFO, and some even assert that they were abducted by aliens in their spaceships.Theoretically, it is difficult to prove that in the vast universe people on Earth are of the most advanced civilization and have the most advanced technology.If we cannot see ETs, it may be because they are far more advanced than we are.Similarly, if primitive people cannot detect radio waves, it does not mean more advanced civilizations do not exist.On the other hand, human beings have not collected solid evidence to prove the existence of ETs.Although some people claim to have witnessed a UFO, it could be a visual mistake.A mirage is a case in point.When somebody claims to have seen a ghost, do you believe it? In my opinion, while mankind should continue to explore mysteries in the universe, they had better direct most of their time and energy toward pursuits that are more relevant to their present lives.4,Do you think success is due more to luck and opportunity or to diligence and perseverance? Why?
Sometimes a lucky person achieves great success without making the corresponding efforts, while a person who has worked diligently on and on fails to accomplish anything.But on the whole, I am inclined to believe that success is more closely related to diligence than to luck.It is true that in gambling, card-playing and some other games, luck plays a large role.But in most fields of endeavor, one has to study and work hard before one has a chance of success.For example, all scientists, engineers, teachers, musicians and athletes must receive years of rigorous training before they can do their work properly and stand out from the rest.Without hard work, they have almost no hope of success at all.After all, opportunity favors those who are well prepared.1,Name at least ten recreational activities, including those requiring a lot of physical exertion and those that are more relaxing.ome forms of recreation require a high level of physical activity.Here are some examples: football, basketball, badminton, tennis, and table tennis.Some people like climbing mountains, going bodysurfing, or going rafting.After those strenuous outings, they feel mentally relaxed.On the other hand, some people prefer more sedentary(久坐的)activities.Instead of playing a ball game, they watch it.They go to a cinema, a theater, an opera house or a concert hall, or they simply sit at home watching TV.Some play various kinds of games on the computer, and others play chess or cards.Even when they want to stay outdoors, they may choose peaceful pastimes like fishing.2,What do you think about the computer and the Internet as sources of entertainment?
With the advent of the computer and the Internet, we can play all kinds of games in the virtual world;we can play chess and cards with people we have never met, even a chess master.We can travel to all parts of the world on the Net.We can send and receive e-mails, and chat with people online.Moreover, we can make use of the Net as a way of learning.But we should be careful not to get too much of a good thing.If we sit in front of a computer all day long, there will be many negative effects.Our eyes may get damaged.Long exposure to radiation from the computer may cause disease.Too much sedentary work is bad for our health.We may become physically weak and develop a weight problem.Worse still, if we get addicted to the computer, we may neglect human relationships and communication between one another.In the end we would rather talk to a computer than to a human.3,Would you like to go on a tour during the vacation?
If I have enough money, I'd like to visit a distant place during my vacation.After a term of hard work, I think I deserve a trip for relaxation.From the trip, I could gain useful geographical and historical knowledge about the place--knowledge different from what we acquire from books.Furthermore, I would be refreshed from traveling, and then I could work more energetically in the next term.However, if I do not have enough money to travel, I can relax myself in many other ways.I can go to parks, or enjoy local scenic and historical sites.What's more, on the Internet I can visit remote places of the world.I can play computer games to kill time.Perhaps I will also do a lot of reading.If I arm myself with abundant knowledge, I may find a good job, which will offer me opportunities for traveling both at home and abroad
4,Stores are closed in the evenings and on Saturdays and Sundays in many Western countries, while they are normally open in China.Which system do you prefer? Why?
In my opinion, each system has its advantages and disadvantages.The weekend is meant for people to have a rest, and the employees at stores, post offices, government departments, schools and so on all deserve a rest.The two-day weekend was won after centuries of demands for workers' rights.If one store breaks the rules and stays open on the weekend, it will do unusually good business, but this is unfair competition.If people can enjoy proper rest over the weekends, they can work more vigorously during the weekdays.However, if all stores are closed, this can be inconvenient for many people, especially those in double-income households.If a small proportion of the population, that is those in the service industry, work on weekends, most people will enjoy their weekends even more.On the whole, I am in favor of the current Chinese system
1,What are the essential differences between the concepts of individualism and collectivism? Search the Internet for information.Individualism asserts the primary importance of the individual and holds that an
individual's interests should be placed above the group's.Individuals are being given opportunities and freedom to develop character, interests, abilities, careers, etc.within the context of individualism.In addition, the collective culture respects and even values the initiatives of each reason.On the other hand, collectivism emphasizes the interests of the group over those of the individual.It is believed that if the group prospers, all its members prosper.If an individual works for the benefit of the group, he or she will benefit as well.Sometimes collectivism requires individuals to sacrifice their short-term interests to the group's long-term goals.Perhaps we should strike a balance between promoting team spirit and bringing individual initiative into play.2,Should we follow the ethics of hard work or introduce fun into our work?
In my opinion, we can introduce fun into our work, but an industrious spirit is a more valuable element.It's true that people like to have fun, and that if learning involves fun, people tend to learn faster.Without fun, learning can be slow or even painful.This is illustrated by the popular saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” However, since many people do not study or work hard, I think it is necessary to stress diligence at the present stage in the nation's development.To attain advanced levels, we have to make greater efforts.If we all work hard, our offspring will be able to have more fun.Although fun plays a role in work and study, most human achievements are gained mainly through hard work.Most successful people have worked diligently to achieve success.After all, “no pain, no gain.”
3,Should different cultures integrate or keep their own characteristics?
A well-integrated nation is more capable of maintaining unity and stability.People in some countries dislike foreigners or ethnic minorities to behave differently from the norm.They prefer foreigners to assimilate into their culture.The saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” illustrates this point.The trend toward globalization promotes international exchanges and integration of different cultures.On the other hand, diversified cultures make our world more interesting and colorful.If all nations integrated into one, the world would be monotonous.Therefore, all ethnic groups should be allowed to keep their unique customs.The Chinese government has adopted favorable policies to allow the ethnic minorities to keep their traditions.All nations should be treated equally.Large nations should not pose their cultures on small nations.The world is composed of different countries and cultures.To achieve better development and cooperation, perhaps we should advocate multiculturalism while encouraging free exchanges between cultures.4,Should we be punctual for class, work or appointments? Why? What can you do to ensure punctuality?
In the past, Chinese did not attach much importance to punctuality.In an agricultural country punctuality was not very important.But nowadays, owing to the quickened pace of life and the influence of Western concepts of time, the Chinese seem to be paying more attention to punctuality.If somebody is twenty minutes late for an appointment, you may be annoyed because it is a waste of your time.To avoid being late, we should make adequate preparations.In case an emergency prevents us from arriving at the destination on time, we can call ahead to inform the person concerned of the delay.But for entertainment activities like a party, we may be a bit late, for that causes no inconvenience to others.
An Impressive Movie Boys and girls, good afternoon!Because I like watching movies very much, I will talk about a movie impressed me most with you.The movie is Stardust.I like the story in the movie very much.I think the story impressed me most in the movie.It is a story about how a boy becomes a man.The boy, Tristan Thorn, lived with his father when he was born.They lived in a village called Wall.There’s a wall that’s between human world and magical word.In fact, Tristan’s mother was a princess in the magical world.It’s a little mysterious for his parents to have a son.The mysterious things impressed me.However, what impressed me most were the adventures that Tristan took.He wanted to win the heart of a girl who was in the village.So he came to the magic world to find a star that fell from the sky.In the magic world, the star was a beautiful girl who loved Tristan so deeply.After going through so many difficulties with the star, Tristan found that he loved the star but not the girl in the village.And Tristan became a man finally.What I learnt form the movie was that we should have courage when we met difficulties, just like Tristan.In a word, it’s an impressive story about love, adventure, and magic.After watching the movie, you will be moved by it too.That’s all.Thank you!
Your Attitude Determines How High You Fly Good afternoon, everyone!I’m glad to stand here for my speech.Today I want to say that your attitude determines how high you fly.I want to share a story with you about this topic.As most of you know, I attended College Entrance Exams twice.In 2010,I was so crazy to prepare for the exam.I did all kinds of exercises repeatedly.I think it could have been possible for me to succeed if I had become a robot.So I became more and more unhappy.I had forgotten how to smile and laugh.I became more and more indifferent to everything.My friends stayed away from me one by one.I couldn’t sleep whole night before the exam.The result of the exam, you can image, was very bad.Could you fly with an indifferent and negative attitude to life? No.In 2011, after my failure, I learnt that I should live a different life with a different attitude.So I wasn’t indifferent to all anymore.To be more relaxed, I became more and more enthusiastic to others.I could smile and laugh again.Live a happy life with a positive attitude.After the examination in 2011,I was admitted into CCNU.I flew from SuiZhou to WuHan.I thought I made it.I believe that I will fly higher in the future because of the positive attitude to life.What I want to tell you via this story is that your attitude determines how high you fly.That’s all.Thank you!
IQ and EQ Good afternoon, everyone.Today my topic is IQ and EQ.First of all, please allow me to tell you a story.A few days ago, I got an invitation of a wedding.The bride is one of my friends.And the experience of their love is a little surprising.The bride is from HuBei province, and the bridegroom is from Guangdong province.They met and chatted in QQ, though they are from a long distance and don’t know the appearance and voice of each other at first.Finally they fell in love with each other and they will be married.In the era of QQ, there’s a lot of things of Q should be taken seriously, just like EQ.EQ is short for emotional quotient, also known as social IQ.If my friend and her bridegroom had no any EQ, I think their wedding would be nothing.So, attach importance to your EQ, and maybe some day will be your biggest decision in your life.There’s another story that I want to share with you.In the winter holiday, I found my elder brother had a business conference with his colleague and his boss in QQ.After the meeting, my brother told me that they had made a big deal with others.Besides my surprise, I admire their high IQ more.Of course, I admire the inventor of QQ the most.And there’s no doubt that the inventor has high IQ too.According to the encyclopedism, IQ is the abbreviation of Intelligence Quotient, standing for intelligence quotient.It’s an ability to use knowledge to solve practical problems.It’s not only possessed by social elites, like the inventor of QQ.As modern college students, we should improve our IQ too.As for the relation of IQ and EQ, I think they are so closed that they can’t be separated.Can you say that the bride and the bridegroom have high EQ and low IQ? NO!Can you say that the elites have high IQ and low EQ? NO!So, they go together and go interaction.It’s obviously that EQ IQ and QQ are all so important.Besides EQ IQ and all kinds of QQ, I think there are more things of Q should be found and valued.And we will be more successful if we possess these Qs.That’s all.Thank you!
第五篇:英语视听说3答案 课本
Basic listening practice
(1)the first day(2)changing(3)really good(4)hard workers(5)went over her head
Task 2
1.extra training2.chemistry3.accounting4.many field of study5.better potential
6.business degree7.challenging8.how to learn9.better understanding10.narrow-minded Task 3
Model 1
1.already I feel like I’ve learned a lot
2.I already feel like I’m up to my ears in homework
3.have to hit the books
4.rub off on you
5.Probably, you’ll have to repeat the year
6.I’ll be burning the midnight oil
Model 2
1.how I’m going to study awake
2.He could put the entire basketball team to sleep during the championship game’s tough No pain, no gain he usually fails half of the studentsI’m bored to death
Model 3
1.what are your primary duties as professor
2.I do a lot of research and writing
3.Teaching is an important part of being a professor
4.applying for grants to fund my research
5.being a professor sounds pretty competitive
6.So you get F in this course
Let’s talk
Page 16task 1
1.standardized tests2.abilities and interest3.interest4.pressure5.well-rounded6.get into good colleges7.the rest of the school8.from bad to worse
Task 2
1.course2.puizzes3.semeter4.confident5.party6.make7.missed8.the had a flat tire on the way back and didn’t have a spare9.placed them in separate rooms ,handed each of them a paper10.On the second page was a question worth 95 points :”which ofthe tires was flat ” Task 3
Unit 2
Page 21
Task 1
1.nature2.environmential problem3.pollution4.promote5.aware of6.from occurring
7.law8.throw away9.fined10.trash
Task 2
Task 3
Model 1
1.getting along during this unusually hot weather
2.the hot, humid weather is killing her
3.does bring global warming and rain
4.Everybody should know that cause global warming , otherwise we won’t stop it
5.not to burn any more wood and coal
6.the polar ice caps melt and oceans rise
Model 2
1.asking for donation to save the rainforest
2.They need hot, tropical climates
3.heavy rainfall leads to dense vegetation
4.plant and animal species exist only in rainforests
5.are in danger of destruction by
6.find a way to save them
Model 3
1.a big sandstorm hit our city
2.The air was full of dirt and sand and dust
3.comes after a long period of drought
4.the soil can be lifted up
5.plant more trees and grass
6.launchig a new afforestation program in a bid to address the environmental problem
b a h d g e c f
page 34task 1
1.water pollution2.overconsumption3.economic growth4.resources5.social advancement
6.restricted7.government planning8.economic policy9.remarkable step10.balance Task 2
Task 3
1.negative2.report3.warming4.pressures5.mountainous6.barely7.make way for
8.expect 98 percent of the mountain areas to experience severe climate change by 20559.The UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problems facing mountain areas10.Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted most of the year
1.signs2.warmer temperatures3.warmest4.snow5.attracts6.trouble7.normal8.best season9.one-time10.white
Unit 3
Page 39
Task 2
1.roots2.what3.moral4.diligence5.sin6.teachings7.centuries8.even as children they were thought ,”If it worth doing at all , it’s worth doing well”9.In English a new word has been created to describe people who work compulsively10.Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society , because they are extremely productive
Task 3
Model 1 interests rank above everything elseIt’s a sharp contrast to the oriental collectivismis not necessary an equivalent for selfishnessall values ,rights and duties originate in individuals
5.in oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anything else
6.Why do American cherish individualism
Model 2
1.always seem to be in a hurry
2.What do you think are the reasons for that difference
3.Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle
4.let them to create fast food
5.globalization shrinks the differences between cultures
6.the gap will eventually be bridged
Model 3
1.they’re on top
2.they definitely get the best marks
3.They never skip-class
4.did homework each night until the early hours
5.That’s the secret of their success
6.I just want to learn in an interesting way
Page 50
1.transatlantic slave trade2.unknown lands3.diginty or payment
1.rich2.cotton and sugar
1.all over the world2.family history3.changed
1.200th anniversary
1.bannned2.taking part in3.slavery4.freed
Page 52
Task 1
Task 2
Page 54
1.disappearing2.kicking3.tea shop4.image crisis5.update6.compete7.fast
8.product designers9.contacts10.similar11.want12.challenge13.comsumer
Unit 4
Page 57
Task 1
1.typical2.known3.Generally4.find5.apartment6.sole7.principal8.Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United States9.adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families10.companies are getting involved in the arrangement of day care
Task 2
Task 3
Model 1
1.I’m having a hectic time working on this report
2.It’s been more than five years , almost six, since we were married
3.Time has gone so fast
4.I’m this close to getting a promotion
5.What has that got to do with it
6.you have a great point
Model 2
1.So many people in the United States get divorced
2.the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent
3.westerners fall head over heels in love quickly
4.some marriage break up ,but most couples stay together
5.Do people get married young
6.Do women usually work after they get married
Model 3
1.haven’t seen dad for ages
2.my mom’s been pretty sick 68
9.sad10.stress11.friends12.helps13.Christmas14.cousins15.presentsTask 1
1.divorce her husband2.irresponsible3.changing jobs4.stability5.bills6.poverty line7.apartment8.yells at9.calls him names10.half
Task 2
Task 3
1.the last word2.remarriage failures3.picture4.eights times5.wife6.dating
7.lonelines and anxiety8.second9.response to her10.lukewarn11.warmed up
12.accepted13.ripe14.blended into15.right
Page 72
Unit 5
Page 75CABCC
Task 3
1.buy2.office wear3.likes4.cats5.pet6.time7.special dish8.little party
9.little trip10.countryside
Model 1
1.we have goose and ham for Christmas dinner
2.we eat leftovers for days
3.he’ll refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthy meal
4.we heap up our presents under the tree
5.Your family prolongs the celebration for three days
6.Isn’t that what the true spirit of Christmas is supposed to be
Model 2
1.spend the holiday with her mother and brother
2.They were happy just to have survived their first harsh winter
3.that’s good reason to celebrate
4.symbolize a family reunion
5.to be together and share a huge dinner
6.just thinking about all that food makes my mouth waterdon’t exaggerateNever thought I was good enough for youseriously, mom’s not so badWhy not just have both our parents here for Christmas
Model 3 you ok? people in funny costumes and masks everywhere dressing like witches and ghostsA crowd of children followed me ,shouting
5.They were hoping you’d give them candy
6.It’s a funny kind of holiday
Page 86
e b g d h a f c
Page 88
Task 2
8.the tradition was born ,on the third Sunday every June ,close to the anniversary of sonora’s father’s death
9.The card probably has a nice message on it saying what a great dad their father is
10.British people might give their dad a bit of a rest-make him a cup of tea ,or even wash his car and mow the lawn
Page 91
1.fun2.headache3.1504.two million5.feeling6.atmosphere
13.most famous14.different15.spreads