
时间:2019-05-14 21:14:10下载本文作者:会员上传


ways to keep your high spirit and stay sane in stressful working days We all had long months of overtime, sleepless nights, terribly high stress level and very high responsibility pressure.We were carrying the burden of high expectations and the fear of failure on our shoulders.As a result, once in a while, one of us was losing control and breaking into tears with no particular reason。

Of course, this was an exceptional period.But even in normal working days there are many annoying moments, stressful situations and problems waiting for your solutions.It’s a challenge to keep your high spirit and stay sane in stressful working days.Here are some easy tips I used in order to avoid another weeping session in the office bathroom.And guess what? They worked!

1.Don’t go to sleep too late – when you don’t get enough sleep at night there is a big chance that you will feel tired and irritated the next day.2.Wake up with a smile – simply convince yourself that it’s going to be a really nice day.In the worst case it won’t, but on the other hand if you start off with a gloomy mood, the day will definitely be terrible.So you’ve got nothing to lose, right?

3.Have a mini-work out – I know it’s very difficult to start a work out when you are sleepy and have a busy working day ahead.But have at least 10-15 minutes stretching and you will feel much better。

4.Take a shower – this will freshen you up and make you feel completely awake and positive.It will also relax your muscles after the work out。

5.Have a healthy breakfast – I have heard this a thousand times and I know it’s true.And I never had breakfast before going to work.That’s very unfortunate because whenever I had unplanned early morning meeting or urgent issue to deal with all I could do was regret that I did not have breakfast.As a result my mood was spoiled。

6.Make a to do list – Yes, lists are very important.They help you visualize how much work you have for the day as well as not forget anything.Having your work volume right in front of you will help you implement effective time management。

7.Squeeze time for lunch– yes, you are too busy.Yes you do not have time for lunch….but, if you don’t eat when you are hungry, your work will be extremely unproductive and most of it won’t be done anyway。

8.Take your laptop to meetings– let’s face it, there are many meetings which are boring and don’t specifically address your projects.There are times when you have urgent burning issues which you can’t solve because of your obligatory presence on that dull meeting.Take your laptop and work on the urgent presentation of yours while they discuss things, which you can read later in filtered meeting minutes。

9.Think of the bright spot of the day– I am sure that work is not your whole life.After work you definitely have something nice to do – whether it’s going home and enjoying family, having dinner out, meeting friends or having guests.When things get really bad, think that just in a few hours you will be doing the pleasant thing you have planned for today and it will be easy to carry on。

10.Do the most irritating things first – choose the most depressing things from your to do list and do them first.While you have energy you will cope with them easier and you will have less stressful tasks for the rest of the day。

11.Don’t accumulate unanswered emails– make sure you reply to emails as they come.Have it as an ongoing thing in between tasks.That will help you avoid the “email duty” before you leave work for home。

12.Cheer up your desk – have something nice/cute/funny/positive on your desk because it will make you smile each time you look at it.During the day look at this thing and forget about the problem for a few seconds。

13.Make a phone call – no matter how busy you are you can always find a few minutes to call the ones you love.Those few minutes will charge you up with positive feelings and remind that work is not your whole life, but just part of it。

14.Music in your ears – If you do not have your separate office, noise, conversations and ringing phones may get on your nerves when you need to concentrate.Put on the headphones, tune into your most productive music and concentrate on your task。

15.For many people full time work is part of every day life.We just need to make sure that it does not affect negatively our health, family and life balance.我们都经历过数月的超时工作、无数个无眠之夜,承受过重大责任和压力。我们肩负着太多期望,害怕失败。所以有些时候,我们会再也承受不住,莫名落泪。




















Night after night, she came to tuck me in, even long after my childhood years.Following her longstanding custom, she'd lean down and push my long hair out of the way, then kiss my forehead.I don't remember when it first started annoying me — her hands pushing my hair that way.But it did annoy me, for they felt work-worn and rough against my young skin.Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, “Don't do that anymore —your hands are too rough!” She didn't say anything in reply.But never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar expression of her love.Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts returned to that night.By then I missed my mother's hands, missed her goodnight kiss on my forehead.Sometimes the incident seemed very close, sometimes far away.But always it lurked, in the back of my mind.Well, the years have passed, and I'm not a little girl anymore.Mom is in her mid-seventies, and those hands I once thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.She's been our doctor, reaching into a medicine cabinet for the remedy to calm a young girl's stomach or soothe the boy's scraped knee.She cooks the best fried chicken in the world...gets stains out of blue jeans like I never could...Now, my own children are grown and gone.Mom no longer has Dad, and on special occasions, I find myself drawn next door to spend the night with her.So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run across my face to brush the hair from my forehead.Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my brow.In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night my young voice complained, “Don't do that anymore — your hands are too rough!” Catching Mom's hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.I thought she'd remember, as I did.But Mom didn't know what I was talking about.She had forgotten — and forgiven — long ago.That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found 此文章为摘抄


A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.“Daddy, may I ask you a question?”

“Yeah sure, what is it?” replied the man.“Daddy, how much do you make an hour?”

“That’s none of your business.Why do you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.“I just want to know.Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little boy.“If you must know, I make $20 an hour.”

“Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head down.Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I please borrow $10?”

The father was furious, “If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.Think about why you are being so selfish.I work hard every day for such childish behavior.”

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy’s questions.How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn’t ask for money very often.The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door.“Are you asleep, son?” He asked.“No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy.“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man, “It’s been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.Here’s the $10you asked for.”

The little boy sat straight up, smiling.“Oh, thank you daddy!” He yelled.Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father.“Why do you want more money if you already have some?” the father grumbled.“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied.“Daddy, I have $20 now.Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you.”



















While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great

success in many states ?a at least in getting people off welfare.It's estimated

that more than 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994.In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been out in half.But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour.The result: The Athens County poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent——twice the national average.For advocates(代言人)for the poor, that's an indication much more needs to be done.“More people are getting jobs, but it's not making their lives any better,” says Kathy Lairn,a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 1995 and 1996,a greater percentage of single, femalea2headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.but for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as

well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.“Welfare was a poison.It was a toxin(毒素)that was poisoning the family,” says Robert Rector, a welfarea2reform policy analyst.“The reform is changing the moral climate in lowa2income communities.It's beginning to rebuild the work ethic(道德观),which is much more important.”

Mr.Rector and others argued that once “the habit of dependency is cracked,” then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.


初中照稿发言题目参考 I’m happy!I have a new pen friend.Here is an email and now I can send.My pen friend’s in England.Her name is Sue.Give me your address.You can be my friend, too.We can write about hobbies and families and friends.We can always write emails and always be friends.This old owl lives in a tree.He likes to look.He likes to see.He likes to hear but not to say.We can learn a lesson from that owl today.I’m making a list of things I like doing.Laughing and playing and running and stamping.Flying a kite and singing and clapping.Having a picnic.Climbing a tree.Reading a good book.Watching TV.Do you want to go to the sea? Yes, we want to go to the sea.When you want to go to the sea, come with me.Do you want to ride on a bus? Yes, we want to ride on a bus.When you want to ride on a bus, come with us.Do you want to visit the zoo? Yes, we want to visit the zoo.When you want to visit the zoo, can we come, too? What do you want to eat? Soup, noodles or fish? Come in and have a seat and have your favourite dish.What do you want to drink? Milk, juice or tea? All our food is very, very nice, as you can see.What are you going to do today? I’m going to go to the park to play.And what are you going to do then? I’m going to play football with my friend.And I’m going to rest in my bedroom this afternoon.I’m going to play chess and I’ll be the winner!And I’m going to go to bed and say goodnight tonight.The sun is shining on the sea, shining, shining bright.And this is strange, because it is the middle of the night.The moon is shinning sadly, because it thinks the sun is wrong to be there in the sky after the day is done.“The sun is very bad,” it says, “to come and spoil my fun.” I am flying in the sky.You waving to say goodbye.I am high up in a plane.You are calling out my name.It is getting very dark and I am going to the park.I am having an ice cream.Then I wake up from my dream!.Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America.They rode their bicycles.Then they watched the game.They saw their favourite team.Their team played very well and they won.Daming and Simon ate hot dogs and drank colas.It was a great game!My sister said, “Please buy me a hen.” So I bought her a hen.My sister said, “Please buy me a basket.” So I bought her a basket.My sister said, “Please buy me a bicycle.” So I bought her a bicycle.And what did she do then? She put the hen in the basket.She put the basket on the bike.Then she went away.And she didn’t say “Thank you”!In October 2003, Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.He made a video and now he is very famous.Look up at the spaceship flying in the sky.Shenzhou went into space.It made a loud sound.It went to new places and travelled round and round.And inside the spaceship, there was a Chinese man.I want to meet him and I want to shake his hand.School is nearly finished.It’s time to start anew.Now I can speak English.I can speak to you.It’s time to say goodbye now.School is going to end.But we can write in English and we can always be friends.Every year in August 15 is Mid-Autumn Festival.At this time the people all want to eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon.The family member reunites, because that day moon is roundest.Also has many wonderful stories about Mid-Autumn Festival's moon, is having these expectations.Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view;

We spend more, but enjoy less;We have bigger houses, but smaller families;We have more compromises, but less time;We have more knowledge, but less judgment;We have more medicines, but less health;We talk much, we love only a little, and we hate too much.Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, visit the places you love;Let's write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”!Let's tell our families and friends how much we love them;Every day, every hour, and every minute is special;And you don't know if it will be your last.I’ve been studying English for three year.I did feel it is very hart to learn English.I even could not spell words rightly.I’ve made a great progress with teacher and classmates’ help later.During my English study, I know that, only with hard work can you on study.I have an advice for you, do not sleep on class and follow teacher to do what he want you to do, or it will be your biggest mistake that in your study way.Jim is an English boy.He comes to China with his father and mother.They come here to work.Jim comes here to study.He is in No.5 Middle School.He studies hard.He can read English well.He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese.He makes many friends here.We are glad to stay with him.On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping.Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus.The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve.He saw a lot of people waiting in the station.Some were standing in line, others were walking around.There was a group of schoolgirls.Their teacher was trying to keep them in line.Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.My first job was at a cramming school.It was three years ago when I just graduated from junior high school and finished the entrance examination.Since I had nothing to do that summer, I decided to find a job, tasting the joy of independence.Time is important.Everyone has 24 hours in a day.There are 365 days in a year.Once a day runs out in our life, it will never come back again.If we love our lives, we shouldn’t waste time.We must control time.The best way to use time is to plan it well.One morning a countryman went to his goose's nest, and saw a yellow and glittering egg there.He took the egg home.To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold.Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs.The countryman became more and more rich.He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its body.A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road.A woman is driving down the same road.As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells “PIG!” The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, “WITCH(女巫)!” They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road.If only men would listen.You are standing under the most famous neon lights in the centre of London, waiting to cross the road.Suddenly the traffic stops.You hear the distant sounds of cheering, clapping and shouting.Then like a multi-coloured train, 2,000 people with wheels on their feet go past you.You have just saw the London Skate, a twice weekly roller-skate event that attracts thousands of people.London Skate is a completely free tour of the streets of London--the only condition is that you go along on roller-skates.It lasts between two and three hours and by the end of it you have skated between 10 and 12 miles.In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to students is too heavy.While it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults.They should be allowed more time for play.Playing is not wasting time, as some think.It gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination.Lost time is never found again.This is something which I learned very clearly last semester.I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer.I finally realized that something had to be done.It was time for a change.Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely.I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour.This will give me a head start on the day.I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it.Looking back on what I’ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.I was responsible for answering the telephone and taking the message.I worked eight hours a day, six days a week.The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and I guess I did well.The most delighted thing was perhaps that I could spend the money I earned all by myself.Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole body into action.It strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, promotes the circulation of the blood, and causes a healthy action of the skin.Besides, it is very amusing and does not cost us much money.Table-tennis is very moderate;it is not so rough as football.It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days.Thus, it is my favorite kind of exercise.One April 1st , a country bus was going along a winding road when it slowed down and stopped。Then the driver turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said this poor bus is getting old。It isn't going as well as it used to。there is only one thing to do if we want to go home today。I will count three。I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can。This should get the bus started again but if it doesn’t’ t,I am afraid there is nothing else I can do。Now,all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready。

When making the study plan, we should remember two things.First, be realistic.Don’t try to do too many things.Second, a good study plan should be flexible.We may make some small changes on a weekly basis but follow the same pattern.Let’s be the master of time, start out plan now.31 One day when women's dresses were on sale at the Far East Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece.But he soon found himself being battered by women.Then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowed.“Can't you act like a gentleman?” “I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour.From now on, I am acting like a lady.”

Mr.Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air.He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat.He found all of them had already had been taken except for one.There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr.Robinson was surprised that he had not taken the one by the window;but, anyhow, he at once went towards it.33 I have said it a hundred times, we need team work,always seek the best in others.The purpose of this trip , is to train our team in a real situation and to test our new members.Those deserving special praise are the Little Leaf and Four Eyes.Although new to the trade, they try hard, they have not only surpass themselves, but even the old guard here。

When Tom Howard was seventeen years old he was as tall as his father, so he began to borrow Mr.Howard's clothes when he wanted to go out with his friends in the evening.Mr.Howard did not like this, and he always got very angry when he found his son wearing any of his things.



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