
时间:2019-05-14 03:02:41下载本文作者:会员上传


1.I need some pencils 我需要一些铅笔

Tommy: Mom,I need some pencils.Mom: How much do you need? Tommy: 1000 won.Mom: Here,go and get it.汤姆:妈妈,我需要一些铅笔。妈妈:你需要多少钱? 汤米:一千韩元。


2.How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学? Billy: Hello!I'm Billy.Sophie: Hello!I'm Sophie.Billy: How do you go to school? Sophie: I go to school by bicycle.Sophie: How about you? Do you walk to school? Billy: No,I don't.I go to school by bus.Billy: Oh,that's my bus.Goodbye, Sophie!Sophie: Goodbye...Billy!比利:你好!我是比利。苏菲:您好!我是苏菲。比利:你怎么去上学? 苏菲:我骑自行车去上学。苏菲:你怎么去?你走路去上学吗? 比利:不,我不是。我坐公共汽车去上学。比利:噢,那是我的公交车。再见,苏菲!苏菲:再见......比利!

3.I eat vegetables 我吃些蔬菜 Buba: Here we go!Buba: Goal!Referee: Guys!Let's take a break!Referee: We'll finish playing after lunch!Hey, Cosmi.If you want,I'll beat him up for you.Cosmi: Well,it's probably because he eats lots of vegetables.Cosmi: Maybe that's why he's got a lot of energy and is playing so well.Buba: Yay!I won!Cosmi: Buba...how are you so good? Buba: Because I don't eat junk food like you do.Buba: Instead,I eat rice and vegetables.Buba: That's why I played much better than you.Cosmi: I should have eaten vegetables too...布巴:我来了!布巴:进球了!




科斯米:布巴...你怎么这么厉害? 布巴:因为我不像你一样吃垃圾食品。布巴:相反,我吃米饭和蔬菜。布巴:这就是为什么我打得比你更好。科斯米:我应该也吃些蔬菜...4.What is your favorite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么? Coco: What is your favorite animal? Costa: I like big animals.Costa: I like elephants.Coco: I like fast animals.Coco: I like horses.Costa: What is your favorite animal? Mimi:I like turtles.Mimi: Turtles are not big.Mimi: They are not fast.Mimi: But they run and run until they reach the goal!Coco: Really? Coco: Then I like turtles,too.Costa: Yeah,Me too.可可:你最喜欢的动物是什么? 科斯达:我喜欢大的动物。科斯达:我喜欢大象。可可:我喜欢跑得快的动物。可可:我喜欢马。

科斯达:你最喜欢的动物是什么? 咪咪:我喜欢乌龟。咪咪:乌龟并不大。咪咪:它的速度也不快。

咪咪:但是它会一直跑,直到它达到目标!可可:真的吗? 可可:我也喜欢乌龟了。科斯达:是啊,我也是。

5.You wanted to eat some 你要吃一些 Tommy: Hi,Jinny.Jinny: Hi, Tommy.Tommy: What are you eating? Jinny: It's fried sweet potatoes.Tommy: I'm wondering what the taste is like.Jinny: Gee.You wanted to eat some.Tommy: Now you got it.Jinny: Here you are.Have some.汤姆:嗨,金尼。金尼:嗨,汤米。汤米:你在吃什么? 金尼:这是炒红薯。

汤米:我想知道它是什么味道的。金尼:哎呀。你想要吃一些。汤米:你现在明白了。金尼:给你。吃一些吧。6.How many books? 多少本书?

Bobby: How many books? Judy: One book.Bobby: How many pencils? Judy: One pencil.Teacher: How many notebooks? Jane: Three notebooks.Teacher: How many books? Jane: Five books.Teacher: How many books are there? Tommy: There is wone book.Mike: How many books do you have? Jane: I have four books.Mike: How many pencils do you have? Jane: I have five pencils.鲍比:有多少本书? 朱迪:一本书。鲍比:有多少支铅笔? 朱迪:一支铅笔。老师:有多少本笔记本? 简:三本笔记本。老师:有多少本书? 简:五本书。

老师:这里有多少本书? 汤米:这里有一本书。迈克:你有多少本书? 简:我有4本书。迈克:你有多少支铅笔? 简:我有5支铅笔。

7.What time do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

Tommy: What time do you get up? Jane: At seven.Tommy: What time do you wash your face? Jane: At seven fifteen.Amy: What time do you have breakfast? Silvia: I have breakfast at six twenty.Amy: What time do you go to school? Silvia: I go to school at seven ten.汤米:你什么时候起床? 简:7点。

汤米:你什么时候洗脸? 简:7点15分。

艾米:你什么时候吃早饭? 西尔维娅:我在6点20分吃早餐。艾米:你什么时候去上学? 西尔维娅:我7点10分去学校。

8.What are you doing? 你在做什么?

ChinChin: Costa, what are you doing? Costa: I am drawing pictures.Hahaha.ChinChin: Costa,you should draw pictures on paper.ChinChin: Not on Coco's face.Costa: Hahaha.But it is fun.Coco: What...what is this? Coco: Costa.Where are you? Coco: I will get you for this!晨晨:科斯达,你在做什么? 科斯达:我正在画画。哈哈哈。晨晨:科斯达,你应该画在纸上。晨晨:不是画在可可的脸上。科斯达:哈哈哈。但是,真很有趣。可可:这...这是什么? 可可:科斯达。你在哪里? 可可:我一定会这样凑你的!

9.What is your name? 你叫什么名字? Harry: Hello!Jimmy: Hi!Harry: I'm Harry.What's your name? Jimmy: My name is Jimmy.Harry: Nice to meet you, Jimmy!Harry: What is your name? Kelly: My name is Kelly.William: My name is William.Wendy: My name is Wendy.Harry: Goodbye,Everybody!Everybody: Goodbye, Harry!哈利:您好!吉米:你好!

哈利:我是哈利。你叫什么名字? 吉米:我的名字叫吉米。哈利:很高兴见到你,吉米!哈利:你们叫什么名字? 凯利:我的名字是凯利。威廉:我的名字是威廉。温迪:我的名字叫温迪。哈利:大家,再见!大家:再见,哈利!

10.How old are they? 他们多大了? Ask: How old are they? Answer: They are 1 years old.Ask: How old are you Hootty? Answer: I am 2 years old.Ask: How old is he? Answer: He is 3 years old.Ask: How old is she? Answer: She 4 years old.Ask: How old are you? Answer: We are 5 years old.问:他们多大了? 回答:他们1岁。问:赫媞,你几岁了? 回答:我2岁。问:他多大了? 回答:他3岁。问:她多大了? 回答:她4岁。问:你们几岁了? 回答:我们5岁。

11.Vacation 度假

Mimi: I am going on vacation.I am going to the beach!ChinChin: I am going to the beach,too!Let's go together.Mimi: Okay.The weather is beautiful.Mimi: Let's swim at the beach.Mimi: Hey Chinchin, Costa is here.What are they doing? Cosmi: It's very sunny today.We have to put on sun block.Costa: Let's swim at the beach.Cosmi: Okay!Where is my swim suit? Cosmi: I love playing in the waves!Coco: Uh oh,I don't know how to swim.Coco: I will play in the sand.Cosmi: Where is my swim suit? I can't find it.Cosmi: Oh,I have a great idea.Cosmi: Costa,change me into a mermaid.Cosmi: It will be a lot of fun!Costa: Oh yeah? Hahaha!Be my guest!Cosmi: Hey!Come back here!咪咪:我打算去度假。我要去海边!晨晨:我也要去海边!我们一起去吧。咪咪:好的。天气真好。咪咪:我们去海边游泳。

咪咪:嘿,晨晨,科斯达在这里。他们在做什么呢? 科斯米:今天阳光明媚。我们必须涂上防晒霜。科斯达:我们去海里游泳。科斯米:好吧!我的泳衣在哪里? 科斯米:我喜欢在海浪中玩耍!可可:哦,我不会游泳。可可:我会在沙滩上玩。


12.I like Pizza 我喜欢比萨饼

Dad: Let's go out for dinner today.Sally: Sounds great!Dad: What do you want to eat? Sally: I like pizza.Dad: Okay,let's have some pizza.爸爸:我们今天去外面吃晚餐。莎莉:听起来太棒了!爸爸:你想吃什么? 莎莉:我喜欢吃比萨饼。


13.This is for you 这是送给你的

ChinChin: Mimi,this is for you.ChinChin: I hope you like it.Mimi: Thanks so much guys!Buba: Open it!Mimi: Wow,look at this!Looks yummy!Mimi: I'm going to save some for later.Costa: What? Save some? Costa: Before she does that,I think I'll take it all.Costa: Mimi,this is for you.Costa: I can have some of your chocolate,right? Mimi: Hey!What are you doing? Costa: Ha ha...all mine.Costa: I'm going to eat this all by myself.Suri: Okay!Costa: Hey you!晨晨:咪咪,这是给你的。晨晨:我希望你喜欢它。咪咪:伙计们,非常谢谢你们!布巴:打开它把!


科斯达:在她吃完之前,我想我会把它们都弄过来的。科斯达:咪咪,这是送给你的。科斯达:我可以吃些你的巧克力,对吗? 咪咪:嘿!你在做什么? 科斯达:哈哈...都是我的了。科斯达:我打算自己把这些都吃完。苏瑞:好的!科斯达:嘿,你们!

14.It is really hot today 今天真热

Costa: It is very hot.Coco: How is it outside? Costa: It is very hot outside.Samsik: Wow,you surprised me.Samsik: What,what? Is it hot today? Costa: It is really hot today.Costa:I will have some ice cream.Mimi: How is it? Is it cold? Mimi: Well,yeah a little cold.Mimi: But look at the snow!Mimi: It is like Christmas!Costa: Aren't you guys hot? No,we are cold.Coco: Cold? Are you cold? Let me tell you.Costa: So, it is windy.Costa: And it is cold in Mimi's place.Costa: And Mimi is wearing a long sleeve shirt? Costa:Samsik,Do something!Samsik: Okay wait.Costa: What is this? Samsik: Oh oh...my bad!科斯达:天气非常炎热。可可:外面怎么热了? 科斯达:外面非常热。

桑姆斯克:哇,你让我吃了一惊。桑姆斯克:什么,什么?今天很热吗? 科斯达:今天真热。科斯达:我要吃些冰淇淋。咪咪:怎么回事?它是冷的吗? 咪咪:嗯,是有点冷。咪咪:但看着像雪!咪咪:这看起来像圣诞节!科斯达:我们的朋友们是不是也热? 不,我们是冷的。可可:冷?你们冷吗? 让我来告诉你们吧。科斯达:那么,那里有风。科斯达:而咪咪的那里很凉快。科斯达:而咪咪正穿着长袖衬衫吗? 科斯达:桑姆斯克,做些什么!桑姆斯克:好吧,等等。科斯达:这是什么?


15.Where Are You? 你在哪里?

Bobby: Where are you? Judy: I'm in the bedroom.Bobby: What are you doing? Judy: I'm cleaning the room.Bobby: Where are you? Tommy: I'm in the bathroom.Bobby: What are you doing? Tommy: I'm washing my face.鲍比:你在哪里? 朱迪:我在卧室里。鲍比:你在做什么? 朱迪:我在打扫房间。鲍比:你在哪里? 汤米:我在浴室里。鲍比:你在做什么? 汤米:我在洗脸。

16.What will you do this summer vacation? 这个暑假你干什么?

Sophie: What will you do this summer vacation? Billy: I'll learn magic tricks.Billy: What about you, Sophie? Sophie: I'll go on a trip.Mr.X: Sounds great!Where? Sophie: I'll go to New York with my family.Billy: What's your summer plan,Mr.X? Mr.X: Well...I'll visit my grandparents.Billy: Great!Where do they live? Mr.X: They live next to my room.We live together!苏菲:这个暑假你干什么? 比利:我要学习魔术。比利:你呢,苏菲? 苏菲:我会去旅行。X先生:好极了!去哪里? 苏菲:我会和我的家人去纽约。比利:X先生,你的暑假计划是什么? X先生:嗯......我会去看我的祖父母。比利:太好了!他们住在哪里?


17.Wake up 起床

Mom: Wake up!Tommy.It's time to get up!Tommy: Oh,Mom.Please wone more minute.Mom: No,you have to get up now.Tommy: Okay,mom.I'll get up soon.妈妈:起床了!汤米。起床的时间到了!汤姆:哦,妈妈。请再等一分钟。妈妈:不行,你现在就得起床。汤米:好的,妈妈。我会很快起床的。

18.Are you okay? 你还好吗?

Chinchin: Costa,are you okay? Costa: No.I can't smell anything.Costa: I can't eat anything.Chinchin: Why? Costa:Because I am sick!Costa: I have a cold.Chinchin: Don't worry, Costa.Chinchin: Okay!Chinchin: Now smell it and eat it.Costa: Wow.I can smell!Costa: It smells really good!Costa: I can eat too!Costa: Thank you Chinchin.Chinchin: You are welcome.Chinchin: Oh my god!晨晨:科斯达,你没事吧? 科斯达:不好,我闻不到东西。科斯达:我吃不下东西。晨晨:为什么? 科斯达:因为我病了!科斯达:我感冒了。晨晨:不要担心,科斯达。晨晨:好了!


19.I want to be a doctor 我想成为一名医生 Buba: When I grow up.Buba: I want to be a doctor.Buba: I want to help sick people.Coco: Oh yeah!Coco: Then you can help me? Coco: I have bad dream every night.Coco: Can you help me not to? Buba: Then...try this.Buba: I have a good idea for you.Coco: Try what? Buba: Hug your pillow tight.Coco: Really??? Coco: That's it? Buba: Cool.Buba: Ha,ha,ha,ha...Buba: Just kidding.Buba: Hehehe,sorry.布巴:当我长大了。布巴:我想成为一名医生。布巴:我想帮助生病的人。可可:哦,太好了!可可:那你可以帮帮我吗? 可可:我晚上一直做一个恶梦。可可:你能不能帮帮我? 布巴:那么...试试这个。布巴:我给你出一个好主意。可可:试什么? 布巴:抱着你的枕头。可可:真的吗? 可可:这是什么? 布巴:酷。


20.I love my family 我爱我家人

Mimi: I love my family.Mimi: I love mommy and daddy.Mimi: I love my sister.ChinChin: I love grandma and grandpa.Buba: Hi.Buba: I love my brother.Buba: I like to play with my brother.Costa: I have a sister.Costa: I don't like her.Costa: I want a brother.Costa: I want to play with a brother!Coco: I have a brother.Coco: I don't like him.Coco: I want a sister.Coco: I want to play with a sister!咪咪:我爱我的家人。咪咪:我爱妈妈和爸爸。咪咪:我爱我的妹妹。晨晨:我爱爷爷和奶奶。布巴:嗨。



21.What is your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? Mimi: Cosmi, what is your favorite color? Cosmi: My favorite color is pink.Mimi:My favorite color is white.Cosmi: But I only have red and white.Cosmi: But I want pink.Mimi: You can make pink.Cosmi: Make? How? Mimi:See? Mimi: Mix red and white.Mimi:Then you can have pink.Cosmi: Mimi,you are very smart!Cosmi: Look!It's a pink bunny!!Cosmi: Ha ha ha......咪咪:科斯米,你最喜欢的颜色是什么? 科斯米:我最喜欢的颜色是粉红色。咪咪:我最喜欢的颜色是白色。科斯米:但是我只有红色和白色。科斯米:可是我想要粉红色。咪咪:你可以画出粉红色。科斯米:能画出?怎么做? 咪咪:看到了吗?


科斯米:看!这是一个粉红色的兔子!!科斯米:哈哈哈......22.What are you wearing? 你穿的是什么? Cosmi: Hi, Mimi.Mimi: Hi, Cosmi.What are you wearing? Cosmi: Are you wearing new clothes? Mimi: Yes,I am wearing new clothes.Cosmi: How do I look? Mimi: What are you wearing? Cosmi: I am wearing a skirt.Cosmi: I am wearing a hat.Coco: I am wearing a jacket.Coco: I am wearing pants.Mimi: But Coco,isn't it really tight? Mimi: You look very fat.Coco: What are you talking about? Coco: I am skinny.Look!Mimi: Oops,Coco.Button your pants.Cosmi: Poor Coco.Mimi: By the way, Cosmi.Mimi: I think you should wear more clothes.Mimi: Aren't you cold? Cosmi: No,not at all.Cosmi: Huh? What happened? Mimi: Cosmi,that looks great on you too!科斯米:嗨,咪咪。

咪咪:嗨,科斯米。你穿的是什么? 咪咪:你穿了新衣服?

科斯米:是的,我穿了新衣服。科斯米:我看起来怎么样? 咪咪:你穿的是什么? 科斯米:我穿了一件裙子。科斯米:我戴着一顶帽子。可可:我穿了一件夹克。可可:我穿了一条裤子。

咪咪:但是可可,是不是真的有点紧? 咪咪:你看起来很胖。可可:你说什么? 可可:我很瘦。你看!咪咪:哎呀,可可。你裤子的扣子。科斯米:可怜的可可。咪咪:顺便说一下,科斯米。咪咪:我觉得你应该多穿点衣服。咪咪:你不冷吗?



23.It's time for school 该上学了

Billy: What time is it,Mr.X? Mr.X: It's eight o'clock.It's time for school.Billy: Ok,Mr.X.Billy: It's twelve o'clock.Sophie: It's time for lunch!Billy: What's for lunch today? Sophie: Spaghetti and salad.Billy: Oh,I love it.比利:现在几点了,X先生? X先生:现在是八点。该上学了。比利:好的,X先生.比利:现在十二点了。苏菲:这是吃午饭的时间了!比利:今天的午餐是什么? 苏菲:意大利面和沙拉。比利:噢,我喜欢。

24.What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?

Sophie: Does your mother work? Billy: Yes,she does.Sophie: What does your mother do? Billy: She's a dentist.Billy: What about your mother? Sophie: My mother is a housewife.Billy: Sounds good!I don't like working moms.Sophie: Why? Billy: My mother is always busy.Sophie: Billy,look at this.A housewife is always busy,too.苏菲:你母亲有工作吗? 比利:是的,她有。苏菲:你妈妈是做什么的? 比利:她是一名牙医。比利:那你妈妈呢?





25.I like grapes 我喜欢葡萄

Bobby: I like grapes.How about you? Betty: I don't like grapes.I like watermelons.Kimmy: Do you like apples? Amy: Yes,I do.Kimmy: Do you like bananas? Amy: No,I don't.Tommy: What's your favorite fruit? Judy: My favorite fruit is grapes.鲍比:我喜欢葡萄。你呢? 贝蒂:我不喜欢葡萄。我喜欢西瓜。吉米:你喜欢苹果吗? 艾米:是的,我喜欢。吉米:你喜欢香蕉吗? 艾米:不,我不喜欢。

汤米:你最喜欢的水果是什么? 朱迪:我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。

26.I like school 我喜欢学校

ChinChin: I like school.Mimi: Me too.I like books.Mimi: I like to learn.ChinChin: How many students are in your class? Mimi: It's small.Only 10 students.Buba: I don't like school.Mimi: Why? Buba: Our teacher's lessons are hard.Buba: And the teacher gives us too much homework.Mimi: Yeah.I have a lot of homework,too.Costa: Hello guys.What's up? Mimi: Nothing much.Mimi: We were talking about school.Costa: School? I love school.Mimi and Buba: Really? Costa: Then,how was school today? Costa: Hahaha,it was a lot of fun.晨晨:我喜欢学校。


晨晨:你的班上有多少个学生? 咪咪:很少。只有10个学生。布巴:我不喜欢上学。咪咪:为什么呢?

布巴:我们的老师讲的课太难。布巴:而且老师给了我们很多的功课。咪咪:是的。我也有很多的功课。科斯达:朋友们,你们好。怎么了? 咪咪:没什么。咪咪:我们在谈论学校。科斯达:学校?我爱学校。咪咪和布巴:真的吗?

科斯达:那么,今天在学校要干啥呢? 科斯达:哈哈哈,这一定很有趣。

27.Where do you live? 你住哪里?

Sam: Where do you live? Amy: I live in Sindangdong.Where do you live? Sam: I live in Hanra Apartment.Tomas: Where does your uncle live? Amy: He lives in New York.Judy: Where are you from? Bobby: I'm from the USA.Where are you from? Judy: I'm from Korea.Silvia: Where are you from? Tomas: I'm from Japan.Where are you from? Silvia: I'm from China.山姆:你住哪里? 艾米:我住在斯诺丹侗。你住哪里?

山姆:我住在韩瑞公寓。托马斯:你的叔叔在哪里住? 艾米:他住在纽约。朱迪:你来自哪里? 鲍比:我来自美国。你来自哪里? 朱迪:我来自韩国。西尔维娅:你来自哪里? 托马斯:我来自日本。你来自哪里?


28.Zoo 动物园

Costa: What are you going to do today? Buba: I am going to the zoo.Buba: I am going with Mimi and Chinchin.Costa: Zoo? What kind of animals are there at the zoo? Buba: There are lions,seals,kangaroos,monkeys and many more.Buba: What do you see? Do you see the polar bears? Mimi: Yes,I do.They are swimming.Buba: What do you see? ChinChin: I see elephants.They are taking a bath.ChinChin: And I see giraffes.They are eating leaves.Buba: What?That must be Costa.Mimi: What is going on? Buba: The monkey said...look!Buba: Costa,Stop it!Mimi: Hey,look!Do you see the kangaroos? ChinChin: Yes,I do.They are bouncing.Mimi: No, Costa is there.Buba: Stop that right now!Costa.Costa: Hahaha!科斯达:你今天要去哪里? 布巴:我要去动物园。


布巴:有海狮,海豹,袋鼠,猴子,许多其他的。布巴:你看到了什么?你看到北极熊了吗? 咪咪:是的,我看到了。它们在游泳。布巴:你看到了什么?


晨晨:并且我还看到了长颈鹿。他们正在吃树叶。布巴:什么?这一定是科斯达。咪咪:这是怎么回事? 布巴:猴子说...看!布巴:科斯达,停下来!

咪咪:嘿,看!你看到袋鼠了吗? 晨晨:是的,我看到了。它们正在跳着。咪咪:不,科斯达在那里。布巴:停下来!科斯达。科斯达:哈哈哈!

29.Invitation 邀请

Man: Betty,do you want to go to cinema this weekend? Betty: Is there anything good showing? Man: Yes,it's “Romeo and Juliet”.Betty: Great!What time will it start? Man: 6p.m.Will you be free then? Betty: Yes,I'll be free.I'd love to go.男:贝蒂,你要不要这个周末去电影院? 贝蒂:有什么好的电影吗? 男:是的,是“罗密欧与朱丽叶”。贝蒂:太好了!什么时候开始? 男:下午6点。你有空吗? 贝蒂:是的,我有空。我很想去。

30.We are going to a farm today 我们今天去农场

Mimi: We are going to a farm today.ChinChin: We can see all the animals in the farn.ChinChin: What kinds of animals are on a farm? Buba: There are cows,chickens,pigs,sheep and many more!Mimi: I don't see any chickens.Buba: Sh!They're sleeping in the barn.Mimi: What sound do cows make? Buba: Cows say,“moo,moo”.ChinChin: What sound do chickens make? Buba: Chickens say,“ cluck, cluck ”.Cosmi: What sound do chickens make? Costa: Chickens say,“cluck, cluck ”.Cosmi: What sound do sheep make? Costa: Sheep say,“baa,baa”.Cosmi: What sound does Coco make? Costa: Coco says,“oink,oink”.Hahaha.Costa: She eats like a pig,so he says “oink,oink”.Hahaha.咪咪:我们今天去一个农场。



布巴:嘘!他们在谷仓里睡觉。咪咪:牛的叫声是什么样子的? 布巴:牛的叫声,“哞,哞”。晨晨:鸡的叫声是什么样子的? 布巴:鸡的叫声,“咕咕,咕咕”。科斯米:鸡的叫声是什么样子的? 科斯达:鸡的叫声,“咕咕,咕咕”。科斯米:羊的叫声是什么样子的? 科斯达:羊的叫声,“咩,咩”。科斯米:可可的叫声是什么样子的? 科斯达:可可的叫声,“哼,哼”。哈哈哈。科斯达:她像猪一样爱吃,所以他的叫声,“哼,哼”。哈哈哈


【少儿英语口语】少儿英语对话(天气篇)A: What's the weather like in Japan? B: It's windy.A: What's the weather like in China?

B: It's snowy.译文:

A: 日本的天气怎么样?

B: 多风的。

A: 中国的天气怎么样?

B: 多雪的。

英语口语培训 http:///



A : Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to get to the post office from here?

B : Sure.Walk along Second Avenue and you can see it on the right.It's between the shoe store and the shopping mall.A : Thank you very much.B : It's my pleasure.译文:

A: 打扰一下。你能告诉我从这里到邮局的路么?

B: 当然。沿着第二大街走,然后你能看到它在右边。它在鞋店和大型购物中心之间。A: 非常感谢你。

B: 乐意效劳。

英语口语培训 http:///



林先生:These are our new models.这些是我们的新产品.李小姐: What are their strong points?

有什么优点? 林先生: There's a lot to be said for them.In the first place.they are more durable than any similar ones on the market.优点很多.首先.它们比市场上任何类似产品更耐用.李小姐: Why does it take longer to wear out than the others?

为什么它比其他产品耐用呢? 林先生: The yarn is carefully selected for quality and woven very tightly in this fabric.这纱的质量是经过精心挑选的.而且质地织得很紧密.李小姐: Can you leave these samples with us?

可以把样品留下来吗? 林先生: How long do you want to keep them?

你要留多久? 李小姐: About three days.大约三天.林先生: That's all right


In the telephone Daisy: Is Tom there?

Tom 在吗? Gates: He’s not here right now.他现在不在这里

Daisy: Do you know when he will be back?

你知道他什么时候会回来吗? Gates: He should be back in 20 minutes.他应该二十分钟内会回来。

Daisy: Can I leave a message?

我可以留个话? Gates: Yes.Go ahead, please.可以, 请继续。

Daisy: When he comes back, can you have him call me at(206)5551212?

他回来后, 能不能让他打(206)5551212 这个号码给我? Gates: Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second.Let me find a piece of paper to write it down.当然, 如果你可以等我一下下, 让我找张纸写下来。

Gates: Come again about number, please?



(206)5551212 Gates: Ok,i get the number


Daisy: Thank you ,have a good day



杨云: Peter, welcome to our factory.皮特,欢迎到我们工厂来。

皮特: I’ve been looking forward to visiting your factory.我一直都盼望着参观贵厂。

杨云: You’ll know our products better after this visit.参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。

皮特: I hope so.Maybe we could start with the Designing Department.希望如此啊。也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。

杨云: No problem.Then we could look at the production line.没有问题。接下来我们可以看一下我们的生产线。

皮特: OK.May I take pictures which I will send to my colleagues?


杨云: Of course you can.当然可以了啊。

皮特: You are so kind.Thank you very much.Hope we can work together.你太好。非常感谢。希望我们以后能合作。

杨云: My pleasure.I hope so.我很乐意效劳啊。我也希望能够合作。


露西: Hi, you must be Mary?

嗨.你一定是玛丽? 玛丽: Yes.It's a pleasure to meet you.How was your flight? Shall we go? I've got a car waiting outside to take us to your hotel.是的.很高兴遇见你.旅程如何?我们可以走了吗?外面已经有辆小车等着接我们回旅馆了.露西: That'd be great.The flight was ok.Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.太好了.旅程还可以.谢谢抽出时间来这里接我.玛丽: No worries.Our company wants to make sure you have a pleasant trip.别担心.我们公司希望确保您旅途愉快.露西: I really appreciate it.我真的表示感激.玛丽: Everything has been organized for you.The accommodation, the transport and all the other little things you should need.一切都已经为您准备好了.住宿.运输和您可能需要的其它小事.露西: Does the conference begin tomorrow?

会议明天开始吗? 玛丽: Yes, there is a welcoming dinner tomorrow night.是的.明晚将有一个接风宴.露西: That's great.It gives me some time to rest and see some of this city.真棒.那我就有时间休息一下并且参观本市.玛丽: It's already been arranged, I will take you on a city tour tomorrow morning.这也已经安排好了.明天上午我会带您游览市容.




Part 1: 赵: Please introduce yourself.唐: My name is Tangyunjuan , I will graduate from Guangxi University

of Technology.My major is business administration.I thought from three aspects to introduce myself: Firstly, he students work.I served as student’s union department assistant, responsible for the

department and class activities.Secondly, certificate.I past the CET6 and the computer access level 2.Thirdly, Social practice.Once in the Kangshifu did drink promotion, not only completed the sales volume also won the leadership.覃:From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently

in school.What I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.唐: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, The

company’s sales performance.In Chinese market has grown two times in the past three years.I also admire and agree with the

employee developmental values that the company has adopted.I find that my personal goals fit perfectly with the company’s goals

赵: As a fresh graduate, what do you think is the most essential factor to

establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your future boss?

唐: All the Leaders have rich experience.So First of all I would like to obey the leadership job arrangement Secondly, I will ask their advice and maintain an open mind.Thirdly, when there are questions, I will promptly with the leadership of in-depth communication to find a reasonable solution

韦: What would you like to be doing five years from now?" 唐: I hope to be the best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that too.韦: Well, that’s all for the interview.唐: Thank you for your time.I am looking forward to the next interview.Part 2:

覃:Please.黄: Thanks.韦:Could you tell me something about your education, please.黄:I graduated Guangxi university.I majored in international trade.赵:very well.Now tell me if you have a good command of both writtenand spoken English.黄:Yes , I passed CET6 at college.I also passed Business English certificate Test.All the foreigners I’ve dealt with say my English is

quite good.覃:Now I’m going to ask you a few professional questions.What is the first thing to do in international trade?

黄:As a buyer, you first have to make an inquiry.And as a seller, you have to make an offer.覃:Can you name same Trade Terms.黄:Of course.Cost Insurance and Freight, Cost and freight, Free On

Board, Delivered at frontier are common Trade Terms in international trade.赵:You are right.We’ll notify you of our final decision within one week.黄:Thank you.Part 3:

覃:Sit down, please.Can you introduced you and tell me about your

educational background?

岑:OK.My name is Cencaixia.I graduated from guangxi Univercity of

technology.My major is business administration.赵: What experience have you had?

岑:I'm afraid I haven't had any experience in just this sort of work.I'm

studying business administration in college.I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies.韦:Have you got any selling experience at all?

岑:I worked in a department store in a small town last summer vacation.覃:What about your oral English? You know, are staff members in this company are Americans as ours is an American capital company.So you can see that conversational English is very important in our company.岑:I think I can manage English conversations with American staff

members.At college I often practice oral English with my classmates.韦: Why would you like to work with us?

岑: It's a job I'm interested in, and your company is one of the best known.Although I have no work experience as a salesperson, the job description you sent was very interesting.It's a job I've been dreaming of since I was at university.赵:Do you know anything about this company?

岑: Yes.As you mentioned just now, yours is an American capital

company.As far as I know your company is a world famous one which produced skin care products.韦:Miss cen.It was nice talking to you.However, we want to interview

the other applicants before making any final decision.You will hear from us soon.Thank you for your coming, Miss Li.岑:Thank you.I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.



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    情景一:奶奶病了 她打电话向医生求助 情景二:格林先生的钱包偷了,他没钱只好走路回家。 情景三:五天前发生了一起车祸,马克受伤被送进了医院。 情景四:昨天玛丽和她姐姐在一家餐馆......


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