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(课程代码:0015 考试时间:150分钟)

PART ONE(50 POINTS)Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母填在题号后括号内。

1.America became independent _____ the control of Britain on July 4th, 1776.A.of B.on C.in D.at 2.We can’t help _____ him for his great achievements in scientific research.A.admire B.to admrie C.admiring D.admired 3.Three years after her marrige, Kate gave birth to a _____ boy.A.gold-skin B.golden-skin C.golden-skinned D.golden-skinned 4.The teachers seemed to be happy to have a try of this new teaching method, but _____ that it could make a difference.A.convinced B.unconvinced C.convincing D.unconvincing 5.The art of China have not declined _____ western influence.A.in spite B.despite of C.in spite of D.regardless 6.What is feared as failurein the US is,_____, loneliness.A.above all B.all the same C.at all D.of all 7.By the end ofmeeting, he felt quite stressed and was _____from having to deal with so many things.tribule A.given out B.worn out C.torn out D.drawn out 8.In ourlife, many impotant things that _____ to our overall objectives and give mearning to life don’t tend to act _____ us orpress us.A.contribute… on B.contribute…against C.attribute…on D.attribute…against 9.Like the national _____ for Asian literacy in Australia , there has been foreign langues _____ in China.A.push…favor B.pull…favor C.pull…fervor D.push…fervor 10.We received _____ help from many students in our research.A.valueless B.invaluable C.worthless D.worthwhite Ⅱ.Close Test(10points , 1 point for each item)下面短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母填在题号后括号内。

There are many ways of attaining education at all ___11__, Mary hight schools, colleges, community or district adult schools __12___ business and industrial institutiongs __13__ daytime or everning classes in dozens of fields and skills.It is reported that about 13 millions Americ-ans __14___ different froms of adults education through schools, job training ,or cor-respondence courses.About one __15___four American adults participate __16__ an organized learning group cach year.I-n recent years,There has been a trrend of older students to return for post-secondary education degree.___17__ has been mentionged, the community college has made it possible for all secti-ons of the population to have higher education.Other colleges and universities, both public a-nd ___18__, also have what is now called” continuing education” programs or “lifelong educati-on” programs of associate degrees, graduate studies or professional develop-ment.In such a system, a worker may continue his study even __19__ a part –time basis, and a retried person many return to college at a(n)__20___ age.11.A.ranks B.levels C.layers D.fields 12.A.also B.plus C.as well D.as well as 13.A.ofter B.take C.supply D.reserve 14.A.join B.enter C.accept D.receive 15.A.of B.from C.in D.every 16.A.in B.during C.at D.under 17.A.It B.Which C.As D.Like 18.A.personal B.private C.secret D.hidden 19.A.with B.in C.from D.on 20.A.hign B.big C.tall D.advanced Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points ,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母填在题号后括号内。

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Here in the hills were buffaloes(野牛).I had even, in my very young days---when I could not l-ive till I had killed one of each kind of American animal---shout bull out here.Later on, wh-en I was not so interested in shouting as in watching the wild animals, I had been out to see t-hem again, but twice I had to go back without success.But one afternoonsa I was having tea with some friends outside the house, Denys came fly-ing from Nairobi and went over our heads westwards.A litter while later, he turned and came back and landed on the farm.I drove down to the plain to bring him back, but he would not g-et out of his plane.“ The buffaloes are out feedingin the hills,”he said,”come out and have a look at them.” “ I cannot come,” I said.” I have got a tea-party up at the house.” “ But we will go and see the, and be back in a quarter of an hour,”he said.This sounded to me like the suggestions which people make to you in a dream.So I went up with him.It did not take us long to see the buffaloes from the air;we counted them as they peacefully mixed and separated on the open ground enclosed in by bushes.There was one ve-ry old big black bull, and a number young ones: if a stranger had come near to them they wo-uld have heard or our machine and stopped feeding, but they didi not seem to be able to look up.In the end they realized that something very strange was about;the old bull first walked out in front of the others.Suddenly he began to go down the valley side and after a moment he broke into a run.The whole group now follwed him, rushing hurriedly down into the bush-es.In a small wood of low trees they stopped and kept close together.Here they believed the-mselves to be out of sight.We flew up and away.It was like having been taken there by a sec-ret unknown route.When I came back to my tea-party the teapot on the stone was still so hot that I burned my fingers on it.21.When young, the writer_____.A.was interested in killing as many animals as possible B.enjoyed shooting one of every sort of African animal C.had failed to find the buffalo D.used to camp in the hills and watch the buffalones in a plane.22.The writer went to plane _____.A.to persuade Denys to leave the plane.B.to have a talk with Denys.C.because they wanted to go up in the plane.D.to pick Denys up and take him back to the tea-party.23.Denys said it would only take a quarter of an hour to go and see the buffaloes _____.A.and he was right.B.but it look much longer than that C.but it wasn’t a serious suggestion D.if they went by a secret route.24.When the buffaloes initially heard the noise of the plane, they _____..A.looked up B.ran away immediately C.continued feeding D.were uncertain what to do 25.The buffaloes felt safe when they reached the wood because they _____.A.should only be seen iff the plane flew higher.B.could only be seen from the ground.C.thought they couldn’t be seen D.could not see the plane

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.England’s highest main-line railway station hangs on to life by a thread: deserted and unm-anned since it was officially closed in 1970.Dent Station, situated high in the hills of Yours-hire,wakes up on six summer weekends each year, when a special charter(包,租)train unl-oads walkers,sightseers and people who simply want to catch a train from the highest statio-n,on to its platform.But even this limited existence may soon be brought to an end.Dent Station is situated on the Settle to Carlisle railway line, said to be the most scenic(景色迷人的)in the country.But no amount of scenic beauty can save the line from British Rail’s cash(现金)problem.This year, for the sake of economy, the express, which used to pass through Dent Station, have been out put on to another route.It is now an open secret that British Rail sees no future for this railway line.Most of tis trai-ns disappeared some time ago.Its bridge, built on a grand scale a century ago, is falling dow-n.It is not alone.Half a dozen railway routes in the north of England are facing a similar threat.The problem is an outdated system and an almost total lack of cash to repair it.Bridges and tunnels(隧道)are showing their age, the wooden support for the tracks are rotting and engines and coaches are getting old.On major lines between large cities, the problem is nor too bad.These lines still make a pro-fit and cash can be found to maintain them.But on the country branch line, the story is differ-ent.Although tracks have been much used, they are not replaced Instead, speed limits are int-roduced, making journeys longer than necessary and discouraging customers.26.Since 1970 Dent Station has been used _____.A.only bu hill walkers B.only by local people C.only in some years D.only for a part of each year.27.Of all the railways routes in Britain, the one that passes Dent Station _____.A.is the most expensive to maintain B.passes through the most beautiful countryside C.is the most historic D.carries the largest number of tourists.28.Which of the following is NOT a problem facing many country railway lines in Britain? A.renewing coaches B.enlarging station C.rebuilding bridges D.repairing engines 29.By “hangs on to life by a thread “(Para.1)the author most probably means ______.A.it is dangerous for Dent Station to be situated high in the hills B.even the limited use of Dent Station may soon come to a close C.many people still come to Dent despite the official closedown of Dent Station.D.British Rail is faced with the cash problem.30.The prospect(前景)that the country railway might be closed is viewed by te author with _____.A.surprise B.approval C.regret D.anger

Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Urban life has always involved a balancing of opportunities and reward against dangers and stress;its motivating force is, in the broadest sense, money, Opportunities to make money me-an competition, and competition is stressful;it is often at its most intense in the largest cities, where opportunities are greatest.The presence of huge numbers of people inevitably involves more conflict, more traveling, overloading of public services and exposure to those crimin-als(罪犯)who are drawn by the wealth in large cities.Crime has always flourished in the rel-ative anonymity(无名)of urban life, but today’s ease of movement makes its communities.City dwellers may become trapped in their homes by the fear of crime around them.As a defense against these developments, city dwellers tend to use various strategies(策略)to try reduce the pressure upon themselves: contacts with other people are generally made brief and impersonal;doors are kept locked;journeys outside the home are usually hurried,ra-ther than a source of pleasure.There are other strategies, too, which are positively harmful to the individual;for example, reducing awareness through drugs and alcohol.Furthermore, all these defensive forms of behavior are harmful to society in general;they cause widespread loneliness and destroy the community’s concern for its members.Lack of informal social contact and indifference to the misfortunes of others, if they are not personally known, are among the major cause of urban crime.31.According to the author, living in a city cause stress because there are so many people who are _____.A.like to commit crimes B.naturally aggressive C.in need of help D.anxious to succeed 32.In the author’s opinion, the MAIN reason why there are many criminals in large cities is that _____.A.people do not communicate with their neighbors B.criminal are difficult to tract in large population C.people feel anonymous in large cities D.The wealth in large cities is attractive to criminals 33.Which of the following problem facing people living in cities is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.crime B.finding somewhere to live in C.Loneliness D.Drugs and alcoholism 34.The biggest attraction to live in a city is _____.A.Rewards B.Monet C.Stress D.Competition 35.According to the author, crime is caused by several factors, one of which is _____.A.hurried journes B.personal misfortunes C.defensive behavior D.social isolation(隔离)

PART TWO(50 POINTS)IV.Word Spelling(10 points , 1 point for two items)


36.复杂性,复杂的事物 n.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37.登记,入伍,入会,入学参加 vt&vi e _ _ _ _ _ 38.过多的,过度的,极端的 adj e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39.经济,经济学 n e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.地平线,范围,视野 n h _ _ _ _ _ _ 41.使结合,与 ……结合 vt i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.流利 n f _ _ _ _ _ _ 43.采用 vt a _ _ _ _ 44.小册子 n p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.擢升,晋级,提升 n p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.不耐烦的,急躁的 adj i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.容量,生产量,才能 n c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.奢侈,奢华 n l _ _ _ _ _ 49.不理,忽视 vt i _ _ _ _ _ 50.尝试,企图 vt a _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.使服从,使顺从 vt&vi s _ _ _ _ _ 52.打扰,扰乱 vt d _ _ _ _ _ _ 53.情况,形式 n c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.单身汉,学士 n b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55.殖民地 n c _ _ _ _ _ V.56.It’s only a _____(mionr)of people who are causing the violence.Word Form(10 points , 1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白,答案写在答题纸上。57.She has a lot of interesting ideas, but she’s not very _____(practice).58.He is deeply _____(religion)and goes to church twice a week.59.Many people died of _____(starve)that year.60.Now large areas of forests _____(threaten)with destruction.61.I know she has caused trouble, but I’m sure she has done this _____(intention)’ 62.This book is on the different _____(variety)of English spoken in the world.63.The girl played the piano _____(assertive)throughout the whole concert.64.I enjoy my job, but I’d like to do something more _____(create).65.Theses cakes are really nice.They are _____(delicious)cakes I’ve ever had.VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。



VII.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下面短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Thanksgiving Day comes on the fourth Thursday in November.Every year, the president writes a letter to the phone.He writes that the fourth Thursday in November will be national holiday.All the stores, banks, schools and offices close.Thanksgiving has hardly changed at all in its intention and manner of celebration.Thanksgi-ving is a family holiday, for it is customary for all members of the family to gather at the ho-me of the father and mother.All over the country, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren travel from city to town, from town to village, or from village ti farm ti spend the day at their old homes.Many speak to their parents or grandchildr-en by long distance telephone.On Thanksgiving Day, the churches hold Thanksgiving services.Thanksgiving is a chance to renew friendship.Above all, Thanksgiving Day is a time for remembrance and foe giving thanks.山东省2006年4月高等教育自学考试




I.Vocabulary and Structure(10points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B II.Close Text(10 points, 1 points for each item)下面短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应字母涂黑。

11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.D Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points ,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母填在题号后括号内。

21.B 22.D 23.A 24.D 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.D 33.B 34.B 35.D IV.Word Spelling(10 points , 1 point for two items)


36.complexity 37.Enroll 38.Excessive 39.Economics 40.Horizon 41.Integrate 42.Fluence 43.Adopt 44.Pamphlet 45.Promotion 46.Impatient 47.Cspacity 48.Luxury 49.Ignore 50.Attempt 51.Submit 52.Disturb 53.Circumstance 54.Bachelor 55.Colony V.56.Minority 57.Practical 58.Religious 59.Starvation 60.Are threatened 61.Unintentionally 62.Varieties 63.Assertively 64.Creative 65.The most delicious Word Form(10 points , 1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白,答案写在答题纸上。

VII.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下面短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

66.Many important activities become urgent through delay, or because of a lack of planning.67.Be sure to attend the meeting at half past two in the afternoon.68.He is always too busy with his new discoveries to bother with making money.69.Compared with Chinese women, American women seem less inclined to speak uo easily to their bosses.70.The background knowledge of English fascinates a lot of learners, but at the same time disheartens quite a few.


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B.作用线沿A、B连线 C.作用线沿B、C连线 D.作用线沿过B的铅垂线

2.已知动点弧坐标形式的运动方程为S=t-t2,则t=ls时的速度和切向加速度分别为()A.V=l,aη=0 C.V=-1,aη=-2

B.V=-1,aη=2 D.V=l,aη=2 3.图示机构中,物块A的速度大小为VA,加速度大小为aA,通过绳子带动圆轮绕O轴转动。轮缘上B点的速度及加速 度的大小分别为VB、aB,则它们的关系是()A.VA=VB,aA=aB B.VA=VB,aA>aB C.VA>VB,aA=aB D.VA=VB,aA

4.图中直杆OA绕O轴转动,带动小环M沿直杆BC运动,若取小环M为动点,取 OA为动系,则由牵连运动的定义可知,牵连运动为()A.OA杆绕O轴的定轴转动 B.沿OA杆的直线运动 C.沿BC杆的直线运动 D.以OM为半径的圆周运动

5.质量为m的质点以初速度V0开始运动(如图示),受重力作用落到水平线ox上.在降落过程中,由 无忧E书网 www.51eshu.net 专注于收集各类历年试卷和答案

质点的受力特征可知()A.动量的投影Px为常量 B.动量的投影Py为常量

C.对O点的动量矩m0(mv)为常量 D.动能T为常量

6.图示轴向受力杆件中n-n截面上的轴力为()A.-3P B.-4P C.+4P D.+8P 7.图示梁为()A.静定梁 B.一次超静定梁 C.二次超静定梁 D.三次超静定梁

8.图示受扭圆杆中的最大剪应力为()A.16md3 B.32md3 C.48md3 D.64md3 9.受横向力作用的工字截面梁如图所示,P的作用线通过截面形心,该梁的变形为(A.平面弯曲 B.斜弯曲

C.平面弯曲与扭转的组合 D.斜弯曲与扭转的组合

10.材料相同的各圆形截面杆如图所示,当它们受重物Q的自由落体冲击时,抗冲击 能力最强者为())

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11.刚体定轴转动时,如果非转轴上各点的加速度方向都 指向转轴,则该刚体转动的角速度为___________.12.图示机构中O1A=O2B=l,给定折杆ABC上C点 的速度Vc,则杆O1A的角速度ω等于___________.l3.匀质圆轮质量为m、半径为R,在地面上作纯滚动。已


I沿地面作纯滚动。给定该惯性力系的主矢RI及主矩MC,如图所示。根据动静法可求得圆轮与地面间的摩擦力 F的值为___________.15.图示曲柄连杆机构中OA=AB=l,当给定曲柄 OA的虚位移为δα(方向如图示)时,连杆AB 上矩为m的力偶所做的虚功δW=___________.16.脆性材料的抗拉强度b与抗压强度b之间的关系


已知,该杆的总伸长量△l=___________.19.某单元体上的应力情况如图所示,ζx、ζy,材料 的弹性模量E、泊松比μ均为已知,该点沿z方

向的线应变εz=___________.无忧E书网 www.51eshu.net 专注于收集各类历年试卷和答案



xd3=___________Mpa.三、计算题(本大题共8小题,第21~24题每小题各5分,第25~28题每小题各10分,共60分)21.按图示结构的尺寸和荷载求链杆支座A、B、C的约束反力.22.在图示平面机构中,圆盘A的半径为R,沿水平面以角速度ω作纯滚动,AB杆A端铰接在圆盘形心A处,B端沿光滑墙下滑,AB杆长度为l,墙与AB杆的夹角为.求平面运动直杆AB的B端的速度.23.试画出该梁的剪力图和弯矩图.24.试用叠加法求图示梁C截面的挠度.无忧E书网 www.51eshu.net 专注于收集各类历年试卷和答案


(2)对系统应用动量矩定理,求A的加速度aA.27.一矩形截面简支梁,梁上荷载如图所示.已知P=6kN、l=4m、b=0.1m、h=0.2m,试画出梁的剪力图和弯矩图并求梁中的最大正应力.无忧E书网 www.51eshu.net 专注于收集各类历年试卷和答案







I.Vocabulary and Structure(10points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.C









10.C II.Close Text(10 points, 1 points for each item)下面短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应字母涂黑。










20.D Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points ,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母填在题号后括号内。










30.B 31.C




35.C IV.Word Spelling(10 points , 1 point for two items)






40.hesitate 41.attempt




45.spouse 46.motto




V.Word Form(10 points , 1 point for each item)

50.potential 51.curve




55.permanent 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白,答案写在答题纸上。





60.hesitation 61.irritable




65.standardize VII.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下面短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.These mathematical questions are over my head.67.By the time my fourth year of college life arrived, I had saved a considerable amount of money.68.Many people who are angry don’t recognize themselves as angry.69.Her father insisted that she should marry that famous artist.70.With computers , the ideas of today’s scientists can be studied, tested, distributed and used more rapidly than ever before.英语(二)试题答案及评分参考 第1页(共2 页)



永昌县医院后勤保障管理机构…………………………………… 永昌县人民医院医疗废物管理小组组成人员…………………… 永昌县人民医院卫生管理小组…………………………………… 总务科工作制度…………………………………………………… 总务库房管理制度………………………………………………… 维修班工作制度…………………………………………………… 电工班工作制度…………………………………………………… 污水处理站工作制度……………………………………………… 临时工管理制度…………………………………………………… 电梯常规检查制度………………………………………………… 电梯定期报检制度………………………………………………… 电梯维修保养制度………………………………………………… 电梯操作人员、管理人员培训考核制度………………………… 洗衣房工作制度…………………………………………………… 安全用电制度……………………………………………………… 总务财产物资管理制度…………………………………………… 环境管理制度……………………………………………………… 物品管理制度……………………………………………………… 爱卫会工作制度…………………………………………………… 安全保卫制度……………………………………………………… 安全防火管理制度………………………………………………… 治安管理制度……………………………………………………… 消防安全值班制度………………………………………………… 易燃易爆危险物品管理及防火防爆制度………………………… 消防教育培训制度…………………………………………………

防火检查巡查制度………………………………………………… 用火用电安全管理制度…………………………………………… 火灾隐患整改制度………………………………………………… 总务科科长职责…………………………………………………… 采购员职责………………………………………………………… 保管员工职责……………………………………………………… 水、电、木、瓦工人职责………………………………………… 厨师、炊事员职责………………………………………………… 职工食堂管理员职责……………………………………………… 被服供应及洗衣房工作人员职责………………………………… 锅炉工人职责……………………………………………………… 太平间管理制度…………………………………………………… 病员探视制度……………………………………………………… 医疗废物管理制度………………………………………………… 环境卫生管理制度………………………………………………… 永昌县医院安全保卫管理机构…………………………………… 永昌县人民医院紧急治安事件、各种突发事件工作预案……… 永昌县人民医院卫生保洁员管理考核办法……………………… 卫生管理制度……………………………………………………… 招标采购制度……………………………………………………… 洗衣房管理制度…………………………………………………… 洗衣房工作规范…………………………………………………… 洗衣房人员岗位责任制…………………………………………… 洗衣房机器安全操作规程及设备维修制度……………………… 洗衣房安全防火制度………………………………………………





ⅠVocabulary and Structure(10points 1 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.You may use bike________ you give it back to me tomorrow morning.A.unless B.provided C.though

D.because 2.He could not ________his tears on hearing that he was not admitted to the university A.hold up B.hold back C.get over D.get through 3.Good parents have the ability to communicate messages of love, trust, and self-worth ______their children A.on



D.to 4.The teacher required that all errors should be _______eliminated before the students turn in their term paper.A.deported B.eliminated C.deprived D.implemented 5.A person is lucky if his career ________with his interest and hobby.A.concerns B.competes C.coinciders D.compares 6.Out sleep influences our mood.our mood, ________,affects our performance.A.in return B.in vain C.in short D.in turn 7.It was ________of you not to disturb us while we were sleeping.A.considerate B.considering C.considerable D.considered 8.I'd appreciate it very much if you could make some ________on my recent article at the conference.A.requests B.references C.remarks D.restrictions 9.He is ______absorbed in his own thoughts that he seems unaware of what's going on in the room.A.so



D.much 10.No sooner(选C)had I reached home than Michael arrived with Jane in his car.A.did I reach

B.I had reached D.I reached C.had I reached

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10point,1 point each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

It is difficult to escape the influence of television.If you fit the statistical messages, by the age of 20 you will have been esposed___11___at least 20,000 hours of television.You can add 10,000 hours for each decade you have lived ___12___the age of 20.The only things Americans do more than them watch the television are work an sleep.Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those ____13____.Five thousand, I am sold, are what a typical college undergraduate____14____working in a bachelor’s degree.In 10,000 hours you corded have learned several lauguages fluently, you could be reading Shakespeare in the ____15____,and you could have walked around the world the world and ____16____a book about these hours.The trouble with television is____17____it discourages concentrations.Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life____18____some constructive effort.The dultest , the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem remarkable to those____19____never concertrate on anything.But television encourages us not to make any___20___.It makes the time pass without gain.11.A.to

12.A.at B.under B.from




D.at D.before D.things D.uses D.original D.writing D.why D.requires D.who 13.A.decades B.hours

14.A.spends B.casts C.takes 15.A.origin B.beginning C.source 16.A.written B.write 17.A.what B.that

18.A.requests B.asks

19.A.what B.whose

C.wrote C.which C.orders C.which

20.A.money B.time

C.effort D.skill

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30point,2points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage one Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Michael Stadtlander set Toronto’s restarant world on fire in the 1980s with his original food, and eastablished a national and international fame.In 1994,however,he decided to leave the city restaurant scene and seek a quiet life in the country, where he has been preparing meals on his farm two hours borth of Toronto and asks guests to bring their own wine.Not long ago, Stadlander was charged with selling liquer without a licence, He said when a guest asked for wine at a dinner in December, he provided two bottles from his private stock.But the customer turned out to be an undercover Ontario Provincial Police(OPP)officer who returned a few days later along with four armed officers to seize 83 bottles of wine,and to search the farmhouse for records.The punishment could run as high as $100,000 in fines and a year in jail.When Mr and Mrs Smisth arrived at the farm on a weekend befre Christmas, they said that it was their annual celebrstion and asked if they could get some wine.Nobuyo,Stadtlander’s wife,told them the policy was thar guests peovide their own..Given the occasion, though, Stadtlander agreed to provide a bottle of white wiee from own cellar,at cost,as a favor, Later, Mr Smith asked for a second bottle and a detailed receipt that included the price of thr wine.He turned out to be OPP Detective Paul Smith and “his wife,”an assistant who went as a witness.“I was shocked,”Nobuyo Stadtlander recalls.”How could thy do this to us when we did them a favor?We sold them our wine at our cost.”.But Mr.Smith say,” No.they made $20.”

Stadtlander is determined to prove his innocence and continue the business.“People who live in the area have been very supportive,” he says.”And when this is over,I want my wine back.”

21.Stadtlander was accused because________.A.be offered too much wine for a guest B.be asked guests to bring their own wine C.be charged too much for the wine offered D.be sold wise to his guests without a license 22.In the 1980s,Stadtlander________.A.threw his original restaurant menu into the fine B.made his restaurant well-known around the world C.sought for a quiet life in the central part of the city D.opened one resyaurant after another home and abroad.23.IT turned out that Mr.and Mrs.Smith were________.A.two farmers B.two witnesecs C.hasbend and wife D.police officers 24.Nobuy Studtlander claimed that in the wine case they made________.A.$1.20 B.no money C.$100,000 D.a lot of money 25.Which of the following could be used as evidence against Stadtlander? A.What Stadtlander’s wife said B.The second bottle of wine C.The records from the farmhouse.D.A receipt with the wine price.Passage Two Questions26 to 30 are based on the following passage.A recent study shows that sixteen out of every 100 American couoles have violent confrontations of one sort or another during the course of a year.In six of these cases there is severe kicking, biting, punching or hitting with objects.Almost four of every 100 wives are seriously beaten by their husbands.three of every 100 children are kicked or punched by their parents.More than a third of all brothers and sisters severely attack each other.As expected, the incidence of violence is highest among the urban poor(many of them minoroties).blue-collar workers, people under 20 or without religious beliefs, families with a husband who is jobless and those with four to six children.But the study also showed that violence occurs among wealthy families as well.Indeed, the wife of a university president once quietly called Straus, one of the sociologists who conducted the study, to ask what she could do about her husband, who often beat her.Straus suggested seeking assistance from marriage advisors.Steaus and his colleagues found out that there are various root causes that give rise to such behavior.“The reason are mixed –psychological, sociological, situational,” says Straus.“The husband, for example, may feel under particular stress because be has been out of work too long.Violence may also be an echo of the past,” Straus explains.“When Mummy gives her two-year-old a slap(巴掌)for putting something dirty in his mouth, he is learning from infancy that those who love you hit you.” Another reason may be the worsening economic situations.“If we have a real economos decline, It’s going to get worse,” economic situations.“If we have a real economic declines,it’s going to get worse,” says Gelles, one of Straus” colleagues.These sociologists have no easy answer to violence in the American family.While they welcome such move as the opening of shelters for beaten wives and the establishment of a National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect, they belive that there must be more basic attack on vilolence,including the reduction of “macho”(大男子主义)themes on the television,the outlawing of physical punishment in schools and perhaps even the wlimination of death senernces.As Straus explains,“Volence is an acceptable solution to problems in American society,And that is how it is used in families.26.Which of the following statements is true? A.More than a third of brothers attack sisters in American families.B.Almost four percent of husbands are seriously beaten by their wives.C.Six out of one hundred couples experience severe domestic violence.D.Six percent of American couples have some kind of domestic violence.27.The example concerning a university president’s wife shows that_________ A.domestic violence is found in well-to do families as well B.the incidence of violence is highest among urban families C.marriage advisons’ assistance is the best solution to violence D.domestic vilence exists regardless of age, race,and social status.28.What Gelles says shows that________.A.vilence is responsible for the decline of economy B.violence may be a reflection of one’s past experience C.violence is related to the economic situation of the time D.violence is the best form of emotional release for a husband 29.The word “outlawing” in line5 of the last paragraph means________.A.making something illegal B.freeing someone from prison C.learning something from law D.throwing someone out of court 30.According to the sociologists, it is impossible to curb domestic violence unless________.A.more shelters for beateb wives are opened B.children are protected by a National Center C.violence is not accepted as a solution to problems D.Americans get tougher with violent behaviors

Passage Three Qestions 31to35are based on the following passage.American scientists are developing an “intelligent” mabile phone capable of blocking incoming calls depending on the owner’s mood., Using “context aware”

Technology the “Sensay” phone will monitor calls and send back polite messages saying the user may be contacted later.A research team at the Institute for Complex Engineering Systems at Carragie Mellon University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, are developing body temperature and electrical skin monitors to help the device understand the emotional state of its user.If the phone senses that the user is busy —for instance, involved in a conversation—it might block an incoming call and turn it onto voicemail.The phone would send back a text message saying the user is unavailable, but advising that id the matter is urgent the caller can try again in three minutes.If a call from the same person came in again, the phone would put it through.The researchers are interested in four basic different states—busy and not to be interrupted, physically active, idle,and “normal.” Most people are said to change between these states,an average of 6 to 12 times a day.Professor Asim Smailagic, a leading member of the Carnegic Mellon team, told The Engineer magazine.”Today’s computers are pretty dumb compared with the device.We got to work at the beginning of May and since then have been improving it.The next stage is to make it smarter, adding various intellingence systems so it can learn about the user.The phone also employs four primary sensons—two microphones to pick up conversations and monitor local noise.a light detector and an acceleromster(加速度计).The light sensor shows if the phone is being carried in a bag or pocket ,while the accelerometer determines whether the user is walking,running or standing still, In the sensor box, phone is being carried in a bag or pocket, while the accelerometer determites whether the user is walking,running or standing still,In the future,the sensor box,phone and personal organizer will be combined into one device.”

31.According to the passage, the “Sensay” phone is capable of ________.A.showing body temperature B.blocking unwanted calls C.detecting the owner’s mood D.sensing the caller’s mood 32.The second paragraph mainly tells us ________.A.where the intelligent phone is developed B.how the new phone is going to function C.whether the researchers failed in their experiment D.why the researchers failed in their experiment 33.Accorfing to Professor Smailagic, the detector will show________.A.where the mobile phone is B.where the mobile phone user is C.whether the mobile phone user is busy D.whether the mobile phone is within reach 34.the word “it” in line 5 of paragraph 4 refers to________.A.the phone B.the monitor C.the computer D.the light sensor 35.The best title for this passage is ________.A.How to Tell a Person’s Mood B.How to Block Incoming Calls C.Sensay Your Personal Organizer D.Sensay The Futuer Mobile Phone

Ⅳ.Word Spelling(10points for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语,每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出,请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36.乐意地,容易地adv.r________ 37.前景n.p________ 38.永恒的,不断的a.________ 39.有益的,有好处的a.b________ 40.进口n.i________ 41.预报n.f________ 42.元素,成分n.e________ 43.缩短,减少n.s________ 44.诚实n.h________ 45.有规律的a.r________ 46.改变,使不同v.v________ 47.坦率地adv.F________ 48.减轻,救济n.r________ 49.和谐,融洽n.h________ 50.赔偿v.c________ 51.有效率的a.________ 52.真诚的a.s________ 53.建设v.e________ 54.市长n.m________ 55.好奇心n.e________

Ⅴ.Word Form(10point each)将括号内的各词变为适当的形式填入空白,答案写在答题纸上。

56.It will be interesting to see what’s going to happen at the next________(elect).57.For those involved, the scandal has been a very________(pain)experience.58.________(safe)needs to be improved on the railways in that country.59.The present crisis bears some ________(similar)to the oil erisis of the 1970s.60.His mother becomes disappointed whenever he fails to live up to her________(expect).61.Being a ________(high)motivated lauguage learner, he takes every opportunity to improve his English.62.Our most ________(success)product is based on a very simple idea.63.local people are questioning the ________(wise)of spending so much money on the new road.64.Don’t worry.This is the ________(desire)weight range for you health.65.This scientist was awarded with several titles for his________(accomplish)in biology.Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(15points,3points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.尽管有困难,他们最终还是把工作完成了。67.这次会议在促进两国友谊方面起了重要作用。



Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Shy people are likely to be passive and easily influenced by other.They are very sensitive t criticism.They also find it difficult to be pleased by praises because they believe they are unworthy of them.A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this:“You’re saying that to make me feel good.I know it’s not me.”It is clear that, while self-awareness is a good quality.overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely gotten rid of ,or at least reduced? Fortunately ,people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence.参考答案:

ⅠVocabulary and Structure 1.You may use bike(选B)provided you give it back to me tomorrow morning 2.He could not(选B)hold back his tears on hearing that he was not admitted to the university 3.Good parents have the ability to communicate messages of love, trust, and self-worth(选C)with their children 4.The teacher required that all errors should be(选B)eliminated before the students turn in their term paper.5.A person is lucky if his career(选C)coincides with his interest and hobby.6.Out sleep influences our mood.our mood,(选A)in return, affects our performance.7.It was(选A)considerate of you not to disturb us while we were sleeping.8.I'd appreciate it very much if you could make some(选C)remarks on my recent article at the conference.9.He is(选A)so absorbed in his own thoughts that he seems unaware of what's going on in the room.10.No sooner(选C)had I reached home than Michael arrived with Jane in his car.Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10point,1 point each)文章开头第一句话:it is difficult to escape the influence of television.If you fit the statistical averages 11.选 A to 12.C after 13.B hours 14.A spends 15.D original 16.A written 17.B that 18.D requires 19.D who 20.C effort Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30point,2points each)第一篇,文章开头第一句话:Michael Stadtlander set Toronto’s restaurant world on fire in the 1980s with original food, 21.Stadtlander was accused because 选D.he sold wine to his guests without a license 22.In the 1980s,stadtlander选B.made his restaurant menu into the fire 23.It turned out that Mr.and Mrs.Smith were 选D.police officers 24.Nobuyo Stadtlander claimed that in the wine case they made选B.no money 25.Which of the following could be used as evidence against Stadtlander?选D.A receipt with the wine price 第二篇,文章开头第一句话:A recent study shows that sixteen out of every 100 American couples have violent confrontations of one sort or another during the 26.Which of the following statements is true?选C.Six out of one hundred couples experience severe domestic violence

27.The example concerning a university president’s wife shows that选A.domestic violence is found in well-to-do families as well 28.What Gelles says shows that选C.violence is related to the economic situation of the time 29.The word “outlawing” in line 5 of the last paragraph means选A.making something illegal 30.According to the sociologists, it is impossible to curb domestic violence unless选C.violence is not accepted as a solution to probblems 第三篇,文章开头第一句话:American scientists are developing an “intelligent” mobile phone capable of blocking calls depending on the owner mood 31.According to the passage, the “Sensay” phone is capable of选C.„the owner’s mood 32.Second paragraph mainly tells us选B.„the new phone is going to function QQ 1031010648 33.According to professor Smailagic ,the light detector will show选A.where the mobile phone is.34.The word “it” in line 5 of paragraph 4 refers to选A.the phone 35.The best title for this passage is选D.Sensay: The Future Mobile phone Ⅳ.Word Spelling(10points for two words)36乐意地readily 37前景prospect 38永恒的constant 39有益的beneficial 40进口import 41预报forecast 42元素element 44诚实honesty 46改变vary 48减轻relief 50倒塌collapse 52真诚的sincere 54市长mayor

Ⅴ.Word Form(10point each)56 election 57 painful 58 safety 61 highly 62 successful 63 wisdom





43缩短,减少shorten 45有规律的regular 47坦率的frankly 49和谐harmony 51有效率的efficient 53建设construct 55好奇心的curiosity

Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(15points,3points each)66尽管有困难,他们始终还是把工作完成了。They finally finished the job in spite of the difficulty.67这次会议在促进两国友谊方面起了重要作用。This conference plays an important role in pormoting the relationship between the two countries.68他长久以来梦想着成为一名足球运动员。He has been dreaming of being a football player.69在过去的20年中,用于科学实验的动物数量大大减少了。In the past twentieth century, the number of animals for experiment greatly reduced.70这次英语考试比我们预想的要容易得多。The English test was much easier than we had expected.Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15points)腼腆的人很容易被动且易受别人影响,他们对于批评很敏感,他们也发现表扬很难令他们高兴,因为他们认为他们不值得表扬。一个腼腆的人对于赞扬可能会这样去回答:“你那样说是为了使我高兴,我知道我并不是真的值得表扬。”很明显,自知之明是一种好品质,但自谦过度也不好。能否完全克服腼腆,或至少让自己不那么腼腆,幸运的是人们能够通过努力耐心地建立自信来克服腼腆。



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