
时间:2019-05-14 04:10:38下载本文作者:会员上传







Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.Would’t you rather your child ______ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A.became B.become C.would become D.becomes 2.Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders _______will happen to his family life.A.it B.that C.what D.this 3.We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ________ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting.A.while B.after C.since D.as 4.We cannot leave this tough job to a person_________.A.who nobody has confidence B.in whom nobody has confidence C.for whom nobody has confidence D.who everyone has confidence of 5.You are the best for the job _____ you apply your mind to it.A.until B.if only C.in case D.unless 6.Hey, leave _____!I hate people touching my hair.A.behind B.out C.off D.over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ________ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it.A.come up B.come up to C.come over D.come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I ________ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue.A.say a word with B.have words with C.mention a word with D.have a word with 9.There is a deadlock(僵局)in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the over.A.a way B.way C.the way D.its way 10.This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages.A.with B.for C.to D.in

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology.Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets.Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses.Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired.2005年10月自考英语

(二)Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the Japanese companies might take a large share of the world market __16__ they were not limited by licensing agreement.Conditions of this sort, __17__ together in one nation, may well be unique, and the case of Japan may therefore not actually demonstrate that licensing is just as efficient as multinational ownership for the __18__ of technology.In fact, Japan may be finding this method of operation __19__ effective than in the past ,as her needs for outside technology now require information which __20__ only a few companies and is more closely held.11.A.was strengthened

B.will be strengthened C.will have been strengthened

D.has been strengthened 12.A.position



D.point 13.A.entry



D.acceptance 14.A.at



D.of 15.A.potential



D.inevitable 16.A.until



D.after 17.A.came B.come

C.will come

D.coming 18.A.transformation B.transfer

C.transmission D.shift 19.A.much B.little


D.more 20.A.sticks to B.belongs to C.draws on

D.takes on

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 point for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.One day, the principal came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for some reason said: “I wish all of the white scholars to stand for a moment.” I rose with the others.The teacher looked at me and, calling my name, said: “You sit down for the present, and rise with the others.” I did not quite understand her.She repeated: “You sit down now, and rise with the others.” I sat down puzzled and dumb.I saw and heard nothing.When the other were asked to rise, I did not know it.When school was dismissed, I went out unconsciously.A few of the white boys laughed at me, saying: “Oh, you’re a nigger, too.”

I hurried on as fast as I could to where my looking–glass hung on the wall in my own little room.For an instant I was afraid to look, but when I did, I looked long and earnestly.I was accustomed to hearing remarks about my beauty;but now, for the first time, I became conscious of it and recognized it.I noticed the ivory(象牙)whiteness of my skin, the beauty of my mouth, the size and liquid darkness of my eyes.I ran downstairs and rushed to where my mother was sitting.I buried my head in her lap and cried out: “Mother, tell me, am I a nigger?” I could not see her face, but I felt her hands on my head.I looked up into her face.There were tears in her eyes and I could see that she was suffering for me.And then it was that I looked at her critically for the first time.I had thought of her in a childish way only as the most beautiful woman in the world;now I looked at her searching for defects.I could see that her skin was almost brown, and that she did differ in some way from the other ladies who came to the house;yet, even so I could see that she was more


(二)beautiful than any of them.She must have felt that I was examining her, for she hid her face in my hair and said with difficulty: “No, my darling, you are not a nigger.” She went on: “If anyone calls you a nigger, don’t notice them.” But the more she talked, the less was I reassured, and I stopped her by asking: “Well, mother, am I white? Are you white?” She answered tremblingly: “No, I am not white, but your father is one of the greatest men in the country.The best blood of the South is in you.” This suddenly opened up in my heart a fresh fear, and I almost fiercely demanded: “Who is my father? Where is he?” She stroked my hair and said: “I’ll tell you about him some day.” I sobbed: “I want to know now.” She answered: “No, not now.” 21.We can infer from the passage that “a nigger ”means________.A.a white person B.a black person C.anyone that is not white D.anyone that is not black 22.When the teacher asked him to sit down and rise with the others, the author was confused because_________.A.he never considered himself a non-white person B.he thought the teacher didn’t recognize him C.he thought he should be considered D.he thought it rude for the teacher to call his name 23.It was on that day that he began to realize that _________.A.he was a nigger B.he was different from others because of his beauty C.his color was like that of his mother D.he differed from other white people even with his beauty 24.From the passage we can learn that _________.A.the boy’s father left them for some reasons B.the boy’s mother didn’t want to mention his father at all C.the boy never met his father before D.the boy’s mother hated his father 25.This passage generally tells us a story of ________.A.a boy who suddenly realized that he was a colored person B.a boy who had been looked down upon because he had no father C.the miserable life of colored people D.the life of a one-parent family

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.For Americans, time is a “resource” that, like water or coal, can be used well or poorly.“Time is money,” they say.“You only get so much time in this life;you’d best use it wisely.” The future will not be better than the past or the present unless people use their time fro constructive, future-oriented activities.Thus, Americans admire a “well-organized” person, one who has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them.The ideal person is punctual and treasures other people’s time.The American attitude towards time is not necessarily shared by others, especially non-Europeans.They are more likely to consider time as something that is simply there around them, not something they can “use”.One of the more difficult things many foreign businessmen and students must adjust to in the States is the notion that time


(二)must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day.In their efforts to use their time wisely, Americans are sometimes seen by foreign visitors as automatons, unhuman creatures who are so tied to their clocks and their schedules that they cannot participate in or enjoy the human interactions that are the truly important things in life.“They are like little machines running around,” one foreign visitor said.The emphasis Americans place on efficiency is closely related to their concepts of the future, change and time.To do something efficiently is to do it in the way that is quickest and requires the smallest investment of resources.American businesses sometimes hire “efficiency experts” to review their operations and suggest ways in which they could accomplish more than they are currently accomplishing with the resources they are investing.Popular periodicals carry suggestions for more efficient ways to clean house, raise children, tend the yard, and so on.In this context the “fast-food industry” can be seen as a clear example of an American cultural product.McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, and other fast-food establishments prosper in a country where many people want to minimize the amount of time they spend preparing and eating meals.The millions of Americans who take their meals at fast-food restaurants cannot have much interest in lingering over their food while conversing with friends, as millions of Europeans do.As McDonald’s restaurants have spread around the world, they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture, bringing not just hamburgers but an emphasis on speed, efficiency, and shiny cleanliness.The typical American food, some observers argue, is fast food.26.If a person treasures other people’s time, he.A.does not waste people’s time with conversation or activity that has no beneficial outcome B.does not believe the future will be any better than the present or the past C.likes to deep a written schedule of the daily activities with him D.likes to have his meals at the fast-food restaurants to save time 27.In the eyes of the foreign visitors in the States, American people.A.think that time is always there which needs budgeting B.enjoy saving and using time wisely everyday C.are indifferent in that they are like feelingless machines D.are so fully engaged that they are unable to enjoy the important things in life 28.What is the job of an efficiency expert? A.Writing articles for periodicals.B.Recommending ways of efficient investment.C.Examining the quality of a company’s products.D.Teaching people how to take care of their yard.29.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph? A.Many Americans love having meals at fast-food restaurants.B.Americans are busier than other people in the world.C.The American fast-food industry helps spread the American culture around the world.D.The United States is the father of the world’s fast-food industry.30.The best title for this passage is..A.The American Concept of Time


(二)B.The Development of the American Fast Food Industry C.How to Raise Efficiency D.The American Food and Culture

Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.It is difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling, where children are not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents.Legislation and court decisions have make it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home, and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity.Supporters of home education claim that it is less expensive and far more efficient than mass public education.Moreover they quote several merits: relief of school overcrowding, added curricular and pedagogical(课程和教学法)alternatives, strengthened family relationships, lower dropout rates, increased motivation, higher standardized test scores, and reduced discipline problems.Supporters of home schooling also believe that it provides the parents with the opportunity to reinforce their moral values through education.Critics of home schooling movement claim that it creates as many problems as it solves.They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages.Some parents who withdraw their children form the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children.Typically, parents have fewer, not more technological resources available than do schools.However, the relatively inexpensive computer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way not so good as more highly structured classroom education.Finally, a sociological(社会学)concern is the restricted social interaction experienced by children who are educated at home.Technology will never replace the pupil-teacher relationship.Also, while relationships with parents and brothers and sisters may be improved, children taught at home may develop a distorted(歪曲的)view of society.31.The main idea of the passage is that.A.more and more parents are in favor of home schooling B.home schooling is superior to school education because it has been legally approved C.though home schooling has its advantages, it creates as many new problems at the same time D.school education is no doubt better than home education 32.Those who support home schooling think that.A.it’s less expensive and more efficient apart from other merits B.it has added curricular and pedagogical alternatives C.it will cause fewer discipline problems D.it’s more important to reinforce moral values 33.Critics believe that.A.few parents can afford computers and technology when providing home education


(二)B.few parents are qualified enough to provide a satisfactory home education C.school teachers are better than parents D.classroom environment can provide most satisfactory education 34.According to the author, home schooling cannot help children.A.acquire social knowledge B.build up a relationship with family members C.build up pupil-teacher relationship D.develop a right view of society 35.The attitude of the author toward home schooling is.A.vague B.positive C.totally negative D.straight-forward


IV.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整 的单词写在答题纸上。

36.破坏,使„遇难 vt w _ _ _ _

37.37.自愿的,自发的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38.紧要的,紧迫的 a..u _ _ _ _ _

39.39.容忍,忍受 vt.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.症状,征兆 n.s _ _ _ _ _ _

41.41.最近,不久前 ad.l _ _ _ _ _ 42.放大,夸大 vt.m _ _ _ _ _ _

43.43.概念,想法 n.n _ _ _ _ _ 44.服从,听从 vt.o _ _ _

45.45.苦干的,费力的 a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.达到;造诣 n.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.47.使平衡;权衡 vt.b _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.战役,运动 n.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.49.装修,装饰 vt.d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.基本的,初级的 a.e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.51.忠诚的,忠实的 a.f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.姿势,手势 n g _ _ _ _ _ _ 53.53.高度地,非常 ad.h _ _ _ _ _ 54.模仿的,仿制的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55.55.正义,公正 n.j _ _ _ _ _ _

V.WORD FORM(10 points,1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

56.Once harm ______(do)to the environment, it takes years to have the system recovered.57.With the strike_______(settle), the work on the new assembly line went ahead like wildfire.58.The child was playing_________(danger)near the edge of the swimming pool.59.This project ________(accomplish)by the end of 2006 will greatly improve the


(二)basic facility of the city.60.People appreciate_________(talk)with him because he is knowledgeable and humorous.61.Since the author did not stick to the topic, I found his article very ______(confuse)and hard to follow.62.With all this done, I ______(free)from all troubles and responsibilities.63.Had he been treated well, he ________(get over)this disease.64.Investigations into the cause of the shipwreck show that the ship _______(sink)the moment it hit the rock.65.If only the board ________(approve)the proposal and put it into effect.vi.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.时间是世界上最容易浪费也是最难以把握的东西。



vii.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Planning is a very important activity in our lives.It can give pleasure and even excitement, but cause quite severe headaches.The more significant the task ahead, the more careful the planning required.Getting to school or to work on time is a task requiring little or no planning.It is almost a routine.A month’s touring holiday abroad, or better still, getting married, is a different matter altogether.If the holiday involves a church wedding, with 50 guests, a reception, a honeymoon in Italy, and returning to a new home, this requires even more planning to make sure that is successful.Planning is our way of trying to ensure success and of avoiding costly failures we cannot afford.It is equally essential to mankind as a whole, to nations, to families and to each individual;the scale may vary, but the degree of importance does not.2005年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试



Ⅰvocabulary and structure(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C Ⅱcloze test(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B Ⅲreading comprehension(本大题共15题,每小题2分,共30分)21.B 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.A 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.C 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.D Ⅳword spelling(本大题共20题,每小题0.5分,共10分)36.wreck 37.voluntary 38.urgent 39.tolerate 40.symptom 41.lately 42.magnify 43.notion 44.obey 45.painstaking 46.attainment 47.balance 48.campaign 49.decorate 50.elementary 51.faithful 52.gesture 53.highly 54.imitative 55.justice


(二)Ⅴword form(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)56.is done 57.settled

58.dangerously 59.to be accomplished 60.talking 61.confusing 62.have been freed 63.would have got over 64.sank 65.would approve

VI.Translation front Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)66.Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste and the most difficult thing to control.67.Although managers cannot predict the future, many of their decisions require that they consider/take into account possible future events.68.Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable, so there is no absolute time and space/so time and space are not absolute.69.The number of failures in the examination is surprisingly large.70.The American folk music in the 1960’s expressed anti-war sentiments as well as love and hope.VII.Translation from English into Chinese.(本大题共15分)计划是我们生活中一项非常重要的活动。它能使人愉快,甚至令人兴奋,但也会让人十分头疼。工作越重要,所需的计划就要越仔细。按时上班或上学是几乎根本不需要计划的工作,它只不过是日常事务。而长达一个月的国外旅游度假,或更甚之,结婚娶亲,就完全是两码事了。如果假期中还要举行婚礼,接待50位来宾,举办招待会,去意大利度蜜月,再回到新家,那就更需要计划周全,以确保成功。计划使我们能够保证成功,避免那些代价昂贵,而我们又难以承受的失败。对于整个人类、民族、家庭乃至个人来说,计划同样又是必不可少的。其规模可大可小,但重要性都一样。















PART ONE(50 POINTS)I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1point each)1.It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A.other than B.rather than C.less than D.more than 2.We'll inform you as soon as tickets become ______.A.valuable B.capable C.acceptable D.available 3.The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades.A.enormously B.effectively C.infinitely D.extremely 4.If you ______ my advice, you wouldn't be in such trouble now.A.took B.takes C.has taken D.had taken 5.The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner.A.over B.was over C.is over D.been over 6.All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work.A.having spent B.has been spent C.having been spent D.had been spent 7.______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall.A.Hardly had be begun B.Hardly he had begun C.Hardly he has begun D.He hardly had begun 8.The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.A.like B.likely C.alike D.lively 9.The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______.A.late B.later C.lately D.latest 10.I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind.A.above all B.in all C.at all D.after all II.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point each)However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears.There are 11 of reasons for this.One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day.In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set.14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said;our mind might be 15 elsewhere.Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don't always listen carefully.A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us.Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening.For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said.11.A.the number B.a number C.number D.numbers 12.A.accept

B.obtain C.receive D.possess 13.A.put

B.consume C.spend D.spare 14.A.Besides B.Whereas C.Otherwise D.Nevertheless 15.A.wondering B.swinging C.recycling D.wandering 16.A.other B.some

C.the other D.another





D.went 18.A.anyone B.everyone C.someone D.few 19.A.to


C.of D.about 20.A.sound B.noise


D.scream III.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points each)Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Many of today's most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto.When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores.In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto.He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success.He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail.However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated;he came up with a brand new notion of business-“Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.” He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash.With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs.His business grew rapidly.He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods.Eaton's list-advertisements of his day-was the first of its kind.It was distributed and read all over the country.It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites.It became part of their life.They even called it The Wishing Book.The secret of the list's success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers;they trusted him for good prices and quality goods.Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer.In all this, he was a leader.21.The best description of Eaton is that ______.A.he was the richest merchant in Toronto B.he was a successful technical inventor C.he introduced new sales practices D.he changed people's ideas about businessmen 22.Eaton's success lay primarily in that ____.A.he sold only good quality goods B.he was the first person to provide good service C.he treated his employees better than any of his competitors D.he won respect from his customers 23.From the passage we can infer that ______.A.Eaton invented the idea of the internet shopping B.Eaton drove other businessmen to failure C.Eaton never sold his goods on credit D.Eaton was defeated by his rivals 24.The best title for this passage is _____.A.Good Goods, of Money Refunded B.Eaton, a Sales Inventor C.Customers' Respect, a Secret of Success D.Eaton's list, a Welcome Event in Sales History


(二)25.Eaton's List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____.A.good-quality goods at reasonable prices B.goods at unreasonable prices C.good-quality goods at unreasonable prices D.poor-quality goods at reasonable prices Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The threat of a global outbreak(疾病大爆发)of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively.Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu.Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus(病毒)has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks.In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed;there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers.Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort.If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country.The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous.Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people.World Health Organization(WHO)estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people.If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher.Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage.The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent.If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost.Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals.However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people.Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics.If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives.26.Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________.A.establish new markets B.work together effectively C.stop birds from flying to other countries D.raise fewer chickens and ducks 27.The second paragraph focuses on ______.A.World Health Organization B.flus in Hong Kong and Spain C.the economy of Southeast Asia D.possible effects of a bird flu outbreak 28.The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______.A.63 B.124

C.7.4 million D.50 million 29.In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____.2005年10月英语

(二)A.stimulating financial growth B.reducing economic damages C.saving human lives

D.protecting bird species 30.The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______.A.the origin and history of bird flu B.the importance of international cooperation C.the possible dangers of a national outbreak D.the significance of preventing it from spreading Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased.“We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London.If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room!Well, that's an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends.Weekends are not the only time to worry!Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train.This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net.All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous? Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier.In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents.“At least our parents can keep tabs on us,” says 16-year-old Julia.“So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are.I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys;they help keep young people safe.Most significantly, they help keep young people safe.Most significantly, they make parents feel better.Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones.Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely.Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger.Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did.Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety.31.Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______.A.wander around on bus in the city B.chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms C.make questionable friends on the net D.are taken little care of by teachers 32.For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________.A.by car B.by bus C.by train D.by public transport 33.Most significantly, mobile phones _______.A.enable parents keep a close watch on their kids B.help keep teenagers safe


(二)C.make parents feel less worried D.protect teenagers from being attacked 34.Teenagers should never give any strangers ______.A.their mobile phone numbers B.their family address C.their personal information D.their parents' names 35.This passage is mainly about ________.A.freedom for teenagers in summer holidays B.safety for teenagers in summer holidays C.activities for teenagers in summer holidays D.troubles for teenagers in summer holidays PART TWO(50 POINTS)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。

36.获胜者,优胜者 n.w_ _ _ _ _ 37.(使)枯萎,凋谢 v.w_ _ _ _ _ 38.垂直的,竖的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39.易变的,变量的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.唯一的,独特的 a.u_ _ _ _ _ 41.地下的,隐蔽的 a.u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.真实的,如实地 ad.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43.星期二 n.T_ _ _ _ _ _ 44.传统,惯例 n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.同情,同情心 n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.投降,让步 vi.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.足够的,充分的 a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.亲属,亲戚 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.抵抗,反抗 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.有目的的,蓄意的 a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.财产;性质 n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.俯望,漏看 vt.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53.发源,源自 vi.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.音乐的,悦耳的 a.m_ _ _ _ _ _ 55.意图,打算 n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

56.He _________(write)her 10 letters since he met her last years.57.I think it necessary for him ________(finish)the work in time.58.The house is ______(complete)before his brother's wedding ceremony.59.You had better ________(bring)enough money with you.60.The _______(good)he feels, the more work he will do.61.If I hadn't listened to you, I would _______(make)such a silly mistake.62.The three players repeatedly denied ________(take)any drug.63.People who are entitled to ________(vote)should be over eighteen.64.The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy ______(consume).65.If she ______(catch)the 10 O'clock train, she can get there by lunch time VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.男人的平均身高比女人高几英寸。67.你所说的与我们正在讨论的豪不相干。

68. 教育应该使每个学生德、智、体全面发展。69.这本书对读者产生了很大影响。70.这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。

VII.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know.However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical


(二)skill.Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind.If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others.You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers.We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who have need of that knowledge or skill.2006年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试



I.Vocabulary and Structure(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A II.Cloze Test(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B III.Reading Comprehension(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B IV.Word Spelling(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)36.winner 37.wither 38.vertical 39.variable 40.unique 41.underground 42.truthfully 43.Tuesday 44.tradition 45.sympathy 46.surrender 47.sufficient 48.relative 49.resistance 50.purposeful 51.property 52.overlook 53.originate 54.musical 55.intention [评分参考] 多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错

V.Word From(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)56.has written 57.to finish 58.to be completed 59.bring 60.better 61.have made 62.taking 63.vote 64.consumption 65.catches [评分参考] 语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。

VI.Translation from Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)66.On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women.67.What you said has nothing to do/has no relevance with what we are discussing.68.Education should enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically.69.The book has made a great impact/had a great effect/influence on its readers.70.The test was much more difficult than we had expected.[评分参考](1)主要语法错误(如动词时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致、否定、疑问以及其他句型错误)或影响基本句意的重要用词错误扣1分。


(3)拼写错误每两处扣1分。拼写错误本大题总扣分不超过3分。(4)如所用句型与答案不一致,只要语言和意义正确,均应给分。VII.Translation from English into Chinese(本大题共15分)一般认为,有知识的人与没有知识的人――他们通常是较年轻的人――之间的区别非常明显。











第一部分 选择题 I.Vocabulary and Structure 1.The fixed star was a planet.A.made of B.made from C.made up for D.mistaken for 2.Some students from asking questions in class.A.shy away B.blow away C.do away D.carry away 3.Mrs.Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill and power she had to her attacker to simply take her car and not her life.A.trust B.credit C.convince D.believe 4.Let's personal feelings in making judgment.A.set off B.set aside C.set back D.set up 5.A good worker in a key spot could, he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted, and the bosses would very likely look the other way.A.as long as B.as though C.as soon as D.as if 6.the bosses cannot do without profit, workers have an edge.A.Though B.For C.Since D.So 7.Decision makers must have some way of determining of several alternatives is best.A.that B.it C.one D.which 8.In August 1977, a satellite to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way.A.launched B.was launched C.has been launched D.is launched 9.In studio recordings, new techniques made possible effects that not even an electronic band could produce.A.live B.alive C.lively D.living 10.It is essential that everything in advance.2005年10月英语

(二)A.should decide B.be decided C.decided D.will be decided.II.Cloze Test The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we like in a time of widespread want and starvation.A 11 organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor-the severe deficiency disease 12 is simply a starving for protein.Doing 13 such a pet, and then sending the money saved to a relief organization would mean 14 a life-over the years, several human lives.Children not 15 from such a grave disease could be fed with half that amount-not on a diet like ours, but on plain, basic, life-sustaining food.It is not unreasonable to believe 16 the amount of money we spend on the average pet dog could keep a child 17 in a region of great poverty.18 what we would spend on a cat might not feed a child, but it 19 probably pay for his medical care or basic education.The point needs no 20.That is all that need be said.11.A.relied B.fund C.domestic D.medical 12.A.why B.when C.where D.which 13.A.with B.for C.against D.without 14.A.to save B.saving C.save D.saved 15.A.recovering B.having C.suffering D.infecting 16.A.which B.what C.that D.where 17.A.alive B.life C.live D.survive 18.A.Giving B.To give C.Given D.Give 19.A.would B.should C.must D.need 20.A.doing B.operating C.laboring D.functioning III.Reading Comprehension Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes are about people.“Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” “Why didn't I realize that Paul was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make up feel bad.But when we look back, it's too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.If we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You're a lucky boy” or “You're a lucky girl”, that's being friendly.But there's a bit of envy in “lucky dog.” Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole.But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important.It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good


(二)look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His gesture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you many save another mistake.21.According to the writer, when people look back it is too late, because.A.mistakes have already been made B.mistakes can made them feel bad C.they are unaware of their mistakes D.they are doubtful of their friends 22.People make mistakes when they fail to A.deal with others with due friendliness B.hide their true feelings in what they say C.realize they deserve what they have got D.see the real meaning of what others say 23.Judging from the phrase “just think of all the things you have to be thankful for”, it is clear that the speaker actually lacks.A.optimism B.sympathy C.motivation D.courage 24.To be a successful listener, one is advised to 1.A.ask the speaker as many questions as he can 2.B.observe the speaker as carefully as possible 3.C.listen to the speaker as attentively as he can 4.D.challenge the speaker as actively as possible 25.The passage aims to tell readers how to.A.interpret what people say B.interpret what money means C.avoid mistakes about people D.avoid mistakes about money Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Doctors have long known that eating fish helps protect against heart disease.What they don't know is why fish are beneficial.For years they figured it was a simple question of substitution: folks who replace red meat with fish are naturally cutting down their intake of saturated(饱和的)fat.But a growing body of evidence collected over the past 30 years suggests fish contain healthful elements called omega-3 fatty acids.Omega-3 fatty acids belong to a group of compounds known as polyunsaturated fats.These fats serve as the raw material for a whole host of essential structures in the body, from brain cells to molecules(分子)that regulate blood pressure.Since our bodies cannot manufacture their own supply of omega-3s, we have to get them from the food we eat, mostly from fish but also from plant sources like soybeans(大豆).The American Heart Association has recommended that everyone eat two 85-g servings of fatty fish a week.But the A.H.A's expert panel wasn't ready to declare that taking omega-3 pills will protect your heart.It's just too easy to get more omega-3 than you need from pills, and the panel was worried that an excess could cause serious side effects, such as internal bleeding.The U.S.Food and Drug Administration, however, allowed manufactures of omega-3 pills and fish oils to advertise the fat's benefits-as long as the label does not suggest taking more than two grams per day.One thing is clear whether you get your omega-3s from pills, oils or fish: they are not cure-alls.You still have to eat a well-balanced diet that's lower in total fat


(二)than most Americans currently consume.Otherwise, you're fishing for trouble.26.Doctors have long been puzzled by.A.why red meat is harmful B.how beneficial fish are C.what makes fish healthful D.how red meat is replaced 27.We can learn from the passage that.A.human beings get omega-3s from their food B.omega-3s are only found in fish and soybeans C.omega-3s are the raw material for saturated fats D.polyunsaturated fats constitute human molecules 28.The A.H.A.didn't recommend omega-3 pills, because A.it had no knowledge of the safe dose of omega-3 B.it had no evidence that they can protect the heart C.the pills contain too little omega-3 to be helpful D.one is likely to get too much omega-3 from the pills 29.The FDA allowed manufacturers of omega-3 pills and fish oils to advertise omega-3's benefits on condition that A.their suggested dose is printed on the label B.their suggested dose is within the safety limit C.the fat's potential side effects are mentioned D.the products contain side effects are mentioned 30.The writer seems to suggest that A.omega-3s can balance one's diet B.omega-3s can serve as a supplement C.an unbalanced diet is made worse by omega-3s D.a well-balanced diet contains enough omega-3s Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.It was a terrible tragedy, six times more deadly than the Titanic(泰坦尼克号).When the German ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes(鱼雷)fired from a Russian submarine(潜水艇)in the final winter of World War II, more than 10,000 people---mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Germany-were packed aboard.An ice storm had turned the dicks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into sea as the ship listed and began to go down.Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down.Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to get aboard.Most people froze immediately.“I'll never forget the screams,” says Christa Nutzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors.She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave-and rarely mentioned for more than half a century.The long silence about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was probably unavoidable-and necessary.By unreservedly confessing their country's horrible crimes Germans have managed to win acceptance abroadand make peace with their neighbors.Today's unified Germany is more prosperous and stable than at any time in its long, troubled history.For that, a half century of willful forgetting about painful memories like the German Titanic was perhaps a reasonable price to pay.But even the most politically correct Germans believe that they've now earned the right to discuss the full historical record.Not to identify German suffering with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.2005年10月英语

(二)31.The Wilhelm Gustloff went down because A.it ran into an ice storm B.it was hit by another ship C.it crashed into a submarine D.it was attacked by torpedoes 32.Most passengers on board the Wilhelm Gustloff took the voyage to A.taste the luxury of the ship B.seek protection in another place C.escape the cold winter back home D.enjoy their holidays abroad 33.As the ship began to sink, some passengers A.set the decks on fire as a signal for help B.fought fiercely on the decks for lifeboats C.jumped into sea and swam to a nearby ship D.prevented others from getting on their lifeboats 34.The Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy remains a near secret for more than half a century because Germans A.preferred to say nothing about it B.were requested to keep silent about it C.spared not effort to cover up the story D.were denied access to the whole story 35.It can be inferred from the passage that Germans no longer think that A.it is too early to claim responsibility for the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy B.the German tragedy is a reasonable price to pay for the nation's past C.they will be misunderstood if they talk about the German tragedy D.Germany is responsible for the horrors it caused during World War II

第二部分 非选择题 IV.Word Spelling 36.结果,成果 n.37.分享,股份 n.38.愿意的,乐意的 adj.39.警告,告诫 v.40.表达,表情 n.41.多样性 n.42.预算 n 43.衡量,测量 n.44.保证,担保 v.45.家庭的,国内的 adj.46.发源,发起 v.47.应用,用具 n.48.激发,作为„.的动机 v.49.可行的,可能的 adj.50.欣赏,感激 n.51.战略,策略 n.52.精制,使精美 v.53.面对,对抗 v.54.一致,相符 v.55.最后的,最终的 adj.V.Word Form 56.Do not let this(say)of you.It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and to your job.57.The theory of black holes in space(accept)by many serious scientists and astronomers.58.If you had been in better health, we(allow)you to join them in the work.59.Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not(ignore).2005年10月英语

(二)60.I would rather you(come)tomorrow.61.One hundred miles(be)too far to travel on foot.62.Robots,(become)increasingly prevalent in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world, are programmed and engineered to perform industrial tasks without human intervention.63.Every boy and girl(treat)in the same way.64.He took his umbrella with him lest it(rain).65.Many other new techniques are now available that enable more research(do)in the test tube to see if chemicals produce harmful biological effects.VI.Translation from Chinese into English 66.他孤注一掷用自己的积蓄开了一家小商店。67.时差反应是每个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。68.有人提出管理过程就是决策过程。


VII.Translation from English into Chinese 71.Between labor and play stands work.A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do;what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it.The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job;a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer.Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure.To a worker, leisure means simply the hour he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently.He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much;workers die of coronaries and forget their wives' birthdays.To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.2006年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试



I.Vocabulary and Structure 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B II.Cloze Test 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C III.Reading Comprehension 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.B 31.D 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.C IV.Word Spelling 36.result 37.share 38.willing 39.warn 40.expression 41.diversity 42.budget 43.measurement 44.ensure 45.domestic 46.originate 47.appliance 48.motivate


(二)49.feasible 50.appreciation 51.strategy 52.refine 53.confront 54.coincide 55.ultimate V.Word Form 56.be said 57.is accepted 58.would have allowed 59.be ignored 60.came 61.is 62.becoming 63.is treated 64.should rain 65.to be done VI.Translation from Chinese into English 66.He gambled his savings to start a small shop.67.The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across.68.Some suggest that the management process is decision making.69.Every person is equal be president or a street cleaner.70.It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditionalist period.VII.Translation from English into Chinese.71.劳役和玩乐之间是工作。一个对获得社会支付的职业感兴趣的人就是工作者;从社会角度来看必须付出的劳动而在个人来看就是自愿选择的娱乐。一个职业是归类为劳役还是工作不是看其职业本身,而是看从事这一职业的个人爱好。比如,这个差异并不是体力劳动与脑力劳动之间的差异;一个花匠或皮匠可以是个工作者,而一个银行职员则可能是苦役者。对此从他对休闲的态度就可以看出。对于工作者来说,休闲只是他为了更有效地工作而放松休息的时间,因此他花费的休闲时间很可能太少而非太多,他常常死于冠心病或忘记他妻子的生日。而对于劳役者来说,休闲就是摆脱强制,因此对他来说自然是劳作时间越少而玩的时间越多越好。




Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It is difficult to __ the implication between the lines.A.get to B.get with C.get at D.get down 2.The volleyball match was televised __ on CCTV.A.alive B.life C.live D.lively 3.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its __ considerabi A.distribution B.contribution C.prescription D.circulatiol 4.The central theatre has a seating __ of more than 3,000 people.A.capability B.capacity C.ability


(二)D.facility 5.The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from __ in the living room.A.that B.it C.one D.which 6.Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A.shutdown B.done away C.taken off D.called off 7.Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment.A.expended B.paid C.cost D.charged 8.Having decided to rent a flat, we __ contacting housing agencies in the city.A.set about B.set down C.set out D.setup 9.The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.A.result B.response C.settlement D.solution 10.If the operation __ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.A.was not B.has not been C.had not been D.were not

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 point each)The basic principle of radar is illustrated by what happens when one shouts in a e.The echoof the shouting 11 the walls helps a person determine the size of i cave.With radar, however , the waves are radio waves instead of 12 waves.dio waves travel 13 the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in a second.A lar set 14 a short burst of radio waves.Then it receives the echoes 15 when waves bounce(Silt)off objects.By determining the time it 16 for the echoes to imi to the radar set, a trained technician 17 determine the distance between the [ar set and other objects.The word “radar”, 18 , gets its name from the term dio detection and ranging.“ ”Ranging“ is the term for detection of the 19 between object and the radar set.Besides being of critical importance to pilot, radar is 20 for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms.11.A.through B.for


(二)C.on D.against 12.A.sound B.light C.heat D.tide 13.A.in B.at C.over D.on 14.A.sends out B.works out C.figures out D.puts out 15.A.producing B.produced C.produce D.produces 16.A.spends B.takes C.kills D.makes 17.A.can B.must C.ought to D.has to 18.A.incase B.in turn C.in short D.in fact 19.A.length B.width C.distance D.space 20.A.Eventual B.internal C.external D.essential Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty-five.On being asked his opinion, he said, ”Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral.If I were to make a choice between them, I would rather choose the latter Anyway, it's


(二)better to live than not to live at all.“ A lively discussion followed.A banker, who was then younger and more nervous than the lawyer, suddenly lost his temper and cried out, ”It's a lie.I bet you two million.You wouldn't stick in a cell even for five years.“ ”If you mean it,“ replied the young lawyer, ”I bet I'll stay there longer;make it fifteen instead of five.“ ”Fifteen!Done!“ cried the banker.”Gentleman, I bet you two millions.“ ”Agreed.Two millions for my freedom,“ said the lawyer.So this wild, ridiculous bet came to pass.The banker could not hide his excitement During supper he said to the lawyer jokingly, ”Come to your senses, young man, before it's too late.Two millions are nothing to me, but you stand to lose three or four of the best years of your life.I say three or four because you'll never stick it out any longer Don't forget that voluntary imprisonment is much harder to put up with than a enforced one.The idea that you have the right to free yourself any moment will poison your life in the cell.I pity you.“ And now the banker, pacing from comer to comer, recalled all this and asked himself, ”Why did I make this bet? What's the good? The lawyer lost fifteen years of hi life and I threw away two millions.Will it convince people that capital punishment is worse or better than imprisonment for life? No, no!Rubbish!On my part, it was the caprice(心血来潮)of a well-fed millionaire;on the lawyer's part, it's the pure greed c gold." 21.The lawyer would choose life imprisonment because.A.he was younger than the banker B.capital punishment was immoral C.it was better than capital punishment D.the banker would give him $200,000 22.The author considers the bet between the lawyer and the banker.A.interesting B.ridiculous C.capricious D.instructive 23.The word 'company' in the first paragraph refers to __.A.companions B.bankers C.lawyers D.prisoners 24.The banker was extremely excited because __.A.he was too rich to care for the money B.he was sure of his winning the bet C.the lawyer would give up in 15 years D.the lawyer would give up before 5 years 25.In the end, the banker considers his bet with the lawyer __.A.rational B.reasonable C.beneficial D.unreasonable Passage Two


(二)Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Online learning is also called distance education, which helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn a degree.And it has become more and more popular with both young people and educational institutions.The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of New York University in Manhattan began online classes in 1992.Its Virtual School has taught more than 10,000 students from across the United States and other countries.Last year,the school launched NYU Online.It offers NYU's first online Programs for a bachelor's degree.Programs are offered in three areas;leadership And management, information systems management and social sciences.The classes are highly interactive where students communicate with each other and their teachers.Some classes require students to log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects.The cost to attend NYU Online depends on how many classes a student is to take It costs as much as fifteen thousand dollars a year.NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program.If you are interested in the program, you can gel more details at the website: www.xiexiebang.common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction.This is not true.The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature.Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.For example, tropical forests are known to be essential to the balance of nature, yet we are destroying them at a great rate.They are being cleared not to benefit the natives of that country, but to satisfy the needs of rich countries.Central American forests are being destroyed for grassland to make pet food in the United States cheaper;in Papua slew Guinea, forests are destroyed to supply cheaper cardboard packaging for Japanese electronic products;in Burma and Thailand, forests have been destroyed to produce more attractive furniture in Singapore and Hong Kong.Therefore, a rich person living thousands of miles away may cause more tropical forest destruction than a poor person living in the forest itself.In short, it is everybody's duty to safeguard the future of mankind—not only through population control, but by being more aware of the effect his actions have on nature.Nature is both fragile and powerful.It is very easily destroyed;on the other hand, it can easily destroy its most dangerous enemy—man.31.According to the first paragraph, people usually believe that.A.poor people in poor countries contribute to the imbalance of nature B.rich people know how to protect the environment by taking actions C.people in poor areas know a lot about the birth control D.rich people in rich countries have done a lot to balance nature 32.In the author's opinion, __.A.developing countries should be responsible for environmental problems B.overpopulation in the world is created by the developed countries C.rich countries exercise worse influence on environment than poor countries D.all countries should bring the population growth under control 33.The purpose of the second paragraph is mainly to illustrate __.A.how the forests in the U.S.are being destroyed B.which countries are the victims of the imbalance of nature C.what Japan has done to develop its own economy D.how South Asian countries make quality furniture 34.Nature is very easily destroyed by __.A.rich people B.poor people C.natural disasters D.mankind 35.The topic of the passage is that __.A.the control of population is essential to the development of a nation


(二)B.natural resources are important to the economic development of a country C.awareness of the effects of man's actions is as important as population control D.developed countries should do more to protect natural environment on the earth IV.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36.到国外;在国外 ad.a 37.相反的;不利的 a.a

38.帝国 n.e

39.典礼,仪式 n.c

40.环境;境遇 n.c

41.密集度,稠密度 n.d

42.出现,涌现 v.e

43.扩大,放大 n.e

44.特征,特色 n.f

45.杂志 n.m




47.许可;执照 n.l

48.同时,其间 n.m

49.需要,必需品 n.n

50.服从,听从 v.o

51.四月 a.A

52.根本的,激进的 a.r

53.狡猾的;难处理的 a.t

54.策略,战略 n.s

55.宇宙的,普遍的 a.u

V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

56.Small shops offer products that range from inexpensive to expensive, __(depend)on the shop.57.Our training program covers a range of __(effect)management techniques.58.Large sums of money have to __(spend)each year on railway construction.59.He saw a letter lying on the table __(address)to him.60.It is highly __(desire)that the government give the company more financial support.38


(二)61.She had an outward __(appear), but deep down she was really worried.62.There are a __(surprise)large number of mistakes in the test paper.63.Weather __(permit), the football match will be played on Wednesday.64.He lay perfectly still and __(play)dead to escape capture by the enemy.65.We are supposed __(follow)the teachers9 instructions, VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。


68.这项研究结果表明白日梦有助于提高一个人适应新环境的能力。69.直到这次求职面试失败,他才意识到英语学习的重要性。70.随着经济发展和社会进步,人们越来越关心生活质量。Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)When you turn on the television, put on your shoes or drive to a store, you're using energy.Energy is one of the most fundamental forces in the world.Animals use energy to walk and run.Trees and plants use energy to grow.People use it to work and play.Energy is everywhere in nature—in the light of the sun, in the wind, in the forest, in water currents and erupting volcanoes.Without energy, there is no life.We use our own energy constantly and we continually make use of all kinds of energy.Energy can be divided into two different types: stored energy and dynamic energy.Stored energy is called potential energy, and the latter refers to energy in motion.If you stretch out a rubber band, this produces potential energy.If you let it go, it moves an produces the dynamic energy.2007年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试



I.Vocabulary and Structure(每小题1分,共10分)I.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C II.Cloze Test(每小题1分,共10分)11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C


(二)20.D Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(每小题2分,共30分)21.C 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.A 31.A 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.C IV.Word Spelling(每两小题1分,共30分)36.abroad 37.adverse 38.empire 39.ceremony 40.circumstance 41.density 42.emerge 43.enlarge 44.feature 45.magazine 46.immigrant 47.licence(-nse)48.meantime 49.necessity 50.obey 51.April 52.radical 53.tricky 54.strategy 55.universal V.Word Form(每小题1分,共10分)56.depending 57.effective 58.be spent 59.addressed 60.desirable 61.appearance 62.surprisingly 63.permitting 64.played 65.to follow VI.Translation from Chinese into English(每小题3分,共15分

66.Science came into being when man began to ask questions about his environment.67.Despite his serious illness, he came to/attended the meeting, or Although he was


(二)seriously ill, he came to/attended the meeting.68.The study indicates that daydreaming helps(to)improve a person's ability to adapt(himself)to a new environment.69.He didn't realize the importance of English learning until he failed in the job interview, or Not until he failed in the job interview did he realize the importance of English learning, or It was not until he failed in the job interview that he realized the importance of English learning.70.With(the)economic development and social progress, people are increasingly concerned with the quality of life.Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(本大题共15分)当你打开电视、穿鞋子、或驾车购物,你都在消耗能量。能量是世界上一种最基本的力。动物行走、奔跑、树木、植物生长,人类工作和消遣,都在消耗能量。能量存在于阳光、风、树林、水流和喷发的火山中,自然界中不无处不在。没有能量,就没有生命。我们在不断地消耗自身的能量,也在不断地消耗其他种类的能量。





Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It makes good_to bring an umbrella;it seems to be raining today.A.sense B.reason C.suggestion D.advice 2.If you are too_of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.A.respective B.detective C.protective D.effective.3.His intelligence will_him to get a scholarship to college.A.enable B.persuade C.suggest D.employ 4.The professor asked a question, and David_a good answer.A.put up with B.stood up for C.came up with D.looked down upon 5.No sooner had we reached home_a violent storm broke out.A.when B.that C.until D.than


(二)6.People differ_one another_their ability to handle stress.A.from...to B.from...in C.for...in D.in...from 7.They should try to_their usual inhibitions and join in the fun.A.send off B.lay aside C.take to D.turn off 8.During the past two decades, research has_our knowledge of daydreaming.A.expanded B.emerged C.descended D.conquered 9.The students are required to_the main ideas of the article in their own words.A.symbolize B.minimize C.synchronize D.summarize 10.The outline of rooftops and chimneys_against the pale sky.A.pulled out B.looked out C.held out D.stood out Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有+个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also a great help in your learning languages.Remember that a language is not 11 a grammatical system.It is the 12 of a certain culture of different cultures.It is no good 13 strings of words and lists of grammatical rules 14 you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references made, as well as the inferences which can 15 the information clearly given.So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which 16 English-watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain 17 and magazines written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and, above all, read-not textbooks, 18 novels, poems and plays.They will show you how a language is 19 used.The English language is a living form of expression which derives much of its 20 from the context, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge.11.A.just B.even C.so D.that


(二)12.A.outlook B.outcome C.outset D.outline 13.A.have learnt B.learn C.learning D.learnt 14.A.since B.until C.when D.unless 15.A.be carried over B.be freed from C.be held up D.be drawn from 16.A.influence B.abandon C.restore D.furnish 17.A.film B.television C.radio D.newspapers 18.A.but B.or C.and D.as 19.A.occasionally B.really C.casually D.scarcely 20.A.structure B.implication C.meaning D.indication Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities.If a child has good parents, he is well fed, looked after and loved.It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known.A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow.His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.But a child has his pains:he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are;he is continually being told what to do and what not to do.Therefore, a child is not happy as he wishes to be.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents;but at the same time he is forced to accept.responsibilities.With no one to pay for his food, his clothes, or his room, he has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he spends most of his time playing


(二)about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry.And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may get himself into trouble.If, however, he works hard, goes by the law and has good health, he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be;but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy.With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given.The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life;they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them;and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving everything to others.21.The happiest people should be those who A.face up to difficulties in life B.hope to be young again C.enjoy life in different ages D.wish to be grown up 22.The word “they” in Line 5,Para.2 refers to_. A.older people B.new things C.children D.interests 23 .A child has his pains because_. A.he can not do whatever he wants to B.he is not allowed to play in rain C.he has a lot of new things to learn D.he can not play at the seaside freely 24.When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to_. A.live comfortably B.take responsibilities C.make progress in job


(二)D.impress the society 25.The best title of the passage might be_. A.Pains and Ages B.Differences in Ages C.The Best Age to Be D.Happiness and Ages Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.We all know that humans are damaging the environment, but what can we do about it? Some people are trying to do their bit to be more environmentally friendly.Local councils in Britain encourage certain aspects of green living, such as recycling paper, tin, plastic and glass.They want to reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfill sites(填埋场),because they are running out of places to dump(倾倒)rubbish.In some areas rubbish for recycling is collected from your doorstep, but in other areas, you have to take it to a special recycling place, such as a bottle bank.Another way of reducing the amount of rubbish you create is to use reusable products instead of disposable ones For example, some people use strong shopping bags or boxes for their groceries instead of plastic carrier bags, or use washable nappies instead of disposables.More people are becoming interested in reducing their carbon footprint—the amount of carbon they use up.They try to reduce their carbon emissions(释放)by cycling, using public transport or an electric car, rather than driving gas-consuming vehicles.Some people choose not to fly for holiday trips because planes are the biggest producers of carbon emissions.You can make‘green’ choices when buying food too.It's best to buy food which was locally grown or produced so that it hasn't been imported by air, or shipped by road from far away.Houses can be environmentally friendly too.It takes less energy to heat a house if it has good insulation(绝缘,隔热)and double glazing(双层玻璃).You can also create your own energy it you have solar panels or a wind turbine fitted though these


(二)can be expensive.You can also save water by using a rain water container for washing the car or watering the garden.It's even possible to use a system where‘grey water’—water which has been through a tap(水龙头)once already, is used to flush(冲洗)toilets.Some new housing projects are being built specifically to be as environmentally friendly as possible.26.The purpose of collecting reusable wastes is to_. A.save energy consumed in daily life B.reduce the amount of rubbish dumped C.create a new way of green living D.decrease the amount of carbon produced 27.In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_. A.by electric car, bicycle or plane B.by private car, bicycle or bus C.by bus, electric car or plane D.by bicycle, bus or electric car 28.It is best for people to buy food_when making‘green’ choices.A.produced locally B.imported abroad C.transported by road D.grown in green houses 29.As mentioned,‘grey water’ can be used to_,A.wash the car B.water the garden C.clean the toilet D.dispose of wastes 30.The passage is intended to advise people_. A.to make use of rubbish B.to save energy and water C.to recycle reusable products D.to have a green living Passage Three


(二)Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always on the run;rushing from one appointment to another, from a PTA(Parent Teacher Association)meeting to a social planning committee.They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure.In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together.Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.When they do have the chance to eat at home, often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed.It is no wonder, therefore, that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption.This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when many women began to work full time and spend less time at home with their families.Women, however, wanted to function well in the capacity of homemaker, as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity(商品)which had to be carefully used.Therefore, it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner.Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television.Television became the latest fashion in the 1950s and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite programs.And then, the place for supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.As the customs changed, so did the culture.The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner.These were frozen meals which were divided into portions of meat and vegetables.They could easily be put into an oven(锅)and prepared within minutes.The tin trays(托盘)in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner was consumed in front of a TV set.Cleaning up afterwards was no problem.The tin trays were easily thrown into the garbage.From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road.Love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile.It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains.McDonald's paved the way with its variety of burgers and cold drinks soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods.Today dozens of fast-food chain stores can be


(二)found along highways, in modern shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America.Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses.These establishments have given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the American people.31.In America, the whole family seldom have dinner together at home because_. A.they have so many social activities B.they have a lot of meetings to attend C.they rush from one appointment to another D.they often move from one place to another 32.America has become a shelter for fast food consumption because A.some women are engaged in entertainments B.few women are able to make meals at home C.women are unwilling to cook for their families D.many women are mostly occupied with work 33.The passage tells that nowadays Americans have their supper_. A.in the dinning room B.in the living room C.in the grocery stores D.in the fast food chains 34.The word “establishments” in the last paragraph probably means_. A.fast foods B.TV dinners C.shopping malls D.snack bars 35.The main idea of the passage is about_.A.women's role in American families B.advantages of fast food for Americans C.modern lifestyles and diet in America D.shift of American home entertainment



Iv.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。


36.角力,摔跤 vi w_ _ _ _ _ _ 37.打哈欠 vi.y_ _ _ 38.天气,气象 n.w_ _ _ _ _ _ 39.志愿者,志愿兵 n.V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.唯一的,独特的a.u_ _ _ _ _ 41.打字机n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.绊跌,绊倒vi.S_ _ _ _ _ _ 43.保持,保留n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44.提及,参考n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.预期的,未来的a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.忽略,眺望vt.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.功能的,实用的a.f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.部长,大臣n.m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.使地方化vt.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.夹克衫n.j_ _ _ _ _ 51.注射,针剂n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.女主人n.h_ _ _ _ _ _ 53.真正的,真诚的a.g_ _ _ _ _ _ 54.侄子,外甥n.n_ _ _ _ _ 55.怀疑的,可疑的a.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56.I would play football with you if I_20 years younger.(be)57.Just as she was about_,she was handed a note.(speak)58.I don't want to make a show of_before strangers.(Ⅰ)59.__is the mother of invention.This is remarkably true.(Necessary)60.The mayor gave a_speech to call up the citizens against pollution.(convince)61.He was hurt by a flower vase_from the balcony(阳台).(drop)62.Neither the prices nor the quality_in the last contract.(specify)63.The beauty of the place is beyond_.(describe)64.It is the first time I_with native speakers in English.(talk)65.The family spent a_holiday in the country last month.(delight)Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。




Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.They contain the history of our race, the discoveries we have made, the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages.They picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature, help us out of difficulty, comfort us in sorrow, change hours of tiredness into moments of delight, fill our minds with good ideas and happy thoughts, and lift us out of and above ourselves.And also, books can help transport us to mountains or the seashore, and visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, or expense.In a sense they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality.So, precious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our daily paths.We walk, in imagination, with noblest spirits, through the most fascinating regions.50




Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.Would’t you rather your child ______ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A.became B.become C.would become D.becomes 2.Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders _______will happen to his family life.A.it B.that C.what D.this 3.We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ________ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting.A.while B.after C.since D.as 4.We cannot leave this tough job to a person_________.A.who nobody has confidence B.in whom nobody has confidence C.for whom nobody has confidence D.who everyone has confidence of 5.You are the best for the job _____ you apply your mind to it.A.until B.if only C.in case D.unless 6.Hey, leave _____!I hate people touching my hair.A.behind B.out C.off D.over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ________ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it.A.come up B.come up to C.come over D.come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I ________ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue.A.say a word with B.have words with C.mention a word with D.have a word with 9.There is a deadlock(僵局)in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the over.A.a way B.way C.the way D.its way 10.This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages.A.with B.for C.to D.in

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology.Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets.Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses.Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired.Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the Japanese companies might take a large share of the world market __16__ they were not limited by licensing agreement.Conditions of this sort, __17__ together in one nation, may well be unique, and


(二)the case of Japan may therefore not actually demonstrate that licensing is just as efficient as multinational ownership for the __18__ of technology.In fact, Japan may be finding this method of operation __19__ effective than in the past ,as her needs for outside technology now require information which __20__ only a few companies and is more closely held.11.A.was strengthened

B.will be strengthened C.will have been strengthened

D.has been strengthened 12.A.position



D.point 13.A.entry



D.acceptance 14.A.at



D.of 15.A.potential



D.inevitable 16.A.until



D.after 17.A.came B.come

C.will come

D.coming 18.A.transformation B.transfer

C.transmission D.shift 19.A.much B.little


D.more 20.A.sticks to B.belongs to C.draws on

D.takes on Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 point for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.One day, the principal came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for some reason said: “I wish all of the white scholars to stand for a moment.” I rose with the others.The teacher looked at me and, calling my name, said: “You sit down for the present, and rise with the others.” I did not quite understand her.She repeated: “You sit down now, and rise with the others.” I sat down puzzled and dumb.I saw and heard nothing.When the other were asked to rise, I did not know it.When school was dismissed, I went out unconsciously.A few of the white boys laughed at me, saying: “Oh, you’re a nigger, too.”

I hurried on as fast as I could to where my looking–glass hung on the wall in my own little room.For an instant I was afraid to look, but when I did, I looked long and earnestly.I was accustomed to hearing remarks about my beauty;but now, for the first time, I became conscious of it and recognized it.I noticed the ivory(象牙)whiteness of my skin, the beauty of my mouth, the size and liquid darkness of my eyes.I ran downstairs and rushed to where my mother was sitting.I buried my head in her lap and cried out: “Mother, tell me, am I a nigger?” I could not see her face, but I felt her hands on my head.I looked up into her face.There were tears in her eyes and I could see that she was suffering for me.And then it was that I looked at her critically for the first time.I had thought of her in a childish way only as the most beautiful woman in the world;now I looked at her searching for defects.I could see that her skin was almost brown, and that she did differ in some way from the other ladies who came to the house;yet, even so I could see that she was more beautiful than any of them.She must have felt that I was examining her, for she hid her face in my hair and said with difficulty: “No, my darling, you are not a nigger.” She went on: “If anyone calls you a nigger, don’t notice them.” But the more she talked, the less was I reassured, and I stopped her by asking: “Well, mother, am I white? Are you white?” She answered tremblingly: “No, I am not white, but your


(二)father is one of the greatest men in the country.The best blood of the South is in you.” This suddenly opened up in my heart a fresh fear, and I almost fiercely demanded: “Who is my father? Where is he?” She stroked my hair and said: “I’ll tell you about him some day.” I sobbed: “I want to know now.” She answered: “No, not now.” 21.We can infer from the passage that “a nigger ”means________.A.a white person B.a black person C.anyone that is not white D.anyone that is not black 22.When the teacher asked him to sit down and rise with the others, the author was confused because_________.A.he never considered himself a non-white person B.he thought the teacher didn’t recognize him C.he thought he should be considered D.he thought it rude for the teacher to call his name 23.It was on that day that he began to realize that _________.A.he was a nigger B.he was different from others because of his beauty C.his color was like that of his mother D.he differed from other white people even with his beauty 24.From the passage we can learn that _________.A.the boy’s father left them for some reasons B.the boy’s mother didn’t want to mention his father at all C.the boy never met his father before D.the boy’s mother hated his father 25.This passage generally tells us a story of ________.A.a boy who suddenly realized that he was a colored person B.a boy who had been looked down upon because he had no father C.the miserable life of colored people D.the life of a one-parent family

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.For Americans, time is a “resource” that, like water or coal, can be used well or poorly.“Time is money,” they say.“You only get so much time in this life;you’d best use it wisely.” The future will not be better than the past or the present unless people use their time fro constructive, future-oriented activities.Thus, Americans admire a “well-organized” person, one who has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them.The ideal person is punctual and treasures other people’s time.The American attitude towards time is not necessarily shared by others, especially non-Europeans.They are more likely to consider time as something that is simply there around them, not something they can “use”.One of the more difficult things many foreign businessmen and students must adjust to in the States is the notion that time must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day.In their efforts to use their time wisely, Americans are sometimes seen by foreign visitors as automatons, unhuman creatures who are so tied to their clocks and their schedules that they cannot participate in or enjoy the human interactions that are the truly important things in life.“They are like little machines running around,”


(二)one foreign visitor said.The emphasis Americans place on efficiency is closely related to their concepts of the future, change and time.To do something efficiently is to do it in the way that is quickest and requires the smallest investment of resources.American businesses sometimes hire “efficiency experts” to review their operations and suggest ways in which they could accomplish more than they are currently accomplishing with the resources they are investing.Popular periodicals carry suggestions for more efficient ways to clean house, raise children, tend the yard, and so on.In this context the “fast-food industry” can be seen as a clear example of an American cultural product.McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, and other fast-food establishments prosper in a country where many people want to minimize the amount of time they spend preparing and eating meals.The millions of Americans who take their meals at fast-food restaurants cannot have much interest in lingering over their food while conversing with friends, as millions of Europeans do.As McDonald’s restaurants have spread around the world, they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture, bringing not just hamburgers but an emphasis on speed, efficiency, and shiny cleanliness.The typical American food, some observers argue, is fast food.26.If a person treasures other people’s time, he.A.does not waste people’s time with conversation or activity that has no beneficial outcome B.does not believe the future will be any better than the present or the past C.likes to deep a written schedule of the daily activities with him D.likes to have his meals at the fast-food restaurants to save time 27.In the eyes of the foreign visitors in the States, American people.A.think that time is always there which needs budgeting B.enjoy saving and using time wisely everyday C.are indifferent in that they are like feelingless machines D.are so fully engaged that they are unable to enjoy the important things in life 28.What is the job of an efficiency expert? A.Writing articles for periodicals.B.Recommending ways of efficient investment.C.Examining the quality of a company’s products.D.Teaching people how to take care of their yard.29.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph? A.Many Americans love having meals at fast-food restaurants.B.Americans are busier than other people in the world.C.The American fast-food industry helps spread the American culture around the world.D.The United States is the father of the world’s fast-food industry.30.The best title for this passage is..A.The American Concept of Time B.The Development of the American Fast Food Industry C.How to Raise Efficiency D.The American Food and Culture

Passage Three


(二)Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.It is difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling, where children are not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents.Legislation and court decisions have make it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home, and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity.Supporters of home education claim that it is less expensive and far more efficient than mass public education.Moreover they quote several merits: relief of school overcrowding, added curricular and pedagogical(课程和教学法)alternatives, strengthened family relationships, lower dropout rates, increased motivation, higher standardized test scores, and reduced discipline problems.Supporters of home schooling also believe that it provides the parents with the opportunity to reinforce their moral values through education.Critics of home schooling movement claim that it creates as many problems as it solves.They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages.Some parents who withdraw their children form the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children.Typically, parents have fewer, not more technological resources available than do schools.However, the relatively inexpensive computer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way not so good as more highly structured classroom education.Finally, a sociological(社会学)concern is the restricted social interaction experienced by children who are educated at home.Technology will never replace the pupil-teacher relationship.Also, while relationships with parents and brothers and sisters may be improved, children taught at home may develop a distorted(歪曲的)view of society.31.The main idea of the passage is that.A.more and more parents are in favor of home schooling B.home schooling is superior to school education because it has been legally approved C.though home schooling has its advantages, it creates as many new problems at the same time D.school education is no doubt better than home education 32.Those who support home schooling think that.A.it’s less expensive and more efficient apart from other merits B.it has added curricular and pedagogical alternatives C.it will cause fewer discipline problems D.it’s more important to reinforce moral values 33.Critics believe that.A.few parents can afford computers and technology when providing home education B.few parents are qualified enough to provide a satisfactory home education C.school teachers are better than parents D.classroom environment can provide most satisfactory education 34.According to the author, home schooling cannot help children.A.acquire social knowledge


(二)B.build up a relationship with family members C.build up pupil-teacher relationship D.develop a right view of society 35.The attitude of the author toward home schooling is.A.vague B.positive C.totally negative D.straight-forward PART TWO(50 POINTS)

IV.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整 的单词写在答题纸上。

36.破坏,使„遇难 vt w _ _ _ _

37.自愿的,自发的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37.紧要的,紧迫的 a..u _ _ _ _ _

38.容忍,忍受 vt.t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39.症状,征兆 n.s _ _ _ _ _ _

40.最近,不久前 ad.l _ _ _ _ _ 41.放大,夸大 vt.m _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.概念,想法 n.n _ _ _ _ _ 43.服从,听从 vt.o _ _ _

44.苦干的,费力的 a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.达到;造诣 n.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.使平衡;权衡 vt.b _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.战役,运动 n.c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.装修,装饰 vt.d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.基本的,初级的 a.e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.忠诚的,忠实的 a.f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.姿势,手势 n g _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.高度地,非常 ad.h _ _ _ _ _ 53.模仿的,仿制的 a.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.正义,公正 n.j _ _ _ _ _ _

V.WORD FORM(10 points,1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

56.Once harm ______(do)to the environment, it takes years to have the system recovered.57.With the strike_______(settle), the work on the new assembly line went ahead like wildfire.58.The child was playing_________(danger)near the edge of the swimming pool.59.This project ________(accomplish)by the end of 2006 will greatly improve the basic facility of the city.60.People appreciate_________(talk)with him because he is knowledgeable and humorous.61.Since the author did not stick to the topic, I found his article very ______(confuse)and hard to follow.62.With all this done, I ______(free)from all troubles and responsibilities.2005年10月自考英语

(二)63.Had he been treated well, he ________(get over)this disease.64.Investigations into the cause of the shipwreck show that the ship _______(sink)the moment it hit the rock.65.If only the board ________(approve)the proposal and put it into effect.vi.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.时间是世界上最容易浪费也是最难以把握的东西。



vii.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Planning is a very important activity in our lives.It can give pleasure and even excitement, but cause quite severe headaches.The more significant the task ahead, the more careful the planning required.Getting to school or to work on time is a task requiring little or no planning.It is almost a routine.A month’s touring holiday abroad, or better still, getting married, is a different matter altogether.If the holiday involves a church wedding, with 50 guests, a reception, a honeymoon in Italy, and returning to a new home, this requires even more planning to make sure that is successful.Planning is our way of trying to ensure success and of avoiding costly failures we cannot afford.It is equally essential to mankind as a whole, to nations, to families and to each individual;the scale may vary, but the degree of importance does not.2005年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语


Ⅰvocabulary and structure(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C Ⅱcloze test(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B Ⅲreading comprehension(本大题共15题,每小题2分,共30分)21.B 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.A 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.C 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.D Ⅳword spelling(本大题共20题,每小题0.5分,共10分)36.wreck 37.voluntary 38.urgent 39.tolerate 40.symptom 41.lately 42.magnify 43.notion 44.obey 45.painstaking 46.attainment 47.balance 48.campaign 49.decorate 50.elementary 51.faithful 52.gesture 53.highly 54.imitative 55.justice

Ⅴword form(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)56.is done 57.settled

58.dangerously 59.to be accomplished 60.talking 61.confusing 62.have been freed 63.would have got over 64.sank 65.would approve

VI.Translation front Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)


(二)66.Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste and the most difficult thing to control.67.Although managers cannot predict the future, many of their decisions require that they consider/take into account possible future events.68.Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable, so there is no absolute time and space/so time and space are not absolute.69.The number of failures in the examination is surprisingly large.70.The American folk music in the 1960’s expressed anti-war sentiments as well as love and hope.VII.Translation from English into Chinese.(本大题共15分)计划是我们生活中一项非常重要的活动。它能使人愉快,甚至令人兴奋,但也会让人十分头疼。工作越重要,所需的计划就要越仔细。按时上班或上学是几乎根本不需要计划的工作,它只不过是日常事务。而长达一个月的国外旅游度假,或更甚之,结婚娶亲,就完全是两码事了。如果假期中还要举行婚礼,接待50位来宾,举办招待会,去意大利度蜜月,再回到新家,那就更需要计划周全,以确保成功。计划使我们能够保证成功,避免那些代价昂贵,而我们又难以承受的失败。对于整个人类、民族、家庭乃至个人来说,计划同样又是必不可少的。其规模可大可小,但重要性都一样。













PART ONE(50 POINTS)I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1point each)1.It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A.other than B.rather than C.less than D.more than 2.We'll inform you as soon as tickets become ______.A.valuable B.capable C.acceptable D.available 3.The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades.A.enormously B.effectively C.infinitely D.extremely 4.If you ______ my advice, you wouldn't be in such trouble now.A.took B.takes C.has taken D.had taken 5.The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner.A.over B.was over C.is over D.been over 6.All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work.A.having spent B.has been spent C.having been spent D.had been spent 7.______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall.A.Hardly had be begun B.Hardly he had begun C.Hardly he has begun D.He hardly had begun 8.The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.A.like B.likely C.alike D.lively 9.The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______.A.late B.later C.lately D.latest 10.I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind.A.above all B.in all C.at all D.after all II.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point each)However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears.There are 11 of reasons for this.One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day.In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set.14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said;our mind might be 15 elsewhere.Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don't always listen carefully.A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us.Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening.For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said.11.A.the number B.a number C.number D.numbers 12.A.accept

B.obtain C.receive D.possess 13.A.put

B.consume C.spend D.spare 14.A.Besides B.Whereas C.Otherwise D.Nevertheless 15.A.wondering B.swinging C.recycling D.wandering 16.A.other B.some

C.the other D.another 17.A.gone



D.went 18.A.anyone B.everyone C.someone D.few 19.A.to


C.of D.about


(二)20.A.sound B.noise


D.scream III.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points each)

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Many of today's most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto.When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores.In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto.He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success.He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail.However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated;he came up with a brand new notion of business-“Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.” He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash.With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs.His business grew rapidly.He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods.Eaton's list-advertisements of his day-was the first of its kind.It was distributed and read all over the country.It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites.It became part of their life.They even called it The Wishing Book.The secret of the list's success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers;they trusted him for good prices and quality goods.Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer.In all this, he was a leader.21.The best description of Eaton is that ______.A.he was the richest merchant in Toronto B.he was a successful technical inventor C.he introduced new sales practices D.he changed people's ideas about businessmen 22.Eaton's success lay primarily in that ____.A.he sold only good quality goods B.he was the first person to provide good service C.he treated his employees better than any of his competitors D.he won respect from his customers 23.From the passage we can infer that ______.A.Eaton invented the idea of the internet shopping B.Eaton drove other businessmen to failure C.Eaton never sold his goods on credit D.Eaton was defeated by his rivals 24.The best title for this passage is _____.A.Good Goods, of Money Refunded B.Eaton, a Sales Inventor C.Customers' Respect, a Secret of Success D.Eaton's list, a Welcome Event in Sales History 25.Eaton's List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____.A.good-quality goods at reasonable prices


(二)B.goods at unreasonable prices C.good-quality goods at unreasonable prices D.poor-quality goods at reasonable prices

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The threat of a global outbreak(疾病大爆发)of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively.Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu.Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus(病毒)has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks.In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed;there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers.Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort.If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country.The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous.Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people.World Health Organization(WHO)estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people.If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher.Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage.The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent.If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost.Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals.However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people.Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics.If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives.26.Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________.A.establish new markets B.work together effectively C.stop birds from flying to other countries D.raise fewer chickens and ducks 27.The second paragraph focuses on ______.A.World Health Organization B.flus in Hong Kong and Spain C.the economy of Southeast Asia D.possible effects of a bird flu outbreak 28.The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______.A.63 B.124

C.7.4 million D.50 million 29.In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____.A.stimulating financial growth B.reducing economic damages C.saving human lives

D.protecting bird species 30.The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______.2005年10月英语

(二)A.the origin and history of bird flu B.the importance of international cooperation C.the possible dangers of a national outbreak D.the significance of preventing it from spreading

Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased.“We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London.If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room!Well, that's an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends.Weekends are not the only time to worry!Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train.This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net.All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous? Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier.In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents.“At least our parents can keep tabs on us,” says 16-year-old Julia.“So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are.I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys;they help keep young people safe.Most significantly, they help keep young people safe.Most significantly, they make parents feel better.Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones.Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely.Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger.Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did.Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety.31.Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______.A.wander around on bus in the city B.chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms C.make questionable friends on the net D.are taken little care of by teachers 32.For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________.A.by car B.by bus C.by train D.by public transport 33.Most significantly, mobile phones _______.A.enable parents keep a close watch on their kids B.help keep teenagers safe C.make parents feel less worried D.protect teenagers from being attacked 34.Teenagers should never give any strangers ______.2005年10月英语

(二)A.their mobile phone numbers B.their family address C.their personal information D.their parents' names 35.This passage is mainly about ________.A.freedom for teenagers in summer holidays B.safety for teenagers in summer holidays C.activities for teenagers in summer holidays D.troubles for teenagers in summer holidays PART TWO(50 POINTS)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。

36.获胜者,优胜者 n.w_ _ _ _ _ 37.(使)枯萎,凋谢 v.w_ _ _ _ _ 38.垂直的,竖的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39.易变的,变量的 a.v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.唯一的,独特的 a.u_ _ _ _ _ 41.地下的,隐蔽的 a.u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.真实的,如实地 ad.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43.星期二 n.T_ _ _ _ _ _ 44.传统,惯例 n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.同情,同情心 n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.投降,让步 vi.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.足够的,充分的 a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.亲属,亲戚 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.抵抗,反抗 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.有目的的,蓄意的 a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.财产;性质 n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.俯望,漏看 vt.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53.发源,源自 vi.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.音乐的,悦耳的 a.m_ _ _ _ _ _ 55.意图,打算 n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

56.He _________(write)her 10 letters since he met her last years.57.I think it necessary for him ________(finish)the work in time.58.The house is ______(complete)before his brother's wedding ceremony.59.You had better ________(bring)enough money with you.60.The _______(good)he feels, the more work he will do.61.If I hadn't listened to you, I would _______(make)such a silly mistake.62.The three players repeatedly denied ________(take)any drug.63.People who are entitled to ________(vote)should be over eighteen.64.The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy ______(consume).65.If she ______(catch)the 10 O'clock train, she can get there by lunch time VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。

66.男人的平均身高比女人高几英寸。67.你所说的与我们正在讨论的豪不相干。68. 教育应该使每个学生德、智、体全面发展。69.这本书对读者产生了很大影响。70.这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。

将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。VII.(15 points)There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know.However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill.Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind.If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others.You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers.We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who


(二)have need of that knowledge or skill.2006年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试答案

I.Vocabulary and Structure(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A II.Cloze Test(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B III.Reading Comprehension(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B IV.Word Spelling(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)36.winner 37.wither 38.vertical 39.variable 40.unique 41.underground 42.truthfully 43.Tuesday 44.tradition 45.sympathy 46.surrender 47.sufficient 48.relative 49.resistance 50.purposeful 51.property 52.overlook 53.originate 54.musical 55.intention [评分参考] 多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错

V.Word From(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)56.has written 57.to finish 58.to be completed 59.bring 60.better 61.have made 62.taking 63.vote 64.consumption 65.catches [评分参考] 语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。

VI.Translation from Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)66.On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women.67.What you said has nothing to do/has no relevance with what we are discussing.68.Education should enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically.69.The book has made a great impact/had a great effect/influence on its readers.70.The test was much more difficult than we had expected.[评分参考](1)主要语法错误(如动词时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致、否定、疑问以及其他句型错误)或影响基本句意的重要用词错误扣1分。


(3)拼写错误每两处扣1分。拼写错误本大题总扣分不超过3分。(4)如所用句型与答案不一致,只要语言和意义正确,均应给分。VII.Translation from English into Chinese(本大题共15分)一般认为,有知识的人与没有知识的人――他们通常是较年轻的人――之间的区别非常明显。然而,教学不一定是某个特殊群体的领域,也不应该被看作是一项专业技能。教学不止是将信息硬塞进空白的头脑,而更应是指导和帮助。只要你有某种特定的技能,你就应当能与他人分享。你没必要持有证书才能把你的知识传授给他人,或为他们的自学提供帮助。我们社会中每一个成员,从蹒跚学步的孩童到耄耋之年的老者,都应当意识到自己作为教师的才能。尽管我们可能知之甚少,但仍应能与那些需要我们的人来分享我们的知识和技能。〔评分参考〕







第一部分 选择题

1.The fixed star was_______a planet.A.made of B.made from C.made up for D.mistaken for 2.Some students_________from asking questions in class.A.shy away B.blow away C.do away D.carry away 3.Mrs.Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill and power she had to_______her attacker to simply take her car and not her life.A.trust B.credit C.convince D.believe 4.Let's_________personal feelings in making judgment.A.set off B.set aside C.set back D.set up 5.A good worker in a key spot could,________he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted, and the bosses would very likely look the other way.A.as long as B.as though C.as soon as D.as if 6.________the bosses cannot do without profit, workers have an edge.A.Though B.For C.Since D.So 7.Decision makers must have some way of determining_____of several alternatives is best.A.that B.it C.one D.which 8.In August 1977, a satellite_________to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought to be in the Milky Way.A.launched B.was launched C.has been launched D.is launched 9.In studio recordings, new techniques made possible effects that not even an electronic band could produce_________.A.live B.alive C.lively D.living 10.It is essential that everything____________in advance.A.should decide B.be decided C.decided D.will be decided II.Cloze Test The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we like in a time of widespread want and starvation.A____11____organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor-the severe deficiency disease_____12_____is simply a starving for protein.Doing_____13_____such a pet, and then sending the money saved to a relief organization would mean____14____a life-over the years, several human lives.Children not_____15___from such a grave disease could be fed with half that amount-not on a diet like ours, but on plain, basic, life-sustaining food.It is not unreasonable to believe____16____the amount of money we spend on the average pet dog could keep a child____17_______in a region of great poverty._____18___what we would spend on a cat might not feed a child, but it____19____probably pay for his medical care or basic education.The point needs no___20_____.That is all that need be said.11.A.relied B.fund C.domestic D.medical


(二)12.A.why B.when C.where D.which 13.A.with B.for C.against D.without 14.A.to save B.saving C.save D.saved 15.A.recovering B.having C.suffering D.infecting 16.A.which B.what C.that D.where 17.A.alive B.life C.live D.survive 18.A.Giving B.To give C.Given D.Give 19.A.would B.should C.must D.need 20.A.doing B.operating C.laboring D.functioning III.Reading Comprehension Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes are about people.“Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” “Why didn't I realize that Paul was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make up feel bad.But when we look back, it's too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.If we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You're a lucky boy” or “You're a lucky girl”, that's being friendly.But there's a bit of envy in “lucky dog.” Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole.But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important.It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His gesture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you many save another mistake.21.According to the writer, when people look back it is too late, because.A.mistakes have already been made B.mistakes can made them feel bad C.they are unaware of their mistakes D.they are doubtful of their friends 22.People make mistakes when they fail to A.deal with others with due friendliness B.hide their true feelings in what they say C.realize they deserve what they have got D.see the real meaning of what others say 23.Judging from the phrase “just think of all the things you have to be thankful for”, it is clear that the speaker actually lacks.A.optimism B.sympathy C.motivation D.courage 24.To be a successful listener, one is advised to


(二)A.ask the speaker as many questions as he can B.observe the speaker as carefully as possible C.listen to the speaker as attentively as he can D.challenge the speaker as actively as possible 25.The passage aims to tell readers how to.A.interpret what people say B.interpret what money means C.avoid mistakes about people D.avoid mistakes about money Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Doctors have long known that eating fish helps protect against heart disease.What they don't know is why fish are beneficial.For years they figured it was a simple question of substitution: folks who replace red meat with fish are naturally cutting down their intake of saturated(饱和的)fat.But a growing body of evidence collected over the past 30 years suggests fish contain healthful elements called omega-3 fatty acids.Omega-3 fatty acids belong to a group of compounds known as polyunsaturated fats.These fats serve as the raw material for a whole host of essential structures in the body, from brain cells to molecules(分子)that regulate blood pressure.Since our bodies cannot manufacture their own supply of omega-3s, we have to get them from the food we eat, mostly from fish but also from plant sources like soybeans(大豆).The American Heart Association has recommended that everyone eat two 85-g servings of fatty fish a week.But the A.H.A's expert panel wasn't ready to declare that taking omega-3 pills will protect your heart.It's just too easy to get more omega-3 than you need from pills, and the panel was worried that an excess could cause serious side effects, such as internal bleeding.The U.S.Food and Drug Administration, however, allowed manufactures of omega-3 pills and fish oils to advertise the fat's benefits-as long as the label does not suggest taking more than two grams per day.One thing is clear whether you get your omega-3s from pills, oils or fish: they are not cure-alls.You still have to eat a well-balanced diet that's lower in total fat than most Americans currently consume.Otherwise, you're fishing for trouble.26.Doctors have long been puzzled by.A.why red meat is harmful B.how beneficial fish are C.what makes fish healthful D.how red meat is replaced 27.We can learn from the passage that.A.human beings get omega-3s from their food B.omega-3s are only found in fish and soybeans C.omega-3s are the raw material for saturated fats D.polyunsaturated fats constitute human molecules 28.The A.H.A.didn't recommend omega-3 pills, because A.it had no knowledge of the safe dose of omega-3 B.it had no evidence that they can protect the heart C.the pills contain too little omega-3 to be helpful D one is likely to get too much omega-3 from the pills 29.The FDA allowed manufacturers of omega-3 pills and fish oils to advertise omega-3's benefits on condition that


(二)A.their suggested dose is printed on the label B.their suggested dose is within the safety limit C.the fat's potential side effects are mentioned D.the products contain side effects are mentioned 30.The writer seems to suggest that A.omega-3s can balance one's diet B.omega-3s can serve as a supplement C.an unbalanced diet is made worse by omega-3s D.a well-balanced diet contains enough omega-3s Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.It was a terrible tragedy, six times more deadly than the Titanic(泰坦尼克号).When the German ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes(鱼雷)fired from a Russian submarine(潜水艇)in the final winter of World War II, more than 10,000 people---mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Germany-were packed aboard.An ice storm had turned the dicks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into sea as the ship listed and began to go down.Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down.Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to get aboard.Most people froze immediately.“I'll never forget the screams,” says Christa Nutzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors.She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave-and rarely mentioned for more than half a century.The long silence about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was probably unavoidable-and necessary.By unreservedly confessing their country's horrible crimes Germans have managed to win acceptance abroadand make peace with their neighbors.Today's unified Germany is more prosperous and stable than at any time in its long, troubled history.For that, a half century of willful forgetting about painful memories like the German Titanic was perhaps a reasonable price to pay.But even the most politically correct Germans believe that they've now earned the right to discuss the full historical record.Not to identify German suffering with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.31.The Wilhelm Gustloff went down because A.it ran into an ice storm B.it was hit by another ship C.it crashed into a submarine D.it was attacked by torpedoes 32.Most passengers on board the Wilhelm Gustloff took the voyage to A.taste the luxury of the ship B.seek protection in another place C.escape the cold winter back home D.enjoy their holidays abroad 33.As the ship began to sink, some passengers A.set the decks on fire as a signal for help B.fought fiercely on the decks for lifeboats C.jumped into sea and swam to a nearby ship D.prevented others from getting on their lifeboats 34.The Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy remains a near secret for more than half a century


(二)because Germans A.preferred to say nothing about it B.were requested to keep silent about it C.spared not effort to cover up the story D.were denied access to the whole story 35.It can be inferred from the passage that Germans no longer think that A.it is too early to claim responsibility for the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy B.the German tragedy is a reasonable price to pay for the nation's past C.they will be misunderstood if they talk about the German tragedy D.Germany is responsible for the horrors it caused during World War II

第二部分 非选择题 IV.Word Spelling 36.结果,成果 n._______ 37.分享,股份 n.38.愿意的,乐意的 adj.39.警告,告诫 v.40.表达,表情 n.41.多样性 n.42.预算 n 43.衡量,测量 n.44.保证,担保 v.45.家庭的,国内的 adj.46.发源,发起 v.47.应用,用具 n.48.激发,作为„.的动机 v.49.可行的,可能的 adj.50.欣赏,感激 n.51.战略,策略 n.52.精制,使精美 v.53.面对,对抗 v.54.一致,相符 v.55.最后的,最终的 adj.V.Word Form 56.Do not let this_____(say)of you.It shows an unattractive indifference to your employer and to your job.57.The theory of black holes in space_______(accept)by many serious scientists and astronomers.58.If you had been in better health, we______(allow)you to join them in the work.59.Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not_____(ignore).60.I would rather you____(come)tomorrow.61.One hundred miles____(be)too far to travel on foot.62.Robots,_______(become)increasingly prevalent in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world, are programmed and engineered to perform industrial tasks without human intervention.63.Every boy and girl______(treat)in the same way.64.He took his umbrella with him lest it______(rain).65.Many other new techniques are now available that enable more research______(do)in the test tube to see if chemicals produce harmful biological effects.VI.Translation from Chinese into English 66.他孤注一掷用自己的积蓄开了一家小商店。67.时差反应是每个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。68.有人提出管理过程就是决策过程。



(二)VII.Translation from English into Chinese 71.Between labor and play stands work.A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do;what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it.The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job;a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer.Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure.To a worker, leisure means simply the hour he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently.He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much;workers die of coronaries and forget their wives' birthdays.To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.2006年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试



I.Vocabulary and Structure 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B II.Cloze Test 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C III.Reading Comprehension 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.B 31.D 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.C IV.Word Spelling 36.result 37.share 38.willing 39.warn 40.expression 41.diversity 42.budget 43.measurement 44.ensure 45.domestic 46.originate 47.appliance 48.motivate 49.feasible 50.appreciation 51.strategy 52.refine 53.confront 54.coincide 55.ultimate V.Word Form 56.be said 57.is accepted 58.would have allowed 59.be ignored 60.came 61.is 62.becoming 63.is treated 64.should rain 65.to be done VI.Translation from Chinese into English 66.He gambled his savings to start a small shop.67.The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across.68.Some suggest that the management process is decision making.69.Every person is equal be president or a street cleaner.70.It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditionalist period.VII.Translation from English into Chinese.71.劳役和玩乐之间是工作。一个对获得社会支付的职业感兴趣的人就是工作者;从社会角度来看必须付出的劳动而在个人来看就是自愿选择的娱乐。一个职业是归类为劳役还是工作




Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It is difficult to __ the implication between the lines.A.get to B.get with C.get at D.get down 2.The volleyball match was televised __ on CCTV.A.Alive B.Life C.Live D.lively 3.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its __ considerab A.Distribution B.Contribution C.Prescription D.circulatiol 4.The central theatre has a seating __ of more than 3,000 people.A.Capability B.Capacity C.Ability D.facility 5.The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from __ in the living room.A.That B.It C.One D.which 6.Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A.Shutdown B.done away C.taken off D.called off 7.Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment.A.Expended B.Paid C.Cost D.charged 8.Having decided to rent a flat, we __ contacting housing agencies in the city.A.set about B.set down C.set out D.setup 9.The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.A.Result B.Response C.Settlement D.solution 10.If the operation __ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.A.was not B.has not been C.had not been D.were not

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 point each)The basic principle of radar is illustrated by what happens when one shouts in a e.The echoof the shouting ____11____ the walls helps a person determine the size of i cave.With radar, however , the waves are radio waves instead of ___12__ waves.dio waves travel __--13 ___the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in a second.A lar set ___14___ a short burst of radio waves.Then it receives the echoes ___15___ when waves bounce(Silt)off objects.By determining the time it ___16 ___for the echoes to imi to the radar set, a trained technician ____17 ____determine the distance between the [ar set and other objects.The word “radar”, ___18 ____, gets its name from the term dio detection and ranging.“ ”Ranging“ is the term for detection of the _____19____ between object and the radar set.Besides being of critical importance to pilot, radar is ___20____ for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms.11.A.Through B.For C.On D.against 12.A.Sound B.Light C.Heat D.tide 13.A.in B.At C.Over D.on 14.A.sends out B.works out C.figures out D.puts out


(二)15.A.Producing B.Produced C.Produce D.produces 16.A.Spends B.Takes C.Kills D.makes 17.A.Can B.Must C.ought to D.has to 18.A.Incase B.in turn C.in short D.in fact 19.A.Length B.Width C.Distance D.space 20.A.Eventual B.internal C.external D.essential Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty-five.On being asked his opinion, he said, ”Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral.If I were to make a choice between them, I would rather choose the latter Anyway, it's better to live than not to live at all.“ A lively discussion followed.A banker, who was then younger and more nervous than the lawyer, suddenly lost his temper and cried out, ”It's a lie.I bet you two million.You wouldn't stick in a cell even for five years.“ ”If you mean it,“ replied the young lawyer, ”I bet I'll stay there longer;make it fifteen instead of five.“ ”Fifteen!Done!“ cried the banker.”Gentleman, I bet you two millions.“ ”Agreed.Two millions for my freedom,“ said the lawyer.So this wild, ridiculous bet came to pass.The banker could not hide his excitement During supper he said to the lawyer jokingly, ”Come to your senses, young man, before it's too late.Two millions are nothing to me, but you stand to lose three or four of the best years of your life.I say three or four because you'll never stick it out any longer Don't forget that voluntary imprisonment is much harder to put up with than a enforced one.The idea that you have the right to free yourself any moment will poison your life in the cell.I pity you.“ And now the banker, pacing from comer to comer, recalled all this and asked himself, ”Why did I make this bet? What's the good? The lawyer lost fifteen years of hi life and I threw away two millions.Will it convince people that capital punishment is worse or better than imprisonment for life? No, no!Rubbish!On my part, it was the caprice(心血来潮)of a well-fed millionaire;on the lawyer's part, it's the pure greed c gold." 21.The lawyer would choose life imprisonment because.A.he was younger than the banker B.capital punishment was immoral C.it was better than capital punishment D.the banker would give him $200,000 22.The author considers the bet between the lawyer and the banker.A.Interesting B.ridiculous C.Capricious D.instructive 23.The word 'company' in the first paragraph refers to __.A.Companions B.bankers C.Lawyers D.prisoners 24.The banker was extremely excited because __.A.he was too rich to care for the money


(二)B.he was sure of his winning the bet C.the lawyer would give up in 15 years D.the lawyer would give up before 5 years 25.In the end, the banker considers his bet with the lawyer __.A.Rational B.reasonable C.Beneficial D.unreasonable Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Online learning is also called distance education, which helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn a degree.And it has become more and more popular with both young people and educational institutions.The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of New York University in Manhattan began online classes in 1992.Its Virtual School has taught more than 10,000 students from across the United States and other countries.Last year,the school launched NYU Online.It offers NYU's first online Programs for a bachelor's degree.Programs are offered in three areas;leadership And management, information systems management and social sciences.The classes are highly interactive where students communicate with each other and their teachers.Some classes require students to log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects.The cost to attend NYU Online depends on how many classes a student is to take It costs as much as fifteen thousand dollars a year.NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program.If you are interested in the program, you can gel more details at the website: www.xiexiebang.common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction.This is not true.The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature.Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.For example, tropical forests are known to be essential to the balance of nature, yet we are destroying them at a great rate.They are being cleared not to benefit the natives of that country, but to satisfy the needs of rich countries.Central American forests are being destroyed for grassland to make pet food in the United States cheaper;in Papua slew Guinea, forests are destroyed to supply cheaper cardboard packaging for Japanese electronic products;in Burma and Thailand, forests have been destroyed to produce more attractive furniture in Singapore and Hong Kong.Therefore, a rich person living thousands of miles away may cause more tropical forest destruction than a poor person living in the forest itself.In short, it is everybody's duty to safeguard the future of mankind—not only through population control, but by being more aware of the effect his actions have on nature.Nature is both fragile and powerful.It is very easily destroyed;on the other hand, it can easily destroy its most dangerous enemy—man.31.According to the first paragraph, people usually believe that.A.poor people in poor countries contribute to the imbalance of nature B.rich people know how to protect the environment by taking actions C.people in poor areas know a lot about the birth control D.rich people in rich countries have done a lot to balance nature 32.In the author's opinion, __.A.developing countries should be responsible for environmental problems B.overpopulation in the world is created by the developed countries C.rich countries exercise worse influence on environment than poor countries D.all countries should bring the population growth under control 33.The purpose of the second paragraph is mainly to illustrate __.A.how the forests in the U.S.are being destroyed B.which countries are the victims of the imbalance of nature C.what Japan has done to develop its own economy D.how South Asian countries make quality furniture


(二)34.Nature is very easily destroyed by __.A.rich people B.poor people C.natural disasters D.mankind 35.The topic of the passage is that __.A.the control of population is essential to the development of a nation B.natural resources are important to the economic development of a country C.awareness of the effects of man's actions is as important as population control D.developed countries should do more to protect natural environment on the earth IV.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。

36.到国外;在国外ad.A 37.相反的;不利的a.a 38.帝国n.e 39.典礼,仪式n.c 40.环境;境遇n.c 41.密集度,稠密度n.d 42.出现,涌现v.e 43.扩大,放大n.e 44.特征,特色n.f 45.杂志n.m 46.移民,侨民n.i 47.许可;执照n.l 48.同时,其间n.m 49.需要,必需品n.n 50.服从,听从v.o 51.四月a.A 52.根本的,激进的a.r 53.狡猾的;难处理的 a.t 54.策略,战略n.s 55.宇宙的,普遍的a.u 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。v.(10 points, 1 point each)56.Small shops offer products that range from inexpensive to expensive, __(depend)on the shop.57.Our training program covers a range of __(effect)management techniques.58.Large sums of money have to __(spend)each year on railway construction.59.He saw a letter lying on the table __(address)to him.60.It is highly __(desire)that the government give the company more financial support.61.She had an outward __(appear), but deep down she was really worried.62.There are a __(surprise)large number of mistakes in the test paper.63.Weather __(permit), the football match will be played on Wednesday.64.He lay perfectly still and __(play)dead to escape capture by the enemy.65.We are supposed __(follow)the teachers9 instructions, VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。


68.这项研究结果表明白日梦有助于提高一个人适应新环境的能力。69.直到这次求职面试失败,他才意识到英语学习的重要性。70.随着经济发展和社会进步,人们越来越关心生活质量。Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)When you turn on the television, put on your shoes or drive to a store, you're using energy.Energy is one of the most fundamental forces in the world.Animals use energy to walk and run.Trees and plants use energy to grow.People use it to work and play.Energy is everywhere in nature—in the light of the sun, in the wind, in the forest, in water currents and erupting volcanoes.Without energy, there is no life.We use our own energy constantly and we continually make use of all kinds of energy.35


(二)Energy can be divided into two different types: stored energy and dynamic energy.Stored energy is called potential energy, and the latter refers to energy in motion.If you stretch out a rubber band, this produces potential energy.If you let it go, it moves an produces the dynamic energy.2007年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试

I.Vocabulary and Structure(每小题1分,共10分)

I.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C II.Cloze Test(每小题1分,共10分)11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.D Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(每小题2分,共30分)21.C 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.A 31.A 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.C IV.Word Spelling(每两小题1分,共30分)36.abroad 37.Adverse 38.Empire 39.Ceremony 40.circumstance 41.Density 42.Emerge 43.Enlarge 44.Feature 45.magazine 46.Immigrant 47.licence(-nse)48.Meantime 49.necessity 50.obey 51.April 52.Radical 53.Tricky 54.Strategy 55.universal V.Word Form(每小题1分,共10分)56.Depending 57.Effective 58.be spent 59.Addressed 60.desirable 61.Appearance 62.surprisingly 63.Permitting 64.Played 65.to follow VI.Translation from Chinese into English(每小题3分,共15分

66.Science came into being when man began to ask questions about his environment.67.Despite his serious illness, he came to/attended the meeting, or Although he was seriously ill, he came to/attended the meeting.68.The study indicates that daydreaming helps(to)improve a person's ability to adapt(himself)to a new environment.69.He didn't realize the importance of English learning until he failed in the job interview, or Not until he failed in the job interview did he realize the importance of English learning, or It was not until he failed in the job interview that he realized the importance of English learning.70.With(the)economic development and social progress, people are increasingly concerned with the quality of life.Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(本大题共15分)当你打开电视、穿鞋子、或驾车购物,你都在消耗能量。能量是世界上一种最基本的力。动物行走、奔跑、树木、植物生长,人类工作和消遣,都在消耗能量。能量存在于阳光、风、树林、水流和喷发的火山中,自然界中不无处不在。没有能量,就没有生命。我们在不断地消耗自身的能量,也在不断地消耗其他种类的能量。



Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It makes good_to bring an umbrella;it seems to be raining today.A.sense B.Reason C.suggestion D.advice


(二)2.If you are too_of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.A.respective B.Detective C.protective D.effective.3.His intelligence will_him to get a scholarship to college.A.enable B.Persuade C.suggest D.employ 4.The professor asked a question, and David_a good answer.A.put up with B.stood up for C.came up with D.looked down upon 5.No sooner had we reached home_a violent storm broke out.A.when B.That C.until D.than 6.People differ_one another_their ability to handle stress.A.from...to B.From...in C.for...in D.in...from 7.They should try to_their usual inhibitions and join in the fun.A.send off B.lay aside C.take to D.turn off 8.During the past two decades, research has_our knowledge of daydreaming.A.expanded B.Emerged C.descended D.conquered 9.The students are required to_the main ideas of the article in their own words.A.symbolize B.Minimize C.synchronize D.summarize 10.The outline of rooftops and chimneys_against the pale sky.A.pulled out B.looked out C.held out D.stood out Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有+个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also a great help in your learning languages.Remember that a language is not___11___a grammatical system.It is the___ 12___ of a certain culture of different cultures.It is no good ___13__ strings of words and lists of grammatical rules _14_ you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references made, as well as the inferences which can _15_ the information clearly given.So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which _16_ English-watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain _17_ and magazines written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and, above all,37


(二)read-not textbooks, _18_ novels, poems and plays.They will show you how a language is _19_ used.The English language is a living form of expression which derives much of its _20_ from the context, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge.11.A.just B.even C.so D.that 12.A.outlook B.outcome C.outset D.outline 13.A.have learnt B.learn C.learning D.learnt 14.A.since B.until C.when D.unless 15.A.be carried over B.be freed from C.be held up D.be drawn from 16.A.influence B.abandon C.restore D.furnish 17.A.film B.television C.radio D.newspapers 18.A.but B.or C.and D.as 19.A.occasionally B.really C.casually D.scarcely 20.A.structure B.implication C.meaning D.indication Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points for each item)

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities.If a child has good parents, he is well fed, looked after and loved.It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known.A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow.His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.But a child has his pains:he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are;he is continually being told what to do and what not to do.Therefore, a child is not happy as he wishes to be.38


(二)When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents;but at the same time he is forced to accept.responsibilities.With no one to pay for his food, his clothes, or his room, he has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry.And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may get himself into trouble.If, however, he works hard, goes by the law and has good health, he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be;but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy.With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given.The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life;they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them;and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving everything to others.21.The happiest people should be those who__ A.face up to difficulties in life B.hope to be young again C.enjoy life in different ages D.wish to be grown up 22.The word “they” in Line 5,Para.2 refers to_. A.older people B.new things C.Children D.interests 23 .A child has his pains because_. A.he can not do whatever he wants to B.he is not allowed to play in rain C.he has a lot of new things to learn D.he can not play at the seaside freely 24.When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to_. A.live comfortably B.take responsibilities


(二)C.make progress in job D.impress the society 25.The best title of the passage might be_. A.Pains and Ages B.Differences in Ages C.The Best Age to Be D.Happiness and Ages Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.We all know that humans are damaging the environment, but what can we do about it? Some people are trying to do their bit to be more environmentally friendly.Local councils in Britain encourage certain aspects of green living, such as recycling paper, tin, plastic and glass.They want to reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfill sites(填埋场),because they are running out of places to dump(倾倒)rubbish.In some areas rubbish for recycling is collected from your doorstep, but in other areas, you have to take it to a special recycling place, such as a bottle bank.Another way of reducing the amount of rubbish you create is to use reusable products instead of disposable ones For example, some people use strong shopping bags or boxes for their groceries instead of plastic carrier bags, or use washable nappies instead of disposables.More people are becoming interested in reducing their carbon footprint—the amount of carbon they use up.They try to reduce their carbon emissions(释放)by cycling, using public transport or an electric car, rather than driving gas-consuming vehicles.Some people choose not to fly for holiday trips because planes are the biggest producers of carbon emissions.You can make‘green’ choices when buying food too.It's best to buy food which was locally grown or produced so that it hasn't been imported by air, or shipped by road from far away.Houses can be environmentally friendly too.It takes less energy to heat a house if it has good insulation(绝缘,隔热)and double glazing(双层玻璃).You can also create your own energy it you have solar panels or a wind turbine fitted though these can be expensive.You can also save water by using a rain water container for washing the car or watering the garden.It's even possible to use a system where‘grey water’


(二)—water which has been through a tap(水龙头)once already, is used to flush(冲洗)toilets.Some new housing projects are being built specifically to be as environmentally friendly as possible.26.The purpose of collecting reusable wastes is to_. A.save energy consumed in daily life B.reduce the amount of rubbish dumped C.create a new way of green living D.decrease the amount of carbon produced 27.In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_. A.by electric car, bicycle or plane B.by private car, bicycle or bus C.by bus, electric car or plane D.by bicycle, bus or electric car 28.It is best for people to buy food_when making‘green’ choices.A.produced locally B.imported abroad C.transported by road D.grown in green houses 29.As mentioned,‘grey water’ can be used to_,A.wash the car B.water the garden C.clean the toilet D.dispose of wastes 30.The passage is intended to advise people_.

A.to make use of rubbish B.to save energy and water C.to recycle reusable products D.to have a green living Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always on the run;rushing from one appointment to another, from a PTA(Parent Teacher Association)meeting to a social planning committee.They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure.In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together.Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.When they do have the chance to eat at home, often the working housewife prefers to


(二)prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed.It is no wonder, therefore, that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption.This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when many women began to work full time and spend less time at home with their families.Women, however, wanted to function well in the capacity of homemaker, as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity(商品)which had to be carefully used.Therefore, it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner.Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television.Television became the latest fashion in the 1950s and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite programs.And then, the place for supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.As the customs changed, so did the culture.The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner.These were frozen meals which were divided into portions of meat and vegetables.They could easily be put into an oven(锅)and prepared within minutes.The tin trays(托盘)in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner was consumed in front of a TV set.Cleaning up afterwards was no problem.The tin trays were easily thrown into the garbage.From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road.Love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile.It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains.McDonald's paved the way with its variety of burgers and cold drinks soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods.Today dozens of fast-food chain stores can be found along highways, in modern shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America.Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses.These establishments have given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the American people.31.In America, the whole family seldom have dinner together at home because_. A.they have so many social activities


(二)B.they have a lot of meetings to attend C.they rush from one appointment to another D.they often move from one place to another 32.America has become a shelter for fast food consumption because A.some women are engaged in entertainments B.few women are able to make meals at home C.women are unwilling to cook for their families D.many women are mostly occupied with work 33.The passage tells that nowadays Americans have their supper_. A.in the dinning room B.in the living room C.in the grocery stores D.in the fast food chains 34.The word “establishments” in the last paragraph probably means_. A.fast foods B.TV dinners C.shopping malls D.snack bars 35.The main idea of the passage is about_.A.women's role in American families B.advantages of fast food for Americans C.modern lifestyles and diet in America D.shift of American home entertainment PART TWO(50 POINTS)

Iv.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)36.角力,摔跤 vi w_ _ _ _ _ _ 37.打哈欠 vi.y_ _ _ 38.天气,气象 n.w_ _ _ _ _ _ 39.志愿者,志愿兵 n.V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.唯一的,独特的a.u_ _ _ _ _ 41.打字机n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.绊跌,绊倒vi.S_ _ _ _ _ _ 43.保持,保留n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44.提及,参考n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.预期的,未来的a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.忽略,眺望vt.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.功能的,实用的a.f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.部长,大臣n.m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.使地方化vt.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.夹克衫n.j_ _ _ _ _ 51.注射,针剂n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.女主人n.h_ _ _ _ _ _ 53.真正的,真诚的a.g_ _ _ _ _ _ 54.侄子,外甥n.n_ _ _ _ _ 55.怀疑的,可疑的a.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _


(二)V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56.I would play football with you if I____20 years younger.(be)57.Just as she was about___,she was handed a note.(speak)58.I don't want to make a show of_______before strangers.(Ⅰ)59._______is the mother of invention.This is remarkably true.(Necessary)60.The mayor gave a_________speech to call up the citizens against pollution.(convince)61.He was hurt by a flower vase________from the balcony(阳台).(drop)62.Neither the prices nor the quality_______in the last contract.(specify)63.The beauty of the place is beyond_________.(describe)64.It is the first time I_________with native speakers in English.(talk)65.The family spent a________holiday in the country last month.(delight)Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。



Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.They contain the history of our race, the discoveries we have made, the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages.They picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature, help us out of difficulty, comfort us in sorrow, change hours of tiredness into moments of delight, fill our minds with good ideas and happy thoughts, and lift us out of and above ourselves.And also, books can help transport us to mountains or the seashore, and visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, or expense.In a sense they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality.So, precious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our daily


(二)paths.We walk, in imagination, with noblest spirits, through the most fascinating regions.45















Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It is difficult to __ the implication between the lines.A.get to B.get with C.get at D.get down 2.The volleyball match was televised __ on CCTV.A.alive B.life C.live D.lively 3.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its __ considerabi A.distributionB.contributionC.prescriptionD.circulatiol 4.The central theatre has a seating __ of more than 3,000 people.A.capabilityB.capacityC.abilityD.facility 5.The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from __ in the living room.A.that B.it C.One D.which 6.Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A.shutdownB.done awayC.taken offD.called off 7.Jenny complained that the hospital _ her too much for the treatment.A.expendedB.paidC.costD.charged 8.Having decided to rent a flat, we __ contacting housing agencies in the city.A.set aboutB.set downC.set outD.setup 9.The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.A.resultB.responseC.settlementD.solution 10.If the operation __ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.A.was notB.has not beenC.had not beenD.were not Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 point each)The basic principle of radar is illustrated by what happens when one shouts in a e.The echoof the shouting 11 the walls helps a person determine the size of i cave.With radar, however , the waves are radio waves instead of 12 waves.dio waves travel 13 the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in a second.A lar set 14 a short burst of radio waves.Then it receives the echoes 15 when waves bounce(Silt)off objects.By determining the time it 16 for the echoes to imi to the radar set, a trained technician 17 determine the distance between the [ar set and other objects.The word “radar”, 18 , gets its name from the term dio detection and ranging.“ ”Ranging“ is the term for detection of the 19 between object and the radar set.Besides being of critical importance to pilot, radar is 20 for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms.11.A.throughB.forC.onD.against 12.A.soundB.lightC.heatD.tide 13.A.inB.atC.overD.on 14.A.sendsoutB.works outC.figures outD.puts out 15.A.producingB.producedC.produceD.produces 16.A.spendsB.takesC.killsD.makes 17.A.canB.mustC.ought toD.has to 18.A.incaseB.in turnC.in shortD.in fact 19.A.lengthB.widthC.distanceD.space


(二)20.A.EventualB.internalC.externalD.essential Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty-five.On being asked his opinion, he said, ”Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral.If I were to make a choice between them, I would rather choose the latter Anyway, it's better to live than not to live at all.“ A lively discussion followed.A banker, who was then younger and more nervous than the lawyer, suddenly lost his temper and cried out, ”It's a lie.I bet you two million.You wouldn't stick in a cell even for five years.“ ”If you mean it,“ replied the young lawyer, ”I bet I'll stay there longer;make it fifteen instead of five.“ ”Fifteen!Done!“ cried the banker.”Gentleman, I bet you two millions.“ ”Agreed.Two millions for my freedom,“ said the lawyer.So this wild, ridiculous bet came to pass.The banker could not hide his excitement During supper he said to the lawyer jokingly, ”Come to your senses, young man, before it's too late.Two millions are nothing to me, but you stand to lose three or four of the best years of your life.I say three or four because you'll never stick it out any longer Don't forget that voluntary imprisonment is much harder to put up with than a enforced one.The idea that you have the right to free yourself any moment will poison your life in the cell.I pity you.“ And now the banker, pacing from comer to comer, recalled all this and asked himself, ”Why did I make this bet? What's the good? The lawyer lost fifteen years of hi life and I threw away two millions.Will it convince people that capital punishment is worse or better than imprisonment for life? No, no!Rubbish!On my part, it was the caprice(心血来潮)of a well-fed millionaire;on the lawyer's part, it's the pure greed c gold." 21.The lawyer would choose life imprisonment because.A.he was younger than the banker B.capital punishment was immoral C.it was better than capital punishment D.the banker would give him $200,000 22.The author considers the bet between the lawyer and the banker.A.interestingB.ridiculous C.capriciousD.instructive 23.The word 'company' in the first paragraph refers to __.A.companionsB.bankers C.lawyersD.prisoners 24.The banker was extremely excited because __.A.he was too rich to care for the money B.he was sure of his winning the bet C.the lawyer would give up in 15 years D.the lawyer would give up before 5 years 25.In the end, the banker considers his bet with the lawyer __.A.rationalB.reasonableC.beneficialD.unreasonable Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Online learning is also called distance education, which helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn a degree.2005年10月英语

(二)And it has become more and more popular with both young people and educational institutions.The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of New York University in Manhattan began online classes in 1992.Its Virtual School has taught more than 10,000 students from across the United States and other countries.Last year,the school launched NYU Online.It offers NYU's first online Programs for a bachelor's degree.Programs are offered in three areas;leadership And management, information systems management and social sciences.The classes are highly interactive where students communicate with each other and their teachers.Some classes require students to log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects.The cost to attend NYU Online depends on how many classes a student is to take It costs as much as fifteen thousand dollars a year.NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program.If you are interested in the program, you can gel more details at the website: www.xiexiebang.common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction.This is not true.The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature.Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.For example, tropical forests are known to be essential to the balance of nature, yet we are destroying them at a great rate.They are being cleared not to benefit the natives of that country, but to satisfy the needs of rich countries.Central American forests are being destroyed for grassland to make pet food in the United States cheaper;in Papua slew Guinea, forests are destroyed to supply cheaper cardboard packaging for Japanese electronic products;in Burma and Thailand, forests have been destroyed to produce more attractive furniture in Singapore and Hong Kong.Therefore, a rich person living thousands of miles away may cause more tropical forest destruction than a poor person living in the forest itself.In short, it is everybody's duty to safeguard the future of mankind—not only through population control, but by being more aware of the effect his actions have on nature.Nature is both fragile and powerful.It is very easily destroyed;on the other hand, it can easily destroy its most dangerous enemy—man.31.According to the first paragraph, people usually believe that.A.poor people in poor countries contribute to the imbalance of nature B.rich people know how to protect the environment by taking actions C.people in poor areas know a lot about the birth control D.rich people in rich countries have done a lot to balance nature 32.In the author's opinion, __.A.developing countries should be responsible for environmental problems B.overpopulation in the world is created by the developed countries C.rich countries exercise worse influence on environment than poor countries D.all countries should bring the population growth under control 33.The purpose of the second paragraph is mainly to illustrate __.A.how the forests in the U.S.are being destroyed B.which countries are the victims of the imbalance of nature C.what Japan has done to develop its own economy D.how South Asian countries make quality furniture 34.Nature is very easily destroyed by __.A.rich peopleB.poor people C.natural disastersD.mankind 35.The topic of the passage is that __.A.the control of population is essential to the development of a nation B.natural resources are important to the economic development of a country C.awareness of the effects of man's actions is as important as population control D.developed countries should do more to protect natural environment on the earth IV.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。



(二)40.环境;境遇n.c41.密集度,稠密度n.d42.出现,涌现v.e43.扩大,放大n.e 44.特征,特色n.f45.杂志n.m46.移民,侨民n.i47.许可;执照n.l48.同时,其间n.m49.需要,必需品n.n50.服从,听从v.o51.四月a.A52.根本的,激进的a.r53.狡猾的;难处理的 a.t 54.策略,战略n.s55.宇宙的,普遍的a.u V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

56.Small shops offer products that range from inexpensive to expensive, __(depend)on the shop.57.Our training program covers a range of __(effect)management techniques.58.Large sums of money have to __(spend)each year on railway construction.59.He saw a letter lying on the table __(address)to him.60.It is highly __(desire)that the government give the company more financial support.61.She had an outward __(appear), but deep down she was really worried.62.There are a __(surprise)large number of mistakes in the test paper.63.Weather __(permit), the football match will be played on Wednesday.64.He lay perfectly still and __(play)dead to escape capture by the enemy.65.We are supposed __(follow)the teachers9 instructions, VI.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。


68.这项研究结果表明白日梦有助于提高一个人适应新环境的能力。69.直到这次求职面试失败,他才意识到英语学习的重要性。70.随着经济发展和社会进步,人们越来越关心生活质量。Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)When you turn on the television, put on your shoes or drive to a store, you're using energy.Energy is one of the most fundamental forces in the world.Animals use energy to walk and run.Trees and plants use energy to grow.People use it to work and play.Energy is everywhere in nature—in the light of the sun, in the wind, in the forest, in water currents and erupting volcanoes.Without energy, there is no life.We use our own energy constantly and we continually make use of all kinds of energy.Energy can be divided into two different types: stored energy and dynamic energy.Stored energy is called potential energy, and the latter refers to energy in motion.If you stretch out a rubber band, this produces potential energy.If you let it go, it moves an produces the dynamic energy.2005年10月英语




I.Vocabulary and Structure(每小题1分,共10分)

I.C2.C3.D4.B5.A6.D7.D8.A9.B10.C II.Cloze Test(每小题1分,共10分)11.D12.A13.B 14.A15.B16.B 17.A18.D19.C20.D Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(每小题2分,共30分)21.C22.B23.A24.B25.D26.B 27.C28.A29.D30.A31.A32.C33.B34.D35.C IV.Word Spelling(每两小题1分,共30分)36.abroad37.adverse38.empire39.ceremony40.circumstance 41.density42.emerge 43.enlarge44.feature45.magazine46.immigrant47.licence(-nse)48.meantime 49.necessity 50.obey51.April52.radical53.tricky54.strategy55.universal V.Word Form(每小题1分,共10分)56.depending57.effective58.be spent59.addressed60.desirable61.appearance 62.surprisingly 63.permitting64.played65.to follow VI.Translation from Chinese into English(每小题3分,共15分

66.Science came into being when man began to ask questions about his environment.67.Despite his serious illness, he came to/attended the meeting, or Although he was seriously ill, he came to/attended the meeting.68.The study indicates that daydreaming helps(to)improve a person's ability to adapt(himself)to a new environment.69.He didn't realize the importance of English learning until he failed in the job interview, or Not until he failed in the job interview did he realize the importance of English learning, or It was not until he failed in the job interview that he realized the importance of English learning.70.With(the)economic development and social progress, people are increasingly concerned with the quality of life.Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(本大题共15分)当你打开电视、穿鞋子、或驾车购物,你都在消耗能量。能量是世界上一种最基本的力。动物行走、奔跑、树木、植物生长,人类工作和消遣,都在消耗能量。能量存在于阳光、风、树林、水流和喷发的火山中,自然界中不无处不在。没有能量,就没有生命。我们在不断地消耗自身的能量,也在不断地消耗其他种类的能量。






Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。1.It makes good_to bring an umbrella;it seems to be raining today.A.sense B.reason C.suggestion D.advice 2.If you are too_of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.A.respective B.detective C.protective D.effective.3.His intelligence will_him to get a scholarship to college.A.enable B.persuade C.suggest D.employ 4.The professor asked a question, and David_a good answer.A.put up with B.stood up for C.came up with D.looked down upon 5.No sooner had we reached home_a violent storm broke out.A.when B.that C.until D.than 6.People differ_one another_their ability to handle stress.A.from...to B.from...in C.for...in D.in...from 7.They should try to_their usual inhibitions and join in the fun.A.send off B.lay aside C.take to D.turn off 8.During the past two decades, research has_our knowledge of daydreaming.A.expanded B.emerged C.descended D.conquered 9.The students are required to_the main ideas of the article in their own words.A.symbolize B.minimize C.synchronize D.summarize 10.The outline of rooftops and chimneys_against the pale sky.A.pulled out B.looked out C.held out D.stood out Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有+个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also a great help in your learning languages.Remember that a language is not 11 a grammatical system.It is the 12 of a certain culture of different cultures.It is no good 13 strings of words and lists of grammatical rules 14 you know as much as possible about the background


(二)of the language, so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references made, as well as the inferences which can 15 the information clearly given.So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which 16 English-watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain 17 and magazines written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and, above all, read-not textbooks, 18 novels, poems and plays.They will show you how a language is 19 used.The English language is a living form of expression which derives much of its 20 from the context, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge.11.A.just B.even C.so D.that 12.A.outlook B.outcome C.outset D.outline 13.A.have learnt B.learn C.learning D.learnt 14.A.since B.until C.when D.unless 15.A.be carried over B.be freed from C.be held up D.be drawn from 16.A.influence B.abandon C.restore D.furnish 17.A.film B.television C.radio D.newspapers 18.A.but B.or C.and D.as 19.A.occasionally B.really C.casually D.scarcely 20.A.structure B.implication C.meaning D.indication Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities.If a child has good parents, he is well fed, looked after and loved.It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest


(二)for older people because they are too well known.A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow.His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.But a child has his pains:he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are;he is continually being told what to do and what not to do.Therefore, a child is not happy as he wishes to be.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents;but at the same time he is forced to accept.responsibilities.With no one to pay for his food, his clothes, or his room, he has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry.And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may get himself into trouble.If, however, he works hard, goes by the law and has good health, he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be;but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy.With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given.The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life;they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them;and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving everything to others.21.The happiest people should be those who A.face up to difficulties in lifeB.hope to be young again C.enjoy life in different agesD.wish to be grown up 22.The word “they” in Line 5,Para.2 refers to_. A.older peopleB.new thingsC.childrenD.interests 23 .A child has his pains because_. A.he can not do whatever he wants to B.he is not allowed to play in rain C.he has a lot of new things to learn D.he can not play at the seaside freely


(二)24.When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to_. A.live comfortably B.take responsibilities C.make progress in job D.impress the society 25.The best title of the passage might be_. A.Pains and Ages B.Differences in Ages C.The Best Age to Be D.Happiness and Ages Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.We all know that humans are damaging the environment, but what can we do about it? Some people are trying to do their bit to be more environmentally friendly.Local councils in Britain encourage certain aspects of green living, such as recycling paper, tin, plastic and glass.They want to reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfill sites(填埋场),because they are running out of places to dump(倾倒)rubbish.In some areas rubbish for recycling is collected from your doorstep, but in other areas, you have to take it to a special recycling place, such as a bottle bank.Another way of reducing the amount of rubbish you create is to use reusable products instead of disposable ones For example, some people use strong shopping bags or boxes for their groceries instead of plastic carrier bags, or use washable nappies instead of disposables.More people are becoming interested in reducing their carbon footprint—the amount of carbon they use up.They try to reduce their carbon emissions(释放)by cycling, using public transport or an electric car, rather than driving gas-consuming vehicles.Some people choose not to fly for holiday trips because planes are the biggest producers of carbon emissions.You can make‘green’ choices when buying food too.It's best to buy food which was locally grown or produced so that it hasn't been imported by air, or shipped by road from far away.Houses can be environmentally friendly too.It takes less energy to heat a house if it has good insulation(绝缘,隔热)and double glazing(双层玻璃).You can also create your own energy it you have solar panels or a wind turbine fitted though these


(二)can be expensive.You can also save water by using a rain water container for washing the car or watering the garden.It's even possible to use a system where‘grey water’—water which has been through a tap(水龙头)once already, is used to flush(冲洗)toilets.Some new housing projects are being built specifically to be as environmentally friendly as possible.26.The purpose of collecting reusable wastes is to_. A.save energy consumed in daily life B.reduce the amount of rubbish dumped C.create a new way of green living D.decrease the amount of carbon produced 27.In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_. A.by electric car, bicycle or plane B.by private car, bicycle or bus C.by bus, electric car or plane D.by bicycle, bus or electric car 28.It is best for people to buy food_when making‘green’ choices.A.produced locally B.imported abroad C.transported by road D.grown in green houses 29.As mentioned,‘grey water’ can be used to_,A.wash the car B.water the garden C.clean the toilet D.dispose of wastes 30.The passage is intended to advise people_. A.to make use of rubbish B.to save energy and water C.to recycle reusable products D.to have a green living Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always on the run;rushing from one appointment to another, from a PTA(Parent Teacher Association)meeting to a social planning committee.They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure.In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together.Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.When they do have the chance to


(二)eat at home, often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed.It is no wonder, therefore, that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption.This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when many women began to work full time and spend less time at home with their families.Women, however, wanted to function well in the capacity of homemaker, as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity(商品)which had to be carefully used.Therefore, it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner.Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television.Television became the latest fashion in the 1950s and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite programs.And then, the place for supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.As the customs changed, so did the culture.The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner.These were frozen meals which were divided into portions of meat and vegetables.They could easily be put into an oven(锅)and prepared within minutes.The tin trays(托盘)in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner was consumed in front of a TV set.Cleaning up afterwards was no problem.The tin trays were easily thrown into the garbage.From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road.Love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile.It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains.McDonald's paved the way with its variety of burgers and cold drinks soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods.Today dozens of fast-food chain stores can be found along highways, in modern shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America.Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses.These establishments have given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the American people.31.In America, the whole family seldom have dinner together at home because_.


(二)A.they have so many social activities B.they have a lot of meetings to attend C.they rush from one appointment to another D.they often move from one place to another 32.America has become a shelter for fast food consumption because A.some women are engaged in entertainments B.few women are able to make meals at home C.women are unwilling to cook for their families D.many women are mostly occupied with work 33.The passage tells that nowadays Americans have their supper_. A.in the dinning room B.in the living room C.in the grocery stores D.in the fast food chains 34.The word “establishments” in the last paragraph probably means_. A.fast foods B.TV dinners C.shopping malls D.snack bars 35.The main idea of the passage is about_.A.women's role in American families B.advantages of fast food for Americans C.modern lifestyles and diet in America D.shift of American home entertainment PART TWO(50 POINTS)

Iv.Word Spelling(10 points, 1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。


36.角力,摔跤 vi w_ _ _ _ _ _ 37.打哈欠 vi.y_ _ _ 38.天气,气象 n.w_ _ _ _ _ _ 39.志愿者,志愿兵 n.V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.唯一的,独特的a.u_ _ _ _ _ 41.打字机n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42.绊跌,绊倒vi.S_ _ _ _ _ _ 43.保持,保留n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44.提及,参考n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.预期的,未来的a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46.忽略,眺望vt.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.功能的,实用的a.f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.部长,大臣n.m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.使地方化vt.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50.夹克衫n.j_ _ _ _ _ 51.注射,针剂n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.女主人n.h_ _ _ _ _ _ 53.真正的,真诚的a.g_ _ _ _ _ _ 54.侄子,外甥n.n_ _ _ _ _ 55.怀疑的,可疑的a.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _


(二)V.Word Form(10 points, 1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56.I would play football with you if I_20 years younger.(be)57.Just as she was about_,she was handed a note.(speak)58.I don't want to make a show of_before strangers.(Ⅰ)59.__is the mother of invention.This is remarkably true.(Necessary)60.The mayor gave a_speech to call up the citizens against pollution.(convince)61.He was hurt by a flower vase_from the balcony(阳台).(drop)62.Neither the prices nor the quality_in the last contract.(specify)63.The beauty of the place is beyond_.(describe)64.It is the first time I_with native speakers in English.(talk)65.The family spent a_holiday in the country last month.(delight)Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。



Ⅶ.Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。

Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.They contain the history of our race, the discoveries we have made, the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages.They picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature, help us out of difficulty, comfort us in sorrow, change hours of tiredness into moments of delight, fill our minds with good ideas and happy thoughts, and lift us out of and above ourselves.And also, books can help transport us to mountains or the seashore, and visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, or expense.In a sense they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality.So, precious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our daily paths.We walk, in imagination, with noblest spirits, through the most fascinating regions.2005年10月英语
















一.单选题1-5ADBDC CDDAB 二.完形填空11-15ABCAB CAAAA 三.阅读理解 08年10 21-25BBADA 26-30BCCCC 31-35CDBCD 四.单词翻译

36.零zero 37.木制的wooden 38.想象vision 39.抓住seize 40.巨大tremendous 41.悬挂suspend 42.日常的routine43.准时punctual 44.展望outlook 45.氮nitrogen 46.混合mixture 47.照明luminate 48.一月January 49.变紧tighten


(二)50.英俊的handsome 51.地理geography 52.有成果的fruitful 53.熄灭extinguish 54.干旱draught 55.消耗consume 五.完型填空

56.signin57.earlier 58.colorful 59.to speak 60.would have seen 61.taken 62.conversation 63.harmful64.carefully 65.would have graduated 六.汉译英

66.People pay more and more attention to the quality of life 67.You should speak politely, naturally even if you are angry 68.Many people oppose to building a new reseaurant in the center of the city because of the high cost 69.He knows little about insurance 70.They are unconscious that they have completed a great scientific discovery 七,将短文译成汉语







一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)


1.He was specifically asked to write a play that would be______to the local community.A.flexible B.accessibleC.responsibleD.Capable

2.It is strongly held that new______must be introduced to protect the right ofthe immigrants.A.statisticsB.environment.constructionsC.measuresD.Concessions

3.Country life is better than city life______it offers fresh air and noiseless A.in thatB.as thatC.as forD.in which 4.Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister______the crisis.A.handlesB.conductsC.observesD.directs 5.It took a few seconds for her eyes to______to the darkness.A.allocateB.adoptC.applyD.adjust

6.To write up his novel,John is looking for an environment free______outside distraction.A.onB.withC.fromD.in 7.Johnson was ______unknown before running for the presidency.A.visiblyB.visuallyC.verticallyD.virtually 8.The volunteers would rather go by train than______.A.to driveB.driveC.drivenD.to be driven 9.Never before______so rapidly developing as it is today.A.has our country beenB.has been our country C.our country has beenD.our country been has 10.Police are______the disappearance of two children.A.looking upB.looking through C.looking into D.looking on

二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)


1.When I was a child,I lived with my mother,my father having been away to work inthe town.I was then not___11___nine years old,lonely and expectant, ___12___for things which I knew little about.I walked out alone one morning along the mountain tops___13___ my home stood.The sun had not yet risen,and the air ___14___rain of the night and the mountain grass was heavy___15___tiny drops of water.As I looked back,I could see the marks my feet____16____on


(二)the long grassy slope behind me.I walked till I came to a place____17___a little stream ran into the deep valley below.Here it passed between soft,____18____banks;at one place a large slice of earth had fallen away from the bank on the other side,and it had made a little island a few feet wide with water____19____all round it.It was covered with a weed with yellow flowers and long waving grasses.I sat down on the bank____20____a short pine tree.All the plants on the island were dark with the heavy raindrops of the night,and the sun had not yet risen.(1).(A).yet(B).however(C).but(D).Nevertheless

(2).(A).sending(B).longing(C).standing(D).Making(3).(A).in which(B).at which(C).from which(D).on which(4).(A).melt(B).felt(C).smelt(D).Sensed


(6).(A).have made(B).has made(C).had made(D).having made(7).(A).where(B).that(C).which(D).What


(9).(A).drifting(B).flowing(C).blowing(D).Floating(10).(A).at the top of(B).on the part of(C).at the foot of(D).on the ground of

三、Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)


1.Many people think New York is a noisy city.In fact,scientists who study noise say that the average noise level in New York is 72.5 decibels.This is a little louder than normal conversation,which is 65 decibels.The noise level is the result of so many people and cars in the same area.Now even the insides of taxis are noisy.When you get into a taxi,you hear the voice of a wellknown singer,sports reporter,or Broadway actress giving instructions.That’t right.The voice of a famous person tells you what to do.One popular singer gives this message:“Cats have nine lives,but you have only one,so fasten your seat belt!”Other voices say things such as“Don’t forget to collect all your belongings.”(People often leave hats,umbrellas,and bags in taxis.)

There is a good reason for the messages.There are more than 12,000 cabs in New York,and every year taxis get into more than 15,000 accidents.In an accident,people who don’t wear seat belts hit the partition,the glass wall separating the driver and passengers in the taxi.They can hurt their foreheads or break their noses or chins.Every year,about 11,000 people are injured in this way.Many people are annoyed by the voices.Cabdrivers in particular dislike the messages.“I play the messages 12 hours a day.I hear the same voices 60 times a day.It makes me crazy,”says Amir,a 45yearold cabdriver.“But if I don’t play the messages,I get fined $100.”A lot of passengers complain,too.2005年10月英语

(二)“It’s too much noise,”says a passenger.“I asked the driver to turn off the message,but he said he can’t.”Other people think the voices are a great idea.One taxi driver says,“People like to hear the famous voices,and they put on their seat belts more often.”And passengers from out of town really like the idea.“Most of the time,taxi drivers are in a bad mood,”says Melanie Benton,who visits New York often on business,“It’s nice to hear a cheerful voice when you get into a cab.”

(1).The sentence“Cats have nine lives,but you have only one”implies that______.(A).human beings have only one life(B).cats live longer than human beings(C).cats will have new lives after they die(D).human beings should value their lives

(2).People who are most likely to be injured in a taxi accident are______.(A).those who wear seat belts(B).those who like messages(C).those who do not wear seat belts(D).those who dislike messages

(3).It can be inferred from the passage that a taxi driver hears the same voices______every day.(A).about 5 times an hour(B).about 6 times an hour(C).about 50 times an hour(D).about 60 times an hour

(4).The cabdrivers play the messages again and again because______.(A).they are willing to do so(B).they do not want to pay a fine(C).the passengers ask them to do so(D).the voice of the messages is cheerful(5).The author of this passage seems to believe that______.(A).New York is the noisiest city in the U.S.(B).messages played by taxi drivers are useless(C).messages in taxis should be voiced by famous people(D).voices from taxis partly caused the high noise level of New York 2.Some people might think that Father’s Day was established as a holiday to help greeting card companies sell more cards.However,when Father’s Day was first suggested in the early 1900s,Father’s Day cards hadn’t been invented yet.The idea of celebrating Father’s Day was actually inspired by Mother’s Day.In 1909,Mother’s Day was just becoming very popular in the United States.One day,Sonora Dodd,of Spokane,Washington,was listening to a church talk about setting aside a day to honor one’s mother.It gave her the idea to propose a day to honor fathers,and in particular,her own father—William Jackson Smart.Mr.Smart had raised Sonora and her five brothers and sisters all by himself after Sonora’s mother died in childbirth.As an adult,Sonora realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.2005年10月英语

(二)Her father made all the parental sacrifices.In the daughter’s eyes,her father was a courageous,selfless,and loving man.Mrs.Dodd went to her minister and others about having a church service devoted to fathers on June 5,her father’s birthday.That date was too soon for her minister to prepare a service,so he spoke two weeks later on June 19.It took about a year of working with politicians,religious leaders,businessmen and the local Young Men’s

Christian Association to bring life to her idea of an annual Father’s Day.Eventually all her hard work paid off.On June 19,1910,the first Father’s Day was celebrated in Spokane,Washington.In 1972 President Richard Nixon established a permanent national celebration of Father’s Day to be held on the third Sunday in June.Since then,fathers have been honored and recognized by their families throughout the U.S.on that date.Father’s Day has become a day to not only honor your father,but all men who act as a father figure.Stepfathers,uncles,grandfathers,and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day.It’s also another day for greeting card companies and shop owners to celebrate because sales of the most popular gifts for Dad(shirts,ties,and electric shavers)increase considerably.(1).The passage mainly tells about______.(A).Mrs.Dodd’s love for her father

(B).the origin and establishment of Father’s Day

(C).the importance of honoring fathers in the U.S.(D).Mrs.Dodd’s contribution to the government decision(2).Mrs.Dodd loved her father because he______.(A).had a large family(B).was a single parent(C).was a respected minister(D).was courageous,selfless and loving(3).In the United States,the first Father’s Day was celebrated nationwide in______.(A).1972(B).1910(C).1909(D).1900

(4).The author of the passage seems to believe that______.(A).stepfathers should not be honored on Father’s Day(B).Father’s Day has nothing to do with Mother’s Day

(C).Father’s Day started with Mrs.Dodd’s love for her father(D).card companies should not make money on Father’s Day cards(5).Greeting card companies welcome Father’s Day because______.(A).their sale increases(B).it is a national holiday(C).adult male friends are also honored(D).they can sell ties,shirts and electric shavers

3.This green and blue planet spinning in space is under severe stress.If we continue to exploit the planet at the present rate,human and animal life will be threatened.Human pride will be followed by nature’s punishment.To save our earth and ourselves,we need first develop an unbiased understanding of


(二)ourselves,nature and life.Everyone understands the meaning of the sentence“Man should respect animal life and nature”.But the exact meaning of man,nature and animal life is not always clear.Many refer to man and animals as if they were essentially different.I consider man to be an animal and only differing in degree and not in kind from other animals.Although I discuss in conventional terms human rights and animal rights as if they were separate,strictly speaking,human rights should be considered a branch of animal rights.The word“nature”is one of the most complex words in the language,but it has developed three main areas of meaning.These are,first,the essential quality and character of something(as in human nature,or the nature of wood);second,the inherent force which influences the world(as in Mother Nature);third,the entire world itself.The last can be taken to include or to exclude human beings,as the phrase man and the natural world implies.I consider humans to be an integral part of nature, although they are also the beings most capable of interfering with its processes.Unfortunately a central drive of Western“man”has been to conquer“nature”, as if it were an object separate from him.Hence it has become common to distinguish between what is natural(existing without man’s interference)and artificial(manmade).In this way, natural growth is opposed to education, civilization to the natural state.For many urban people living permanently among concrete and glass, nature itself has come to mean little more than the countryside.And this notion of opposition is where the seed of potential destruction lies.(1).The word“unbiased”in Line 4 of Para.1 means ______.(A).unbalanced(B).fair(C).partial(D).unreasonable(2).As for the relationship between man and animals, the author holds that ______.(A).man is a kind of animals(B).man is superior to animals(C).man is the same as animals(D).man and animals are essentially different from each other(3).The word“they”in Line 6 of Para.2 refers to ______.(A).human rights(B).animal rights(C).human beings and animals(D).human rights and animal rights

(4).In the author’s opinion, the word“nature”indicates ______.(A).a particular kind of thing(B).the inherent force which influences the world(C).the entire world itself including human beings(D).the essential quality and character of something

(5).The very last sentence of the passage implies that ______.(A).urbanization violates the peace of the countryside(B).the people in the cities cannot enjoy the nature’s beauty

(C).man cannot destroy nature, as they are different from each other


(二)(D).if man goes against nature, the world will probably be destroyed

四、Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two items)


1.使活动,使起作用vt.a_ _ _ _ _ _ _2.令人厌烦的a.b_ _ _ _ _ 3.总结,概述v.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.争论,辩论n.d_ _ _ _ _ 5.相反的a.c_ _ _ _ _ _ _6.网络;网状物n.n_ _ _ _ _ _

7.明显的a.e_ _ _ _ _ _8.凋谢,枯萎,退色vi.f_ _ _ 9.种族的a.r_ _ _ _ _10.和谐;协调n.h_ _ _ _ _ _

11.满意,满足n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12.身份;同一n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13.解释,下定义vt.d_ _ _ _ _14.面试,口试,采访vt.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15.社会学n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16.谦虚的;适中的a.m_ _ _ _ _ 17.旅行,行程n.j_ _ _ _ _ _18.拥有者n.o_ _ _ _

19.描绘,描写,描述vt.p_ _ _ _ _ _

20.拥有,具有vt.p_ _ _ _ _ _

五、Word Form(10 points,1 point for each item)


1.Their new advertising campaign has been very ______(success).2.For the ______(secure)of passengers, all hand baggage is carefully checked.3.The ______(resolve)calling for a ban on nuclear tests was passed by a twothirds majority in the Congress.4.Untrained and nervous, she is nevertheless ______(pride)and determined.5.It is best to write about things you have experienced ______(person).6.The government is planning to ______(simple)the tax laws.7.We regard cheating in exams as totally ______(acceptable).8.Studies show that if workers have short but frequent breaks they will become more ______(product).9.The minister was under great ______(press)to resign.10.This is an ______(exception)case;I’ve never seen anything like it before.六、Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题卡上。


Due to/Because of the strong earthquake, the transportation in this area broke down.2.这就是我们去年开会的地方。

答案:This is the very place where we had a meeting last year.3.我如果不是在忙着找工作,也许就来看望你了。

.答案:I would have come to visit you if I had not been busy looking for a job.2005年10月英语

(二)Had I not been busy hunting for a job, I would have come to visit you 4.为了通过英语考试,他不得不熬夜复习。

1答案:Only in this way can/will you find a well paid job/a job of high salary.5.只有这样你才能找到一份高薪水的工作。

1答案:To/In order to pass the English test/exam, he has to sit up far into night/stay up late to review the lessons.七、Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题卡上。

1.Many people think an only child is lucky because of the material goods and attention he or she receives.But only children have their problems, too.For one thing, they have no privacy.Parents always feel entitled to know everything that’s going on in an only child’s life.Also, only children never have the opportunity to put the blame on a brother or sister for something they’ve done wrong.Third, only children miss the companionship of brothers and sisters.They can be lonely, and they may have trouble making friends later in life because they have never learned to get along with a brother or sister.2008年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试



一、选择: B,C,A,A,D;


二、完形填空: A,B,D,C,B; C,A,D,B,C;

三、阅读: D,C,A,B,D;



四、写词: activate,boring,summarize,debate,contrary,network;Evident,fade,racial,harmony,satisfaction,identity;Define, interview, sociology, modest, journey, owner, possess portray

五、完成句子: successful security resolution Proud personally simplify Exceptional productive pressure unacceptable


七、短文翻译: 答案:许多人认为,独生子女很幸运,其原因就在于他们所拥有的物质享受和得到的关照。但是,独生子女也有自己的问题。首先,他们毫无隐私而言。父母总觉得有权知道独生子女生活中的一切。另外,要是独生子女做错了事,他们可没有机会将责任推脱给兄弟或姐妹。第三,独生子女没有兄弟姐妹陪伴。他们可能会感到孤单,而且日后也可能难以与人交往,因为他们此前就从未学过如何与兄弟姐妹相处。





一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四 个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.We ______ go out to restaurants, but mostly we eat at home.A.occasionally B.relatively C.continually D.absolutely 答案:A 2.This is the first time that a woman has been _____ to the post.A.granted B.praised C.pointed D.appointed 答案:D 3.If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_____.A.aggression B.advantage C.alternative D.ambition 答案:C 4.Dont trust everything______ you have read in the newspapers.A.which B.that C.as D.what 答案:B 5.The conclusion from the study is not definite;it is just_____.A.tentative B.valid C.technical D.thorough 答案:A 6.She _____ everything else and concentrated on the task before her.A.set off B.set back C.set aside D.set up 答案:C 7.When you _____ know Bob better, you will like him.A.go to B.got to C.went to D.get to 答案:D 8.Ive got the order from the boss that the work ______ finished before 5p.m.today.A.would be B.be C.will have been D.could be 答案:B 9.______Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class.A.What B.Which C.That D.Who 答案:A 10.It is not decided _____ the conference will be held.A.what B.which C.when D.that 答案:C

二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个 空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.We all believe that modern technology can make life better because it makes everything faster.But by 11 everything up, we suffer losses we have not yet learnt to know.Our day begins with speedy urges: the alarm rings and you jump 12 bed.You


(二)take a quick shower.Then you wake the kids and 13 them through breakfast so they wont miss the bus.At the dining table, you swallow some slices of bread with a cup of tea.When everything 14, you hurry to the car, thinking of the things you would buy from the supermarket on the way 15.Driving 20 minutes in the busy traffic, you reach your workplace, rushing into the building and 16 up the stairs three at a time, arriving at your desk with seconds to spare.You take 17 deep breaths.Then, you instantly remember that the 18 you didnt finish last night must be faxed to Beijing by 10 oclock in the morning.Yet it seems that the 19 we go, the further we fall behind.Not only in the literal sense of not getting done what we set out to do, 20 at a deeper level.It has come to the point where my days feel like an Olympic marathon.(1).答案:


(二)三、Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文 的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.Parents can have a great impact on the development of their childrens creativity in art.But first, they have to know how.They may find the following advice interesting and instructive.Encourage free drawing rather than coloring books.Coloring books stop the possibility of selfexpression.A child may just enjoy colorful pictures and never learn how to express himself.As an art teacher says, “Children have a very powerful instinct to draw freely and roughly.Such practice makes them learn language easily.” In fact, a child expresses himself in rough drawing.This is the beginning of literacy and creativity.Also, parents should not teach their kids“how” to draw and they should not make their kids draw realistic pictures to entertain themselves.Experience tells us that such teaching from the parents will discourage children, making them think they cant do it the “right”way.Competition and rewards should also be avoided in the process of artistic creation.A childs natural instinct to create will disappear if he or she thinks about prize while drawing.Parents should be role models for their kids.They should not say things like,“I cant draw a straight line.”Instead, they should learn to say,“I love to create.”This teaches children that the process of creation is more important than the product.If children see their parents drawing, cooking or building creatively, they will do the same.Buy a notebook for your child to use every day.This can be a journal for making up stories, writing ideas and drawing pictures.Even the youngest child can use it to draw freely and roughly, expressing himself.Take your child to places that promote ideas and creativity.Art museums, science centers, libraries and childrens museums all are great places to see other


(二)peoples creativity.That will inspire children to make their own creations and inventions.Give children choices and free time.Some of the best ideas come from daydreaming and imagining.In short, parents should allow their kids to have the freedom to invent for themselves.That means not always teaching and commanding.(1).To develop their artistic creativity, children should be encouraged to______.(A).(B).(C).(D).draw freely and roughly learn to draw realistic pictures know how to draw before they start learn to draw good pictures to get prizes 答案:A(2).Parents are encouraged to be role models for their kids because.(A).(B).(C).(D).parents love to create parents can draw straight lines children tend to follow their parents examples children like the product of their parents creativity 答案:C(3).It can be inferred from the passage that in artistic creation.(A).product is more important than process(B).process is more important than product(C).process and product are equally important(D).both process and product are unimportant 答案:B(4).To be inspired by other peoples creativity,children should.(A).write ideas(B).make up stories(C).buy good notebooks(D).visit museums, libraries, and science centers 答案:D(5).The main idea of this passage is that.(A).children should be encouraged to draw freely(B).children should follow their parents examples(C).parents should know how to cultivate their kids creativity(D).most parents teach their kids confidently and instructively 答案:C 2.It is often said that politeness costs nothing.In fact, it seems that a little more politeness could save businesses £5 billion every year.Frequently hearing the phrase“thank you” or “well done” means the same to


(二)staff as a modest pay rise.Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs.In this way the business companies can save the cost of finding new employees.A third of 1,000 workers surveyed by a consulting firm said they did not get thanked at all when they did well—and a further third said they were not thanked enough.In both cases, staff said they felt undervalued, meaning they were less likely to exert themselves and were more likely to look for employment elsewhere.The result of the survey shows that there would be around £52 billion loss in productivity if the employees felt less appreciated.According to the firm, praising staff has the same positive effect as a 1 per cent pay rise—and works out much cheaper for bosses.Three out of four employees said that regular acknowledgement by their bosses was important to them, but only a quarter said they were actually given as much praise as they felt they needed.The survey found that those in bluecollar and manual jobs were less likely to be given any recognition for doing well.But it seems that they most need such praise.In regional terms, Scottish staff felt most undervalued.Four out of ten workers said they were never thanked and eight out of ten said they would like more praise.However, workers in the NorthEast are less impressed by being praised by the boss, as only 69 per cent said they felt the need to be told “well done” regularly.Older employees and women need the most reassurance, according to psychologist Averil Leimon.She said that words of praise did more than creating a pleasant place to work—they could even promote profits.(1).The survey indicates that politeness could save businesses a huge amount of money every year because.(A).(B).(C).(D).politeness makes employees expect pay rise politeness is less likely to make staff work harder politeness helps employers find proper employees politeness helps employers reduce the cost of staff employment 答案:D(2).Workers doing well but not getting thanks from their bosses will probably.(A).leave for jobs elsewhere(B).work harder to get praise from their bosses(C).exert themselves in their work to get pay rise(D).work harder to get encouragement from their bosses 答案:A(3).According to the survey, of the employees believed they were praised as much as expected.36


(二)(A).25%(B).30%(C).40%(D).75% 答案:A(4).The survey shows that those who do not pay much attention to praise are.(A).staff from Scotland(B).workers in NorthEast(C).older and women employees(D).older and women employees 答案:B

(5).It can be concluded from the passage that.(A).bluecollar employees are expecting more pay rise(B).pleasant workplace could promote business profits(C).pay rise is an important motivation for manual workers(D).words of praise could possibly increase business profits 答案:D 3.A centuriesold tradition, illustrated in a modern childrens book, links the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read.“The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see.He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book.The little girl had just turned five.‘Stand up, little one,’ he asked the girl softly.‘I did this for your mother,your uncles, your older brother, and now you!’Then, he handed the book to her.‘Taste!’She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.‘Whats that taste?’ the grandpa asked.The little girl answered,‘Sweet!’ Then all of the family said in a single voice,‘Yes, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honey, you have to go after it through the pages of a book!’The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers.Soon she was goingto learn to read.”This is the beginning of a profoundly moving childrens book entitled Thank You,Mr.Falker.In this book, Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read, inspired by the honey on the book.It wasnt until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the hlep that she needed to finally unlock the magic of the written word.Reading this book,we are in fact acquainted with some enduring traditions of child education that stress the importance of verbal capacity at a very early age.The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books.And with the printed words that are active with meaning, the child becomes acquainted with a common past which he or she renews, to a greater or lesser degree, in every reading.Much as the author of the book Thank You, Mr.Falker puts it,“Almost as if it were magic, or as if light poured into her brain, the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never had before„And she understood the whole thing„Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf, the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago.She spooned honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness„Then she held the book, honey and all, close to her chest.She could feel tears roll down her cheeks, but they werent tears of sadness—she was happy, so very happy.”

(1).The girl who tasted the honey on the book was.37


(二)(A).nearly six years old(B).less than five years old(C).more than six years old(D).a little more than five years old答案:D(2).It can be inferred from the passage that.(A).the girls mother and uncles were good scholars(B).Mr.Falker helped Patricia Polacco write her book for children(C).the honeyonthebook tradition has been practised for many generations(D).the girl who tasted the honey on the book writes the book Thank You, Mr.Falker 答案:C

(3).The book entitled Thank You, Mr.Falker is about.(A).(B).(C).(D).the early life of Mr.Falker Polaccos early experience with reading the magic power of written words on children how the honey on the book makes children feel happy 答案:B(4).The main purpose of this passage is to.(A).introduce a “profoundly moving”childrens book(B).tell that childrens verbal capacity is very important(C).show that words are magic and they make children happy(D).show how the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into a writer 答案:A(5).The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came from.(A).the honey she tasted(B).the ability to read books(C).the book her grandpa had shown her(D).the collective memory that accepted her 答案:B

四、Word Form(10 points,1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题卡上。

1.This was one of the most ___(fruit)debates of the conference.答案:fruitful 2.None of the applicants has any___(profession)job experience.答案:professional

3.Most computer users have never received any formal training;___(consequence),their skills are limited.答案:consequently

4.Our new office building is ___(infinite)better than the old one.答案:infinitely

5.Their aim was to___(modern)the health service, and they succeeded.答案:modernize

6.She felt very ___(weaken)after long illness.答案:weak

7.When the play started, the children ___(tell)to sit down quietly.38


(二)答案:were told

8.We should take a ___(globe)view of our business.答案:global

9.It took her only five minutes to work out a ___(solve)to the difficult problem.答案:solution

10.The doctor advised him to eat a great___(various)of food.答案:variety

五、Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points for eachitem)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题卡上。


答案:Whether you like it or not, you have to finish this project on time.2.死记硬背的东西很容易被遗忘。

答案:What is learned by rote will easily be forgotten/be forgotten easily.3.经过长期的和平谈判,两国最终达成了协议。

答案:After a long period of peace talks, the two countries have finally come to terms/reached an agreement.4.请读一下这份介绍今年财务状况的报告。

答案:Please read this report which presents an account of this years financial situation.或者Please read this report about this years financial situation.5.要做这样的实验,就需要付出最大的努力和耐心。

答案:To undertake such an experiment, one should work with greatest efforts and patience.六、Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将 答案写在答题卡上。

1.Adults can teach children to handle money by helping them to follow a money management plan.First, children should be taught ways to earn money.Babysitting, newspaper routes, or housework may be options.Then they should be shown how to save for something special.A plan can be developed that allows them to use a little of their money they earn for minor purchases, such as birthday cards and candy.The rest of the money they earn can be put in the bank.When there is enough, the child can purchase some big items, such as MP4, DVD players, etc.A money management plan taught early can help children spend money more wisely later in life.答案:大人可以教会孩子们如何按照理财计划处理金钱问题。首先,孩子们应该得到一些指导,学会怎么挣钱。帮人家看看小孩、替人送送报纸、做做家务等等,都是可行的选择。然后,大


存款中拿出一小部分来,买些零星物品,如生日卡片、糖果等。剩余的钱可以存到银行里,存到 足够多时,孩子们就可以买些大件,如MP4,DVD播放器等。小时候学些理财计划有助于孩子们将 来更合理地花钱。















ⅠVocabulary and Structure(10points 1 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.You may use bike________ you give it back to me tomorrow morning.A.unless B.provided C.though D.because 2.He could not ________his tears on hearing that he was not admitted to the university A.hold up B.hold back C.get over D.get through 3.Good parents have the ability to communicate messages of love, trust, and self-worth ______their children A.on B.for C.with D.to 4.The teacher required that all errors should be _______eliminated before the students turn in their term paper.A.deported B.eliminated C.deprived D.implemented 5.A person is lucky if his career ________with his interest and hobby.A.concerns B.competes C.coinciders D.compares 6.Out sleep influences our mood.our mood, ________,affects our performance.A.in return B.in vain C.in short D.in turn 7.It was ________of you not to disturb us while we were sleeping.A.considerate B.considering C.considerable D.considered 8.I'd appreciate it very much if you could make some ________on my recent article at the conference.A.requests B.references C.remarks D.restrictions 9.He is ______absorbed in his own thoughts that he seems unaware of what's going on in the room.A.so B.each C.very D.much 10.No sooner(选C)had I reached home than Michael arrived with Jane in his car.A.did I reach

B.I had reached C.had I reached

D.I reached

Ⅱ.Cloze Test(10point,1 point each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

It is difficult to escape the influence of television.If you fit the statistical messages, by the age of 20 you will have been esposed___11___at least 20,000 hours of television.You can add 10,000 hours for each decade you have lived ___12___the age of 20.The only things Americans do more than them watch the television are work an sleep.Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those ____13____.Five thousand, I am sold, are what a typical college undergraduate____14____working in a bachelor’s degree.In 10,000 hours you corded have learned several lauguages fluently, you could be reading Shakespeare in the ____15____,and you could have walked around the world the world and ____16____a book about these hours.The trouble with television is____17____it discourages concentrations.Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life____18____some constructive effort.The dultest , the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem remarkable to those____19____never concertrate on anything.But television encourages us not to make any___20___.It makes the time pass without gain.11.A.to B.under C.for D.at





















































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全国2006年10月高等教育自学考试 民法学试题




1.下列财产关系中,由我国民法调整的是(c)A.税收关系 B.纵向的财产关系

C.平等主体间的财产关系 D.经济管理关系

2.公民下落不明,其利害关系人向人民法院申请宣告失踪的,须下落不明满(b)A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.4年

3.附解除条件的民事行为,在条件不成就时,该民事行为(a)A.继续有效 B.效力终止

C.失去效力 D.效力处于停止状态

4.下列请求权中,一般认为适用诉讼时效的是(d)A.排除妨碍请求权 B.停止侵害请求权 C.消除危险请求权 D.损害赔偿请求权



C.权利人申请仲裁后又撤回仲裁申请 D.在对方起诉后提起反诉


量有问题的电冰箱。甲与乙之间的民事行为属于(a)A.受欺诈的民事行为 B.显失公平的民事行为 C.重大误解的民事行为 D.乘人之危的民事行为 7.下列人身权中,可以转让的是(c)A.姓名权 B.亲权

C.企业名称权 D.荣誉权


B.乙、丙侵犯了甲的肖像权,但丁不构成侵权 C.乙、丁侵犯了甲的肖像权,但丙不构成侵权 D.丙、丁侵犯了甲的肖像权,但乙不构成侵权 9.物权是一种(c)A.形成权 B.请求权 C.支配权 D.期待权

10.下列所有权的取得方式中,属于继受取得的是(a)A.赠与 B.先占 C.添附 D.没收

11.李某以自有房屋抵押向周某借款6万元,双方没有办理抵押登记手续,后李某未经周某同意,私下将房屋出卖与顾某。借款合同期间届满,因李某无力偿还债务,周某要求实现抵押权,但顾某认为自己对房屋享有合法所有权。下列说法正确的是()A.周某只能向李某主张债权 B.周某应优先实现抵押权 C.房屋买卖合同无效 D.借款合同无效 12.下列情形违背一物一权原则的是()A.所有权与他物权并存


C.甲以取得的出让土地使用权向乙银行设定抵押权以取得贷款 D.甲乙共有一台笔记本电脑


B.甲乙二人对丙承担连带责任 C.甲乙二人分别对丙负赔偿责任 D.丙自己承担损害

14.下列关于代位权成立条件的表述不正确的是()A.债务人须对第三人享有债权 B.债务人怠于行使其到期债权 C.债权人的债权临近清偿期限 D.有保全债权的必要 15.当事人既约定违约金,又约定定金的,()A.其约定无效 B.其约定的效力待定

C.当事人可以选择适用 D.当事人可以合并适用 16.下列情形中,适用1年诉讼时效的是()A.身体受到伤害请求赔偿 B.环境污染致人损害 C.买卖合同 D.继承纠纷

17.甲不慎落水,乙奋勇抢救,抢救过程中致甲面部受伤,同时乙丢失手机一部。下列表述正确的是()A.乙应赔偿甲面部受伤的损失,甲不应赔偿乙失落手机的损失 B.乙应赔偿甲面部受伤的损失,甲应赔偿乙失落手机的损失

C.乙不应赔偿甲面部受伤的损失,甲不应赔偿乙失落手机的损失 D.乙不应赔偿甲面部受伤的损失,甲应赔偿乙失落手机的损失

18.甲工厂欠乙公司300万元货款,现在甲工厂由于经营管理不善,负债累累,被乙公司兼并,甲工厂欠乙公司的债务因之消灭,这种债的消灭被称为债的()A.清偿 B.混同 C.抵销 D.免除

19.下列关于代位继承和转继承适用范围的表述正确的是()A.代位继承既适用于法定继承又适用于遗嘱继承 B.代位继承只能适用于法定继承 C.转继承只能适用于遗嘱继承 D.转继承只能适用于法定继承

20.甲于2001年立有一公证遗嘱,2003年立有一自书遗嘱,2004年病危期间又立有一口头遗嘱。三份遗嘱符合遗嘱的有效要件,但内容相抵触。2004年10月甲病故,其遗产应()A.按法定继承处理 B.按自书遗嘱处理 C.按公证遗嘱处理 D.按口头遗嘱处理

21.分割被继承人的遗产时为遗腹胎儿保留的遗产份额,如胎儿出生后死亡的,该遗产()A.由被继承人的继承人继承 B.由被继承人的法定继承人继承 C.由胎儿的继承人继承


22.典权属于传统民法中的()A.自物权 B.从物权 C.担保物权 D.用益物权

23.甲在乙商店购买丙厂生产的啤酒,开启时发生爆炸导致甲受伤。经查明该爆炸是因丙厂违规使用了旧酒瓶所致。下列说法正确的是()A.甲只能向乙商店索赔 B.甲只能向丙厂索赔




B.行为与损害后果具有因果关系 C.主观上应有共同过错

D.行为具有共同危险性 25.按民事权利有无移转性,可将其区分为()A.原权和救济权

B.专属权和非专属权 C.主权利和从权利



26.下列情形中,属于滥用代理权的有()A.甲委托乙购买货物,乙以甲的名义与自己订立一购买该货物的合同 B.代理人甲代理乙出售某货物,代理丙购买该货物



E.代理人甲为被代理人乙的利益在紧急情况下转委托丙实施代理行为 27.下列属于侵害人格权的行为有()A.甲在与乙的争执过程中,用利器刺瞎乙的一只眼睛 B.甲到处散布乙患有性病的事实

C.照像馆未经顾客的同意将顾客的照片摆放在其橱窗里 D.夫妻离婚后,抚养子女的一方拒绝对方探视子女 E.甲由于过失行为致乙死亡


B.须债务人的债务履行期限届满 C.须债务人未履行债务

D.须非因债权人方面的原因未履行债务 E.须债权人已依合同占有抵押财产


B.一般保证的保证人承担赔偿责任,而连带责任保证的保证人承担履行责任 C.一般保证的保证人享有先诉抗辩权,而连带责任保证的保证人不享有此项权利



30.下列侵权行为中,适用无过错责任原则的是()A.高度危险作业致人损害 B.建筑物倒塌致人损害 C.环境污染致人损害 D.产品缺陷致人损害 E.饲养的动物致人损害







(3)对于该笔债务,应如何清偿? 38.甲有子女A、B、C三人。其中A因为吸毒而离异,有女儿L。B和C均未成家。2003年甲死亡,留有遗产15万元。C为了多得遗产,将A杀害。问:(1)甲的法定继承人有哪些人?其继承顺序如何?


(3)甲的15万元遗产应该如何分配? 中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——700门自考课程 永久免费、完整 在线学习快快加入我们吧!


一选择 1-5CBADD 6-10ACACA 11-15ABBCC 16-20ADBBC 21-25CDCDB 二多选 1ABD 2ABCE 3ABCD 4CD 5ACDE

三、简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)1: 参考答案:



答对1点得2分,2点得4分,3点得5分,4点得6分。2: 参考答案:




答对1点得2分,2点得4分,3点得5分,4点得6分。3: 参考答案:


(2)有为他人利益而管理的意思;(2分)(3)没有法定或者约定的义务。(2分)4: 参考答案:



答对1点得2分,2点得4分,3点得5分,4点得6分。5: 参考答案:




四、论述题(本大题15分)1: 参考答案:







(7)民事行为的特别生效要件,是指一些特殊的民事行为除具备一般生效要件外还须具 备 的生效要件,如死后行为的特别生效要件为行为人的死亡,行为人未死亡则不能生效。(2分)

五、案例分析题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)1: 参考答案:(1)不能,(2分)因为合伙人和其他人员的经营活动,由全体合伙人承担民事责任;合伙

企业对合伙人执行合伙企业事务以及对外代表合伙企业的限制,不得对抗不知情的善意第三 人。(2分)




带的无限责任。(2分)2: 参考答案:

(1)A、B、C、L四人均为甲的法定继承人,(2分)其中A、B、C为第一顺序继承人,L 为第二顺序继承人。(3分)(2)C不能继承遗产,(1分),因为C为了继承遗产而杀害了其他继承人A。(2分)(3)甲的15万元遗产,应该由A和B平均继承。由于A后于甲死亡,其继承的遗产转归


中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——700门自考课程 永久免费、完整 在线学习快快加入我们吧!





A.由甲和乙连带承担 B.由甲、乙和丁连带承担

C.由甲和乙按照约定的比例承担 D.由甲单独承担







A.支配权 B.请求权

C.形成权 D.抗辩权


A.真意保留行为 B.通谋虚伪表示

C.隐藏行为 D.受欺诈的意思表示


A.人身拘束行为 B.扣押行为

C.正当防卫 D.提起诉讼


A.无效民事行为 B.效力待定的民事行为

C.有效民事行为 D.可撤销的民事行为






















A.2005年3月5日 B.2005年3月8日

C.2005年3月10日 D.2006年5月30日

















A.按法定继承处理 B.按自书遗嘱处理

C.按公证遗嘱处理 D.按口头遗嘱处理







A.只适用于遗嘱继承 B.只适用于法定继承

C.只适用于遗赠扶养协议 D.适用于法定继承和遗嘱继承







A.恢复名誉 B.消除影响

C.赔礼道歉 D.赔偿损失


A.1年 B.2年

C.4年 D.6年

















A.承担按份保证责任 B.平均承担保证责任

C.承担连带保证责任 D.不承担保证责任


A.不构成民事侵权 B.侵害了乙的身体权

C.侵害了乙的隐私权 D.侵害了乙的名誉权







A.混同 B.抵销

C.免除 D.提存







A.监护权 B.肖像权

C.名誉权 D.名称权


A.债的主体的不同 B.债权内容的不同

C.债务内容的不同 D.债的标的物不同















































全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试 民法学试题



在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.下列属于财产所有权原始取得的是()A.小明的叔叔送给小明一辆自行车 B.小陈从银行获得利息500元 C.小张继承哥哥的一栋房屋 D.小李通过购买取得电视机一台

2.私营企业主王某办公用的一台电脑损坏,遂嘱秘书张某扔到垃圾站。张某将电脑搬到垃圾站后想,与其扔了不如拿回家给儿子用,便将电脑搬回家,经修理后又能正常使用。王某得知电脑能够正常使用后,要求张某返还。下列说法正确的是()A.张某违反委托合同,不能取得电脑的所有权 B.张某基于先占取得电脑的所有权



3.甲将房屋一间作抵押向乙借款。抵押期间,甲欲将该房屋出卖给丙,并告知丙抵押情况。对此,下列表述正确的是()A.甲可以将该房屋出卖,但须事先通知抵押权人乙 B.甲可以将该房屋出卖,无须事先通知抵押权人乙 C.甲可以将该房屋出卖,但应征得抵押权人乙的同意 D.甲无权将该房屋出卖,因为已经设置了抵押


B.由于该收割机为不可分物,所以不能请求分割 C.只能将收割机变卖后分割价款



B.质押合同自债券交付之日起生效 C.乙对该债券不享有质权 D.质押合同不成立



C.应将手表返还给乙,再由乙返还给甲 D.应将手表返还给甲

7.甲有子女二人,均在外地工作,甲的侄子乙长期对甲在生活上给予照顾直至甲死亡。对于甲的遗产,乙()A.可作为法定继承人以外的人适当分得 B.可作为第二顺序继承人继承 C.可作为第一顺序继承人继承 D.不能分得

8.依《继承法》规定,确定继承份额的原则是()A.有扶养能力和扶养条件的继承人,不尽扶养义务的,丧失继承权 B.对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务的继承人,分配遗产时,应当多分 C.对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务的继承人,分配遗产时,可以多分 D.对生活有特殊困难的继承人,应当予以照顾

9.王某的叔叔于某年4月4日病故。独身的叔叔临死前立下遗嘱,将其全部财产留给幼年丧父的侄儿王某。王某于4月5日奔丧时得知了遗嘱内容,但直到6月18日,始终未明确表示是否愿意接受遗产。王某的行为应视为()A.接受继承 B.放弃继承权 C.接受遗赠 D.放弃受遗赠 10.下列说法正确的是()A.养子女可以继承生父母的遗产,也可以继承养父母的遗产

B.丧偶儿媳或者女婿一旦再婚,即失去对公婆或者岳父母遗产的继承权 C.继子女可以继承生父母的遗产,也可以继承有抚养关系的继父母的遗产 D.非婚生子女不享有继承父母遗产的权利

11.下列原则中属于侵权损害赔偿原则的是()A.公平责任原则 B.诚实信用原则 C.过错责任原则 D.全面赔偿原则



C.由从事高度危险作业的人承担主要责任、受害人承担次要责任 D.按公平原则处理

13.2002年5月8日,王某骑车回家经过一工地时,掉入没有设置明显标志、没有采取安全措施的坑中,造成骨折。王某的损失,应由()A.王某自己承担 B.发包人和承包人共同承担 C.发包人承担 D.承包人承担

14.李某从某超市买了一瓶某肉联厂生产的熟食罐头,食后中毒,花去医药费数万元。后经法院查明:该批罐头由超市委托某运输公司运输,运输公司在运输中没有采取冷冻措施,致使罐头变质。李某可请求()A.超市或肉联厂承担赔偿责任 B.超市或运输公司承担赔偿责任 C.肉联厂或运输公司承担赔偿责任 D.超市和运输公司承担赔偿责任

15.村民甲(18周岁)路过村民乙家门口时,用石头向乙家所养且卧在乙家门口的狗砸去,被激怒的狗咬伤行人丙。丙的损失应由()A.甲承担 B.乙承担

C.丙承担 D.甲乙共同承担 l6.甲、乙、丙分别出资40、40、20万元合伙经营小商品批发业务。甲因为购买自住房屋,对A负债15万元。对甲所负债务的偿还,下列表述正确的是()A.只能用甲的个人财产偿还 B.甲可用已投入合伙的财产偿还

C.A可要求以甲在合伙财产中的15万元的份额清偿 D.甲可以其在合伙中应该取得的收益偿还 17.下列属于表见代理的情形的是()A.无代理权的行为人以本人名义与相对人订立合同,本人知道后追认的 B.甲乙买卖一电脑,丙同时为双方的代理人

C.本人将加盖公章的合同书交给行为人,行为人用此合同书与他人订立合同 D.甲未经乙授权而声称是乙的代理人,丙误信而与之订立合同 18.下列选项中不属于权利滥用构成条件的是()A.行为人有权利

B.行为人行使权利的行为损害了他人或社会利益 C.行为人主观上须有过错


19.民事主体在民事活动中地位平等,是指()A.民事主体的法律地位平等 B.民事主体享有的民事权利平等 C.法人和自然人的权利能力平等 D.自然人的行为能力平等

20.债务人将债务全部或者部分转移给第三人的,根据《合同法》的规定,正确的做法是()A.口头通知债权人即可 B.书面通知债权人即可 C.应当经债权人同意 D.必须经债权人书面同意 21.人身权的客体是指()A.人身非财产利益 B.特定的行为

C.与人身有关的财产或利益 D.特定的精神财富 22.甲向乙借款,丙向乙表示:“我保证甲能还钱”,于是乙借给甲一万元。在此情形下()A.丙是保证人

B.应有两个无利害关系人证明丙才能为保证人 C.丙不是保证人


23.甲乙二人订立一买卖房屋的合同,因此合同而产生的债是()A.选择之债 B.劳务之债 C.按份之债 D.财物之债

24.甲、乙两人在同一坡上放羊,乙的羊混入甲的羊群,甲不知,赶羊回家入圈。甲得乙的羊属于()A.拾得失散动物 B.无因管理 C.不当得利 D.侵权行为

25.下列法人中可以转让自己名称的是()A.国家机关 B.企业 C.社会团体 D.学校、医院

26.甲、乙两个公司之间订有买卖合同,但在该买卖合同尚未履行完毕时,甲、乙两个公司合并成立丙公司,债权债务归于消灭。此债权债务关系消灭的原因称为()A.提存 B.混同 C.抵销 D.清偿

27.甲公司与乙公司签订有一钢材买卖合同,合同总价款500万元,甲公司依照约定向乙公司交付定金50万元后,乙公司未按合同交付钢材。乙公司应向甲公司返还定金()A.200万元 B.150万元 C.100万元 D.50万元

28.下列关于自然人民事权利能力和民事行为能力关系的表述,正确的是()A.民事权利能力和民事行为能力同时产生、同时终止 B.有民事权利能力的自然人一定有民事行为能力 C.有民事行为能力的自然人一定有民事权利能力

D.自然人的民事行为能力和民事权利能力都具有平等性 29.根据民事责任内容的不同,民事责任可分为()A.履行责任、返还责任和赔偿责任

B.债务不履行的民事责任与侵权民事责任 C.按份责任与连带责任 D.财产责任与非财产责任

30.根据合伙人对合伙债务承担责任的范围,合伙可以分为()A.个人合伙与单位合伙 B.普通合伙与有限责任合伙 C.合伙企业与其他合伙 D.普通合伙与单位合伙


31.下列属于民事法律行为一般生效要件的有()A.行为人具有相应的民事行为能力 B.不违反社会公共利益

C.内容不违反法律、法规的强制性或者禁止性规范 D.有意思表示 E.意思表示真实


B.饲养的动物致人损害 C.被监护人致人损害

D.环境污染致人损害 E.地面施工致人损害

33.继承权丧失的法定事由有()A.故意杀害被继承人的 B.杀害其他继承人的 C.伪造、篡改遗嘱,情节严重的D.遗弃被继承人的 E.虐待被继承人,情节严重的

34.下列有关动产物权和不动产物权表述正确的是()A.地役权是不动产物权 B.动产物权原则上以占有为公示方式

C.动产物权和不动产物权的划分标准是标的物种类的不同 D.不动产物权以登记为公示方式

E.动产物权和不动产物权的成立和变动的要件不同 35.代位权的成立要件有()A.债务人须对第三人享有权利

B.债务人怠于行使其权利 C.债务人已陷于迟延

D.有保全债权的必要 E.须以债务人的名义向第三人请求









(3)拍卖房屋和玉器的价款应如何清偿债务? 43.一天下午,某电机厂工人赵某和钱某受本厂指派,到某制氧厂提取10瓶氧气,等到电机厂派车来接时已是晚上10点多钟,由于一车一次只能运9瓶,于是赵、钱二人将剩余的一瓶悄悄藏匿在孙某的木船上,打算明日来运走。半夜2时许,因不放心氧气瓶,二人又到船上来查看,未见异常便离去。走时,钱某未将随手丢在船上的烟头熄灭,恰逢船上的氧气瓶漏气,遇火点燃,木船炸毁。船主孙某闻声赶到现场,发现与自己多次发生争吵的李某正站在30米外的自家船上向这里观看。孙某当即断定是李某炸船,于是将李的船只扣下,并向派出所报案。



中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——改写昨日遗憾 创造美好明天!用科学方法牢记知识点顺利通过考试!

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全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试民法学试卷参考答案 一单项选择题

1.B(14P200)2.B(14P215)3.A(16P258)4.D(14P227)5.B(16P 274)6.B(14P214)7.A(25P 402)8.C(25P 402)9.D(26P 419)10.C(25P392)11.D(3lP473)12.A(32P488)13.D(32P493)14.A(32P 485)15.A(32P499)16.D(5P82)17.C(8P132)18.D(2P37)19.A(1P14)20.C(22P350)21.A(10P147)22.C(21P 339)23.D(18P302)24.C(19P313)25.B(11P313)26.B(23P362)27.C(2lP345)28.C(3P44)29.A(2P39)30.B(5Pso)2. [解析]先占是指占有人以所有的意思,占有无主动产而取得所有权的法律事实,按照大多数国家的民法规定,先占的成立应具备下列三个条件:①先占的标的物须为无主物;②先占的无主物须为动产;③先占人须以所有的意思占有无主动产。从实际情况看,我国是承认先占制度的(如对废弃物可因先占而取得所有权、对可狩猎的动物可因先占而取得所有权等)。本题中,该电脑因损坏而被王某抛弃,从概念上来说,此时其已成为无主物的形式之一——废弃物。据此,该案中,张某基于先占取得电脑的所有权,王某无权要求返还。答案为B(14P215)。

3. [解析]抵押人就标的物设立抵押权后,并不丧失对抵押物的所有权。抵押人可以处分抵押物。关于抵押物法律上的处分,《担保法》第49条第1款规定:“抵押期间,抵押人转让已办理登记的抵押物的,应当通知抵押权人并告知受让人转让物已经抵押的情况;抵押人未通知抵押权人或者未告知受让人的,转让行为无效。”据此,甲可以将该房屋出卖,但须事先通知抵押权人乙。答案为A(16P258)。5. [解析]我国《担保法》第76条规定:“以汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单出质的,应当在合同约定的期限内将权利凭证交付质权人。质押合同自权利凭证交付之日起生效。”据此,排除选项A、C、D。答案为B(16P274)。

10. [解析]因为继子女对继父母遗产的继承权并不决定于其与生父母的关系,所以继子女继承继父母的遗产并不影响其对生父母的遗产继承权。有扶养关系的继子女继承了继父母遗产的,仍有权继承生父母的遗产;反之,继承了生父母遗产的继子女,只要与继父母形成扶养关系,仍有权继承继父母的遗产。正是在这个意义上说,继子女有“双重继承权”。答案为C(25P392)。

14. [解析]根据《民法通则》第122条及《产品质量法》的规定,产品责任的承担者主要是生产者(制造者)和销售者。产品的生产者与销售者对产品的消费者应承担无过失责任。据上,本题中,李某只能请求超市或肉联厂承担赔偿责任。答案为A(32P485)。15. [解析]根据《民法通则》第127条的规定,动物致人损害民事责任的免责事由有:①受害人的过错;②第三人的过错。其中,第三人的过错是指受害人和动物占有人 以外的人对动物造成损害有过错。如某人唆使邻居的狗扑咬他人等。如果动物的占有人能够证明损害是由第三人的过错造成的,则应由第三人承担责任。所以,本题中,丙的损失应由“第三人”甲承担。答案为A(32P199)。? 18. [解析]构成权利滥用的条件有:①行为人有权利;②行为人行使权利的行为损害了他人或社会利益;③行为人主观上有过错。答案为D(2P37)。

22. [解析]本题考查保证的成立条件。保证人是以自己的信用、名义为债务人作担保的,因此,保证人承担保证责任的意思表示是保证合同成立的必要条件。如果行为人只是向债权人介绍或者提供债务人的支付能力,而没有明确表示对债务人履行合同承担保证责任的,则不能认定保证成立,行为人便不是保证人。本题中,丙并没有明确表示对甲不还钱时其需承担的保证责任。所以该口头保证在合同法意义上的保证中不成立。答案为C(21P339)。

29. [解析]本题考查民事责任的分类。常见的民事责任分类有以下几种:根据民事责任发生的原因,民事责任可分为债务不履行的民事责任和侵权的民事责任。根据民事责任的内容,民事责任可分为履行责任、返还责任和赔偿责任。根据承担民事责任的一方当事人之间的关系,民事责任可分为按份责任与连带责任。根据民事责任的内容有无财产性,民事责任可分为财产责任与非财产责任。答案为A(2P39)。


31.ABCE(7P108)32.BCD(29P454)33.ACDE(24P378)34.ABCDE(13P177)35.ABCD(20P3j2)32. [解析]无过错责任原则的适用范围是受限制的,只有在法定的情况下才能适用。在我国法中,无过错责任原则的适用范围主要有:高度危险作业致人损害的民事责任;产品责任;环境污染致人损害的民事责任;饲养的动物致人损害的民事责任;职务侵权的民事责任等。另外,我国监护人民事责任的根据采取的是他人行为说,监护人的民事责任属无过错责任的范畴,适用无过错责任原则。答案为BCD(29P454)。

34. [解析]根据物权的标的物种类,物权可分为动产物权与不动产物权。动产物权是指以动产为标的物的物权。如动产质权、留置权等不动产物权是指以不动产为标的物的物权。如不动产所有权、国有土地使用权、农地承包权、地役权等。它们的成立和变动的要件、公示方式不同。动产物权原则上以占有为公示方式,不动产物权以登记为公示方式。答案为ABCDE(13P177)。

35. [解析]本题考查代位权的成立要件,属领会内容。答案为ABCD(20P332)。






















五案例分析题 42. [答案](1)银行不享有优先受偿权;王某享有优先受偿权。理由:房屋抵押以抵押物登记为生效要件,所以李某与银行的抵押合同未生效。李某与王某就房屋抵押签订抵押合同并办理了登记,抵押合同自登记之日生效。(16P261)(2)王某享有优先受偿权。因李某与王某就玉器订立的质押合同自玉器交给王某时生效。(16P269)(3)拍卖房屋和玉器的价款应用于优先偿还王某的借款,剩余部分用于偿还银行的借款。(16P262)43. [答案](1)李某的损失应由孙某赔偿。因为属于一般侵权民事责任,孙某应该知道自己扣船的后果,主观有过错。(30P456)(2)孙某的损失应由电机厂和制氧厂共同承担。因为制氧厂产品质量不合格;电机厂职工赵某、钱某在从事法人经营活动中因过错致人损害,应由电机厂承担。电机厂承担责任后可向赵某、钱某进行追偿。(32P485)



婚姻家庭法试题 课程代码:05680


1.按照我国法律的规定,涉外离婚的准据法是()A.受理案件的法院所在地法 B.婚姻缔结地法 C.当事人主要财产所在地法 D.双方共同选择一方本国法 2.公安机关介入家庭暴力的前提条件是()A.事态严重 B.行为人仗势欺人 C.有人报案 D.受害人请求

3.无过错方作为被告的离婚诉讼案件一审时被告未提出离婚损害赔偿请求,二审期间提出的,人民法院应当进行调解,调解不成的()A.驳回诉求 B.及时判决

C.告知当事人在离婚后一年内另行起诉 D.另组合议庭进行审理

4.根据我国《婚姻法》的规定,夫妻离婚后,哺乳期内的子女原则上()A.由母亲抚养 B.由父亲抚养 C.由文化素质高的一方抚养 D.由收入高的一方抚养 5.人民法院依法中止探望权的法定事由是()A.探望权人不愿意探望 B.探望不利于子女身心健康 C.子女不愿意其探望 D.与子女共同生活的一方反对探望 6.根据《收养法》的规定,有配偶者收养子女()A.由丈夫决定 B.由妻子决定 C.须夫妻共同收养 D.由民政部门决定 7.根据我国继承法的规定,兄弟姐妹是()A.第一顺序法定继承人 B.转继承人 C.代位继承人 D.第二顺序法定继承人 8.父母对未成年子女的抚养是()A.有条件的 B.无条件的 C.以子女有疾病为条件的 D.以法院判决为条件的 9.受亲权保护的子女,在各国民法中仅指()A.身体残疾子女 B.成年子女 C.未成年子女 D.有精神障碍的子女

10.我国现行《婚姻法》规定的夫妻共同财产制是()A.一般共同制 B.剩余共同制 C.动产及所得共同制 D.婚后所得共同制 11.我国《婚姻法》规定的夫妻人身关系不包括()...A.夫妻姓名权 B.夫妻人身自由权 C.夫妻有互相扶养的义务 D.夫妻婚姻住所决定权

12.男女双方根据《婚姻法》第8条规定补办结婚登记的,婚姻关系的效力从()A.双方均符合《婚姻法》所规定的结婚的实质要件时起算 B.双方同居时起算

C.补办结婚登记之日起算 D.双方定婚之日起算

13.我国现行的《婚姻登记条例》的施行时间是()A.1994年2月1日 B.2001年4月28日 C.2003年9月1日 D.2003年10月1日 14.恩格斯说:“群婚制是与蒙昧时代相适应的,对偶婚制是与野蛮时代相适应的,以通奸和卖淫为补充的一夫一妻制是与文明时代相适应的。”这里的野蛮时代是指()

A.原始社会的初级阶段 B.资本主义社会 C.私有制社会 D.原始社会的高级阶段 15.《古代社会》一书的作者是()A.摩尔根 B.恩格斯 C.马克思 D.孟德斯鸠


在每小题列出的四个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。16.婚姻家庭的社会功能主要包括()A.实现人口再生产的功能 B.组织经济生活的功能 C.文化教育功能 D.社会稳定功能




B.婚姻须为具有配偶身份的结合 C.作为婚姻的结合须为当时的社会制度所确认 D.同性结合不成其为婚姻



A.血亲的配偶 B.配偶 C.配偶的血亲的配偶 D.配偶的血亲 19.下列各项属于“六礼”程序的有()A.庙见 B.纳征 C.请期 D.问名

20.我国《婚姻法》规定的婚姻无效的法定事由有()A.重婚的 B.受胁迫结婚的 C.未到法定婚龄的 D.有禁止结婚的亲属关系的

21.根据我国现行《婚姻法》的规定,孙子女、外孙子女对祖父母、外祖父母承担赡养义务的条件是()A.孙子女、外孙子女未成年 B.孙子女、外孙子女有负担能力

C.祖父母、外祖父母的子女已经死亡 D.祖父母、外祖父母的子女无力赡养 22.根据权利义务关系的存续与否,收养可类分为()A.完全收养 B.不完全收养 C.生前收养 D.遗嘱收养 23.中国古代离婚方式有()A.出妻 B.义绝 C.和离 D.呈诉离婚 24.婚姻终止的原因有()A.离婚 B.婚姻一方当事人自然死亡 C.男方对女方构成遗弃 D.婚姻一方当事人被宣告死亡 25.离婚时的损害赔偿请求权发生的根据有()A.实施家庭暴力的 B.重婚 C.虐待、遗弃家庭成员的 D.有配偶者与他人同居的

三、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)26.旁系血亲 27.法定财产制







34.王大可,男,赵小颖,女,于1995年2月未办理结婚登记手续,举行隆重的结婚 典礼后开始以夫妻名义同居生活,周围群众也认为他们是夫妻。一个月后,赵小颖提出补办结婚登记手续被王大可借故推拖。1996年8月,赵小颖生一女孩后再次催促王大可办理结婚登记,王大可又借故推拖,遂引起赵小颖怀疑。赵小颖通过多方了解证实,王大可在家乡已有妻子、儿子,于是,赵小颖于1997年2月向法院诉请离婚。根据案情回答下列问题并说明理由:


35.王光夫妇婚后多年未育,后经合法收养手续,收养了李林夫妇5岁的儿子为养子,取名王小涛。由于王光夫妇的溺爱,王小涛从小性情暴躁,经常与小朋友打架,成年后性情未改,对养父母态度十分恶劣,非打即骂,王光夫妇一直生活在恐惧之中。在亲友多次调解无效的情况下,王光夫妇提出解除收养关系,王小涛同意解除收养关系,但不愿作任何补偿。王光夫妇无奈,遂诉至法院。李林夫妇此时年老体衰,闻听此事后找到王小涛,要求在其解除收养关系后赡养自己。依据有关法律和司法解释,回答下列问题并简述理由: ①王光夫妇与王小涛的收养关系可否解除?(6分)


全国2008年10月自考试题民法学 课程代码:00242


1.我国民法规定取得完全民事行为能力的年龄为()A.十周岁 B.十六周岁 C.十八周岁 D.二十周岁

2.个体工商户对外承担()A.有限责任 B.无限责任 C.连带责任 D.按份责任

3.甲与乙签订了一份买牛合同。甲将牛交付乙,乙宰杀牛后得牛黄100克,卖后获价款8千元。甲、乙就该牛黄款发生争执。依法律规定,牛黄款应归()A.甲所有 B.甲、乙平分 C.乙所有 D.甲、乙共同共有

4.被代理人对无权代理享有追认权,这种权利属于()A.请求权 B.支配权 C.抗辩权 D.形成权

5.第三人知道代理人没有代理权还与代理人实施民事行为给他人造成损害的,由()A.被代理人承担责任 B.代理人承担责任

C.代理人和第三人承担连带责任 D.被代理人和代理人承担连带责任


A.有效,因其符合甲的利益 B.无效,因其违背了甲的意思 C.效力未定,有效与否由甲决定 D.属于可撤销的民事行为

7.甲乙两人订立了房屋租赁合同,合同中约定“如甲的儿子毕业后回来工作,甲乙之间的房屋租赁合同即行终止”。这一民事法律行为所附的条件是()A.肯定解除条件 B.否定解除条件 C.肯定延缓条件 D.否定延缓条件


A.荣誉权 B.名誉权 C.身份权 D.隐私权

9.下列权利中,属于人格权的是()A.亲权 B.肖像权 C.监护权 D.配偶权

10.某地一悬挂多年的大型广告牌被大风刮落了一块钢板,砸伤行人甲,花去医药费1600元。对该损害,应由()A.广告公司承担责任 B.甲自己承担责任



11.某一暂停施工的建筑工地因为积水而形成一个较大的水坑。乙12岁的儿子下水游泳时,不幸溺水身亡。确立该损害赔偿责任的归责原则为()A.过错责任原则 B.无过错责任原则 C.严格责任原则 D.公平责任原则

12.下列各项中不属于高度危险作业致人损害民事责任构成要件的是()A.须从事高度危险作业 B.有损害事实的存在

C.高度危险作业与损害事实之间有因果关系 D.行为人主观上有过错

13.职务侵权民事责任的行为主体是()A.国家机关或者国有企业的工作人员 B.国家机关或者国家机关的工作人员 C.非接受国家机关委托的人员 D.非国家机关临时雇佣的人员 l4.下列情形中适用公平原则的是

A.当事人对造成损害都没有过错,法律又没有明确规定适用无过错责任原则 B.双方当事人都存在损失 C.双方当事人过错相当 D.双方当事人都有过错

15.对于继承权放弃的表述不正确的是()A.放弃继承权的意思表示可以在被继承人生前作出 B.放弃继承权不能以不履行法定义务为条件

C.继承人放弃继承权后又在遗产处理后反悔的,不予支持 D.放弃继承权只能采取明示的方式

16.甲与乙之间签订有遗赠扶养协议,由乙对甲进行扶养,而甲则将其居住的房屋遗赠给乙。在合同履行过程中,乙不认真履行其扶养义务,导致甲经常处于生活缺乏照料的状态。甲死后,法院可以()A.直接解除甲和乙的遗赠扶养协议 B.确认甲和乙的遗赠扶养协议无效 C.直接剥夺乙的受遗赠权



B.继承人可以只继承遗产而拒绝清偿被继承人生前债务 C.继承人应在继承遗产的范围内清偿被继承人生前的债务 D.继承人有权按其意志决定是否清偿被继承人生前债务

18.根据继承人继承被继承人财产权利义务的范围,继承可以分为()A.法定继承与遗嘱继承 B.有限继承与无限继承 C.共同继承与单独继承 D.本位继承与代位继承

19.依照我国法律规定,下列财产为按份共有的是()A.夫妻共有财产 B.家庭共有财产

C.甲、乙分别出资3万元和4万元共同购买的财产 D.共同继承的财产

20.依照我国《担保法》的规定,下列财产可以抵押的是()A.自留山 B.某学校的办公楼

C.宅基地使用权 D.某中学的小汽车 21.所有权的核心权能是()A.占有 B.收益 C.使用 D.处分

22.下列选项中属于完全物权的是()A.抵押权 B.质权 C.所有权 D.留置权

23.下列物权属于从物权的是()A.所有权 B.建设用地使用权 C.宅基地使用权 D.抵押权

24.下列关于抵押合同形式的表述,正确的是()A.抵押合同可以采用口头形式 B.抵押合同应当采用书面形式



25.送奶人误将王某的牛奶放入了郭某的牛奶箱中,郭某取用该牛奶属于()A.不当得利 B.侵权行为 C.无因管理 D.自助行为


B.李某享有的请求王某进行人身伤害赔偿的权利 C.丙欠丁的借款5000元


27.甲公司欠乙公司200万元贷款,后甲公司因管理不善被乙公司兼并,则甲公司欠乙公司的债务随之消灭,这种债的消灭被称为债的()A.混同 B.免除 C.解除 D.抵销

28.按照债的多数主体之间的相互权利义务关系,可将债区分为()A.特定之债和种类之债 B.单一之债和多数人之债 C.按份之债和连带之债 D.简单之债和选择之债

29.我国《担保法》规定,当事人对保证方式没有约定或约定不明确的,视为()A.一般保证 B.连带责任保证 C.共同保证 D.最高额保证

30.在下列情形中,属于无因管理的是()A.在加工合同中,承揽人管理定作人提供的原材料 B.主动为他人看管赃物

C.甲拾得乙丢失的牛,在积极寻找失主的同时,对该牛进行管理 D.超市对进入超市的顾客的皮包进行管理


31.根据民法原理中物的分类标准,下列选项中不属于主物与从物的关系的是()A.锁和钥匙 B.汽车与汽车上的轮胎 C.上衣和裤子 D.电视机和遥控器 E.房屋和门窗 32.下列对于遗嘱的变更和撤销表述正确的是()A.遗嘱的变更是对遗嘱的部分修改 B.代书遗嘱不得变更公证遗嘱 C.自书遗嘱可以变更公证遗嘱


E.最后的口头遗嘱只要有两个见证人,即可变更或撤销之前的遗嘱 33.丧失继承权的情形有()A.继承人故意杀害被继承人 B.继承人故意杀害其他继承人 C.继承人对被继承人有虐待行为

D.继承人篡改遗嘱,导致缺乏劳动能力且没有生活来源的继承人生活困难 E.继承人销毁遗嘱

34.确定不当得利人返还不当利益范围的规则是()A.善意不当得利人返还的利益仅以现在利益为限 B.恶意不当得利人应返还其所取得的全部利益 C.返还不当得利时应同利息一并返还 D.善意不当得利人无需返还其取得的利益 E.不当得利人均应返还其取得的全部利益

35.下列行为属于侵犯公民肖像权的是()A.未经本人同意在照相馆橱窗陈列其照片 B.在寻人启事上刊登公民的照片

C.美容院在报纸上做广告宣传时未经甲同意使用甲整容前后的对比照片 D.在通缉令上使用犯罪嫌疑人的照片






43.某日,肖雄(5岁)与另一小孩玩耍时,见一配电房没有锁门,就进入装有变压器的房内。由于无知和好奇,肖雄用手去触摸变压器,遭到电击,随即被父母送医院抢救,医院对肖雄截去了双上肢。一个月后,肖雄出院,其父母向法院起诉,要求电力公司承担 损害赔偿责任。诉讼中,电力公司举证证明:事故发生前一日,其工作人员还对该配电房进行了检查,门锁完好无损。电力公司认为自己对损害发生没有过错,拒绝承担责任。问:(1)对肖雄所受伤害的赔偿责任应如何确定?说明理由。(2)赔偿范围应包括哪些? 中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——改写昨日遗憾 创造美好明天!用科学方法牢记知识点顺利通过考试!

中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——700门自考课程 永久免费、完整 在线学习快快加入我们吧!



1.C(3P45)2.B(5P87)3.C(14P201)4.D(2P35)5.C(8P131),6.C(8P130)7.A(7P222)8.B(11P161)9.B(1lP154)10.A(32P 495)11.A(32P 492)12.D(32P 487)13.B(32P481)14.A(29P 455)15.A(24P383)16.D(26P423)17.C(27P439)18.B(24P367)19.C(14P228)20.D(16P256)21.D(14P20D)22.C(14P194)23.D(13P277)24.B(16P256)25.A(19P313)26.C(22P348)27.A(23Pj6j)28. C(18P299)29.B(21P34D)30.C(19P306)2. [解析]个体工商户的财产与户主的个人财产并非严格区分,其不能独立地承担民事责任。对于个体工商户经营中的债务,户主并不以其投入工商户的财产为限承担清偿责任,而是要负无限责任。答案为B(5P87)。

3. [解析]孳息与原物分离之后,除法律另有规定或当事人另有约定之外,应由原物所有人取得所有权。在本案中,牛已交付于乙,乙对牛享有所有权,甲的所有权消灭。故作为牛的孳息的牛黄应由乙所有。答案为C(14P201)。

6. [解析]代理人只能在代理权限范围内实施代理行为。本题中,甲委托乙购买“牡丹”牌电视机一台,而乙却购买了“海信”牌电视机。乙(代理人)的行为超越了代理权,属于无权代理行为。无权代理行为属于效力未定的行为,该行为若经本人追认,则为有效代理,对本人发生法律效力;若本人不追认,则对本人不发生法律效力。因此,乙购买“海信”电视机的行为属效力未定的行为,有效与否由甲决定。答案为C(8P130)。7,. [解析]肯定条件以某种事实的发生为内容,而否定条件则以某种事实的不发生为内容。题干中的“甲的儿子毕业后回来工作”即属于肯定条件。解除条件是指关系法律行为效力消灭的条件。附解除条件的民事法律行为,在条件成就时当事人间的民事权 利义务关系终止;条件不成就时,当事人间的权利义务关系继续。可见,“甲的儿子毕业后回来工作”这一条件,就属于解除条件。答案为A(7P111)。

12. [解析]为了促使从事高度危险作业的组织和个人提高责任心和改进技术安全措施,同时也是出于加强对受害者保护的法律政策,我国《民法通则》及有关法规,对于高度危险作业致人损害的民事责任,采取了无过错责任原则,所以不要求行为人主观上有过错。答案为D(32P487)。

15. [解析]继承权的放弃是继承人对自己权利的一种处分,因此继承权的放弃只能在继承开始以后实施。于继承开始前,继承人并不享有可以处分的主观权利,仅享有客观权利,而客观权利仅是一种资格,是不得抛弃的。答案为A(24P383)。? 16. [解析]扶养人应当履行自己的扶养义务。在受扶养人生前对其给予生活上的照料和扶助;在受扶养人死亡后应当负责办理受扶养人的丧事。扶养人不认真履行扶养义务的,受扶养的公民得请求解除协议。受扶养人未解除协议的,对不尽扶养义务或者以非法手段谋夺遗赠人财产的扶养人,经遗赠人的亲属或者有关单位的请求,人民法院可以剥夺扶养人的受遗赠权;对不认真履行扶养义务,致使受扶养人经常处于生活缺乏照料状况的扶养人,人民法院也可以酌情对扶养人受遗赠的财产数额予以限制。答案为D(26P423)。

17. [解析]我国《继承法》在继承人清偿遗产债务方面实行限定继承原则,即继承人对被继承人的遗产债务的清偿只以遗产的实际价值为限,超过遗产实际价值的部分,继承人不负清偿责任。《继承法》第33条第一款规定:“继承遗产应当清偿被继承人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务,缴纳税款和清偿债务以他的遗产实际价值为限。超过遗产实际价值部分,继承人自愿偿还的不在此限。”答案为C(27P439)。

20. [解析]根据《担保法》第37条规定,耕地、宅基地、自留地、自留山等集体所有的土地使用权,除法律规定可以抵押的以外,不得抵押;学校、幼儿园,医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体的教育设施、医疗卫生设施和其他公益设施,不得抵押。D项“某中学的小汽车”不属于公益设施,所以可以抵押。答案为D(16P256)。




31. [解析]从物须具备三个条件,(1)与主物同属一人所有;(2)须独成一物;(3)须与主


33. [解析]根据《继承法》第7条的规定,凡有下列行为之一的继承人,丧失继承权:(1)故意杀害被继承人的;(2)为争夺遗产而杀害其他继承人的;(3)遗弃被继承人的,或者虐待被继承人情节严重的;(4)伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。按照最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行(中华人民共和国继承法>若干问题的意见》第14条规定,“继承人伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,侵害了缺乏劳动能力又无生活来源的继承人的利益,并造成其生活困难的,应认定其行为情节严重”。答案为AD(24P378)。

















五 .(10P149)试述人格权与身份权的区别。









42. [答案](1)对该86万元债务,应该首先用合伙企业的财产来承担。因为合伙企业作为一个独立的民事主体,有其独立的财产,对其债务应该首先用其财产承担清偿责任。对于剩余的76万元债务,由甲和C企业连带承担清偿责任。(5P82)(2)独资企业C的出资人负有此义务。因为独资企业的出资人承担无限责任。(5Ps6)43. [答案](1)应由电力公司和肖雄的监护人共同承担责任,其中电力公司承担主要责任。



②肖雄的监护人没有尽到监护责任,也应承担适当责任。(32P487)(2)赔偿范围包括医药费、护理费、伤残用具费、伤残后的生活补助费等。(3lP475)中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——改写昨日遗憾 创造美好明天!用科学方法牢记知识点顺利通过考试!

中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——700门自考课程 永久免费、完整 在线学习快快加入我们吧!

全国2009年1月自考民法学试题 课程代码:00242




B.权利人向法院起诉请求保护其权利 C.权利人向义务人明确主张其权利



A.民事法律关系 B.民事法律事实 C.民事法律行为 D.事件

3.自然人的民事权利能力始于()A.出生 B.年满十八周岁 C.结婚 D.具有劳动能力

4.债务人根据特定事由,对抗债权人行使债权的权利是()A.支配权 B.请求权 C.形成权 D.抗辩权

5.下列行为中属于无偿的双方民事法律行为的是()A.遗赠扶养协议 B.遗嘱继承 C.遗赠 D.赠与

6.宣告失踪须公民下落不明满()A.一年 B.二年 C.三年 D.四年 7.杨某14岁,杨某父亲的好友何某非常喜欢杨某,赠与杨某高档自行车一辆,价值1400元,并同其签了赠与协议。下列关于该赠与行为效力的表述正确的是()A.赠与行为无效

B.赠与行为须经杨某的父母追认才能有效 C.赠与行为可由杨某的父母请求撤销 D.赠与行为有效

8.甲偷看了好友乙的日记后,向其他人透露乙在日记中所记载的一些情感话语。众人虽未以此取笑乙,但乙得知后仍倍感痛苦而跳楼自杀,结果身负重伤导致下肢瘫痪。甲的行为()A.不构成民事侵权 B.侵害了乙的身体权 C.侵害了乙的隐私权 D.侵害了乙的名誉权

9.父母对于未成年子女的人身管教和财产管理的权利称为()A.法定代理权 B.监护权 C.亲权 D.亲属权

10.某甲路过乙家门前,用石头砸向卧在门边的狗,狗跳出扑向甲,甲迅速躲开,狗咬伤了行人丙。丙花去医药费500元。丙的损失应该由()A.甲承担 B.乙承担

C.丙承担 D.甲和乙共同承担

11.高度危险作业致人损害的免责事由是()A.受害人的过失 B.第三人的过错 C.受害人的故意 D.致害人无过错

12.甲的空调外机因坠落,致行人乙受伤,关于该责任承担的表述,正确的是()A.如果乙不能证明甲有过错,则甲无需承担责任 B.无论甲有无过错均应承担赔偿责任 C.由甲乙双方分担责任

D.如甲不能证明自己没有过错,则应承担赔偿责任 13.下列属于产品责任免责事由的是()

A.受害人有过错 B.第三人有过错

C.产品未投入流通 D.生产者声明了产品的危险 14.下列属于侵权民事责任特征的是()A.侵权民事责任是民事主体违反法定义务应承担的民事责任 B.当事人可以对侵权责任事先约定免除

C.侵权责任是违反法定或约定义务应承担的民事责任 D.侵权责任只能是财产责任


B.甲所立遗嘱是在其生病期间,其行动不便,应该属于限制民事行为能力人,遗嘱无效 C.甲所立遗嘱是在其生病期间,其行动不便,应该属于限制民事行为能力人,遗嘱效力 待定


16.在某国家机关退休的甲系孤寡老人,平时在生活上受邻居乙照顾颇多。后甲死亡,该房产()A.由乙继承 B.归国家所有

C.归甲工作过的国家机关所有 D.归甲所在的基层组织所有

17.在法定继承中,对公婆或者岳父母尽了主要赡养义务的丧偶儿媳或者女婿()A.作为第一顺序继承人 B.作为第二顺序继承人 C.应分得大部分遗产 D.不能分得遗产 18.无需见证人即能成立的遗嘱是()A.录音遗嘱 B.代书遗嘱 C.口头遗嘱 D.自书遗嘱

19.典权属于传统民法中的()A.自物权 B.从物权 C.担保物权 D.用益物权 20.甲借自行车一辆给乙使用,乙将该自行车送给丙。后甲请求丙返还自行车,丙()A.属善意取得,不必还车 B.不构成善意取得,应该还车 C.属无因管理,可索取报酬 D.属于先占,不必还车

21.甲公司和乙公司订立一买卖合同,价款为300万元,乙公司支付50万元定金,并约定任何一方违约,应支付对方10%的违约金。后因甲公司违约,乙公司可向甲公司请求返还的数额最多为()A.80万元 B.50万元 C.100万元 D.130万元

22.下列有关债权人代位权行使的表述正确的是()A.代位权不一定要通过诉讼程序来行使 B.债权人必须以自己的名义行使代位权 C.债权人行使代位权须以仲裁方式



A.债务人承担 B.债权人承担

C.提存机关承担 D.债权人与债务人分担

24.甲与乙因买卖某艺术家的一幅艺术作品而发生的债是()A.可选择之债 B.连带之债 C.特定之债 D.种类之债


B.甲乙共出资10万元,购买一辆车 C.甲乙共同继承但还未分割的遗产 D.家庭共有财产

26.最高额抵押的主合同债权()A.可以直接转让 B.不得转让


D.经抵押人和主合同的债权人同意可以转让 27.下列财产中可以抵押的有()A.机关法人的公益性财产 B.抵押人所有的汽车 C.被查封的房屋 D.违章建筑物

28.下列关于留置权的表述正确的是()A.留置权是用益物权 B.留置权是自物权

C.留置权是约定担保物权 D.留置权是法定担保物权 29.根据《担保法》的规定,质权分为()A.动产质权和不动产质权 B.不动产质权和权利质权

C.动产质权和权利质权 D.不动产质权、动产质权和权利质权 30.以下列财产抵押,抵押权须登记才生效的是()A.电视机 B.电话 C.房屋 D.金银珠宝

二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二至五个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。31.下列权利中属于人格权的是()A.隐私权 B.肖像权 C.配偶权 D.荣誉权 E.姓名权



C.不经被代理人同意或追认的再代理均不对被代理人发生法律效力 D.再代理人的代理权不得超过原代理人的代理权 E.再代理中的代理人是由被代理人选任的


A.医生为病人切除病变的身体器官 B.行人打死了扑向自己的恶狗

C.因受害人的过错造成饲养动物致人损害 D.警察击毙持枪挟持人质的犯罪嫌疑人 E.由于不可抗力造成的环境污染致人损害

34.职务侵权民事责任的构成要件有()A.主体须为国家机关或国家机关工作人员 B.行为须为执行职务的行为 C.行为须为违法行使职权 D.须行为人主观上有过错 E.须行为人主观上有故意

35.按照债的发生根据的不同,债可分为法定之债和意定之债,而法定之债包括()A.侵权行为之债 B.不当得利之债 C.无因管理之债 D.合同之债 E.缔约过失之债






(1)李四能否取得张三的字画,为什么?(2)张三遗嘱中未涉及的遗产应如何处理?为什么? 43.2006年国庆期间,李军一家外出旅游,李军走后,张刚发现李家的院墙如果不及时修缮的话,就有倒塌的危险,张刚遂决定帮其修缮。为了尽早修缮完毕,张刚雇佣了同村的水泥工王平维修,张刚和王平约定修缮完毕后张刚给付劳务费200元,二人用时3天修缮完毕,张刚垫付材料费300元。问:



全国2009年10月自学考试民法学试题 课程代码:00242


1.所有人不明的埋藏物、隐藏物应归()A.发现人所有 B.国家所有

C.发现人单位所有 D.发现人与国家共有 2.土地承包经营权属于民法中的()A.自物权 B.从物权

C.担保物权 D.用益物权

3.甲和乙两个造纸厂排放污水的行为,致使丙在鱼塘所养的鱼部分死亡,造成经济损失3200元。确定该损害赔偿责任的归责原则是()A.过错责任原则 B.公平责任原则 C.连带责任原则 D.无过错责任原则 4.抵押权消灭的原因是()A.主债权转让 B.抵押权实现 C.抵押权人死亡 D.抵押人死亡

5.依据是否以所有的意思对物进行占有,占有可以分为()A.直接占有与间接占有 B.自主占有与他主占有 C.有权占有与无权占有 D.自己占有与辅助占有

6.甲出差前将家中的一台电脑交由邻居乙保管。在甲出差期间,乙将电脑以合理价格卖给了不知情的丙。对此()A.甲不得向丙请求返还电脑 B.甲可要求丙返还电脑

C.甲可要求乙与丙共同承担赔偿责任 D.甲可要求丙赔偿损失 7.下列物权中属于担保物权的是()A.留置权 B.土地承包权

C.国有土地使用权 D.采矿权

8.甲从商场购买某商品,但此商品质量不合格,甲可按商场对商品实行的“三包”制度进行退货、修理或更换。甲与商场存在的债是()A.简单之债 B.选择之债

C.多数人之债 D.非合同之债

9.以下关于违约金与定金的关系表述正确的是()A.违约金和定金均不得超过合同标的额的20% B.定金和违约金都是债的担保方式


D.定金和违约金的支付都发生在违约之后 10.下列不可以作为提存标的物的是()A.货币 B.权利证书 C.票据 D.劳务


B.孙某的邻居王某家中失火,孙某拿自家的灭火器救火 C.甲将跌倒于路旁的乙扶起


12.王某欠张某5000元,5月底到期。5月上旬,王某将自己价值3000元的电视机和价值6000元的拖拉机赠与林某,经查,王某没有其他的财产,则张某有权()A.请求撤销王某的赠与行为 B.主张王某和林某的赠与合同无效 C.行使代位权 D.行使追偿权

13.以下关于保证的说法正确的是()A.保证合同的当事人是主债权人和债务人 B.保证合同应当采用书面形式

C.有民事行为能力的自然人和法人均可以作为保证人 D.保证的责任范围须与主债权完全一致

14.个体工商户、农村承包经营户对其债务承担()A.无限责任 B.有限责任 C.按份责任 D.连带责任

15.下列物中,属于限制流通物的是()A.文物 B.矿藏 C.水流 D.房屋

16.债务人向债权人表示同意延期履行拖欠的债务,这将引起诉讼时效()A.延长 B.中止 C.中断 D.暂停

17.按民事权利效力范围的不同,可将其区分为()A.原权和救济权 B.相对权和绝对权 C.主权利和从权利 D.请求权和抗辩权

18.可变更或可撤销民事行为在撤销之前()A.无效 B.效力待定

C.有效 D.既非有效也非无效

19.张某是甲公司的销售人员,随身携带盖有甲公司公章的空白合同书,便于对外签约。后张某因收取回扣被甲公司除名,但空白合同书未被收回,张某以此合同书与乙公司签订一买卖合同。对该合同效力的表述正确的是()A.属于无权代理行为,效力待定 B.构成表见代理,有效 C.违背甲公司的真实意思,可撤销 D.内容违法,无效


A.诚实信用原则 B.等价有偿原则 C.公序良俗原则 D.自愿原则

21.关于隐私权的正确表述是()A.凡民事主体均享有隐私权 B.隐私权属于名誉权的一种 C.隐私权仅自然人享有 D.一切个人信息均为隐私权的客体 22.下列属于自然人人格权的是()A.配偶权 B.名称权 C.亲权 D.肖像权

23.下列情形中适用无过错责任原则的是()A.环境污染致人损害 B.建筑物倒塌致人损害 C.共同危险行为 D.一般侵权行为

24.下列对于被监护人致人损害民事责任承担的表述正确的是()A.监护人尽了监护职责的,可以免除其责任 B.监护人尽了监护职责的,可以适当减轻其责任

C.父母离异后,未成年人致人损害的民事责任只由与被监护人共同生活一方承担 D.父母离异后,未成年人致人损害的民事责任应由离异的双方共同承担 25.高度危险作业致人损害民事责任的免责事由是()A.受害人的过失 B.受害人的故意 C.第三人的过失 D.第三人的故意

26.下列民事责任形式中,仅适用于侵害财产权的责任形式是()A.停止侵害 B.赔礼道歉 C.恢复原状 D.消除影响

27.甲生前由于子女在外地工作,其侄女乙给予其很多的日常生活照顾。在甲死亡后,留下遗产价值30万元。下列表述正确的是()A.乙不能继承甲的财产,因为乙是甲的第二顺序继承人 B.乙可以继承甲的财产,因为乙是甲的继承人之一 C.乙可以适当分得甲的遗产


28.甲死亡时留下房屋一间,价值8000元,欠个人债务6000元。甲死亡后其邻居垫付安葬费3000元。对于上述债务的清偿表述正确的是()A.甲的继承人在继承的8000元范围内偿还上述两笔债务 B.甲的继承人不继承8000元则只偿还3000元债务 C.甲的继承人在继承8000元后才偿还上述两笔债务 D.甲的继承人不继承8000元也应偿还上述两笔债务 29.下列关于继承权放弃的说法正确的是()A.限制行为能力人的继承权不能放弃 B.放弃继承权可以是默示方式

C.放弃继承权应该在继承开始前做出 D.放弃继承权应采用明示的方式

30.下列遗嘱形式中,不需要遗嘱见证人在场见证的是()A.自书遗嘱 B.口头遗嘱

C.代书遗嘱 D.录音遗嘱


31.与人格权相比,身份权的特征有()A.基于特定身份而取得 B.客体是身份利益

C.是民事主体固有的一种权利 D.始于自然人出生、终于自然人死亡 E.在本质上是权利,但有些权利中包含着义务 32.对合伙债务承担的正确表述是()A.合伙人对外承担无限责任

B.合伙人只需按各自的出资比例对外承担责任 C.合伙人内部是一种按份责任 D.合伙人仅以其出资额承担责任

E.合伙人对外承担连带责任,法律另有规定的除外 33.甲在乙商场购买了由丙企业生产的空调扇。在使用过程中,由于空调扇设计上的缺陷,导致空调扇自燃,造成甲的财产损失5000元。对甲的损失的赔偿说法正确的是()A.甲可以要求乙承担无过错责任 B.甲可以要求丙承担无过错责任 C.甲可以要求乙承担过错责任

D.甲可以要求乙和丙连带承担责任 E.甲可以要求丙承担过错责任

34.下列遗产中,可以适用法定继承的情形有()A.受遗赠人甲放弃的其受遗赠的一套住房 B.甲立了遗嘱之后取得的一项专利权

C.继承人甲为争夺遗产杀害了被继承人乙,遗嘱中确立的由甲继承的一营业用房 D.继承人甲放弃被继承人所立遗嘱中确立的由其继承的金钱8万元 E.遗嘱中确立甲继承遗产10万元,但甲先于被继承人死亡 35.债的消灭原因有()A.混同 B.免除 C.提存 D.抵销 E.清偿






(2)乙将电视机卖给丁的行为是什么性质的行为?效力如何确定? 43.2003年5月,张某向赵某借款20万元,以市区一房屋抵押,双方于5月6日签订书面抵押合同,并于5月10日办理了抵押登记。







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一选择 1-5BDDBB 6-10AABCD 11-15BABAA 16-20CBCBA 21-25CDABB 26-30CCBDA 二多选 1ABE 2ACE 3ABD 4ABCDE 5ABCDE






















五案例 1 1)甲将草药卖给丙的行为是代理人和第三人恶意串通,损害被代理人利益的行为,属于无效的民事行为。因此给乙造成的损失,应该由甲和丙承担连带赔偿责任。

2)乙将电视机卖给丁的行为是无权处分行为,属于效力待定的民事行为。是否有效取决于甲是否追认或者乙事后是否取得处分权。2 1)赵某、孙某对房屋的抵押权已成立,成立时间分别为5月10日和7月7日。钱某对房屋的抵押权没有成立。理由:房屋抵押采登记生效要件主义,未办理抵押登记,抵押权不成立。抵押权成立时间为登记之日。



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全国2010年1月自学考试民法学试题 课程代码:00242


1.李某因事需外出一段时间,将自己的一套住房交给朋友魏某照管,后魏某未经李某同意将该套房屋出租给王某居住。当李某知道后很不高兴,但鉴于既成事实,只好表示同意。李某表示同意的行为是行使()A.形成权 B.请求权 C.支配权 D.抗辩权

2.依照《民法通则》的规定,自然人取得完全民事行为能力的年龄是()A.7周岁 B.16周岁 C.10周岁 D.18周岁


B.实施纯获利益的行为,无需法定代理人同意 C.所实施的民事行为均需法定代理人追认才能生效 D.所立遗嘱无效

4.作为民事法律事实的行为()A.不能是违法行为 B.只能是民事法律行为

C.只能是表意行为 D.既可以是合法行为,也可以是违法行为 5.下列关于人身权的表述正确的是()A.可与人身分离 B.具有财产内容 C.与财产权具有密切联系 D.具有相对性 6.宣告失踪须自然人下落不明满()A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.4年


A.因显失公平而无效 B.因显失公平而可撤销 C.因乘人之危而无效 D.因乘人之危而可撤销

8.下列民事行为中属于无效民事行为的是()A.无权处分行为 B.无权代理行为

C.重大误解行为 D.恶意串通损害他人利益的行为


A.是如实报道,不构成侵权 B.侵害了甲的隐私权 C.侵害了甲的姓名权 D.侵害了甲的身体权

10.甲无故拖欠乙86万元货款。乙为了实现其债权,探知甲对丙享有56万元债权到期未主张,乙遂依法主张代位权要求丙清偿。下列表述正确的是()A.丙应向甲履行,甲再向乙履行 B.乙无权要求丙清偿 C.丙应向乙履行 D.丙可以向乙履行,也可以向甲履行


A.主债务履行期届满之日起6个月 B.借款发生之日起2年 C.借款发生之日起6个月 D.主债务履行期届满之日起2年 12.下列关于主债和担保的关系的表述正确的是()

A.债的担保无效,主债也无效 B.主债无效,债的担保也无效 C.债的担保的效力具有独立性 D.担保是由法律规定的 13.下列属于债的保全方式的是()A.留置权 B.抵押权 C.撤销权 D.质权


A.甲公司承担 B.丙公司承担

C.甲和丙共同承担 D.甲和丙按过错大小承担 15.债的要素包括()A.客体和内容 B.主体和客体

C.主体和内容 D.主体、客体和内容

16.甲向乙借款8000元。双方签订书面借款合同约定:甲以冰箱、彩电各一台设定质押,甲如果到期不能偿还债务,乙有权将冰箱和彩电变价受偿,为不影响甲家的生活,冰箱、彩电仍归甲家使用。下列表述正确的是()A.乙对冰箱、彩电取得了质权 B.乙对冰箱、彩电未取得质权

C.如果进行了质押登记乙可以取得质权 D.如果未进行质押登记乙不能取得质权

17.下列关于留置权的表述正确的是()A.基于当事人的约定产生 B.客体只能是动产

C.效力独立于所担保的主债权 D.客体可以是动产和不动产 18.相邻关系的客体是()A.相邻的不动产 B.相邻的动产

C.行使相邻不动产权利时所体现的利益 D.相邻的动产与不动产 19.下列关于建筑物区分所有权的表述错误的是()

A.建筑物区分所有权是一种共有关系 B.主体具有双重身分性 C.内容具有复合性 D.客体只能是建筑物 20.具有恒久性的权利是()A.合同权利 B.知识产权 C.人身权 D.所有权

21.根据物权人对标的物的支配范围,物权可以分为()A.用益物权与担保物权 B.完全物权与不完全物权 C.主物权与从物权 D.有期物权与无期物权 22.无过错责任原则()

A.是指在行为人无过错的情况下承担民事责任的归责原则 B.只能在双方均无过错时适用 C.是侵权责任的一般归责原则


23.某杂志为扩大销量,精心炮制了某著名影星甲的一段绯闻,给甲带来了极大的精神痛苦。甲将该杂志社告到法院,该案不适用的责任方式是()A.赔偿损失 B.消除影响、恢复名誉 C.赔礼道歉 D.消除危险

24.李某骑自行车经过一路面施工工地时,掉入没有设置明显标志和采取安全措施的坑中,造成骨折。对于李某的损失,应由()A.李某自己承担 B.发包人和承包人共同承担 C.发包人承担 D.承包人承担


A.国家机关工作人员职务侵权致人损害 B.建筑物倒塌致人损害 C.环境污染致人损害 D.高度危险作业致人损害

26.王某被李某的惊马踏伤,向李某诉请损害赔偿。王某不需要举证证明的是()A.自己所受的损失 B.侵权事实与损失之间的因果关系 C.侵权的事实 D.李某的过错 27.甲与妻乙携5岁的女儿丙和70岁的老父丁一起去春游,在乘坐缆车时不幸坠入山谷,四人无一生还,又无法确定他们死亡的先后顺序,如果他们都有继承人,推定最先死亡的人是()A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁

28.被继承人死亡前,继承人的继承权是一种()A.形成权 B.期待权 C.绝对权 D.相对权

29.依我国现行规定,继承人丧失继承权的,其晚辈直系血亲()A.不得代位继承 B.作为第二顺序继承人 C.仍享有代位继承权 D.作为第一顺序继承人








A.小学生将走丢的幼儿园小朋友送回家 B.道路维护人员救助自杀的路人 C.代邻居缴纳税款 D.收留被子女遗弃的老人 E.参与邻居家房屋的救火

32.一般认为不适用诉讼时效规定的请求权是()A.未授权给公民、法人经营、管理的国家财产受到侵害的 B.因人身权受到侵害的 C.因继承权受到侵害的

D.因债务迟延履行造成损害的 E.因拒绝支付租金而发生纠纷的

33.下列行为中,不属于侵犯肖像权的行为是()A.在寻人启事上刊登张某的照片 B.在通缉令上使用逃犯徐某的照片 C.在庭审中使用犯罪嫌疑人王某的照片




()A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 E.戊

35.李某自甲商场购得乙厂生产的高压锅,后因高压锅存在质量瑕疵,导致高压锅爆炸,炸伤李某。李某()A.有权请求甲商场承担违约责任 B.有权请求甲商场承担侵权责任 C.有权请求乙厂承担侵权责任

D.有权请求甲商场和乙厂承担连带赔偿责任 E.只能请求乙厂承担侵权责任







(3)戊是否能够取得该设备的所有权?为什么? 43.某日,王小东、张小安和江小亮(均为未成年人)在楼房的阳台上玩耍。在玩耍过程中,三人各自拿了一块砖头,同时从阳台上往下扔。其中一块砖头恰好砸中了在户外散步的姚大民怀抱的三岁儿子姚小民,致使其当场死亡。但该致害砖头为谁所扔不能确定。姚大民遂将王小东等三人告上法庭。



中国自考人(www.xiexiebang.com)——改写昨日遗憾 创造美好明天!用科学方法牢记知识点顺利通过考试!课程代码:00242









A.可以亲自实施与行为能力相适应的民事行为 B.实施纯获利益的行为,无需法定代理人同意

C.所实施的民事行为均需法定代理人追认才能生效 D.所立遗嘱无效 4.作为民事法律事实的行为(D)A.不能是违法行为 B.只能是民事法律行为

C.只能是表意行为 D.既可以是合法行为,也可以是违法行为


















A.无权处分行为B.无权代理行为C.重大误解行为D.恶意串通损害他人利益的行为 无效民事行为的种类:










10.甲无故拖欠乙86万元货款。乙为了实现其债权,探知甲对丙享有56万元债权到期未主张,乙遂依法主张代位权要求丙清偿。下列表述正确的是(C)A.丙应向甲履行,甲再向乙履行 B.乙无权要求丙清偿 C.丙应向乙履行 D.丙可以向乙履行,也可以向甲履行



A.主债务履行期届满之日起6个月 B.借款发生之日起2年 C.借款发生之日起6个月 D.主债务履行期届满之日起2年 12.下列关于主债和担保的关系的表述正确的是(B)A.债的担保无效,主债也无效 B.主债无效,债的担保也无效 C.债的担保的效力具有独立性 D.担保是由法律规定的约定的











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