
时间:2019-05-14 06:52:29下载本文作者:会员上传


The Book Report Of The Princess Diaries This week I watched a movie named The Princess Diaries in our spoken English class.The movie is about a 16-year-old girl named Mia.She lives with her divorced mother who once married to a prince,who was Mia’s father.Mia did not know she was a princess until one day her grandmother, Genovia’s Queen visited her mother and her.Mia is lost when she is faced with such a huge responsibility to run a country.She is the kind of girl who can not even fit in.In fact if people are not being polite, she could be called a nerd.Only a very ‘special’ girl is her good friend who criticizes Mia all the time especially after she knew Mia was a princess.Mia at first refuses to be a princess because she is not confident.She is really not good at speech.She always gets nervous that she even faints or runs away when speaking in public.However, Mia has to take the “ princess lessons” and she needs to be a good princess in three weeks.At first, she feels embarrassed to admit that she is a princess.One day she finds out the dairy her father gave her as a birthday present, which said“ The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.” She feels encouraged and attempts to be a princess;however, good things never go smoothly and she’s caught with a bunch of guys and newspapers exaggerate everything.She finds it hard to deal with the life of being a princess.On the day that her grandma is to announce the heir to the throne, Mia retreats and wants to flee away from becoming the queen of the country.However, that is a real rainy day and finally the pour-down wakes her up and she hurries to the palace and makes a great speech that she is the one for the throne.Then things are getting better, the princess and prince live happily ever after.Anne Hathaway plays the role of Mia.Anne is good, but she acts so corny or cheesy in this one.It’s such a girly movie and doesn't have any deep values that movies are supposed to have.Well, it's just one of those girly movies, meaningless and only good for a few laughs.The whole movie was so unreal and of course movies are never real, but it’s just… not good.Some of the movie parts annoy me a lot.How can the movie be so corny? I really don’t like it.Although I do not like this movie very much, but if I see it rationally, it’s still watchable and tolerable.It's also so predictable that if you snooze in the middle of it, you won't miss anything when you wake up.This is one of the few “kid's movies” that I wouldn't hesitate to watch with a kid, because it’s about how an ugly duckling becomes a swan.When we were kids it’s always great to know that every ordinary girl can become someone special.Girls will never lose hopes and try to be as amazing as possible.To some extent, that’s still an okay movie anyway.









公主日记1(the princess diaries 1)

该上学了!time for school!不要做白日梦了 你要迟到了

stop daydreaming.youll be late for school.有时我有些梦想 sometimes l have dreams.嘿 louie 起来 l picture myself flyin 该去上学了 its time to go to school.云中穿梭 through the clouds 搏击长空 high in the sky 征服世界

conquering the world 带着我的魔法钢琴 with my magic piano 不再害怕

never being scared 然后我意识到 but then i realize 我有超能力 im supergirl 我要来拯救世界

and im here to save the world 但是我想知道 but i wanna know 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 感觉有信心吗? are you feeling confident? 不太有 not really.你就记住 演讲的时候...now just remember, when you make your speech...不要看下面的人

dont look at the people.盯住后面墙上的某个地方...pick a spot on the back wall...不要转移视线...dont take your eyes off of it...并且声音要放大 and speak loudly.谢谢 妈妈 thanks, mom.再见 妈妈 bye, mom.祝你好运 good luck.早上好 buttons morning, buttons.友好点 buttons be nice, buttons.对不起 robutusen先生 sorry, mr.robutusen.祝你愉快

have a nice day.才怪 i doubt it.我有超能力 lm supergirl 我有超能力 im supergirl 我想知道

what i wanna know 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 嘿 加油 哦 加油 hey, there, ho there 你们好吗? how do you do? grove雄狮向你们问好

this is grove lions sayin hi to you.-我是lana...-anna...-im lana...-anna...fontana fontana.上来 雄狮!go lions!josh!josh!我有超能力 im supergirl-josh!-你在干什么?-josh!-what are you doing? 哦 他真是爱出风头 oh, hes such a show-off.jeremiah 请从墙上下来 jeremiah, off the wall, piease.快点 你应该很清楚

good morning, miss gupta.早上好 lilly...morning, lilly...还有lilly的朋友 lillys friend.我有超能力 im supergirl 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 你知道 作为球队的经纪人...you know, as manager of the team...我真的认为你应该加入球队

i really think you should be a part of the team.哦 哦!天哪 oh, oh!oops.对不起 我没看见你 im sorry, i didnt see you.我在想...i was thinking...又有人坐在我身上了

somebody sat on me again.-真的?-真的-really?-yeah.我不知道怎么回事 l dont know what happened.我就是坐在那儿 练习我的演讲...l was just sitting there, working on my speech...教室里鸦雀无声...its really a dumb class...毛骨悚然的景象 jerk and jerkette sighting.夏日的轻吻

soft kisses on a summers day 驱走我们所有的烦恼 laughing all our cares away 梦想...and dream of...-什么?-什么?-what?-what? 你没见过两个傻瓜交换口水? you never saw two idiots exchange saliva before? 哦 是啊 oh.yeah.他们太粗鲁了 theyre so rude.好 你知道吗 有那么一瞬间...good.you know, for a second there...我以为你要离开我加入那些主流人物呢 i thought you were going a-crowd on me.哦 才不会呢

oh, heh.negative.准备好辩论了吗? ready for debate? 我永远不会准备好的 lm never ready for debate.加油 josh!go, josh!所以这不是场辩论 so this is not a debate.而是控制的问题 this is a control issue.grove利用教学来控制我们的思想...grove controls our minds with what they teach us...但是你们知道吗? but you know what? 他们并没有因此而满足 theyre not satisfied with that.我认为grove应该取消校服...i think grove should dump the uniforms...让我们全年都穿便装!and we have casual dress all year round!好了 好了 all right, all right.好 姑娘们 冷静一下 冷静一下 ok, girls, settle down.settle down.这不过是场辩论 辩论结束后...this is a debate, and after its over...我希望你们还是穿上校服 i want you back in your school uniform.嘿 老大 管你怎么说 hey, boss, whatever you say.josh 坐下 josh, sit down.-他太棒了-他是我的

-hes the man.-hes my man.好了 josh 等会 好吗? ok, josh.later, ok? 坐下 坐下 小子 你已经说明了自己的 观点

down, down, boy.you made your point.好 那么 我们听到了...ok, so, now weve all heard...正方辩手josh bryant的观点

from josh bryant for the affirmative.我喜欢这个声音 i love that sound.我的观点是什么来着? whats my point again? 你喜欢我们的校服 它们代表着平等 you like our uniforms.theyre equalizers.现在我们听听来自...now well hear the rebuttal...mia thermopolis的辩驳...from mia thermopolis...她将代表反方...who will present the negative argument...提出反对的观点


what a frizz-ball.看她的头发 look at her hair.我们等着呢 were waiting.快说!say something!你们知道 呃...我...you see, um...i...你们看 便服...便服...呃...see, casual...casual...uh...你没事吧? are you ok? 她要吐了

shes gonna barf.哦 天哪!她要吐了!oh, god!shes gonna hurl!盖上喇叭!cover the tuba!好了 好了 都安静下来

ok, ok.everybody settle down.学着去飞 learn how to fly 准备前行 gotta move on 从心碎的地方开始...from whats breaking your heart...mia!帮taubman太太攀完...mia!finish up with mrs.taubman...你就可以休息了

and then you can take a break.hersh太太又给了大笔小费 another huge tip from mrs.hersh.taubman太太也给了我小费 我们今天一 整天都干得不错

i got one from mrs.taubman.were doing all right today.walsh先生的绳子缠起来了 mr.walshs ropes are twisted.walsh先生 别缠了!mr.walsh, stop twisting!你会被勒死的!youll strangle yourself!嗨 妈妈 hi, mom.你吐了是吧? you threw up, huh? 还跑掉了 and you ran away.我正试着忘却

lm trying to forget about it.我要鞋和粉笔 好吗? can i have some shoes and chalk, please? 不管怎么样 我会和你们辩论老师谈谈...anyway, ill go taik to your debate teacher...-他叫什么?-oconnell先生-whats his name?-mr.oconnell.我会把事情解决 and straighten it all out.妈 我永远不会成为一个优秀的演讲者 的

mom, i am never going to be a good public speaker.就跟他说我想演哑剧

just caii him and tell him i want to be a mime.-这个我能做到-给你-i can do that.-here you go.哦 你奶奶打电话来了 oh, your grandmother called.什么? what? 活着的那个 the live one.住在genovia的clarisse.who lives in genovia.clarisse.这是她第一次联系我们

this is the first time shes ever contacted us.她想干什么? whatd she want? 她就在城里 shes in town.想喝杯茶 she wants to have tea.喝茶? 她大老远从欧洲跑来喝茶? tea? she came all the way from europe to have tea? 我觉得我要爬一下

i think im gonna climb a little bit.接电话 rocks around the clock 不是奶奶使你离婚的吗? isnt this the grandmother who made you get a divorce? 嗯 她不承认我...well, she didnt approve of me...但是我和phillipe自己决定...but phillipe and i made the decision...要离婚的 to divorce on our own.我为什么要去见这个无视我们存在的势 利老太婆? why should i go see this snobby lady who ignores us? mia 她是你父亲的母亲

mia, shes your fathers mother.明天去见她吧

just go see her tomorrow.-拜托?-拉紧-please?-tension.她说你父亲希望...she said your father hoped...你们俩有一天能见一面

that you two would meet someday.好吧 我去 all right, ill go.好了 我说了算 all right, i win.乐队练习结束了 band practice is over.我要在这儿上音乐课 出去!l have a music class here.out!第三组试唱一下摘星 lets have the third group try catch a falling.charles 你想到前排吗? charles, you want to be in the front?-谢谢-不客气-thanks.-no problem.michael michael.你确定今天不帮我...are you sure you cant help me...搞拯救猫头鹰的请愿吗? with my spotted owl petition today? 我说过我放学后要去见我奶奶 weve been expecting you.哦 小心点 oh, be carefui.请别压坏我的幸运豆

please dont crush my soy nuts.after school.哦 那好吧 oh, right.抓住流星 catch a falling star 把它放进衣袋 and put it in your pocket 别让它流逝 never let it fade away 抓住流星 catch a falling star 把它放进衣袋

and put it in your pocket 以备不时之需 save it for a rainy day 爱神会眷顾你

tap you on the shoulder 没有星星的夜晚 some starless night 星期天是学校参观 小姐

school tours are on saturday, young lady.我来这儿见我奶奶 im here for a meeting with my grandmother.叫什么? name? clarisse renaldi.clarisse renaldi.哦 请到前门来 thank you very much.不要践踏草坪!get off the grass!欢迎 thermopolis小姐 你的幸运豆很安全 your soy nuts are safe.可以了 ok.这边走

right this way.请自便 shes allergic to peanuts.我们还要给首相夫人准备新枕头

and we need new pillows for the prime ministers wife.她对鹅毛过敏

shes allergic to goose feathers.你好 amelia hello, amelia.我是charlotte genovian的使馆人员

im charlotte, from the genovian attaché corps.嗨 幸会

hi.its nice to meet you.呃 我这是在哪? um, where am i? genovian领事馆 the genovian consulate.你们的花里有梨

youve got pears in your flowers.genovian梨 我们因此著称 genovian pears.were famous for them.那么 你先请坐...now, if youll sit down...她一会儿就到

shell be with you in a moment.篇二:公主日记经典对白 my dearest daughter, 我最亲爱的女儿

today is your sixteenth birthday.今天是你16岁的生日 congratulations.祝贺你

i present you with this diary to fill the pages with your special thoughts, 我送给你这本日记本 ,让你写满你的独特的想法 thoughts of your wonderful life.对你美好生活的独特想法

it is a custom in my family 这在我的家族中是个传统

to pass on a piece of wisdom when one reaches this age.当孩子到一定年龄的时候就把智慧传承下去

i pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me.就像我父亲传承给我一样我也要传承给你

amelia, courage is not the absence of fear 艾米莉亚 勇气不是不再恐惧

but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.而是要判断有比恐惧更重要的东西 the brave may not live forever 勇气也许不能永远存在

but the cautious do not live at all.但是胆怯却根本无济于事

from now on, youll be traveling the road 从现在开始 你就要踏上征程

between who you think you are and who you can be.在你所认为的自己和你能成为的自己中间抉择

the key is to allow youself to make the journey.关键是要你自己踏上这个征程

i also want you to know i loved your mother very much 我也想让你知道我非常爱你的母亲 and still think of her often.仍会常常想起她

happy birthday,my mia.生日快乐 我的米亚

all my love, your father.给你所有的爱 父亲


i am really no good at speechmaking.我对演讲实在不擅长

normally i get so nervous that i faint or run away or sometimes i even get sick.通常我会紧张到昏倒或者跑掉有时甚至呕吐 but you really didn’t need to know that.但是你们真的不需要知道这些

but i am not so afraid anymore.但是我不再那么害怕了 my father helped me.我父亲帮助了我

earlier this evening,i had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne and my mother helped me by telling me that it was ok and by supporting me like she has for my entire life.今晚早些时候,我还想放弃我的王位我妈妈帮助了我 告诉我没关系而且一如既往地支持我,but,then i wondered how i’d feel after abdicating my role as princess of genovia.但是之后我在想放弃吉诺维亚公主的头衔之后会是什么感觉 would i feel relieved or would i feel sad? 我会感到解脱还是难过

and then i realized how many stupid times a day i use the word“i”.然后我意识到一天之中我愚蠢地用了多少次“我”啊

in fact,probably all i ever do is think about myself.实际上,也许我做的所有事都是只想到我自己

and how lame is that when there are 7 billion other people on the planet and, 这太差劲了,当这个星球上还有另外70亿人。。oh,sorry,i’m going too fast.哦 对不起 我说的太快了

but then i thought if i cared about the other 7 billion out there instead of just me,that’s probably a much better use of my time.但是然后我想如果我能考虑另外70亿人而不是我自己我的生活也许会更有意义

see,if i were princess of genovia,then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions.看 如果我是吉诺维亚的公主,那么我的想法和比我聪明的人的想法就能更好被接纳 也许哪些想法就有可能付诸现实

so this morning when i woke up,i was mia thermopolis.所以今天早上我起床的时候 我是我还是米亚 瑟莫普莉斯

but now,i choose to be forevermore amelia mignonette thermopolis renaldi ,princess of genovia 但是现在我选择永远做艾米莉亚 米格纳特 瑟莫普莉斯 瑞纳迪,吉诺维亚的公主

1.mia: me? a princess? shut up!我?是个公主?闭嘴!

queen: i beg your pardon, shut up? nevertheless you are the princess.and i am the queen clarisse renaldi.对不起?闭嘴?总之 你是公主 我是克拉利瑟 瑞纳迪女王

2.mia: why on earth would you pick me to be your princess? 究竟为什么选我做你们的公主? queen: since your father died, you are the natural heir to the throne of geneva.that’s our law.i’m royal by marriage.you are royal by blood.you can rule.你父亲死了之后 你是吉诺维亚王位名正言顺的继承人 我们的法律规定 的 我是因婚姻而位列皇族 你是有真正的皇室血统 你有统治权

3.mia: rule? oh, no!oh, no.no, no no.now you have really got the wrong girl.i never lead anybody, not at brownies, not at camp fire girls.queen clarisse my expectation in life is to be invisible and i’m good at it.统治?哦 不 不行 不行 不行 你们真的找错人了 我从来没有领导过任 何

人。无论在蛋糕柜台还是在女童子军中 克拉利瑟女王 我生活的追求 就是

做个透明人 我很擅长这个

queen: amelia i have other expectations also.in my wildest dreams, i never expected this to happen.but you are the legal heir, the only heir to the genovian throne and we’ll accept you’ll study languages, history, art, political science.i can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand, eat, dress like a princess.and given time, i think you’ll find the palace in genovia a very pleasant place to live.艾米莉亚 我也曾经有过其它追求 即使在我最疯狂的梦中我都从来没想 到事情会

这样 但你是合法的继承人 唯一的。。吉诺维亚王位继承人而且我们会接受这个挑战

帮助你成为真正的公主 哦 我可以给你书看 你将要研习语言 历史 艺术 政治科学

我可以教你言谈举止 穿着打扮 都像个公主 而且 考虑到时间 我想你会发现吉诺

维亚的皇宫是个很适宜居住的地方 4.mia: live in genovia? 住在吉诺维亚?

queen: it’s a wonderful country!amelia, really!那是个很棒的国家 艾米莉亚真的 5.mia: whoa, whoa, just.rewind and freeze.i’m no princess.i’m still waiting for normal body parts to arrive.i refused to move to and rule a country.and do you want another reason? i don’t want to be a princess.哇哇 等等。倒回去 暂停一下 我不是什么公主 我还在等着正常的生长发育

我拒绝搬家去统治一个国家 而且。你想听另一个原因吗?我不想做一个公主!篇三:《公主日记》经典句子




no one can make you feel inferior with your consent.no one can quit being who they really are.没人能够放弃做自己。

we just have to find a different miracle not more,just different.you wouldnt stop driving your mustang just because a couple of insects hit the windshield.courage is not the absense of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.the brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.勇气不是不再恐惧,而毋宁说是发现有比恐惧更重要的东西。勇气也不能所向披靡,但是胆


from now on,youll be travelling the road between who you think you are,and who you can be.the key is to allow yourself to make the journey.从现在开始,你就要踏上征程在你所认为的自己,你能成为的自己中间抉择。关键是要让你





公主日记1(the princess diaries 1)

该上学了!time for school!不要做白日梦了 你要迟到了

stop daydreaming.youll be late for school.有时我有些梦想 sometimes l have dreams.嘿 louie 起来 l picture myself flyin 该去上学了 its time to go to school.云中穿梭 through the clouds 搏击长空 high in the sky 征服世界

conquering the world 带着我的魔法钢琴 with my magic piano 不再害怕

never being scared 然后我意识到 but then i realize 我有超能力 im supergirl 我要来拯救世界

and im here to save the world 但是我想知道 but i wanna know 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 感觉有信心吗? are you feeling confident? 不太有 not really.你就记住 演讲的时候...now just remember, when you make your speech...不要看下面的人

dont look at the people.盯住后面墙上的某个地方...pick a spot on the back wall...不要转移视线...dont take your eyes off of it...并且声音要放大 and speak loudly.谢谢 妈妈 thanks, mom.再见 妈妈 bye, mom.祝你好运 good luck.早上好 buttons morning, buttons.友好点 buttons be nice, buttons.对不起 robutusen先生 sorry, mr.robutusen.祝你愉快

have a nice day.才怪 i doubt it.我有超能力 lm supergirl 我有超能力 im supergirl 我想知道

what i wanna know 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 嘿 加油 哦 加油 hey, there, ho there 你们好吗? how do you do? grove雄狮向你们问好

this is grove lions sayin hi to you.-我是lana...-anna...-im lana...-anna...fontana fontana.上来 雄狮!go lions!josh!josh!我有超能力 im supergirl-josh!-你在干什么?-josh!-what are you doing? 哦 他真是爱出风头 oh, hes such a show-off.jeremiah 请从墙上下来 jeremiah, off the wall, piease.快点 你应该很清楚

good morning, miss gupta.早上好 lilly...morning, lilly...还有lilly的朋友 lillys friend.我有超能力 im supergirl 谁来拯救我? whos gonna save me? 你知道 作为球队的经纪人...you know, as manager of the team...我真的认为你应该加入球队

i really think you should be a part of the team.哦 哦!天哪 oh, oh!oops.对不起 我没看见你 im sorry, i didnt see you.我在想...i was thinking...又有人坐在我身上了

somebody sat on me again.-真的?-真的-really?-yeah.我不知道怎么回事 l dont know what happened.我就是坐在那儿 练习我的演讲...l was just sitting there, working on my speech...教室里鸦雀无声...its really a dumb class...毛骨悚然的景象 jerk and jerkette sighting.夏日的轻吻

soft kisses on a summers day 驱走我们所有的烦恼 laughing all our cares away 梦想...and dream of...-什么?-什么?-what?-what? 你没见过两个傻瓜交换口水? you never saw two idiots exchange saliva before? 哦 是啊 oh.yeah.他们太粗鲁了 theyre so rude.好 你知道吗 有那么一瞬间...good.you know, for a second there...我以为你要离开我加入那些主流人物呢 i thought you were going a-crowd on me.哦 才不会呢

oh, heh.negative.准备好辩论了吗? ready for debate? 我永远不会准备好的 lm never ready for debate.加油 josh!go, josh!所以这不是场辩论 so this is not a debate.而是控制的问题 this is a control issue.grove利用教学来控制我们的思想...grove controls our minds with what they teach us...但是你们知道吗? but you know what? 他们并没有因此而满足 theyre not satisfied with that.我认为grove应该取消校服...i think grove should dump the uniforms...让我们全年都穿便装!and we have casual dress all year round!好了 好了 all right, all right.好 姑娘们 冷静一下 冷静一下 ok, girls, settle down.settle down.这不过是场辩论 辩论结束后...this is a debate, and after its over...我希望你们还是穿上校服 i want you back in your school uniform.嘿 老大 管你怎么说 hey, boss, whatever you say.josh 坐下 josh, sit down.-他太棒了-他是我的

-hes the man.-hes my man.好了 josh 等会 好吗? ok, josh.later, ok? 坐下 坐下 小子 你已经说明了自己的 观点

down, down, boy.you made your point.好 那么 我们听到了...ok, so, now weve all heard...正方辩手josh bryant的观点

from josh bryant for the affirmative.我喜欢这个声音 i love that sound.我的观点是什么来着? whats my point again? 你喜欢我们的校服 它们代表着平等 you like our uniforms.theyre equalizers.现在我们听听来自...now well hear the rebuttal...mia thermopolis的辩驳...from mia thermopolis...她将代表反方...who will present the negative argument...提出反对的观点


what a frizz-ball.看她的头发 look at her hair.我们等着呢 were waiting.快说!say something!你们知道 呃...我...you see, um...i...你们看 便服...便服...呃...see, casual...casual...uh...你没事吧? are you ok? 她要吐了

shes gonna barf.哦 天哪!她要吐了!oh, god!shes gonna hurl!盖上喇叭!cover the tuba!好了 好了 都安静下来

ok, ok.everybody settle down.学着去飞 learn how to fly 准备前行 gotta move on 从心碎的地方开始...from whats breaking your heart...mia!帮taubman太太攀完...mia!finish up with mrs.taubman...你就可以休息了

and then you can take a break.hersh太太又给了大笔小费 another huge tip from mrs.hersh.taubman太太也给了我小费 我们今天一 整天都干得不错

i got one from mrs.taubman.were doing all right today.walsh先生的绳子缠起来了 mr.walshs ropes are twisted.walsh先生 别缠了!mr.walsh, stop twisting!你会被勒死的!youll strangle yourself!嗨 妈妈 hi, mom.你吐了是吧? you threw up, huh? 还跑掉了 and you ran away.我正试着忘却

lm trying to forget about it.我要鞋和粉笔 好吗? can i have some shoes and chalk, please? 不管怎么样 我会和你们辩论老师谈谈...anyway, ill go taik to your debate teacher...-他叫什么?-oconnell先生-whats his name?-mr.oconnell.我会把事情解决 and straighten it all out.妈 我永远不会成为一个优秀的演讲者 的

mom, i am never going to be a good public speaker.就跟他说我想演哑剧

just caii him and tell him i want to be a mime.-这个我能做到-给你-i can do that.-here you go.哦 你奶奶打电话来了 oh, your grandmother called.什么? what? 活着的那个 the live one.住在genovia的clarisse.who lives in genovia.clarisse.这是她第一次联系我们

this is the first time shes ever contacted us.她想干什么? whatd she want? 她就在城里 shes in town.想喝杯茶 she wants to have tea.喝茶? 她大老远从欧洲跑来喝茶? tea? she came all the way from europe to have tea? 我觉得我要爬一下

i think im gonna climb a little bit.接电话 rocks around the clock 不是奶奶使你离婚的吗? isnt this the grandmother who made you get a divorce? 嗯 她不承认我...well, she didnt approve of me...但是我和phillipe自己决定...but phillipe and i made the decision...要离婚的 to divorce on our own.我为什么要去见这个无视我们存在的势 利老太婆? why should i go see this snobby lady who ignores us? mia 她是你父亲的母亲

mia, shes your fathers mother.明天去见她吧

just go see her tomorrow.-拜托?-拉紧-please?-tension.她说你父亲希望...she said your father hoped...你们俩有一天能见一面

that you two would meet someday.好吧 我去 all right, ill go.好了 我说了算 all right, i win.乐队练习结束了 band practice is over.我要在这儿上音乐课 出去!l have a music class here.out!第三组试唱一下摘星 lets have the third group try catch a falling.charles 你想到前排吗? charles, you want to be in the front?-谢谢-不客气-thanks.-no problem.michael michael.你确定今天不帮我...are you sure you cant help me...搞拯救猫头鹰的请愿吗? with my spotted owl petition today? 我说过我放学后要去见我奶奶 weve been expecting you.哦 小心点 oh, be carefui.请别压坏我的幸运豆

please dont crush my soy nuts.after school.哦 那好吧 oh, right.抓住流星 catch a falling star 把它放进衣袋 and put it in your pocket 别让它流逝 never let it fade away 抓住流星 catch a falling star 把它放进衣袋

and put it in your pocket 以备不时之需 save it for a rainy day 爱神会眷顾你

tap you on the shoulder 没有星星的夜晚 some starless night 星期天是学校参观 小姐

school tours are on saturday, young lady.我来这儿见我奶奶 im here for a meeting with my grandmother.叫什么? name? clarisse renaldi.clarisse renaldi.哦 请到前门来 thank you very much.不要践踏草坪!get off the grass!欢迎 thermopolis小姐 你的幸运豆很安全 your soy nuts are safe.可以了 ok.这边走

right this way.请自便 shes allergic to peanuts.我们还要给首相夫人准备新枕头

and we need new pillows for the prime ministers wife.她对鹅毛过敏

shes allergic to goose feathers.你好 amelia hello, amelia.我是charlotte genovian的使馆人员

im charlotte, from the genovian attaché corps.嗨 幸会

hi.its nice to meet you.呃 我这是在哪? um, where am i? genovian领事馆 the genovian consulate.你们的花里有梨

youve got pears in your flowers.genovian梨 我们因此著称 genovian pears.were famous for them.那么 你先请坐...now, if youll sit down...她一会儿就到

shell be with you in a moment.篇二:公主日记 中英文影评

每个女孩心中都有一个梦,成为一个公主。《公主日记》讲述的是一个纽约城里一个普普通通的女孩儿,突然被证实是一个临近小国的公主,而后公主由皇后奶奶调教为举止优雅的真正公主,并最终选择担当起治理国家的责任的故事。真的推荐每一个女孩子都来看看这部电影,满足自己心中一个小小的梦。content abstract 印象最深的台词却是lily 的哥哥michael 在最后舞会上和mia 公主到了后花园,他问她:“why me ? 她答:because you saw me when i was invisible.多真切的台词,爱你,不是因为你的浮华外表,只因为真实的你。memorable lines the deepest impression is lilys elder brother michael and princess mia’s dialogue at the last party in the garden, he asked her: why me ? her answer: because you saw me when i was invisible.how true the lines are, love you, not because of your flashy appearance, just you.有的时候,爱上一个人只是一瞬间的事情,只因一件事,一句话,甚至只是一个眼神,就足的以照亮你的心,有的人说不清楚哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了。my feeling of love sometimes, falling in love with a person is just for an instant, for one thing, for a word, or even just a look, it is enough to light up your heart, you can’t say clearly why you like him, but you know he is the reason why you dont like other peopleand he cant be replaced in your heart.美丽的定义有很多种,安妮的笑容让我想起中国内地的一个影星姚晨,一样的大嘴,一样明媚的笑容,也是因为这个笑容让他们走进观众的视线,同样他们的感情之路一样坎坷,但却又是如此勇敢的面对的生活的一切,面对媒体的质疑,这样的一个人,不管在角色中还是在生活中都是美丽的。about the protagonist there are many kinds of the beauty, anne ‘s smile reminds me of a mainland chinese star yao chen, the same mouth, the same bright smile, also because the smile let them into the audiences sight, also their love experience is bumpy, but they still are so brave to face life, such a person, no matter in character or in the life is beautiful.《公主日记》虽然是每个女孩心中的一个美丽泡沫,尽管随着时间的推移泡沫会破碎,但破碎后的水滴就那样留在心上,只有更加努力才能更好的活着。美丽不是别人给的,而是自己创造的。








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