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【真题例句】 The costs of globalization process is enormous.[2001阅读Text4,65题C选项] 【经典译文】全球化进程的代价是巨大的。


【真题例句】 Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government’s Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time-consuming, and will work in truly extreme cases.(2003阅读Text3)



【真题例句】Playing video games encourages immediate content.And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way.[2007年阅读新题型] 【经典译文】玩计算机游戏可以获得立即的满足。连续看几个小时的喜剧电视节目只能教会孩子消极的处理信息。

【辨析】process, procedure, proceedings.三个词构词方法相同pro向前+cess/ced/ceed(走),所以意思也相近。



例:admission procedure入学手续; procedure of teaching教学步骤




【真题例句】 market-oriented economy市场经济 [1994阅读Text1] 【僻义熟性】n.经济体,国家

【真题例句】 For each dollar of GDP(in constant prices)rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973.[2003阅读Text3]



An economy class air ticket is fit for ordinary workers, because it costs much less.【经典译文】经济舱机票对一般工作人员比较合适,因为它的价格要便宜得多。


【真题例句】socio-economic status社会经济地位[1991阅读Text2] economical(2次)a.经济的(强调节省钱和资源);节约的

【真题例句】 the use of cars has proved to be more economical.[89阅读Text 2, 19题D选项] 【经典译文】使用小汽车被证明是更加节约的。


【熟义熟性】n.练习 【真题例句】 Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities.[2007年阅读新题型] 【经典译文】孩子需要充分离线延迟满足以及运用有效的组织技能,比如管理时间和分轻重缓急。


【真题例句】If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural[2002年阅读Text1]



【真题例句】Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School.[2007年阅读新题型] 【经典译文】纽约哥伦比亚商学院的伊利·诺姆建议说,的确,正如有公认的会计准则一样,也许现在应该制定公认的安全准则了。



【真题例句】 Either way, one benefit of a “national” organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers.[2005年阅读新题型] 【经典译文】不管国家是何种含义,“国家”机构的好处之一就是能够通过谈判从医药生产商哪里获得更优惠的价格。


【真题例句】 37.Corporations and labor unions have ________ great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public.[A] conferred [99年词汇37题]


【僻义熟性】v.得益于(from, in)

【真题例句】What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition--if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents.[2000年阅读Text5]




【真题例句】 The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless.[1997年翻译]



【真题例句】 He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.[2005年阅读Text4] 【经典译文】不像其他大多数人,麦克沃特先生并不认为我们说话方式不规范就会造成我们的思维混乱。Climate(15次)


【真题例句】 The flight from overcrowdedness affects the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates.[1998年阅读Text4] 【经典译文】逃离人口过度稠密区的做法改变了以前那种离开寒冷地带去气候宜人之地的趋势。


【真题例句】 When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.[1999年完形]



【熟义熟性】a.学院的,学业的【真题例句】 If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values.[1995年阅读text4] 【经典译文】如果学校对学业的强调减少一些,也许就有更多的时间教孩子更重要的价值观念。


【真题例句】 Mr.McWhorter’s academic specialty is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.[2005年阅读4]


【僻义僻性】 n.学者,大学教师

【真题例句】 Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much “reengineering” has been crude.[1998年阅读text2]



National Academy of Science国家科学学院



【真题例句】Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.[2002年阅读text3]



【真题例句】On anther level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide(医生协助自杀)debated has been fueled in part by the despair of parents for whom the modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.[2002年阅读text4] 【经典译文】在另一方,父母们认为现代医药延长了奄奄一息的病人的身体痛苦。医药界的人也承认这些父母的绝望这给医助自杀的讨论火上浇油。



【僻义僻性之一】 v.致函,写姓名地址;

【真题例句】Prior to his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.[1986词汇第3题] 【经典译文】在离开之前,他给他女儿写了一封信。


【真题例句】Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.[2002年阅读Text1]

【经典译文】 针对不同的听众,要谈的问题也应该不同。


【真题例句】 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are comprehensive programs that address the many needs of the homeless.[2006年完形] 【经典译文】《波士顿环球日报》记者克里斯“雷迪认为只有通过全面规划来解决这些无家可归者的各种需求,这种局面才有可能得到改善。


【熟义熟性】a.奇怪的,奇特的 【近义词】strange

【真题例句】 Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.[1998年翻译]


【僻义熟性之一】a.临时的,不固定的 【近义词】temporary 【真题例句】 Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety.[2007年阅读Text4]


【僻义熟性之二】a.奇数的,不成对的 【反义词】even 【例】an odd shoe.一只不成对的鞋


【真题例句】 Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation.[2007年阅读Text3] 考研英语对词汇深度的考查尤其体现在一词多意,一词多性。例如light这个基础词汇,很多同学只知道light n.光;而这个单词在考研中出现了19次,考查的意思多达5种。


【熟义熟性】n.光,发光体,灯 Light-year 光年

【僻义僻性】lighting n.照明,照明设备,舞台灯光

【真题例句】At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting, trams and other services to the taxpayers.[1996年Text3]



【僻义僻性】Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby(particularly a boy baby)surviving depended on its weight.A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death.[2000年阅读Text2] 【经典译文】50年前,婴儿(尤其是男婴)存活的几率取决于体重,轻一公斤或重一公斤几乎意味着必死无疑。

【僻义僻性】v.点燃 【真题例句】Light up the stove and you could burn down the house.[1999年阅读Text1]【经典译文】把炉子点燃后,你有可能把整座房子烧毁。

【常考短语】in the light of 按照, 根据, 当作 [近] according to

【真题例句】He explores such problem consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained.[2006年翻译] 【经典译文】他自觉地、清晰地、坦率地、探索这样的问题:首先问事实问题,然后问到的问题,最后根据他掌握的事实和道德信息给出恰当的行为建议。

【常考短语】shed light on= cast light on

[本意] 把灯光投射在„之上;[转义] 详细说明

【真题例句】A researcher has now __48__ the mystery of why the animals die.[1995年完形填空]

[A] paid attention to [B] caught sight of [C] laid emphasis on [D] cast light on 【经典译文】一名研究者现在已经揭开了动物死亡之谜。

【复合词语】light-hearted 1)轻松愉快的;2)随便的,掉以轻心的

【真题例句】Often it’s the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.[2002年阅读Text1]





【僻义僻性之一】 v.致函,写姓名地址;

【真题例句】Prior to his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.[1986词汇第3题] 【经典译文】在离开之前,他给他女儿写了一封信。


【真题例句】Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.[2002年阅读Text1]



【真题例句】 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are comprehensive programs that address the many needs of the homeless.[2006年完形] 【经典译文】《波士顿环球日报》记者克里斯”雷迪认为只有通过全面规划来解决这些无家可归者的各种需求,这种局面才有可能得到改善。



第一部分 词汇记忆策略 1.全脑活化




右脑具备左脑没有的特殊机能: 1. 超高速大量记忆机制 2. 图像化机能 3. 超高速演算机能 4. 共振共鸣机能 2.举例说明:

***0***2131425 3.词汇记忆策略:联想法、串联法、构词法、近义词、近形词、易混淆词、加减词、固定搭配

 euthanasia, chrysanthemum  flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony, carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me-not, poinsettia, …

 receive---deceive---conceive(-ceive= take;con-= 共同) tumble---stumble(tumble…into/through 跌倒;stumble…over / on 脚下拌到东西而跌倒)

 stationary---stationery(文具,如笔pen,铅笔pencil中含有“e”, 故见到“e”就想起是文具。)

 genius---genuine(含有us的是天才,因为我们是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”),  form---deform确(形状;变形) attach to

第二部分 实例练习1.联想法

carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour,abalone, flounder, cult, beau 2.串联法 network: Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrieve---log on… 3.构词法


page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage(bond 结束、约束、债券;bondage就含有“束缚、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage(garb 衣服), manage ,spillage, usage, storage, savage, sausage(sauce), dosage language, image, heritage, engage-ward inward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward, downward, seaward, skyward,---coward, reward, award,a-(构成作表语用的形容词;构成动词。。)apart, aloud, around, away, afar, aboard, across alike, acute, alive, asleep, aware amaze, amend, amuse, arise, ascribe, avail, await, awake, award, abound, abridge, amount affirm, acclaim, accompany, account, arrange, array, arrest, arrow 4.近义词

Merchants 煤商

Dealers 买进卖出商人 Businessmen(广义)商人 Tradesmen(英)店主

Scene 特别的景象,如泰山的日出



Nature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象

Urgent 紧急

Hasty 草率

Instant 立刻

Prompt 快速;及时

Contend 竞争;斗争 Compete比赛;竞争 Struggle斗争

Conflict 斗争

Hinder Preclude Detain Retard Hamper Protract Postpone Cancel Delay Adjourn

Blame for Condemn for Accuse of Criticize for Announce Publish Advertise Inform

Substitute Selection Preference Alternative

Fraud Deceive Cheat Dupe

Decline Deny Reject Refuse

Reliable Confident Faithful Dependent

Income Wages Salary Pay Buyers Shoppers Customers Clients Particular Peculiar Special Unusual

Preliminary Primary Elementary Fundamental

Perplex Puzzle Confuse

Fatigued Tired Exhausted Bored

Thieves Burglars Robbers Bandits

Synthetic False Imitation Counterfeit Artificial

Mortal Fatal Deadly

Imaginative Imaginable Imagined Imaginary

Reproach Scold Compliment Reprimand

Empty Blank Vacant Bare .近形词 fiction fraction friction function

tumble stumble scramble humble tremble resume consume assume presume

resumption consumption assumption presumption bore core pore sore

simplify modify verify rectify

justify testify rectify verify

transcription subscription prescription description

attribute contribute distribute tribute

attitude altitude aptitude

descriptive prescriptive

interference interruption intervention interaction

transaction transmission transformation transition

contact intact

possibility validity reliability security

conceivable perceivable arise rise raise arouse

respectful respectable respected respective

detain attain retain certain contain

room doom boom loom

intense intentional intensive intending intended

assure ensure insure reassure

sometimes some time sometime some times

hatch catch patch match bare rare care dare fare hare

banish vanish diminish admonish

durability flexibility versatility 5 hostility fold include

gold cooperate hold form coordinate mold deform correlate sold inform correspond told transform

conform observe migrant

reserve immigrant contempt conserve immigrate attempt preserve immigration prompt deserve emigrant

emigrate except prior emigration accept superior concept inferior edge percept senior hedge

junior wedge receive

pledge deceive sparrow

conceive swallow deduce perceive hollow reduce

sorrow produce achieve narrow induce believe pillow seduce grieve

relieve bold preclude

cold exclude 自测题:

1.不看讲义,试一试你的记忆力。利用联想法,你能记住多少刚才所学的词:1.____________________ 2.__________________ 3._________________ 4._____________________ 5.__________________ 6._________________ 7._____________________ 8.__________________ 9._________________ 10.____________________ 11._________________ 12.________________ 2.列出以下单词的近义词: 1.income 2.mortal 3.urgent 4.synthetic 5.deceive 6.retard 7.empty 8.confuse

9.buyer 10.contend


1.tumble 2.description 3.justify 4.attain 5.attribute 6.prior



煤商 Dealers

买进卖出商人 Businessmen(广义)商人 Tradesmen



特别的景象,如泰山的日出 Scenery 一国一地的自然风光 Views 特别的景象 Nature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象

Urgent 紧急 Hasty

草率 Instant 立刻 Prompt 快速;及时

Contend 搏斗;争夺(compete against sb.in order to gain sth.)

Compete 比赛;竞争(try to be more successful than another person or organization in business)compete with sb.for sth./ compete for office(争夺公职)/ against Struggle 斗争(try hard to achieve sth.)struggle against difficulties/ struggle for freedom Conflict

斗争(两种观点、信仰不能同时存在,不能都正确。)a conflict of opinion(分歧);The two accounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.(关于发生的事情,两个报道截然不同。)

Hinder: make it difficult for sb.to do sth.Or for sth.to develop High invest rates will hinder economic growth.Preclude:(formal)prevent sth.or make sth.impossible Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate.Detain:(officially)prevent sb.from leaving some place(拘留;扣押)

Delay sb.who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.(耽搁;留住)He was detained by a flat tire on his way home.The police detained the man to make further inquiries.Retard:(formal)to delay the development of sth.or to make sth.happen more slowly than expected.(妨碍;推迟)

Cold weather retards the growth of many plants.Bad roads retard the car(失修的公路阻滞了车速。)

Hamper: restrict sb.movement, activities, achievements by causing difficulties for them.Women's progress in the workplace is still hampered by male's attitudes.Hamper sb.from getting elected.Protract: last a long time, esp.longer than usual Protracted negotiations 旷日持久的谈判

Protract one's stay for some weeks 多呆了几个星期 Postpone: change an event, action to a later time or date Gail and Lisa have decided to postpone having a family for a while.The match had to be postponed.Cancel: arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happen.The football game had been cancelled due to rain.Delay: wait until a later time to do sth.Don't delay claiming or you may lose benefit.Adjourn: finish or stop for a short time The chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time.Blame for

把……归于 Condemn for 谴责 Accuse sb.of sth.指责 Criticize for



宣布;通知 Publish

发表;出版 Advertise

为……做广告 Inform

告知(inform sb.of sth.)

Substitute: sth.new or different that you use instead of sth.else that you used previously.替代品;替补

Substitute teacher 代课教师

Selection: the careful choice of a particular person or thing from among a group of similar people or things.Preference: if you like a preference for sth.you like it more than another thing.Alternative: sth.that you can choose to do or use instead of sth.else

Fraud: a method of illegally getting money from sb., often by using clever and complicated methods.Deceive: make sb.believe sth.that is not true in order to get what you want.Cheat: behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, esp.in competitive, game, exams.Dupe: trick or deceive sb.哄骗;诈骗

Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods.Decline: refuse to do sth.(比较婉转,礼貌拒绝邀请)

Deny: She denied working for the enemy = She said she was not working for the enemy(NOT: She refused to work for the enemy.)Reject:拒绝申请,观点,计划 Refuse: 拒绝邀请

Turn down 拒绝(口语)

Reliable 可靠的;可信赖的(侧重于始终如一。)Confident 有信心的 Faithful 忠实的;可靠的(侧重于“忠于……”a reliable person, a faithful fighter

Dependent 从属的;依靠的Income 总收入 Wages 按周或日付酬 Salary 月薪;年薪 Pay 工资

Buyers 买主

Shoppers 家庭中外出购物的人 Customers 顾客 Clients 委托人

Particular: special enough to mention separately Peculiar: strange, unfamiliar, and a little surprising, esp.in a way that is unpleasant or worrying.Taste peculiar Special: not ordinary but different in some way and often better or more important.a special diet unusual: different from what is usual special---specially or especially specially: used when you do sth.that is different from what you usually do for a particular purpose(with a passive form of a verb: a specially made)especially: to emphasize sth.is more worth mentioning or more important than the other things,(…, especially when…)Preliminary 初步的;开始的(强调开始之前有准备工作)Primary 最初的;→主要的;基本的;→没有预备 Elementary 初步的;简单的 Fundamental 基础的


Make you feel worried and confused because it is difficult to understand.e.g.I was somewhat perplexed by his response.Puzzle: confuse sb.or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand sth.e.g.What puzzles me is how the burglar got into the house without setting off the alarm.Confuse(常用被动)

Make sb.feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand.e.g.Don't give me so much information.---you are confusing me.I was confused.Fatigued: very tired.e.g.fatigued after her long journey, Bill fell into a deep sleep.Tired: feeling that you want tosleep or rest.Exhausted: extremely tired and having no energy.Bored: tired and impatient because you do not think sth.is interesting, or because you have nothing to do.e.g.Children easily get bored.Thieves 小偷;窃贼 Burglars 潜入室内的盗贼 Robbers 强盗;贼

Bandits 土匪;强盗(常出没在山区、森林)

Synthetic 合成的 False 假的;人造的(强调替代品,与原物不一样,如假牙,人造瓒石)Imitation 仿造的(Beware of imitation 谨防假冒)Counterfeit 比Imitation 更贬义

Artificial 人造的(强调生产方式,如:人工降雨)

Mortal : causing death or likely to cause death e.g.mortal injures / blow / combat Fatal: resulting in sb's death e.g.fatal accident / illness / injures Deadly : like dead in appearance e.g.His face has a deadly paleness

likely to cause death e.g.deadly person lethal: causing death, or having the power to cause death e.g.a lethal dose of a drug

Imaginative: new and interesting idea used in a clever way;good at thingking of new, interesting ideas and at forming pictures in one's mind

e.g.imaginative writer;imaginative child Imaginable: emphasize that sth.is the best, worst example of sth.that it is possible to imagine All, every, only Imagined: forming a picture or idea in your mind about what sth.could be like.Imaginary: not really, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind.e.g.all the characters in this book are imaginary.Reproach: ~sb.for /with sth.~ for doing sth.blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you are disappointed, but not angry e.g.Jake reproached her bitterly for abandoning him.Scold: angrily criticize someone, esp.a child, about sth.that have done.Compliment: ~ sb.on sth.Say sth.nice to sb.in order to praise him Reprimand: ~ sb.for sth.tell sb.officially that sth.they have done is very wrong.Rebuke: speak to sb.severely, about sth.they have done wrong.[ ~ sb.for V-ing] Chide:(literary)to speak angrily to sb.because you do not approve of sth.they have done.Compliment Complement : show up the good qualities in sb.or sth.or make them seem more attractive.Empty: having nothing inside;not having people inside;not being used e.g.an empty table in the corner [ empty nest: the situation that parents are in when all their children have left home] Blank: without any writing, print, or recorded sound;showing no understanding;e.g.go blank: suddenly unable to remember sth.for TV;stop showing any images Vacant: vacant seat, room → empty and available for sb.to use Vacant job, position → empty and available for sb.to start with Bare: empty, not covered by anything or not having any decoration;not covered by clothes, by trees or grass Deceived 欺骗 Deserted 遗弃 Desperated 绝望 Disappointed 失望


fiction 小说 fraction 一部分 friction 摩擦

function 功能;职责

tumble 跌倒 stumble 拌倒

scramble 攀登;争夺 humble 谦虚;羞辱 tremble 颤抖;担心

resume 中断后重新开始 consume 消耗

assume 假定;假设;采用(think that sth.is true although you have no proof of it.E.g.~ responsibilities / power: start to do a job esp.an important one)

presume 推测;冒昧(think you can be sure of sth.because it is likely, although there is no proof.E.g.~ sb./ sth.to be sth./ be ~ed to do sth./ ~ to do sth.resumption 恢复 consumption 消费 assumption 假定;臆断;傲慢(the assumption of responsibilities: the act of starting to have control or power)(His air of assumption made him disliked.)presumption 傲慢;推测;假定(disrespectful or impolite behavior that shows you are too confident)



n.孔 core

v.使厌烦 n.令人讨厌的事 pore

v.注视 n.毛孔

a.多孔的 sore


simplify 简化 modify 更改

对某物作稍微修改使其完善 verify 证实

rectify 纠正;把不满意的状况变成合乎人们所期待的状况

justify 证明……是有道理的 testify 证明

rectify 纠正;把不满意的状况变成合乎人们所期待的状况 verify 证实 transcription: 抄写;翻译;副本 subscription:

捐赠;订阅;认购; prescription 药方;指令 description: 描述;描绘


把……归因于(to)contribute 捐赠;投稿

contribute… to 有助于 distribute 分发;分配 tribute


attitude 态度 altitude 高度 aptitude 天资;倾向 latitude 纬度 multitude 人群(a multitude of …许多)

descriptive 说明的 prescriptive 规范的;约定俗成的

interference 干预(强调妨碍)interruption 打断 intervention 介于;在中间起作用 interaction 相互作用

transaction 办理;交易;学报;相反作用 transmission 传送;传播;发送 transformation 转换;改革 transition 变迁;过渡时期

contact 接触;交往;有影响的熟人(tact 圆滑,乖巧,外交手腕)intact


possibility 可能性 validity 有效性;正确性 reliability 可靠性 security 保障;安全感

conceivable 可想象的;可相信的 able to be belileved or imagined.E.g.every conceivable means perceivable 可感知的;可认识的

arise: begin to happen(problem, difficulty)e.g.arise from= caused by rise: increase, go upwards, rise, become successful raise: e.g.raise a question;waise your voice arouse: make you become interesting, expect sth.;make sb.angry, afraid;wake sb.When things and prices move upwards on their own, they rise.People or government raise / increase the price.E.g.The government is raising the tax.Respectful 尊重别人的;有礼貌的 Respectable 值得人们尊重的;正派的 Respected 受到人们尊重的 Respective 各自的;各个的

detain:(officially)prevent sb.from leaving some place(拘留;扣押)

Delay sb.who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.(耽搁;留住)

Attain: succeed in reaching a particular level or in getting sth.after trying for a long time.Retain: keep sb.or continue to have sth.e.g.retain a sense of dignity Certain: 一定 Contain: 容纳


房间 Doom 厄运;毁灭;定罪 Boom 高潮,迅速发展 Loom 织布机

Intense 强烈的

Intentional 有意的;故意的 Intensive 精细的;强化的 Intending 打算;意欲 intended

assure : tell sb.that sth.with definitely happen.e.g.~sb.that …

be ~ed of: feel certain that sth.will happen ensure: make sure that it does happen(AmE.Insure)e.g.Please ensure that the lights are switched off before leaving the building.Assure can be used in this meaning, but it mainly used in : success, safety.E.g.The band's latest release has assured their success in the rock world.insure: against sth.bad happening to it by paying money to an insurance company.reassure: tell sb.that there is nothing to worry about.e.g.The doctor reassured me that there would be no pain.sometimes 有时 some time 一些时间 sometime 曾经;有朝一日 some times 几次

hatch 孵化 catch 捉 patch 缝补 match 匹配

bare 赤裸裸的;没有陈设的(揭露)rare 稀薄的;稀少的;煎的 care 小心;关心 dare 敢于 fare 车船费;乘客;伙食 hare 野兔

banish 禁止出入;驱逐出境;清除;消除(疾病)vanish 突然不见; 逐渐消失 diminish 减少;贬低

admonish 警告;告诫;忠告

durability 耐用性 flexibility 变通性;灵活性 versatility 多才多艺;多功能 hostility 敌意;敌视

co-col-com-con-cor-with(共同)cooperate 合作 coordinate 协调 correlate 相关 correspond 相符合

collaborate 协作(与cooperate 同,但多用于科学和艺术)

observe 观察

reserve 保留座位 conserve 保护;节省 preserve 保留 deserve 值得

prior 首先的 superior 优先的

inferior 次要的 senior 高级的 junior 初级的 exterior 外部的 interior 内部的

sparrow 麻雀 swallow 燕子 hollow 空的 sorrow 悲伤 narrow 窄的 pillow 枕头 arrow 箭

bold 勇敢的 cold 冷的 fold 折叠;褶 gold 金 hold 握 mold 模式 sold 卖出 told 告诉


移居者 immigrant 入境移民 immigrate 作为移民定居 immigration 移居;(总称)外来移民emigrant

出境移民 emigrate

移居外国 emigration 迁移出境;(总称)移民edge 边沿

hedge 矮树篱笆;障碍物


锲子;锲形物;事情的起因 pledge 誓言;典押;保人

deduce 推断;演绎 reduce 减少 produce 生产

induce 引诱;引起;导致;归纳 seduce 唆使;引入歧途

preclude 排除;杜绝;阻止 exclude 除外

include 包括

form 形式 deform 变形 inform 通知 transform 转变 conform 一致

contempt 轻视 attempt 企图 prompt 促使;推动;激起


except 除…… accept 接受 concept 概念 percept 感知;认知

receive 收到 deceive 欺骗 conceive 含有 perceive 知觉;意识到;把……看作……

(perceive … as … / take … as … / regard … as … / see … as …)achieve 获得 believe 相信

grieve 悲痛 relieve 放松

lilac n.浅紫色

antique violet n.古紫色 pansy n.紫罗兰色 white n.白色

off-white n.灰白色 ivory n.象牙色

snowy white n.雪白色 oyster white n.乳白色 gray n.灰色

charcoal gray n.炭灰色 smoky gray n.烟灰色 misty gray n.雾灰色


词汇题汇总(练习)A scientific law is liable at any time to need modifying.This happens when fact is discovered which seems to_____ what the law would lead one to expect.A.prove B.support C.contradict D.discourage 2 The scientific and medical prizes have proved to be the least______, while those for literature and peace by their very nature have been the most exposed to critical differences.A.radical B.prominent C.confidential D.controversial 3 After several nuclear disasters, a ______ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A.quarrel B.suspicion C.verdict D.controversy 4 Our interests seem to ______ at this point.A.constrain B.condense C.conduct D.converge 5 Rescue teams from all over the world ______ on the earthquake-stricken area after the news s-pread that the quake, which measured 7.9 on the Richter scale, had claimed a toll of 15000 lives.A.diversified B.disseminated C.converged D.accelerated 6 The ______ of electrical energy into thermal energy is a process that is easily carried out at 100% efficiency.A.conversion B.convention C.conversation D.version 7 Without Bob’s testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and ______ in the case will be impossible.A.verdict B.sentence C.conviction D.acquittal 8 The two countries have developed a ______ relation and increased a great deal in foreign trade.A.managerial B.lethal C.metric D.cordial 9 Chemistry is closely______ with other studies: physics, biology and so on.A.corresponded B.concerned C.correlated D.cooperated 10 It is not enough to observe behaviors and _____ them with physiological events that occur at the same time.A.correlate B.comply C.correspond D.pertain 11 Being the manager of a large corporation, he has a great deal of ______ to deal with every day.A.correspondents B.correspondence C.incidence D.dependence 12 Since its inception, Pakistan has strived desperately to ______India, cultivating ties with any state willing to help it.A.counteract B.counterfeited C.counterchange D.counterbalance 13 A briefcase full of counterfeit money was found on the counter.A.forged B.currency C.substituted D.cash 14 He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.A.tenacity B.curiosity C.civility D.hostility 15 What is missing from TV news_______ would fill a book.A.coverage B.dissemination C.declaration D.consultation 16 The none of students in the class likes the mistress, who is used to being_____ of everything they do.A.emotional B.optimistic C.interested D.critical 17 The ______ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.A.crucial B.forcible C.supreme D.valuable 18 In a divorce, the mother usually is granted______ of her children.A.support B.retention C.perseverance D.custody 19 Any person who is in ______ while awaiting trial is considered innocent until he has been declared guilty.A.jeopardy B.custody C.suspicion D.probation 20 The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendant’s trial for murder.A.a decision of guilty B.a decision to punish by electrocution C.an impasse D.an unusual verdict 21 The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, ______ to discuss the implication of that conclusion.A.receded B.implied C.complied D.declined 22 Because of a recent obstacle in production, sales have dropped and accordingly profits have______.A.declined B.increased C.broken D.maintained 23 If somebody is _____, he is given a medal or other honor as an official reward for what he has done.A.confirmed B.decorated C.appreciated D.nominated 24 He won by______ because his opponent refused to play.A.defect B.default C.deficit D.refusal 25 The ____now seems to stand as the primary to a new era of strong economic growth.A.defect B.descent C.deficit D.defeat 26 It was their______ decision to leave their country, and as a result, they lost their citizenship.A.compulsory B.deliberate C.carefree D.modest 27 A ______ plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in these cities.A.deliberate B.disincentive C.functional D.fantastic 28 The supply of apples exceeds the _____ this year.A.request B.claim C.requirement D.demand 29 “Do you like your boss?” “No, he is too_______.”

A.in demand B.demande C.on demand D.demanding 30 I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.A.compliment B.criticize C.flatter D.challenge 31 Because of the bombing that killed six people, Washington has been urging the spokesman to______ terrorism more severely.A.charge B.censor C.blame D.denounce 32 The degree of downward slope of a beach depends o its composition of deposits as well as on the action of waves across its surface.A.sentiment B.sediment C.semester D.segment 33 Nobody at work is very happy, because last week’s sales figures were pretty _____.A.destroying B.depressing C.deceasing D.declining 34 I want to talk about all these points in_____ order of importance.A.declining




Sometimes a dictionary designates a noun as attributive, which means that it can be used to describe another noun or name its attributes.A.conveys




If you call the 911 emergency number, they will______ firemen, policemen, and paramedics immediately.A.assign



D.dispatch 37 The bus moved slowly in the thick fog.We arrived at our______ almost two hours later.A.designation




He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.A.deduced




My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has______.A.deteriorated




Smuggling is a ______ activity which might bring destruction to our economy;therefore, it must be banned.A.pertinent




The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be _____ from a straight line.A.distracted



D.permeated 42 In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.A.distinguished




The ______ of the occasion was spoiled when she fell down the steps.A.privacy



D.secrecy 44 Even if I won a million-dollar lottery, I would continue to live_____.A.subtly B.frugally C.explicitly D.cautiously 45 His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A.listless B.robust C.thrifty D.gullible 46 To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must______ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.A.improve B.enhance C.guarantee D.gear 47 Desperation, hunger, thirst, and resentment all make it more likely that people will______ a more powerful figure who promised them help and/or salvation.A.be prone to B.give in to C.live up to D.put an end to 48 She ______ at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.A.suffered B.grieved C.discriminate D.scared 49 It______ me to see him in such a bad health.He was such an energetic and strong young man only several months ago.A.depressed B.upset C.harmed D.grieved 50 I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms.It’s not like either of them to bear a _______.A.grudge B.hatred C.disgust D.curse 51 Participants in the Shanghai Cooperation Forum______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.A.cursed B.echoed C.bounced D.hailed 52 The snow_____ my plan to visit my aunt in the countryside.A.confused B.bewildered C.conversed D.hampered 53 The trucks _____ heavy goods from factories to the ports.A.pull B.haul C.drag D.push 54 Cigarette smoking is a great health _____ and may lead to fatal diseases.A.opposition B.protagonist C.fault D.hazard 55 The manager stubbornly_____ the section director from reducing his staff despite the failing business of the company.A.hindered B.adapted C.imposed D.permitted 56 It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all _____ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.A.prophecies B.transactions C.argument D.hindrances 57 Some birds______ when they look for animals to kill on the ground.A.hosed B.rolled C.hovered D.revolved 58 The full _____ of changes in computer technology will be felt within the next few years.A.affect B.impact C.action D.importance 59 The degree of economic growth is an ______ of the level of living.A.index B.advantage C.access D.aspect 60 The policeman tried to ______ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly.A.induce B.abduct C.indulge D.lure 61 Since the package was______, the damage was paid for.A.ensured B.insured C.assured D.promised 62 The point at ______ at the meeting is whether they are to import the assembly line.A.argument B.controversy C.issue D.conflict 63 Lawyer have a terrible habit of using Latin and industry ______ to mystify people and themselves more valuable.A.inflections B.dialects C.accent D.jargon 64 As the cat lay asleep, dreaming her whiskers______.A.twitched B.twisted C.jerked D.jogged 65 The manager______ facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.A.beguiled B.besmirched C.juxtaposed D.juggled 66 The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a_______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion.A.long B.forever C.lasting D.lively 67 His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.A.hidden B.sophisticated C.delicate D.profound 68 When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his _____ can be distributed.A.paradoxes B.legacies C.platitudes D.analogies 69 Now the public has an unprecedented chance to peer over the shoulders of archaeologists and historians and get a firsthand look at the_____ of the Mongols and their Asian predecessors.A.legacy B.bequest C.converse D.miracle 70 The farmer put up iron fences around the flower______ garden neighbor’s sheep should break in.A.on condition that B.now that C.lest D.but 71 _____ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.A.In order that B.Lest C.If D.Providing 72 After the concert, the clean-up crew found the ground______ with papers, bottles and cans.A.scrubbed B.used C.littered D.dispersed 73 I don’t understand why people_____ such a beautiful garden with cans and bottles.A.located B.provided C.protected D.littered 74 Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the______ bins provided.A.junk B.litter C.scrap D.deposit 75 Laura, who comes from a wealthy family, spends most of her time enjoying herself, but takes _____ pains with her lessons.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 76 What he told me was a _____ of downright lies.A.load B.mob C.pack D.flock 77 A _____ refers to an animal that is born from its mother’s body, not from an egg, and drinks its mother’s milk as a baby.A.mammoth B.penguin C.mosquito D.mammal 78 He expected the House to pass the bill by a comfortable______.A.maple B.marble C.marsh D.margin 79 The tiger continued to ______ us by walking round and round our tent.A.trap B.transplant C.menace D.provoke 80 A______ of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike.A.value B.merit C.factor D.worth 81 Americans are highly_____, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A.moving B.mobile C.movable D.motional 82 The two psychologists had to modify the American Sign Language somewhat in order to accommodate the chimpanzees’ spontaneous gestures.A.change B.abort C.shorten D.enhance 83 The whole program is well designed, but some details need further _____by some experts.A.proofing B.modifying C.demonstrating D.polishing 84 A scientific law is liable at anytime to need_____, that is an eternal truth.A.modifying B.changing C.revising D.adjusting 85 The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff_____.A.moral B.mortal C.morale D.mores 86 Another popular misconception is the _____ that great talent is usually highly specifiC.A.notion B.dilemma C.domain D.analogy 87 On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.A.subjected B.inclined C.available D.obliged 88 They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic_____ that account.A.on B.by C.for D.with 89 The Barbie doll comes with a whole range of_______ that you can dress her in.A.outlooks B.outlines C.outskirts D.outfits 90 Such an _____act of hostility can only lead to war.A.overt B.episodic C.ample D.ultimate 91 Furthermore, if I were to leave him, he would______, for he cannot endure to be separated from me for more than one hour.A.prevail B.preside C.perish D.persecute 92 There’s one girl at my school who everybody______ because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears;they are horrible to her.A.picks out B.picks over C.picks on D.picks off 93 Players will be_____ against four others worldwide in a timed competition to answer trivia questions from the 1950s to present day.A.trifled B.wreathed C.instigated D.pitted 94 The criminal’s _____ for leniency was ignored by the jurors.A.protest B.demand C.plea D.defence 95 When the rent was due, the poor man______ for more time.A.pleaded B.squashed C.exerted D.cursed 96 The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been ____ for more pocket money all the time.A.supposing B.pleading C.trailing D.devising 97 He told a story about his sister who was in a sad______ when she was ill and had no money.A.plight B.polarization C.plague D.pigment 98 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe______ Europe into a great war.A.pitched B.imposed C.inserted D.plunged 99 In 1816, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Northern Europe______ Europe into a bloody war.A.imposed B.plunged C.pitched D.inserted 100 It is not too late, but_____ action is needed.A.right B.urgent C.hurry D.prompt

答案(未必正确,请按自己查找对的理解): 1-5CADAC.6-10CBDCA.11-15CAAAA.16-20ABCCC.21-25BAAAD.26-30CADCD.31-35AABBD.36-40CBBCD.41-45BCABC.46-50DBBDA.51-55DDBDA.56-60DCBAA.61-65BCDCD.66-70CABAC.71-75BCDBA.76-80ADDCB.81-85BABAC.86-90ADADA.91-95CCDCA.96-100BADBD



一、动 词


在动词部分中,考生首先应该具备较好的认知能力,即遇见一个动词后,能够较快地确定它的前两个或前三个词义。如:evolve v.,第一个词义是“使发展”,第二个词义是“使进化”,第三个词义是“推论”。在考试中,检查考生这一能力的题是比较多的;考生应该能够根据上下文确定动词的有关词义。在具备认知能力的基础上,考生还需掌握这些词汇的基本用法。如:forbid v.后面不能用to smoke,只能用动词+ing的形式,即smoking;Occur v.(发生),只能用于主动语态,不能以被动的形式出现。最后,还要熟悉动词的基本搭配关系。如:concentrate和associate两个动词,其后面的介词一般只能是on和with。以下是按照上面三种情况出现的词汇题:

1.The diplomatic relations between the two countries have ____.A.ticked away B.gone out C.broken off D.rung up 2.The Constitution also provides that the organ of state must practice democratic centralism.A.supplies B.specifies C.presents D.withhold 3.As a result, they had to ___ answering their letter by three days.A.decide B.refrain C.surpass D.delay 第一句表示“外交关系终止”需用动词词组“break off“。

第二句中的 ”provide",第一个词义是“提供”或“供应”,第二个词义是“规定”。四个选择项中,“specify” 含有“规定”的意思,因此B是正确答案。第三句中只有“delay”一词的后面可以采用动名词,所以应该选择D。


1.不规则动词的词形变化: 有一定数量的动词,其过去式和过去分词与原形不同。这部分词汇在测试中起到较强的干扰作用。在5500词汇中类似动词较多,以下仅举部分例子:

动词原形 过去式 过去分词 bear忍受 bore borne,born bend弯曲 bent bent bid 表示 bade, bid bidden bid breed 繁殖 bred bred abide 遵守abode,abided abode,abided arise 升起 arose arisen awake唤醒 awoke woke, awaken fling 扔,抛 flung flung forbid禁止 forbade, forbad forbidden freeze 结冰 froze frozen shred 撕碎shredded, shred shredded,shred cast 投,掷 cast cast creep 爬 crept crept dwell 留居dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled 2.动词词形相近,词义不同: 有些动词在词形上相似,但其词义是不同的。考生在平时复习时,需注意对它们的辨别。例: compliment vt.赞美

He is complimented for his fine work.complement vt.补充

They need to complement the factory with more workers.adapt vt.使适应 We have to adapt our thinking to the new circumstances.adopt vt.采用

They have adopted close planting.类似的动词还有:

inquire vt.打听,询问 require vt.要求,命令 compel vt.强迫,迫使屈从 impel vt.促成,推动 compress vt.挤压 comprise vt.包括 confirm v.证实 conform v.符合 affect vt.影响 effect vt.产生,引起 award vt.授予!给予 reward vt.奖赏,报答 ensure vt.保证,担保 insure vt.给„„保险 rescue vt.援救,营救 secure vt.保护,使„„安全 extinguish vt.熄灭 distinguish vt.区别,辨别 wander vt.漫游 wonder vt.惊叹

contract vt.缔结,订约 contact vt.使接触 respect vt.尊重 suspect vt.猜想 类似的形近义不同的动词还有一些,注意了它们之间的词义差别,也有利于我们对这些动词的记忆与辨认。

3.动词词义相近,用法不同 consist vt.一般用于主动态

This class consists of forty students.compose vt.常用于被动语

This country is composed of ten nations.insist v.后面需用介词on。

He insisted on going to the hospital tomorrow.persist v.后面需用介词in。

He persisted in working on this experiment.arrive vi.后面需采用at, in, on等介词。He arrived in Bejing yesterday.reach vt.及物动词,直接跟宾语 They reached the village yesterday.4.动词后需用动名词: 有一批动词的后面只能使用动名词。在词汇考试部分中,有时要求考生能够正确判断动词的这一用法。这类常见动词有:

anticipate avoid delay envy escape miss mind risk band enjoy complete imagine consider deny practice acknowledge appreciate favor facilitate postpone quit resent resume include favor deny 例:He will consider giving us a chance to do the experiment.resume permit 5.动词后需用不定式: 英语动词中,还有一些动词的后面只能使用不定式。这类常见动词有: claim arrange demand determine expect intend pretend promise afford refuse decide seek agree care learn manage presume desire consent prepare resolve undertake consented decided 例:She refused to offer her help.agreed intended 6.动词后可用动名词或不定式: 还有一些动词的后面即可以使用动名词,也可以使用不定式。常见这类动词有: continue dislike prefer begin like propose remember deserve regret intend neglect attempt forget 7.动词固定搭配: 动词的固定搭配是英语测试中的一个很重要的项目。动词的搭配关系主要反映在动词与介词、动词与名词的关系上。下面分组做一简单的介绍: 1)动词与介词的搭配: call for 要求,需要 call off取消,放弃 carry off 夺取,夺去 come by得到,获得 come up to达到,符合cut down削减,降低 break down损害,分解 break off终止,中断 break out逃出,爆发 break through突破,突围 bring about 产生,引起 bring forward 提出,提议 drop off 减弱, 减少 drop out退出, 离队

get over克服 give away泄漏 get across使人了解 get at够得着 2)动词与名词的搭配

arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 take in to consideration考虑到 commit a crime 犯罪 make a decision 决定

reach an agreement达成协议 break one's promise 违约 take action 采取行动 keep balance 保持平衡

catch one's breath 喘气 accept a challenge 应战 take a risk 承担风险 keep sb.company 陪伴某人 keep one's head 保持镇定 lose heart 失去勇气 take shape 成型,形成 resist temptation 抵制诱惑 3)动词与名词和介词的搭配 have control over 对„„控制 attach importance to 重视

hold an inquiry into sth.某事进行调查 gain an advantage over 胜过,优于 make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人 make an apology to sb.向某人道歉 make comments on sth.评论某事 lose contact with 与„„失去联系 express sympathy for 对某人表示慰问



(1)除了英语本族语及少量外来语等拼写简单的名词外,名词多数是由希腊及拉丁词根加上前缀、后缀构成。大量的名词后缀是表示性质、状态和行为的。如:-ance importance(重要性)-ence independence(独立)-ion selection(选择)-ition addition(增加)-sion conclusion(结论)-ation hydration(水化)-ity productivity(生产力)-ment movement(运动)-ship hardship(艰难)-ness weariness(厌倦)-y difficulty(困难)表示“„„人”、“„„者”的后缀,除了-er、-or、-ar、-ee、-eer、-ese、-ess等大家熟悉的以外,还有:-ian musician(音乐家)-ain captain(船长)-ant occupant(居住者)-ent dependent(依赖他人者)-ary secretary(书记,秘书)-yer lawyer(律师)sawyer(锯木工)-ate candidate(候选人)-al rival(对手)-ist socialist(社会主义者)-icist physicist(物理学家)表示地点、处所的有:-age orphanage(孤儿院)-ium auditorium(礼堂)-ary granary(谷仓)-ery surgery(手术室)-ory laboratory(实验室)表示科技学科名称及观测试验方法或技术的有:-graphy seismography(地震测量法)-ic logic(逻辑学)-ics electronics(电子学)-logy zoology(动物学)在认知名词时,也切忌望文生义。如下列单词,似乎不是名词,但它们确实是名词。请写出它们的词义:

1.wireless___ 2.captive___ 2.coefficient ___ 4.graduate ___ 5.alternative____ 6.exclusive____ 7.combustible____ 8.functionary ____(2)有些名词是由其他词类转换而来。如由形容词转来的the old(老年人),the wounded(受伤者,伤员),the sick(病人);由短语动词come out转来的outcome(结果),cry out转来的outcry(强烈反对),还有well-being(福利),等等。2.词的复数

改-y为-i+-es,在-o后加-es或-s,改-f为-v+-es,大家都已熟知。研究生英语 大纲及有关词汇表所列名词中有一些大家不太熟悉的名词复数形式。现介绍如下:(1)以-f结尾的名词,构成复数时只加-s,如:

cliffs(悬崖)griefs(忧愁)gulfs(海湾)proofs(证据)有些以-f结尾的名词可有两种复数形式。如: dwarf-dwarfs/dwarves(侏儒)hoof-hoofs/hooves(蹄)handkerchief--handkerchiefs/handkerchieves(手帕)(2)源自拉丁语、希腊语及法语的一部分外来词的复数形式仍然保留不变。1)来自拉丁语的: stratum/strata(地层)larva/larvae(昆虫的幼虫)stimulus/stimuli(刺激)bacterium/bacteria(细菌)2)来自希腊语的:

analysis/analyses(分析)hypothesis/hypotheses(假设)synopsis/synopses(概要, 大意)thesis/theses(论文,论题)criterion/criteria(标准)phenomenon/phenomena(现象)(3)一些外来词兼有原有复数形式和英语规则复数形式。外来词 原有复数 英语规则复数

nucleus(拉)nuclei nucleuses(原子核)syllabus(拉)syllabi syllabuses(大纲, 课程表)medium(拉)media mediums(媒体)symposium(拉)symposia symposiums(座谈会)appendix(拉)appendices appendixes(附录,盲肠)plateau(法)plateaux plateaus(高地)(4)复合名词的复数形式。

1).daughter-in-law----daughters-in-law)2).looker-on--lookers-on(旁观者)3).man-servant--menservants(男仆)4).air-raid--air-raids(空袭)stand-by-stand-bys(可依靠的人或物)(5)一些名词的单复数意义不同。kindness(善意)---kindnesses(善行)anxiety(焦虑)----anxieties(令人忧虑之事)security(安全)----securities(证券,债券)(6)有些名词的复数形式兼有单数形式的意义和新的意义。colour颜色 colours颜色/军旗 letter字母;信

letters字母;信/文学,学问 manner方式,方法 manners方式,方法/礼貌 pain痛 pains痛/努力 scale鳞;尺度 scales鳞;尺度/磅秤(二)同义词学习


The reproductive potentialities of aphides are unmatched in the insect world.A.1atent capacity B.power C.strength D.mentality potentialities,latent capacity,power,strength和mentality这些词都有“力”这个 概念的内涵,相当于逻辑上讲的“各个种概念都具有属概念的内涵”。但这些词又有各自特有的内涵,这些内涵又属于“力”的不同外延。potentiality:power or quality which is potential,and needs development,指潜能,潜力;与latent capacity“隐藏的能力”一致。power:1)ability to do or act指行动的能力;2)faculty of the body or mind指精力,体力,智力;3)strength or force指力,力气;4)energy or force that can be used to work指动力,机力;5)right,control,authority指权,权力,势力。Strength: 1)quality of being strong指力量、强度;2)power measured by numbers of persons present or persons who can be used指实力,兵力或人数。mentality:general intellectual character;degree of intellectual power指精神力,智力。

在于解了上述各词的共同点(即“属概念”的内涵),又明白了它们各自的特有属性(即“种概念”的内涵)后,区别它们也就不难了:potentiality和latent capacity的内涵一样,是同义词;power是最基本的“行动能力”,又具有“力”的不同外延如精力、体力、智力、动力、机力、权力、势力;strength除了具有“力”的不同外延如实力、兵力外,则强调力量的“quality'’;mentality则主要指智力及其 “degree”。




1.TV sets are rapidly becoming accessible to the people in the remote areas.A.doubtful B.obtainable C.imaginary D.negligible 2.All the off-shore explorers were in good mood when they read ____ letters from their family.A.affectionate B.intimate C.passionate D.considerate 3.All the girls seem to be ____ of her beauty and intelligence.A.envious B.indifferent C.distinct D.enthusiastic 例句1题干中 “accessible”词义为“可以接近的,可以弄到的”,选项中doubtful为“持怀疑态度的”;obtainable“可以获得的”;imaginary“想象中的”。答案显然是B。例句2中的四个选项的拼写有些类似。根据语境和阅读,我们可以确定句子需要一个含有“充满感情的”含义的词,affectionate便是答案了。例句3中只有envious(嫉妒的,羡幕的)和介词of搭配。


1.注意词形相近的形容词。如:conspicuous,miraculous,meticulous,incredulous,2.注意积累大量的同义词和反义词。如wonderful的同义词有:marvelous, excellent,extraordinary,remarkable,miraculous,prodigious等。如generous的反义词有:miserly,mean,stingy,selfish等。




6.注意有的单词在拼写不变的情况下既是名词,又是形容词。如:choice goods上等品;quality apple优等苹果;minute particles微小的颗粒。7.注意有些不规则形容词的比较级和最高级的变化形式。如:

原级 比较级 最高级 good better best bad worse worst little less(1esser)least far farther(further)farthest(furthest)考生在复习当中要注意学会用归纳法和联想法记忆单词。下面举几个形容词和介词搭配的例子。


guilty, jealous, envious, ignorant, hopeful, aware, conscious, considerate, thoughtful, desirous, short, irrespective, exclusive, independent, tolerant, worthy, capable, sure, certain, confident, critical, characteristic, suspicious, dubious, wary 等等 2.与介词 to 搭配的形容词: accessible, available, accustomed, adjacent, advantageous, beneficial, alert, alien, agreeable, comparative, attentive, awake, pertinent, relevant, subject, susceptible, contrary 等等 3.与介词 with 搭配的形容词: consistent, compatible, identical, popular, satisfied等等


四、副 词




2.频率副词,如:never, sometimes, often, usually, hardly, seldom,always, frequently等。

3.地点、方向副词,如:here,there,outside,west,left,straight,over,on, in, out,off, somewhere,anywhere,up,down,over,away等。




1.修饰动词: The girl threw the ball quickly.2.修饰形容词: The job is too hard to him.3.修饰其他副词: He drives rather fast.4.修饰小品词: They let her well behind.5.修饰不定代词和数词:

Nearly everybody came to out party.7.修饰名词:Life here is full of Joy.9.修饰全句:

Ordinarily we eat breakfast at seven.(三)副词的构成

1.大多数副词是由形容词加后缀-ly 构成的。如:politely,sadly;当形容词以-y结尾时。在加-1y之前,先变-y为-i:heavily,busily;以-1e结尾时去-e加-y即可: simply,ably;以-ll结尾时,只需加-y: dully,shrilly;以-ic结尾时,则在-ic之后加-ally: economically,basically等。


6.由短语加-1y构成的副词, 如: matter-of-factly。7.由各种词类加前缀-a或后缀-fashion,-ways,-style构成的副词,如:alike,round,aloud,sideways,cowboy-style等。

8.有些副词由介词或地点名词加后缀-ward(s)构成,意义是“向„”。如: backward(s),downward(s),forward(s),northward(s),onward(s),upward(s)等。



有些形容词与副词同形,但有着不同的句法功能。如: We had an early breakfast.We had breakfast early.early在第一句中是形容词,做定语;在第二句中是副词,做状语。有些表示时间的如:daily,weekly,quarterly,monthly,yearly也能做如此用法。(五)兼有两种形式的副词

有些副词有两种形式:一是与形容词同形,二是由该形容词加-1y构成。这两种不同的形式,有些含义相同,有些略有不同,有些完全不同。如: 1.close做“近”解:

He lives close to the school.He was following close behind.做其他解释时用closely: Watch what I do closely.The prisons were closely guarded..2.dead做“突然地, 完全地”解: She stopped dead.在非正式用语中作“完全地”“直接地”解: He was dead tired.The wind was dead against us.deadly做“死一般地”或“非常”解,例如:deadly pale,deadly serious,deadly dull等。3.direct做“直线地”“不绕圈子地”解: The train goes there direct.The next flight doesn’t go direct to Rome;it goes by way of Paris.做“直接地”(即“间接地”的反义词)解时用directly: He was looking directly at us.She answered me very directly and openly.directly也可以做“立即”或“马上”解: Answer me directly.Let's meet directly after lunch.有些词,如:above,in, on,around,away,off等,在与动词搭配时,其后面没有宾语,这些词是做副词。请看以下例句: They looked around.Let’s go on with the work.上面两句中的around和on都是副词。(六)副词的词序

1.副词修饰形容词、副词时,通常放在被修饰词的前面。The building is very high.He came long before the appointed time.2.副词修饰动词。

不及物动词+副词:She speaks well.及物动词+受词+副词:She speaks English well.3.地点副词和时间副词可置于句首或句末,放在句首时语气较强。I was born in Zhejiang in 1963.4.频度副词的位置。

在一般动词前:They always say so.有be动词时,在be动词后: I am always busy.有助动词时,在助动词和本动词之间:This job will never be finished.5.两个以上的副词词序。单位较小者+单位较大者:

The school is situated at the fifth street, Beijing, China.6.两个以上不种类的副词词序。地点+状态+次数+时间:

She arrived there safely the other day.程度十状态+地点十时间:

They played fairly well there yesterday.五、介 词


1.介词在句子中不能独立充当一个成分,而是需要和一个名词或相当于名词的结构一起构成介词短语,从而在句子中充当一个成分。能和介词一起构成介词短语的有: 1)名词。如:

The car crashed into the train, and two men in it were killed on the spot.2)代词。如:

“What does your car look like?” “That is similar in shape with yours.” 3)动名词(短语)。如:

The prosecutor accused the man of smuggling.4)由连接代(副)词引起的从句或不定式短语。如: I am preparing for what to say in the interview.2.关于介词和动词的搭配,考生应该注意:

1)在什么动词后需要跟什么介词,如:rely on依靠,指望;consult with和„商议;remark on就„„发表看法,评论。2)同一个动词在什么情况下跟不同的介词,如:match to使和„„相等/match up调谐,相配;使互相吻合/match up to跟上„„的水平(形势等);gear to使合适/gear up促进,增加。

3.不同的形容词后有时需跟特定的介词,如:be strict with 对„严格; be sick for 思念;be loyal to忠于。

4.不同的名词后也常常需跟不同的介词。如:confidence in对„的信心;satisfaction with对„„满意;loyalty to对„„的忠诚。

5.介词还可以和名词构成成语。如:for instance例如;in proportion成比例,按正确比例,按本来大小(看事物),客观地;in general通常,大体上,一般而言。

六.连 词

连词是一种虚词,不能独立担任句子成分,只起连接词与词、短语与短语以及句子与句子的作用。连词一般分为并列连词(连接平行的词、词组或分句)和从属连词(用来引起分句)。除了连词外,许多连接代词、连接副词、关系代词和关系副词都可以用来引起一个从句。还有一些副词,如anyway,therefore,also,still等也有类似的作用。另外,有些词组,如: on the other hand,for that reason等也可以帮助前后文更加连贯。考生在准备连词时应注意以下几个问题。

1.连接两个分句,一个连词就够了。容易出错的典型例子是: Although he was tired, but he went to work.Because she liked him, so she went out with him.在上面所提到的两个例子中,我们可以选用although或but,because或so,不能 同时使用两个连词。但是连接三个分句时,可以用两个连词。如:

Although he was tired, he went to work, but he didn't stay there long.类似的错误还有把that和where,how或whether连在一起用。如: I asked him that how he was working.l wondered that where he lived.2.关系代词who,whom和which的一个特殊用法是可以连接分句。所以它们既是代词,又是连词。容易出错的典型例子是: He never listens to the advice which I give it to her.在该句中it是多余的,which连接两个分句,同时又代替it而成为第二个分句的宾语。3.That经常用来代替which和who,但是不常用that来代替where和when。容易 出错的典型例子是: The house that she lives is very small.正确的句子应该是:

The house where she lives is very small.The house that she lives in is very small.4.连词不能单独和一个分句连用。连接词要连接两个分句,而这两个分句一般要 写成一句话,即不能写成中间用句号隔开的两个独立的句子。容易出错的典型例子是: When I came back home.It was late.正确的句子应该是:

When I came back home it was late.



发布: 2008-5-13 14:54 | 作者: 陆向武 | 来源: kaobo.cn | 查看: 829次

1.Hoping that he might be able to _____the problem,I asked Manio to look at the engine.A.shed light on

B.make light of C.bring light to

D.set light to

2.His_____ and unwillingless to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team.A.arrogance B.dignity C.humility D.solitude 3.The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 thanks to a(n)______in world trade.A.inflation B.stimulus C.bulge D.boom

4.He decided he was going to take______ for the murder of his sister

A.refuge B.testify C.certify D.allege

5.No one expected him to ____against his former employer.A.dedare B.testify C.certify D.allege 6.Rachel was the_____choice for the job thanks to her communication skills

A.unanimous B.genuine C.harmnious D.agreeable

7.The police detective put together the pieces of evidence to form on ____ account.A.senstive B.genuine C.expressive D.coherent

8.You should have your eyes examined_____to be sure of your eyesight.A.periodically B.persistently C.continuously D.continually

9.You should treat those remarks with the ___ that they deserve don’t give them a second thought.A.negative B.disgrace C.contempt D.sarcasm The book is a rain attempt to ____ the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.A.worship B.glorify C.adore D.cherish The government is seeking to ___ itself from the latest financial.A.detach B.extract C.derive D.ease Heavy rainful in the south of England means that flooding is____ A.imminent B.momentous C.transient D.prospective He____ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office.A.dispose B.dispensed C.dispatched D.dispersed I didn't ignore her_____ just didn't recognize her.A.attentively B.intensively C.intentionally D.intensely You will only be allowed to leave early in_____ circumstances

A.exceptional B.concidental C.peculiar D.imperative

参考答案:A A D B B A D A A B B A C C A


1.It is important to keep the factory working at ____ efficiency all the time.A optimistic B optimum C optical D optional

2.We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market.A lingering B chronic C lengthy D abiding

3.Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely____

A legible B intelligible C distinctive D conceivable

4.We are going to____ what were learned so for by doing some revision exercise today.A consolidate B reinforce C affirm D conform

5.Kerin made one last____attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him and then left

A considerable B trival C futile D resultant 6.The school agree to ___ their decision until they had spoken to his parents.A convert B retain C deter D expel

7.Repullican Party member were confidently ____ victory even as the first few votes come in

A acclaining B reclaining C exclaining D proclaiming 8.The___between the two sets of figures suggests that someone had been stealing money from the bank

A discrepancy B conflict C contrast D divergence

9.The idea that a good night sleep will cure everything is a complete _____

A defect B fallacy C fraud D abuse Before a bill can become law it has to have the full ____ of both Houses of Parliament.A justification B warrant C endorsement D verification 11 The image is ____ by a series of lenses within the telescope A maginfied B signified C extended D expanded Strangely enough the most obvious explanation did not ___ Juckie until the next day

A stumble on B occur to C come up with D stand up to The government wants a 3% inflation rate,but is this a ___ objective?

A reflective B flexible C feeble D feasible She has still ___ by what happened in Bancelona,although she had left 20years earlier

A haunted B frequented C recalled D sustained The hands on my alarm clock are____.So I can tell time in the dark

A imminent B luminous C illumination D illustrative

参考答案:B B A A C B D A B C A B D A B


(大部分与03年秋以及04年春词汇部分重复,不同的有)1.You can't cure a common cold, but you can ____ the symptoms.A moderate B alleviate C dilute D subdue 2.For years scientists have been ___ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields.A tangled B terrified C evoked D baffled

3.The flood was a___ from which Bangladesh has never really recored.A calamity B downfall C reverse D scandal Our company's management____negotiations on a new union contract

A launched B triggered C terminated D preserved

参考答案:B D A A


1.If wool is submerged in hot water,it tend to___

A snap B shrink C fade D condense 2.His last play was ___ by the critics as a masterpiece

A claimed B proclaimed C exclaimed D acclaimed

3.It is the builder’s job to make sure that the house conforms to the architects___ in every way.A regulations B specialities C essentials D specifications 4.Your letter has been___ to the authority concerned.A transited B transfered C transported D transmitted

5.Among her many___ are loyalty ,courage andtruthfulness

A virtues B morals C characters D graces The soldiers___ their arms as thay marched.A swayed B swung C swerved D swelled

7.The country's constitution___ the ideals of equality and freedom.A embodies B symbolizes C marks D represents

8.It was ___ whether the patient will survive the operation A vague B suspicious C ambiguous D doubtful 9, The brochure______us into thinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach A trapped B frightened C engaged D misled “I'm far too busy to talk to you now.”

he said,in his usual____manner.A rigid B steep C abrupt D stern 11 He's rich and keeps____about how much money he's got to impress people

A exaggerating B boasting C admiring D inspiring She was____enough to realize right from the start that he was lying.A initiative B pervasive C imaginative D perceptive The two countries___ their peace efforts after a break of two and a half years

A rebuked B renewed C reviewed D reclaimed People always greet each other warmly,____ their different origins and beliefs.A in regard to B in contrast with C with respect to D regardless of The express train from London___ on time.A pulled up B pulled over C pulled in D pulled through

参考答案:B D D B A B A D D C B D B D C



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