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Abdicate退位,逊位 Aberdonian 阿伯丁人(苏格兰)

Ableseaman 英国海军水兵 Aborigine 土著,土人 Accession,就就任职 Accord,协议,条约 Activeservice,战时服役 Adherent,拥护着 Adjourn,休庭,延期 Adjudge,宣判,裁决 Adopted,移居的 Adviser,顾问,忠告者 Affair,政治事物 African,非洲的 Afrikaans,阿非利堪死语 Afrikaner,荷兰裔南非人 Archdiocese,大主教区 Archduchess,大公夫人 Asian,亚洲人

Ash Wednesday,圣灰星期三 Asean,东南亚国家联盟 Afo-asian,亚非的


Aircraft carrier,航空母舰 Airmarshal,空军中将 Airraid,炼金术士 Alchemist,高级市政官 Alderman,真主 Allah,结盟的

Amazon,亚孙族女战士 Amerasian,美亚混血儿 Americana,典型美国事物 Anglo-saxon,撒克逊人 Annals,编年史 Anti-christ,敌基督 Anti-semitism,反犹太主义 Arabian,阿拉伯的 Biscay,比斯开湾 Bolivia,玻利维亚 Bonn,波恩 Bombay,孟买 Bonaparte,波拿巴 Boston,波士顿 Bourgeois,布尔乔亚 Britain,不列颠 Brunei,文莱 Buenosaires,白金汉宫 Chrysostom,克利芬斯托,基external representation对外代表权 Bucklingham,布达佩斯督教神学院

experimentalist实验主义者 Bvdapest布宜诺斯艾诺斯 Commonwealth,共和国 experientialist经验主义者 Bush,布什

Calicut,卡利卡特 expansionist领土扩张轮着 Byelorossia,白俄罗斯 Cuba,古巴

expansionary policy经济扩张政策 Byron,拜伦 Co-religionists,信仰同样宗教expansion of the currency通货膨胀 Babylon,巴比伦 的人

export-import bank of Washington美国进出Bacbugvlf,北部湾 Christopher,哥伦布 口银行

Bach,巴赫 Castile,斯提尔王国 Expo世界博览会

Bacon,培根 Convention parliament,英国Explosion of monetary crisis金融危机 Bagh bad,巴格达 代表国会 Existentialist Marxism存在主义的马克思主Bahrain,巴林岛 Colbert,柯尔伯 义Exeter艾克赛特 Balzac,巴尔扎 Combria,坎布里亚地区 Exective yuan行政院 Balkan,巴尔干半岛的人 Chief of staff,参谋总长 Executive veto行政否决权 Baltic,波罗地海的人 Communist fifth column,共产党Executive privilege 行政特权 Bandvng,万窿 第五纵队 Executive mansion州长官邸 Bangkok,曼谷 Ccp中国共产党 Executive agreement 行政协定 Bangladesh,孟加拉 Commune,公社 Executive council 参政会议 Barcelona,巴塞罗那 Emancipationist解放主义者 Exclusivist排他主义 Bassanio,巴塞尼奥 Emancipation 解放的 Exclusion policy 闭关政策 Bastille巴士底监狱 Embargo policy禁运政策 Excise tax 特许权税

Bc,公元前 Embassage大使 Excess of import/export 出(入)超 Beethoven,贝多芬 Embassy大使馆 Excess of capital 过剩资本 Beirut,贝鲁特 Embattle整军备战

EAC东非共同体 Belfast,贝尔法斯特 Embourgeoisement资产阶级化 EAEC东非经济共同体 Belgium,比利时 Emigration commission移民EAEA 欧洲原子能机构 Bengal,孟加拉 委员会

Ealing 伊令(英格兰东南部城市)Bering,白令Berlin,柏林 Emigration policy移民政策

Eath Iethniko Apelevtherotiko metopo Bermudas,百慕大群岛 Emission at par平价发行法(第二次世界大战希腊的)民族解放阵线 Berne,伯尔尼 Emperor 皇帝,君主 Earl marchal 英国宫廷典仪大臣兼纹章Bhutan,不丹 Emphyteuta永久佃户 局局长

Birmingham,伯名翰 Empire帝国,帝权 Earl marshal 纹章局局长 Constantine,君士坦丁 Empire-building扩张疆域领Earlship 伯爵爵位(领地)Church and state dualism not 土扩张

Earldom 伯爵爵位

a unifield leadership,教会和Empiriocriticism经验批评主Earnings in foreign exchange 外汇收入 国家二元结构 义

East Pakistan 东巴基斯坦 Compass earth,环球航行 Empiriomonism经验一元论 East London 东伦敦 Conquistador,西班牙征服者 Empirism经验论

East timor 东帝汶 Cherubim,有翅天使 employed labour force就业劳Eastbourne 伊斯特本 Cape bojador,博亚而尔多角 动力

Easter 复活节

Council of constance,康斯employed population就业人口 Eastern estabcishment 东部权势集团 坦茨会议 employment act就业法 Eastern samoa 东萨摩亚

Cape,纳恩角 expanded reproduction扩大再Eastside 纽约市曼哈顿东区 Charles,查理五世 生产

Eaton 伊顿(姓氏)Cossaclc,哥萨克 extraterritoriality治外法权 Eau Claire 奥克莱尔(美国城市)Calvin,加尔文 extrality治外法权 Eastern church 东正教会 Cotta,科塔

extremist极端主义 EC(European community)欧盟 Congregationalist,公理会教extra surplus value超额剩余Ecclesiastic 基督教传教士 友


Echelon 等级,阶级 Edward VII 爱德华七世 Egypt 埃及

Elizabeth I 伊丽莎白一世 Emerald isle 爱尔兰岛 Emir 埃米尔(对穆斯林国家统治者称呼)

Emperor 皇帝,君主 Encyclopedia 百科全书 Entente cordiale 1904英法协约

Established church 国教 Estonian 爱沙尼亚人 Ethiopian埃塞俄比亚族人 Republic of korea 朝鲜 Renolution 革命 Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme 农村合作医疗计划 Robert martin 罗伯特·马丁 Renaissance 文艺复兴 Romanticism 浪漫主义 Race 种族Religion 宗教 Reformation 宗教改革 Ritual 礼仪Rome 罗马 Campaign 整风运动 Pacific和平的,爱好和平的 Pietism 虔信派,虔信主义 Pilgrimage 朝圣,朝觐 Pithecanthrope 猿人 Pithecanthropus 猿人属 Polycentrism 多中心主义 Postwar 战后的

Potentate有权势的人,当权者,通知者,君主 Prerogative特权,君权 President总统,长官 Prole无产者

Proletarian无产者,无产阶级 詹姆士二世 James II 军事独裁 military dictatorship 爱尔兰 Ireland 苏格兰 Scotland 护国公 Lord Protector

斯图亚特王朝复辟 restoration of the Stuart 光荣革命 Glorious Revolution 《权利法案》Bill of Rights

背景 background 根本原因 basic reason 导火线 fuse 开始 beginning 转折点 the turning point 结束 ending 过程 course 意义 significance 世界近代史 the world modern history Eblaite 埃卜拉语(古代Pacificatory 和解的,调解 Proletarinism无产者的地位,闪米特语)的,绥靖的


Ecclesiae 教会,教堂 Pacifism和平主义,不抵抗Proletarianize使无产阶级化 ECA(economic eommission 主义

Principate最高权力,公国,for africa)非洲经济委员会 Paddlefoot 步兵

首领,王侯 ECAFE 亚洲及远东经济Pagan异教徒,非基督教徒 Queensland 昆士兰

委员会 Paganize 使变为异教徒 Quebec 魁北克Qatar卡塔尔 Economic centre 经济中心 Pakistan 巴基斯坦,巴基斯Queen victoria维多利女王 ECO(economic cooperation 坦的

a May queen五朔节王后 organization)经济合作组织 Pakeha白种人 queenly女王的 Economic community 经Palestine巴勒斯坦 queen mother皇太后 济共同体 Papacy 罗马教皇的职位,queen elizabeth伊利莎白 Economic crisis 经济危机 罗马天主教会制度 Quaber贵格会教徒 Economix incentire 经济刺激 Papal罗马教皇的,罗马教Queen's counsed王室法律顾问

Economic policy 经济政策 皇职位的

Quango半官方机构 Economic reconstruction 经Papist罗马天主教徒 The queen of norway挪威 济复兴 Parish 教区

Quadruple alliance四方联盟 Ecosoc 联合国经济及社Parley会谈,与敌方的谈判 Qukers贵格派

会理事会 Parliament议会,国会 Quesnay魁奈Quietism寂静派 Ecumenicity普世基督教大联合 Parliamentary议会的,国会Queen consort王后 Ecumenism 泛基督教主义 的,议会政治的 queen anne安妮女王 EDD(English dialect Parliamentarism 议会制度,Quevedo科维多

dictionary)《英国方言词典》 议会主义

Quincy昆西Quintilian昆体良 Edge act 国际条例Partisan党人,低吼游击队Quirinar奎里纳尔Quisling Edinburgh 爱丁堡 员,党派性的


European econormic Patriot爱国者,爱国主义者Chapter Three community欧洲经济共同体 Patriotism 爱国主义,爱国精神 British Bourgeois European free trade PAU 泛美联盟 Revolution

association 欧洲自由贸易协Peach和平,和平时期 詹姆士一世 James I 会Eisenhower 艾森豪威Pekingese 北京的北京人的

《大宪章》 Magna Charta 尔Ekaterinburg 叶卡特琳Pentateuch 基督教的旧约查理一世 Charles I 堡,前苏联乌拉尔地区城市 全书的首五卷

奥利佛•克伦威尔 Oliver Elam 埃兰 Elbe 易北河 Pentecost 犹太人的五旬节 Cromwell

emeerate 阿拉伯酋长 Persecute 指政治,宗教信资产阶级 the bourgeoisie Russia 俄国Research 研发 仰的迫害,残害。新贵族 new noble Reparations 赔偿 Pharaoh 法老,暴君 斯图亚特王朝 the Stuart Religious freedom 宗教自由 Pharisaic法利赛人 第一次内战 the first civil war Renminbi 人民币 Philippines 菲律宾

纳西比战役Battle of Naseby

闭关政策 closed-door policy

闭关锁国 close the communications at the borders 闭关自守 close the country to international intercourse

莫卧尔帝国 Mughal Empire 奥斯曼帝国 Ottoman Empire

横跨欧亚大陆的俄罗斯帝国 the empire of Russia across the continents between Europe and Asia

彼得一世改革the reformation of Peter I 彼得大帝 Peter the Great 农奴制 serf system 内容 content 结果 result

Chapter Five

The Different Ways of the Culture

Development between Sino-West in 17c and 18c

牛津大学 University of Oxford 法兰西斯•培根 Francis Bacon 牛顿 Isaac Newton 启蒙运动 the Enlightenment 孟德斯鸠 Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu 伏尔泰 Voltaire 卢梭 Jean Jacques Rousseau

狄德罗 Denis Diderot 洛克 John Locke Chapter Six

The War of Independence

奴隶 slavery 移民 immigrant 犹太人 Jew 印第安人 American Indian 纽约 New York 费城 Philadelphia

波士顿 Boston 民族 nation 阿巴拉契亚山脉 Appalachian 爆发 outbreak

波士顿倾茶事件 Boston Tea Party 华盛顿 Washington

莱克星顿的枪声 the gun of Lexington

大陆军 Continental(American)

大陆会议 Continental Congress 潘恩 Paine 杰斐逊 Jefferson 富兰克林 Franklin 《独立宣言》 The Declaration of Independence 萨拉托加大捷 the great victory at Saratoga 康华利投降 the surrender of Cornwallis 国民公会 the National Convention 雅各宾派 Jacobin 罗伯斯庇尔 Robespierre 马拉 Marat 丹东 Danton 拿破仑 Napoleon Bonaparte 雾月政变 Brumaire Coup

第一执政 the First Consul 终身第一执政 the First Consul for life 圣西门 Saint-Simon 傅立叶 Fourior 欧文 Robert Owen 马克思主义 the Marxism 经济危机 economic crisis 《共产党宣言》The Communist Manifesto Chapter Twelve

European Revolution in 1848

投降 surrender 刺杀 assassinate 德意志的统一 Unification of Germany 普鲁士 Prussia 俾斯麦 Bismarck 铁血政策 Blood and Iron 丹麦战争 The Danish War 德意志联盟 German Empire 容克 Junkers色当 Sedan 阿尔萨斯-洛林 Alsace-lorraine

Chapter Fifteen 历史条件 historical conditions 威廉一世 William I 奥地利 Austria

路易•波拿巴 Louis Bonaparte Commune de Paris

约克镇 Newtown 巴黎签订和约 the treaty of peace was signed at Paris 美国制宪会议 Constitutional Convention

1787联邦宪法 the Federal Constitution of 1787 国会 Congress 总统 President

最高法院 Supreme Court Chapter Seven The French Revolution 路易十六 Louis XVI 波旁王朝 Bourbon 第一等级 教士

the First Estate clergy 第二等级 贵族

the Second Estate nobles 第三等级 农民等包括资产阶级等绝大部分人民

the Third Estate the peasants and bourgeoisie,the mass of the people of France 三级会议theEstates-General 国民议会 National Assembly 网球场宣誓 the Oath of the Tennis Court

攻占巴士底狱 capture the Bastille

《人权宣言》 Declaration of Human Rights

1791宪法 the constitution of 1791

立法议会 Legislative Assembly

瓦尔米大捷 the victory at Valmy

法兰西第一共和国 the First French Republic 《拿破仑法典》Code Napoleon 莱比锡之战 the battle of Leipzig 厄尔巴岛 Elba 滑铁卢战役 the battle of Waterloo

圣赫勒拿岛 St.Helena 梅特涅 Metternich

Chapter Nine he Industrial Revolution 前提 prerequisite 条件 condition 后果 consequence 棉纺织 cotton spinning 蒸汽机 steam engine 瓦特 James Watt 富尔敦 Fulton 斯蒂芬逊 George Stephenson

汽船 steamship 火车 train 阿克莱特 Arkwright Chapter Ten The Opium War 中国近代史 China’s modern history 世界近代史 the world modern history 《南京条约》 The Treaty of Nanjing


semi-colonial, semi-feudal society

封建社会 feudal society 禁烟运动 The Movement of Banning on Opium-smoking Chapter Eleven The Birth of the Scientific Communism 马克思 Karl Marx 恩格斯 Friedrich Engels

Chapter Thirteen Europe and America of 50、60s in 19th century 俄国农奴制度的废除

Abolishing of Russian Serfdom 土耳其 Turkey 美国内战 The American Civil War 原料 raw material 市场 market 劳动力 labor 关税 tariff 西部领土 west territory

矛盾 contradiction 奴隶制度的存废 the existence and overthrow of the slavery

阻碍 hinder 废奴运动 Antislavery Movement 约翰布朗 John Brown 林肯 Abraham Lincoln 里士满 Richmond

维克斯堡 Vicksburg 黑奴 The Negro slaves 美利坚联众国

The Confederate States of America 叛军 Rebel Army 共和党 Republican Party

民主党 Democratic Party 萨姆特要塞 Fort Sumter 《解放黑奴宣言》

Emancipation Proclamation 《宅地法》Homestead Act 全面反攻 full-scale counterattack

葛底斯堡大战 Battle of Gettysburg

《葛底斯堡演说》Gettysburg Address

巴黎公社 Commune de Paris 第一国际the First International 蒲鲁东 P.J.Proudhon

巴枯宁 M.A.Bakunin 瓦尔兰 Varlin 布朗基 L.A.Blanqui 左拉 Emile Zola

鲍狄埃 Engene-Edmond Pottier 狄盖特 Pierre Degeyter 政权建设State Political Power

Chapter Sixteen

The Second Scientific Revolution 辛迪加 Syndicat 卡特尔 Cartel 托拉斯 Trust

洛克菲勒 John Davison Rockefeller 垄断组织 monopoly organization 垄断资产阶级 monopoly capitalist class 帝国主义 imperialism 摩根 J.P.Morgan 西奥多•罗斯福 Theodore Roosevelt Chapter Eighteen

The Period from Constitutional Reform and Modernization to the Xinhai Revolution of China

Chapter Twenty

第一次世界大战 the First World War 三国同盟 Triple Alliance 三国协约 Triple Entente 光荣孤立 Splendid Isolation 矛盾 contradicition 核心 core 性质 nature 巴尔干地区 the Balkans 扩军备战 the arms expansion and war preparations

奥匈帝国 Austria-Hungary

萨拉热窝 Sarajevo 费迪南 Ferdinand 普林西普 Princip

普法战争 The Franco-Prussian War 无敌战舰 Dreadnought 史利芬计划 the Schlieffen Plan 马恩河会战 the Battle of Marne 凡尔登战役 the Battle of Verdun 索姆河战役 the Battle of Somme

日德兰海战 the Battle of Jutland

Chapter Twenty-three the International Relationship after WWI

巴黎和会 Paris Peace Conference 国家工业复兴法 National Industrial Recovery Act(NIRA)

Progress Administration(WPA)

公平劳动标准法 Fair 生存空间 Lebensraum犹太人 Jew 反犹太主义 Anti-Semitism 绥靖政策 Appeasement Policy 奥地利 Austria 捷克斯洛伐克

马歇尔 G.C.Marshall 马歇尔计划 Marshall Plan 经互会 COMECON

北大西洋公约组织 North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)

华沙条约组织 Warsaw Pact Organization(WPO)Labor Standards Act(FLSA)


奥兰多 Orlando 克里孟梭 G.Clemenceau 劳合乔治 D.Lloyd George 威尔逊 W.Wilson 十四点原则 Fourteen Points 凡尔赛和约 The Treaty of Versailles

凡尔赛体系 Versailles System 巴黎和约 the Treaty of Paris 国际联盟 League of Nations 日内瓦 Geneva 华盛顿会议 Washington Conference 华盛顿体系 Washington System 凡尔赛—华盛顿体系 Versailles—Washington System 英联邦 British Commonwealth 法西斯 Fasces 贝尼托•墨索里尼 Benito Mussolini

柯立芝 John Calvin Coolidge The Capitalism of 1929—1937

大萧条 Great Depression 黑色星期五 Black Friday 纽约 New York 股市崩溃 Stock Market crashed

罗斯福 Franklin D.Roosevelt

新政 New Deal(Alphabet Soup)

紧急银行法 Emergency Banking Act(EBA)

联邦储蓄保险公司 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp(FDIC)

农业调整法 Agriculture Adjustment Act(AAA)希特勒 Hitler

欧洲战争策源地 European hotbed of war 国际联盟 League of Nations

德国工人党 German Workers Party


National Socialist German Workers Party(NSDAP)纳粹党 Nazi Party 啤酒馆暴动the Beer Hall Putsch(Munich Putsch)

兴登堡总统 President Hindenburg 魏玛共和国 Weimar Republic 德国国会大厦

Reichstag building 元首(纳粹德国希特勒的称号)Fuhrer 雅利安人 Aryan 清洗冲锋队 blood purge 元首兼总理 President and Chancellor

德国马克reichsmark 第三帝国 the Third Reich(1,000 years Reich)集中营 Concentration Camp 武装部队最高统帅 Commander-in-Chief of the Military 达考 Dachau 党卫队 SS

希姆勒 Himmler 黑衫党 Black Shirts

纽伦堡宪法 Nuremburg Laws

水晶之夜 Night of Broken Glass(Crystal Night;Kristallnacht)

张伯伦 A.N.Chamberlain 慕尼黑会议 Conference of Munich

苏德互不侵犯条约 Treaty of Non-Aggression Between Soviet Union and Germany 丘吉尔 Winston Churchill 波兰 Poland 卢森堡 Luxembourg 荷兰 the Netherlands 比利时 Belgium 戴高乐 C.de Gaulle 抗日战争 The War of Resistance Against Japan 珍珠港 Pearl Harbor 德黑兰会议 Tehran Conference

诺曼底登陆 Normandy Invasion

雅尔塔会议 Yalta Conference Chapter Twenty-nine The World after WWII 雅尔塔体系 Yalta System 波茨坦 Potsdam

联合国 United Nations 总部 Headquarters 联合国大会 General Assembly

安理会 Security Council 秘书处 Secretariat 冷战 Cold War

帝国主义阵营 Imperialist Party 社会主义阵营 Socialist Party 讯号 signal

富尔顿演说 Fulton Speech(Iron Curtain Speech)杜鲁门 Harh S, Truman 杜鲁门主义 Truman Doctrine 表现 expression 经济 economy

军事政治 military affairs and politics

联邦德国 Federal Republic of Germany(West Germany)

民主德国 German Democratic Republic(East Germany)

柏林危机 Berlin Crisis 大韩民国 South Korea 朝鲜共和国 North Korea 朝鲜战争Korean War 西欧Western Europe 欧洲煤钢共同体European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC)舒曼计划Schuman Plan

欧洲经济共同体European Economic Community(EEC)

罗马条约The Treaties of Rome 欧洲原子能共同体European Atomic Energy Community(Euratom)

欧共体European Communities(EC)

丹麦 Danmark

爱尔兰 Ireland 希腊 Greece 葡萄牙 Portugal 西班牙 Spain 芬兰 Finland

瑞典 Sweden 布鲁塞尔Brussels

欧洲联盟(欧盟)European Union(EU)马斯特里赫特条约Maastricht Treaty 欧元Euro

战后的日本Postwar Japan

盟军总司令Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(S.C.A.P)

旧金山和约The Treaty of San Francisco 麦克阿瑟 Douglas MacArthur 肯尼迪 John F.Kennedy 赫鲁晓夫 Nikita Khrushchev

艾森豪威尔 Dwight David Eisenhower 越南战争 Vietnam War

尼克松 Richard Milhous Nixon 亚非会议 Asina-African Conference 不结盟 Nonalignment 卡斯特罗 Fidel Castro Ruz 七十七国集团 Group of 77

南南合作 South-South Cooperation 南北对话 North-South Dialogue 中东战争 Middle East War 海湾战争 Gulf War


deformation without fracture.undamped vibration非阻尼第四单元

一个类似的问题也适用于振动 Membrane Stresses薄膜应

degree of freedom自由度另一个甚至更难捉摸的材力Shells of Revolution


Process vessels过程容器Cylinder cylindrical 圆柱,圆

柱的Cone conical圆锥 ,圆锥的Hemispherical sphere半球形的,球形Ellipsoidal椭圆形的Torispherical准球形的(碟形的)

Bending stresses弯曲应力Shear stresses剪切应力Internal pressure内压

Arising from…由什么引起Be subjected to…承受……..Symmetric对称的Circumference周向的Meridional stress经向应力Circumferential stress周向


Tangential stress切向应力

Radius of curvature曲率半

径Normal component


Diameter直径An angle

α to the axis与轴夹角α

段落: 22页2,3段


mechanical vibration机械振

动periodically repeated motion交替重复的运动wear磨损 bear轴承fatigue疲劳precision instrument精密仪


threshing machine脱粒机spring弹簧shaft轴

beam梁cantilever beam





free vibration自由振动natural frequency自然频率forced vibration受迫振动 exciting force激振力damped vibration阻尼振动coordinate坐标


段:“Mechanical vibrations...for many purposes.” 第六单元 金属合金 metal alloy 结晶的crystalline晶格crystal-lattice原子atom离子ions 锻造金属wroung metal铸造金属cast metal导

热体conductor of heat 导电体conductor of

electricity塑性的plastic黑色金属ferrous metal铸铁cast iron

有色金属nonferrous metal碳钢carbon steel铜合金copper alloy钛trtanium

熔点melting point第七单元 原材料 the virgin/starting material韧性ductility脆性brittleness断裂fracture 硬化hardening导热性 thermal conduction润滑(n,v)lubrication ,lubricate The final strength of any material used in an

engineering component

depends on its mechanical

and physical properties after it has been subjected to one or

more different manufacturing processes.用





A similar argument applies to

a rather more elusive property of any material,namely,its ductility,which

is usually understood to mean the ability of a material

to accept large amounts of

料性质,即材料的韧性。它通常被理解为指的事材料承受大变形而不发生断裂的能力。第八单元 Manufacturing Engineering Processes制造工艺过程Mass-conserving processes质量守恒过程 Mass-reducing processes质量减少过程Forging锻造Rolling滚压/轧制

Powder compaction粉末轧制Ductile fracture塑性


Brittle fracture脆性

破坏 Melting融化Evaporation

蒸发Dissolution溶解Combustion燃烧Turning车削 Milling铣削Drilling钻Electric discharge放电加工Cutting切削

Friction welding摩擦焊Working temperature工作温

度lower die下模

Upper die上模

Forging machines锻压机

Drop hammers锻锤Hydraulic drives液压驱动

Hot rolling热轧 Hot forging热锻Ceramic

陶瓷Hot-treated热处理Production rates生产率 Sintering engineering烧结法Ingot毛坯第九单元 strip steel 带钢tool steel 工具钢magnifying glass放大镜microscope 显微镜 polish抛光grind研磨etch蚀刻photomicrograph 显微照相metallograph

金相照片space lattices 晶格


change 同素异构转变油厂来说如果任何一项腐addlesupport安全系graphite 石墨第十单蚀控制措施出现问题的话,数factorsofsafety 元 都存在发生火灾的危险。许应压力theallowable化工厂 chemical plantPetroleum refineries have stresses人孔/手孔



溶质 solute溶剂solvent

溶液solution化学蚀刻chemical milling消声器muffler 冷凝管condenser tube冷凝器,聚光镜condenser人力资源 human resources 阳极处理 / 阴极保护anodizing of aluminum / cathodic protection 污水,下水道系统 sewage停工,停止运转,关闭shutdown1.即使是在一个材料选择总是正确的,设备设计没有任何缺陷并且操作也没有任何错误的理想世界中,腐蚀仍将发生,只不过是以可以接受的腐蚀速率发生罢了。In a perfect world the right material would always be selected, equipment designs would have no flaws , no mistakes would be made in operation, and corrosion would still occur — but at

an acceptable rate.2.腐蚀防护的成本也包



Also included is the cost

of corrosion protection such as the capital costs of cathodic protection , its power and maintenance, the

costs of chemical inhibitors ,and the extra costs of corrosion —resistant materials.3.炼油厂在腐蚀控制方面具有良好声誉,这部分地是由于其产品的价值给了炼油厂以资金来进行腐蚀控制,部分的也是由于对炼the best reputation for corrosion control ,partly because the value of their product gives them the

money to do it correctly and

partly because the danger of

fire is always present if

anything goes wrong.第十三单元 传热原理Principles of heat transfer热传导 Heat conductionorthermal conduction热对流 heat convection orthermal convection 辐射thermal radiation 温度梯度temperature gradient宏观的macroscopic晗enthalpy 通量flux 摩擦力orced of friction湍流turbulent flow层流caminar flow浮力buoyancy forces 强制对流forced convection 自然对流natural convection 电磁波electromagnetic


单原子的monatomic双原子的diatomic热通量heat flux未隔热的unlagged 截面cross section绝热的adiabatically流束fluid stream


压力容器pressurevessure 过程设备process equipment小碎片fraction 整体的,单层的monoblock 圆柱壳体cylindricalshell 半球形封头hemispherical heads

椭球形封头elliptical heads锥形封头conical heads法兰flange接



manway/handhold第十七单元 腐蚀抗力 corrosion resistance总体的完整性 the overall integrity射线探伤 radiography 应力去除 stress relieving分析设计 design-by-analysis许用应力 allowable stress 腐蚀和冲刷余量 the corrosion and erosion amounts毒性 lethal持续的 sustained瞬时的 transient钢号 designation安全系数 factors of safety失效模式 mode of failure蠕变 creep破裂rupture屈服点 yield point极限抗拉强度 the ultimate tensile strength The factors of safety are directly related to the theories and modes of failure, the specific design criteria of

each code, and the extend to

which various levels of

actual stresses are determined and evaluated.安全系数与失效理论和失效模式、各种规范下的特殊设计标准以及确定和评估各种水平实际应力的程度直接联系在一起。第十九单元 Heat exchangers 换热器shell-and-tube exchangers管壳式换热器Proprietary 专利的plate-and-frame exchangers


factors 污垢指数compact(plate-in)exchangers 紧凑式(板翅式)换热器friction factors摩擦系数 Process designed 工艺设计

valve viscous fluid粘性流体Gas

滑阀turbine 蒸汽透平slidevalve活塞阀 piston valve旋塞阀 operatingpressures 操作

压力Cross flow 错流cock valve螺杆阀

screw-down valveoperating temperature 操作

楔形阀 wedge-gate valve温度

heat recovery 热量的回收平行闸板阀 parallel slide Food processing 食品工艺valve安全阀 safety

固有频率nature frequency

规范,标准code 滚压rolling H环境:adj.environmental;n.environment焓:enthalpy

motor vehicle 机动车

pharmaceutical processing制

药工艺Pressure drop压力

降heat transfer coefficients传热系数spiral heat exchangers 螺旋式换热器finned tube 翅片管process outlet 工艺出口log mean temperature对数平均温度air coolers空冷机Packing glands 填料压盖double-pipe exchangers套管式换热器 extended surface扩展表面 annulus环隙concerns企业dewax脱蜡scraper 刮刀countercurrent 逆流tube side 管层shell side 壳层第二十一课 泵:pumps气蚀:cativation真空:vacuum叶轮叶片:propeller blade 压缩机:compressors流体力学:fluid dynamics单极:single-stage 双极:multistage单作用:single acting双作用:double acting 容积泵: positive_displacement

离心泵:centrifugal pump

抽扬泵: lift pump螺旋

泵:screw pump喷射

泵:jet pumps



泵):check valve


阀门 valve截止阀

check valve回转阀

rotory valve提升阀 lift

valve倒塌 collapse铸铁 cast

A 安装,装置 installation B 薄膜应力membrane stresses C 材料力学strength of materials 脆性的brittle 脆性,脆度 brittlness 车削turning 传导,导热:conduction 错流 crosscurrent 传导率,导热系数:conductivity 层流:laminar flow对称的,均匀的,平均的symmetric代入substitution 单自由度single degree of freedom D电磁的:electromagnetic电磁波:electromagnetic waves 锻造,锻件forging F 浮力,浮性;浮性的:buoyancy 浮力:buoyancy forces辐射:radiation










G 估计:estimate

回转壳体shells of revolution



静电的electrostatic精致的,可锻的wrought技术要求,说明书 specification


近似:n.approximate; adj.approximate;adv.approximately径向应力the meridional stress

机械振动mechanical vibrations

浇铸,铸件cast铸铁cast iron

K可锻铸铁wrought iron粒状的,颗粒的granular




流变学的rheologic M密封垫片,衬垫 gasket磨料,研磨,磨损的abrasive


N逆流 countercurrent P判据,准则 criterion破裂,断裂 fracture

Q 气蚀 cavitation 屈服应力



强制对流:forced convection

曲率半径radius of curvature

强迫振动forced vibration 裙座skirt

R 人力资源:human resources

韧性,延展性ductility 韧性的 ductile 蠕变应力 热处理internal structure


热传导:thermal conduction

热对流:thermal convection 容器,槽,罐,船只vessel 人孔manway

S瞬态的,过度的 transient


T 填料盖,密封套 gland 同素异构,同素异晶allotropy

同素异构体allotrope 挑战:challenge 湍对流:turbulent flow 通量:flux 梯度,斜面:gradient 椭圆封头elliptical heads W 位移displacement无阻尼振动undamped vibration完整性 integrity无经验的:inexperienced污染:v.contaminate;n.contamination X 系数coefficient效率:efficiency漩涡;涡流的,涡动的:eddy相互作用,相互影响interplay消音器:muffler悬臂梁cantilever bean铣削milling Y 研磨,抛光grind研磨,抛光,精加工


圆柱(体形)的,(圆)筒形的cylindrical圆柱壳体cylindrical shell 弯曲,曲率curvature约束,束缚,强制constrain 压力容器pressure vessels Z 铸造 casting 钻孔drilling 自然对流:natural convection

组合,装配 assembly 制药的,药物的 pharmaceutical 周期period 振幅amplitude 周向应力the circumferential stress 振荡的,摆动的oscillatory 粘性的,粘滞的viscous 整体的,单层的monblock


library national


library municipal

市图书馆 public library

大众图书馆 school library


college library, university library, academic library

大学图书馆 children's library

儿童图书馆 acquisition department


exchange of books


accessioning, accession of books

图书验收与登录 accession number

登录号 library stamp

图书馆馆章 book card

书卡 book pocket

书袋 date slip


cataloguing department

编目部 description

著录 classifying

分类 cataloguing



目录改编 cataloguer

编目员 card


card catalogue

卡片目录 ledger catalogue

书本式目录 loose-leaf catalogue

活页目录 catalogue card

目录卡片 classified card

分类卡 author card

作者卡 title card

书名卡 subject card

主题卡 guide card

指引卡 punched card


Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals(CILIP)图书馆与信息注册协会Information and Communications Technology(ICT)信息通信技术

Loughborough University 英国拉夫堡大学

Certified Power Builder Developer(CPD)认证考试

Continuing Professional Development(CPD)职业继续发展

Library and Information Science(LIS)图书馆学信息学

University of Wales, Aberystwyth 威尔士大学阿伯里斯特威斯分校

University of Maryland-College Park 马里兰大学学院园分校

Welcoming address 欢迎词

Convenor 召集人

University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)加州大学洛杉机分校

North Yorkshire 北约克郡

Copyright and other Legal Matters(CLM)(IFLA)版权和其他法律事务

UNESCO 联合国教科文组织

Colima, Mexico 墨西哥,科利马州

Bertelsmann Stiftung 贝塔斯曼基金会

Grimm Brothers 格林兄弟

Oral session 口头论文报告

Poster discussion session 海报论文讨论

Poster session 海报论文

Industry Update 行业动态

federated search 分布式搜索,联邦搜索

Plenary Session 全体会议

Librarianship 图书馆管理业务,图书馆员的地位(职务),图书馆

Laubach Literacy International 国际劳伯扫盲组织

Performance measurement 绩效评估

Interlibrary Loan(ILL)馆际互借

Document Delivery(DD)文献传递

Ljubljana 卢布尔雅那市(斯洛文尼亚首都)

ETH Bibliothek 苏黎世理工学院图书馆

Graduate School of Informatics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 英国,格拉斯哥,斯杰克莱大学,格拉斯哥息学院)Programs for International Student Assessment(PISA)


Provenance 指一件藝術品所有者的完整紀錄。

ABGRA 阿根廷图书馆专业馆员协会

Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, Netherlands 荷兰,海牙,皇家图书馆

TextMining 文本挖掘

Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe(LOCKSS)使用多份副本来保护文件项目

The European Library(TEL)欧洲图书馆

multilingual access to subject(MACS)


mentor 职业导师

print-handicapped 残疾人印刷品

(The Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute)HATII 人文高技术和信息研究所

Resource Preservation and Access Network(ERPANET)资源保护和存取网

Project voor geIntegreerde Catalogues Automotisering(PICA)图书馆自动化和在线服务国家中心

SCAMP 苏格兰杂志出版社协会 SCONE 苏格兰收藏网络扩展项目

HaIRST: Harvesting Institutional Resources In Scotland Testbed 苏格兰获取制度资源试验平台

SPEIR: Scottish Portals for Education, Information and Research 苏格兰教育、信息和研究门户

Associate University Librarian 大学图书馆副馆长

Ex-libris 藏书票

Australian Academic Research Libraries Information Network(AARLIN)澳大利亚学术研究图书馆信息网络

Documentation, Information and Culture(DIC)


DDC 杜威十进分类法

Bodleian Library 牛津大学图书馆

Debate 答辩

Break-out sessions 分组座谈会

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung(WZB)戈特弗里德-威廉-莱布尼茨科学联合会

TBA= to be announced 待宣布

Authority 管理局

NBLC 荷兰图书馆与文献中心

Official Association of Librarians-Documentalists of Catalonia 加太罗尼亚图书馆员和文献学家协会

Documentalist 文献学家

cross-browsing 交叉浏览

LCSH(Library of Congress Subject Headings)


BIX(Binary Information Exchange)二进制信息交换

FAST(Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)面向应用的主题术语

Universal Decimal Classification, UDC 国际十进分类法

The Associazione Biblioteche Carcerarie(ABC)或the Italian Association of Prison Libraries 意大利监狱图书馆协会

Schlagwortnormdatei(SWD)=Subject Authority File 标题权威档案

the Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog(RSWK)=Rules for the Subject Catalogue


Weltgipfeltreffen der Informationsgesellschaft=Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information(SMSI)=The World Summit on the Information Society(WSIS)信息社会全球峰会

SILAS(Singapore Integrated Library Automation Services)新加坡全国图书自动化服务系统

United Nations International Children'sEmergency Fund(UNICEF)联合国儿童基金会book card


book pocket

书袋 date slip


cataloguing department

编目部 description

著录 classifying

分类 cataloguing

编目 re-cataloguing

目录改编 cataloguer

编目员 card


card catalogue

卡片目录 ledger catalogue

书本式目录 loose-leaf catalogue

活页目录 catalogue card

目录卡片 classified card

分类卡 author card

作者卡 title card

书名卡 subject card

主题卡 guide card

指引卡 punched card

穿孔卡 microcard

缩微卡 microfilm

缩微胶卷 microfiche

缩微胶片 microprint

缩微印刷品 label


circulation department

流通阅览部 stack room




book reservation


circulation desk, delivery desk

出纳台 open shelves

开架式 closed shelves


opening hours, hours of service, hours of loan service reader's card, admission card

借书证 call slip

索书单 call number

书号 in circulation, out

借出 not for circulation

不外借 overdue notice

催还通知 renewal


catalogue room


card catalogue cabinet

卡片目录柜 classified catalogue

分类目录 title catalogue



author catalogue


subject catalogue

主题目录 book case


scroll rack


double-sided book shelves

双面书架 roller shelf


book carrier, book conveyor

运书车 book lift, book elevator

图书升降机 disinfection of books

图书消毒 annual circulation

图书流通率 turnover of books

图书周转 inter-library loan

馆际互借 international loan

国际互借 reading room


newspaper reading room

报纸阅览室 periodical reading room

期刊阅览室 newspaper file, newspaper rod

报纸夹 newspaper rack

报架 newspaper clipping


periodical record card

期刊登记卡 daily periodical card

报纸登记卡 periodica rack

杂志架 magazine binder

杂志夹 bound volume


exhibition room, exhibition hall

展览室 exhibit rack, display rack

展览架 display window


current issue


back issue, back number

过期杂志 missing issue

缺期期次 supplementary issue

增刊 index


alphabetical index

字顺索引 author index

著者索引 classified index

分类索引 periodical index

期刊索引 subject index

主题索引 title index

书名索引 information


information material


information media 情报载体(指书刊、电影、广播、电视、磁带等)information retrieval

情报检索 information storage

情报贮存 information science


non-book materials


non-print media


audio-visual book

视听图书(指附有录音带、唱片、幻灯片、录像带、电影等的图书)audiovisual studio

视听室 tape recorder


cassette tape recorder

盒式磁带录音机 video tape recorder

磁带录像机 TV set


projector, film projector

电影放映机 slide projector


copier, duplicator xeroxing machine

打印机 microfilm reader 基础 缩微阅读机 book


pamphlet, booklet

小册子 pocket book

袖珍书 miniature edition

微型本 rare book

善本 unique copy

孤本 sample copy

样本 gift


secondhand book

旧书 front cover

封面 back cover


fly page, flyleaf

扉页 title page

书名页 copyright page

版权页 briefs, synopsis




MARC, machine-readable catalogue

机读目录 network




terminal user

终端设备用户 retrieval

检索 keyword

关键词 descriptor

主题词 thesaurus


ISBN(International Standard Book Number)

国际标准图书编号 ISSN(International Standard Serial Number)国际标准期刊编号 Universal Copyright Convention

国际版权公约 chief librarian, librarian


associate librarian, deputy librarian, sub-librarian 副馆长 clerk

管理员 librarian



Unit 1 The Evolution of Management as a Field of Study

evolutionn.the process of developing发展

generalizev.to infer from many particulars概括

autobiographyn.the biography of a person written by that person 自传

memoirn.an account of the person experiences of an author 回忆录,自传

extremelyad.Being in or attaining the greatest or highest degree 极度地

anthropologistn.someone who studies anthropology 人类学家

perspectiven.the way in which a situation or problem in judged so that proper consideration

is given to each part 合理观察,视角

turnovern.the number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left

in a given period of time 人员更替数

approachn.the method used in dealing with or accomplishing 方法

contingencyn.a possibility that must be prepared for可能事件,可能出现的情况 dynamica.characterized by continuous change 不断变化的confrontationn.discord or a clash of opinions and ideas 观点或思想的不断冲撞 incurv.to acquire or come into 获得

compromisev.something that combines qualities or elements of different things折中 interdependenta.mutually dependent 互相依存的characteristicn.a feature that helps to identify 特性

popularityn.the quality or state of being popular 普及

solea.of or relating to only one individual or group 单独的reliancen.the act of relying or the state of being reliant 依赖,依靠

sufficienta.being as much as is needed 充足的alliancen.the act of becoming allied or the condition of being allied 结盟

demographicn.of or relating to demography 人口统计

complementv.to serve as a complement to 补足

Unit 2 The Scope of Management

entailv.to have, impose, or require as a necessary accompaniment or consequence 伴随 conformv.to act or be in accord or agreement 使和谐一致

envisionv.to picture in the mind 想象

affordablea.that can be afforded 买得起的strivev.to exert much effort or energy 努力

missionn.special assignment given to a person or group 任务

informercialn.a commercial television program or relatively long commercial segment

offering consumer information 商业信息片

franchisen.authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company’s goods or

services in a certain area 特许经营权

tacticala.of, relating to, or using tactics 战术的departmentala.部门的peern.a person who has equal standing with another or others 同等的人,与他人在爵位、阶级或年龄上相当的人

interpersonala.relating to, occurring among, or involving several people 人与人之间的 fosterv.to promote the growth and development of 促进

pervasivea.having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate 渗透性的stakeholdern.one who has a share or an interest 股东

flourishv.to be in a period of highest productivity 活跃

automotivea.moving by itself 自动的nonroutinen.非常规程序

analoguen.something that bears an analogy to something else 类似情况

Unit 3 What are Orgnizations ?

beastn.something a thing 事物

organizationn.a group of people with special purpose, such as a club or business 团体,组


inventionn.something invented 发明物

contrivancen.device or tool, esp.one made by an individual for a particular puipose 发明物;


patronagen.all the patrons of a shop, hotel, etc, as a group 为了赞助而产生的impactn.the force of an idea, invention, system, etc.影响力

perspectiven.the way in which a matter is judged, so that consideration and importance is

five to each part 判断事物的方法

associationn.the act of joining or the state of being joined with somebody or something 联


verya.(used for giving force to an expression)(用于强调)正是;完全;实在whimn.a sudden idea or wish, often not reasonable 突起的(怪)念头;一时的兴致 fancyn.an image, opinion, or idea imagined and not based on fact 无事实根据的幻觉,意


achievev.to finish successfully 完成;实现

souln.a person 人;灵魂

guidelinesn.the main points about something which is to be dealt with 指导方针;行动纲

bridgev.to build a brige across 架桥

gapn.an amount of distance pr difference 差异;差距;歧异

by virtue ofin virtue of 依靠;由于

survivaln.something which has continued to exist from an earlier time 生存

behaviorn.way of behaving 行为;举动

subsetn.a set contained within a set 子集

maintenancen.the act of maintaining 维持;维护;保养;赡养

turnovern.the number of workers that are hired by a firm to fill the places of workers who

have left in a particular period 人员更新

efficiencyn.the state or quality of being efficient 功效;效率;效能

intellectuala.concerning the intellect 智力的limitationn.the fact or conditions of limiting or being limited 限制事实或状态

chartn.information written or draw in the form of a picture graph, etc., usu.With the

intention of making it understood 图表

predictv.to see or describe in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, reason, etc.预


Unit 4 Developing Qpality and Competitive Advantage

innovativea.marked by or given to innovations 革新的,创新的optimizev.to make as perfect or effective as possible 使最优化,使尽可能底完善或有效 medievala.relating or belonging to the Middle Ages 中世纪的tenantn.one that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by

another 佃户

usherv.to precede and introduce 宣告,展示介绍;开始,开创

exotica.intriguingly unusual or different 异乎寻常的;奇异的strenuousa.requiring great effort, energy, or exertion 艰巨的,需要巨大努力、能量或投入的hazardousa.marked by danger 带有危险性的;危险的artificial intelligencethe ability of machine to perform those activities that are normally

thought to require intelligence 人工智能

navigationaln.an original type, from, or instance that serves as a model on which later

stages are based or judged 原型

chassisn.the rectangular steel frame, supported on springs and attached to the axles, that

holds the body and motor of an automotive vehicle 底盘

carouseln.a circular conveyor on which objects are displayed or rotated 旋转式传送带 outmaneuverv.to overcome by artful, clever maneuvering 智胜,在机智、谋略上胜过 CEOChief Executive Officer 执行总裁

Unit 5 Competitive Industry Environment Analysis

long-terma.involving, maturing after, or being in effect for a long time 长期的aggregationn.a group or formed by this 集合体

carbonateda.containing carbon dioxide 充了碳酸气的root beern.以黄樟油、冬青油为香料的无醇饮料

alen.any of various type of beer, esp.one that is pale in color 麦酒

caffeinen.a bitter white alkaloid,C8H10N4O2 咖啡因

alignmentn.the act of aligning or the condition of being aligned 结盟

meaninglessa.having no meaning or significance 无意义的,无价值的withdrawaln.retreat of military force in the face of enemy or after a defeat 撤退

vertical integration垂直统一管理

interactivea.acting or capable of acting on each other 互相作用的delin.a delicatessen 熟食店

buffetn.a meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed in a table or

sideboard 自助餐

nutritionn.the process of nourishing or being nourished 营养

slackenv.to make or become less vigorous 缓和

pharmaceuticala.of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists 制药的neurosciencen.any of the sciences, such as neuroanatomy and neurobiology, that deal with

the nervous system 神经科学

inflammatorya.characterized or caused by inflammation 发炎的nichen.a special are of demand for a product or service 产品或服务所需的特殊领域

preemptivea.undertaken or initiated to deter or prevent an anticipated, usually unpleasant

situation or occurrence 先发制人的entrantn.one that enters, especially one that enters a competition 参加竞赛者

cellular phonen.便携式电话

dramaticallyad.catching and holding the imagination by unusual appearance or effects 戏


replenishmentn.something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency 补给,补充 backward integration后向合并

alleviatev.to make more bearable 减轻

oleomargarinen.margarine 人造黄油,人造奶油

tinplaten.very thin sheets of iron or steel covered with tin 镀锡铁皮;马口铁

maturityn.the state or quality of being fully frown or developed 成熟


cerealn.a grass such as wheat, oats, or corn, the starchy grains of which are used as food 谷

razorn.a sharp-edged cutting instrument used especially for shaving the face or removing

other body hair 剃刀

Unit 6 Materials and Process ~ Management of a Company

inventoryn.the quantity of goods and materials on hand 库存

submitv.to commit to the consideration or judgment of another 使……听从

biddern.one who attempts to win a contract by bidding 投标人

obsoletea.outmoded in design, style, or construction 过时的establishv.to set up 建立

resourcen.the total means available to a company for increasing production or profit,including plant, labor, and raw material 储备力量

stockpilev.a supply stored for future use, usually carefully accrued and maintained 储存 calculatev.to make an estimate of 计算

interchangev.to give and receive mutually 交换

telecommunicationn.the electronic systems used in transmitting messages, as by telegragh,cable, telephone, radio, or television 电讯

executiven.a person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an

organization 经营管理人

simulationn.representation of the operation or features of one process or system through

the use of another 模拟

principlen.a fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action 准则

eliminatev.ti get rid of 消除

multifunctiona.多功能的flexiblea.responsive to a delay 可变通的;灵活的holdupn.an interruption or a delay 停顿

incentiven.something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward, that

induces action or motivates effort 诱因;动机

coordinatev.to harmonize in a common action or effort 调整

Unit 7 Operating Statement of a Company

wholesalea.of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale 批发 clarityn.clearness of thought or style 清晰

readabilityn.interesting or easy to read 易读,可读性

concisea.expressing much in few words 简明的,简洁的inventoryn.the quantity of goods and materials on hand 库存

gross sales销售总额

net sales扣除销货折扣和退货后净额

marginn.the minimum return that an enterprise may earn still pay for itself 最低利润 gross profit毛利,总利润,利润毛额

sales salaries销售人员的工资

advertising expense广告费用

office salaries办公室或一般文秘人员工资

miscellaneousa.made up of a variety of parts or ingredients 混杂的seeminglyad.apparently;ostensibly 表面上地

skeletonn.a supporting structure or framework 构架

invoicen.a detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs


refundn.a repayment of funds 退款

cancellationsn.the act or an instance of canceling 取消

Unit 8 Human Resource Management: An Overview

utilizationn.making use of 利用;使用

meshv.to connect 结合;相合representativen.a person acting in place of one or more other 代表;代理

capitaln.money used for starting a business 资金

primarya.chief;main 主要的supervisorn.one who is in charge of a particular department or unit, as in a governmental

agency or school system 监督;管理人员

cosmeticn.a preparation such as face-cream, body-powder, etc., intended to make the skin

or hair more beautiful 化妆品

substantivea.expressing existence 表示存在的insightn.the power of using one’s mind to understand something deeply, without help

from outside information 洞察力;见识

catalystn.a substance which, without itself changing, causes chemical activity to quicken 催


energizern.something or somebody that gives energy to 使活跃的人或物

quitv.infml to stop and leave 停止;辞职


missionn.a group of people, esp.people acting for their country, who are sent abroad for

special reason 使团,代表团;任务,使命

plaguev.to cause continual discomfort, suffering, or trouble to, to make rather angry 折磨,烦恼;使得灾祸


self-esteemn.one’s good or too good opinion of one’s own worth 自尊心;自大,自负



re-mortgage 再按揭;再抵押 remuneration 酬金;薪酬;报酬 remunerative rate 有利比率 renewal of a loan 借款重贷

renewal of contract of insurance 续保

renewal of registration 登记续期;注册续期 renewal policy 续保保单

Renminbi Yuan [CNY] 人民币元 rent 租金

rent charge 租费 rent record 租金记录 rental income 租金收入 rental index 租金指数 rental return 租金收益 rent-free 免租

renunciation 放弃书

reorganization of capital 资本重组

reorganization of share capital 股本重组 repaid bill 已偿付库券

repayment 偿还;归还款项;退还税款 repayment capability 偿债能力

repayment of principal 偿还本金;还本 repeated borrower 重复借贷者;重复借款人

rephasing of expenditure 重新订定分期拨付开支的时间 replacement cost 重置成本;更新成本;迁建费用 replacement reserve 重置储备金;更新储备金 replenishment of funds 补充资金 repo security 回购抵押品

Report of the Securities Review Committee on the Operation and Regulation of the Hong Kong Securities Industry 《香港证券业的运作及监察──证券业检讨委员会报告书》

Report on the Financial Market Review 《金融市场检讨报告》 reporting accountant 申报会计师 reporting mechanism 申报机制 reporting system 汇报系统

representative capacity 代表身分

representative of a commodity dealer 商品交易商代表 representative office 代表办事处

Republic National Bank of New York 美国利宝银行 repurchase 购回

repurchase agreement [repo] 回购协议 repurchase transaction 购回交易 reputed owner 据称拥有人

required liquid capital 规定速动资金;规定流动资金 requisite book 必需的簿册 requisite voucher 必需的凭单

requisition 申请书;申报表;请购单

Requisition for Revenue Stamps 购买印花申请书 re-registration 重新登记;重新注册 reschedule of payment 重新安排付款期限 rescue fund 储备金

Research and Planning Division [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 数据研究及策划科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 resell 反售;转售 reserve 储备;准备金 reserve account 储备帐 reserve assets 储备资产

reserve balance as a percentage of government expenditure 储备结余在政府开支中所占的百分率 reserve capital 后备资本

reserve for bad debts 坏帐储备

reserve for contingencies 意外损失储备 reserve for exchange loss 汇兑损失储备 reserve fund 储备金;储备基金 reserve price 保留价格;最低价格

reserve ratio requirement 储备比率规定

reserved supplementary grant 备用追加补助金

Reserves Management Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 储备管理部〔香港金融管理局〕

resettlement grant 转业补助金;迁置补助金 resident director 本地董事 residential mortgage 住宅按揭

residual acceptor of foreign exchange 外汇的最后承兑人 residual deficit 剩余赤字 residual method 余值法

residual method of valuation 余值估计法 residual payment 余款;剩余付款

residual supplier of foreign exchange 外汇的最后供应者 residual value 剩余价值;残余价值 residuary estate 剩余遗产 residue 剩余额;剩余财产

residue of expenditure 开支剩余额 resistance line 阻力线

Resource Allocation Exercise [RAE] 资源分配工作

Resource Allocation Exercise for recurrent expenditure 经常开支资源分配工作

resource bid 资源申请 resource bureau 资源局

Resources Management Unit [RMU] [Economic Services Bureau] 资源管理组〔经济局〕

responsible director 责任董事 restatement of account 重整帐目 restocking 补充存货

restricted auction 限制条件拍卖

restricted banking licence 有限制银行牌照 restricted licence bank 有限制牌照银行 restricted tender 局限性投标;“围内”投标 restriction notice 限制通知书 restrictive endorsement 限制背书 results announcement 业绩公布 retail banking 零售银行业务 retail business 零售业务

retail client “散户”;“散客” retail dealer 零售商 retail deposit 零售存款

retail deposit interest rate 零售存款利率 retail interest rate 零售利率

retail investor “散户”投资者;个人投资者 retail market 零售市场

retail participation “散户”入市 retail price 零售价格

retail price index 零售价格指数 retained business 保留业务 retained earnings 留存收益 retained import 留用进口货物 retained profit 留存盈利 retention 保留额;自留额

retention money 保留金;保留款项 retention ratio 自留额比率

retirement scheme management category X business 退休计划管理第X类业务

Retirement Schemes and Insurance and Bureau Administration Section [Financial Services Bureau] 退休计划及保险及行政组〔财经事务局〕 retiring partner 退出的合伙人 retiring trustee 退职受托人 retrocession 转分保

retrocession premium 转分保保费 retrocessionaire 转分保人

return 收益;回报率;报表;报税表 Return of Computerized Payroll Emoluments 计算机计算薪俸表格 return on assets 资产回报率

Return on Loans, Advances and Provisions 贷款、垫款及备付金申报表 revaluation 重估价值;升值

revaluation of rateable values 重估应课差饷租值 revaluation year 重估应课差饷租值 revenue 收入;收益;税收 revenue account 收入帐

revenue base 收入基数;收入基础 revenue collection 征税;收取税款

revenue department 税收部门;管理政府收入的部门 revenue estimates 收入预算

revenue from properties and investments 来自物业及投资的收入 revenue measure 征税措施;收入措施 revenue outturn 收入结算 revenue paper 税收文件

revenue policy 征税政策;收入政策

revenue proposal 征税建议;税收建议;收入建议 revenue shortfall 收入不足 revenue stamp 税收印花

revenue-earning department 赚取收入的部门 revenue-generating department 带来收入的部门 reversionary estate 复归产业权 reversionary interest 复归权益

Review of Companies Ordinance Consultancy Report 《检讨香港公司条例顾问研究报告》

revised assessment 修订评税 revised estimates 修订预算

revised estimates of expenditure 修订开支预算 revised estimates of revenue 修订收入预算

revised preliminary estimates of gross domestic product 本地生产总值的修订初步估计

revive 回升;复苏

revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证 revocation 撤销

revocation of licence 撤销牌照 revolving fund 周转基金;循环基金 revolving letter of credit 循环信用证 revote 再拨款 reward 酬金

right of control 控制权

right of conversion into stock 兑换证券的权利 right of pre-emption 优先购买权

right of retainer 遗产保留权;财产保留权 right of retention 保留权

right to receive income from property 从财产收取入息的权利 right to rescind 撤销的权利

rights issue 供股〔上市方式〕;认股权发行;配售新股 rights issue prospectus 供股章程 ring 交易圈

ring out平仓;经纪之间期货交易相互结算 rising price 价格上涨 risk 风险

risk adjustment 风险调整 risk assets 风险资产

risk assets ratio 风险资产比率 risk exposure 风险承担 risk management 风险管理

Risk Management Guidelines for Derivatives 《衍生工具风险管理指引》 risk management system 风险管理系统;风险管理制度 risk of breakage 破损险 risk of non-delivery 遗失险 risk of rust 舅鹣

risk of shortage 短量险 risk of sweat damage 潮腐险 risk premium 风险溢价 risk weight 风险加权数

risk weighted exposure 加权风险值

“risk-based” approach “以风险为依据”的方法 risk-capping 限制风险

roll forward 向前推展;向前滚进 roll over 转仓;滚计;滚转;续期 rolling forex 日转期汇

rolling plan 滚动式计划;逐年延展计划 rolling settlement 滚动交收

round lot 交易单位;整数成批股票;“一手” round off 以整数计;四舍五入 round to nil 化为零计

round turn 完整交易;轧平交易 round up 清盘

rounded-up sub-total 化成整数的小计 round-trip contract平仓合约

Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大皇家银行

Royal Bank of Scotland plc 苏格兰皇家银行 royalty 专营权费;专利权费;特许权使用费 rule of equity 衡平法;衡平法规则

Rules and Operation Procedure of Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited 《香港中央结算有限公司规则及运作程序》 Rules Governing the Listing of Securities [Listing Rules] [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 《证券上市规则》〔《上市规则》〕〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

Rules of the Exchange [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 《交易所规则》〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕

Rules on Interest Rates and Deposit Charges 《利率及存款收费规则》 run on a bank 银行挤兑;银行挤提 runner “驳脚”经纪;传递员

running expenses 管理费用;经常费用 running-down of business 缩减业务



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