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Until textbook

[ˈtekstbʊk] n.教科书;课本

conversation [ˌkɔnvəˈseɪʃn] n.交谈;谈话

aloud [əˈlaʊd]


pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] n.发音;读音 sentence [ˈsentəns] n.句子

patient [ˈpeɪʃnt] adj.有耐心的n.病人

expression [ɪkˈspreʃn]


discover [dɪˈskʌvə(r)] v.发现;发觉

secret [ˈsi:krət] n.秘密;秘诀 adj.秘密的;保密的 look up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看

grammar [ˈgræmə(r)] n.语法

repeat [rɪˈpi:t] v.重复;重做

note [nəʊt] n.笔记;记录 v.注意;指出

pal [pæl] n.朋友;伙伴

physics [ˈfɪzɪks] n.物理;物理学

chemistry [ˈkemɪstri] n.化学

memorize [ˈmeməraɪz] n.记忆;记住 pattern [ˈpætn]

n.模式;方式 pronounce [prəˈnaʊns] v.发音

increase [ɪnˈkri:s]


speed [spi:d] n.速度

partner [ˈpɑ:tnə(r)]


born [bɔ:n] v.出生

adj.天生的be born with


ability [əˈbɪləti] n.能力;才能


[kriˈeɪt] n.创造;创建

brain [breɪn] n.大脑

active [ˈæktɪv] adj.活跃的;积极的 attention [əˈtenʃn] n.注意;关注

pay attention to 注意;关注

connect [kəˈnekt] v.(使)连接;与⋯⋯有联系

connect … with


overnight [ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt] adv.一夜之间;在夜间

review [rɪˈvju:]

v.& n.回顾;复习

knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ] n.知识;学问

lifelong [ˈlaɪflɔŋ] adj.终身的;毕生的,wisely [waɪzlɪ]


Annie [ ˈænɪ ] 安妮(女名)

Alexander Graham Bell [ˌælɪgˈzændə] ['greɪəm] [bel] 亚历山大 • 格雷厄姆 • 贝尔



wondern.奇迹vt.想知道,对...好奇 bandn.乐队 reviewn.评论

ancienta.远古的,古老的 compositionn.作文 graden.成绩;年级 pupiln.学生 meetingn.会议 listen up注意听

callvt.叫做,名为;打电话 eventn.事件;比赛项目 naturala.天然的;自然的get out of从...内出来,离开 lighta.明亮的 n.光线;灯 replyvi.回答

clearv.散开;打扫干净 a.清晰的 risevi.升起 groundn.地面 belowprep.在…下面 edgen.边,边缘

on the edge of处于...的边缘 bottomn.底部

at the bottom of在...的底部 siden.边,面,侧 disappearvi.消失 distancen.距离 hugea.巨大的facev.面对,面临 n.脸

sightn.景象,景观 heightn.高度 liftn.电梯 viewn.景色 attractvt.吸引 descriptionn.描述 locationn.地点,位置 MODULE 2 workn.(常复)作品 influencevt.影响 respectvt.尊敬,尊重 thinkern.思想家 wisea.睿智的as far as就…来说;至于 not...any more不再...monthlya.每月一次的,每月的literaturen.文学 millions of数百万的 behaviourn.行为,举止 caven.山洞,洞穴 freedomn.自由 funeraln.葬礼

outsidern.局外人,外来人 sociala.社会的 themen.主题 treasuren.宝藏,财宝 clevera.聪明的 run awayv.潜逃,逃跑 deada.死的for a timeadv.暂时, 一度 pleaseda.高兴的 alivea.活着的grow up成长,长大成人 talk about谈论 southerna.南方的 staten.州,邦;状态 versionn.版本 historicala.历史的 editorn.编辑

publishern.出版者,出版社 reviewern.评论家 MODULE 3

sportinga.有关体育运动的 allowvt.允许 defeatvt.打败 seasonn.赛季;季节 stand for代表;象征


tougha.艰苦的;强硬的 encouragev.鼓励 medaln.奖章,奖牌

overnighta.突如其来的,持续整夜的recordn.最高记录vt.记录 setvt.设置;制定set up建立;创立

first of all首先

representvt.代表,象征 advertisementn.广告 coachn.教练 regularlyad.有规律地 sportsman n.运动员,男运动员 sportswomann.女运动员 racevi.比赛 discussionn.讨论 awardv.授予 finishing line终点线 marathonn.马拉松 turnn.跑道 taekwondo跆拳道 beltn.带子 MODULE 4 printingn.印刷 advantagen.优点,优势 digitala.数码的 digital camera数码相机 batteryn.电池 chargevt.充电 favourn.帮助;喜爱 publishvt.出版 issuen.(报刊)期

ordinarya.平常的,普通的,平凡的agen.时期,时代;年龄 replacevt.代替 see to负责,注意 producevt.生产

inventionn.发明 look through浏览 createv.创造 cottonn.棉花 woodn.木材 at a time一次 by hand用手工 inkn.墨水 blockn.板子;街区 at the beginning of 在...的开始 knowledgen.知识 spreadvt.散播,传播 introductionn.传入;介绍 rather than而不是...one day某天 feathern.羽毛

dryv.(使)干燥,使(变干)a.干的,干燥的sharpenvt.磨快,削尖 steeln.钢,钢铁 popularityn.普及,流行 MODULE 5


photographyn.摄影 familiara.熟悉的 attentionn.注意力

pay attention to集中注意力于 upstairsad.在楼上,向楼上 n.楼上

guardn.保卫 signn.标志 as well也

downstairsad.在楼下;向楼下 eitheradj.两者之一的 experimentn.实验 exhibitn.展品 unusuala.不同寻常的 work out设法弄懂,计算出 try out试用,试验,检验 Physicsn.物理 fallinga.下降中的 sandn.沙子 truckn.卡车 wheeln.轮子 positionn.位置 rocketn.火箭 travelvi.旅行 n.旅行 humann.人类 a.人类的 speedn.速度 obeyv.遵守 above all首先 drop in顺便走访 as...as同…一样

communicationn.交流,沟通 courtn.球场 storev.储存 cloakroomn.衣帽间 toiletn.厕所

inventorn.发明家 cafen.咖啡厅 MODULE 6

wasten.浪费 v.浪费 wastefula.浪费的 throw away扔掉,抛弃 metaln.金属 energyn.能量 pollutionn.污染


environmentala.环境的 reusablea.可重新使用的 hopelessa.希望渺茫的 reducevt.减少,减小 reusevt.重新利用 necessarya.有必要的 plastica.塑料制的 n.塑料 repairv.修复 chinan.陶瓷

carev.在意,关心;担心 fashionn.风尚 insteadprep.代替 instead of代替, 而不是… air conditioningn.空调 clothn.布 sortv.挑拣 harmn.伤害

do harm to对...造成伤害

differencen.差别,差异 make a difference to对...产生重大影响/很重要 productn.产品 materialn.材料 bottlen.瓶子 boilv.煮沸,烧开 wildlifen.野生动植物 REVISION MODULE A accidentn.事故 put up张贴,挂起 joinvt.参加;连接;加入 networkn.网络 businesspeoplen.商人 scientifica.科学的 multimedian.多媒体 hardwaren.硬件

communicatev.交流,沟通 softwaren.软件

(be)made up of组成,构成 a number of许多 normala.常规的;正常的 MODULE 7 handn.协助;手 have a look at看...一眼

alongside prep.在…的旁边,沿着… detailn.细节 grapen.葡萄 hamn.火腿

lambn.小羊肉 relativen.家人,亲戚 sheepn.绵羊 spiritn.灵魂;神灵 surfingn.冲浪 winen.(葡萄)酒 purplen.紫色a.紫色的 similara.相似的,类似的 similar to同...相似 ourspron.我们的 sunshinen.阳光

expressionn.短语,表达方式maten.同伴 tempern.脾气 lifestylen.生活方式 water sports水上运动 greyn./a.灰色(的)ancestorn.祖先,先人 MODULE 8 on the left在左边 on the right在右边 troublen.麻烦 kidv.开玩笑 expectv.盼望 pick up接;拣起 historica.有历史意义的 even though即使 sizen.规模 beautyn.美丽

categoryn.类别,种类 movementn.运动,动作 featuren.以...为特点 includevt.包括 richa.富有的;丰富的 congratulationn.祝贺 photographern.摄影师 presentvt.授予 n.礼物 ceremonyn.典礼 frightenedadj.吓坏的 MODULE 9 cartoonn.卡通 flashn.闪光;闪光灯 drawingn.图画 over there那边 wordn.言语

have a word with和某人说几句话 cuteadj.逗人喜爱的,漂亮的 heavenn.天堂,天国 lovablea.可爱的 messn.混乱;杂乱 privatea.私人的;秘密的 heartn.心脏,心

win the heart of赢得...的心 everywheread.在各个地方;处处 handbagn.手提包

favouriten.喜爱的东西(或人)a.特别喜欢的 leadv.领导

rulen.统治 peachn.桃子 commona.常用的 bossn.老板,雇主 surfacen.表面 ever since从...开始


experiencev.&n.经历,体验 creatorn.创造者 latea.逝世的;迟的 singlea.单一的 MODULE 10 fitnessn.健康 achev.&n.疼,痛 exercisen.锻炼,练习runningn.跑步 weightn.重量 weight lifting举重 give up放弃 unlikelya.不太可能的 bumpv.碰,撞击 bump intov.碰见 interestv.感兴趣 n.兴趣 junk food垃圾食品 sugarn.糖

tastya.美味的,好吃的 menun.菜单 chipn.薯条

behavev.表现 persuadevt.说服 cookingn.烹饪 banvt.禁止 educatevt.教育 typicala.典型的 disadvantagen.缺点 dietn.日常饮食

advertisev.做广告,登广告MODULE 11 populationn.人口 crowdn.人群 increasev.增加

smoken.烟,烟雾 v.吸烟 increasinga.增长的 along with与…一起 minuten.分钟 percentn.百分之一 appointmentn.约会 thanks to由于 crimen.犯罪 flatn.(英)公寓 lawn.法律 rubbishn.垃圾 taxn.税

visionn.景象,幻影 addv.增加 add to向...增加 faultn.错误


curev.治愈,治好,治疗 MODULE 12

accommodationn.住处 shortsn.短裤 sunglassesn.太阳镜 trousersn.裤子 guestn.客人 coursen.课程 hostn.主人

passagen.一段,一节 well-trained训练有素的 experiencedadj.经验丰富的 progressn.进步 make progress取得进步 arrangev.安排 variousa.不同的 organizevt.组织 place of interest旅游胜地 fill in填写 applicationn.申请 formn.表格 addressn.地址 lengthn.长度 bookn.书 vt.预定

check in(在旅馆)登记入住;(在机场)办理登机手续 REVISION MODULE B jacketn.夹克

woodena.木制的 speechn.演说;讲演extraa.额外的*biologyn.生物学contactvt.接触,与…联系 safetyn.安全

Module 1







set off 动身;出发either … or … 要么……要么……;nodv.点(头)(表示赞成、同意或不是……而是……理解)

Module 3


debaten.辩论towardsprep.往;向;朝……方向illnessn.病;疾病 cigaretten.香烟



get off下(火车、公共汽车等)supposev.猜想;假设

stepn.步;步骤relaxedadj.放松的;松弛的 Module 2


marriedadj.已婚的;结婚的physicaladj.身体的;体力的fall off(从……)跌落PE体育;体育课

get married结婚*reallyadv.非常;很;(用于强调)couplen.夫妻实在;确实



lead a … life过(某种生活)adj.(两者之中)均无的 diseasen.病;疾病secondary(音标)school 中学Module 4


absentadj.缺席的;不在的fitv.(形状和尺寸)适合,合身 4

glove n.手套

have on穿着;戴着


thickadj.厚的 sizen.尺码;号 shop assistant店员

*cooladj.时髦的;酷的fashionable adj.流行的时髦的时尚的 logon.(组织或公司的)标识,标志,商标

well-known adj.众所周知的;著名的 designeradj.n.设计师

advertisingn.(总称)广告 *dollarn.美元

succeedv.成功;做到 show off显示;炫耀 personalityn.个性;性格 Module 5

*rulen.规则;规章 suggestionn.建议keep to 沿着……走 *rope n.绳子

*streamn.小河;溪 clearadj.明白清楚的 starvingadj.非常饿的;饥饿难忍的 lead the way领路;带路 fall asleep 入睡 valleyn.山谷

peacefuladj.安静的;平静的 siten.场所


reach out伸手去摸

stilladj.静止的;不动的 woodsn.树林 hillsiden.小山坡 suddenadj.突然的 bloodn.血

causev.造成;引起 n.原因;起因effortn.努力 fifthnum.第五

ordern.& v.顺序;命令in order to 为了 directorn.主任 Revision module A smelln.气味

discussv.讨论;谈论 Module 6*fever n.发烧

flun.流行性感冒 kneen.膝盖

wound n.伤,伤口 miss v.不在 trip v.绊;绊倒

improvementn.改善;改进 oncomingadj.迎面而来的 couchn.长沙发 expertn.专家 requirev.需要 fitadj.健康的 amountn.数量 weightn.重量

effectn.影响 *cooker n.厨灶 shockn.电击

hit(hit, hit)v.打;击 gladadj.高兴的 breathe v.呼吸 cancer n.癌症 fixv.修理 Module 7

fingern.手指 basketn.篮子 *breadn.面包

forkn.(吃食物用的)叉子 knifen.刀


*hold(held, held)v.举办;召开 hotadj.辣的Romann.罗马人 sayingn.谚语;格言 cheersint.(用于祝酒)干杯 platen.盘子

explanationn.解释;说明 crossadj.恼怒的;生气的 generallyadv.一般地;通常 overadv.结束 *blindadj.瞎的 sensen.感觉官能 tasten.味道

owner n.所有权人;主人 been.蜜蜂

officern.官员 coursen.一道菜 Module 8

dialoguen.对话line n.台词, 对白 *nurse n.保姆;护士recitev.背诵 rolen.角色 servantn.仆人

play the role of扮演……角色 superbadj.极佳的impressedadj.印象深刻的frontadj.前面的 nightlifen.夜生活

musicaln.音乐剧;音乐电影 in the open air 在露天(或户外)industryn.工业 traden.贸易 Module 9

achievev.完成;达到 brightadj.聪明的handwritingn.书法 leveln.水平

certainadj.某些;一些 howeveradv.不管多么 fairlyadv.相当地 no matter无论……

whereverconj.无论在哪里 ownv.拥有

everydayadj.每天的;日常的 5

essentialadj.极其重要的 tourism n.旅游业

*quartern.四分之一 industrialadj.工业的recentadj.近来的 typhoon n.台风

importancen.重要性 in place of代替 Indiann.印度人

speakern.说某种语言的人 periodn.阶段;时期 expressv.表示;表达 Module 10

ceilingn.天花板 fetchv.(去)拿来 pardonint.请再说一遍 raisev.举起

forgive(forgave, forgiven)v.原谅 treasurev.珍视;珍爱 stay in touch 保持联系 owe v.归因于;归功于 pay back偿还 kindnessn.体贴 patiencen.耐心 giftn.恩赐

fairadj.公平的;公正的 model n.模范;典型

role model 楷模;行为榜样 valuen.行为准则;价值 decisionn.决定


Revision module B shockv.使震惊

*inside adv.在(或向)里面prep.在(或向)……里 cown.奶牛;母牛 dentistn.牙医

*tooth(pl.teeth)n.牙齿 *robotn.机器人




________________引起疲劳的;累人的 _________________ 教育的;有教育意义的 __________________平静的;宁静的;和平的 ________________迷人的;有极大吸引力的 ____________________令人激动的;令人震颤的 _________________________从容;轻松;不紧张

____________________(缓慢或艰难地)旅行;长途跋涉 _______________________热带丛林 ____________________(常pl.)瀑布

_________________游客很多的;游客常去的;适合游览的 ______________________公众注意的中心;聚光灯 ___________________________ 考虑;思考;认为

_____________________ 充满活力的;生气勃勃的;活泼的 _____________________(常pl.)名胜;风景 _______________________包含;包括 ___________________ 塔;塔楼 ________________________教堂

______________________________便利的;方便的 _________________________地下的______________________一般事物;一般原则

_______________________ 通常;大体上;一般而言 _____________________ 葡萄酒;酒 __________________________ 翻译

____________________________ 把……打包;把……装箱 ______________________ 轻的________________________令人惊叹的;绝妙的 _________________________ 东部的;来自东部的 ______________________________ 提供;供应;供给 ______________________________公司 ________________________ 地点;场所

____________________________ 航行;在……上航行 _____________________________ 太平洋

____________________ 发现;发现物;调查(或研究)的结果

___________________________ 数以千计的;许许多多的 _______________________________ 尽快地

_________________________(使)继续;坚持下去 __________________________ 编程

______________________________翻译员 ____________________________ 报道;报告

________________________ 乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的 ___________________________乐意(做某事)_______________________________ 相当多;不少

_____________________________做梦;梦到 梦想;幻想 ____________________________梦想;幻想;向往 _______________________________ 爱好运动的人;运动员 __________________________ 结论

_____________________________继续;坚持;保持 __________________________________态度 词汇变化写出下列各词的正确形式 1.educate(v)








Unit Two 1.mooncake [c] 月饼

I succeeded in eating a quarter of the mooncake.我成功吃了四分之一个月饼。

2、lantern [c] 灯笼

the Lantern Festival


3、stranger [c] 陌生人

You’d better not have a conversation with a stranger.你最好不要和陌生人交谈。relative [c] 亲属、亲戚

People often visit friends and relatives at Christmas.人们通常在圣诞节期间拜访朋友和亲属。at Christmas


on Christmas Day 在圣诞日

on Christmas Eve 在平安夜 a close relative


5、put on 增加(体重)发胖 穿衣

My uncle has put on five kilos since he gave up smoking.我的叔叔自从戒烟后已经增重了5公斤。

She looks like she has put on weight.她的体重看起来好像增加了。

与put 相关的短语

put off 推迟

put up 撑开

put away

收拾好 pound 磅 镑 c Mike is two pounds heavier than me.麦克比我重两磅。

She spent 25 pounds on the new coat.他花了25镑买了这件新外套。同义句转换

The new coat cost her 25 pounds.7.folk She is a folk singer.她是一个民俗歌手

folk art


a folk museum 民间博物馆

8、goddess [c] 女神


She looks like a goddess.她看起来像一个女神。




Whoever wants the book may have it.不论谁想要这本书都可以拿去。Whoever says that is a liar.不论谁那么说都是傻子。


I don’t want to see them, whoever they are.无论他们是谁,我都不想见。

Come out, whoever you are



Give it to whoever needs it.把它给需要的人。

I’ll take whoever wants to go.谁想去我就带谁去。10.、steal


stole - stolen

He stole money from his parents.他偷了父母的钱

My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday.昨天我乘公共汽车时我的新iPhone被偷了。

11、lay v.放置;安放;产卵;下蛋

lay ― laid ― laid ― laying

She laid her baby on the bed.她把她的宝宝放在床上。

This hen has laid twenty eggs in the past / last ten days.在过去的十天里这只母鸡已经下了20个蛋。lie 说谎

lied ― lied ― lying

The girl lied to her parents again.这个女孩又一次跟她的父母说谎了。

lie v.躺

lie ― lay ― lain - lying

The man lay under the tree.这个男的躺在树下。

12、lay out 摆开、布置

The gardens were laid out with flowers.这些花园被用花布置。

He laid out the map on the table.他在桌子上摆开了地图。

13、dessert n.甜点、甜食

Would you like a chocolate dessert? 你想要巧克力甜点吗?

What do you have for dessert?你甜点吃什么?




It’s a tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.在感恩节吃火鸡是一个传统。



traditional food / Chinese music 传统食品/中国音乐

16、admire v.欣赏、仰慕

① I admired her the first time I met her.我第一次见到她就仰慕她。

② admire sb.for sth.因某事而仰慕某人

I admired him for his honesty.我因为他的诚实而仰慕他。

③ admire sb for doing sth.因做某事而仰慕某人

I admire her for learning English so well.她英语学得好,我仰慕她。

17、tie n.领带

[c] ties

wear a tie


This tie looks good on me.这条领带在我身上很好看。



tied tied tying

(联想lie –lying)

He tied his dog to that tree.他把他的狗拴在树上。

He was caught by the policemen with both hands tied.他被警察抓住了,双手绑着。

18、haunted adj.有鬼魂出没的、闹鬼的a haunted house


a haunted school 一所闹鬼的学校

19、ghost [c] 鬼、鬼魂

You shouldn’t tell children ghost stories before they go to bed.在孩子们上床睡觉之前,你不应该给孩子们讲鬼故事。

dress up as ghosts 装扮成鬼

(复习dress up ① 装扮

② 装上盛装)20、trick [c] 花招、把戏

play tricks on sb.捉弄某人

The kids always play tricks on their teachers.孩子们总是耍些花招戏弄老师

think of / come up with /think up a trick 想出一个花招


(1)[c] 款待、招待

as a treat


She took her son to the zoo as a birthday treat.(2)v.① treat sb as


The local people treat him as a hero.当地人把他当做英雄看待。

My parents still treat me as a child.我的父母仍然把我当做孩子来对待。

② treat sb.to sth.用…招待某人

She treats me to lunch.她请他吃饭

trick or treat


22、spider [c] 蜘蛛


Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

on Christmas Day 在圣诞日

On Christmas Eve 在平安夜

Father Christmas 圣诞老人



lie ― lay ― lain ― lying

Don’t lie in the sun for too long.不要在日光下躺太久

I found a letter lying on the floor.我发现地上有一封信

lie down


复习:lie 谎言- lied - lied

lay 放、下蛋― laid ― laid

25、novel [c] 小说

He has the ability to write a novel.他有能力写一部小说。

novelist [c] 小说家

26、eve n.前夜、前夕

on the eve of …… 在…的前夜。

We went to the church to celebrate Christmas eve.她去教堂庆祝平安夜。

He gave up on the eve of success.他在大功造成之前放弃了。

27、dead adj.死的(无比较级)

We found him dead on the street corner.我们发现他死在街角。


adj.a dead dog 一条死狗


v.He has been dead for two years.他已经死两年了。

He died two years ago.他两年前死了。

28、death n.We’re very sad to hear his death.听到他的死讯,我们很伤心。

29、business [u] 生意、商业

(1)do business with 和…做生意

We do business with some American companies.我们和一些美国公司做生意。

(2)go into business 去经商

(3)on business 出差

My father will go to New York on business.我的爸爸将去纽约出差。businessman


复数 businessmen 30、punish v 惩罚

We’ll be punished if we break the law.如果我们违法,我们就会被惩罚。

punish sb.for(doing)sth.为(做)。而惩罚某人

He was punished for his mistake.他因为错误而被惩罚。

How would they punish him for stealing.他们将如何惩罚他的偷窃行为 => punishment n.He was sent to the countryside as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被遣送到农村。


warn v.警告、告诫

① warn sb.to do sth./ warn sb.not to do sth.警告某人做某事 /警告某人不要做某事

She warned her students to be careful.她警告她的学生小心些。

The police warned the children not to go out at night.警方警告孩子们不要在晚上外出。

② warn sb.of / about sth.告诫某人某事儿

They warned him of the danger of driving alone.他们告诫他独自驾驶的危险。

③ warn sb against doing sth.告诫某人不要做某事儿

They warn us against swimming in the river.他们警告我们不要在河里游泳。

32、end up 最终成为、最后处于

① I don’t know how thing will end up.我不知道这件事儿以何种方式结束

② end up with sth.This birthday party ended up with tears.这个生日派对以泪水告终。

③ end up doing sth.I ended up doing all the work myself.结果所有的活都我一个人干了

④ end up

adj.If you keep on driving tike that, you’ll end up dead.如果你继续像那样驾驶,你最终的结局会是死亡。

⑤ end up

adv./ 介词短语

If you go on stealing, you’ll end up in prison.如果你继续偷窃,你将终结于监狱。


n.① 现在

at present= now


I can’t help you at present because I’m too busy.目前我不能帮助你因为我太忙了。

② 礼物

I gave him a special present yesterday.昨天我给他一份特殊的礼物。



This is my present address.这是我目前的地址。

② 出场的、出席的

Many people were present at the meeting.很多人出席了会议。

There were 200 people present at the meeting.有200人出席了会议。


34、warmth [u] 温暖、暖和

① enjoy warmth


② He treats everyone with kindness and warmth.他用善良和温暖来对待每个人。

35、spread v.传播、展开

spread ― spread ― spread

It seems that the news spreads quickly.似乎新闻传播的很快。

The disease spreads easily.这种疾病容易传播

[u] 蔓延、传播

We must think of ways to prevent the spread of disease.我们必须想出办法来阻止疾病蔓延。




1.Liu Mei started to learn English from an American teacher, so she has a.(pronounce)..(help)

5.She finds it 6.I have trouble(find)his home.7.The children were afraid of(feel)very soft.9.Most people speak English as a 11.I study English by ______(listen)to tapes.12.What about _____(watch)English-language videos?

13.Have you ever _____(ride)a horse?

14._______(memorize)the words of pop songs helps a lot.15.We have fun _______(hike)in the mountains.16.We get excited about something and end up____(speak)in Chinese.17.I don’t know how many books _________(buy)?

18.He found it difficult ____(pronounce)some words.19.He decided ______(not give up)the subject.20.It wasn’t easyfor me ____(understand)the teacher.21..It is _____(amaze)how much this helped.22.Doing a lot of listening practice is one of the _____(secret)of _____(become)a good language learner.23.With the teacher’s help he ____(deal)with his problems last week.24.It’s our duty ___________(protect)the environment.25.At last he became very _____________(success).26.Let’s ___________(not worry)about our problems.27.I think _____________(eat)healthily is important.28.Jim found it hard ____________(solve)the problem.29.He will fall behind others unless he ______(try)his best.30.You had better __________(take)notes in class.二单选.()1.You are neverolddream a new dream.A very, toB so, thatC such, thatD too, to

()2.I think English is A.so, to learnB.too, learning C.too, to learn D.too, not to learn

(English movies.A.frustrated,frustratedB.frustrated, frustrating

C.frustrating ,frustratingD.frustrating, frustrated

()4.I thinkAlice is the right person for the job, because she’others than of herself.A much B more C little D less

(more English words.A.to memorize B.memorizing C.of memorize D.for memorizing

()6.Lucy feels A.different, studyingB.different, to study


()7.Sam got A frustrating,speaking B frustrated,up speaking

C frustrate,to speak D frustrating,up speaking

(helpful at all.A.Tohave,wasBTohave,wereCHaving,wasn’tDHaving,weren’t

()9.The little cat caught much fish(’s really a good way to learn a foreign language.A.a lot ofB.manyC.a little D.a lot

()11.She couldn’t make complete sentences.I couldn’A tooB alsoC neitherD either

(body and rich knowledge.A first of all B at first C for the first time D after all

()13.I’ll give a talk tomorrow.I’.A what to say B how to say C what can I say D how can I say

()14.Are you afraid()15.The old man can’English.A.speaking B.spoken C.to speak D.spoke

(the words on the blackboard.A to seeB seeC seeingD sees

(A hearing B listening to C listen to D to listen to

()18.Why a notebook with you? I’ve left it at home.A don’t have B not having C don’t you have D not you have

()19.If you don’A.look up itB.look at itC.look it up D.find it

(()21.Bill won’A.if B.when C.because D.unless

(possible.A as hardly as B so hard as C so hardly asD as hard as

(A to catch up with B to catch up C catch up with D catch up

((A playB.to playC.playsD.played

()26.If you don’t work out the maths problem, you can ask your teacher____some.A on, helpB.for, helps C.on, helpsD.for, help

(A quick B quicklyC more quick D quicker

(learning your English?

A toB aboutC fromD for

((A.didB.doing C.doD.does


A.How;sendingB.How;send C.What;sendingD.What;send

()32.“Tom,afraid of speaking in public.You are no longer a small boy." said Mum.A.not beB.not to beC.be notD.don't be


(A.to speakB.to talkC.to speak ofD.to talk with

()35.Can you tell me ___ learn a foreign language well.A.what toB.how toC.what I canD.how can I

()36.I don’t know __ it next.A.what to doB.how to doC.what can I do D.how can I do

()37.---________________________?---She is medium height.A.What’s she like?B.How is she C.What does she like?

D.How does she like?

()38.There are a lot of new buildings on ______ side of the street.A.eitherB.everyC.bothD.all

()39.You can ________ his number in the phone book if you’re not sure of it.A.look upB.look forC.look afterD.look into

()40.Mario_______ in the morning.A.practices swimmingB.practicing swimmingC.practice swimD.practicing swim

()41.It’s Sunday today.What about ______the mountains?

A.to climbB.climbC.climbingD.climbed

()42.She said she had some trouble _____her homework.A.finishB.finishingC.to finishD.finished

()43.Do you find this book ____________?


()44.Can you tell me the best way _______ the problem?

A.solveB.solvedC.to solveD.solving

()45.Jenny does not know where _______ on National Day.A.to goB.goingC.goesD.will go

()46.I spent half an hour __my homework.A.finish doingB.to finish doingC.Finishing do D.finishing doing

()47.Have you decided which coat_______?

A.chooseB.choosingC.chosenD.to choose

()48.Lucy thinks that ____ English movies isn’t a good way.A.watchB.watchedC.watching

()49.Uncle Li stopped _ the bicycle when he heard someone knocking at the door

A.to mendB.mendingC.mend D.mended

()50.We all need to study ___________.A.as hardly as possibleB.as hard as possible

C.as hardly as you canD.a s hard as we could


1.ever, with, a , group, studied, have, you_______________________________?

2.conversations, have, I , friends ,with ,ever ,practiced

__________________________________________________________________.3.frustrating, finds, grammar, he, studying

______________________________________________________________________.4.survey, English, doing, a , about, I’m , learning

_____________________________________________________________________.5.pop,you,memorize,the ,songs ,do ,of ,often ,words


6.students, complain, often, about, many , school




_______________________________________________________________________.四 根据句意及所给的提示写单词。


2.The mother(将视为)



5.W唱)English songs for one hour today.(记忆,背诵)

7.He ___________(害怕)speak in class.8._______________(记笔记)is necessary.9.He ____________(失去)his way when he was in the forest.10.He is ______________(尽力)help his friend.11.The _____________(秘密)are between you and me.12.He _________(认识到)that he becomes interested in English.



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