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MESSAGE ON WORLD WATER DAY UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

New York, 22 March 2010 联合国秘书长潘基文2010年世界水日致辞

纽约 2010年4月22日

Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet.It is connected directly to all our United Nations goals: improved maternal and child health and life expectancy, women's empowerment, food security, sustainable development and climate change adaptation and mitigation.Recognition of these links led to the declaration of 2005-2015 as the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”.水是生命之源,也是维系地球上所有生命的纽带。水直接关系到我们联合国的各项目标:改善孕产妇和儿童健康和提高预期寿命、增强妇女力量、粮食安全、可持续发展以及适应和减缓气候变化。正是因为认识到这些联系才宣布2005-2015年为“生命之水”国际行动十年。

Our indispensable water resources have proven themselves to be greatly resilient, but they are increasingly vulnerable and threatened.Our growing population's need for water for food, raw materials and energy is increasingly competing with nature's own demands for water to sustain already imperiled ecosystems and the services on which we depend.Day after day, we pour millions of tons of untreated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes into the world's water systems.Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.And the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution, water shortages and the lack of adequate sanitation.我们不可缺少的水资源确实具有巨大的复原力,但它们越来越脆弱也日趋受到威胁。不断增长的人口对食物、原材料和能源用水的需求与大自然本身对维持濒危生态系统和继续提供我们赖以生存的服务的水量需求之间竞争日趋激烈。人类每天都向世界各水系中倾倒千百万吨未经处理的污水以及工业和农业废物。清洁饮水已经成为稀缺资源,而且随着气候变化的到来将变得更加稀缺。穷人将首当其冲地受到污染、缺水和缺乏适当卫生条件的影响。

The theme of this year's World Water Day, “Clean Water for a Healthy World”, emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk.More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.These deaths are an affront to our common humanity, and undermine the efforts of many countries to achieve their development potential.今年世界水日的主题是“保障清洁水源,创造健康世界”,强调水资源质量和数量都面临威胁。因饮用不卫生的水而死亡的人数超过了包括战争在内等一切形式暴力的死亡人数。这些死亡是对我们共同人性的侮辱,也破坏了许多国家充分发挥发展潜力的努力。

The world has the know-how to solve these challenges and become better stewards of our water resources.Water is central to all our development goals.As we mark the mid-point of the International Decade for Action, and look forward to this year's MDG Summit, let us protect and sustainably manage our waters for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.世界已掌握解决这些难题的专门技能,能够更好地管理水资源。水对于我们的所有发展目标都至关重要。现在,该国际行动十年已为期过半,我们期待今年举行千年发展目标首脑会议,让我们保护水资源并对之进行可持续的管理,以增进穷人和弱势群体的利益,保护地球上的所有生命。



Secretary-General’s Message on World Water Day


New York, 22 March 2013

2013年3月21日 纽约

Water holds the key to sustainable development.We need it for health, food security and economic progress.Yet, each year brings new pressures.One in three people already lives in a country with moderate to high water stress, and by 2030 nearly half the global population could be facing water scarcity, with demand outstripping supply by 40 per cent.Competition is growing among farmers and herders;industry and agriculture;town and country;upstream and downstream;and across borders.Climate change and the needs of populations growing in size and prosperity mean we must work together to protect and manage this fragile, finite resource.水是可持续发展的关键所在。我们的健康、粮食安全和经济发展都需要水。然而,每年都面临新的压力。三分之一的人民已经生活在中度到高度缺水的国家,全球近一半的人口到2030年可能面临水资源匮乏,需求量将比供应量高出40%。农民和牧民、工业和农业、城镇和乡村、上游和下游以及各国之间对水资源的争夺日趋激烈。气候变化、不断扩大的人民需求以及富裕繁荣要求我们必须共同致力于保护和管理这一脆弱和有限的资源。

This is the International Year of Water Cooperation, and World Water Day 2013

is dedicated to highlighting the joint efforts necessary to ensuring a fair share for people and planet.The United Nations system, through UN-Water and its 30 UN members and 25 international partners, is fostering collaboration from the global level to the grassroots.For example, the UN Development Programme’s Shared Waters Partnership is supporting political agreement on shared waters, such as in the Nile Basin.UNESCO is supporting the equitable management of transboundary water resources to avoid conflict, while the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes will soon be available to all UN Member States.I urge countries outside the UNECE region to join the Convention and further develop it.今年是国际水合作年,2013年―世界水日‖旨在强调需要共同努力,确保人民和地球能够公平分享水资源。联合国系统,通过联合国水机制及30个联合国会员国和25个国际伙伴,正在促进全球一级乃至基层的协作。例如,联合国开发计划署推出的―共享水资源伙伴关系‖正在尼罗河流域等地支持签署关于共享水资源的政治协议。联合国教科文组织正为避免冲突而支助跨界水资源的公平管理,而联合国欧洲经济委员会的《跨界水道和国际湖泊保护和利用公约》将在近期分发给所有联合国会员国。我敦促欧洲经委会区域以外的国家加入《公约》,并进一步将其发扬光大。

Agriculture is by far the largest user of freshwater, and there is growing urgency to reconcile its demands with the needs of domestic and industrial uses, especially energy production.Climate change also presents a growing threat to agricultural productivity and food security.My Zero Hunger Challenge promotes sustainable agriculture by sharing best practices and harnessing the

most appropriate technologies so small farmers and industrial giants alike can get more crop per drop.农业迄今为止使用的淡水量最大,在农业与居民和工业(特别是能源生产)的用水需求之间进行协调变得日益迫切。气候变化也日益威胁到农业生产力和粮食安全。我提出的―零饥饿挑战‖可通过分享最佳做法及利用最适当技术,帮助小农户和产业巨头提高单位用水的作物产量,从而促进可持续农业发展。

No message on water should pass without mentioning sanitation.While the Millennium Development Goal target for providing access to improved water sources has been reached, we are woefully short on sanitation.Some 2.5 billion people lack access to the dignity and health afforded by access to a toilet and protection from untreated waste.We count the cost in lives— 4,500 young children a day – and economic productivity.Yet we know that every dollar spent on sanitation can bring a five-fold return.That is why the Deputy Secretary-General has this week launched a global call to action to accelerate work towards the MDG on sanitation.Investment in sanitation is a down-payment on a sustainable future.关于水资源的致辞必须提到环境卫生问题。虽然千年发展目标中关于提供改良水源的具体目标已经实现,但环境卫生方面仍然存在巨大差距。约25亿人无法通过使用厕所获得尊严和健康,也无法在未经处理的废物面前得到保护。我们可以盘点生命成本——每天有4 500名幼儿死亡——以及经济生产率成本。然而,我们知道用于环境卫生的每一美元可带来五倍回报。因此,副秘书长本周已发起一项全球呼吁,要求采取行动以加快实现环境卫生领域的千年发展目标。环境卫生投资是建设可持续未来的首期付款。

There are little more than 1,000 days left before the MDG deadline, but with renewed effort we can finish the job started at the beginning of the Millennium.But 2015 is not a finishing line, merely a milestone in a long and challenging journey.As we develop the post-2015 development agenda, our aim is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and to create an equitable world of opportunity for all.To do that, we need to give equal consideration to the environmental dimension of sustainable development.We cannot prosper without clean, plentiful freshwater.On this World Water Day, I appeal for heightened cooperation.Water is a common resource.Let us use it more intelligently and waste less so all get a fair share.距离千年发展目标的最后期限只剩1 000多天的时间,但只要再接再厉,我们就能够完成千年发展目标推出时启动的工作。但2015年并非终点线,只不过是漫长而艰巨旅程中的一个里程碑。在制定2015年后的发展议程时,我们的目标是消除极端贫穷和饥饿,创造人人享有机会的公平世界。为此,我们需要对可持续发展的环境层面给予同等考虑。离开清洁和充足的淡水,我们无法实现繁荣。值此世界水日,我呼吁加强合作。水是一种公共资源。为了人人获得公平份额,让我们更明智地利用水资源并减少浪费。




UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

New York, 22 March 2010


纽约 2010年4月22日

Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet.It is connected directly to all our United Nations goals: improved maternal and child health and life expectancy, women's

empowerment, food security, sustainable development and climate change adaptation and mitigation.Recognition of these links led to the

declaration of 2005-2015 as the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”.水是生命之源,也是维系地球上所有生命的纽带。水直接关系到我们联合国的各项目标:改善孕产妇和儿童健康和提高预期寿命、增强妇女力量、粮食安全、可持续发展以及适应和减缓气候变化。正是因为认识到这些联系才宣布2005-2015年为“生命之水”国际行动十年。

Our indispensable water resources have proven themselves to be greatly resilient, but they are increasingly vulnerable and threatened.Our growing population's need for water for food, raw materials and energy is increasingly competing with nature's own demands for water to sustain already imperiled ecosystems and the services on which we depend.Day after day, we pour millions of tons of untreated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes into the world's water systems.Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.And the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution, water shortages and the lack of adequate sanitation.我们不可缺少的水资源确实具有巨大的复原力,但它们越来越脆弱也日趋受到威胁。不断增长的人口对食物、原材料和能源用水的需求与大自然本身对维持濒危生态系统和继续提供我们赖以生存的服务的水量需求之间竞争日趋激烈。人类每天都向世界各水系中倾倒千百万吨未经处理的污水以及工业和农业废物。清洁饮水已经成为稀缺资源,而且随着气候变化的到来将变得更加稀缺。穷人将首当其冲地受到污染、缺水和缺乏适当卫生条件的影响。

The theme of this year's World Water Day, “Clean Water for a Healthy World”, emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk.More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.These deaths are an affront to our common humanity, and undermine the efforts of many countries to achieve their development potential.今年世界水日的主题是“保障清洁水源,创造健康世界”,强调水资源质量和数量都面临威胁。因饮用不卫生的水而死亡的人数超过了包括战争在内等一切形式暴力的死亡人数。这些死亡是对我们共同人性的侮辱,也破坏了许多国家充分发挥发展潜力的努力。

The world has the know-how to solve these challenges and become better stewards of our water resources.Water is central to all our development goals.As we mark the mid-point of the International Decade for Action, and look forward to this year's MDG Summit, let us protect and sustainably manage our waters for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.世界已掌握解决这些难题的专门技能,能够更好地管理水资源。水对于我们的所有发展目标都至关重要。现在,该国际行动十年已为期过半,我们期待今年举行千年发展目标首脑会议,让我们保护水资源并对之进行可持续的管理,以增进穷人和弱势群体的利益,保护地球上的所有生命。


联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞时间:2010-10-29 09:09来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:597次

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Message on World Statistics DayOctober, 2010



Today marks the first observance of World Statistics Day, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to recognize the importance of statistics in shaping our societies.我们在今天首次纪念世界统计日,联合国大会宣布这个纪念日,是为了确认统计对社会的重要影响。

Statistics permeate modern life.They are the basis for many governmental, business and community decisions.They provide information and insight about the trends and forces that affect our lives.Collected in surveys and censuses – three billion people will participate in population and housing censuses this year alone – statistics affect the planning of schools, hospitals, roads and much else.现代生活处处离不开统计。许多政府、商业和社区决策是以统计为依据。统计提供了信息和深入知识,以供了解影响我们生活的趋势和动因。仅今年一年,就将有30亿人参加人口和住房普查,在各种调查和普查中收集的统计数字影响着建设学校、医院、公路和许多其他设施的规划。

Statistics are a vital tool for economic and social development, including our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.For development to succeed, we need data collection and statistical analysis of poverty levels, access to education and the incidence of disease.Statistics are a central consideration in justifying almost every aspect of budgets and programmes that enable hungry children to be fed or that provide shelter and emergency health care for victims of natural disasters.统计是极其重要的经济和社会发展工具,对于实现千年发展目标来说也是如此。为了实现成功发展,我们需要收集数据和进行统计分析,以了解贫穷程度、受教育机会和疾病发生率。在说明为什么需要拟订预算和方案,以便能够向饥饿儿童提供食物,或向自然灾害受害者提供住所和紧急医疗时,几乎每个方面的理由都把统计数字列为核心考虑因素。

The United Nations Statistical Commission, established in 1947, has created international methodological standards and guidelines in virtually every area of statistics.It has played a key role in helping governments strengthen their statistical reporting, making data more available and comparable across countries and regions than ever before.1947年成立的联合国统计委员会为几乎每一个统计领域都制定了国际标准方法和准则。该委员会在帮助各国政府加强本国统计报告,并使数据比以往更易于获得、在国家和区域之间具有更大可比性方面发挥着关键作用。

I commend the dedication that many statistical experts bring to their reports and publications.They carry out an essential public service--one that promotes peace and democracy by giving citizens reliable and impartial public information about their communities.Their core values--service, integrity and professionalism--deserve full support in all nations.我赞扬许多统计专家为编制报告和出版物做出的奉献。他们提供了一项不可或缺的公益服务,这一服务通过向公民们提供关于其社会的可靠和公允的信息,促进了和平与民主。所有国家都应该充分支持他们的核心价值观,即服务、正直和敬业。

However, as in so many other areas, developing countries often find themselves at a disadvantage, lacking funds to pay salaries, train staff and collect data.On this first World Statistics Day I encourage the international community to work with the United Nations to enable all countries to meet their statistical needs.Let us all acknowledge the crucial role of statistics in fulfilling our global mission of development and peace.然而,与许多其他领域一样,发展中国家经常在统计领域处于不利地位,缺乏支付薪金、培训工作人员和收集数据的资金。值此首次纪念世界统计日之际,我鼓励国际社会与联合国一道努力,使所有国家都能满足本国的统计需要。让我们共同确认,为履行我们关于发展与和平的全球使命,统计发挥的作用至为关键。




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