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根据委托方提供的论文目录(2012年),经美国DIALOG数据库8号文档EI(与光盘版相同)检索, 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院王伟飞(Wang, Weifei)发表的论文被美国《工程索引》EI光盘版收录了1篇(第一作者1篇)。题录如下:

1.A process for the synthesis of PUFA-enriched triglycerides from high-acid crude fish oil Wang, Weifei(College of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China);Li, Tie;Ning, Zhengxiang;Wang, Yonghua;Yang, Bo;Ma, Yongjun;Yang, Xiaoquan

Source: Journal of Food Engineering, v 109, n 3, p 366-371, April 2012

Language: English

Document type: Journal article(JA)

Author affiliation:

1)College of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China

2)School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China

3)Zhejiang Industrial Group Co.Ltd., Zhoushan 316101, China

E.I.COMPENDEX No: 201***






Journal of Computers(EI Compendex, ISSN:1796-203X)

Journal of software(EI Compendex, ISSN:1796-217X)

Journal of Networks(EI Compendex, ISSN:1796-2056)

Journal of Multimedia(EI Compendex, ISSN : 11796-2048)

从2008年底至今,Journal of Computers(ISSN:1796-203X),Journal of software(ISSN:1796-217X),Journal of Networks(ISSN:1796-2056), Journal of Multimedia(ISSN: 11796-2048), Journal of Communications(ISSN: 1796-2021)出版了我们推荐的论文超过了200篇,并被EI检索.Recent Advances in Information Processing

出版日期大约为2011年第二季度,录用论文作者之一需要参加ISIP 2010报告其论文。会后客座编辑可联系期刊社给因毕业需要的博士生发期刊社正式录用通知.请尽量采用在线投稿http://.征文截稿日期:2010年9月30日.Guest Editors:

ChinChen Chang, National Chung Hsing University,Taiwan(IEEE & IEE Fellow).Fei Yu, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia.Guangxue Yue, Jiaxing University, China.jian shu,Nanchang HangKong University,China.Jiexian Zeng,Nanchang HangKong University,China.Thomas S.Huang, University of Illinois, USA(IEEE Fellow & Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Engineering).Weihui Dai, Fudan University,China.Xijun Zhu, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, China.Yan Gao, Henan Polytechnic University, China.Yiqin Lu, South China University of Technology, China.Yun Liu,Qingdao University of Science & Technology, China.Recent Advances in Electronic Commerce and Information Technology

出版日期大约为2011年第一季度,录用论文作者之一需要参加IISA 2010报告其论文.会后客座编辑可联系期刊社给因毕业需要的博士生发期刊社正式录用通知.请尽量采用在线投稿http://.征文截稿日期:2010年10月30日.Guest Editors:

Chin-Chen Chang,Feng Chia University,Taiwan(IEEE & IET Fellow).Fei Yu,Peoples'Friendship University of Russia,Russia.Haiwen Liu, vice president of East China Jiaotong University, China.Heming Yong, Vice President of Guangdong University of Business Studies, China.Jun Zhang, rector of Information Science School, Guangdong University of Business Studies.Weidong Zhao, Fudan University,China.Weihui Dai, Fudan University,China.Yan Gao, Henan Polytechnic University, China.Yiqin Lu, South China University of Technology, China.Yun Liu, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, China.Zhengkun Li, Guangdong University of Business Studies.IISA 2010 Call for Papers– 27, December2010Ganzhou, China


About 60 accepted papers will be published by the special issues on Journal of Computers(EI

Compendex,ISSN 1796-203X),Journal of software(EI Compendex,ISSN 1796-217X),Journal of Networks(EI

Compendex, ISSN : 1796-2056),Journal of Multimedia(EI Compendex, ISSN : 11796-2048)

Proceeding will be published by IEEE CPS, which will be indexed by ISTP, and will be sent to major indexing

systems including EI Compendex, INSPEC.We are soliciting papers that present recent results, as well as more speculative presentations that discuss research challenges, define new applications, propose methodologies for evaluating and the roadmap for achieving the vision of Computer and Information Technology, including but not limited to the Intelligent Information Systems and Applications topics.Neural Networks Intelligent Sensor Networks

Evolutionary Computing and Genetic Algorithms Intelligent Fault Diagnosis

Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing Intelligent Control and Automation

Swarm Intelligence and Optimization Intelligent Data Fusion and Security

Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics

Fine Feature Extraction Methods Intelligent Computing in Neuroinformatics

Combinatorial & Numerical Optimization Intelligent Computing in Cheminformatics

Systems Biology and Neurobiology Computational Genomics and Proteomics

Neural Computing and Optimization Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Intelligent Computing in Pattern Recognition

Artificial Life and Artificial Immune Systems Intelligent Computing in Commiuncation

Biological and Quantum Computing Intelligent Financial Engineering

Paper Submission

IISA 2010 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work.Papers should not exceed 6 pages of text using 10-point size type on 8.5 x 11 inch paper(Word Template).All submitted papers(in PDF)should be written in English.Each paper will be peer-reviewed.Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register the work.IISA 2010 Papers should be submitted to the following system, Please click Submission through EasyChair requires that an account in the system be created by a prospective author first.In order to create a new account, select the “I have no EasyChair account” option and follow the instructions given.Registration Fees

Selected Best Papers registration fee: EUR 450 or RMB 3500 before Oct.30, 2010

Will be published by special issues for the following Journal:

Journal of Networks(EI Compendex, ISSN: 1796-2056)

Journal of Computers(EI Compendex, ISSN: 1796-203X)

Journal of software(EI Compendex, ISSN: 1796-217X)

Early Oral session registration fee: $ 400 or RMB 2650 before Oct.30, 2010

Will be published by the Conference Publishing Service of the IEEE Computer Society(The IEEE Computer Society is not a sponsor of this conference)and will also submitted for indexing to IEE INSPEC, EI(Compendex), Thomson ISTP, DBLP

Early Poster session registration Fee: $ 350 or RMB 2100 before Oct.30, 2010

Will be published by Academy Publisher, Finland and will also submitted for indexing to IEE INSPEC, EI(Compendex), Thomson ISTP, DBLP.Key Dates

Full paper submission: Sep.30, 2010

Acceptance notification: Oct.20, 2010 Author registration: Oct.30, 2010 Camera-ready copy: Oct.30, 2010


Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China;Peoples'Friendship University of Russia;Feng Chia University, Taiwan;South China University of Technology, China;Fudan University, China;Nanchang HangKong University,China;Henan Polytechnic University, China;Jiangxi Agricultural University,China;Gannan Normal University,China


International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Material Science(Mems 2012)2012机械工程与材料科学国际学术会议(EI检索)

December 28-30, 2012 YangZhou,China


第一届机械工程与材料科学国际学术会议(Mems2012)将于2012年12月28日至30日在扬州召开。会议由法国Atlantis Press、扬州大学、哈尔滨理工大学等多所高校和科研机构共同举办。此次会议将聚集亚太、北美、欧洲乃至全世界知名专家及学者,共同探讨机械和材料领域的新成果及新议题。会议论文集将由Atlantis Press出版,所有被收录的会议论文将被Ei检索。会议的部分优秀论文(扩展后)将推荐到相关SCI或Ei期刊上发表。


Mechanical Engineering Related Topics  Acoustics and Noise Control  Aerodynamics  Applied Mechanics  Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics  Automotive Engineering  Biomedical Engineering  Composite and Smart Materials  Computational Mechanics  Fatigue and Fracture  Fluid Mechanics and Machinery

Material Science Related Topics

 Structural Materials  Processing Technology  Polymer Nanotechnology  Composite materials  Environment and Energy  Water Technologies  Biomedical and Devices  Modeling biological mat  Industrial Design  Product innovation 大会荣誉主席



董洪标,英国莱斯特大学教授 王开坤,北京科技大学教授 张永康,东南大学教授

论文提交要求:本会议只接受英文投稿。所有文章请按照Atlantis模板排版,详细要求见会议网站。相关说明:.我们欢迎有关专家提供特别分会议题,请将建议发至组委会邮箱; 2 .本次会议将采取分批审稿,分批发放的形式,先投先审先发通知; .此次会议免费提供纸质论文集,以及为参会作者免费提供扬州古城一日游; .若有意成为协办院校,请联系组委会。协办院校师生投稿一律享受学生价基础上的九折优惠。重要日期:投稿截止: 2012年8月20日

录用通知: 2012年9月10日之前



邮箱: memsconf@126.com QQ号:2367481521


International Conference on Mechanical Engineering

and Material Science(Mems 2012)


December 28-30, 2012YangZhou,China

http:// QQ号:2367481521



根据委托方提供的论文目录(2011年),经美国《社会科学及人文科学会议录索引》ISSHP网络数据库检索,华南理工大学化学与化工学院洪艳萍(Hong Yanping)发表的论文被美国《社会科学及人文科学会议录索引》ISSHP收录了1篇(第一作者1篇;详情见数据库网页打印件)。题录如下:

1.Title: Organic Dye Bearing Asymmetric Double Donor-pi-Acceptor Chains for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Record contains structures

Author(s): Hong Yanping;Liao Jin-Yun;Cao Derong;et al.Source: JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRYVolume: 76Issue: 19Pages: 8015-8021DOI: 10.1021/jo201057bPublished: OCT 7 2011

Language: English


1).S China Univ Technol, Sch Chem & Chem Engn, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China

2)S China Univ Technol, State Key Lab Luminescent Mat & Devices, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China

3)Sun Yat Sen Univ, MOE Key Lab Bioinorgan & Synthet Chem, State Key Lab Optoelect Mat & Technol, KLGHEI Environm & Energy Chem,Sch Chem & Chem Eng, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, Peoples R China

4)Jiangxi Agr Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Nanchang 330045, Peoples R China

5)Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz, Inst Organ Chem, D-55099 Mainz, Germany







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