
时间:2019-05-15 01:39:50下载本文作者:会员上传













No matter how busy you are ,you could spend five minutes:

To answer the telephone

To read the morning paper

To talk with a neighbor

To dispute with the laundryman about a mistake

To watch new furniture being unloaded next door

To chat with a salesman

To read a trivial letter

Or to write one

It takes only five minutes:

To say a prayer for the suffering friend

To stop and think of God's daily gift of mercy

To remember the cross

To make an act of faith, hope, and love

To whisper an“our Father” or “Hail Mary” for someone in need

To say a decade of the Rosary for the pour souls

To vist the little statue or picture on the mantle place and tell the Savior how much you love him

To make a spiritual communion

Which is the better way to spend five minutes?


An elderly carpenter was ready to retire.he told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.He would miss the paycheck,but he needed to retire.They could get by.The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.The carpenter said yes,but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work.He resorted to shooddy workmanship and used inferior materials.It was an unfortunate way to end his career.When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house,the contractor handed the front door key to the carpenter.“This is your house,”he said,“my gift to you.”

What a shock!

What a shame!

If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently.Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.So it is with us.We build our lives in a distracted way,reacting rather than acting,willing to put up less than the best.At important points we do not give the job our best effort.Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built.If we had realized that we would have done it differently.Think of yourself as the carpenter.Think about your house.Each day you hammer a nail,place a board or erect a wall.Build wisely.It is the only life you will ever build.Even if you live it for day more that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity.The plaque on the wall says,“Life is a do-it-yourself project.”

Who could say it more clearly?Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past.Your life tommorrow will be the result of your attitudes and choices you make today.Parenthood 为人父母

If it was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!

Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results.To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.The smartest advice on raising children is to enjoy them while they are still on your side.The best way to keep kids at home is to give it a loving atmospherehandy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren.A child outgrows your lap, but never outgrows your heart.God gave you two ears and one mouth....so you should listen twice as much as you talk.There are three ways to get something done: Do it yourself, hire someone to do it, or forbid your children to do it.Adolescence is the age when children try to bring up their parents.Cleaning your house while your kids are at home is like trying to shovel the driveway during a snowstorm.Oh, to be only half as wonderful as my child thought I was when he was small, and half as stupid as my teenager now thinks I am.There are only two things a child will share willingly: communicable diseases and his mother’s age.Money isn’t everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.Adolescence is the age at which children stop asking questions because they know all the answers.A alarm clock is a device for awakening people who don’t have small children.No wonder kids are confused today.Half the adults tell them to find themselves;the other half tell them to get lost.People hardest to convince that it’s time for retirement are children at bedtime.Kids really brighten a household;they never turn off any lights.A Smile is A Gift That Anyone Can Give

It costs noting, but saves much.微笑不需要花费你一分钱,但却能带来很多.It enriches those who receive,without impovershing those who give.它使那些得到它的人富有,却不会使付出它的人贫穷.It happens in a flash , and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.它发生在一瞬间,但它的记忆有时却是永恒的.None is so rich that he can get along without it;none so poor that he is not enriched by it.如果人们可以没有微笑,那么,无论拥有什么都会觉得贫穷.如果人们无法因此而丰富,那么就没有什么比这更贫穷了.It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business,and is the countersign of friends.微笑为家庭到来欢笑,为工作增添善意,是友谊的象征.It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sick, and Nature's best antidote for trouble.它是缓解疲劳的良药,是征服气馁的日光,是治疗疾病的阳光,是自然界中战胜困难的灵丹妙药.It cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen, for it is no earthly good to anyone until it is given away.它不能买,不能借,也不能偷,因为在它被给予他人之前是毫无用处的.If you meet someone too burdened with grief or worry to smile, just give him one of yours.如果你遇见某人被悲伤和焦虑压得喘不过气来,只要给他一个微笑就行.For nobody needs a smile so much as he who has none left to give.因为当一个人无法再给予微笑的时候,他也就不那么需要微笑了!


A woman came out of her house and saw three old men

with long white beards sitting in her front yard.She did not recognize them.一个妇人出门看到3位白须飘然的老者坐在她家前院。妇人与他们素不相识。

She said “I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat.”


“Is the man of the house home?”, they asked.“No”, she replied.“He's out.”

“Then we cannot come in”, they replied.“你们家男主人在吗?”老人们问。

妇人回答: “他出去了。”


In the evening when her husband came home,she told him what had happened.“Go tell them I am home and invite them in!”



The woman went out and invited the men in.“We do not go into a house together,” they replied.“Why is that?” she asked.于是妇人出去邀老人们进屋。



One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,”

he said pointing to one of his friends,and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.”



Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband

which one of us you want in your home.”


The woman went in and told her husband what was said.Her husband was overjoyed.“How nice!”, he said.“Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth.Let him come and fill our home with wealth!”

His wife disagreed.“My dear, why don't we invite Success?”



Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house.She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love?

Our home will then be filled with love!”


“Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice,” said the husband to his wife.“Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”

The woman went out and asked the three old men,“Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”

“我们接受儿媳的建议吧,” 丈夫对妻子说,“去吧爱请进来坐我们的客人吧。”


Love got up and started walking toward the house.The other two also got up and followed him.Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success:

“I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?”



The old men replied together: “If you had invited Wealth or Success,the other two of us would've stayed out,but you invited Love, and wherever he goes, we go also.Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!”

Yesterday...Today...AND Tomorrow 昨天,今天,还有明天

There are two days in every week that we should not worry about,two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.One is Yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and

blunders, its aches and pains.Yesterday has passed, forever beyond our control.All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday.We cannot undo a single act we performed.Nor can we erase a single word we saidbut it will rise.Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.This leaves only one day

It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday, and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.Let us, therefore, live One Day at a Time!

SAND OR STONE 写在沙子或者石头上的话

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert.In a specific point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they

decided to take a bath.The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:

TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE.The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him,“After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?”

The other friend replied “When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.”


AND TO CARVE YOUR BENEFITS IN STONE.Advice from Mother Teresa 特蕾纱修女的忠告

People are often unreasonable,illogical,and self-centered;

Forgive then anyway.If you are kind,people may accuse you of selfish,ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway.If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.What you spend years building,someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.If you find serenity and happiness,they may be jealous;

Be happy anyway.The good you do today,people will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.Give the world the best you have,and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you've got anyway.You see, in the final analysis,it is between you and God:

It was never between you and them anyway.A Spiritual Message to America

As we stand before the dawn of a new millennium,we pray for America's survival,our survival.We pray that we will be given strength by the Creator to follow the footsteps of our forefathers to share our love,respect and compassion for one another.There is good in everyone because the Creator has put a little of Himself in all of us.We pray for forgiveness for the pain and suffering we have caused one another.We pray that our children will not repeat our mistakes.We pray that we can respect the diversity of America;all life is sacred.Every child born is a precious gift of our Creator.It is our sacred trust to embrace children from all walks of life because we are part of the same family.We pray that our children will honor and respect their elders--that is where the wisdom comes from.This respect will not only allowed forgotten elders.We are all equal,with each having our own special gift to contribute.These values allow our youth to become leaders and workers in our society.Children,you are our future and our hope for the people.Stand and be courageous.We pray to learn and use the wisdom of all that has come before us,to achieve personal successes and to contribute to those of others.Only when our young ones learn respect for everything can they evolve.Earth

We pray for respect and love of Mother Earth because she is the foundation of human survival and we must keep her pollution-free for those who will travel after us.Protect her water,air,soil,trees,forests,plants and animals.Do not just take and waste resources.Make it a priority to conserve.The land is given to us by the Creator to care for,not to own.If we take care of the land,the land will take care of us.Unity

We should have respect for each other.We pray for commitment and responsible behavior in order to help those in need and to give them support and friendship.Be an example in life that others may follow;serve people,community and country.We should all strive to be leaders and contributors.Do not sit back and let others plan and do all the thinking.Let us unite together so that we may have the strength to protect our future.Strength comes from working through trials and tribulations.Health

Spiritual health is the key to holistic health.We pray to have the discipline to set healthy examples for our children to follow.Respecting everyone and everything in the universe starts with self-respect.Take time to listen and take care of your body and spirit.Family and Youth

Family is important and precious.Always let them know that they are loved.Let our children and grandchildren know you are always there to love and support them and that they mean the world to you no matter what they do or say.Children are of infinite value.Live what you teach.Spiritual values,honesty,and integrity start in the home.We pray for the youth.We must teach the youth to work together and respect all that is living on our Mother Earth.We need to convey to our younger generations that the survival of our people lies in spirituality.Peace

We pray to learn ways to settle differences peacefully.Teach respect for each other's ideas.Value honesty on all levels,from children to parents to community to governments.We will be happy when we create peace with each other.To the 7th Generation


-Keep hopes and dreams

-Take care of yourself

-Remember your spirit

-Be there for each other

-Respect courage

-Share knowledge

-Always keep learning

-Remember your true values


Every day is a new day in our life.There is much to do today.The early morning sun inspires us to start things freshly and put back our past.Only a handful of us make use of this fresh bunch of energy.In various walis of life this affects the way we behave and our confidence level.Confidence is a key to survive in this world.It is the only key tool to win the rat race in every walk of life.Confidence in ones owns capabilities combined with sincere efforts help one to achieve unthinkable heights.But many times we see that this basic element of confidence is missing in us.As a result of lack of confidence we perform well below our caliber.Be it in a public speech, proposing your beloved, visas for your college or in an interview or say even on the eve before your exams.This can be due to fear of being rejected or any other reason.If we look into our hearts and think, we will come to know that fear inside us I going to get us nowhere.The confidence inside us is going to take us places.This is because with confidence we can put our thoughts into words in a better and pleasing way.So we have to get out of that shell where we think whether people will accept us as we are?

Instead of living in these unending moments of fear and thoughtless analysis, it is better if we project ourselves with the skills we have with the gloss of confidence.With confidence we can portray the finer points of our personality in such a way that the places where we do lack are never highlighted.Confidence should glow in us only till the point where our personality is boosted.Above this it leads to over-confidence that is harmful.Over-confidence results in unsatisfied performance levels as the seed of ego grows into a plant into our mind.We then imagine and make big talks just to maintain our ego.So guys don’t let the seed of ego to germinate in your mind, as this seed should be used only for you to live up to your expectations.Confidence is all about being cool, calm and composed.So guys do you have it in you?

If you think you don't,boost up yourselves as your mind is your greatest mentor.You are your greatest helper.









‚世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝,投进妈妈的怀抱,幸福享不了……‛2011年12月9日下午3时,枣庄市 市中区永安乡聂庄小学‚留守儿童快乐成长活动站‛里欢声笑语,魏磊、周飞等10名困难学生穿上供电公司‚代理妈妈‛们送来的羽绒服,以朴素的歌声表达感谢,一时温暖了整个校园。



吕秀芝、孙建华和高秀芳是枣庄供电女工中走出来的首批‚代理妈妈‛。1998年12月,这三名供电女工走上枣庄市首批‚百名孤儿认妈妈‛活动认领大会主席台,分别认领了台儿庄区泥沟镇洪庄村的孤儿贾凤芝、山亭区水泉乡花石岭村的孤儿张晓兰、山亭区葫芦套村的困难儿童杨雪。由于当时活动刚开始,不少行业企业只有一个‚代理妈妈‛,而供电企业一下子就涌现出来3个,成为当时全市企业中‚代理妈妈‛最多的一个。尤为让人感动的是,三女工之一的高秀芳当时23岁,还没结婚成家,却率先争当‚代理妈妈‛,四进大山深处的葫芦套村,真心诚意地帮扶7岁的杨雪学习成 长,传为佳话。




爱与爱的交流,改变了孩子们自卑内向的性格。老师们欣喜地告诉‚代理妈妈‛:自从有了妈妈后,孩子们变了,变得喜欢笑了,喜欢说话了,学习进步也很快,有的还成为学习尖子、班长。在‚代理妈妈‛的照顾下,困难孩子们的 学业得以继续,他们顺利上完小学、初中以至高中毕业,还有不少孩子进入大学学习。


‚妈妈,我再也不用借别人用过的旧课本了‛、‚妈妈,我语文得了98.5分,数学得了100分‛、‚妈妈,这是我的‘三好学生’奖状‛、‚妈妈,我长大了一定像您一样做个有爱心的人‛,…… 这是孩子们给‚代理妈妈‛们的来信。每每读着这些信,枣庄供电公司的‚代理妈妈‛们就笑得特别开心,把那信呀常常是看了一遍又一遍。




夏九州的爷爷、今年70多岁的夏士标老人,从小就到处流浪,到处乞讨为生,老了又碰上儿子患精神分裂症走失、儿媳狠心一去不回。抱着嗷嗷待哺的小九州,夏士标和老伴哭干了眼泪。可自从武勇认领小九州后,夏士标老人又恢复 了笑容。他骑上自行车,赶上80多里地,常常把自己收获的二、三斤花生、或者地瓜、或者新鲜蔬菜,送到台儿庄城里的武勇手里。今年春节时,老人穿着武勇送的新衣服,挥手写下了‚大地送暖是春风,人心送暖是党情;人间确有真情在,不是亲生胜亲生‛的新春联,并点燃了一挂最响最响的鞭炮。















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