
时间:2019-05-15 10:34:18下载本文作者:会员上传




































































[注意] ①立意自定。②文体自选。③题目自拟。④不少于800字。⑤不得抄袭

















Dear _________ ,Thank You for Your Love 为题,用英语写一篇短文,叙述他们所做的令你深深感动的事情,并表达你的感激之情。


学校生活:1 你的英语在非常优秀,学校邀请你和初一的同学们做一次英语学习交流。请你


Please tell them :

 When you began to learn English?

 Why you like English ?

 How you study English now ?李红昨天和她的同学 Jenny 发生了争吵,但又很想和 Jenny 和好,她不知该怎么做,请你就如何和同学友好相处,给她提一些合理建议.建议包括:

 保持心情愉快,别轻易对他人发怒

 乐于助人,对人友好

 学会与人合作




 What’s your hobby?

 Why do you take part in it?

 What did you do ?


计划与愿望你的加拿大朋友Danny 也是一位中学生,他希望了解你将如何度过这个暑假 节假日活动为此你把你的想法写成短文。暑假生活包括以下几个内容:

 坚持锻炼身体

 根据个人兴趣和爱好安排学习

 帮助家人做家务


饮食 健康16月6日是“全国爱眼日”(National Eyes Caring Day),请根据以下提示写

出一份宣传稿,请全校的学生关爱自己的眼睛。题目为Love Yourselves Love

Your Eyes.内容包括:

 保护视力对中学生很重要。

 哪些原因导致视力下降。

 视力不好会给生活和学习带来不便。初三的生活紧张劳累,因此健康合理的饮食对初三学生来说是非常重要的。


 你的身体状况如何?

 三餐的食谱是怎样的?

 这样安排的理由?


个人情况: 去年你在网上结识了一位外国笔友,他很想了解你的个人情况。请你根据下


 1 What’s your favourite subject?

 2 What do you often do in your spare time?

 3 What do you want to be in the future ?




 1 how many people are there in your family ?

 2 what are they?

 3 who do you most admire ?


宠物: 目前宠物越来越倍受家庭的青睐,有些宠物已经被看作家庭中的一员。就下列要点


 1 what’s your pet ?

 2 why do you have it as your pet ?

 3 is it good or bad to keep a pet ?



 1 what do you think about the environment in your hometown?

 2 what are the reasons ?

 3 what will you do to make it better ?



 1 language learning difficulities

 2 your attitude to language

 3 language learning strategies(策略)


假如你是班长,现在请你写一篇60-80字的广播通知,告诉同学们班级决定去StoneField Country Park 春游。广播通知应包含以下内容:

1. 集合时间、地点:4月21,8:00,学校大门口:

2. 介绍一下在公园的活动情况(如:野餐、种树、放风筝)

3. 提醒大家应注意事项,如:安全和环保等方面。


This is your monitor, Chen Tao.I have something to tell you.I have something to tell you.We will go to Stone Field Country Park on April 21st.Pleasemeet at the school at 8:00.we will have a pinic, plant trees and flykites in the park.Please look after yourselves.Don’t thow rubbisheverywhere, because protecting the environment in our duty.


一、假如你是一名小记者,星期天和同学一起参加了“环保小卫士”的活动。请你根据以下信息写一则日记发表在校园网上,倡导更多的同学来关心环保。参考词汇:at 8:00 in the morningPeople’parkbus climb the treedraw on the wall throw rubbish everywhere pickup


I took part in the“Environment Protector ” activity with my classmates today.In the morning,we set offfor People’sPark at 8:00 by bus.When we got there ,we found that some children were climbing the trees ,and some of them were drawing pictures on the wall.Someone threw rubbish everywhere.The ground and the walls were very dirty.So we began to pick up the rubbish and clean up the walls.We also planted some trees.All of us worked very hard.We think it’s our duty to take good care of our environment.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment ,the world will become more and more beautiful.二、假如你是林平你的笔友Sally正在美国的一所学校学习汉语,她觉得汉语听说学习困难最大,因此她给你发了一封电子邮件询求意见.请根据她的困难,给予回复.参考词汇: listening ability(能力)spoken Chineseradio TV programs video tapes

Dear Sally ,Glad to heat from you.You say you have some problems in learning Chinese.Don’t worry.Let me give you some advice.If you want to improve your listening ability, you’d better listen to the tapes and radio programs in Chinese.You can watch the Chinese T V programs video tapes and films.I think they are helpful.As for your spoken Chinese ,I think it’s good to read aloud in the morning.When you meet a Chinese ,you may go up and try tohave a talk with him if possible.I’m sure the more you practice listening and speaking ,the better you will do in them.I hope you will make a great progress in your Chinese study.Good luck!Yours

Ling Ping


Attention,please!I have an announcement to make.This weekend our class will visit the Great Wall.We will meet at the school gate at 7:20 am on Saturday and then set out by bus.All of us should wear school uniforms and sports shoes.We should also take drinking water and lunch by ourselves.After arriving at the Great Wall ,we can visit it and take photos freely.At 11:30 am ,we will have a picnic at the foot of the Great Wall.At 2:00 pm our guide will tell us some stories about the Great Wall.We will get back at 5:00 pm.Don’t be late.That’s all.Thank you.四、“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”,校园里出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以”Sports inour school”为题写一篇报道

Sports inour school have changed a lot.Now we have more than three P.E.classes a week ,and we have at least one hour to exercise every day.Students get so excited at these changes.More and more students take an active part in the ball games ,running ,and jumping on the playground.Our school life is becoming more wonderful.Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit.A healthy body can helpus study better and live a happier life.五Dear Emma ,I’m so sad.This morning I quarreled with one of my classmates again.But in fact I really want to get on well with them.I don’t know how to do it.Could you help me?

Best wishesYoursLiLi

回复:Dear LiLi ,I’m glad to hear from you.I think some of us have the same trouble like you.Perhaps you may do like this.First of all ,you should keep happy and then you may not get angry with your classmates easily.You should be friendly to greet with them when you meet.Take an active part in games with them if you are free.Help your classmates when they are in trouble.Don’t laugh at them or play jokes in them when they make mistakes.Don’t bother them when they are working or resting.Of course ,it is very necessary to learn to work together in our study.I am sure if you are kind ,friendly and helpful ,you willget on well with them.I hope what I say can help you.Best wishes!Yours




()1.--Have you had ________ breakfast yet?--No, not yet.A./B.aC.theD.an()2.Let's look at the bag.Can you see _____―s‖on the corner of_____ bag?A.a, aB.a, theC.an, aD.an, the()3.There isegg on the table,egg is for you.A.a, AB.an, AnC.an, TheD.the, AnD.five thousands, hundreds and forty

()15.My home is about ___ from my school.A.15 minutesB.10 minute's ride C.20 minutes by bike D.15-minute's on foot.()16.We are doing much better ______ English _______ our teacher's help.A.in, atB.at, inC.in, withD.with, with()17.The food _______ my hometown is quite different ______that there.A.in, likeB.to, fromC.from, toD.in, from()18.Before 1992, there was no airline _________ the two cities.this time.A.allB.someC.anyD.none()33.--Please write to me when you have time.--Sure.But ________is your eyear oldB.12old C.12-year-old D.12 years old()49, In our exam, the____ careful we are, the ______mistakes we’ll make.A.more, moreB.more, lessC.less, fewerD.more, fewer()50.Jack's brother doesn't work so _________as Jack.A.harderB.hardC.hardestD.hardly()51.Every day I spend two hours _______my homework.A.finishing to doB.finishing doingC.to finish to doD.to finish doing()52.Lin Tao can't be at home.I saw him _______here a few minutes ago.A.playsB.to playC.playingD.played()53.We'd better _______on the road.A car may hit us.A.not to playB.not playC.to not playD.don't play()54.--When can I go out to play football, Mum?

--Finish your homework first, or I won't let you ________.A.to go outB.go outC.going out"D.will go out

()55.Could you make her ________laughing?

A.stopB.to stopC.stopsD.stopped()56.You _________ never play in the street.It's not safe.A.canB.mayC.mustD.need()57.Please don't forget _______to me, will you?

A.to writeB.writingC.writeD.writes()58.The soldier ran into the room _________the baby.A.savingB.to saveC.savesD.saved()59.--__________ we make it half past seven?--What about _______ it a little earlier?

A.Shall, makingB.Shall, to makeC.Will, makingD.will, to make()60.He _________ harder this year than last year.A.studyB.studiesC.was studyingD.studied()61.I think no news ________ good news, he will be back soon.A.isB.areC.wasD.were()62.--Can I help you?

--Yes.I bought this computer here yesterday, ,but it ______ now.A.didn't workB.won't workC.can’t workD.doesn't work()63.--What about the food on the plate? –It _________ delicious.A.smellingB.smeltC.smellsD.is smelt()64: What a nice garden!How well it _________ after!

A.has lookedB.looksC.is lookedD.is looking()65.Look!Lily with her sister _________ a kite on the playground.A.is flyingB.are flyingC.flyingD.fly()66.--I have seen the film ―Titanic‖ already.--When _________ you _______ it?

A.have, seenB.will, seeC.did, seeD.had, seen()67.His sisterread the picture-book three times yesterday, ____.A.so he didB.she did soC.so did heD.so did her()68.I _______ to bed until my grandma came back home.A.didn't goB.wentC.had goneD.have gone()69.While she _________ TV in the sitting room, the bell________.A.watches, ringsB.is watching, rangC.was watching, rangD.watched, was ringing()70.There ________a football match in our school this afternoon.A.are going to haveB.is going to haveC.are going to beD.is going to be()71.The headmaster ________for more than two weeks.A.has leftB.has goneC.has been awayD.has come back()72.--Where' s Mr Green?--Oh, he _________ Canada.A.has been toB.has gone toC.went toD.was in()73.The factory has been ________ for two years.A.openB.to openC.openingD.opened

()74.--How long have you ________there?--About four years.A.comeB.goneC.leftD.worked

()75.--Must I clean the room now?--No, you __________.A.can' tB.may notC.mustn' tD.needn' t()76.________ I close the window? It's so cold here.A.WillB.DoC.WouldD.Shall()77.--Excuse me, Look at the sign NO SMOKING!--Sorry, I ________ it.A.don't seeB.didn't seeC.haven't seenD.won't see()78.He could_____ neither French or German, so I____ with him in English.A, speak, talked B.talk, toldC.say, spokeD.tell, talked()79.I ________a very interesting programme on the radio this morning.A.listenedB.heardC.sawD.watched()80.Could you _______ me your bike? Mine is broken.--Sure.It's there.A.borrowB.lendC.givingD.return()81.--How much did you ________for the pen?--Five yuan.A.costB.takeC.payD.buy

()82.--Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?--Because I __it.A.sawB.will seeC.seeD, have seen()83.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it ____tomorrow.A.won' t rainB.isn' t rainingC.doesn' t rainD.isn' t rain()84.--What did you do last night?--I _______TV with my family.A.watchB.am watchingC.have watchedD.watched()85.--Can I help you, sir?

--Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but it ________.A.didn't workB.won' t workC.can' t workD.doesn't work()86.--What do you think of the football match yesterday?

--Well, it' s surprising.The strongest team of our school ___.A.was beatenB.wonC.scoredD.was filled()87.The trees must _______three times a week.A.waterB.wateringC.be wateredD.waters()88.--Alice, you ________ on the phone.--I' m coming.Thanks.A.wantB-.are wantedC.are wantingD.have wanted()89.--I saw Betty go to Grandpa Li's home just now.--Yes.She’s often seen _________ the old man with the housework..A: helpB.to helpC.helpsD.helped()90.A talk on Chinese history __________in the school hall next

Monday.A.be givenB.has been givenC.will be givenD.will give()91.______(Dog)dog is ______ useful animal.A.a, anB.a, theC.the, aD.the, /()92.John Smith is _______ honest man.A.anB.aC.theD.one()93.My father told me he was soon going to visit ________ USA.A.theB.aC.anD./()94.Beyond _____ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but ____ space.A.the ,/B./, theC./,/D.the ,the

()95.I believe that _______ young have a bright future.A.theb.anC.anD./

()96.Paris is ______ most beautiful city, where you can see ______ famous Eiffel Tower.A.a, theB.a, /C.the , anD./,the()97.He dropped the _______ and broke it.A.cup of coffeeB.coffee’s cupC.cup for coffeeD.coffee cup()98.There are three ______ and seven _______ in the picture.A.deers, sheepsB.deers, sheep C.deer, sheepD.deer, sheeps()99.Lucy has been to _________ many times this year.A.his uncleb.her unclesC.uncle’sD.her uncle’s()100.The boys always stays here for _________>A.one and half hourB.one and half a hourc.one and a half hoursD.one and half hours

()101.The dinosaur’s eggs are found by explorers in the _______A.1920sB.1920’sC.1920s’D.1920’()102.___ my parents’ help, I begin to catch up _____ my classmates.A.With, toB.Under, withC.With, withD.To, to()103.—Do you know the differences ________ the three words?--Sorry, I don’t know.A.amongB.betweenC.withD.about()104.—What else do you want?

--________ else.I think I have got everything ready.A.SomethingB.NothingC.Anythingd.Everything()105.Study hard, _______ you will fall behind the others.A.andB.butc.orD.though()106.30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s _______ than we need.A.far moreB.very muchc.far lessD.very little()107.The two friends were ______ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything.A.soB.tooC.veryd.much()108.How long have you _______?

A.marriedB.be marriedC.got marriedD.been married()109.We could see nothing because the lights suddenly _______.A.went onB.went overc, went downD.went out()110.Would you please speak more slowly? I can hardly ______ you.A.talk withB.agree withc.followD.hear

()111.–People now can know what is happening in the world quickly.--You’re right.With the help of computers, news can ______ every corner of the world.A.getB.reachC.returnD.arrive()112.Everyone except Tom and John ______ there when the meeting began.A.isB.wasC.areD.were()113.I’m sorry I haven’t got any money.I’ve ______ my handbag at home.A.missedB.leftC.putD.forgot()114.I heard he _______ the piano in the room last night.A.playedB.playsC.to playD.playing()115.No one can stop news _______.A.to reportB.to be reportc, from reportingD.being reported()116.–Hi, Kate!

--Hi, Mary.I ______ you are here.A.don’t knowB.don’t thinkC, thinkD.didn’t know()117.–Have you ever traveled abroad?

--Sure.I ______ thelanguage of English in the USA two years after I graduated from the university.A.used to learnB.was used to studyingC.have studiedD.didn’t use to study

()118.The visitors are very ______ to see so many changes _______ in Shenzhen since 1979.A.surprise;have been taken placeB.surprising, took placeC.surprised, have been taken placeD.surprised, have taken place()119.When I got to his home, he ________ for an hour.A.had leftB.leftC.had been awayD.has been away()120.The boss made him work 14 hours a day.That means, he _______ work 14 hours a day.A.was madeB.madeC.was makingD.was made to)1.More and more foreigners want to _______their companies in Zhejiang.A.clean upB.look upC.pick upD.open up()2.Can I ______your dictionary?--Sony, I'm using it.A.borrowB.lendC.keepD.return()3._______ me carefully, boys and girls.Can you _____ me clearly.9A.Listen to, hear fromB.Hear, listen toC.Hear, hearD.Listen to, hear

()4.Let the children go away.They're making to much _______ here.A.noiseB.voiceC.soundsD.songs()5.The students put down their pens when the teacher_____ them to stop writing.A.saidB.spokeC.toldD.talked

()6.He ________ living in the country to the city.A.likesB.prefersC.enjoysD.loves()7.Many girls like __________ skirts in summer.A.wearingB.dressingC.inD.putting on()8.If you don' t know a word, you can ________ the word in a dictionary.A.look upB.look downC.look overD.look out()9.Mr Li would like to _________ us an interesting story.A.tellB.talkC.sayD.speak()10._________ away the old books and __________ me that new one.A.Bring, bringB.Bring, takeC.Take, takeD.Take, bring()11.--I' m going to school now, Mum, Bye.--Just a minute.It's cold outside, _________ your coat, please.A.Put onB.Take offC.Put upD.Take down()12.It is better to teach a man to fish than ________ him fish.A.to giveB.givingC.to findD.finding()13.This TV set is too loud, will you please _________?

A.turn down itB.turn it downC.to turn it downD.to turn down it()14.It will be warmer tomorrow.The temperature will _________ again.A.fall belowB.go upC.stay aboveD.keep on()15.Dick isn't here.He _________ the cinema.A.has gone toB.has been toC.has been awayD.has been with()16.--What's your ________ name, please?

--Robert Thomas Brown, but you can call me Mr Brown.A.familyB.givenC.firstD.full()17.--People now can know what' s happening in the world quickly.--You're right.With the help of computers, news can ______ every comer of the world.A.getB.arriveC.returnD.reach()18.Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to _______ there are no mistakes.A.look forB.make sureC.find outD.think about()19.--Where's Tom?--He's left a _______ saying that he has something to do.A.excuseB.sentenceC.newsD.message()20.I bought a new dictionary and it ________ me 30 yuan.A.paidB.spentC.tookD.cost

()21.The car ________ and stopped at the red traffic lights.A.got onB.got offC.slowed downD.picked up()22.You can _______ what is happening in the world by the Internet.A.touchB.makeC.hearD.learn()23.--_________ you good luck in the new year.--The same to you.A.HopeB.WentC.WishD.Like()24.--_________!The traffic is moving fast!--Thanks, I will.A.StopB.Look outC.WatchD.Don't move()25.--DO you still have a headache, Bill?--No, it's _________.I'm all right now, mum.A.droppedB.runC.leftD.gone()26.He's so careless that he always _______ his school things at home.A.forgetsB.leavesC.putD.buys

()27.--What a day!It's mining again.We can't go hiking tomorrow.--Don' t worry.It won't __________ long.A.dropB.rainC.goD.last()28.No one except Jack and Tom ________ the meeting.A.are late' B.were late forC.was late forD.is late()29.--How much ___ this pair of trousers?----Ten dollars ___enough.A.are, isB.is, areC.are, areD.is, is()30.Every table and every chair _______ made of wood.A.isB.areC.wereD.be()31._______ of the teachers in our school is 118, _________ of them are women teachers.A.The number, first fourthB.The number, one fourthC.A number, one secondD.A ,number, three quarters()32.Fish and chips _______ the most popular take-away food in England.A.areB.isC.wereD.was()33.Neither he nor I _________ from Canada, we are from Australia.A.isB.areC.amD.be()34.There __________ some milk and some bananas on the table.A.isB.areC.haveD.has()35.Maths _______ my favourite subject.A.beB.isC.amD.are()36.Andy has _______ for five years.Five years _________ a long time.A.come back home, isB.come back home, areC.been at home, isD.been at home, are()37.A boy with two dogs ______ when the earthquake rocked the city.A.were sleepingB.is asleepC.was sleepingD.are asleep

()38.Both Kate and I _______ ready for the picnic now.A.is notB.is gettingC.are gettingD.am getting()39.Our knowledge of computers ________ growing all the time.A.beB.isC.areD.were

()40.A number of sheep _________ seen by us when we passed the field..A.isB.areC.wasD.were()41.He has never visited the Great Hall of the people, _________?A.hasn't heB.has heC.doesD.doesn't he()42._______ is the population of China?

A.How muchB.How manyC.How many peopleD.What()43.She thinks she can get there on time, ________ she?A.canB.doesn'tC.can'tD.does()44.--You seem to like sweets.--________ ,I buy sweets every week.A.So do IB.So I doC.So am ID.So I am()45.________ wonderful music it is!I like it very much.A.WhatB.How aC.What aD.How()46._________ picture books in class, please.A.Not readB.No readC.Not readingD.Don't read()47.--Is Jim at school today?--No, he's at home ______ he has a bad cold.A.becauseB.ifC.thoughD.until()48.--You are not going out today, are you?--_______ I want to go shopping.A.Yes, I'mB.No, I'm notC.Yes, I amD.No, I am()49.The teacher asked me ________ I needed any help.A.whetherB.thatC.whatD.which()50.--The problem is too difficult, can you show me ______ , WangLe?--Sure.A.what to work it outB.what to work out itC.how to work it outD.how to work out it()51.I want to know if they _________ the spring sports meeting next month.If they _______ it, I must get ready for it.A.hold, will hold.B.will hold, holdC.hold, holdD.will hold, will hold()52.I'll let you know as soon as he _________.A.comes backB.will come backC.is coming backD.come back()53.Our teacher told us the earth ________ round the sun all the time.A.movedB.travelsC.goingD.circle

()54.She asked me ________.A.where did I liveB.where did you liveC.where I livedD.I lived where()55.Could you tell me _________?

A.how old is your sonB.that he will come here soon.C.whether is it fine tomorrow.D.who is going to speak at the meeting()56.We bought Granny a present,_______ she didn' t like it.A.butB.andC.orD.so()57.Kentucky is the state _________ Lincoln was born in.A.whenB.whereC.-whoD.which()58.________ he was very ill, he still went on working..A.BecauseB.ForC.ThoughD./()59.The farmer was very thankful to the doctor ______ treated his son.A.whatB.whichC.whoD.whose()60.Here are the photos _______ in Beijing.A.who are takenB.that tookC.which I was takenD.that were taken()61.--How beautiful your skirt is!--___.A.Oh, noB.I don't think soC.You are welcomeD.Thank you()62.m I can help you with your English.--_____________.A.You are a good manB.You are so kindC.That' s very kind of youD.That' s right()63.--Hi, Lucy.We won the match yesterday.--_________!A.CongratulationsB.Excuse meC.No problemD.Never mind()64.--Happy New Year!--_________

A.Thank youB.So are youC.The same to youD.I!m happu, too()65.--Will you be free tomorrow?--___________

A.OKB.Yes, I amC.I have no ideaD.All right()66.--Don't play football in the classroom.--___________.A.No, I don' t.B.Sorry, we won't do it again.C.Why don' t we.9D.Yes, we won' t do it again.()67.--What's the date today?--___________

A.It's a fine day B.It's Friday C.It's on Christmas DayD.It's June 26tb()68.--Would you give me some water,9--____________A.Yes, I wouldB.CertainlyC.No, thanksD.Yes,please.()69.--Thanks for asking me to your party.--__________A.Never mindB.Don't say soC.My pleasureD.Yes, please()70.--Excuse me, ____________ to the nearest bookshop, please?--Go straight and take the second turning on the left.A.where the way isB.which the way is C.where is the way












(东城一摸)毕业时刻即将到来,你校英文校刊向初三年级学生征文,题为 “My Best Friend”,以此作为对初中生活的纪念。请你写一篇征文,介绍你初中阶段的好友。内容包括他/她的学习情况、性格特点及爱好。(好友的名字用Mary或Jack代替。)

提示词语:hard-working, be good at, friendly, get on well with, dance, draw, win prizes

My Best Friend

Mary is my best friend.She is hard-working and interested in all the subjects we learn at school.She is really good at Chinese and English.Mary is very friendly.She is always ready to help others.So she gets on well with her classmates and friends.What’s more, she is outgoing.She enjoys taking part in all kinds of school activities.She enjoys dancing, and she also draws well.She often joins in competitions and has won many prizes.I feel proud of her as her best friend.After this summer vocation, we may go to different schools for further study, but I’m sure that we’ll be good friends forever.二、介绍地点(旅游等)

Where would you like to visit?(some interesting places:Summer Palace…)


What to do

Where to live

How to get there



(房山二模)75.你已在学校学习三年了,这三年中你学到了很多东西,你校以“Thanks for our School.”为题出版英语专刊,请你给专刊投稿。内容包括三年里你有什么收获,你对学校的看法,以及你即将毕业要为学校做些什么。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

提示词: I, study, school, three years, learn a lot, book, teacher, beautiful,leave schoolThanks for our School

I’ve studied in my school for three years and I’ve learned a lot here.I’ve read many books and got more knowledge.I’ve made many friends and learned how to get on well with them.I like my school because the teachers here are kind and excellent.My school is not only clean and beautiful but also famous, so I’m proud of it.I’ll leave school and I think I’ll do something for my school.I’ll collect money to buy some books for the school library.What’s more, I want to plant more trees and flowers to make it more beautiful.四、课外生活(家庭生活、家务劳动、电影、个人爱好等)

(顺义一模)“彩虹读书活动” 在我区已经开展两年了, 两年来你读了多少本书?请根据自己的亲身体会,谈一谈读书的好处,并向全校学生发出倡议:多读书,读好书。

提示词语: important,learn,find , suggest,gain knowledge(获取知识),culture(文化),open our mind(增长见识),clever and happy, confident,I’ve read 3 English books since last year.I think reading is very important in our life.When I read for pleasure, I can learn how English speakers use English;I also find examples of good writing in English;I can learn new words and learn about the western cultures.So here, I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books.We can gain knowledge through reading.It can not only open our minds but also makes us cleverer and happier.The more books you read, the more confident you will be.Let’s start reading now!(102)



紧张的初中生活就要结束,你一定想好好放松一下。老师希望你过一个既有意义又充实的假期。请以“My Summer Holiday Plan”为题写一段话,把你的想法告诉老师。


My Summer Holiday Plan

After three years study, I feel happy but very tired.Now I show you my summer holiday plan.First I will have a trip with my parents.My parents say I should relax myself in the sea with some of our friends.Then I’ll exercise as usual to keep healthy and read some books.I think reading books is a good hobby because we can get useful information for both work and study.And I will help my parents do some housework, such as cooking, shopping and cleaning.A good plan can make our holidays meaningful and interesting.I hope I will have a good time in the coming vacation.(111 words)


(密云二模)假如你叫李华,是初三(2)班的一名学生,你所在学校的 “爱心俱乐部(Helping Hands Club)” 将吸收新的成员。你想加入该俱乐部,请你根据你自己的擅长,平时的爱心表现以及参加爱心俱乐部的目的写一封自荐信。

词语:name, student, Class 2, Grade 3, member, hard, be good at, get along with, join

Dear Chairman,My name is Li Hua.I'm a student from Class 2, Grade 3.I'd like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.As a student, I work hard at my lessons.I am good at English and do well in both speaking and listening.Besides, I am easy to get along with and enjoy helping others.On my way home I often help the people who are in trouble.When I see old people or children cross the street, I usually help them.If I join the club, I will do more for others.I'll be glad if I am received.I am looking forward to getting your reply.Yours,Li Hua


(石景山一摸)某英文杂志正在举办以“Protect our environment”为主题的征文大赛。假如你是阳光学校(Sun School)初三5班的李敏,请你写一篇短文参赛,文中请先介绍自己(如姓名、班级等),然后谈谈作为中学生,我们可以为保护环境做点什么,并呼吁大家参与到



My name is Li Min, a girl from Class 5, Grade 3, Sun School.As middle school students, we should do something to protect our environment.First, we can save as much energy as possible.For example, we can go to school by bike instead of by car.Second, try to recycle wastes such as old newspapers, bottles and cans.Third, we can plant more trees to make our environment greener and cleaner.In a word, the environment is very important and it’s our duty to protect it.Please join us and take action.食品健康:

keep healthy /have a good health /do sports /have a balanced diet/eat more fruit and vegetables drink more water/ eat less meat….八、个人观点建议(提建议、劝告等)


red lightstop/ not allowed to do somethinggreen lightsafe to go/ turnorange lightred light will be on, be carefulsuggestionsfollow/ break, better life

It’s very important for students to know about the traffic rules.When the red light is on, you must stop and you are not allowed to go on walking.It’s safe to cross the road when the light is green.When the orange light is on, you must wait and be careful, because the red light will be on.Here are some suggestions to protect ourselves.First, we should follow the traffic lights and can’t break the traffic rules.Second, we’d better look left and right to make sure we are safe when we want to cross the street.Last but not least, don’t forget that it’s very dangerous to play on the street.If everyone follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life.九、写作步骤:



















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