
时间:2019-05-15 10:01:33下载本文作者:会员上传





Unsafe situations

Their anxietyand control


Section A 短对话

11.D)Fred may have borrowed a sleeping bag from someone else.12.B)It will cool down over the weekend.13.C)Hosting a TV program.14.D)The plants should be put in a shady spot.15.C)Go to bed early.16.B)She has learned to appreciate modern sculptures.17.A)They seem satisfied with what they have done

18.A)The man shouldn't hesitate to take the course


19.B Domestic issues of general social concern.20.D Based on public expectations and editor's judgement.21.B Practical experience.22.A There average life span was less than 50 years.23.C Learn to use new technology.24.D when all people become wealthier.25.C Control the environment.Section B 短文理解

26.B To alert teenagers to the dangers of reckless driving.27.A Road accidents.28.C It has accomplished its objective.29.B Customers may be misled by the smells.30.C Supportive

31.A The flower scent stimulated people's desire to buy.32 C a passenger train collided with a goods train

D the cause of the tragic accident remains unknown34 A there was a bomb scare

35D drive with special care

Section C 复合式听写









44.You also examine the immense variability of English and come to underst and

how it's used as a symbol of individual identity and social connection。

45.Why do some non-native speakers of English claim that it's a difficult language to learn while infants born into English speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives?

46.You are encouraged to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues


TVand fashion magazines

Developing eating disorders

Impossibly proportionedyears

Make money


B)efforts have been made to protect turtles from dying out.53 D)The turtle's population has decreased in spite of human protection

B)Unregulated commercial fishing

A)It threatens the sandy beaches on which they lay eggs.56 C)call for effective measures to ensure sea turtle's survival.57 C)College education is rewarding in spite of the starting costs.58 D)The gap between the earnings of college and high-school graduates narrowed

A)save more on tuition.60 D)consider college education a consumer product

B)A satisfying experience with their budgets


C massive

B endeavors

D bound

A facilitated

C exclusive

B connects

C individuals

A and

C origins

B stood for

A exchange

D whose

C attracted

B which

A joined

D then

D As

C messages

B civilian

A into


82.him out of buying a car

83.Keeping a sense of humor helps

84.he had no choice but to confess his criminal behavior

85.there must be someone who is speaking ill of them

86.it hard to resist the temptation of ice cream


82.him out of buying a car

83.Keeping a sense of humor helps

84.he had no choice but to confess the crime he had committed

85.there must be someone who is speaking ill of them

86.it hard to resist the temptation of ice cream


82.him into stopping buying a car.83.Keeping a sense of humor helps to

84.he had to confess his crime.85.someone must be talking about them behind their back.86.it hard/difficult to resist the temptation of ice-cream.2009年6月CET6翻译评析


整体而言,本次考试的翻译难度中等,与往年基本持平,主要侧重对词组的考察,对考生的语言基本功有较高的要求。大部分考点都是 四六级 的核心词汇和高频词组,所以只要考前充分复习,相信大部分考生都可以在考场上做到游刃有余。

82.With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ______________(说服他不买车).解析:做四六级翻译题的实质是补全句子,所以已给英文题干和中文部分都要仔细分析。说服某人,考生第一反应是persuade sb.into doing sth.,但是题干已给动词talk,所以考察点是talk sb.into doing sth.,考生如果对这个词组不熟悉,可以大胆套用persuade这个词组的格式。

参考答案:him into stopping buying a car.83.________________(保持幽默感有助于)reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.解析:考点有两个,“幽默感”和“有助于”。某方面的“感”,如正义感,责任感,在 英语(论坛)中都用“sense”来表达,即sense of justice, sense of responsibility。“有助于”可用两种表达方式,be helpful to do sth., 或者help to do sth.另外注意动词短语做主语,要转化为动名词形式,即keep表达为keeping。

参考答案:Keeping a sense of humor helps to

84.When confronted with the evidence, _______________(他不得不坦白自己的罪行).解析:本题考察一个完整的主句,考点在于“坦白”和“罪行”两个单词的表达。参考答案:he had to confess his crime.85.When people say, “I can feel my ears burning”, it means they think___________________(一定有人在说他们的坏话).解析:本题考察“说某人坏话”,六级高频词组,有两种表达方式,speak evil of sb.或者talk sb.behind one’s back.后者在我的课堂上曾经以周星驰电影中的经典翻译摘举中给大家讲过,很多同学考后致电,感到很开心。另外,推断某人一定在做某事,考察情态动词“must be doing sth.”。

参考答案:someone must be talking about them behind their back.86.She has decided to go on a diet, but finds ___________________(很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑).解析:本题考察词组“发现某事很难(find it hard/difficult to do sth.)”,以及高频词“抵制(resist)”和“诱惑(temptation)”

参考答案:it hard/difficult to resist the temptation of ice-cream.写作范文:

According to the Bible, it is the almighty God who gave names to everything he created: “he named the light ‘Day' and the darkness ‘Night'”.In fact, a name is a word or phrase that man uses to denote and identify a specific person, place or thing.There is no inexorable correlation between the sign and “the signified”.For this reason, some claim that names are not so vital as they are supposed to be.However, I am fully convinced that they are of great importance.Take the name of a person as an example.It is known to all that a person's name is divided into two parts: given name and surname.The given name is the name our parents assign us.We ourselves might change it later in our life.Usually, when a name is given, it contains a lot of information.Say, “li” in the name of some Chinese females shows that we wish them to “beautiful” while “wei” in the names of some males reveals that we expect them to be “great” in their future life.As to the surname or family name, it is even more important, so important that some people may sacrifice their life for it.Originally, man had no such a name.But ever since a certain name was given, each member of the family carries it wherever he goes.Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.Apart from the name of a person, that of a place or thing is also significant in that it embodies history and culture.All in all, though names are assigned artificially, man is not free when giving names.But God is.恩波版范文

On the Importance of a Name




On the Importance of a Name

A name is the representation of a person or an entity.It plays an important role in social recognition, just as the old saying goes: a thing is the entity of a name.However, people have diverse opinions on the importance of a name.Some people say that name is important, while the others maintain the other way round.But I think name is of great importance because it is the symbol that distinguishes one thing or person from the others.We cannot deny the importance of a name, be it for a person or a thing.In the world today, no one can live without identification because they must get social recognition, and name is the symbol of the identification.Once a person or a thing gets social recognition, people will remember their names, and they will get further improvement.Besides, a good name will bring people some nice association.A person with a special name may be easily accepted by a group or a community because of the deep impression the name leaves.As for companies or products, a name is also vitally important.Years ago, a computer company spent millions of dollars for the name “Acer”.Since then, the company caught the attention of potential customers and became one of giants in the field.However, another company was facing bankruptcy, for the name of its product implies unfavorable meaning thus cannot be sold out.Can we say that name is not important?

A name may affect the whole life of a person, and a name may also influence the future of a company and its products.Therefore, we must treat names carefully.



My View on On-campus College Students’ Marriage

It is a new thing that Chinese on-campus college students are legally allowed to get married before they complete their courses.Many people applaud this new development while others have expressed their negative concern about this.Those who take sides against this new trend believe that college students will inevitably have less time and energy for their academic life because married students have more real-life problems to deal with than those unmarried ones.One common argument, however, for【与上文的against是相对的】 on-campus college students’ marriage is that a number of students do have a desire for an ideal marriage.Now that they have come to a suitable age, they are entitled to such happiness.Of the two views discussed above, I’m in favor of the former.My reason is that on-campus students are laden with academic tasks.If one gets married now, he or she has to work much harder than any other student because they have to solve their financial problems at the same time.As a married couple【复数,指代的是两个人】, for instance, they are supposed to rent a room in or outside the university, which will naturally add to their spending.【注意:on-campus中间有连接号,变成形容词词组,”on-campus students”指在校的学生。而“在校园”则去掉连接号:on campus;校园生活:campus life

Marry是及物动词,marry sb.”与某人结婚”,后面需有名词。表示结婚的动词词组可用get married,而非以marry单独使用】

Part IIFast Reading



8.higher-order passion【注意:前面加了root这个动词的话,就不能得分】

9.your favorite activities【the activities you are already enjoying也对】

10.team up【这里需要的是动词词组。party那些都只是例子,不是关键词】


Part IIIListening Comprehension

Section A(11-18)BCDDDABC(19-25)ADACCDB

Section B(26-35)CABBCBCAAB

Section C



44.The WHO says this situation raises concerns about the quality of treatments and the lack of

professional supervision.45.the WHO supports the use of traditional medicines when they have been shown to help and to have

few risks.46.governments can also use the guidelines to create media campaigns about the issues.Part IVReading Comprehension

Section A

47.graduating less students

48.globalization of economy


49.information technology

50.the ability of innovation

51.some existing problems

Section B

52-56 ADDDC57-61 BAADC

Part VCloze

62-71BBAABACABB72-81CADBBDABBA Part VITranslation

82.they hold a positive attitude to everything in life instead.83.Only by focusing his attention on work

84.The more you care about the impression you make on others

85.the global financial crisis has affected the people’s life to varying degrees.86.should have taken off ten minutes ago



Part IReading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

Passage 1

1-7 B A D A B C D

8.unsafe situations9.anxiety10.every movement

Passage 2

1-7 D C D A A B C

8.home life9.productive10.increase her own productivity Passage 3

1-7 C A D B A D C

8.people’s view of women9.political sentiment/support for Obana10.stereotypes Passage 4

1-7D A C D D B A

8.take risks9.have families10.military service

Part IIReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

Section A

Passage 1

1.From TV and fashion magazines

3.impossibly proportioned

5.make money

Passage 2

6.the driver’s attention

8.more time

10.punishment7.equivalent in difficulty to driving 9.more complicated tasks2.developing eating disorders 4.three years

Passage 3

11.a higher grade / a grade above 94

13.improving / making progress

15.discuss his concerns

Passage 4

16.feminine and weak

18.stress-related disorders


Section B

1-5B D B A C

21-25 A C D A C

Part IIICloze

Passage 1

62-66C B D A D

Passage 2

62-66C D A C A

Passage 3

12.select the method of grading 14.effort and accomplishment17.lose composure 19.their relationships with partners and children 6-10 C D A D B26-30 C A B A D11-15 C A C B A31-35 A A D A D16-20 C D D B A 36-40 B B C D C67-71 B C A C B67-71 B B D A C72-76 A D C B A72-76 D B D A C77-81 D D C B A77-81 B D A C B

62-66D B C A D

Passage 4

62-66A C B A C

Part IVVocabulary

1-5A C B A C

21-25 C B A B C

41-45 C A B C D

61-65 B B A C D

81-85 A D D C D

101-105 D B C A C

121-125 B D D C A67-71 B C B B C67-71 C B B B D72-76 B C A C D72-76 C A A C D77-81 D D A B D 77-81 C D A D C6-10 D D C D B26-30 D B B A C46-50 D B B D C66-70 C A B A D86-90 C B C D B106-110 C D B A D126-130 D B C A B11-15 D A C D A31-35 A B C D B51-55 D A C B D71-75 A B D C D91-95 A D B A B111-115 A D B B C16-20 A D A C C36-40 B D C A D56-60 D A B A C76-80 A A C D A96-100 A C A D C116-120 B D D C A

Part VTranslation

1.him out of buying a car

2.Keeping a sense of humor helps(to)

3.he had no choice but to confess the crime he had committed

4.someone must be speaking ill of them / there must be someone speaking ill of them

5.it hard/difficult to resist the temptation of ice cream

6.It depends on how often you wear it.7.a challenge to many traditional concepts

8.could have attended / could have been able to attend the meeting in person/by himself

9.balanced diet is essential/vital to health

10.to my regret / regretted as I felt

11.Their only son has never thought

12.weigh your decision against its possible consequences / weigh the consequences of your


13.would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money

14.should not be addicted to computer games / should not indulge themselves in computer games

15.never considered working as a salesman

16.can never be too careful / can not be too careful

17.did I realize that reading can not be neglected / did I realize that reading is not neglectable

18.to the researchers’ surprise

19.I must have left it somewhere

20.would rather join you as a volunteer

21.made a perfect combination of beauty and function / combined beauty and function perfectly

22.know which way to take by the light of nature/instinctively/by instinct

23.(should)deprive children of their freedom

24.a lower death rate than relatively inactive people

25.why you would be/are the best candidate for a certain position

26.who devote/dedicate all their life/their whole life to poetry

27.or/otherwise she would have replied last week

28.have finished the chemical experiments

29.have the old couple quarreled with each other

30.The future prosperity of a country largely depends on

Part VIWriting

1.(06年6月)On the Importance of a Name

Sometimes people ponder for months just to think of a good name for their children or for their businesses.Does a nice name really promise a glorious future? People’s opinions differ greatly over this issue.Some believe a name is no more than a sigh.It serves its purpose perfectly as long as it is used conveniently by others.However, others argue that a name has a magic power as to alter people’s impression on and attitude towards the named.One compelling argument involves the renaming of some Chinese Laozhihao(old domestic brands).Facing the would-be increasingly bleak business situation last year, six Chinese old brands decided to give themselves new English names.Compared with their old English names, the new ones have given prominence to the history of the brands, while giving English speakers an idea of what they are or what they sell.Therefore, with a new international appearance, the traditional brands have made themselves more popular with customers both at home and abroad.As far as I’m concerned, to a certain degree, a name does create a vivid image in people’s mind, resulting either in fondness or dislike.Thus, one should always be serious at choosing names.2.(09年12月)Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes

Nowadays, many parents send their children to various art classes, where the kids are expected to learn how to paint, dance, sing or play musical instruments.Some people firmly support these parents.Since the competition among the kids for places in famous primary schools and middle schools is fierce, they see an artistic talent of the kids as an extra advantage in the competition.Furthermore, they claim, even if the kids do not do well in art, the art learning experience may prove useful for their future life.However, others seriously doubt this.They complain that, for those kids who do well in art, art classes have taken up so much of their leisure time that many are leading a very stressful childhood.For those who have no interest in such classes, they are just a waste of time.In my opinion, parents should encourage their kids to take art classes but at the same time have an open mind about this issue.If the kid is keen on art, art classes are sure to be the first choice.But if the kid hates it, he should not be forced to take them.3.(10年6月)Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese

Nowadays, while an increasing number of people are busy learning foreign languages, the attention to the study of our mother tongue is on the decline.Should such a trend continue, it would definitely lead to an undesirable result in the long run.The reasons for our ignorance of the study of Chinese are obvious.Firstly, globalization plays a major role in the prevalence of the nowadays internationally used language---English, distracting us from studying our own language.Among college students, the influence of western lifestyle is especially strong---the young are either not interested or even have no time to care for our own culture, let alone the language.Secondly, our schools are not attaching any importance to the education of Chinese.The lesson hours of Chinese are far fewer than those of English, and English has now even crowded into the teaching syllabus of primary schools, occupying the time

that pupils should otherwise spend studying Chinese.In order to change the situation, efforts from governments and schools alike should be made.More Chinese lessons are essential, and even more importantly, students’ awareness of the study of our own language should be raised.After all, the promotion of our language is the key to the prosperity of our nation’s culture.4.(10年12月)My View on University Ranking

In recent years, university ranking becomes very popular, especially among high school students.They use such ranking as the first criterion to choose their future academic institutes.However, people’s opinions vary on this issue.Some believe university ranking is essential in indicating the quality of a university, while others dismiss it as misleading.As far as I’m concerned, university ranking could offer some hints while it is by no means the only standard to judge the quality of a university.On the one hand, university ranking helps create a competitive atmosphere in higher education, encouraging the institutions to improve their teaching and research.On the other hand, the ranking criterion itself might be flawed.There is hardly a single and universal standard to weigh colleges of different specialties.In a word, though university ranking may help to indicate the gap between universities, thus encouraging the less competent ones to catch up, more scientific criteria to rank them are yet to be adopted.5.(08年12月)How to Improve Students’ Mental Health

Have you ever heard college students moan in depression? Do you know anyone with learning pressures? The sad fact is, mental health is becoming an increasingly troublesome issue for undergraduates.But solving the problem calls for collaborative efforts between universities and students themselves.On the part of universities, courses of mental health should be added to the curriculum.Besides, the counseling center staff and faculty alike are expected to expand and improve mental health services on campus.On the students’ part, they should try to face the reality and figure out the causes of depression so that they can better understand it.They should also learn how to identify unhealthy behavior or thoughts and make changes accordingly.Besides, students should communicate more with friends, teachers and parents, find better ways to cope with and solve problems, and set realistic goals for their life.To conclude, universities should pay more attention to students’ mental health, and put more effort into developing mental health counseling system on campus, whereas students should try to stay positive and optimistic, and find ways to solve their own problems.6.Say No to Drunk Driving

As is known to all, drunk driving is very dangerous.It puts to risks not only the driver’s life but also of other innocent people.Dangerous as it is, there have been more and more people who drive after drinking in recent years.One reason for this is that people have been getting wealthier these years.More and more people own cars, and they like to drive to get-togethers and other occasions where they might drink alcohol.Another reason is that many people are overconfident with their driving skills.They

believe that they can avoid accidents even if they are drunken.As a result, thousands of people fall victim to drunk driving each year.In my opinion, we should say no to drunk driving immediately.There have already been too many traffic accidents that are related to drunk driving, so strict laws and regulations are called for to ban it in order to create a safer road condition for all citizens.7.On Private Tutoring

Nowadays, it’s very common for parents to hire private tutors for their children.Some people believe that private tutoring is helpful for a child to make rapid progress in his study, while others hold opposite views.As far as I am concerned, private tutoring is not advisable for most people.First, private tutoring is not necessary.If a student listen carefully to his teachers in classes, finish his homework on time, and study hard, he can perform well in his study without any private tutoring.Second, private tutoring may put a child under great stress.Once, a child told me that he hated private tutoring because it takes so much of his time that he can not play with his friends very often.In return he just won’t listen to his private tutor.In one word, private tutoring is not a heal-all, so I think parents should think twice before they rush to hire a private tutor for their kids.8.How to Cultivate Team Spirit?

Team spirit is a must for the growth of everyone.Without teamwork, no individual or group(a company, an institute or even a country)can achieve anything.However, nowadays many people lack team spirit.Some of them are just too individualistic to be cooperative with others.Then how can we cultivate team spirit?

First, I think all people should be taught to learn the importance of team spirit.Those talented people who lack team spirit may be willing to cooperate once they realize the limitation of their personal abilities and learn the importance of working as a team.Furthermore, all people should be encouraged to take active part with everyone cooperating to achieve a common purpose.“Unite we stand, divided we fall.” We should keep this in mind and make great efforts to cultivate team spirit.2010级第三学期六级专项复习错误说明


选项B 改为:critical选项C 改为:credible选项D 改为:contrary


选项B改为:deteriorate选项C 改为:descend


How ling does a jacket like this last me? _________________.(这要看你多长时间穿一次)


Topic 1 文化概述

在中国五千年的文明史上,中国人有无数的发明和创造,如汉字、中医、丝绸、瓷器(porcelain)、指南针、造纸术、印刷术和火药(gunpowder)。这些独特的发明和创造是中国人对世界文明的伟大贡献,证明中华民族是一个富于原创性的民族。与此同时,中国人又有一种开放的胸怀,欢迎远方来的朋友,并以极高的热情吸收和包容外来的文化。大唐盛世和明代郑和七下西洋都表明,中华文明具有开放性和包容性。Over a history of 5 000 years, Chinese people have produced numerous inventions.These unique inventions, including Chinese characters, traditional Chinese medicine, silk, porcelain, compass, papermaking, printing and gunpowder, are significant contributions Chinese made to the global civilization, proving that the Chinese nation is full of creativity.In the meanwhile, the Chinese people have always kept an open mind toward foreign friends and absorbed foreign cultures with great enthusiasm.Both the prosperity of Tang Dynasty and Zheng He’s seven long voyages to the West Seas in Ming Dynasty demonstrate the openness and inclusiveness of Chinese culture.Topic 2 四大发明

说到中国古代的科技文明,就不能不说四大发明(the Four Great Inventions)。人们普遍认为,指南针、火药(gunpowder)、造纸术和印刷术的发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用;并且,这些发明经由各种途径传至西方,也影响着世界的文明进程。从历史发展的角度来看,中国古代的四大发明是为人类社会生活带来革命性变化的科学发明,这是中国人对世界文明的伟大贡献。中国的四大发明在人类科学文化史上留下了灿烂的一页,推动了人类历史的前进。

When it comes to science and technology in ancient China, the Four Great Inventions, including compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing, should always be discussed.It is commonly believed that the Four Great Inventions have promoted the development of politics, economy and culture of ancient China dramatically;moreover, these inventions have a great impact on the civilization of the world since they have been introduced into the Western world in various ways.From the perspective of historical development, the Four Great Inventions of ancient China are scientific inventions that bring revolutionary changes to the social life of human beings, which are great contributions Chinese made to the civilization of the world.The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are brilliant in the history of human science and culture and promote the progress of human history.Topic 3 长

说到中国文化,不得不提到长城。从公元前 7世纪到公元 16世纪,在大约2 200 年的时间里,先后有19个朝代修建过长城,所修的长城累计有10万千米以上。主要的长城修建工程是在秦代、汉代和明代。现今存有遗迹的主要是明长城,从东边人海口的山海关(Shanhai Pass)开始,一直到沙漠深处的嘉峪关(Jiayu Pass),全长6 700 千米。长城是世界历史上最伟大的工程,其建造时间之长、参与人数之多、工程难度之大,在世界上无出其右。

When it comes to Chinese culture, the Great Wall is the one that will be definitely referred to.From the 7th century BC to the 16th century, through about 2 200 years, the Great Wall was built in 19 dynasties and reached a length of more than 100 000 kilometers.Major construction was carried out in Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties.The Great Wall we visit nowadays is mainly the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty, stretching 6 700 kilometers from Shanhai Pass on the eastern seashore to Jiayu Pass in the depth of desert.The Great Wall is the greatest project in the history of the world for its unparalleled span of construction, number of labors and difficulty.Topic 4 移民现象


Nowadays many people choose to live in a foreign country, which has aroused great concern.More and more people, especially plenty of intellectuals, migrate to some developed countries, such as America, Britain and Canada.In addition, there are still many people studying and working in foreign countries struggling for green cards.There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon.Among all these factors, pursuing high-quality life plays a critical role.Moreover, most of them migrate to some foreign countries with a view to making their children Receive good education there.Besides, some people just want to experience the foreign culture they like.All these above factors contribute to their choice to migrate to another country.Topic 5 中国汉字


With its rapid economic development in recent years, China’s international influence has greatly increased, so the number of Chinese character learners across the world has been on the rise.This unique symbol system accumulates the rich historical and cultural content in it.When Western people learn Chinese characters, they may even understand the delicate thoughts of this oriental nation.Nowadays, great importance is attached to Chinese characters in China.It is found that the glamour of these character symbols with rich cultural and aesthetic connotation is greatly shown especially in the current society with rapid scientific development.These ancient characters are revitalized in modern civilization.Topic 6 郑和下西洋

公元 1405 年 7月11日,地球蓝色的海洋上出现了一支庞大的船队,前后有208 艘船,这是有史以来最大的一支船队,船上所载的各类人员有27 500多人,也是有史以来最多的航海人员。船队由一位叫郑和的人统帅。船队带着中国这个古老国家的瓷器、丝绸、茶叶等数不尽的珍奇,穿越南海、马六甲海峡(the Strait of Malacca),横跨印度洋,到达亚洲、非洲的很多国家。在此后的28 年间,郑和一共六次下西洋,随船人员共计10万多人,访问了30多个国家。

On July 11, 1405, a huge fleet consisting of 208 ships appeared on the blue sea of the earth.It was the greatest fleet with more than 27 500 crews that the world had ever seen.The Commander of this fleet was Zheng He.Carrying porcelain, silk, tea and other numerous Treasures from China, a country with a long history, the fleet passed through the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca, traversed the Indian Ocean and arrived at many countries in Asia and Africa.Over the next 28 years, Zheng He led six more fleets with crew members adding up to more than 100 000 people, and visited more than 30 countries.Topic 7中国艺术

中国人创造了很多独特的艺术形式,如纯净的瓷器,千古传诵的唐诗(Tang poetry),以演员表演为中心的京剧等。这些艺术形式呈现了中国人的心灵世界,显现了中国人独特的美感,成为展示中国人生命力和创造力的窗口,具有永恒的魅力。中国人将艺术当作提升生活品质、慰藉(soothe)心灵的媒介,艺术是中国人人生哲学的延伸。中国的艺术传统是一部记载着中国人生活品位和美感世界的活的图画,反映出中国人的优雅心态。The Chinese have created many unique forms of art, such as pure porcelain, enduring Tang poetry and actor-centered Peking Opera, etc.These art forms with eternal charm reveal the inner world of the Chinese people, demonstrate their unique sense of aesthetics and become the windows that show the vitality and creativity of Chinese people.The Chinese regard art as a way to enhance the quality of life and to soothe the mind.Art is an extension of the Chinese philosophy of life.Chinese art tradition is a vivid picture of Chinese people’s lifestyle and aesthetics, reflecting Chinese elegance.Topic 8 中国园林

中国人建造园林有两干多年的历史,主要有皇家园林(imperial garden)、寺院园林和私家园林。现存的皇家园林,如北京颐和园,都是举世闻名的园林。中国的佛教和道教寺院也多建有园林,如杭州灵隐寺。在这中间,私家园林独具风味。今天,在江南(South“the Yangtze River)和长江沿岸的苏州、扬州等地所见的私家园林,多是明清两代留下的,它们如同一幅幅山水画(the landscape painting),展现出独特的魅力。中国园林艺术有丰富独特的创造,是理解中华民族美感特点的一个重要领域.Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2 000 years ago, mainly including three styles of garden: the imperial garden, the temple garden and the private garden.The extant imperial gardens today, such as the Summer Palace in Beijing, are world-famous gardens.Many gardens were also built in China’s Buddhist and Taoist temples, such as the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou.While among the Chinese gardens, the private gardens have a unique ambience.Scattered in South of the Yangtze River and Suzhou, Yangzhou and other places along the Yangtze River, the private gardens are mostly legacies from Ming and Qing Dynasties.They resemble the landscape paintings with distinctive charm.Rich and unique creativity could be found in Chinese gardens, which is an important field to understand Chinese aesthetics.Topic 9 中国诗歌


China is a country of poetry.Especially in Tang Dynasty, Chinese classical poetry reached its Heyday.During the nearly three-hundred-year reign of Tang Dynasty, large numbers of excellent poets and outstanding poems mushroomed.Poetry of Tang Dynasty featured large quantities, wide themes and diversified images and styles, and many masterpieces with perfect combination of great thoughts and artistry emerged.Poetry of Tang Dynasty is Chinese eternal legacies.Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei are the representatives of great poets of Tang Dynasty due to the unique meaning and temperament of Chinese culture in their poems.Topic 10 茶馆文化

中国很多地区依然保留着传统的茶馆文化,尤其是在四川省的省会成都,茶馆遍布城市的各个角落:路边、桥下、公园里,甚至寺院和其他历史景点。泡茶馆(relaxing in teahouse)是当地市民最喜欢的消遣方式之一。工作日的下午三点钟,茶馆里往往人满为患。当地人坐在古色古香的竹椅里,所用的茶具本身可能也是古董。服务人员托着一大堆茶具急匆匆地跑来跑去,将长嘴壶(long-spout kettle)里倒出来的水注满茶杯,为顾客冲泡最优质的茶叶。

Traditional teahouse culture still exists in many parts of China, especially in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province.Teahouses are everywhere: on the sides of roads, under bridges, in the parks and even inside temples and other historical sites.Relaxing in teahouse is one of the favorite pastimes of the locals in Chengdu.A teahouse full to the brim-at three o’clock on a workday afternoon-is nothing out of the ordinary.Locals sit on quaint bamboo chairs and drink from traditional tea sets that could well be antiques in their own right.Teahouse waiters scurry around with trays of tea sets, and top up tea cups with hot water poured from long-spout kettles to brew up the high-quality tea for tea drinkers.Topic 11 京剧角色

“生、旦、净、丑”是京剧中的角色分类。“生”是男性正面角色,“旦”是女性正面角色,“净”是性格鲜明的男性配角(supporting role),“丑”是幽默滑稽或反面角色。每种角色又有表明身份的险谱(facial make-up)、扮相(costume)等,只要演员一上场,你一看便知。在人的脸上涂上某种颜色以象征这个人的性格和品质、角色和命运,是京剧的一大特点,也是理解剧情的关键。简单地讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇(valor);黑脸为中性,代表猛(vigor)智;黄脸和白脸含贬义,代表凶诈。

Sheng, dan, jing, chou refer to different types of roles in Peking Opera.Sheng is the positive male role, dan is the positive female role, while jing is a supporting male role with a distinctive character and chou is the clown or a negative character.Each type of role has its own facial make-up and costume that expose its identity as soon as he/she appears on the stage.One major characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character that shows personality, quality, role and fate.It is also the key to understanding the plot.To put it simply, red is appreciative, standing for loyalty and valor;black represents a neutral role, representing vigor and wisdom;yellow and white both suggest cunning, negative characters.Topic 12 羊

羊是一种本性温顺(docile)、易于管理的动物。从岩画(rock painting)上原始人镌刻的形态各异的羊形象中,我们可以看出人类与羊的亲善、和谐关系。羊为人们的生活或祭祀而牺牲,是“有义 personal loyalty之物”。羔羊似乎懂得母亲的艰辛与不易,所以吃奶时是跪着的。羔羊的“跪乳”被人们赋予了“孝顺”和“懂礼”的意义。据文献记载,人们很早就把羊的美德视为人的道德准则和榜样,这反映了人们对羊的精神感受和对羊的秉性的人格化概括。

The sheep is an animal that is docile in nature and easy to manage.From the sheep images of various shapes on the rock paintings carved by primitive men, we can see the good and harmonious relationship between human beings and sheep.Sheep sacrifice their lives for people’s living or worship, and therefore are deemed as embracing personal loyalty.The lamb seems to know the hardship of its mother, sucking the breast on bent knees.Such behavior is considered by people to have symbolic meanings of filial piety and courtesy.According to the documents, people have long regarded this morality of sheep as a moral code and example for human beings, which is a reflection of people’s feeling toward sheep and a personalized summary of sheep’s nature.Topic 13 联合国中文日

联合国中文日是联合国语言日的一部分。根据传说,仓颉(Cang Jie)创造了中国最原始的象形文字(hieroglyph)。上苍因仓颉造字而感动,为其降下一场谷子雨,这就是“谷雨”(the Grain Rain)的由来。中文日因此被定在每年中国农历的“谷雨”,以纪念汉字始祖仓颉。从2010 年开始,联合国每年都在中文日前后举行多种形式的庆祝活动。例如: 2014 年,纽约联合国总部以书画展、茶艺表演(tea-making performance)、歌曲演唱和书法讲座等形式庆祝中文日。

The Chinese Language Day is part of the UN Language Days.According to legend, Cang Jie created the original hieroglyph used in China.The Heaven was moved and rained grain in praise of him, which is the origin of the Grain Rain.As a result, the Chinese Language Day is set on the rain Rain according to the Chinese lunar calendar in memory of Cang Jie, the ancestor of the Chinese characters.Since 2010, the UN has been holding all kinds of celebrating activities around this day every year.For example, in 2014, the UN Headquarters in New York celebrated this day with painting and calligraphy exhibitions, tea-making performances, singing performances, calligraphy lectures, etc.Topic 14 筷子

筷子由两根长短相同的木棍组成,是中国的传统餐具(eating utensil)。筷子出现在三千多年前,它的出现不仅是中国烹饪文化的变革,也是人类文明的标志。此外,筷子在烹饪技巧的发展过程中也起着推动作用。如今,筷子不仅是一种餐具,还成为一种独特的文化形式,对于我们来说,筷子可以作为艺术品来欣赏、研究和收藏。筷子虽小,但仍被世界上许多人所推崇。一项有趣的实验表明,当你在使用筷子的时候,许多关节和肌肉都会得到锻炼。

Chopsticks, the traditional eating utensils in China, are a pair of equal length sticks.Chopsticks appeared more than three thousand years ago.The appearance of chopsticks is not only a revolution of Chinese cuisine culture, but also a symbol of human civilization.Besides, chopsticks have promoted the development of cooking techniques.Today, chopsticks not only area kind of tableware, but also have become a unique culture form, coming in front of us as a work of art for appreciation, research and collection.Chopsticks are small, but they are adored by many people in the world.An interesting experiment shows that many joints and muscles can be exercised when you use chopsticks.Topic 15 风

风筝起源于中国,在这个国家,制作风筝的理想材料一应俱全:丝织品用来做帆,极具韧性的(high-tensile-strength)丝线可以制作风筝线,轻盈的骨架则由韧性十足的竹子制成。据说,风筝是墨子和鲁班在公元前 5世纪时发明的。在13世纪末期,马可·波罗首次将与风筝有关的故事介绍到欧洲。尽管风筝最初只被看作是珍奇物品(curiosity),但自18世纪开始,风筝被用作科研工具。现在,风筝节已经成为一种流行的娱乐形式,最为著名的就是中国的潍坊风筝节。

Kites originated in China, where ideal materials for making kites were readily available: silk fabric for the sail;high-tensile-strength silk thread for the flying string;and resilient bamboo for the light framework.It is said that kites were invented by Mo Zi and Lu Ban in the 5th century BC.Stories of kites were first introduced to Europe by Marco Polo in the late 13th century.Although kites were initially regarded as curiosities, since the 18th century they have been used as a vehicle for scientific research.Now, kite festivals have become a popular form of entertainment, and the most famous one is China’s Weifang Kite Festival.Topic 16 铜

铜鼓(bronze drum)文化是远古时代在长江以南及东南亚的广大地区流行的一种典型文化代表。在古代,铜鼓多用于祭神、征战和节日活动。在祭神时,它是神圣的法器(artifact);征战时,它是号令军队振作士气的军乐 器;在节日里,它又成为最激动人心的打击乐器(percussion instrument)。铜鼓给人们带来的不仅是精神层面的东西,它还有重要的实用价值。许多少数民族依然保留着在传统节日及婚娶和丧葬等场合使用铜鼓的习俗,The bronze drum was a kind of typical culture popularized in the wide area of South of the Yangtze River in China and Southeast Asia in ancient times.More often than not, it was used on such occasions as sacrifice ceremonies to gods, launching ceremonies for the war and festival activities.It was sacred artifact on the sacrifice ceremonies, military musical instrument transmitting orders to soldiers and reviving the morale in the war, exciting percussion instrument in festivals.In addition to its spiritual content, the bronze drum also benefits people with its important value of practical use.Many minority groups still adopt the tradition of playing the bronze drums on the occasions of traditional festivals, wedding ceremony, funeral ceremony, etc.Topic 17十二生肖之鼠


三生肖(the twelve symbolic animals)之首,自古以来就令人不可思议。一个较为合理的解释是:鼠常在夜里23时至凌晨 1时四处活动,这是一天当中最黑暗的时候,老鼠此时出没便于隐藏行迹。由此看来,鼠昼伏夜出的(nocturnal)习性是使它能够在十二生肖中独占鳌头的主要原因,与其口碑不佳及相貌可鄙没有关系。

Rat looks mean and stealthy, and always causes mass destruction, winning it the notorious reputation for “A rat crossing the street is chased by all.” However, it ranks first among the twelve symbolic animals, which has always been a wonder since ancient times.A more reasonable explanation is;Rats often move around from 11 pm to 1 am, the darkest hours in a day that is convenient for the rats to hide themselves.Judging from this, the habit of being nocturnal is the main reason why rat is put in the first place in the twelve symbolic animals, which has nothing to do with its bad reputation or contemptible looks.Topic 18 中国寄宿幼儿园

20世纪90 年代,中国寄宿幼儿园(boarding kindergarten)的孩子数量达到顶峰,在当时送孩子去这样的学校是一种地位的象征。不过最近,这一体系不再像当初那样流行。一些私立和公立的(state-run)寄宿幼儿园都陆续关门,其他的幼儿园正在从寄宿变为日托。位于上海的中国福利协会幼儿园(The China Welfare Institute Kindergarten)以前是寄宿幼儿园,但现在22个班里只有3个寄宿班。中国家长现在开始意识到,孩子很小的时候要多花时间陪陪他们,这点很重要,因为孩子们正处于学习的阶段,这是成长过程中一个很重要的阶段。

The number of kids sent to boarding kindergartens in China peaked in the 1990s, when sending a young child to such schools was a symbol of status.Recently, however, the system has become less popular.Some boarding kindergartens, both private and state-run, are closing one after another.Others are switching from boarding classes to day care.The China Welfare Institute Kindergarten in Shanghai used to be a boarding kindergarten, but now in the 22 classes, only 3 classes for young children are residential.Chinese parents are now starting to realize that it’s important to spend more time with their kids when they are very young, because they are learning in this period and it’s a very important stage of growth.Topic 19 家庭观念

中国人重团圆、重亲情、讲孝道(filial piety),并强调家庭的和睦。中国人最期望的就是“家和万事兴”。当家庭中出现矛盾的时候,中国人最忌讳把这些矛盾暴露在外人面前,所以中国人常说“家丑不可外扬”。中国人在家庭中还特别重视父母、长辈的意见,“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前”便是强调长辈的经验对年轻人具有重要的作用。中国人还强调家庭教育对孩子人格形成的重要影响,常说“子不教,父之过”。Chinese people attach great importance to reunion, family love, filial piety and a harmonious relationship among the family members.What they expect most is “the family being in harmony and all affairs prosperous”.When there emerges a conflict in the family, it is a taboo for Chinese people to expose the problem to others.Therefore it is often said by Chinese people, “You’re your dirty linen at home.” In a Chinese family, the opinions of parents and the elders are greatly respected.It is often quoted, “You will suffer losses if you close your ears to the elders”, which reflects that the elders’ experience is of great importance to the younger generation.And Chinese people place emphasis on family education which is believed to have great influence on children’s character building, and this can be demonstrated by the proverb “Failing to educate the children is the fault of the father.“

Topic 20科举考试

科举考试(Keju)是中国古代人才选拔的一种方式。由于采用分科目选举人才的办法,所以叫作科举。隋炀帝于公元 605 年开设进士科,用考试的办法来选拔人才,这标志着科举制度的开始。它把读书、考试和做官三者紧密结合起来,揭开了中国人才选拔史上崭新的一页。唐朝承袭了隋朝的人才选拔制度,并进行了进一步的完善。因此,科举制度逐渐完备起来。科举考试实行了1 000多年,在实践中逐渐形成的一些较好的制度至今仍在我们的社会生活中发挥着作用。

Keju, or the imperial examination, is a means to select talents held in ancient China.It got its name since it adopted the method of selecting talents through a range of different subjects.In605 AD, Emperor Yang of Sui established the imperial examination system to select talents, which symbolized the official formation of Keju.The system interconnected learning, examination, and the selection of officials closely, opening up a new page in the annals of talents selection system.The Tang Dynasty followed and further improved the talents selection system of the Sui Dynasty.Consequently, the imperial examination system gradually became perfect.During the over 1 000 years’ implementation of the imperial examination, some good systems have been set up in practice, exerting an influence on our social life till today.Topic 21 造纸术

东汉(Eastern Han Dynasty)末年,蔡伦的造纸术被广泛应用。到了公元 3至5世纪的两晋时期(period of Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties),人们开始在纸上写字,并由此发展出写在纸上的书法艺术。中国的造纸术先后传到了现在的越南、朝鲜和日本。公元 7世纪左右,又传到了印度。造纸术还通过陆上丝绸之路传到了西亚和欧洲。欧洲的造纸业大致从公元12世纪开始,在之前,欧洲人主要使用羊皮等来书写,据说书写一本《圣经》需要300多张羊皮,可见其昂贵程度。造纸业的兴盛开创了人类文明的新纪元。In the late of Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun’s papermaking technology widely came into use.In the period of Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties(the 3rd to 5th century AD), people began to write on paper and calligraphy on paper was developed correspondingly.Chinese papermaking technology was introduced to Vietnam, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Japan, and around the 7th century was introduced into India.Papermaking technology was also introduced to West Asia and Europe through the Silk Road.The papermaking industry in Europe started in about the 12th century.Before that, the Europeans mainly wrote on sheepskin.It is said that writing a Bible needed more than 300 sheepskins, indicating the expensiveness of it.The rise of papermaking industry started a new era of human civilization.Topic 22 中国经济发展势头

当前我国经济发展势头良好,经济增长的内在机制(the internal mechanism)不断增强,基本做到了速度、质量和效益的统一。但是,我们也要清醒地看到,世界上没有一个国家的经济发展可以长盛不衰,永远保持高速度。中国也不例外。改革开放取得的成就是有目共睹的,但是新的矛盾和问题也出现了,如国企(state-owned enterprise)改革问题、贫富分化问题、腐败问题、金融风险问题、生态环境破坏问题等。这些问题都需要我们高度重视,尽快找到有效的解决办法。

At present our economy enjoys good momentum of growth.The internal mechanism for economic growth has been increasingly strengthened.We have, to a large extent, struck the right balance among speed, quality and economic benefit.But we must keep a clear mind and realize that there are no countries in the world that can keep an economic boom with high-speed growth.China won’t be an exception.The achievements of the reform and opening-up are obvious to all.But now there are also some new problems.These include the problems.In the reform of state-owned enterprises, the enormous gap between the rich and the poor, corruption, risks in the financial sector as well as ecological and environmental damage.We need to pay high attention to the problems mentioned above and find effective solutions in the shortest time.Topic 23 上海自由贸易试验区

发展中国(上海)自由 贸易试验区(China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone)是国家战略,是深化改革、扩大开放的重大举措,意义深远。这项重大改革以制度创新为着力点,重在提升软实力(soft power),各项工作影响大、难度高。建设中国(上海)自由 贸易试验区是顺应全球经贸发展新趋势,实行更加积极主动开放战略的一项重大举措。建设自由贸易试验区的主要任务是探索中国对外开放的新路径和新模式,推动加快转变政府职能和行政体制改革(reform of administrative System),促进转变经济增长方式和优化经济结构。

Developing the China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone is a national strategy, and a major initiative for deepening the reform and expanding opening-up, which has a profound and important influence.This major initiative focuses on institutional innovation and emphasizes on promoting soft power.All the work is significant but in great difficulty.Building the China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone is a major move to conform to the new trend of global economic and trade development and implement a more proactive opening-up strategy.The main task of this action is to explore the new path and pattern of Chinese opening-up, speed up the transformation of government function and the reform of administrative system, foster the transformation of the economic growth pattern and optimize the economic structure.Topic 24 科技园区建设

在经济增速放缓的大背景下,作为推动新型城镇化建设的重要载体,科技园区(high-tech Zone)的建设至关重要。在创新成为重要经济驱动力的今天,科技园区作为全球知识经济中企业和研究机构的创新、创业最佳栖息地,不仅承载着推动技术创新、加速知识转移(knowledge Transfer)、加快经济发展的使命,也是城市经济发展与竞争力的重要来源。科技园区如何充分发挥其在“新型城镇化”进程中的巨大作用,已经成为人们关注的焦点。

In the context of slow economic growth, the construction of high-tech zone is crucial as an important carrier to promote the new urbanization.Today when innovation becomes a major economic driver, high-tech zone, the best habitat for the innovation and new business of enterprises and research institutes in the global knowledge economy, not only takes on the mission of promoting technological innovation and accelerating knowledge transfer and economic growth, but also plays an important role as a source of economic growth and competitiveness in cities.How the high-tech zone gives full play to its great function during “new-type urbanization” has been focused on.Topic 25 中国经济结构的改善

中国经济已经出现了明显的结构改善的迹象。一方面,贸易顺差(trade surplus)出现了明显的而且是持续的下降,其主要原因不是出口的放缓,而是进口的加速;另一方面,居民消费占GDP的比重并不像统计所说的持续下降,而是从2007 年开始就持续上升。这些结构调整方面的明显改进并不是具体政策调整所带来的,而应归功于市场,是市场的力量推动结构调整。中国经济应该坚定不移地沿着市场化(marketalization)的方向走下去。

It is shown that the structure of Chinese economy has been’ obviously improved.For one thing, trade surplus has declined dramatically and continuously.The primary reason is not the slowdown in the export but the acceleration of import.For another, the proportion of residents’ consumption on GDP does not keep declining as statistics show, but has kept rising since 2007.The obvious improvement of structure comes up owing to the market rather than some specific policy adjustment.It is the power of the market that promotes structure adjustment.Chinese economy should unswervingly go on the path of marketalization.Topic 26 会展业

会展业(exhibition industry)在中国被誉为朝阳产业。目前,中国的会展业已经成为新的经济点。北京奥运会和上海世博会的成功举办对中国的会展业发展意义深远。这两件国际盛事不仅让世界认识了中国,更为重要的是,为中国会展业引入了大量的外国资金、技术和人才。但是,我们也必须清醒地认识到制约中国会展业发展的因素。中国的会展业起步较晚,直至最近才发展成一个独立产业,其出现和发展都带有自发性和随意性。

Exhibition industry is referred _to, in China, as sunrise industry.At present, China’s exhibition industry has become a new economic growth point.The Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo were successfully held, which exerted a far-reaching impact on the development of exhibition industry.The two international events have not merely made China known to the world.More importantly, they have introduced abundant foreign capital, technologies and talents to the exhibition industry of China.However, we must also be well aware of the constraining factors of China’s exhibition industry.Starting relatively late, China’s exhibition industry did not develop into an independent industry until very recently.Both the emergence and the development of the industry are spontaneous and random.Topic 27 贸易争端


Since the entry into WTO, China has settled numerous trading disputes with America and European Union through consultations and negotiations.With the traditional concept of harmony in mind, China firmly believes that harmony, once realized in business, can bring wealth.Therefore, China has been expecting a harmonious existence with American and European businessmen and a joint effort to solve trading problems.Confronted with trading disputes, instead of seeking out appropriate solutions, some countries frequently set limits, which is no good for solving problems and at the same time damages their images.On the contrary, China, bearing the name of “state with etiquette”, generally talks them into listening more to others’ proposals first.Topic 28 投资环境

中国正在努力改善其投资环境以吸引更多外资。迄今为止,中国的对外投资领域已从工业扩展到金融、房地产(real estate)、外贸及服务业。根据最新的调查,欧盟对中国的投资迅速上升,然而来自美国的实际投资却有所下降。东南亚依旧是重要的投资来源,并且投资结构已经有所改善。外国投资者对高科技领域及研发中心(R&D center)的投资表现出极大的兴趣。此外,对通信设备、计算机、电子产品及运输设备的投资也大幅增加。

China is working hard to improve its environment to attract more foreign investment.Up to now, foreign investment in China has extended from industry to finance, real estate, foreign trade and service.According to the latest survey, the investment from European Union has increased rapidly while that from America has experienced a moderate decrease.Southeast Asia remains an important source of foreign investment, and the structure of investment has been improved.Foreign investors are showing great interest in the investment of high-tech fields and R&D centers.In addition, they have also increased substantially the investment in telecom equipment, computer, electronics and transportation equipment.Topic 29 生态观光

从20世纪80 年代初起,以探险和自然观光为主题的旅游活动越来越受欢迎。伴随着全球环境意识的增强及对多元文化的尊重,生态观光(ecotourism)已经成为旅游业中快速发展的一个组成部分。度假者可以享受都市里五星级酒店的舒适,可以品味高雅餐厅的宜人,而爬山、徒步旅行则成为另一种诱人的选择。但是,生态观光并不只是到偏远的(remote)地方旅行,这一概念也强调教育游客去认识当地风土人情和文化遗产。

Since the early 1980s, tourism centering on adventure and natural sightseeing has become increasingly popular.With the enhancement of global environmental consciousness and increasing respect shown for cultural diversity, ecotourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors of the travel and tourism industry.Tourists can stay in an urban five-star hotel enjoying the comforts or sit in an elegant restaurant tasting the delight, but people can also choose to climb mountains and go hiking, which are the attractive alternatives offered to people.But ecotourism means more than just traveling to remote destinations.It also emphasizes educating visitors about local conditions and customs, as well as cultural heritage.Topic 30 新丝绸之路

新丝绸之路(New Silk Road)是一条全长15 000多公里、贯通中亚的公路干线通道。建设新丝绸之路的初衷是通过这条连接亚欧两大陆、辐射30多个国家的大动脉(artery)促进国际贸易。随着经济全球化的快速发展,特别是中国经济的腾飞,中国与中亚国家、欧洲国家之间的往来在广度和深度上都有了空前的发展。新丝绸之路沿线国家已不满足于仅仅建设交通运输生命线,还要不断加深沿线区域经贸合作,形成新丝绸之路经济带。

The New Silk Road, more than 15 000 kilometers in length, is a main road passage running across Central Asia.The New Silk Road was intended to boost international trade through the artery that connects Asia and Europe, and radiates over 30 countries.With the rapid development of economic globalization, especially the rise of Chinese economy, China has made unprecedented contact with Central Asian and European countries, both in breadth and in depth.Countries along the New Silk Road are not satisfied with building a lifeline of transportation.They also want to deepen economic and commercial cooperation with districts along the road to frame the new Silk Road Economic Belt.Topic 31 中国快递企业

根据快递企业(express delivery enterprise)的性质及规模,可将我国快递企业分为四类。一是外资企业,外资快递企业具有丰富的经验、雄厚的资金和发达的全球网络;二是国有企业,国有快递企业依靠其背景优势和完善的国内网络在快递市场处于领先地位;三是大型民营企业,大型民营快递企业在局部市场站稳脚跟后,已逐步向全国扩张;四是小型民营企业,这类快递企业规模小、经营灵活但管理比较混乱,主要经营特定区域的同城快递(intra-city express delivery)和省内快递业务。

According to the nature and scale, express delivery enterprises in China can be divided into four kinds, including the foreign-funded enterprises, the state-owned enterprises, the large-sized private enterprises and the small-sized private enterprises.The foreign-funded express delivery enterprises have rich experience, sufficient fund and a developed global network;the state-owned enterprises lead the market due to their advantageous background and widespread domestic network;the large-sized private enterprises gain a foothold in local markets and have gradually expanded to the rest of the country;the small-sized private enterprises, characterized by small scale, flexible operation and messy management, specialize in intra-city and provincial express delivery in specific regions.Topic 32 生物产业

生物产业是国家确定的一项战略性新兴产业。过去五年,中国生物产业的年均增速超过了20%。随着城镇化和工业化大幅推进,我国面临日趋严峻的人口老龄化、食品安全、能源短缺、生态环境恶化等挑战。为保障人口健康、粮食安全和推进节能减排,亟须加快新型药物、作物新品种、绿色种植技术、生物燃料(biofuel)和生物发电(bioelectrogenesis)、生物环保技术、生物基产品(bio-based product)等的开发培育和推广应用,因此,生物产业将继续呈现高增长态势。

Biological industry is an emerging industry of strategic importance designated by the state.During the past five years, the annual growth rate of China’s biological industry has been beyond 20% on average.With large-scale urbanization and industrialization, China is facing the worsening challenges such as the aging population, food safety, energy resources shortage and ecological environment deterioration.To ensure residents’ health, safety of food and the promotion of energy conservation and emissions reduction, the development and application of new drugs, new crop varieties, green planting technology, biofuel and bioelectrogenesis, biological environmental protection technology, and bio-based products, ect.are urgently needed to be accelerated.Therefore, biological industry will keep high growth.Topic 33 矿产资源概述

中国拥有丰富的矿产资源,是世界上少有的矿产自给自足的国家之一,所有世界已知的矿产都能在这里找到。迄今为止,地质学家已经探明储量的矿物使中国在矿产总储量上位列世界第三。已经探明储量的能源包括煤、石油、天然气;放射性矿物包括铀(uranium)和钍(thorium)。中国可直接利用的煤炭主要分布在北方地区,尤以山西、内蒙古自治区、陕西和新疆储量最为丰富。石油资源主要分布在西北部、东北部以及东部地区的大陆架(continental shelf)。

China is rich in mineral resources, and all the world’s known minerals can be found here, which makes China one of the world’s few self-sufficient countries.To date, minerals whose reserves have been confirmed by the geologists make China rank third in the world in total reserves.Proven reserves of energy sources include coal, petroleum, and natural gas;and radioactive minerals include uranium and thorium.China’s coal reserves that can be directly used mainly distributed in north China, with Shanxi, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Shaanxi, Xinjiang taking the lead.Petroleum reserves are mainly in Northwest and Northeast China as well as the continental shelves in East China.Topic 34 中国矿产资源开发

中国是世界上最早开发利用矿产资源的国家之一。过去50 年,中国在矿产资源勘探(survey)开发方面取得了巨大的成就,这为中国经济的持续、快速、健康发展提供了重要保障。中国是一个人口众多、资源相对不足的发展中国家,主要依靠本国的矿产资源来满足现代化建设(modernization program)的需要。同时,中国还不断努力引进国外资本和技术开发本国矿产资源。中国政府高度重视可持续发展和矿产资源的合理利用,把可持续发展确定为国家战略,把保护资源列为可持续发展战略的重要内容。

China is one of the first countries in the world to develop and utilize mineral resources.Over the past five decades, China has made great achievements in the survey and exploitation of its mineral resources, which has provided an important guarantee for the sustained, rapid and sound development of Chinese economy.China is a developing country with a large population and a relative shortage of resources.It mainly depends on the exploitation of its own mineral resources To meet the needs of its modernization program.Meanwhile, China has made constant efforts to introduce foreign capital and technology to exploit its own resources.The Chinese government attaches great importance to sustainable development and the rational utilization of mineral resources.It has made sustainable development a national strategy and the protection of resources an important part of this strategy.Topic 35 中国高铁

我国地域辽阔、人口众多,要解决大规模人口流动问题,最安全可靠、最快速便捷、最经济环保的交通方式就是高速铁路(high-speed rail。高铁的诞生满足了现代社会人们生活、工作、出行节奏快的需求。自2007 年修建第一条高速铁路“京津”高铁开始,几十条高铁相继开通运营,中国高铁运营里程(operating mileage)已达1万多公里,位居世界首位。而随着中国高铁“走出去”步伐不断加快,中国高铁正成为一张让世界了解中国的新名片。

Considering China’s vast territory and large population, high-speed rail is the most secure and reliable transport to solve the mobility problem of the large-scale population.With the highest speed and greatest convenience, it is also the most economical and most environment-friendly The birth of high-speed rail meets the needs of modern people to live, work and go outdoors at a fast pace.Since 2007 when the first high-speed rail line “Beijing-Tianjin” line was built, dozens of lines have been built and operated successively, making China’s high-speed rail operating mileage reach over ten thousand kilometers, ranking first in the world.As China’s high-speed rail accelerates its pace to expand overseas, it is becoming a new business card for China to introduce itself to the world.Topic 36 中国房地产


The nature of real estate has changed greatly in China.Fifteen years ago, workers in state-owned enterprises, who then comprised a high proportion of the population in cities, were assigned accommodation by the government.But nowadays, young boys have to purchase commercial residential houses because they can hardly find a girlfriend if they do not have their own houses.Buying a house, however, is difficult.Because of the strict capital controls by government and the capricious stock market, the house has become a reassuring investment.Thirteen percent of urban households in China own two or more houses.That’s why China’s real estate has boomed.Topic 37 中国经济发展成就

在党中央(the CPC Central Committee)的领导下,我国经济建设的各方面都取得了巨大成就。我们完成了诸多造福百姓的工程,如西部大开发(Western Development)、南水北调(South-To-North Water Diversion Project)等。用水用电更加方便快捷,出行选择也多种多样。我国的国际地位不断提高,对世界经济发展产生了巨大影响。加人世界贸易组织后,我国的经济政策牵动着世界的一呼一吸;成功举办北京奥运会和上海世博会,赢得了世界的关注与尊重。总之,中国经济取得了辉煌成就,中国经济的明天一定更美好。Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we have made great economic accomplishments in all aspects.We have completed many projects bringing benefits to common people, such as Western Development and South-to-North Water Diversion Project.We have easier access to water and electric power, and we have more choices when traveling.Our country’s international status keeps on increasing, making great influence on the world economy.Joining the WTO enables our economic policies to affect the activities of the world.Successfully holding the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo brings more attention and respect from the world.In a word, Chinese economy has made amazing achievements and will definitely have a brighter future.Topic 38 中国的国际地位

随着经济的高速发展和综合国力的增强,中国在世界上的影响日益增大。2008 年北京举办奥运会,2010 年上海举办世博会,这意味着有几千年历史的中国,正以前所未有的广度和深度向世界各国开放,并从各个方面融人国际社会。在这样一个历史性的时刻,国际社会比过去任何时候都更加关注中国,各国朋友都迫切希望对中国文化有一种比过去更真实、更生动、更深入的认识。

With the rapid development of Chinese economy and comprehensive national strength, China’s international influence has been increasing.The 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 World Expo were respectively held in Beijing and Shanghai, which means China, a thousand-year-old country, is opening to the world with unprecedented breadth and depth, and being integrated into international community in various aspects.At this historic moment, international community is more focusing on China than ever before.People from all over the world are eager to have a realer, deeper, and more vivid understanding of Chinese culture than that in the past.Topic 39 西藏的发展 由于西藏地处“世界屋脊”(Roof of the World),自然条件恶劣,也由于几百年落后的封建农奴制社会(feudal serfdom)形成的各种社会历史条件的限制,西藏在全国还属于欠发达地区。但是,过去60 年的发展已经极大地改变了其昔日贫穷落后的面貌,西藏人民生活水平大大提高。社会经济的发展极大地丰富了西藏人民的物质文化生活。2000 年,西藏全区各族人民已基本摆脱贫困,实现温饱。部分群众生活达到了小康水平。随着人民生活逐步富裕,冰箱、彩电、洗衣机等消费品进入了越来越多寻常百姓家。

Located on the Roof of the World, Tibet is still an underdeveloped area in China due to its harsh natural conditions and various social and historical restrictions formed by the backward feudal serfdom with a history of hundreds of years.However, the development in the past 60 years in Tibet has dramatically changed its former poverty and backwardness and the Tibetan people’s living standards have remarkably improved.People’s material life has been greatly enriched by the economic development.In 2000, people of various ethnic groups in Tibet basically shook off poverty and had adequate food and clothes.Part of them began to live a well-off life.As people’s livelihood improves, consumer goods such as refrigerators, color TVs and washing machines have entered more and more ordinary people’s homes.Topic 40 社区公益

社区公益(community public benefit)以公益机构为主体,为达成公益目的而鼓励社区发动居民积极参与各种公益服务或活动。近年来,越来越多的机构和企业投身到社会公益事业之中,或进行大额捐款,或成立慈善基金,力图在履行社会责任的同时,凸显企业的品牌和产品。显然,这是社会公益不成熟的一种表现,因为那些有着巨大社会需求的社区公益服务,由于需要长期默默无闻的服务和关怀,还没有得到更多的关注。

The community public benefit whose main body is public organizations encourages residents to take part in various kinds of public services or activities to reach the goal of public benefit.In recent years, more and more organizations and enterprises devote themselves to public benefit by donating large amounts of money or establishing charitable funds to advertise their brands and products while fulfilling their social responsibilities.Obviously, it is a reflection of immature public benefit, because the community public benefit service with large social demand hasn’t been paid more attention to due to the need of long-term obscure service and care.Topic 41 新型农村合作医疗制度

新型农村合作医疗制度(New Rural Cooperative Medical System)目的是为了解决农民的就医问题,减轻农民因疾病带来的经济负担,提高农民健康水平。新农合将逐渐发展成为较为完善的农村医疗保障制度。它的发展直接影响广大农民的健康问题。由于中国地区经济发展不平衡,各地新型农村合作医疗制度采取了不同的实施方案。自 2010 年以来,新型农村合作医疗制度已基本覆盖农村居民。

The New Rural Cooperative Medical System(the NRCMS)aims to solve the rural residents’ medical problems, alleviate their financial burden of diseases, and improve their health.The NRCMS will gradually develop into a complete rural medical security system.The development of the NRCMS will directly influence the health of all the rural residents.Due to China’s unbalanced economic conditions among different areas, various implementation plans are adopted in the NRCMS from place to place.The NRCMS has basically covered all the rural residents since 2010.Topic 42 绿色就业

绿色就业(green job)是在经济绿化的过程中产生和发展的,指的是从事绿色经济活动的就业。绿色经济是对产业结构、产品生产的技术和工艺、产品生产的组织方式进行“绿化”。绿色就业就是采用绿色技术、工艺和原材料进行生产的就业,就是从事绿色产品生产和服务的就业,就是从事环境和生态保护工作的就业。世界上很多国家看到了绿色产业蕴藏的巨大就业潜力,纷纷采取措施,开发绿色项目,刺激绿色消费,以创造更多的就业岗位。

A green job emerged and developed from green economy, which refers to work that is relevant to green economic activities.The industrial structure as well as the technologies, techniques and organization mode during production of green economy are “greened”.Green job adopts green technologies, techniques and raw materials to produce green products, offer green services and provide jobs in the environmental and ecological protection.Many countries in the world notice the huge employment potential of green economy and take measures in succession to develop green projects and stimulate green consumption so that more jobs will be created.Topic 43 中国家庭结构的变化

改革开放以来,中国社会的家庭结构发生了巨大的变化。越来越多的传统大家庭模式被以核心家庭为主的多样化的小家庭模式所取代。与此相一致的是,越来越多的以父辈为权威的大家庭让位于以子女,特别是独生子女(only child)为中心的小家庭制度。人口老龄化(population aging)进程的加速与家庭制度的演变使养老问题的严峻性愈加凸显。大众传媒和各种娱乐设施极大地转移和丰富了人们的生活内容,人们已经不再把家庭作为唯一的娱乐场所。

The family structure in Chinese society has been undergoing dramatic changes since the reform and opening-up.More and more traditional extended families have been replaced by various small household patterns, especially nuclear families.Correspondingly, more and more extended families with the elders as authorities are giving place to smaller families with children, especially the only children, as the centers.The changes of family patterns, along with the acceleration of population aging, make the provision for the aged a increasingly severe problem.Mass media and various recreation facilities greatly distract people and enrich their life, so that families are no longer the only place to enjoy themselves.Topic 44 互联网

网上交流活跃是中国互联网发展的一大特点,论坛帖文(forum post)、博客文章数量之大,在世界各国都是难以想象的。中国的网站十分注重为网民(netizen)提供发表言论的服务,约80%的网站提供电子公告服务(Bulletin Board Service)。据抽样调查,每天人们通过论坛、新闻评论、博客等渠道发表的言论达300多万条,超过66%的中国网民经常在网上发表言论,就各种话题进行讨论,充分表达思想观点和利益诉求。中国网民踊跃参与网上信息传播和网上内容创造,大大丰富了互联网上的信息内容。

Vigorous online interaction is a major characteristic of China’s Internet development, and the huge quantity of forum posts and blog articles is far beyond that of other countries.China’s websites attach great importance to providing netizens with opinion expression services, among which about 80% provide Bulletin Board Service.According to a sample survey, each day people post over three million messages via forums, news commentary sites, blogs, etc., and over 66%of Chinese netizens frequently post topics on various subjects to fully express their opinions and interests.Chinese netizens actively participate in online information communication and production, greatly enriching Internet contents.Topic 45 网上银行

网上银行拥有许多优势。网上银行从不关门,每天24小时、每周 7天全天候营业,而且只需轻点鼠标即可完成交易。当你的财务发生问题,而你附近又没有营业厅或自动取款机时,你可以马上登陆网上银行来处理你的财务。网上银行处理并确认交易的速度通常达到或者超过了自动取款机的运行速度。网上银行现在还提供账目总计、股票报价等先进的工具,以帮助你更有效地理财。

Online banking has a lot of advantages.It never closes, offering services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all you need to do is just a slight click of the mouse.If your nearby banks or ATMs are not available when financial problems arise, you can immediately log on to your online banking and cope with your business.In terms of the speed of the execution and confirmation of transactions, online banking is generally no slower than ATMs.Online banking now offers advanced tools, including account aggregation, stock quotes and so on to help you manage your assets more effectively.Topic 46 环境保护

当今世界,环境保护已经成为各国政府和各界人士共同关心的问题。过去10 年,海平面上升和森林砍伐的速度都是前所未有的;生态恶化、物种灭绝(extinction)、温室效应等一系列环境问题已经严重影响到人类的生存环境和健康。中国作为一个发展中国家,面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重任务。从国情出发,中国在全面推进现代化(modernization)的过程中,将环境保护视为一项基本国策,并在全国范围内开展污染防治工作和生态环境保护活动。

Nowadays, environmental protection has become an issue that the governments of all countries and people from all walks of life commonly care about.During the past ten years, the speed of sea level rise and deforestation has been unprecedented while a series of environmental problems, such as deterioration of ecosystem, extinction of bio-species, and the greenhouse effect, have posed a serious threat to human living conditions and health.As a developing country, China is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment.Based on its national conditions, China has, in the process of promoting overall modernization, made environmental protection one of its basic state policies, and carried out nationwide campaigns of pollution prevention and treatment as well as ecology and environment protection.Topic 47 老龄化

联合国(United Nations)标准规定,当一个地区65岁及以上的老人占总人口的7%时,该地区就被视为进入老龄化社会(aging society)。老龄化会对国家财政造成巨大的影响,但老龄化的影响并不止于此。在老龄化社会里,劳动力市场、储蓄方式以及人口流动都会发生变化。中国社会保障制度并不健全,大多数老年人都依靠子女赡养。小家庭的增多和传统价值观的缺失都会使老龄化问题更加严重,从而对中小家庭造成沉重负担。

According to the standard of the United Nations, a society is considered an aging society when the proportion of people aged 65 and above is more than 7%.The impacts of aging society on state finance are huge.However, the impacts are much wider.In an aging society, labor markets, saving patterns and migration movements will change.Social security system in China is weak, and most of the elderly are supported by their children.Declining family size and the erosion of traditional values magnify the challenge, which places a heavy burden on small and middle sized households.Topic 48 妇女地位

在中国,妇女占了大约一半的人口,常被称为“半边天”(“Half the Sky”)。在过去的几十年里,中国妇女的社会地位经历了历史性的变化。社会主义社会不仅从法律上确立了男女平等,而且采取了经济手段来帮助妇女获得平等地位,缩小男女之间的社会差距。妇女在社会各界发挥着巨大的作用。但是,不平等现象仍然存在。比如,男女就业机会方面不平等,入学机会方面不平等,在某些农村地区,妇女生了女孩儿还会受到歧视。

In China, women account for nearly half the total population of the country and are often called “Half the Sky”.Over the past decades, the social status of Chinese women has experienced historic changes.The socialist society has not only established legal equality between men and women, but also adopted economic means to help women achieve gender equality and narrow the social gap between men and women.Women are playing an important role in all fields of life.However, inequality still exists.For example, men and women are unequal in the opportunity for employment and enrollment in schools.In some rural areas, women will be discriminated by others if they give birth to a female baby.Topic 49 非物质文化遗产

保护和弘扬先人创造的优秀非物质文化遗产(intangible cultural heritage),是全民族的共同责任,也是中国文化产业发展的重点。非物质文化遗产是中华传统文明的一部分,凝聚着中华民族文化的精华。截至2013 年底,我国已有38个项目列入联合国“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”,居世界第一。根据文化部公布的信息,我国共有87万个非遗项目,可以说历史有多悠久,民间艺术就有多悠久;文化有多灿烂,民间艺术就有多灿烂;生活有多美好,民间艺术就有多美好。

Protecting and promoting the excellent intangible cultural heritage created by our ancestors is the common responsibility of the whole Chinese nation and the emphasis of the development of China’s culture industry.Chinese intangible cultural heritage is a part of the traditional Chinese civilization, condensing the essence of Chinese national culture.By the end of 2013, China has 38projects listed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, ranking first in the world.According to the information released by the Ministry of Culture, there are 870 thousand intangible cultural projects in China.In a manner of speaking, the longer the history is, the more could be;the better the life is, the more beautiful the folk arts could be.Topic 50 自主创业

自主创业(self-employed)的好处之一是盈利归自己所有,利润是对自己努力、能力和创造力的回报。自主创业的第二个好处是个人才智和能力能直接反映在收入上。自主创业的第三个优势是自己做老板能够控制自己的工作时间。但是创业并不是一帆风顺(go smoothly)的事。首先,做自己的老板把责任直接放到了个人的肩上。其次,自己做老板时,一单成功的生意可能会带来很大的盈利,而一单失败的生意可能会造成破产。第三个弊端是没有稳定的工资,收入浮动很大。

One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profits that the business makes belong to the owner.The profits earned are the reward for the owner s effort, competence and creativity.Another advantage is that a person’s earnings directly reflect his intelligence and abilities.The third advantage of being self-employed is that a person as the boss can control his working hours.However, being self-employed does not always go smoothly.First, being one’s own boss means placing the responsibility directly on that individual’s shoulders.Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business.The third disadvantage is that self-employed people have no stable wage and their Earnings can vary greatly.





China will endeavor to ensure everyemployee to have average 13.3 years of education.If the goal is achieved, amajority of people entering the labor market will be having Bachelor’s degree。

In the next few years, China willincrease the number of people in vocational college.Except focusing on thehigher education, the government will find a breakthrough point to ensure thejustice of education.China is trying to optimize education resources and,accordingly, the countryside as well as the less developed areas will receivemore support。

In addition, the education ministrydecides to improve the nutrition of students in less developed areas andprovides equal opportunities for the children of workers from out of town toreceive education in the city。


China will strive to ensure that employees should received an average of 13.3 years of education by 2015.If this goal can be achieved, the majority of people who enter the labor market will be required to obtain a college degree in the future.Over the next few years, China will focus on increasing college enrollment: apart from attaching importance to the higher education system, China will also seek new breakthroughs to pursue a fairer educational system.China is making efforts to optimize the use of educational resources so that rural and less developed areas will receive more support.The Ministry of Education also decides to improve student nutrition in underdeveloped regions, and to offer equal education opportunities for children of migrant workers in the city.



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