
时间:2019-05-15 09:22:22下载本文作者:会员上传



In Beijing,there are many Hutongs, which mean small lanes.The life of ordinary people in these lanes contributes greatly to the charm of Beijing, the ancient capital.Usally, there is a courtyard complex inside the Hutong, with rooms for an average of 4 to 10 families of about 20 members.So life at the Hutong is that of a friendly and interpersonal communication.Hutong is the living environment of ordinary Bejing natives.It is also an art of architecture.It reflects the changes of the society.With the rapid development of the society and economy, many Hutongs will live only in people’s memory.端午节,又称龙舟节,为每年农历五月初五。端午节起源于中国,最初是我国以祛病防疫的节日,后来传说爱国诗人屈原在这一天死去,也同时成了中国汉族人民纪念屈原的传统节日。端午节有吃粽子,赛龙舟等主要习俗。特别是赛龙舟的习俗受到普遍的欢迎,因为它不仅是一种体育娱乐活动,更体现出人们心中的爱国主义和集体主义精神

Duanwu Festival, also called The Dragon-boat Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.It originated in China as a festival for the Chinese people to prevent and get rid of diseases.Later on, it was said that Quyuan, the patriotic poet, died on this day and it became a traditional festival in memory of Quyuan for the Chinese Han people.Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the main customs of Duanwu Festival.Especially, dragon boat racing is very popular, for it is not only an activity of sports and recreation, but also embodies people’s patriotism and collectivism.中医是我国的传统医学,起源于大约6000年前的神农氏时代。中医学在长期的发展过程中,逐渐形成了一套医学原则和观点。中医认为“万物人为贵”。中医师通过了解人与自然以及人体各部位之间的种种关系来诊断和治疗人的疾病。中医有完整的理论体系和临床治疗办法,其独特的疗效和科学体系赢得了全世界的广泛赞誉。The Chinese medicine, known as “traditional Chinese medicine” in China, originated about 6000 years ago, in the era of Shennong, a famous herbal medicine master in ancient China.During the long-term development, the traditional Chinese medicine has gradually formed a set of medical principles and concepts.Traditional Chinese medicine holds that nothing compares to a human life.Traditional Chinese medical doctors diagnose and treat the patients’ diseases through finding out the relationship between man and nature, and among the various parts of the human body.Traditional Chinese medicine has developed a complete theoretical system and complete clinical treatment approaches.And it wins widespread praises all over the world because of its unique effectiveness and its scientific nature.文化是一个国家的面孔。在中国文化输出的过程中,中华民族这个巨人给世界带去了物质和精神文化大餐。在中国文化对外传播的历史道路上,丝绸、瓷器、茶叶、科技发明这些物质文明符号,带动了世界的进步,而“四书”、“五经”等典籍所倡导的中庸、守信、谦和、善治等精神则在世界上树立了中国的精神符号。Culture is a country’s face.During the course of Chinese culture output, the giant of the Chinese nation has taken to the world the cultural feast of both materials and spirit.On the historical path of the foreign communication of the Chinese culture, such signs of material civilization as silk, china, tea, and scientific and technological inventions led the world’s progress.Meanwhile, such spirit as the golden mean, faith keeping, modesty and gentleness and good governance initiated in the classic works of the Four Books, the Five Classics, etc, established the signs of the Chinese spirit in the world.我们将大力促进亚洲和世界发展繁荣。新世纪以来,中国已成为众多周边国家的最大贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、重要投资来源地。中国同亚洲和世界的利益融合达到前所未有的广度(scope)和深度。当前和今后一个时期,中国经济将继续保持健康发展的势头,国内需求特别是消费需求将持续扩大,对外投资也将大幅增加。中国越发展,越能给亚洲和世界带来发展机遇。

China will strongly promote development and prosperity in both Asia and the world.Since the beginning of this new century, China has become the largest trading partner, the biggest export market and a major source of investment of many neighboring countries.China’s interests have never been so closely connected with those of the rest of Asia and the world in both scope and depth.At present and in the future period, China will continue to maintain its healthy growth trend.Its domestic demand, particularly consumption-driven demand will continue to grow and its investment in foreign countries will increase greatly.The more China develops, the more developing opportunities it will bring to Asia and the world.建设生态文明是关系人民福祉、关系民族未来的大计。中国要实现工业化、城镇化、信息化、农业现代化、必须要走出一条新的发展道路。中国明确把生态环境保护摆在更加突出的位置。我们需要金山银山,更要绿水青山。我们决不能一牺牲生态环境为代价换取经济的一时发展。我们提出了建设生态文明、建设美丽中国的战略任务,给子孙留下天蓝、地绿、水净的美好家园。

The construction of ecological civilization is important for the happiness of the Chinese people and the future of the Chinese nation.To realize industrialization, urbalization, informationization and agricultural modernization, China must find a new development path out.China makes it clear to put the protection of ecological environment in a more outstanding postion.We need mountains pf gold and silver, but we also need green mountains and waters more.We mustn’t gain the temporary economic development at the expense of the ecological environment.Thus, we put forward the strategic task of constructing ecological civilization and a beautiful China, leaving our descendants a beautiful home with blue sky, green land and clear water.中国作为文明古国,同样有着辉煌的城市发展史。著名的《清明上河图》(Riverside Scene during Qingming Festival),就生动地描绘了12世纪中国商业城市开封的繁荣景象。中国的城市也具有自身特色。改革开放30多年来,中国工业化、城镇化步伐明显加快,城镇居民从1.7亿人增加到7亿人,形成了一批有重要影响和发展活力的城市群(city cluster),促进了经济发展和社会进步。

China, a country with an ancient civilization, also has a brilliant history of urban development.The famous painting Riverside Scene During the Qingming Festival vividly captures the life of Kaifeng, a commercial city in China in the 12th century.Chinese cities also have their own characteristics.Since the launching of the reform and opening-up program over 30 years ago, China has quickened the pace of industrialization and urbalization, with urban pollution increasing from 170 million to some 700 million, forming a number of city clusters with strong influence and developing vigor, which has promoted economic development and social progress.“学习”这两个字是由中国的孔夫子首先讲的。他是一个伟大的教育家。他自己学习十分努力,又有了多年的教学经验,就总结出这么一句话:“学而时习之,不亦乐乎?”这是“学习”一词的来源。任何人要获得新知识,途径只有一条,那便是“学”。但要使它成为自己的东西,就必须“习”。孔子的话,在今天仍然具有教育意义。The two characters “xue”and “xi” were first used by China’s Confucius, who was a great educator.Studying hard himself, and having many years’ experience of teaching, he summed up the question in one sentence: “isn’t it enjoyable to learn something and to review it often?” And that’s the origin of the word “xuexi”, which means “study”.There is only one way for anyone to acquire new knowledge, and that’s

“learning”.But one must review it to turn it into something of his own.So Confucius’ teaching is still instructive today.在外国民众看来,最能代表中国文化的就是中餐、中国功夫、大红灯笼和京剧这样一些符号。全世界有中国人的地方,大都会有中国餐馆,而中国餐馆又大都会有大红灯笼,或是挂着中国功夫的图片或是播放着中国京剧。很多外国人喜爱这些中国文化的符号。这些老符号有着很大的魅力,有助于传播中国文化或打造中国形象。

To people from the foreign countries, what can best represent the Chinese culture are such signs as Chinese meals, Chinese gongfu, the red lantern, and Peking opera.In the world, where there are Chinese people, there are Chinese restaurants, where red lanterns or pictures of Chinese gongfu are hung or China’s Peking Opera is played.Many foreigners love these signs of the Chinese culture.These old signs are full of charm, and are beneficial for the transmission of the Chinese culture or the creation of the Chinese iamge.“中国梦”的含义是国家富强、民族复兴和人民幸福。中国梦是国家的梦,民族的梦和人民的梦,也是每一个中国人的梦,是个人之梦的集合,是共同的梦。正如习主席所说:“国家好、民族好、大家才会好。”中国梦充满着中华文明“家国天下”的理性光辉。中国梦也是和平之梦,合作之梦,共赢之梦。中国梦今天是梦想,明天将是现实。

The Chinese Dream means a prosperous and strong China, the revival of the Chinese nation and a happy life for the Chinese people.The Chinese Dream is the dream of a country, a nation and a people.It is also a dream of every Chinese.It is a combination of individual dreams and it is a common dream.Just as President Xi puts it, only when the country and the nation are better off can every one of us be better off.The Chinese Dream is filled with the rational brilliance of the Chinese civilization: one nation is one family and each member is responsible for its prosperity.The Chinese Dream is also a dream of peace, cooperation and win-win.Today, it is a dream.Tomorrow it will be reality.


(一)《孙子兵法》(The Art of War)是中国古代最重要的一部军事著作之一,是我国优秀传统文化重要组成部分。孙子(Sun Tzu),即该书作者,在书中揭示的一系列具有普遍意义的军事规律,不仅受到军事家们的推崇,还在经济领域,领导艺术,人生追求甚至家庭关系等诸多方面,均有广泛的指导作用。《孙子兵法》中许多名言警句(epigram),富有哲理,意义深远,在国内外广为流传。如今《孙子兵法》中的语言,在世界军事史上具有重要地位。


1、普遍意义的——universal,军事规律——military laws

2、具有广泛的指导作用——play an extensive guiding role.“广泛的”还可以翻译为far-reaching或broad

3、人生追求——the pursuit of life

4、名言警句——famous sayings and epigrams5、意义深远——have profound meanings

6、广为流传—— be widely circulated。”流传“还可用spread表示

参考译文:The Are of War is one of the most important ancient Chinese military literary works,and serves as an important part of outstanding traditional culture in China.Sun Tzu,The author of the book,revealed a series of universal military laws which are not only valued by militarists but also play an extensive guiding role in several fields such as economy,art of leadership,the pursuit of life and even family relationship.There are a lot of famous sayings and epigrams in The Art of War that are rich in wisdom and have profound meanings and are thus widely circulated both at home and abroad.Nowadays The Art of War has been translated into many languages and it also plays an important role in the military history of the world.(二)太极(Tai Chi)是中国文化史上的一个重要概念。太极拳(traditional Chinese shadow boxing)包含一系列缓慢的动作,旨在修炼身心。它是一种舞蹈却不需要随音乐起舞,你只需聆听内心的节奏。太极拳是中国武术(martial art)的一种,他创自数千年前,原本是一种自卫的技艺。全世界成千上万人练习它,主要是由于它对人类健康的神奇作用。因为他将身体动作,平静、冥想(meditative)心境结合起来,所以他长被称作“冥想运动(meditation in motion)”。


修炼身心——physical and spiritual practice或者physical and mental practice。

不需要音乐起舞——dot no need to dance to music,其中dance...to固定表达,随着...起舞

一种自卫技艺——a self-defensive skill,defensive 译为防御的,防卫的。

它对人类健康的神奇作用——its miraculous effects on human’s health

将身体动作,平静、冥想(meditative)心境结合起来——combines the body’s movements with the calm and meditative state of mind。将...与...结合起来可译为combine...with...state of mind心境


Tai Chi is a significant notion in Chinese cultural history.Traditional Chinese shadow boxing includes a series of slow movements aiming at the physical and spiritual practice.It is a kind of dance but you do not need to dance to music.You just need to listen to the rhythm of your heart.Traditional Chinese shadow boxing is a kind of Chinese martial art.It was created thousands of years ago and originally used as a selfdefensive skill.It is practiced by thousands of people around the world mostly because of its miraculous effects on human’s health.It is often called “meditation in motion”because it combines the body’s movement-s with the calm and meditative state of mind.(三)电子书(e-book)通常指数字化出版物,它可以包含文字、图片、声音、影像或几者兼有。现在人们经常使用智能手机(smartphone)、平板电脑(tablet)或者专门为电子书制造的电子阅读器来阅读电子书。电子书内容丰富,便于存储,而且价格低廉,有助于阅读的普及。从传统意义上讲,电子书是纸质书的电子化,但现在许多电子书并没有纸质的对应物。电子书以数字形式存储,因此人们随时都可以阅读。2012年,美国电子书的销量首次超过精装书(handcover book)。



2、专门为...制造译为specially made for...3、阅读的普及:the popularity of reading

4、版本的英文表达version,纸质书译为printed books


6、超过:可用surpassed表示,还可以用exceed表示 冲刺备考建议




翻译原文:E-books generally refer to digitized publications.They can include words,pictures,sounds,images,or a combination of two or more.Now people often read e-books with smartphones,tablets,or e-books readers that are specially made for e-books.E-books have colorful contents and are convenient to store.Their prices are cheap and they are conductive to the popularity of reading.E-books are traditionally believed as an electronic version of the printed books.but now many e-books exist without any printed equivalent.E-books are stored digitally,so they can be read at any time.In 2012,e-books sales in the United States surpassed hardcover book sales for the first time.(四)孔子是中國著名的思想家,教育家,以及儒教(Confucianism)的創立者。他的學說深刻影響了中國兩千多年的歷史。孔子因其哲學家思想而著名,他在當時說過很多著名的言論。這些言論幫助人們認識自然,世界和人類行為。他也幫助過政府和帝王。孔子教他們如何成功管理自己的王國。孔子的言論主要收錄在《孔子論語》(Analects of Confucius)一書中。它們反映了孔子政治和道德觀。

Confucius is a famous ancient Chinese thinker ,educator ,and founder of Confucianism which deeply influences China for more than two years.Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China.Those sayings helped people learn about nature ,world ,and human behavior.He also helped the government and the emperor.He taught them lessons on how to rule his kingdom successfully.Confucius's thoughts were mainly collected in the Analects of Confucius.They relects Confucius's thoughts on politics and ethics.解析:

第二句的學說即是儒教,所以可以用定語從句將其與第一句連接起來。影響可以說influence,have an influence on···

Be famous for=be known for因···而著名。

Teach sb.Sth.教某人某事

(五)京剧(Peking Opera)已有200多年的历史,是中国的国剧。与其他地方戏相比,京剧享有更高的声誉,但其实京剧融合了多种地方戏的元素。京剧演员的脸谱(facial make-up)和戏服都很精美,相比之下舞台布景则十分简单,表演者主要应用四种技能:唱、念、做、打。京剧较擅长于表现历史题材的政治,军事斗争,故事大多取自历史演义和小说话本(historic and fictional stories)。在古代,京剧大多是在户外演出的,因此演员们形成了一种有穿透力的唱腔,以便每个人都能听到。


1,享有更高的声誉——enjoys a higher reputation

2, 戏服——costume

3,相比之下——by contrast


5,政治军事斗争——political and military struggle,斗争还可译为battle。

6,在户外——in the open air或者outdoors。

7,形成可用develop表示,而不用shape或form。”有穿透力的“译为piercing。唱腔乍看可能不好翻译,其实就是歌唱的风格,即style of song。


Peking Opera,as the national opera of China,has a history of more than 200 years.Compared with other Chinese local operas,Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation,but actually it absorbed many elements of other local operas.The facial make-up and costumes of the performers are very delicate;by contrast,the backdrops are quite plain.During performance,the performers mainly utilize four skills:song,speech,dance,and combat.Peking Opera is better at performing political and military struggle with historical themes and the performed stories are mainly from historic and fictional stories.In ancient times,Peking Opera was mostly performed in the open air,so the performers developed a piercing style of song that could be heard by everyone.自驾游(self-driving tour)属于自助旅游的一种类型,是近年来我国新兴的旅游方式,以自由、灵活、富有个性化等突出特点被旅游者接受和喜爱。自驾游在选择目的地、参与旅程设计和体验自由等方面,给旅游者提供了极大的灵活性,与传统的参团旅游(group tour)相比更具有自身的特点和魅力。随着自驾旅游者增多,自驾游市场已经成形,越来越多的旅行社、汽车俱乐部、汽车租赁公司(car rental companies)看好这个市场,并涉足这一市场的开发。


1、自助旅游——self-help travel/self-service travel

2、新兴的旅游方式——a new travel mode/a new way of travel

3、自由、灵活、富有个性化等突出特点——striking characteristics of being free,flexible and personalized。striking——显著的,突出的

4、提供了极大的灵活性——provides travelers with great flexibility5、目的地——target place/destination

6、看好这个市场,并涉足这一市场的开发——are optimistic about this market and get involved in the development of the market,其中“看好”——are optimistic about表示“对...持乐观态度”“涉足”——get involved in


Self—driving tour,a sort of self—help travel,is a new travel mode in China in recent years.It has won traveler's acceptance and love for its striking characteristics of being free,flexible and personalized.It provides travelers with great flexibility in selecting target place,participating in devising travel procedures and experiencing freedom,which endows it with its own characteristics and charm compared with traditional group tour.As self—driving tourists increase,self—driving tour market has taken shape.More and more travel agencies,car clubs and car rental companies are optimistic about this market and get involved in the development of the market.颐和园是世界上保存最完整的皇家园林,也是当今中国最大的皇家园林。它坐落于北京西北部的郊区,占地290公顷,主要由万寿山和昆明湖构成。在1998年12月,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)将颐和园列入《世界遗产名录》。该名录宣称“颐和园的人工景观与自然景观和谐地融为一体,堪称中国风景园林设计中的创造性杰作”。

The Summer Palace is regarded as the best-preserved imperial garden in the world,and is the largest of its kind in modern-day China.Situated in the northwestern outskirts of Beijing,the

palace occupies an area of 290 hectares and consists mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.In December 1998 , UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List.It declared

the Summer Palace an“ outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese Landscape Garden Design,incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole.”

汉语多重复,而英语则常常需要避免重复,因此在翻译重复的汉语是,多采用桶词异译法,或者采用代词来进行替代。该句中of its kind来翻译重复的皇家园林。最后一句,对原文据需进行了调整,原文的两个分句是因果关系,而译文采用了伴随性定语从句来翻译。



The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products;for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.The great and good do not die from this world.Embalmed in books,their spirits walk abroad.The book is a living voice.It is an intellect to which one still listens.The great and the good will be always remembered as time goes by.书籍具有不朽的精神,他们是迄今为止人类所创造持续最久的产品。宇宙会损坏,塑像会颓废,但是书籍却能常存人间。对于思想而言,时间并不重要,它们今天让然能同多年前第一次在作者的头脑中刚刚产生时那样鲜活。当年的话语和思想如今依然通过书本在向我们生动的述说。

Books possess the essence of immortality.They are by far the most lasting products of human effort.The universe can be damaged,temples and statues decay,but books survive.Time is of no account with great thoughts,which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds ages ago.What was then said an thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page.老年为少年之过来人,少年为老年之候补者,老与少,只不过时间上之差别而已。然中国习惯,对老少之间,往往划有无形界限。在客观上,有时重老而轻少,有时重少而轻老。在主观上,老者自恃其老,少年自矜其少。几千年来,遂形成老者自以为持重练达而菲薄少年为少不更事;而少年自以为新锐精进而轻蔑老者为老朽昏庸。此真所谓偏颇两失之见也。Old Age and Young The aged are the antecedents of the young, and the young are the candidates of the aged.The difference between age and youth is only a matter of time.But, according to the Chinese custom, there is always an invisible line of demarcation between them.Objectively speaking,sometimes the aged are held in esteem and the young are made light of;sometimes it is just the other way round.Subjectively speaking, the aged are self-conceited because of their good old age, while the young think no small beer of their own youth.For thousands of years it has been assumed that the aged, thinking themselves experienced and more skillful, look down upon the young for their greenness in worldly affairs, while the young, thinking themselves fresh in life and more energetic, call the aged old fogies.Either of these views, of course, is far from being impartial.《红楼梦》问世二百年以来,通过汉文原文和各种译文读过此书的人,不知有多少亿!这么多的读者哪一个是先看批评家的文章,然而再让批评家牵着鼻子走,按图索骥地去读原作呢?我看是绝无仅有的。一切文学作品,特别是象《红楼梦》这样伟大的作品,内容异常地丰富,涉及到的社会层面异常地多,简直象是一个宝山,一座迷宫。而读者群就更加复杂,他们来读《红楼梦》,会各就自己的特点,欣赏该书中的某一个方面,受到鼓舞,受到启发,引起了喜爱;也可能受到打击,引起了憎恶。总之是千差万别。Ever since the publication of

A Dream of Red Mansions some 200 years ago, hundreds of millions of people have read its Chinese original or its translations in various languages.Of these innumerable people, how many have read the novel by starting with a perusal of the critics' articles and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by the critics as to how to read the novel? Next to none.All literary works, especially a monumental

one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content and involve diverse social strata-to such an extent that they virtually resemble a mountain of treasure or a labyrinth.And the readers are even more complicated, differing from each other in family background.They will each appreciate a certain aspect of the novel according to their own individuality.They may feel inspired and enlightened, and hence love it, or they may feel hurt, and hence loathe it.In short, there actions vary.一个好青年必须身体健康。无论从事什么行业,健康的身体才是成功的基础。它使我们能够努力工作,坚定不移;使我能够奋斗,坚持下去。除此之外,我们更能适应当前的工作,能为成功而奋斗,能够忍受艰苦,能够报效国家。一个好青年必须培养良好,高尚的品格。很多学问渊博的人误入歧途。他们对社会甚至对国家的破坏大于贡献。他们只追求自己的利益,而不知道道德为何物。这个观点看来,“德行”对一个优秀青年更为重要。对于一个好青年来说,学问是自己的事,不能依靠别人。

A good young man must have a healthy body condition.No matter what kind of job you engaged in,a healthy body is the base of success.It makes us work hard and unswervingly;it makes us endeavor and insist.Besides these,we can adapt to the present job better,fight for the success,bear the hardships and serve our country.A good young man must cultivate a fine and lofty character..Many learned people go astray and the harm they have done to the society or even the country exceeds his dedication.They only chased after their personal interests without knowing what the morality is.From this point of view,“morality”is more important to an excellent young man.To a good young man,knowledge is his own business,and he can not depend on others.九寨沟的山水风光,纵有万丽千奇,一旦离开原始的自然美,就一切都没有了。”他们的见解是精辟的。当你步入沟中,便可见树正群海荡漾生辉,瀑布舒洒碧玉。一到金秋,满山枫叶绛红。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,树绿花艳„四时都呈现出它的天然原始,宁静幽深。All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature.If the natural charm were removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou.Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine.The trees are their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers.In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lake lands.As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills.Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.近代以来,亚洲经历了曲折和艰难的发展历程。亚洲人们为改变自己的命运,始终以不屈的意志和艰辛的奋斗开辟前进道路。今天,人们所看到的亚洲发展成就,是勤劳智慧的亚洲人民不屈不挠、锲而不舍奋斗的结果。


In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development.To change their destiny,the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle.Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people.The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging

path of development that is universally applicable.They never shy away from reform and innovation.Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.截至2003年12月,欧盟15个成员国来华投资项目数已达16158个,合同外资金额约650亿美元,实际投入378亿美元。与此同时,中国的一些大企业如联想、海尔、华为、TCL等,也开始在欧盟投资设厂或成立营销、研发中心。欧盟还一直是中国引进先进技术和设备的重要来源。中国与欧盟在先进技术,尤其是高科技产品方面的合作有助于欧盟扩大对华出口,也有利于中国企业产业升级、技术更新,符合双方利益,具有很大的发展空间。

By the end of December 2003, the 15 members of the EU had altogether invested in 16,158 projects in China with the contractual investment worth of US$ 65 billion and with the actually utilized investment ofUS$ 37.8 billion.At the same time, some of China's big companies like Lenovo, Haier, Huawei Technologyand TCL have started to make investment in the EU member states to establish plants or marketing, R centers.The EU has always been an important source of technology and equipment import for China.The Sino-EU cooperation in the field of advanced technologies,especially the new and high-tech products, helps expand the EU export to China and also helps Chinese enterprises upgrade their industries, renovate their technologies.All these are in the interests of both sides and have considerable space for further growth.尽管全球大量的电子产品和鞋等都是中国制造,但这些产品的设计都是在欧美或日本完成的。中国公司制造自己品牌的产品时,通常是模仿国外。但如今不同了,他们都想开创自己的品牌。随着中国公司在设计上的改进,跨国公司意识到,他们的产品需要专门针对中国消费者的品味进行“量身定做”了。这些使中国设计产业开始繁荣起来。

Although large numbers of global electronic products and shoes are made in China,the design of these products are finished by Europe and America of Japan.In the past,the Chinese companies usually imitated foreign countries when producing their own brand products.But nowadays it is all different.They want to create their own brand.Along with the design improvement of the Chinese companies,the multination companies realize that their product need to be “tailored”to be the taste of Chinese consumers.All of these make the Chinese design industry become prosperous.我们的现代化建设,必须从中国的实际出发。无论是革命还是建设,都要注意学习和借鉴外国经验。但是,照抄照搬别国经验、别国模式,从来不能得到成功。这方面我们有过教训。把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来,走自己的道路,建设有中国特色的社会主义,这就是我们总结长期历史经验得出的基本结论。

Our country's modernization must start from the reality of China.Either on the revolution of the construction we need to learn and draw the experience from the foreign countries.But we will never win the success if we mechanically copy other countries' experience or formats.We have already had the lesson in this aspect.It is the basic conclusion which we summarized the long-term historical experience that we should combine the Marxism's universal truth with out specific situation together,walking on our own roads and building up the socialism with Chineseaharacteristic.















(1)根据上下文准确理解汉语词义 周边地区surrounding areas 理想的地方an ideal place 占主导地位play a leading role in/be dominated by(2)根据固定词组和搭配选择英语用词

西方服饰/民族服饰western clothing/national costume 可持续发展sustainable development 经济特区special ecnomiczone 试验田experimental plot 改革开放the reform and openning up 以人为本people-oriented “资源节约和环境友好型”社会resource-saing and environment-friendly society


汉语的动词&英语的并列成分、非谓语动词、从句、名词、形容词(词组)等 Eg.促进节能减排

promote energy saving / conservation and emission reduction 3.词语增补(1)无主句


You are supposed to pay right after the books are delivered.(2)连词


As long as the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood.(3)介词


in 2006





The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.(3)表达习惯 修改完善

modify …(to make it perfect去掉)





The government should provide financial support for people who are suffering from disasters.6.成语习语 eg.木已成舟

三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮(1)约定俗成的译法; The die is cast.Two heads are better than one.(2)根据原文直译

We are where we are.What's done is done.Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the mastermind


三种常考句型结构: 主谓宾:谁干了什么

主系表:什么是什么 / 什么怎么样 存在句:there be



中国人庆祝丰收→主谓宾 ▪核心动词

庆祝→celebrate Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn Festival.二、主系表


旗袍是服装 → 主系表 ▪核心动词 是 → is

Qipao is a kind of elegant Chinese dress.三、存在句 有→

①拥有 have ②存在 there be



PK 现在完成时------杨国威 一、一般过去时



The Millennium Development Goals of the U.N.either have been achieved or will be achieved soon in China.三、现在进行时 ▪基本用法

1、正在进行的动作或存在的状态 e.g.The boys are reading books.2、通常与now / at present / today / these days等时间状语连用。e.g.He is working at home today.▪ “正”、“正在”→ 动作正在发生 → 现在进行时 中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。【2016.06 CET6】 China's innovation is having a great boom at an unprecedented rate.中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究。【2016.06 CET6】

Universities and research institutes in China are actively carrying out innovative researches.中国造产品越来越受欢迎。【2015.12 CET6】

Products made in China are becoming more and more popular.句子语态翻译


1、被、受、为……所 “被”

▪被动语态基本结构:be动词 + 动词过去分词

▪被动语态的现在完成时态:has / have + been + 动词过去分词

至今已有约120个中文词被加进了牛津英语词典,成了英语语言的一部分。Up to now, about 120 Chinese words have been added to it, becoming a part of English language.“受”

中国父母还认为,如果孩子能在社会上取得大的成就,父母就会受到尊重。Chinese parents also hold the belief(认为)that if their children could achieve great success in the society, tthe parents themselves would be respected.“为……所” 随着旅行多了,年轻人在大城市和著名景点花的时间少了,他们反而更为偏远的地方所吸引。

With more travel, young people spend less time in big cities and famous sights.Instead, they are attracted to more remote places.2、预计、据说、传说 “预计”

it is estimated that “据说”“传说”


It is said that his kite, made of wood and bamboo, had been flying for three days before landing.“据报道”

It is reported that




Doors will be decorated with red couplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck.4、无标记词


Chances are /It is probable that the product is made in China.宴席通常至少有一道汤,可以最先或最后上桌。

There is usually at least a bowl of soup, which could be served either at the beginning or at the end of the banquet.使用从句翻译



1.作用:对前面的名词进行修饰限定 2.引导词:

关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that 关系副词:where, why, when, 介词 + which 另外,北京还将更严厉地处罚违反限排规定的行为。

In addition, Beijing will punish those who violate the regulations of emission limitation more severely.非限制性定语从句

逗号(句号)+ 此、这、那、这种、那种、是、其、其中,有些 → which, whose, some of which 他说以前从没见过她,这不是真的。

He said that he had never seen her before, which was not true.中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收。这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习俗十分相似。

Since the ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America.状语从句


具体可细分为:时间、地点、原因、条件、让步等从句 2.引导词: 时间

when, as, while, since, as soon as … 让步

although, though, even if, even though … 条件

if, unless, as long as … 原因

because, as, since, for …


1.作用:在复合句中充当宾语 2.引导词:

▪ that--有时可省略 ▪if / whether ▪特殊疑问词(what, why, when …)


1.作用:在复合句中充当主语 2.引导词:均不能省略 ▪that ▪whether ▪特殊疑问词(what, why, when …)▪it


1.作用:在句中充当表语 2.引导词: ▪that ▪whether ▪特殊疑问词(what, why, when …)



The question whether I should quit my job requires consideration.使用非谓翻译

非谓语动词的分类 1.动词不定式 2.动名词





To ensure the survival of the giant panda is more important than ever.▪动名词


Playing football is good for your health.[现在分词和过去分词均不能做句子中的主语]



Recently, the Chinese government has decided to upgrade its industry.▪动名词


Some influential figures even suggest making Qipao a national costume for Chinese women.——作定语 ▪不定式


Due to its unique status, the city is also an ideal place for the entrepreneurs at home and abroad to start up their businesses.▪动名词


The reading room will remain open during the Spring Festival.渔村 a fishing village ▪现在分词


Meanwhile, in order to adapt to the demand of domestic and overseas consumer markets which is constantly changingand growing … ▪过去分词


A typical Chinese banquet menu includes cold dishes served at the beginning, followed by hot dishes, such as meat, poultry, vegetables and so on.作状语



They are also working collaboratively with science and technology parks in different places to commercialize their innovative achievements.▪现在分词(表原因)


Being the first dynasty to open the door to other cultures, it excelled in foreign trade.▪过去分词(表条件)

再给我五分钟,我也可以答出这个问题。Given another five minutes, I can also work out this problem.翻译高分案例

The ideal of rural life reflected in the arts and literature is an important feature of Chinese civilization, which, to a large extent, can be attributed to Taoist affection towards nature.There are two favorite themes in traditional Chinese paintings.One theme depicts various happy scenes of family life, in which, more often than not, the elderly drink tea and play chess, men sow and reap in the fields, women weave cloth and sew clothes, and children play outside.The other theme illustrates all the pleasure you can have living in the countryside.积累---竭力

try one's best to strive to go all out to

屈从 follow 意愿 wishes

报名 sign up / apply / enroll 重点学校 key schools 录取 be accepted by 坚持 insist stick to

be willing to do 愿意做

顾及 take into consideration

creditable adj.值得称赞的(≈ worth praising)

attach importance to 重视(≈ take … seriously)

The government has set goals to reduce pollution, enhance energy efficiency, improve educational opportunities and

medical insurance, and expand social security.政府已设定目标减少污染,提高能源效率,改善得到教育和医保的机会,并扩大社会保障。

▪物质文化遗产 tangible cultural heritage ▪非物质文化遗产 intangible cultural heritage


1)quite 相当 quiet 安静地 2)affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结 果, 影响 3)adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行 4)angel 天使 angle 角度 5)dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记 6)contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛 7)principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则 8)implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白 的 9)dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放 弃 dissert 写论文 10)pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打 11)decent 正经的 descent n 向 下, 血统 descend v 向下 12)sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水 13)later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近14)costume 服装 custom习惯 15)extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的 16)aural 耳的 oral 口头的 17)abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)18)altar 祭坛 alter 改变 19)assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音 20)champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役 21)baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地 的 barn 古仓 22)beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式 23)precede 领先 proceed 进 行,继续 24)pray 祈祷 prey 猎物 25)chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房 26)monkey 猴子 donkey 驴 27)chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳 28)cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视 觉 29)clash(金属)幢击声 crash 碰 幢,坠落 crush 压坏 30)compliment 赞美 complement 附加物 31)confirm 确认 conform 使顺 从 32)contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照 33)council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事 34)crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛 35)dose 一剂药 doze 打盹 36)drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水 37)emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民 38)excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长 39)hotel 旅店 hostel 青年旅社 40)latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激 41)immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的 42)lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的 43)mortal 会死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal 勋章 model 模 特meddle 玩弄 44)scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的 45)drought 天旱 draught 通风, 拖 拉 draughts(英)国际跳棋 47)assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险 48)except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免 除 49)floor 地板 flour 面粉 50)incident 事件 accident 意外 51)inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望 52)march 三月, 前进 match 比 赛 53)patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的 54)police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治 55)protest 抗议 protect 保护 56)require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得 57)revenge 报仇 avenge 为...报 仇 58)story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店 59)strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严 格的 60)expand 扩张 expend 花费 extend 延长 61)commerce 商业 commence 开始 62)through 通过 thorough 彻底 的(al)though 尽管 thought think 过 去分词 63)purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议 64)expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀 疑 65)glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落 66)steal 偷 steel 钢 67)strive 努力 stride 大步走 68)allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避 69)prospect 前景 perspective 透视法 70)stationery 文具 stationary 固定的 71)loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式 72)amend 改正, 修正 emend 校 正



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