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zero 发表于 2009-3-30 15:59:4

5下面的这篇作文是一篇极为优秀的范文,作者为 Lanren A Hackney,被耶鲁大学,麻省理工学院和波士顿学院同时录取。


I'M GOING RUNNING TODAY.I am not concerned about my calorie consumption for the day, nor am I anxious to get in shape for the winter season.I just want to go running。

I used to dislike running.“If you don't win this game, you're all running five miles tomorrow,” the field hockey coach used to warn, during those last days of October when the average temperature seemed to be decreasing exponentially.And so, occasionally, my grief-stricken team would run numerous miserable laps around the fields.At the end of these excursions, our faces and limbs would be numb, and we would all have developed those notorious flu-like symptoms;but the running made us better in the long run, I suppose.Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again.Then I surprised myself by signing up for outdoor track in the second half of sophomore year.I was foolish to have believed that I could ever escape this insidious and magnetic addiction。

Anyone would have thought that I'd be off the team in a few days, but the last week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice, and February winds nearly blew me off the track.I looked forward to practices this time around, to the claps and the persistent cheers of my fellow trackies.I was feeling a “runner's high” spurred by the endorphins released by exercise.But to attribute my affinity for running solely to chemistry diminishes the personal importance that running has for me。

I like running—in the cool shade of the towering oak trees, and in the warm sunlight spilling over the horizon, and in the drops of rain falling gently from the clouds.Certain things become clear to me when I'm running—only while running did I realize that “hippopotami” is possibly the funniest word in the English language, and only while running did I realize that t

he travel section of The York Times does not necessarily provide an accurate depiction of the entire world.Running lends me precious moments to contemplate my life: while running I find time to dream about changing the world, to think about recent death of a classmate, or to wonder about the secret to college admission

Running is the awareness of hurdles between me and the finish line;running is the desire to overcome them.Running is putting up with aches and pains, relishing the knowledge that, in the end, I will have built strength and endurance.Running is the instant clarity of vision with which I can see my future just one hundred yards in the distance;it is the understanding that these crucial steps will determine victory or defeat。

Running is not the most important thing in the world to me, but it is what fulfills me when time permits.And right now, before the sun goes down, I like to take advantage of the road that lies ahead。



























Lauren 是个可男可女的名字,但从第一段谈论控制体重保持身材就可看出是个女孩。的确,这篇文章透着一股女孩气,精灵机警,如同金庸小说里的某位人物。




学生在高二到高三时考IELTS或TOEFL,条件好的学生可以再考SAT,高三上学期时获得合格的IELTS或TOEFL成绩,可以直接申请美国大学本科。一般要求雅思 6.0分,高中三年平均分在80分以上。如果要申请排名前50的名校,要求雅思6.5分以上,高中三年平均分90分。








推荐院校:Foothill college等


对于目前条件不够,要想去美国前50的学校,选择社区大学入读是最为理想的做法,因为可以有两年的时间让学生去努力拼搏,只要学生达到社区大学与美国前50大学的转学协议的要求(通常100分达到80分),就可以成功转学。选择该方案的学生在国内高二或高三读完时,到美国通过ESL后,先读两年社区大学(Community College)课程,然后进入相关协议大学读后两年,获得本科学位。













(5)对申请者未来潜力的描述,即解释推荐人愿意对该申请者做出推荐的原因,以及一旦该申请者获得到该校继续深造的机会会有什么 发展等。




















Recommendation for XXX Dear Sir or Madam:

As the Physic teacher of Miss Han, I have known her for 4 years during which time I’ve shaped a overall image of her.Generally, she’s included in the category of top-notch students I’ve ever acquainted with.Thus, I’m happy to give an introduction outlining her junior high school life here, to enable you to assess her suitability for acceptance to your esteemed university.开头固定模式,介绍推荐人与被推荐人关系,简要提到推荐人的职位(最重要的一个)。这一段力求简练精干。

I taught Miss XXX, where she left me with an impression of her intellect, industry and independent thinking.During the 2 years in my class, both her assignments, which are meticulously finished, along with test scores on Physics subject almost always come out excellent.On the whole, she performed fairly competitively in most subjects in junior high.这一段是从第一个侧面来描述被推荐人,本文是从学术角度评价被推荐人的。

With a different frame of reference, I’d like to focus the picture on her merits of art talents and perseverance.Her active participation and many awards in art contests guide me to speculate about longtime practice of playing piano and painting which has later been confirmed by her.It seems that her serious attitude toward school courses has something to do with the art practice.Though suffering from a broken arm since an accident in a sports activity, she didn’t give up practicing piano and finally passed the certificate exam of that year.Having conversed with her parents about the story, I come to understand this connection.与前段不同,该段描述了被推荐学生在艺术上的才能,但在下面一段我们更进一步叙述了被推荐学生应用其艺术才能为团队做贡献的实例,可谓一石二鸟。

Not only does she exhibit many talents but also employs them to aid the class in various activities.Assigned to take charge of activities related to arts, she fulfilled her duties pretty well in selecting songs for the chorus, teaching them word by word and finally accompanying their vocals in the contests.Besides, another case would prove her an able student to balance and make schedules.Even with approaching final exams and heavy courses work, she still kept classroom bulletin board updated by tips about courses and instant news about campus.Probably she takes it as a manner in which her painting skills could be applied while class activities were assisted.最后强调了被推荐人良好的平衡能力,即使学业紧张,但仍出色完成工作任务。

XXX has been a real asset to Beijing NO.XX middle school, both in academics and in extracurricular activities.I am quite sure that she will prove equally valuable to your university, and am convinced that she will prove an outstanding undergraduate student.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information regarding this remarkable student.最后一段仍然是模式化的语言。

Tips on DIY留学申请推荐信

高中生申请美国大学本科推荐信Sample To Whom It May Concern: I am very pleased to recommend Martha Holden for admission to your university program.As her guidance counselor for three years I have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her college years.Martha is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded.Her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses, and she has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.Martha has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the community.This has included work with Meals on Wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area's shelters for battered and abused women.They think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer.Previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year.Despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, Martha told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, Martha has made clear to us all that her goal is to do Social Work.To this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring Special Education students mainstreamed into our school.In closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which I believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate.Two years ago I was returning from lunch to my office when I saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound Martha, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a Special Ed student and the other a school bully.Other students were standing by motionless or laughing while Martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.It is clear to me as I hope it is to you that this young woman, Martha Holden, is an exceptional candidate, one that would contribute greatly to any program.I wholeheartedly recommend her and wish her the very best in all future endeavors.Sincerely, Jean Atkins Senior Counselor Alexander Hamilton High School 最好的推荐信样本

SAMPLE LETTERS(with modifications and deletions in order to preserve anonymity)SAMPLE A “I first knew X in the spring of l986 when she was a member of my Freshman Seminar, '....` In such small groups teacher and students come to know one another in a way that is seldom, if ever, possible in large lecture courses.In either forum something can be learned about a student's academic ability, but only in the former can one get a reliable measure of the student as a person....Having kept in touch with X in the intervening years, I am confident in my knowledge of her.To begin with, she is an excellent student, with a lively curiosity that makes her dissatisfied with superficial explanations.That curiosity frequently led our seminar down avenues and into areas that, otherwise, would have remained unexplored....One has only to speak to her to recognize her openness and eagerness.It is easy to mistake this for naivete, an error I made when she first told me she had signed up to be an apprentice teacher in one of Boston's more notorious inner city high schools....Throughout the term, often at great cost to her own peace of mind, and sometimes in explicit conflict with the regular teacher, she continued to insist on a high level of performance from her students.She not only survived the term but won the admiration and respect of students accustomed to being patronized by teachers content to believe that nothing much can be expected.I would expect X to bring these same qualities of character to....That is, an openness to new places, peoples, cultures and customs;a keen intelligence, with which to analyze and order her experience;irrepressible curiosity;and an unusual ability for dealing with people of all ages and conditions.Those qualities, combined with her toughness of character..., will enable her to understand and empathize with others while never losing touch with who she is.” SAMPLE B

“X has been an assistant in my laboratory during the past year, and has proven to be exceptional in several respects.First, X is exceptionally intelligent.He proved to be a very quick study, learning the elements of experimental design and the uses of microcomputers in record time.Furthermore, his questions are always thoughtful and penetrating.X threw himself into his assigned projects wholeheartedly, and shows every sign of having real talent in....I was a little surprised by his high degree of enthusiasm because I knew that X was not primarily interested in....When I mentioned this to him, I discovered that he has well defined career goals that mesh with the projects he was working on....Second, X is exceptionally diligent and hard working.He worked many extra hours over the summer.I vividly recall coming into the lab late in the evening...and finding X at work.X invariably finished projects well in advance of our projected target date.X was always cheerful during this intense period, and was a joy to have in the lab.Third, X is very good at working with other people.He is exceptionally nice and considerate and sensitive.X is not only good humored and friendly, but also is good at gauging other people's level of knowledge and attitudes....All in all, I think X has a very bright future, and I am sure that he would benefit from....Given his great intelligence and sensitivity, I am sure that he could put...to good use.In short, I give X my highest recommendation, and very much hope that the committee judges his application favorably.” SAMPLE C

“I am writing in support of X to....I have known X since September, l986.He was a member of a small...tutorial that I taught in l986-87....X was an active and conscientious member of the class.He challenged the rest of the class to consider issues from new perspectives and often asked very penetrating and important questions.He chose to take on difficult topics and handled them well.His assignments were well-written, well-supported, organized, neat, and timely.It was evident that X really desired to learn more and challenge himself....X also has interest outside of academics.He has been an active member of..., a Harvard singing group, and a member of the campus...club.He is also a member of the...House film society.X's personality is wonderful.He is outgoing and friendly, but not dominating.He has an obvious and sincere concern for others....X would be a wonderful student to have at....He has skills that he is eager to share, but he is just as eager to learn....I feel very confident that he will be extremely successful in all his future endeavors.He is a focussed and determined young man.I highly recommend him for....” SAMPLE D

“I am pleased to write to you on behalf of X, who is applying for a fellowship to study....I have known X for two years.She took my course in....More recently, I have been advising her on her thesis.X has done well in Harvard's...concentration.The concentration includes preparation in....In addition, she has had substantial exposure to the ”practical“ aspects of her topic, for example through her work at....Thus she is extremely well prepared to fulfill her proposed project.X has selected an area,..., which is of growing interest....In my view as someone who studies...among other topics, questions such as this are severely under-researched.The proposed topicseems to be both worthwhile and feasible, and should prove very interesting.X is an independent self-starter.While she has no trouble working in groups, or interacting with others, she can also work well on her own.Furthermore, she is mature and personable.I would expect her to perform well in a wide range of environments.In fact, her personality and skills should place her high on any list of good ”representatives“ for the U.S.I hope that you will consider her application strongly.” SAMPLE E

“This letter is in support of X, who is applying for a...grant.I have read his statement of purpose with great care;in fact, I have had many discussions with him about his project, which I find both compelling and important.X is a rare combination: he is already at this young age a seasoned expert in both literature and iconography....Having taught him in a language-intensive course last year, I can bear witness to his superb command of German....His project's focus of interest, the..., is admirably suited to someone of X's talents and industry.The...Institute is the ideal place to carry out such research, and I am confident that X`s discoveries will in the long run make an impact on learning in that field.Add to all this that X is a very congenial person, well-liked by teachers and fellow-students alike, and you will see why I am so positive about this bright and energetic young scholar.I endorse his candidacy with confidence and enthusiasm.”

Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

Harvard University

To Whom it May Concern,I am privileged to write in support of my dear friend and student, Dan Peel.Dan studied in my classroom and laboratory program for close to three years, during which time I witnessed his tremendous growth and development.This development came not only in the area of scientific achievement and discovery, but in maturity and character as well.Dan entered Whitman at the young age of 16,a precocious high school graduate.At first, he had difficulty accepting his place as a young, less experienced lab member.But soon, he learned the valuable trait of humility, and enjoyed the opportunity to learn from his older peers and his professors.Dan quickly learned to manage his time, work in group situations under strict deadlines, and to recognize the importance of a strong work ethic, persistence, and intellectual integrity.He has long since become the most valuable member of my student-lab team, and a role model for his newer classmates.I recommend Dan to your program with absolute confidence.He has made me proud, as his teacher and friend, and I am sure will continue to do so as he grows in your program and beyond.Thank you for the opportunity of correspondence,Sincerely,Dr.Amy Beck, Professor, Whitman








到通用申请网站(Common Application)注册一个申请学校的账号。如果你想要申请的学校使用自己的申请系统,请到该校申请网页也注册一个账号。尽可能地填入所有的资讯(个人资料、教育背景等等),有些栏位可以留下空白(例如:SAT成绩和入学论文等等),等到时候考完试或是写完论文之后再补充即可。


















文书申请系统改版从2014秋起,通用申请表(Common Application)对其申请系统做了全面改版,此次是CA历史上最大一次改革,对学生申请美国本科名校具有非凡指导意义,影响巨大。使用通用申请的学校增加了33所,它的改革本质上更直接更准确地表达出美国本科学校所希望录取的学生标准和群体,此次变革主要涉及界面,模块,内容,功能等方面,具体表现为:网申表格部分更新 网申付费方式更新

网申表格变化较多,比如:活动清单(Activity List)的描述字数从旧版的100字符增加到新版的150个字符,学生有更多的空间来展示他们的细节和成就。

新CA的备选版本(Alternative Versions)将没有限制,除了文书,学生可以无限次的修改网申(旧版本只限于10次);学生最多可以提交三个不同的文书版本。而且新CA将只接受网上在线申请,不再接受打印CA表格并寄送纸板申请表格给学校等等新规。


更新五个文书题目,新的文书题目设计更鼓励和要求学生在写作时的反思和内省,且字数将严格控制在250-650字之间。小文书(Short answer)将不再出现在主表里,而是每所学校自己选择是否要放在自己的附加申请(supplement)里面。

School Form部分更新



新Common APP的付款方式有变化:不再接受邮寄支票。针对国际学生,如果没有美国信用卡和账户,可以通过Sallie Mae提供一个新的在线支付方式付款。



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