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(一)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of Application according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do the task on the Composition/Translation sheet.假设你叫张明,是北京大学经济系2005年毕业的一名学生.毕业后就职于北京经济研究所。现在你想申请到哈佛大学读MBA,2009年10月入学,写一封入学申请信,介绍一下自己的情况,并索要相关的信息。

● 审题概述●



July 20 th, 2008

Dear Sirs,I read with great interest the prospectus(说明书)of graduate studies of your university.I am interested in the courses on economics.I wonder if you could consider me as an applicant for the MBA course of Economics beginning in October, 2009.I graduated from the Economics Department of Peking University.After my graduation in 2005, I have been working at Beijing Institute of Economics for three years.I hope you can send me relevant information about the course.Please contact me by email.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours truly,Zhang Ming




1.catalog and application forms招生简章和申请表

2.I dearly hope that you will consider my application favorably.恳请您考虑我的申请事宜。

3.I am most anxious to hear from you.急盼复。

4.My solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.我的扎实学术功底能满足贵校研究生学习的入学要求。


(二)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to translate a letter of declining an invitation to a celebration party.Remember to do the task on the Composition/Translation sheet.我外出几天之后于今天上午回到办公室,见到你们为庆祝“十·一”发出的邀请,为此我向您表示感谢。



本文要求写一封拒绝邀请的信函。首先注意写作格式。正文部分要按照题目的要求分别进行论述,写作的重点在于阐述不能接受邀请的原因并表达遗憾和希望对方谅解。● 范文

September24, 2008

Dear Mr.Zhang,On my return to the office this morning after being away for a few days, I found your kind invitation of the October 1 awaiting me, for which I thank you.I should like to have been in a position to accept your invitation for the Octorber 1, but unfortunately due to a prior engagement with some overseas friends, it will not be possible to do so.I hope you will excuse me on this occasion and sincerely trust an opportunity will present itself to meet you at a later date and make the personal acquaintance of yourself and your colleagues.Yours sincerely,Li Yang




1.I hope you’re not too busy to come.我期望您会在百忙中光临。2.Request the pleasure of恭请„„

3.We sincerely hope you can attend.我们期待您的光临.4.kind invitation of the October 1 awaiting me看到你们为庆祝“十·一”发出的邀请

5.sincerely trust an opportunity will present itself to meet you at a later date深信以后有机会见面


(三)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of Inquiry(询价信)according to the information given in Chinese below.Remember to do the task on the Composition/Translation sheet.内容:我厂对贵公司生产的男女自行车及童车感兴趣,能否请贵公司寄一份产品目录表和价格表。我公司是武汉最大的经销商。并在十个地区设有分公司。如果贵厂的自行车质量令人满意,价格合理,我们将大量订货。发信人:王刚(销售部经理)

Words for Reference: dealer经销商 ●审题概述●


● 范文●

July 21, 2008

Dear Sir or Madam,We have seen the advertisement of your bicycles on television, and we are very interested in your machines for both men and women, and also for children.Would you please send us a copy of your catalog and current price list for bicycles?

We are the leading bicycle dealers in Wuhan, and have branches in ten neighboring districts.If the quality of your machines is satisfactory and the price is reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers.We look forward to your reply!

Yours sincerely,Wang Gang Sales Manager




1.we are very interested in… 我们对……感兴趣

2.Would you please send us a copy of your catalog and current price list?能寄来你们的产品

目录和价格表吗? 3.place orders 下订单


(四)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter of Recommendation according to the information given in Chinese below.Remember to do the task on the Composition/Translation sheet.请以陈含老师的名义为张丽君写一封推荐信。内容如下:张丽君在音乐方面有很好的天赋,在过去的2年里她取得了非常大的进步,她是我们音乐学院最有前途的学生。我教授张丽君钢琴已经5年了,她是个乐观聪明的学生,我极力推荐她去贵学校深造。

Words for Reference: conservatoire音乐学校



The College Registrar,I am very pleased to write this reference for Miss Zhang Lijun.Miss Zhang Lijun is a talented girl and has a natural gift for music.She has made so remarkable progress in the past two years that she is now regarded as one of the most promising students in our conservatoire.I have taught Miss Zhang Lijun piano for over five years now.I have always found her a cheerful and intelligent student.I would highly recommend her to take the courses that your college offers.Yours faithfully,Chen Han




1.I am very pleased to write this reference for… 很高兴为***写推荐信

2.…is a talented student and has a natural gift for…***是个出色的学生,在***方面有


3.I would highly recommend someone to… 我极力推荐***去***


(五)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a lost according to the information given in Chinese below.Remember to do the task on the Composition/Translation sheet.请以John Smith的名义写一则寻物启示:我门厅登记时丢失了一只小型棕色皮箱,可能是有人拿错了,皮箱上有我名字的首字母标签。拾到者请致电65679868与我联系,当面酬谢。●审题概述●




May 9, 2009

I have lost my suitcase in the lobby while I was registering, probably someone took it by mistake.It is a small brown suitcase, with a label(with my initials on it)attached to it.As its loss is causing me great inconvenience, I should very much appreciate it if the finder can contact me at 65679868, to whom I’ll give my thanks in person.Loser John Smith





1.I have lost…in…我在**地方丢失了**

2.As its loss is causing me great inconvenience, I should very much appreciate it if the finder

can contact me at....由于它的丢失带给我极大的不便,若拾到者通过…与我联系,我将感激不尽

3.I’ll give my thanks in person我会当面酬谢


Effective Practical English Writing for Students


1.询问信(Letter of Inquiry)


November 29,2004 Dear Mr.Peter Kevil,I am pleased to write to you for some information about the jet printer produced in your company.I would like to buy it, and I will be very grateful if you could give me information about the price and the service after sale.Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Sincerely ,David Johnson 常用句型

• 1.开场白(写信目的及自我介绍)• We learned from your advertisement that you are… • I am a … who is fond of… • I plan to visit…

• I am writing to inquire about… 2.提出要求

• Kindly send me your…

• I shall be glad if you send me by mail as following: • I would like to get more details of… • I wonder if there is…

• Please let me know if I could… 3.结束语(表示感谢和期待)*Thank you for your assistance.I look forward to hearing from you.* I would be grateful if you could give me a prompt reply.*Your favorable attention to my request would be highly appreciated.2.邀请信(Letter of Invitation)




July 15,2006 Dear Marry and Jack, We are planning a party in our home at 4:00 p.m.on Saturday, July 22.We wonder if you would liketo join us.There is a new swimming pool and you can come with your beautiful swimming suites.We will be expecting you on Saturday.Please let me know if you can make it.Yours ever,Mr.and Mrs.White 常用句型(正式邀请)1.We are pleased to invite… to visit…

2.You are warmly invited to attend… 3.Please confirm that you will be able to attend…

4.We would like to invite you to a reception in honour of…

5.It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at the ceremony to be held on Tuesday at Royal Hotel.6.It would be a great honour to have your presence at the dinner.3.感谢信(Letter of Thanks)

受到外国团体或友人的热情款待、收到别人赠送的礼物、得到别人帮助或为了感谢他人提供的就业机会时,都应写信表示感谢。其特点是: 时间及时、简明扼要、着重事由、感情真挚。

March 8,2004 Dear Mrs.Tang, I would like to take this opportunity t o express my heartfelt thanks to your hospitality.Thank you for the unforgettable visit to so many interesting places.It is the first time in my life that I have enjoyed the wonderful views of the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.Because of your well-planned arrangement, I really spent three pleasant days in Beijing.Again, thanks so much for your kindness.Yours sincerely, Alice Brown 常用句型

• I am writing to thank you for the memorable weekend I had at your home.• Thank you so much for…

• The kindness of friendship has warmed me greatly.• It is so thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.• I am writing on behalf of … to thank you for your kindness and hospitality extended to us on our visit to… • How delightful to receive your… 4.祝贺信

在西方,逢年过节、升迁、毕业、获得成就时,都可能收到亲朋好友或其他组织的祝贺信,使你倍感喜悦、温暖。信要写得亲切、真诚、充满热情。Dear Mr.Smith,It was delighted news for me to learn of the establishment of your own Foreign Language Training Center.Please accept my most sincere congratulations.With your brilliant background and outstanding achievement, I believe the new centre will make a contribution to the development of education.I am sure it will be a great success.Yours sincerely,Tom 常用句型 1.祝贺升迁

• I wish to congratulate you on your successful

performance.• I am so delighted to learn that you have been promoted as a… • Congratulations on your promotion!2.祝贺订婚、结婚

• What a delighted surprise to know you are married!• Allow me to offer my sincere congratulations to you.• I’m delighted to /pleased to hear that you are engaged.5.慰问信


January 16, 2006 Dear Tom,We are saddened to know that you are in hospital, and on behalf of everyone I send you best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.We will visit you when you are feeling better.Please let us know if there is anything you need in hospital.Please don’t worry about your work, as we are looking after everything for you during your absence.Yours sincerely,Mike 常用句型

• I am sorry at the news that your house was on fire yesterday.• I was shocked to hear of Mary’s death and wish to extend our sympathy to you and your children.• I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to listen of /that… • Please let us know if there is anything you need in hospital.• All of us were saddened /distressed/grieved to know…

6.求职信(Letter of Application)


June 25, 2004 Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to apply for the position of the General Manager’s secretary in your company, which you have advertised in China Daily last week.I am 24 and graduated from Longjiang Technical College with excellent academic records in all courses.While I majored in Business Administration, I am skillful at shorthand and typing with a speed of 90 and 70 words per minute respectively.I am enclosing my resume and a recent photograph.I look forward to your early reply.Yours

faithfully,Wang Manli


• In answer to your advertisement in …for a …, I would like to apply for the position.• I have learned from…that your firm is looking for a … and I would like to apply for this job.• I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in… for…, I have pleasure in applying for the post.• Born in … in…, I graduated from … University majoring in… • I have been working in … since my graduation.7.投诉信(Letter of Complaint)

投诉信用于向某单位或某公司的负责人提出的不满和意见。常用句型: • I am writing about … I bought in your shop/ store … when I was in… • I am quite annoyed at this.• I am dissatisfied with your…

• I demand your attention and a refund as soon as possible.December 23, 2001 Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing about a camera I bought in your shop last month when I was on business in Guangzhou.I took a lot of pictures with it.However, when I arrived home and got the film developed, there is nothing on the picture!I guess there must be something wrong with the camera.I am quite annoyed at this because at your price I expect the top quality.I have sent the camera back to you by post with a copy of the receipt, and I demand your attention and a refund as soon as possible.Looking forward to an early reply.Yours sincerely,Wang Lan

二、常见应用文体写作 1.简历(Resume)简历一般包括: 1)个人信息: 姓名、地址、联系方式、特长(专业表现、科研能力、语言能力等)。2)求职意向: 应聘岗位或工作领域。3)教育背景: 学历、学位、培训经历。

4)工作经历: 以前从事的工作。如果是应届毕业生,可填写兼职、实习内容、社会工作等。5)其他: 奖励、证书、作品、兴趣及证明人或介绍信。2002,12 B


Name: Li Aihua

Sex: male

Date of birth: May 16, 1980

Marital Status: single

Address: 61 Fuxing Road, Beijing

Job Objective: seeking a job as a computer programmer

Education: I graduated from the Computer Department of Huaguang Technical College with

excellent scores in 2001.Foreign Languages: I have been studying English for three yeas at college.I am able to read proficiently and communicate fluently in English.Hobbies: swimming and going online


一个广告要想吸引消费者的注意力一般要做到: 用词简单、朗朗上口;句式结构简单、短促有力;采用多种表达方式,符合大众的消费心理。

Job Vacancy(招聘广告)

Whirlpool Company has 20 branches throughout the country and the Headquarters of it is in Tianjin.The company is famous for its manufacture and marketing of electrical appliances.It is seeking for a sales manager now.Qualifications:

Chinese citizenship, aged 35~40

College diploma in Marketing, Economics or related fields

Minimum of 5 years of experience in sales management

Proficiency in English speaking and writing

Willingness to travel frequently

Skills in computer operating Contact: Mr.John Smith

Tel: 24876669 常用句型

• …offers you the job opportunity of…

• 2~3 relevant working experience in Quality or Manufacturing environment, experience in joint venture preferably.• • • • Essential qualities are sales leadership, marketing and relationship management.Qualified applicants will have interviews.Good command of English is required.Candidates should go for business trip all over China frequently.3.预订(Reservation)


December 5 Dear Sir or Madam,We’d like to reserve a single room and a three double rooms both with baths in your hotel from December 25 to 27.A meeting room will also be wanted for business negotiation on the afternoon of December 26.We will be expecting an early reply from you about the possibility of such a reservation, the charge and whether a deposit is needed.Thanks for your attention.Yours sincerely,Li Qiang 常用句型

• On Jan.10 I reserved two tables for 12 people for breakfast at 9 in the morning.• There has been a change in our plans and occasion will have to be postponed until…at… • If you accommodate us, please let us know the price of the tickets so we send you a check without delay.• Please send me confirmation of this change in flight schedule.4.便条、留言条(Notes and Messages)



June,12 Mary,I didn’t see you this morning.Here is a piece of good news for you.There will be a fashion show tomorrow evening a the Exhibition Center.It must be wonderful.Shall we go there? Let’s meet at the school gate tomorrow at 6 p.m.Mike


Tuesday Mr.smith,I’m awfully sorry that I cannot attend the meeting to be held this Friday.I’ve got a cold and the doctor said I must stay in bed for a couple of days.So I’m writing to ask for a leave of three days.I hope that my request will be given due consideration.Encl.Doctor’s Certificate(医生证明)



Notice在英文中可以指书面的通知、公告、启事或海报。主要是向公众或有关人士发布信息。有时也称作 Announcement。文通知的格式与中文通知大体相同,由标题、正 文、落款(或时间)三部分组成。




Contribution Wanted(征稿启事)

Our English Corner has drawn extensive attention from English readers and is becoming popular.For the sake of publishing more good English writings, we seek for contribution from all walks of life.College students, English learners, foreign students and friends are all welcome.Your contribution should meet the following requirements.(1)A short story

(2)Anecdotes happening around you

The article should be limited to 500 words.The article should be addressed to :

Wang Ping

Beihai Evening Post

No.10 Xinmin Street

Beihai 230034

Or send us E-mail: Monuica@public.cc.cngd.com

Notice of Speech To: Students

Date: June 10, 2002 From: The Students’ Union Reporter: Mr.John Smith, a well-known professor Time: 7:00 p.m.next Friday Place: The Lecture Hall Subject: Talking about the economic development and the future of the light industry in China after China’s entering WTO.Note: Students who are interested can ask Li Ming for tickets.He will be available in Room 601 Building 5, from 7 p.m.to 9 p.m.every evening.常用句型

• All are warmly welcomed.• We are pleased to inform that… • This is to inform that…

• A lecture will be held in …(place)on…(date).• All are expected to attend the seminar.6.海报(Posters)




Hosted by the Student Union of the School of Foreign Language Studies, an English Speech Contest will be held in No.4 Classroom of the Teaching Building at 7:30 p.m., September 26, 2006.All are cordially welcomed.The Student Union

September 14, 2006 常用句型

• Hosted / Sponsored by …, an English speech competition titled CCTV Cup will be held…

• There is going to be a friendly and wonderful basketball match between … and …

under the auspices of….• All are cordially welcomed.• Your presence/ participation will be a great support to us.7.备忘录(Memorandum or Memo)


Memo Date: December 28, 2004 To: Mr.Gates, leader of the Supply Section From: Li Ming of the Business English Class Subject: Borrowing one VCD Dear Sir,I’m a student of the Business English Class and we are badly in need of a VCD in order to have a New Year’s party.Our party will start on Friday, so please lend a VCD to us so that we can prepare better for the party.With kind regards

Yours sincerely,Li Ming 8.证明信(Letter of Certification)


写证明信要求言简意赅、明确肯定,称呼多用”To Whom It May Concern”,意即“有关负责人”。

To Whom It May Concern, This is to certificate that Mr.Wang Ling is invited to go on a four-week tour to USA.He has been given $500 in advance for the initial expense after his arrival in USA.He needs to exchange these $500 into traveler’s checks.Any help offered to him in this regard will be much appreciated.Yours sincerely,Li Ning 常用句型

• To whom it may concern: 致有关人士 • This is to certify that…兹证明……

• Any help offered to him in this regard will be much appreciated.• This certificate is awarded to… First Prize at the … • Somebody’s working experiences are as followed.三、商务书信

1.建立商业关系(Establishing Business Relations)






October 10, 2006 Dear Sir or Madam,We are given your name and address by the Chamber of Commerce(商会), China, who informed us that you are in the market for Personal Computers.We are one of the largest computer producers in our country and have handled with various kinds of the products for over 15 years.Now we’d like to get in touch with you in the hope of establishing business relations with you and expect to increase our business scope.To acquaint you with our business lines, we are enclosing a copy of our illustrated catalogue covering the main items available at present.If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know by fax.We will give you our lowest quotations and try our best to comply with your requirement.We are sincerely looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Mark Hamilton


November 12, 2006 Dear Sir of Madam,Having obtained your name and address from Anderson Co., we are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.We have imported Arts & Crafts for many years.At present, we are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts and should appreciate your catalogue and quotations.If your prices are in line , we trust that important business can materialize.We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.Yours faithfully,Mark Hamilton 常用词汇和短语

• be in the market for sth.准备买某物

• to increase one’s business scope

扩大业务范围 • We are enclosing(enclose)…


• fall(come)within the scope of our business activities

属于我们的经营范围 • a general idea


full details


• specific inquiry


favorable reply

满意的答复 • obtain one’s name and address from…


• appreciate your catalogue and quotation

感谢你们的目录和报价。(在商业信函中表示感谢, appreciate用得较普遍, thank you用得较少,只有在收到东西后才用thank you)• in line(with)

符合……, 与……相符 常用句型

• You are recommended to our company by… • We have obtained your name and address from…

• We are experiences manufacturers and exporters of…, and are enjoying a good reputation all over the world.• We are willing to establish trade relations with your company.• We are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.→ • Being specialized in manufacture and export of this line, we express our desire to trade with you.• • • • • We are enclosing our latest illustrated catalogue together with the price list.We expect that you will let us have your specific inquiry as soon as possible.Your early response will be very much appreciated.We look forward to hearing from you soon.We sincerely hope that this, our first transaction together, will be the beginning of the long and pleasant business cooperation.2.询价(Inquiry)


(1)介绍写信的起因。(2)明确说明所需商品的名称,以及希望对方提供信息的具体内容,如可向对方索要产品价格单、目录、样品、规格、品质、包装、交货期、支付方 式等方面。(3)表示要与对方进一步密切业务联系或表明达成交易的确良好愿望。

October 20,2006 Dear Sirs,We have learned from your national trade journal that you manufacture a range of high fashion handbags.We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large, we obtain high prices for our high quality goods.Would you please send us a catalogue and price list, and tell us your terms of business and delivery date?

We look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Mark Hamilton

November 29, 2006 Dear Mr.Peter Kevil,I am pleased to write to you for some information about the jet printer produced in your company.I’d like to buy it, and I will be very grateful if you could give me information about the prices and the service after sale.Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Sincerely yours,David Johnson 常用句型

• We are in the market for… • We are interested in your…

• We learn from your advertisement in… that your are manufacturers/ exporters… • I am pleased to write to you for some information about…

• We shall be glad if you will send us your catalogue together with quotations.• We would appreciate your letting us have full information regarding export prices, terms of payment, earliest delivery date and quantity discount.• We look forward to your prompt and favorable reply.• We hope to hear you at your earliest convenience.3.报盘(Offer)





3.最后应表达写信人希望对方早日答复并达 成交易的愿望。

April 18, 2006 Dear Sirs,Thank you for your inquiry of 12 April.We now have pleasure in enclosing full particulars of the electronic components that we manufacture for export and a copy of our price list.In view of high quality of our products, we believe that you will agree that the prices, which are all inclusive of CFR to London, are very competitive.Payment should be made by bill of exchange payable within 60 days after sight.We will also be pleased to allow you a cash discount of 5% if you are willing to complete payment within 30 days of invoice date.All orders will be sent to you within three days upon receipt of your firm order.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Mark Hamilton

Sales Manager 4.订购(Order)一般来说,订购信函至少应包括以下内容:

1.商品名称、型号、规格、颜色以及其他相关信息 2.数量 3.装运日期及方法 4.商品单价 5.包装 6.付款方式

June 15, 2005 Dear Mr.Holland,How about your recent work and life? I’m Li Hua, the manager of the marketing department in Daniel Trade Company.I wish we would have a good cooperation between us.I am writing to you to push a quick payment of $10,000 for the products which our company sold to you.The payment is 10 days behind the schedule and it is overdue.Please find the enclosed catalogue of our summer products.I hope Mr.Holland will send new order as soon as possible, and you can enjoy the special offers from our company if you make early orders

We’re looking forward to your prompt reply.Yours faithfully,Li Hua 常用句型

• We thank you for your letter of …(date), sending us…

• We are pleased to enclose our purchase order No….for …

• If you can guarantee punctual delivery, we can place considerable orders with you.• If the quality and delivery proves to be satisfactory, we will give you larger order in the future.• We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 5% commission.• We find the quality is good and your business terms are satisfactory.• We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot supply the goods you ordered on…because… • • • • We regret we are unable to supply what you require just now.We shall be much obliged if you will effect shipment as soon as possible.Thank you for your letter of June 9 enclosing your order No.437.We assure you that we will give our best attention to the execution of this order.12





1)感谢李教练为了学校篮球队的夏季集训(summer training)放弃了整个暑假的休息时间;

2)大家都因教练对这项运动的热情(enthusiasm)受到感染(be greatly impressed


3)在这次的巡回比赛(tournament)中球队获得了优异的成绩应归功于(owe sth


4)代表(on behalf of)球队表示衷心的感谢。

Dear Mr.Li,I’m writing this letter of thanks on behalf of the whole basketball team.We’re very sincerely grateful to you for all your time spent during the summer

vacation in coaching our school basketball team.Your enthusiasm on sports and

your team spirit have greatly impressed us.The big progress and our recent

victory at the Tournament owe much to your kind help.Without you we couldn’t

go that far.Thank you again from the bottom of our heart.Sincerely yours,He Yi



Dear Sir or Madam,Please allow me to recommend Chen Ying for a position of secretary in our

company.Ms.Chen has ever worked in my department as a part-time secretary

for a period of time.I have found her to be a hardworking, diligent, and

responsible employee.Now she wishes to apply for the position of secretary and

long to work in our company team.I recomment her without hesitation, as I know you will find her a very

capable staff.Sincerely yours,Li Lin

Manager of Sales Department







May 16, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam,I have learned a piece of news from "Beijing Daily'' that you want a teacher

of the Chinese language.I’m writing for the position in your college.I graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Beijing Language

and Culture University three years ago.I have experience of teaching Chinese,ever teaching the Chinese language and culture to the students from America

and Korea.I’m also good at English abilities and I have passed Cet-6.Encolsed is my resume both in Chinese and English.If you want any of my

further information, please contact me at ***.My address is No.56,Liuhua Road, Guangzhou City.Yours sincerely,Chen Hai







Name: Liu KeBirth date: Aug.5th, 1983Sex: MaleNationality: Hui

Health: Excellent

Address: Graduating Class, Hotel Management Specialty, College of

management, Shanxi University, Shanxi030010


To obtain a position as an assistant of Marketing Manager

Courses Included

Marketing Management, Public Relationships, etc.Working Experience

Worked at Marketing Department, Lixin Hotel, 2002


A mastery of computer basic skills

Cet, Band 4

Good at business communication




收件人:Miss Jenny Arnot





2.Jenny Arnot 的公司在她的地区长期为你公司推销产品。






Words for reference:



June 20, 2010

Dear Miss Jenny Arnot,Our company has recently researched a new type of computer.It has a lot of

advantages, and we believe it will have a good sales among customers.Since your

company has always been selling our products in your area, we hope you can

promote our new computer in your area.Encolsed is the specification of the product.If you are interested, please

come to see our samples and have further discussion.Please tell me when you

will come, I’ll send someone to pick you up at the airport.Thanks again and look forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Zhang Ming


June 22, 2008

Dear Sir or Madam:

Sorry to inform you that since the prices of raw materials have been

increased recently, we have no choice but to adjuct the prices of our

products a little higher.To express our sincerity , theprices for your

old orders will be kept unchanged/be kept as the original.We sincerely

hope we can develop smooth business relationship in future.Enclosed is our new price list.We are very sorry for the trouble

brought to you.Sincerely yours,Ding Zhiwen

Sales Manager








There will be a lecture at 7 p.m.on November 28, in Students’

Center.Famous Professor Wang is going to give us a speech on job

interview.The lecture is free and all the students are welcome.Students’ Union

Nov.20, 2006王小明毕业于湖北大学,专业是国际贸易,学习能力强,英语听说流利,请以他的名义



October 12, 2006

Dear Mr.Chen,I’m writing this letter to apply for a position in your company.I’m Wang Xiaoming and graduated from HubeiUniversity.My

major(专业)is International Trade.I’m good at study and have a

good command of English listening and speaking.I’ll appreciate(感

激)if you can consider giving me a chance of interview.(Hope to

hear from you soon).Yours faithfully

Wang Xiaoming请以学生会的名义给外语系的黄教授写一封邀请函,邀请他出席9月1日下午3点学生



August 25, 2006Dear Professor Huang,We’d like to invite you attend the English Speech Contest which

will be held in the Speech Hall at 3 p.m.Sept.1st.The topic of the

speech is about the experience of part-time job in summer vocation.We look forward to your presence.Yours sincerel

Students’ Union4 请以John的名义给房东Mr.Smith写一封投诉信,内容包括:





August 15, 2006Dear Mr.Smith,The doorbell of the house I rent goes wrong again.There was

something wrong with it last week but it didn’t work after the repair.Please send someone to repair it or change it for me or I won’t give

you rent of the house for this month on time.Hope to hear from you

soon.Yours sincerelyJohn请以Phoebe的名义给假日饭店的经理写一封信,包括以下内容;




June 9, 2006

Dear Manager of Holiday Hotel,I lost a red handbag when I had dinner in your hotel last weekend.But I didn’t know it until I came home.There are some change, two

books, my ID card and etc in it.Would you please try to find it for me?

If you can get it, please send it to No.86 Dongfeng Road, Guangzhou

or you can contact me at 81235644.Yours sincerely





Dear Ann,Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner last night!I had a

really good time in your home.You are an amazing cook.I am already longing for another get-together.Will you be free

next Saturday evening? I wonder if you could come and have dinner

with us.I will also invite our friends Joe and Kate.I'm sure they will

be pleased to meet you.I am looking forward to your joining us next Saturday evening.All the best,enny请帮ABC公司写信告知他们的客户Mr.Brown关于广告收费的问题,该客户开拓市场的广告每周五次,每次时间1分钟,每次收费5万元人民币。希望双方以后有机会合作。写


March 9, 2006

Dear Mr.Brown,I’m writing to tell you about the charge of your company’s ad..The

marketing ad.we made for your company will be on TV five times a

week and lasts for one minute each time.And the charge for each

time is 50,000 RMB.I hope we have chance to cooperate in the future.Yours sincerely

ABC Company以Lily的名义给小王写一张电话留言条,转告他老师打电话来通知明天下午的足球比赛


Xiao Wang,Your teacher called to say that the football match tomorrow

afternoon was cancelled and it would be held at the same time next

Tuesday.You are required to take part in the computer operation

exam in the Experiment

Building tomorrow afternoon.Lily9 以Tom的名义给他的秘书Mary写一份备忘录,请她通知各部门经理明天下午3点到5



From: Tom

To Mary

Date: April 5

Subject: Meeting on WTO agreement

Please inform the manager of each department to take part in an

urgent meeting on WTO agreement at 3 tomorrow afternoon in the

Meeting Hall on the 5th floor.请以Susan的名义给你的同学David留言,告诉他爸爸今天刚从家里来到学校看他,现



David,Your father came to see you from home today.He is now living

in Room 3504 of the College Hotel.Please call him at 356412 when

you come back.Please wait for him in his room if no one answers the

call.Susan11 以Dick的名义给你部门陈经理写封道歉信;





March 12, 2006

Dear Mr.Chen,I’m writing to apologize/say sorry for my not being on time for the

urgent department meeting this morning.I was late because the

traffic accident caused traffic jam I promise it won’t happen again.Please forgive me.Yours sincerely






February 4, 2006

A black wallet and a coat were found on the school’s playground in the afternoon of February 3.The owner can call Miss Wang at 84657879 as soon as possible.下面是几种常考作文类型的基本句型,牢记这些基本句型,对写作大有好处。通知

1.The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening,August 15.2.The party will be held in th garden of the Main Building.3.We are to visit the museum after lunch.4.The meeting starts at 6 p.m.5. The American guests are aboutto leave at 5 in the afternoon.感谢信与道歉信

1.Thank you very much for your help.2.It was good of you to invite me to take part in the activity.3.Please accept my sincere appreciation.4.Please accept my since reapologies.5.I have to offer you an apology for not coming to your party.6.I regret that my carelessness has caused you too much inconvenience.便条

1.I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliestconvenience.2.Upon receiving this note, pleasecome to my office.3.Mr.Li stands in urgent need of your help.4.Your note with an admission ticket enclosed is much appreciated.5.Hoping that the matter will bedealt with as soon as possible.求职信

1.I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire anexperienced electrician.2.I am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmersin your company.3.At school, I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest.4.I work hard and I can get along well with others.I’m good at Englishand especially my spoken English isvery good.5.I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you

at personal interview with you at yourconvenience.邀请函及复函

1.It would be an honor to me if

you would accept our invitation.2.Will you do us a favor by joiningour party?

3.We sincerely hope you can attend.4.Please let us know if you’re available.5.Thank you for your very kind invitation.I should love to come, andI am looking forward to it very much.6.I regret that I have another arrangement at this time and will notbe able to attend.7.I am sorry that I shall not be able to join you because I am badlysick.


11月7日 星期三 天气晴











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