
时间:2019-05-15 05:45:16下载本文作者:会员上传


The third instalment of author-turned-director Guo Jingming's youth-driven drama, “Tiny Times” raked in over 100 million yuan, or some 16 million US dollars, on its first day at the box office Wednesday.Figures roughly tallied by China's mainstream cinemas show that “Tiny Times 3” overtook two-thirds of the domestic box office on its premiere date.Based on Guo's own novels of the same name, the “Tiny Times” series tell the stories of four females in their 20s chasing love, success and their own respective slices of the luxury life.The series has been widely criticized for promoting shallowness, wasteful spending and an obsession with material possession among China's youth.Guo himself is something of a living example of his stories.Not starting from a position of privilege, Guo is now one of China's richest writers and was counted among Forbes China's “30 Under 30” successful entrepreneurs in 2012.更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训


截至7月20日周末,《小时代3》超过《变形金刚4》居中国票房排行榜榜首。Chinese drama “Tiny Times 3.0” knocked Hollywood blockbuster “Transformers” off the top of China's box office charts during the week ending July 20.After debuting last Thursday, “Tiny Times 3.0”, which was inspired by author-turned-director Guo Jingming's young adult novel of the same name, raked in 320 million yuan($51.6 million)in the week, according to figures released by China Film News on Tuesday.The film tells a coming-of-age story of a tight-knit circle of four girls who come from different backgrounds.“Transformers: Age of Extinction,” the fourth installment in the robot movie franchise, earned 163 million yuan, ranking second on the charts.The Hollywood blockbuster has taken more than 1.9 billion yuan since its debut on June 27.Chinese thriller “The House That Never Dies” was third on the charts, making 160 million yuan in the week.更多英语学习:企业英语培训



除《小时代》外,上周还有两部影片单周过亿,作为此前一周的冠亚军,《超人:钢铁之躯》(Man of Steel)与《不二神探》虽然不敌《小时代》,但也保持了良好的走势,分别以1.3147亿元与1.1381亿元位列二三。新片盘点





此外,上周还有两部动画新片杀入了榜单前五。小马奔腾发行的《开心超人》以首周1313万元票房位列第四,与同期上映、榜单第五位的《萨米大冒险2》(Sammy's Adventures 2)相比,该片首周票房高出一倍以上,国产原创动画能有这样的开局成绩还算不错。




其他几部老片,《星际迷航:暗黑无界》(Star Trek Into Darkness)与《枕边有张脸》上周皆收297万元,分别累计至






本周,火热的暑期市场又将迎来两部重量级新片,分别是由杜琪峰执导、刘德华与郑秀文第八次合作主演的动作喜剧《盲探》,以及由好莱坞巨星基努·里维斯的执导的导演处女作《太极侠》(Man of Tai Chi)。不过,虽然两片都各有拥趸,也分量十足,但与风头正盛的《小时代》相比,还是略有不及。不过,在两部新片的加盟下,目前已经火热的市场无疑会更上一层楼。


The figures are in and domestic road-trip feature, “The Continent,” has driven off with over 300 million yuan, about 48 million

U.S.dollars, to become China's four-day box-office champion, according to Beijing-based data source, Entgroup.According to Variety, “The Continent” held up well in comparison to “Lucy,” the Scarlett Johansson action flick that has topped North American box offices with a 44-million-U.S.-dollar opening-weekend take.However, “The Continent” had a full four-day run, while “Lucy” had three days and a midnight screening last Thursday.Domestic horror movie, “The House That Never Dies,” came in second, clutching 172 million yuan.“Tiny Times 3” drop to third place at the box office just a week after dethroning “Transformers: Age of Extinction” to top China's theatre ticket sales.But the third “Tiny Times” still earned an impressive 155 million yuan.“Age of Extinction” came in fourth, bringing in 79 million yuan and putting the movie on track to being the first to pass the two-billion-yuan mark in China.Rounding up the top-five list is domestic cartoon “The Magical Brush,” which earned about 30 million yuan.更多英语学习:外贸英语

第五篇:《变形金刚4》内地首映票房破纪录 在美遭差评




Though well prepared, China's movie market watchers are still stunned by the unprecedented opening of “Transformers: Age of Extinction”, estimated to have grossed some 613 million yuan(US$98.7 million)during its first week.According to Mtime.com, a Chinese film-rating website, “Transformers” broke the record of the highest ticket sales for a film screened in Chinese mainland on the first week, a record previously held by “Titanic 3D”(US$75.3 million)in 2012.According to “Piaofangba,” a weibo account on box office research, the new installment of the Transformer franchise has broken several records in China, including the biggest opening, compared with the previous 122 million yuan, set by “The Monkey King.”

The Paramount tentpole also dethroned “Iron Man 3” with the largest midnight screening box office: 20 million yuan.The “autobots” owe their success to the 20,000 plus movie screens, but also to favorable screening arrangements.Some 63 percent of screens were set aside for “Transformers 4”, also a record.Despite its success in China, the film was not as well received in the US, earning only US$8.75 million on its opening day, well behind US$10.5 million of “Godzilla” and US$9.2 million of “The Amazing Spiderman 2”.As of June 28, the fourth installment has received 18% support on Rotten Tomatoes, just one percent higher than the score “Transformers 2” earned.In comparison, the original “Transformers” was rated 57% fresh.As China and the United States are about to renegotiate imported movie quotas, movie authorities have been calling for theaters to give more support to domestic productions.Zhang Hongsen, director of film bureau under the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, said on Wednesday at the 17th Shanghai International Film Festival that he hoped movie theater chains would be more rational and give domestic movies a fair crack of the whip.Zhang said he heard of some theaters trying to show “Transformers 4” on all of their screens

“Have faith in domestic movies!How can we repeat the mistake on 'Lost in Thailand' in 2012 when we thought it would only reach 200 million yuan and finally found it was a 1.2 billion yuan movie?” said Zhang.“The Breakup Guru”, a domestic movie screened a day earlier, grossed a total of 57 million yuan, a not bad achievement considering its number of screens.精彩推荐:商务英语



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