2009年下半年全国青少年英语技能大赛综合素质竞赛活动简介 为全面贯彻国务院《关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定》,落实教育部颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的有关精神,在广大青少年中倡导研究性学习,进一步促进中小学生学习方式的变革,使青少年创新型人才脱颖而出,特举办 “全国青少年英语技能大赛综合素质竞赛活动”,为在创新实践和学科能力方面表现突出的学生提供展示才智的机会,同时也为选拔优秀人才提供优质平台。
主 任: 赵武军 全国少工委副主任
副主任:高彦明 中国教育学会少年儿童校外教育专业委员会秘书长执行主任:许华平中国少先队事业发展中心副主任
主 任: 陈 琳 全国基础教育研究培训中心理事长、教育部英语教育专家组组长、北京外国语大学教授
委 员(排名不分先后):
胡壮麟 北京大学英语系教授、中国语言与符号学研究会会长王世仁 北京大学英语系教授、著名英语语音专家、英诗专家林少文 中国国际广播电台英语环球广播中心副主任
吴祖强 中央音乐家协会名誉主席、中央音乐学院名誉院长罗立胜 清华大学英语系系主任
王丽君 中央人民广播电台主编、策划、教授
王建伟 中国数学会奥林匹克委员会委员
陈延军: 中国作文大赛、作文考级专家委员会特聘专家,中国作文专家工作委员会常务理事。
陈向荣 中国政法大学外语系教授
俞志远 北京外国语大学教授
伍美生 北京美国英语语言学院教授
杨秀文 北京传媒大学教授
陈月光 外交学院教授
3、全国组委会秘书处,负责活动的具体实施工作,成员如下:秘 书 长: 郑文莲 全国青少年技能大赛组委会
副秘书长: 张伟林 全国青少年技能大赛组委会
4、作品完成后发给本班英语老师: 汤老师: qianse721@yahoo.cn 截稿时间:2013年2月25日
about prep.concerning or relating to a particular subject eg.She said something about leaving town.after prep.when a particular event or time has happened, or when someone has done something eg.After the war many soldiers stayed in France.afternoon noun the part of the day after the morning and before the evening eg.There's a meeting on Thursday afternoon.again adverb one more timemy dad won't let me.lie verb to be in a position in which your body is flat on the floor, on a bed etc eg.He was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette.like verb to enjoy something or think that it is nice or good eg.I like your jacket.likes noun the things that someone likes eg.We all have our own likes and dislikes.line noun a long thin mark on a piece of paper, the ground, or another surface eg.Draw a straight line across the top of the page.list noun a set of things, names, numbers etc usually written one below the other, for example so that you can remember or check them listen verb to pay attention to what someone is saying or to a sound that you can hear eg.Listen!There's a strange noise in the next room.lion noun a large animal of the cat family that lives in Africa and parts of southern Asia little adjective small in size eg.She was cutting the meat up into little bits.long adjective measuring a great length from one end to the other eg.a long table look verb to turn your eyes towards something, so that you can see it
eg.Look, what is that boy doing? make verb to produce something, for example by putting the different parts of it together eg.I'm going to show you how to make a box for your tools.man noun an adult male human eg.There were two men and a woman in the car.many adjective a large number of people or things eg.Many people have to use a car to travel to work.map noun a drawing of a particular area for example a city or country, which shows its main features, such as its roads, rivers, mountains etc eg.According to the map we should turn left.meat noun the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food eg.I gave up eating meat a few months ago.menu noun a list of all the kinds of food that are available for a meal, especially in a restaurant eg.Could we have the menu, please? milk noun a white liquid produced by cows or goats that is drunk by people eg.a bottle of milk morning noun the early part of the day, from when the sun rises until 12 o'clock in the middle of the day eg.It was a nice sunny morning.monkey noun a small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees and lives in hot countries eg.The monkey is very cute.mother noun a female parent of a child or animal eg.His mother and father are both doctors.mouth noun the part of your face which you put food into, or which you use for speaking eg.He lifted his glass to his mouth.music noun a series of sounds made by instruments or voices in a way that is pleasant or exciting my adjective used by the person who is speaking to show that something belongs to or is connected with himself or herself eg.Do you see my car keys? name noun what someone is called eg.What's your name? new adjective
recently made, built, invented, written, designed etc eg.the city's new hospital noise noun a sound, especially one that is loud, unpleasant, or frightening eg.What's that noise? noodle noun a long thin piece of food made from a mixture of flour, water, and eggs, usually cooked in soup or boiling water eg.Serve the meat with rice or noodles.no adverb used to give a negative reply to a question, offer, or request eg.--Are you Italian?--No, I'm Spanish.nose noun the part of a person's or animal's face used for smelling or breathing eg.He's got a really big nose.Not adverb used to make a word, statement, or question negative eg.She's not a very nice person.notebook noun a book made of plain paper on which you can write notes nothing pronoun not anything or no thing eg.Nothing ever happens in this town.now adverb at the present time eg.They now live in the city centre.number noun a word or sign that represents an amount or a quantity eg.Five was her lucky number.old adjective something that is old has existed or been used for a long time eg.a pair of old shoes paint verb & noun to put paint on a surface& a liquid that you put on a surface, using a brush to make the surface a particular colour eg.The ceiling needs painting.a can of blue paint painting noun a painted picture that you put on a wall for people to see eg.a collection of valuable paintings panda noun a large black and white animal that looks like a bear and lives in the mountains of China.park noun a large open area with grass and trees, especially in a town, where people can walk, play games etc eg.Let's go for a walk in the park.part noun a piece or feature of something such as an object, area, event, or period of time eg.The front part of the car was damaged.party noun a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc eg.We're having a party on Saturday.Would you like to come? pen noun an instrument for writing or drawing with ink eg.a ballpoint pen pencil noun an instrument that you use for writing or drawing, consisting of a wooden stick with a thin piece of a black or coloured substance in the middle eg.a blue pencil people noun used as the plural of “person” to refer to men, women, and children eg.How many people are there at the meeting? person noun a human being, especially considered as someone with their own particular character eg.He was a very nice person, always pleasant and friendly.pet noun an animal such as a cat or a dog which you keep and care for at home eg.Rabbits can make very good pets.phone noun a telephone eg.Louise got up to answer the phone.photo noun a photograph eg.I'll send Mom a photo of Sammy.pink adjective pale red eg.bright pink lipstick plane noun a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine eg.The plane will take off in twenty minutes.plate noun a flat and usually round dish that you eat from or serve food on eg.a dinner plate play verb when children play, they do things that they enjoy, often with other people or with toys eg.Kids were playing and chasing each other.player noun someone who takes part in a game or sport eg.a basketball player please interjection used to be polite when asking someone to do something
eg.Could you please clean up the living room? prince noun the son of a king, queen, or prince: eg.Prince William question noun a sentence or phrase that is used to ask for information or to test someone's knowledge eg.Can I ask you a question? quiet adjective not making much noise, or making no noise at all eg.We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.rabbit noun a small animal with long ears and soft fur, that lives in a hole in the ground race noun a competition in which people or animals compete to run, drive etc fastest and finish first eg.He will be the youngest runner in the race.rainbow noun a large curve of different colours that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain radio noun a piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programmes that are broadcast, such as music and news eg.I sat down and turned on the radio.read verb to look at written words and understand what they mean eg.I can't read your writing.ready adjective if you are ready, you are prepared for what you are going to do eg.Come on.Aren't you ready yet? red adjective having the colour of blood eg.We painted the door bright red.ride verb to sit on an animal, especially a horse, and make it move along eg.She learned to ride when she was seven.right adjective a statement or piece of information that is right is correct and based on true facts eg.Yes, that's the right answer.room noun a part of the inside of a building that has its own walls, floor, and ceiling eg.I looked around the room.ruler noun a long flat straight piece of plastic, metal, or wood that you use for measuring things or drawing straight lines eg.a 12-inch ruler run verb to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walk eg.I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.sad adjective unhappy, especially because something unpleasant has happened eg.Dad looked sad and worried as he read the letter.school noun a place where children are taught eg.His mother always used to pick him up from school.sheep noun a farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meat eg.Sheep were grazing on the hillside.shell noun the hard protective covering of an animal such as a snail, mussel, or crab eg.The children were collecting shells on the beach.shirt noun a piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms, usually has a collar, and is fastened at the front by buttons eg.I have to wear a shirt and tie to work.shoe noun something that you wear to cover your feet, made of leather or some other strong material eg.I sat down and took off my shoes and socks.shoo excl.used to tell an animal or a child to go away shop noun a building or part of a building where you can buy things, food, or services eg.Her brother runs a record shop in Chester.short adjective happening or continuing for only a little time or for less time than usual eg.a short meeting sing verb to produce a musical sound with your voice eg.She can sing beautifully.sister noun a girl or woman who has the same parents as you eg.Janet and Abby are sisters.sit verb to be on a chair or seat, or on the ground, with the top half of your body upright and your weight resting on your buttocks eg.I sat on the shore and looked at the sea.sleep verb to rest your mind and body, usually at night when you are lying in bed with your eyes closed eg.I usually sleep on my back.small adjective not large in size or amount eg.a small piece of paper snake noun an animal with a long thin body and no legs, that often has a poisonous bite eg.A snake slithered across our path.snow noun & verb soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather and cover the ground if it snows, snow falls from the sky eg.Snow was falling heavily as we entered the village.sofa noun a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide enough for two or three people to sit on some det.a number of people or things, or an amount of something, when the exact number or amount is not stated eg.I need some apples for this recipe.song noun a short piece of music with words that you sing eg.pop songs on the radio sorry adjective & int.feeling ashamed or unhappy about something bad you have done used to ask someone to repeat something that you have not heard properly eg.She was genuinely sorry for what she had done.spell verb to form a word by writing or naming the letters in order eg.How do you spell “juice”? spice noun a type of powder or seed, taken from plants, that you put into food you are cooking to give it a special taste eg.herbs and spices sport noun a physical activity in which people compete against each other eg.My favourite sports are tennis and swimming.stand verb to support yourself on your feet or be in an upright position eg.It looks like we'll have to standused by or to children eg.If you're frightened, tell one of the grown-ups.guess verb to try to answer a question or form an opinion when you are not sure whether you will be correct eg.I'd say he's around 50, but I'm only guessing.happen verb when something happens, there is an event, especially one that is not planned eg.When did the accident happen? happily adverb in a happy way eg.Michelle smiled happily.have to if you have to do something, you must do it because it is necessary or because someone makes you do it
eg.We don't have to rushused about weather, places, food, drink, or objects eg.a hot day in July hundred num.the number 100 eg.The tree was probably a hundred years old.hungry adjective wanting to eat something eg.If you get hungry, there's some cold chicken in the fridge.husband noun the man that a woman is married to ice noun water that has frozen into a solid state eg.Would you like some ice in your drink? idea noun a plan or suggestion for a possible course of action, especially one that you think of suddenly eg.I've had an idea.Why don't we walk into town? ill adjective suffering from a disease or not feeling well eg.I was feeling ill that day and decided to stay at home.important adjective an important event, decision, problem etc has a big effect or influence on people's lives or on events in the future eg.Happiness is more important than money.insect noun a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings eg.an insect bite inside adverb in or into a container or other closed space so as to be completely covered or surrounded eg.The jewels were locked away inside the safe.into prep.to the inside or inner part of a container, place, area etc eg.Come into the office.invent verb to make, design, or think of a new type of thing invitation noun a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something eg.She accepted his invitation to join him for lunch.invite verb to ask someone to come to a party, wedding, meal etc eg.Who should we invite to the party? island noun a piece of land completely surrounded by water eg.the Cayman Islands January noun the first month of the year, between December and February joke noun something that you say or do to make people laugh, especially a funny story or trick eg.He was always telling jokes and making people laugh.July noun
the seventh month of the year, between June and August June noun the sixth month of the year, between May and July kid noun a child eg.She'd always loved animals since she was a little kid.kilometre noun a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1000 metres kind noun one of the different types of a person or thing that belong to the same group eg.They sell all kinds of things.kiss verb to touch someone with your lips as a greeting, to show them love, or as part of a sexual relationship knee noun the joint that bends in the middle of your leg knife noun a metal blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon Some young people are carrying knives to defend themselves.ladder noun a piece of equipment used for climbing up to or down from high places.A ladder has two bars that are connected by rungs(=short bars that you use as steps)eg.She climbed up the ladder.lake noun a large area of water surrounded by land eg.Lake Michigan laugh verb to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny lazy adjective not liking work and physical activity, or not making any effort to do anything eg.He felt too lazy to get out of bed.layer noun an amount or piece of a material or substance that covers a surface or that is between two other things eg.A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.leaf noun one of the flat green parts of a plant that are joined to its stem or branches eg.a flowering bush with large shiny leaves league noun a group of sports teams or players who play games against each other to see who is best eg.He makes his football league debut tomorrow.length noun the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other eg.We measured the length and width of the living room.less adjective
a smaller amount or not as much eg.Doctors recommend eating less salt.let verb to allow someone to do something eg.I can't come out tonightit's private property.part noun a piece or feature of something such as an object, area, event, or period of time eg.The front part of the car was damaged.party noun a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc eg.We're having a party on Saturday.Would you like to come? passenger noun someone who is travelling in a vehicle, plane, boat etc, but is not driving it or working on it eg.Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.passport noun a small official document that you get from your government, that proves who you are, and which you need in order to leave your country and enter other countries eg.She was born in New York and has an American passport.perfect adjective not having any mistakes, faults, or damage eg.His English was perfect.perfectly adverb in a perfect way eg.The plan worked perfectly.person noun a human being, especially considered as someone with their own particular character eg.He was a very nice person, always pleasant and friendly.pet noun an animal such as a cat or a dog which you keep and care for at home eg.Rabbits can make very good pets.pick verb to choose a person or thing, for example because they are the best or most suitable eg.Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15.pilot noun someone who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft eg.an airline pilot pirate noun someone who sails on the seas, attacking other boats and stealing things from them place noun a space or area, for example a particular point on a surface or a room, building, town, city etc eg.Make sure you keep the key in a safe place.planet noun a very large round object in space that moves around the sun or another star eg.Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.platform noun the raised place beside a railway track where you get on and off a train in a station eg.The Edinburgh train will depart from Platform Six.play noun a story that is written to be performed by actors, especially in a theatre eg.Eliot wrote plays as well as poetry.playroom noun a room for children to play in playtime noun a period of time during which a child can play eg.Don't let TV take up too much of your child's playtime.plenty of a large quantity that is enough or more than enough eg.Make sure she gets plenty of fresh air.plus prep.used to show that one number or amount is added to another eg.Three plus six equals nine.quick adjective moving or doing something fast eg.She walked with short, quick steps.quite adverb very, but not extremely eg.The food in the cafeteria is usually quite good.really adverb very eg.a really good film recipe noun a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food eg.a recipe for tomato soup reply verb to answer someone by saying or writing something eg.I asked Clive where he was going, but he didn't reply.reporter noun someone whose job is to write about news events for a newspaper, or to tell people about them on television or on the radio eg.a news reporter rule noun an official instruction that says how things must be done or what is allowed, especially in a game, organization, or job eg.The rules of the game are quite simple.runner noun someone who runs for sport or pleasure eg.a long-distance runner sail verb to travel on or across an area of water in a boat or ship eg.the first Europeans to sail across the Atlantic
salad noun a mixture of raw vegetables, especially lettuce, cucumber, and tomato eg.Would you like some salad with your pasta? same adjective the same person, place, thing etc is one particular person etc and not a different one eg.He sits in the same chair every night.sandwich noun two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, vegetables, cooked egg, etc between them eg.a ham sandwich Saturday noun the day between Friday and Sunday eg.We went for a picnic on Saturday.save verb to make someone or something safe from danger, harm, or destruction eg.Emergency aid could save millions threatened with starvation.science noun knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts eg.Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.seventy num.the number 70 shall verb used to say what you will do in the future eg.We shall be away next week.shark noun a large sea fish with several rows of very sharp teeth that is considered to be dangerous to humans eg.Sharks were circling around our boat.shelf noun a long flat narrow board attached to a wall or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on eg.Put it back on the top shelf.shell noun the hard outer part that covers and protects an egg, nut, or seed eg.Never buy eggs with cracked shells.shop noun a building or part of a building where you can buy things, food, or services eg.Her brother runs a record shop in Chester.shopping noun the activity of going to shops and buying things eg.Late-night shopping is becoming very popular.shoulder noun one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck where the arm is connected eg.She tapped the driver on the shoulder.shout verb to say something very loudly eg.There's no need to shout!I can hear you!shower noun an act of washing your body while standing under a shower
eg.I need a shower.side noun one of the two areas that are on the left or the right of an imaginary line, or on the left or the right of a border, wall, river etc eg.The south side of town is pretty run down.silence noun complete absence of sound or noise eg.Nothing disturbed the silence of the night.silly adjective stupid in a childish or embarrassing way eg.I feel so silly in this outfit.skate noun one of a pair of boots with metal blades on the bottom, for moving quickly on ice skin noun the natural outer layer of a person's or animal's body eg.She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin.sort noun a group or class of people, things etc that have similar qualities or features eg.What sort of shampoo do you use? soup noun cooked liquid food, often containing small pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables eg.home-made tomato soup space noun the area beyond the Earth where the stars and planets are eg.Who was the first American in space? special adjective not ordinary or usual, but different in some way and often better or more important eg.a special place in the classroom for reading stop verb to not walk, move, or travel any more, or to make someone or something do this eg.He stopped suddenly when he saw Ruth.straight adjective something that is straight does not bend or curve eg.a long, straight road strong adjective having a lot of physical power so that you can lift heavy things, do hard physical work etc eg.He was a big strong man.study verb to spend time reading, going to classes etc in order to learn about a subject eg.I've been studying English for 6 years.sugar noun a sweet white or brown substance that is obtained from plants and used to make food and drinks sweet eg.Do you take sugar in your coffee? suitcase noun a large case with a handle, used for carrying clothes and possessions when you travel
Sunday noun the day between Saturday and Monday sunlight noun natural light that comes from the sun eg.The water sparkled in the bright sunlight.sunny adjective having a lot of light from the sun eg.a warm sunny day supermarket noun a very large shop that sells food, drinks, and things that people need regularly in their homes surprise noun an unexpected or unusual event eg.What a surprise to find you here!surprised adjective having a feeling of surprise eg.He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door.sweater noun a piece of warm wool or cotton clothing with long sleeves, which covers the top half of your body sweet adjective containing or having a taste like sugar eg.This tea is too sweet.swim verb to move yourself through water using your arms and legs eg.We swam in the chilly water.swimmer noun someone who swims well, often as a competitor eg.Peter's a very strong swimmer.take verb to remove something from a place eg.Take your feet off the seats.take off to remove something from a place tall adjective a person, building, tree etc that is tall is a greater height than normal eg.He was young and tall.taxi noun a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere eg.I took a taxi to the airport.tea noun a hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leaves from a particular Asian bush, or a cup of this drink eg.Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? telephone noun the system of communication that you use to have a conversation with someone in another place eg.Reservations can be made by telephone.temperature noun
a measure of how hot or cold a place or thing is eg.The temperature of the water was just right for swimming.tenth num.coming after nine other things in a series terrible adjective extremely severe in a way that causes harm or damage eg.Their son had been injured in a terrible accident.test noun a set of questions, exercises, or practical activities to measure someone's skill, ability, or knowledge eg.How did you do on your maths test? text noun any written material eg.One disk can store the equivalent of 500 pages of text.third adjective & adverb coming after two other things in a series eg.in the third century thief noun someone who steals things from another person or place eg.Thieves broke into the offices and stole $150,000's worth of computer equipment.thin adjective having little fat on your body eg.He was tall and thin, with short brown hair.thing noun an idea, action, feeling, or fact that someone thinks, does, says, or talks about, or that happens eg.People say things they don't mean when they are angry.think verb to have a particular opinion or to believe that something is true eg.I think that you're being unfair.thirsty adjective feeling that you want or need a drink eg.Can I have a glass of water? I'm really thirsty.thirty num.the number 30 ticket noun a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane etc eg.How much are tickets for the concert? tidy adjective a room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place eg.a tidy desk tired adjective feeling that you want to sleep or rest eg.I'm so tired I could sleep for a week.tomorrow adverb on or during the day after today
eg.Our class is going to London tomorrow.tooth noun(pl.teeth)one of the hard white objects in your mouth that you use to bite and eat food eg.Her smile revealed a row of white, even teeth.top noun the highest part of something eg.The tops of the mountains were still covered with snow.torch noun a small electric lamp that you carry in your hand eg.We shone our torches around the cavern.total adjective the number, amount etc that is the total eg.total sales of 200,000 per year towel noun a piece of cloth that you use for drying your skin or for drying things such as dishes eg.Have you got a clean towel I could use? tower noun a tall narrow building either built on its own or forming part of a castle, church etc eg.the Eiffel Tower town noun a large area with houses, shops, offices etc where people live and work, that is smaller than a city and larger than a village eg.an industrial town in the Midlands trip noun a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose eg.Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland? Tuesday noun the day between Monday and Wednesday turn noun & verb if two or more people take turns doing work, using something etc, they do it one after the other, for example in order to share the work or play fairly & to move your body so that you are looking in a different direction eg.You'll have to take turns on the swing.twelfth num.coming after eleven other things in a series twentieth num.coming after nineteen other things in a series twenty num.the number 20 eg.a small village twenty miles from Nairobi type noun one member of a group of people or things that have similar features or qualities eg.I've already seen a few movies of this type.umbrella noun an object that you use to protect yourself against rain or hot sun.eg.It started to rain, so Tricia stopped to put up her umbrella.uncle noun the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt eg.I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.uniform noun a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army etc eg.He was still wearing his school uniform.untidy adjective not neat eg.an untidy desk until prep.if something happens until a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time eg.The ticket is valid until March.up adverb & prep.towards a higher place or position eg.We walked slowly up the hill.video noun a copy of a film or television program eg.How much does it cost to hire videos? village noun a very small town in the countryside eg.a little fishing village vitamin noun a chemical substance in food that is necessary for good health eg.Try to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.volume noun a book that is part of a set, or one into which a very long book is divided eg.The period from 1940-45 is in Volume 9.volunteer noun someone who does a job willingly without being paid eg.Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.wait verb to stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc eg.Hurry up!Everyone's waiting.waiter noun a man who serves food and drink at the tables in a restaurant wake up to stop sleeping, or to make someone stop sleeping eg.James usually wakes up early.walk verb to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other eg.-How did you get here?-We walked.wash noun & verb an act of cleaning something using soap and water to clean something using water and a type of soap eg.Those jeans need a good wash(=a thorough wash).This shirt needs washing.water sports sports that are done on or in water, for example sailing and waterskiing waterfall noun a place where water from a river or stream falls down over a cliff or rock weak adjective not physically strong eg.The illness left her feeling weak.wear verb to have something such as clothes, shoes, or jewelry on your body eg.Susanna was wearing a black silk dress.weather noun the temperature and other conditions such as sun, rain, and wind eg.The weather turned bitterly cold.weatherman noun a man on television or radio who tells you what the weather will be like Wednesday noun the day between Tuesday and Thursday eg.The sale starts on Wednesday.week noun a period of seven days and nights, usually measured in Britain from Monday to Sunday and in the US from Sunday to Saturday eg.Letters were delivered twice a week only.weekend noun Saturday and Sunday, especially considered as time when you do not work eg.Are you doing anything nice this weekend? well adjective & adverb healthy in a successful or satisfactory way eg.I don't feel very well.Did you sleep well? wet adjective covered in or full of water or another liquid eg.I've washed your shirt but it's still wet.watermelon noun a large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and black seeds whale noun a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish, but is actually a mammal wheel noun one of the round things under a car, bus, bicycle etc that turns when it moves eg.The car slid sideways, its rear wheels spinning.when adverb & conj.& int.at what time eg.When are we leaving? which pron.used to ask or talk about one or more members of a group of people or things, when you are uncertain about it or about them
eg.Which book are you looking for? who pron.used to ask or talk about which person is involved, or what the name of a person is eg.Who locked the door? why int.used when you are surprised or have suddenly realized something eg.Why, look who's here!win verb to be the best or most successful in a competition, game, election etc eg.Who do you think will win the next election? wind noun moving air, especially when it moves strongly or quickly in a current eg.The wind blew from the northeast.windy adjective if it is windy, there is a lot of wind eg.It's too windy for a picnic.winner noun a person or animal that has won something eg.the winner of the Ladies' Championship wood noun the material that trees are made of eg.Put some more wood on the fire.wind noun musical instruments made of wood or metal that you play by blowing and that usually have finger holes or keys wool noun the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body work noun & verb a job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money if a machine or piece of equipment works, it does what it is supposed to do eg.There isn't a lot of work at this time of the year.You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly.world noun the planet we live on, and all the people, cities, and countries on it worse adjective & adverb more unpleasant, bad, or severe in a more severe or serious way than before eg.The violence was worse than we expected.By lunch time it was raining worse than ever.worst adjective worse than anything or anyone else eg.This is the worst recession for fifty years.would verb used to say what someone intended to do or expected to happen eg.They said they would meet us at 10:30 at the station.wrap verb
to put paper or cloth over something to cover it eg.The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.wrong adjective not correct, and not based on true facts eg.Your calculations must be wrong.worried adjective unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem, or about something bad that might happen eg.You look worried.What's the matter? yesterday noun the day before today eg.yesterday's meeting
boss noun the person who employs you or who is in charge of you at work eg.I'll have to ask my boss for a day off.certainly adverb without any doubt eg.I certainly never expected to become a writer.choice noun if you have a choice, you can choose between several things eg.Voters have a choice between three main political parties.church noun a building where Christians go to worship eg.a short church service fresh adjective fresh food has recently been picked or prepared, and is not frozen or preserved eg.The beans are fresh from the garden.handwriting noun the style of someone's writing eg.I recognised her handwriting on the envelope.housework noun work that you do to take care of a house, for example washing, cleaning etc eg.I spent all morning doing the housework.mild adjective fairly warm eg.We had an exceptionally mild winter last year.pure adjective a pure substance or material is not mixed with anything else eg.pure wool blankets spend verb to use your money to pay for goods or services or to use time doing a particular thing or pass time in a particular place eg.I want to spend more time with my family.suddenly adverb
quickly and unexpectedly eg.I suddenly realized that there was someone following me.tobacco noun the dried brown leaves that are smoked in cigarettes, pipes etc tongue noun the soft part inside your mouth that you can move about and use for eating and speaking eg.Joe ran his tongue over his dry lips.tomato noun a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable truth noun the true facts about something, rather than what is untrue, imagined, or guessed eg.She'd come to find out the truth about her family.warm adjective slightly hot, especially in a pleasant way eg.The house was lovely and warm.way noun a method that you use to do or achieve something eg.There are several different ways we can tackle this problem.小学C组
according adverb according to as shown by something or stated by someone eg.According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument.actor noun someone who performs in a play or film eg.He has starred with many leading actors.address noun The details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etc adult noun a fully-grown person, or one who is considered to be legally responsible for their actions eg.Some children find it difficult to talk to adults.adventure noun an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen eg.a great adventure after prep.& conjunction later than something;following something in time eg.We'll leave after lunch.ago adverb used to show how far back in the past something happened eg.Her husband died 14 years ago.air noun the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe
eg.You need to put some air in the tyres.airport noun a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in eg.The plane landed at Heathrow Airport.also adverb in addition to something else that you have mentioned eg.Information is also available on women's health care.America noun A name commonly used for the US.ancient adjective belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago eg.the ancient civilizations of Asia animated adjective a film or programme that shows pictures, clay models etc that seem to be really moving eg.an animated Disney film answer noun something you say when you reply to a question that someone has asked you eg.You don't have to give them an answer now.April noun the fourth month of the year, between March and May eg.I'm going to Cuba next April.arrive verb to get to the place you are going to eg.Give me a call to let me know you've arrived safely.art noun the use of painting, drawing etc, to represent things or express ideas eg.an example of Indian art article noun a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine eg.an article on environmental issues artist noun someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings eg.an exhibition of paintings by local artists ashamed adjective feeling embarrassed and guilty because of something you have done eg.I felt ashamed of the things I'd said to him.August noun the eighth month of the year, between July and September eg.I was there last August.autumn noun the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler eg.autumn mists away adverb used to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays some distance from a place or person eg.Stay away from the fire.
PartII.Multiple Choice(10marks)Choose the best answer for each blank.Write your answers on the answer sheet.Section A Vocabulary and Grammar(7marks)16.He must have done his home work yesterday,_____ he?
D.mustn’t 17.Would you attend my ____ party?
18.______ it not rained so heavily, we would have visited the Summer Palace yesterday.A.Did
D.If 19.I can’t ___ any difference between these two pictures.A.decisive
D.precise 20.___ at the station, he found a crowd of people _____ there.A.Arrived;waited
D.Arriving;waiting 21.From the top of the building, we can see the bridge ___construction.A.by
D.below 22.Her first born is not the only one in her family who is good at handwriting;in fact, all her children ___ calligraphy.A.are fond of
B.are tired of
C.excel at
D.go in for Section B General Knowledge(3marks)23.Edinburgh is a city located___.A.in Wales
B.in Scotland
C.in England
D.in Northern Ireland 24.The author of Wuthering Heights is ___.A.Emily Bronte
B.Herman Melville
D.Stendhal 24.Valentine’s Day originated from____.A.Paris
D.Rome Part III.Cloze(10marks)Choose the appropriate form of the words given in the box below to complete the passage.There are two extra words that you do not need.Write your answer on the answer sheet.with, govern, mistake, facilitate, achieve, analyze, content, effect, on, discourse, explain, error
Grammar does operate at the sentence level and governs the syntax or word orders that are permissible in the language.It also works at the subsentence level 26_____ such things as number and person agreement between subject and verb in a sentence.However, grammar rules also apply at the suprasentential or 27___ level.For example, not every choice between the use of the past and the present perfect tense can be 28_____ at the sentence level.Often, the speaker’s choice to use one or the other can only be understood by examining the discourse context.Similarly, the use of the definite article 29___ a particular noun phrase after the noun phrase has been introduced in a text is a discourse-governed phenomenon.It would be a 30_____ to teach students grammar only at the sentence and subsentence levels.Much of the apparent arbitrariness of grammar disappears when it is viewed from a discourse-level perspective.While grammar can be thought of as static knowledge, it can also be considered a process.Language teachers would not be 31____ if their student could recite all the rules of grammar but not be able to apply them.The goal is for students to be able to use grammar in an unselfconscious fashion to achieve their communicative ends.As with any skill, 32_____ this goal takes practice.What sort of practice is warranted? Ellis(1993)postulates that structural syllabi work better to 33______ intake than to teach learners to produce grammatical items correctly.He suggests that grammar teaching should focus on consciousness raising rather than 34_____ the practice of accurate production.In support of this assertion is Van Patten and Cardierno’s(1993)finding that students’ experience with processing input data is more 35___ than giving students a grammatical explanation followed by output practice.16-20ABBBD 21-25CCBAD 26 governs 27 discourse 28 explained 29 with 30 mistake 31 content 32 achieving 33 facilitate 34 on 35 effecdtive
Part one
1.欢迎光临我们酒店。(Welcome to our hotel.)
2.先生,请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。(Let me introduce the room to you, sir.)
3.在房间上网是免费的。(We offer free internet service in the room.)
4.先生,这是您的房间钥匙。(Here is your room card, sir.)
5.祝您在我们饭店过得愉快。(I hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel.)
6.对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me, do you have any laundry?)
7.我们随时为您服务。(We are always at your service.)
8.请问1628号房间在哪?(Excuse me, where is room 1628, please?)
9.请问您的衣服要怎么洗?(How would you like your laundry cleaned?)
10.请问您房号是多少?(May I have your room number, please?)
11.我带您去您的房间。(I will show you to your room.)
12.房间里有小冰箱。(There is a mini-bar in the room.)
13.我现在可以打扫您的房间吗?(May I make up your room now?)
14.酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。(The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.)
15.抱歉,单人间已经全部订满了。(I’m sorry, our single rooms are fully booked.)
16.离开房间时请记得带钥匙。(Please take the key card with you when you leave the room.)
17.对不起,现在不行,我这儿有个客人。(Sorry, not now.I have a guest here.)
18.先生,您什么时候比较方便?(What time would be convenient, sir?)
19.您希望我什么时候过来打扫房间?(When would you like me to clean your room?)
20.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。(I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water.)
21.你替我要1辆出租车好吗?(Could you get a taxi for me, please?)
22.您希望什么时候把衣服给您送回来?(When would you like your laundry back?)
23.请让我看一下您的住房卡好吗?(Can you show me your room card, please?)
24.我来取您要洗的衣服。(I’m here to collect your laundry.)
25.我可以借用一下走廊里放着的那张床吗?(Can I use the bed in the corridor?)
26.我想多要1床毛毯和2只枕头可以吗?(Can I have one more blanket and two more pillows?)
27.我来帮您拿行李吧。(Let me help you with your luggage.)
28.卫生间的香皂用完了,请再给我添一块新的,好吗?(The soap in the toilet has been used up.Will you please give me a new one?)
29.很抱歉让您久等了。(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)
30.这是2139房间。请送一个电熨斗。(This is room 2139.Can you send me an iron, please?)
31.您一共有几件行李?(How many pieces of luggage do you have?)
32.请您填写洗衣单,好吗?(Could you fill in the laundry form, please?)
33.对不起,都快中午了,我的房间还没打扫。(Excuse me, it’s almost noon.My room hasn’t been made up yet.)
34.请问您喜欢什么样的房间?(What kind of room would you like?)
35.水龙头整晚都在漏水。(The tap is leaking all night long.)
36.3206房间的电视机坏了,请派人来修理一下。(The TV in room 3206 isn’t working.Please send someone to fix it.)
37.房间面山,十分安静。(The room is facing the mountain.It’s very quiet.)
38.我想用信用卡结账。(I’d like to pay my bill by credit card.)
39.史密斯先生不在房间,您需要留言吗?(I’m afraid Mr.Smith is not in the room now.Would you like to leave a message?)
40.您最后一次是什么时间,在什么地方看见它的?(When and where did you last see it?)
1.Housekeeping, may I come in?(我是客房服务员,请问可以进来吗?)
2.Your room number is 3611.Let me show you up there.(您的房号是3611。我带您过去。)
3.Have you got a booking, madam?(女士,请问您有预订吗?)
4.The room is at the end of this corridor.(房间在走廊的尽头。)
5.The air-conditioner doesn’t work.(空调坏了。)
6.This is a room with the sea view.(这个房间是海景房。)
7.How do you like this room?(您觉得这个房间怎么样?)
8.When can I have my laundry back?(我什么时候能取回送洗的衣服?)
9.Here’s your room.May I put your luggage here?(这是您的房间。我把您的行李放这里好吗?)
10.You’ve got three pieces of luggage.Is that right, sir?(先生,您一共有三件行李,是吗?)
11.We'll dry-clean the dress.(我们将干洗这条裙子。)
12.Is there a tag attached to the luggage?(行李上面有标签吗?)
13.There’s a 10% discount for a double room.(大床间可以打九折。)
14.I’ll send them up to your room, just one moment.(我马上把东西送到您的房间,请稍等。)
15.What time will you arrive, sir?(先生,请问您几点到达?)
16.We look forward to seeing you.(我们期待您的光临。)
17.What’s the rate for a single room?(单人房的房价是多少?)
18.I’m very sorry, sir.The hotel is fully booked.(先生,很抱歉,酒店的房间已经预订满了。)
19.Please deposit your money, jewelry and other valuables in the hotel safe.(请将您的现金、珠宝和其他贵重物品寄存在酒店的保险箱内。)
20.Certainly, sir.I’ll clean up your room earlier tomorrow.(好的,先生。我明天早点打扫您的房间。)
21.You can make long distance calls from your room.(您可以在房间里打长途电话。)
22.I’m sorry, sir.I’m going to your room as soon as I finish this one.(对不起,先生,我一打扫完这个房间就去您的房间。)
23.If you have any requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.(如果您有问题,请随时找我们。)
24.Good evening.May I do the turn-down service for you now?(晚上好,现在可以为您开夜床吗?)
25.I’d like to have an extra blanket and one more glass.(我想多要一张毯子和一个玻璃杯。)
26.Please fill in the laundry list and put it with your laundry.(请填好洗衣单,并把它跟要洗的衣服放在一起。)
27.The business hours are from 9:00 a.m.to 10 p.m..(营业时间从上午九点到晚上十点。)
28.Do you prefer laundry returned on the same day or by express service?(您的衣服是要当日取还是快洗服务?)
29.Could you tell me some features of your suitcase?(您能描述一下皮箱的特征吗?)
30.We’re very sorry for the delay, sir.Your luggage was wrongly delivered to Room 608.(很抱歉行李送晚了,您的行李被误送到608房间了。)
31.We apologize to you for having troubled you so much.(很抱歉给您添了这么多麻烦。)
32.There is a socket beside the desk.(书桌旁有插座。)
33.I assure you it will never happen again.(我向您保证这类事情以后不会再发生了。)
34.I’m afraid all hair dryers have been sent out.(恐怕我们的吹风筒都被借走了。)
35.There is a Hotel Directory in the desk drawer.(桌子抽屉里有酒店服务指南。)
36.For baby-sitting service, the charge is 50 Yuan per hour.(托儿服务每小时收费50元。)
37.How would you like to make payment, by credit card or in cash?(请问您要怎么付款,刷卡还是付现金?)
38.I’m afraid we have no record of your reservation.(恐怕我们没有您的预订记录。)
39.Please call the Front Desk when you want your room done.(当您需要清理房间时,请给前台打电话。)
40.Pets are not allowed in the hotel.(酒店内是禁止养宠物的。)
Part two
1.What will you say if a guest comes to say that he can’t find his watch?
(I’m sorry to hear that.When and where did you last see it? / Can you tell me some features of your watch?)
2.You are going to clean the room for the guest, but he tells you that it is not convenient for him now, what will you say?
(I’ll say: That’s all right.I will be back later.What time would be convenient, sir?)
3.What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer but it’s 110 volts ?
(I will lend her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.)
4.You are going to make the turn-down service for the guest, but he is working, what will you do?
(I will ask the guest if I can do it now.If not, I will ask him when it will be convenient for him.)
5.If the guest calls to complain that his room is too cold, what will you do?
(I will tell him that there is a blanket in the closet, or I will send him an extra one.)
6.If the guests want to take part in a party, but they are worried about their babies, what will you say?
(Maybe you can try the baby-sitting service in our hotel.The charge is 80 Yuan per hour.)
7.What will you say if a guest wants to have an extra pillow?
(Certainly, sir / madam.I’ll bring it to you right away.May I have your room number, please?)
8.If a guest calls to complain that the bulb in his room is broken, what will you do?(I will apologize to him and tell him that the electrician will come soon.)
9.What will you do if the guest wants to surf the internet in the hotel?
(I will tell the guest that the hotel offers free internet service in the room, and there is an internet café in the hotel as well.)
10.How will you introduce your guestroom to the guest?
(I will introduce the equipment, the views, the services in the hotel and so on to the guest.)
11.When a guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what will you say?
(Certainly, sir / madam.I will pick up your laundry soon.May I have your room number, please?)
12.When you delivered the laundry to the wrong guest, how will you apologize to the guest?(We are very sorry for the delay.I’m sure this will not happen again.)
13.When a guest asks about the express laundry service, what will you say?
(For express service, you may get your laundry back in 4 hours.But there is a 50% extra charge.)
14.What do you need to check when you come to collect the guest’s laundry?
(I will check how many pieces of laundry there are and see if the guest has filled in the laundry list.)
15.What will you say if a guest without a reservation wants to check in at the Front Office?
(Just a moment, please.Let me check if there are rooms available.)
16.What will you say when the guest has finished checking-in?
(Here is your room key and a bellboy will show you to your room.I Hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel.)
17.If a guest calls to say that his toilet is clogged, what will you say?
(I’m terribly sorry to hear that.May I have your room number?We’ll check it right away.)
18.The TV in the guest’s room doesn’t work.The electrician has been working on it for a while.But the guest is getting impatient.What will you say to calm him down?
(I’m sorry, sir.I’m afraid it takes time to fix.Would you like to change the room?)
19.When a visitor calls to talk to a guest, but the guest is not in his room now, what will you say?
(I’m afraid he is not in the room now.Would you like to leave a message?)
20.What will you tell the guest if he wants to make an international call in his room?(I’ll tell him that he can dial 9 first and then the country code, area code and the phone number.)