
时间:2019-05-15 05:51:35下载本文作者:会员上传






6.chocolate7.hobby8.Music9.meal10.cinema 词组:1.a box of2.make the bed3.get up

4.go to bed5.no fishing


1.Can I help you?2.Here you are.3.Which one do you want?4.Can I have a puppy?

5.Can I borrow a pencil, please?


——Do you want some rice, Peter?

——Yes, please.Thank you, Mrs Chen.——Do you want some soup, Anne?

——Yes, please, Mrs Chen.——Do you want some soup, Dongdong?

——No, Mummy.I want some more vegetables, please.——Here you are.——Thank you very much, Mom.五.听老师提问,请你根据实际情况回答(20分)

1.What animal do you like? Do you have a puppy?2.Do you have any hobbies? What do you like?3.What time do you get up?4.What does that sign mean?5.Are you happy today?








C.that D.there()2.A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that’s()3.A.vase



D.father()4.A.puppy B.brush C.music D.puzzle()5.A.show

B.flower C.brown D.down()6.A.red






D.milk()8.A.home B.go




1.I ______ a new coat.My brother ________ a new pet.(have)2.There are some ___________ on the table.(glass)3.Do you have ___________ story book?(some)4.He’s ______________ the windows and doors.(clean)5.Anne and I don’t like _______________.(swim)6.Look!Miss Gao has some tins of _____________.(fish)7.The ___________ are at the parkt.(child)

8.They are in the big tree.Let’s go and help _________.(they)

三、翻译下列词组。(10分)1.喜欢看书____________________ 2.玩电脑游戏__________________ 3.请勿钓鱼______________________ 4.上一节音乐课________________ 5.七点半________________ 6.弹钢琴______________________ 7.在海边____________________ 8.整理床铺 __________________ 9.一块蛋糕____________________ 10.长发_______________________


()1.—You have a nice coat.--________.A.Yes, it’s nice.B.Thank you.C.OK.D.You’re right.()2.--_______ he like music?

--Yes,he _________.A.Do;do B.Does;do C.Does;does D.Do;does

()3.—How much are these things?--_____________.A.Forty—five yuan B.Yes,they are.C.Here you are.D.No , they aren’t.()4.—Where’s Anne?

--She __________ under the tree.A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has()5.Let’s buy some cards ______ our friends.A.for B.to C.of D.at()6.--_____ in your box?

--Some apples.A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s D.Which is()7.I have some ______ in the bottle.A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears()8.—What’s your mother ?

--She’s __________.A.tall B.forty C.a driver D.fat()9.—What shape is the box?

--It’s ____________.A.a heart B.yours C.red D.nice

()10._______ any newspapers in the reading room?

A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are




__________ _______you _________, Peter? I can ____________.2.我父母星期天不上班。

My ________ _________ work ________ ________.3.你家附近有什么?


__________ _________ your ____________?

__________ ________many ____________ and a school.4.谁有尺子?


Who _______ a __________? I _________ one.5.体育活动房在一楼。

The ________ hall is on the __________ __________.6.明天你有空吗?

_______ you __________ ________?



__________ ________ you like? I like _______________.六、七、阅读理解。(10分)

Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子), Mrs Brown.From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house.He is free on Saturdays and Sundays.He has a nice garden beside his house.He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays.The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much.She often helps Mr Brown.()1.Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.A.a city B.a small town C.a big town

()2.He works_________ days a week in his office.A.four B.five C.six

()3.He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.A.free B.busy C.happy

()4.He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.A.working in his garden B.walking in his gardon C.looking at his garden

()5.Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.A.like B.doesn’t like C.often helps



一、My new teacher 我的新老师

My new teacher I have a new teacher.She is Miss Wang.She teaches us English.She is about 30 years old.She is tall.She has long hair and big eyes.She can sing very well.She often sings English songs in her class.Miss Wang is very kind to us.We all love her.我有一个新老师。她是王老师。她教我们英语。她大约35岁。她长得高。她有长发和大眼睛。她能唱得很好。她经常在课上唱英文歌。王老师对我们很和蔼。我们都喜欢她。

二、My day我的一天

My day Hello, I am Anne.I get up at 6:00a.m.every day.I have breakfast at 6:30.Then I go to school at 7:00.I have English lesson at 8:30a.m..I have lunch at 11:00.I have my computer lesson at 2:00p.m..I go home at 5:00p.m.Then I do my homework.I have dinner at 7:30.p.m.I go to bed at 9:00p.m.I have a good time today.大家好,我是安妮。我每天早上六点起床。我在六点半吃早餐。然后我7点去学校。我八点半上英语课。我11点吃午餐。我两点有电脑课。我在下午五点回家。然后我做作业。


三、My hobby 我的爱好

My hobby I like English very much.I read English every morning and write a diary after school.I often listen to the radio to study English.I often listen to English songs, too.Do you like English? 我非常喜欢英语。我每天早晨读英语,放学后写日记。我经常听广播学习英语。我也经常听英文歌曲。你喜欢英语吗?

四、手工课上明明发现他自己忘记带剪刀(scissors)和胶水(glue)了。于是他向玲玲借剪刀和胶水。发挥你的想象力,写一篇小对话。要求:条理清楚,语句连贯,不得少于5句话。Mingming: Excuse me.Lingling: Yes? Mingming:.Can I use your glue, please? Lingling: Yes, here you are.Mingming: Can I use your scissors, please? Lingling: Yes.Mingming: Thank you.Lingling: You’re welcome.Mingming, where are your things? Mingming: They are in my schoolbag.Lingling: Where is your schoolbag? Mingming: At home.








Drawing a picture

have English class

eat dinner






警察 on the roof

above the chimney

behind the tree in front of







post office





railway station







邮局 first















第五 be careful


rubbish bin


a cup of


shopping centre







help帮助()play the piano 爬山()get up 睡觉()fly kites 睡觉()look for 寻找()

lamp 帐篷()

on top of 在…上面()January 二月()August 八月()birthday 生日()September 十月()Children’s day儿童节()second第三()then 那么()send 她的()draw pictures 讲话()each other 对不起()

mine 我()fly 飞()matter事情()hit 打()zoo公园()park 动物园()July 六月()June 七月()

fifth 第五()

eighth第六()play the piano弹钢琴()

where什么时候()his 她的()ours 我的()theirs 他们的()March三月()

when 什么时候()Oct.九月()third 第二()


on foot: A、去远足

camp: A、灯

subway: A、地铁

television: A、电视





等待:A、wait for

where: A、什么地方

四月 :A、Oct.顶部:A、top




B、on top of National Day:A、国庆节look for: A、寻找 dirty:A、脏的cafe : A、咖啡店



B、坏的 B、咖啡 爬山:A、play the piano 周末:A、rain

中午:A、often 跳:A、jump

B、climb mountains



B、walk February: A、二月

September: A、十月 uncle: A、叔叔 write a letter:A、做饭







A.Goodbye, Mum and Dad.B.Good night, Mum and Dad.()2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问: A.What’s this?

B.Can you spell it?()3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:

A.Clean the classroom, please.B.Clean the chair, please.()4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说: A.Have a seat.B.How are you?

()5.想证实这是否是对方的猫,你问: A.Is this your cat?

B.What’s this?


Ⅱ()1.Nice to meet you.A.I’m sorry.()2.Don’t put your feet on the seat.B.It’s brown.()3.Is there a bus on the road?

C.No, it isn’t.()4.Is this your toy car?

D.Nice to meet you, too.()5.What colour is your bag?

E.No, there isn’t.Ⅰ

()1.Whose drawing is this?

A.Thank you.()2.What does she have in her hand?

B.She is looking for a sign.()3.Sit down, please.C.I was at home.()4.What is she looking for?

D.It’s Anne’s drawing.()5.Where were you?

E.She has a bag in her hand.七、情景交际

1.你想了解对方什么时候睡觉,你应该说:()A.What do you get up ?

B.When do you get up?

2.你想知道今天是星期几,你可以问:()A.What time is it ?

B.What day is it today?

3.你想知道同学中谁的生日在二月,你会问()A When is your birthday?

B What time is your birthday?


B.Excuse me.5.你是电视台记者,在采访姚明前,你应说:()A.How old are you ?

B.Are you Yao Ming? 6.你想邀请朋友和你一起去远足,你应该说:()A.Do you go hiking?

B.Yes, let’s go.7.你想了解对方周末做什么,你应说:()A.What day is it today?

B.What do you have on the weekend? 8.你想问今天的天气如何,你应说:()

A.What time is it now?

B.What day is it today?

C.What’s the weather like today?

9.你想了解对方是干什么的,你可以说:()A.Who are you ?

B.What do you do ?

10.别人对你表示感谢,你可以这样回答:()A.You’re welcome.B.Don’t thank me.11.你想问同学今天上什么课,你可以说:()

A.What do you do today?

B.What do you have today? 12.你想了解别人最喜欢那个季节,你应说:()A.What do you like ? B.What ‘s your favourite season?

13.Mike 问起你的身体状况,他可以这样问:()A.Good morning.B.How are you ?

14.你想告诉对方该走了。你应说:()A.It’s time to go.B.What time do you go ? 15.你想问一下现在几点,你可以说:()

A.What day is it today?

B.What’s the time now?

16.如果你是售货员,顾客来到你的店,你应说:()A.Can I help you?

B.Can you help me?

17.同学祝你儿童节快乐,你可以这样回答:()A.Happy Children’s Day.B.Happy New Year.18.你想知道别人的生日是不是在三月,你应说:()

A.Is your birthday in March?

B.When is your birthday


A.What’s the date today?

B.What day is it today?


A.Happy Mother’s Day!

B.Happy Women’s Day!21.描述秋天的天气,你应说:()

A.It’s windy and cold in fall.B.It's windy and cool in fall

22.朋友建议和你一起做生日卡片,你同意了,你可以说:()A.Good idea.B.You’re welcome.


2014年五上英语Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please(湘少版)

Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please? Period 1



1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词borrow,use,Englishbook,Chinese book, dictionary,marker,eraser,glue.2、句型:Can I use your pencil?Yes.Here you are.Thankyou.You are welcome.(二)应用目标

1、运用句型“Can I use your „?”表达个人的需求,并能礼貌地回应。



1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词borrow,use , English book,Chinese book, dictionary,marker,eraser,glue.能运用句型“Can I borrow/use your pencil,please?””Yes,here you are.”

“Thank you.” “You are welcome.”





Step 1 Warming up


2、Game: Show me your things Let’s play a game: Show me your things.Please show the things as soon as possible.Read aloud while you show the things.T: Where is your English book? S: Here it is.This is my English book.T: Where is your pencil? S: Here it is.This is my pencil.T: Where is your eraser? „„

要求学生边读边展示物品。还可以发出以下指令:寻找schoolbag,sharpener,glue,pencil-box,pen,exercise book等。这个游戏旨在以旧带新,复习以前学过的一些文具类单词。Step 2 Presentation

1、New Words(1)Listen to the tape of Part B and repeat.有些词以前接触过,要鼓励学生听清楚,发准音。(2)运用“直观教学法”教授新词,让学生在真实的情境中习得语言。

T:Today,we are going to learn Unit 4.Open your books.Oh, I am sorry,I forgot to bring my English book here.Excuse me ,Can I use your English book,please?(板书或贴图:English book)S: Yes.Here you are.T: Thank you.S: You are welcome.T: I don’t know the word.Who has a dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? S: Here you are.T: Thank you.S: You are welcome.以同样的方法教授Chinese book,marker,eraser,glue.(3)出示单词卡片。先看图说单词,然后过渡到看单词想图画。(4)听音,标号。

2、Dialogue(1)Listen to the tape of Part B and repeat.Answer the question Where are Peter’s pencil,ruler,andEnglis book?

(2)Read in roles.角色扮演训学生进一步熟悉对话。Step 3 Home work




Period 2



1、词汇:能听说读写新单词borrow,use,Englishbook,Chinesebook,dictionary,marker,eraser,glue.2、句型:能基本运用“Can I borrow/use your pencil,please?”“Yes,here you are.”“Thank you.”“You are welcome.”(二)应用目标

1、运用句型“Can I „?”表达个人的需求,并能礼貌地回应。




1、重点:运用句型“Can I „?”表达个人的需求,并能礼貌地回应。在阅读中,能给相应的图片标上序号。





Step 1 Warming up Greetings Step 2 Presentation 1.教师出示黑板刷、尺子、书本、铅笔等实物,让学生用“Can I „”回应教师的要求。T:Clean the blackboard,please.S: Can I use a brush? T: Yes.Here you are.S:Thank you.„

除了教师向学生发出指令外,学生之间也可以进行对话。2.Work in pairs.在小组内操练对话。3.Show time.小组上台展示。Step 3 Let’s read 1.Pre-reading 观看课文图片,提问:(1)What is he making?(2)What does he neek(需要)? 2.While-reading(1)Read the drill cards 将6个句子分别做成6张句卡。每出示一个句子,请一名学生来读,然后表演出来。(2)Read by yourselves and number the pictures.(3)Check the answers.Step 4 Homework 1.背诵A部分。(优生)2.熟读B部分单词。(学困生)3.默写单词。(全班)

Period 3




2、句型:能基本运用“Can I...”句型及相关的礼貌用语。


1、熟练运用句型“Can I...”及相关的礼貌用语,完成E部分的填空形式的写作。

2、能在生活情境中运用“Can I...?”解决问题。


1、重点:熟练运用句型“Can I...”及相关的礼貌用语,完成E部分的填空形式的写作。




四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up Game: Find the ruler 请两名学生离开教室,大家把尺藏起来。这两名学生返回教室后,用句型提问来借尺。看谁先借到,谁就是胜利者。Step 2 Consolidation Make sentences.Make sentences with “borrow,use ,English book,Chinesebook,dictionary,marker,eraser,glue”.依次出示上面的词,让学生进行造句比赛。T:Make a sentence with”borrow”.S: I want to borrow an umbrella.T: Can I borrow a pen,please?...Step 3 Presentation

1、板书对话模板 wants to

Can I use

? Can I use

? It’s a nice

.2、Let’s write 给出2-3分钟让学生自由写,然后给学生以展示的舞台,让他们读出自己写的对话。Step 4 Let’s read

1.将即将连线的每个句子做成句卡。Can I use your pen,please? Can I use your scarf,please? Can I look at your picture,please? 2.Look and act 每出示一个句子就粘贴在黑板上,学生简单地利用道具或比划表演出来。3.Match the sentences to the pictures 让学生独立完成。Step 5 Homework 1.做练习册上的练习。(全班)2.背诵A部分,默写B部分单词。(优生)3.熟读B部分单词和本课重点句型。(学困生)

文章来源莲 山课件 w ww.5Y k J.c oM 相关教案: 没有相关教案


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法; 2.培养学生的阅读能力。


教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.自由对话。

T: What’s the date today? Ss: …

T:(出示春联)What’s this ? Ss: 春联.T: When do you put this on your door? Ss: We often put them on the door before “chunjie”

T: Spring Festival is “chunjie”.Today we’ll learn something about the Spring Festival.板书课题.Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.T: The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.It is the same as Christmas in America.Do you like the Spring Festival? Ss: Yes.T: But why? Who can tell me some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival?


T: You are very clever.But do you know how to say these in English? 通过实物或单词卡片呈现新单词和短语 a family dinner, exchange red packets ,burn firecrackers, lion dance, dragon dance.板书单词并带读。2.让学生快速阅读课文A部分,了解文章大意。

T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival.Now please read the text to find out how the Li’s family celebrate the Spring Festival.Step 3 Practice

1.听课文A部分录音,回答问题。What is the Li’s family doing? 2.再次阅读课文,讨论并完成以下问题。What is the Li’s family shopping for? What does Mingming enjoy doing? Who will come to Mingming’s house on the eve of the Spring Festival? Who enjoy the Festival most? Why? What do children receive? What do they do during the day? Step 4 Consolidation 1.两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun)复述课文。选几位同学分别表演调皮学生和老师,表演课文A部分。要求表演夸张,幽默,不出声。另选一位学生为他们的表演配音。2.评价。3.练习。4.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Two 教学目标




教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.自由会话。出示一张母亲节日历卡片。

T: What day is today?S: It’s Sunday.T: Yes, and today is Mother’s Day.用同样的方式介绍中国的春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节以及西方的圣诞节、感恩节和万圣节等节日。

Step 2 Presentation and drill.1.T:The night on December 24th is called the Christmas Eve, then how do we call 年三十? 帮助学生回答:Eve of Spring Festival.然后出示单词卡片eve of Spring Festival ,鼓励学生自由联想并大胆说出与春节除夕有关的一切事物,用中英文说出均可(red packets, a family reunion dinner, burn firecrackers, cleaning, 吃饺子,贴对联,拜年等)培养学生的发散性思维。想象力丰富且知识面广的学生可获奖励。2.听课文C部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practice.1.两人一组,练习课文C部分对话。游戏——Super little hero(超级小英雄)将学生分成两大组进行比赛。首先各组派出代表回答必答题;然后进行抢答。抢到的问题可以自己回答也可以把问题留给对方回答。答对了加分,答错减分。积分多的为超级小英雄。所问问题可以是有关东方节日的也可以是有关西方节日的。Why do people exchange oranges? Who give the children red packets? What other customs does Lingling have? What customs do American people following during the Christmas? 2.学生互相交换搜集的资料,并将有趣的信息讲述给大家听。培养学生的研究性学习的能力。Step 4 Consolidation 1.创设情景,自由会话。情景:过年。(让学生自由讨论自己家过年的情形。)

S: Before the Spring Festival, my family is always … 3.评价。4.练习。5.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Three 教学目标




教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。

2.演唱英语歌曲Happy new year!Step 2 Presentation and drill 课文D部分

T: Now Spring Festival is coming.Many people buy flowers and put them in their homes.Please read Part D and tell me: What do people say when they meet? What can children get from their parents, uncles and aunties? 让学生快速阅读课文然后回答问题。Step 3 Practice 1.听课文D部分录音,跟读。然后完成笔头练习。2.学习课文F部分英语歌谣。Step 4 Consolidation 全班一起举行一个小型的新年晚会。教师首先放音乐Happy New Year!,让学生感受节日的气氛。然后,由学生们一起诵读课文F部分英语歌谣.T: The Spring Festival is coming.Let’s spend the time together and share the happiness.S1: The Spring Festival is here, everybody is happy.Let’s sing and dance.2.创设情景,自由会话。情景:过年。让学生们自由组合,组成家。各家讨论如何欢度即将到来的春节。然后挑选其中一家,将他们过年的情形表演出来。3.评价。文章来

源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm 相关教案: 没有相关教案

•上一篇教案: 2014年五年级英语上册Unit 11 I am sorry(湘少版)

•下一篇教案: 2014年五上英语Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please(湘少版)


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 11

I am sorry.Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)1, Knowledge aim

Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.2, Ability aim

Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expressing feelings.Let the students can make communication with each other.3, Moral aim

We must attend the class seriously.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点)New words Expressions and sentences 教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1, Revision 1.Greetings, Good morning/afternoon everyone/ how are you/Who is on duty today? 2.Go over lesson 11.Step 2.Presetation 1.Turn on the computer and learn the words according to the pictures: feel sorry happy 2.Learn the sentences according to the words and pictures of part A.3.Watching TV.Step3.Drills 1.Follow the tape.2.Read after the teacher.3.Read out the words and sentences according to the computer 4.Check up the result.5.Make a role-play under the teacher’s directions.Step4.Exercise 1.Remember the words.2.read Part A after class and practice the role-play.动态修改


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 11

I am sorry.Period Two 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)1, Knowledge aim

Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.2, Ability aim

Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expressing feelings.Let the students can make communication with each other.3, Moral aim

We must attend the class seriously.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点)New words Expressions and sentences 教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step1.Greetings.Revision T: Class begins

S: Stand up.Good morning/afternoon teacher.T: Good morning/afternoon.Sit down please.S: Thank you!Revision Ask some Ss to make the role-play again to review the following: 1.Words: feel sorry angry happy 2.Sentences: I am sorry…

Lead students to the new knowledge.Step 2.Presentation.1.Learn Part B: Let us learn.2.Draw a table on the Bb.3.Ask student to use the knowledge they have learnt to finish the table.Step3 Drills 1.Read Part B after the teacher for twice.2.Precise by themselves.3.Ask students to make actions before the teacher’s desk.Step 4 Exercises 1.Ask parents: What they do every day after work.2.Try their best to recite A and B.动态修改


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 11

I am sorry.Period Three 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)1, Knowledge aim

Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.2, Ability aim

Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expressing feelings.Let the students can make communication with each other.3, Moral aim

We must attend the class seriously.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点)New words Expressions and sentences 教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step1

Learn Part D: Let us write Step2

Do the exercises and check the answers.Step3

Let’s have fun.Step4 Watch VCD.教学后记 文章来

源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm 相关教案: 没有相关教案

•上一篇教案: 2014五年级英语上册Unit 10 What does that sign mean(湘少版)•下一篇教案: 2014年五年级英语上册Unit 12 The Spring Festival(湘少版)


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period One 教学目标




教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.自由对话。

T: What’s the date today? Ss: …

T:(出示春联)What’s this ? Ss: 春联.T: When do you put this on your door? Ss: We often put them on the door before “chunjie”

T: Spring Festival is “chunjie”.Today we’ll learn something about the Spring Festival.板书课题.Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.T: The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.It is the same as Christmas in America.Do you like the Spring Festival? Ss: Yes.T: But why? Who can tell me some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival?


T: You are very clever.But do you know how to say these in English? 通过实物或单词卡片呈现新单词和短语 a family dinner, exchange red packets ,burn firecrackers, lion dance, dragon dance.板书单词并带读。2.让学生快速阅读课文A部分,了解文章大意。

T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival.Now please read the text to find out how the Li’s family celebrate the Spring Festival.Step 3 Practice

1.听课文A部分录音,回答问题。What is the Li’s family doing?

2.再次阅读课文,讨论并完成以下问题。What is the Li’s family shopping for? What does Mingming enjoy doing? Who will come to Mingming’s house on the eve of the Spring Festival? Who enjoy the Festival most? Why? What do children receive? What do they do during the day? Step 4 Consolidation 1.两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun)复述课文。




科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Two 教学目标




教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.自由会话。出示一张母亲节日历卡片。

T: What day is today?S: It’s Sunday.T: Yes, and today is Mother’s Day.用同样的方式介绍中国的春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节以及西方的圣诞节、感恩节和万圣节等节日。

Step 2 Presentation and drill.1.T:The night on December 24th is called the Christmas Eve, then how do we call 年三十? 帮助学生回答:Eve of Spring Festival.然后出示单词卡片eve of Spring Festival ,鼓励学生自由联想并大胆说出与春节除夕有关的一切事物,用中英文说出均可(red packets, a family reunion dinner, burn firecrackers, cleaning, 吃饺子,贴对联,拜年等)培养学生的发散性思维。想象力丰富且知识面广的学生可获奖励。2.听课文C部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practice.1.两人一组,练习课文C部分对话。游戏——Super little hero(超级小英雄)将学生分成两大组进行比赛。首先各组派出代表回答必答题;然后进行抢答。抢到的问题可以自己回答也可以把问题留给对方回答。答对了加分,答错减分。积分多的为超级小英雄。所问问题可以是有关东方节日的也可以是有关西方节日的。Why do people exchange oranges? Who give the children red packets? What other customs does Lingling have? What customs do American people following during the Christmas? 2.学生互相交换搜集的资料,并将有趣的信息讲述给大家听。培养学生的研究性学习的能力。Step 4 Consolidation 1.创设情景,自由会话。情景:过年。(让学生自由讨论自己家过年的情形。)

S: Before the Spring Festival, my family is always … 3.评价。4.练习。5.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Three 教学目标




教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。

2.演唱英语歌曲Happy new year!Step 2 Presentation and drill 课文D部分

T: Now Spring Festival is coming.Many people buy flowers and put them in their homes.Please read Part D and tell me: What do people say when they meet? What can children get from their parents, uncles and aunties? 让学生快速阅读课文然后回答问题。Step 3 Practice 1.听课文D部分录音,跟读。然后完成笔头练习。2.学习课文F部分英语歌谣。Step 4 Consolidation 全班一起举行一个小型的新年晚会。教师首先放音乐Happy New Year!,让学生感受节日的气氛。然后,由学生们一起诵读课文F部分英语歌谣.T: The Spring Festival is coming.Let’s spend the time together and share the happiness.S1: The Spring Festival is here, everybody is happy.Let’s sing and dance.2.创设情景,自由会话。


源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm

相关教案: 没有相关教案

•上一篇教案: 2014年五年级英语上册Unit 11 I am sorry(湘少版)

•下一篇教案: 2014年五上英语Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please(湘少版)


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 8.Lingling helps her parents.Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)Enable Ss to learn and say the dialogue in Part A.Enable Ss to learn to say these words: a sign, a cinema, No mobile phone, No talking, No fishing, Do not go in, No picking of flowers, No spitting.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点)Teaching focal points: Learn to read the phrases: cook a meal, iron clother, water plants, have a meal

Teaching difficult points: S can use the phrases make new sentences.教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step1.Greetings & warming up Step 2 Presentation Greetings:

T: Hello!Everyone!

Nice to see you!

New phrases.CAI: T: Look.Let’s talk about the pictures.Picture 1: She cooks a meal.Picture 2: He iron clothes.Picture 3: We have a meal.Picture 4: I water plants.Teach:.cook a meal, iron clothes, have a meal, water plants

Listen to the tape and point.T teach to read it.S spell it.Row by row read it.Step3.Practic

1.Listen to the tape.2.Listen and repeat.3.Pair work: read and read.4.Make new sentences.动态修改


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 8.Lingling helps her parents.Period Two 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)1.Review the phrases in Part B.2.Learn to read the new dialogue 3.Ss can act the dialogue.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点)1.Teaching focal points: Learn to read the new dialogue.2.Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step1.Greetings & Warming up

Step 2 Presentation

1.Game—A little master—hand

The teacher provides the word card, brief on the pronunciation of a part of the vowel, students read words, see who reads fast the most accurateliest, choose “A little master—hand"

2.New dialogue.CAI Talk about the pictures.T: My mother makes the bed.I help her.S1: My mother irons the clothes.I help her.S3: My father water the plant, I help him.Step3.Practic

1.Listen to the tape, then repeat.2.Free talk.3.Pair work.4.Learn to the dialogue.动态修改


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日

课题 Unit 8.Lingling helps her parents.Period Three 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标)1.Review Part A.2.Ss can act the dialogue.3.Ss can practice Part C.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点)Teaching focal points: Review Part A.,Ss can practice Part C Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.Making actions.教学准备 Some cards.CAI.Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排)Step1.Greetings & warming upw

Step 2 Presentation

Game—Little parrot.T: Makes the bed.S: Makes the bed.S1: Irons the clothes.S: Irons the clothes.Act dialogue:

S2: Do you help your mother and father at home every Sunday?

S3: Yes, I help them.My mother makes the bed.I help her.My mother irons the clothes.I help her.My father cleans the windows.I help him.My mother cooks a big meal.I help her.Step3.Practic

1.Listen to the tape, then repeat.2.Free talk.3.Pair work

4.Say rhyme.文章 来源莲山

课件 w ww.5 y kj.Co m 相关教案: 没有相关教案




1、Am I a student?我是学生吗?Yes,you are./ No,youaren’t.2、Is this /that/it a chair?这/那/它/是一把椅子吗?Yes,it is./No,itisn’t.3、Is she/Amy your sister?她/艾米是你的妹妹吗?Yes,she is./ No,sheisn’t.4、Is he/Mike your brother?他/迈克是你的哥哥吗?Yes,he is./No,heisn’t.5、Is your brother helpful at home?你哥哥在家有用吗?Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.6、Is there a forest in the park?在公园有一个森林吗? Yes,there is./No,thereisn’t.是的,有。/不,没有。

7、Are there any pandas in the mountains?在山上有熊猫吗? Yes,there are./No,therearen’t.是的,有。/不,没有。

8、Are they dusks?它们是鸭子吗?(问物)

Yes, they are./No,theyaren’t.是的,它们是。/不,它们不是。

9、Are they famers?他们是农民吗?(问人)

Yes, they are./No,theyaren’t.是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。

10、Are you a teacher?你是一个老师吗?(问you用I回答)Yes, Iam./No,I’m not.是的,我是。/不,我不是。

11、Are you teachers?你们是老师吗?

Yes,we are./No,wearen’t.是的,我们是。/不,我们不是。


1、Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果吗?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.喜欢。/不喜欢。

2、Do you often play football,Mike and John?迈克和约翰你们经常踢足球吗? Yes,we do./No,we don’t.是的。/不是。

3、Do they like apples?他们喜欢苹果吗?Yes,they do./No,they don’t.喜欢。/不喜欢。


1、Does your sister like apples?你姐姐喜欢苹果吗?Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.2、Does your brother like apples?你哥哥喜欢苹果吗?Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.(四)由can引导的一般疑问句

1、Can Iwear my new shirt today?我今天可以穿我的新衬衫吗? Yes,you can./No,you can’t.可以,你可以。/不,你不可以。

2、Can you set the table?你会摆饭桌吗?Yes,I can./No,I can’t.3、Can Tom set the table?汤母会摆饭桌吗?Yes, he can./No, he can’t.4、Can Sarah set the table?萨拉会摆饭桌吗?Yes, she can./No, she can’t.5、Can Mike and John(they)sweep the floor?迈克和约翰/他们会扫地吗? Yes,they can./No, they can’t.会,他们会。/不,他们不会。

6、Can I help you?=What can I do for you?我能帮助你吗? Yes,please.I want two pears.二、特殊疑问句


1、What’s this/that/it ?这/那/它是什么?It’s a desk.它是一张椅子。

2、What are they/these/those?它们是/这些/那些是什么? They are apples.(问物时根据实际情况回答)

3、What do you do?=What are you?(what后面加人便问职业)你是干什么工作的? I am a teacher.我是老师。

4、What does your father do?=What is your father?你爸爸是干什么工作的? He is a doctor.他是医生。

5、What do they do?=What are they?他们是干什么工作的? They are nurses.6、What can you do? 你会做什么? I can cook the meals.我会做饭。

7、What can your father/brother do? 你的爸爸/哥哥会做什么? He can sweep the floor.他会扫地。

8、What can your mother /sister do?你的妈妈/姐姐会做什么? She can cook the meals.她会做饭。

9、What do you like?你喜欢什么?I like pears.我喜欢雪梨。

10、What would you like for breakfast?早餐你想吃什么? I’d like some milk and bread.我想吃牛奶和面包。

11、What would you like for lunch?午餐你想吃什么? I’d like fish and green beans.我想吃鱼和青豆。

12、What would you like for dinner(supper)?晚餐你想吃什么? I’d like fish and tofu.我想吃鱼和豆腐。

13、What’s the weather like in Beijing?北京天气怎么样? It’s warm and windy.14、What’s your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? I like +任何食物。

15、What’s your favourite meat?你最喜欢的肉是什么? I like +肉类。

16、What’s your favourite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么?I like +水果。

17、What’s your favourite drink?你最喜欢的饮料是什么?I like +饮料。

18、What’s your favourite class?你最喜爱的课程是什么? My favourite class is+课程/ I like +课程

19、What is your favourite animal?你最喜欢的动物是什么? I like +动物 20、What’s your favourite sport?你最喜欢的体育是什么?I like swimming.21、What do you have on Mondays?星期一你上什么课? I have English,math and art.22、What is your mother like?你的妈妈长得怎么样? She is tall and young.23、What’s your father like?你的爸爸长得怎么样?

He is tall and strong.24、What is your room like?你的房间怎么样?

It’s big and nice.25、What do you do on the weekend?周末你通常做什么?I often play football.(二)由what colour(什么颜色)引导的特殊疑问句

1.What colour is the dog?这只狗是什么颜色? The dog/Itis yellow.2.What colour is it?它是什么颜色?

It is green.它是绿色。

3.What colour is your shirt?(单数)你的衬衫是什么颜色?My shirt/It is white.4.What colour are your jeans?(复数)你的牛仔裤是什么颜色?My jeans/They are blue.(三)由what time(几点)引导的特殊疑问句

1、What time is it?=What’s the time?现在几点钟?It’s seven o’clock./It’s 8:50.(四)由what day(星期几)引导的特殊疑问句

1、What day is it today?今天星期几?

It is Monday.今天是星期一。

2、What day is it tomorrow?(明天星期几?)It is Tuesday.明天是星期二。


1、How are you ?你好吗?I’m fine,thanks.我很好,谢谢。

(六)由how old(多大,几岁)引导的特殊疑问句

1、How old are you?你几岁?

I’m ten(10).我10岁。

2、How old are they?他们几岁? They’re thirteen(13).他们13岁。

3、How old is Mike/he?迈克 /他几岁?

He’s ten(10).他10岁。

4、How old is Amy?艾米/她几岁?

She’s ten(10).她10岁。

(七)由how many(多少)引导的特殊疑问句

1、How many apples are there?有多少个苹果?(How many接名词的复数)

There is one(1).有一个。(回答单数)There are twelve(12).有12个。(回答复数)

2、How many apples do you have?你有多少个苹果?I have three.3、How many applescan you see?你看见多少个苹果? I can see one.4、How many daysare there in a week?一个星期有几天?There are seven.5、How many people are there in your family?在你的家里有多少个人?There are three.(八)由how much(多少钱)引导的特殊疑问句

1、How much is the shirt/it?衬衫/它是多少钱? It’s thirty yuan.2、How much are the shirts/they?这些衬衫/它们是多少钱?They’re sixty yuan.(九)由where(哪里)引导的特殊疑问句

1、Where is the closet ?衣橱在哪里?(问单数)It’s near the bed.2、Where are the pictures?这些图画在哪里?(问复数)They’re on the wall.3、Where are you from ?你来自哪里?

I’m from China.4、Where are they from?他们来自哪里?They’re from Canada.5、Where is he/she from?他/她来自哪里?He/She is from America.注意:Where问地点,一般回答有地点介词in,on, under, behind, in front of, near, from, over等。


1、Why do you like apples?你为什么喜欢苹果? Because they’re healthy.因为它们很健康。


1、Who is that man?那个男人是谁?

He is my father.他是我的爸爸。

2、Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁?He 's my brother.他是我的哥哥。

3、Who is that woman?那个女人是谁? She is my mom.她是我的妈妈。

4、Who’s that girl?那个女孩是谁?

She is my sister.她是我的姐姐。

5、Who are they?他们是谁? They are John and Mike.他们是约翰和迈克。

6、Who are you?你是谁?

I’m Amy.我是艾米。

7、Who are you?你们是谁? We’re Amy and Sarah.我们是艾米和塞拉。


1.Whose book is this/that/it?这/那/它是谁的书?It’s my baby brother’s.它是我弟弟的。2.Whose book are those/these/they?这些/那些/它们是谁的书?They are Amy’s books.它们是艾米的书。文章 来源莲

山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M 相关教案:


•上一篇教案: 2014年五上英语Unit 8 Lingling helps her parents教案(湘少版)•下一篇教案: 2014年新版五年级英语上册重点句子复习




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    总复习题 班级: 姓名: 一、选出不同类的单词(10’) 1、()A、mooncake B、milk C、tea 2、()A、man B、boy C、water 3、()A、headache B、feel 4、()A、sunny B、snowy 5、()A、that B、t......


    小学六年级英语毕业考试口语测试卷 (教师卷) 一、朗读单词、词组(共5分) A. 朗读下列单词(每小题0.5分,共2分) 1. fast 2. danced 3. loudly 4. need B. 朗读下列词组(每小题0.5分......

    六年级英语总结 湘少

    六年级英语教学总结 本学期我担任六年级英语教学,经过一学期的学习,大多数学生都对英语学习产生了兴趣,而强化他们的学习兴趣是这学期的工作之重。做好教学准备,提高课堂效率。......


    五年级英语教学计划 一、新课标对本册教材的要求 1、 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语,能根据教师的指令做游戏,做动作,做事情,能用简单的角色扮演。 2、 能对简单英文歌谣说和......


    小学英语毕业考试口语测试卷 一、 唱一首自己喜欢的英文歌曲或诵读一首英文歌曲。(2分) 二、 朗读单词、词组。(4分) A)朗读下列单词。(每小题0.5分,共2分) 1. headache 2. machine......


    小学英语六年级上册期末复习计划 时间过的很快,本学期即将结束,目前我们六年级的英语教学工作都已跨入了尾声阶段。复习能让学生巩固所学知识,还能进行查漏补缺,使学生能顺利地......


    三年级第一学期英语教学计划 学情分析: 三年级学生刚刚接触英语,大部分学生对英语有比较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于没有学习过英语,觉得英语对他们来说很陌,所以学习起......


    小学六年级英语兴趣小组工作计划 一.指导思想: 兴趣小组活动是课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的补充和延伸。旨在激发 学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的听、说、读、写能力,帮助学......