商务英语基础 大纲

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第一篇:商务英语基础 大纲


课程名称: 商务英语基础

英文名称:Business English Basis

课程代码 :(与本科人才培养计划保持一致)


1.学分 4学时: 16(理论学时:实验学时:0)

2.课程类别: 专业方向选修课/专业任意选修课)





教 材:《商务英语综合教程》,蔡芸,彭玲玲 编著,高等教育出版社出版社,2008年。参考书:《商务英语综合教程1&2教学参考书》,蔡芸,林洁编著,高等教育出版社,2008年;


本课程的目的是培养学生不仅学习语言,而且掌握步入商界时应如何与商界人物进行正确的交往、洽谈,安排和处理好商务活动的各个环 节,从而提高商务英语交际的基本能力,为进一步学习后续的商务英语专业课程,毕业后成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者打下坚实的基础。通过学习,学 生应进一步提高基本的听、说、读、写、译的能力,能够在一般的商务活动中基本正确地使用英语,进行交流。

本课程是一门关于商务活动所涉及的重点语言范围,所以学生接触的语言都是真实的,是与商务活动紧密 相关的。同时,通过课文的学习和各种练习的实践,达到扩大学生专业知识面,以及巩固和提高学生运用英语的能力及水平。

《商务英语基础》课是一门选修课程,讲授 商务英语语言知识和商务英语实际操作,达到提高学生英语语言知识的增长和应用能力的目的。

通过本课程的学习,我们的实际目标是:第一,能够切实的提高商务英语的水平(包括听,说,读,写等)。第二,能够进行具体的商务活动。学习本课程的学习要注意语言的实践,掌握商务活动中的常用句型和表 达用语,从寒暄,到打电话,到进行商务谈判等。通过学习和实践,相信学员将能在实际的工作生活中运用本课程所学到的地道的英语进行成功的商务活动。



第一章(单元)Company and Corporate Missions(共4学时)


第一节Company and Corporate Missions

知识要点:The manager and management style vs.company

第二节People and Market: Population and Economy

知识要点:How auditors, directors, and lawyers are asserting their power.教学重点:在英语论述中学习商务行为中的知识想象力。

教学难点:在英语论述中学习如何在商务行为中合理运用 知识想象力。




第二章(单元)People and Market: Population and Economy(共4学时)


第一节Consumer Behavior

知识要点:Insightful look into the studies of the factors led to global inequality

第二节Competition vs.Corporation

知识要点:How to keep the competitive advantages for those giant Eastern companies while

they are outsourcing their R&D






第三章(单元)New Technology: Internet and Companies(共4学时)


第一节Internet security and the changes Internet bring about

知识要点:How to keep your information transferring online safe or how to make your emails or websites trusted.第二节 Money Matters

知识要点:Overall vie of the world investment market and Asian financial situation 教学重点:在英语论述中学习商务组织如何从因特网中获 得信息。

教学难点:在英语论述中学习商务组织从因特网中获得信 息后,如何对其进行分析利用。




第四章(单元)Promotional Issues(共4学时)


第一节Promotion and technological advances

知识要点:New ways of promotion in marketing

第二节:Legal Issues

知识要点:legal issues in the U.S.教学重点:在英语论述中学习怎样做到具有强烈的职业使 命感。

教学难点:在英语论述中学习如何理解积极参与世事则可 获得更多商机。











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1. 紧密联系国际市场和我国外贸实际进行教学,并不断更新和充实教学内容,使之适应对外贸易新发展的需要。





本课程由两大部分构成,第一部分(PartⅠ)Basic Knowledge of International Business Letters,主要介绍有关国际商务信函的基础知识; 第二部分(PartⅡ)Business Letters in International Trade,主要介绍进出口贸易各主要环节所涉及的各种函电。其中,第二部分又分为两章,第一章 Negotiation of The Contract,共包括四节课的内容;第二章 Execution of The





1、PartⅠ Basic Knowledge of International Business Letters主要介绍有关国际商务信函的基础知识和商务信函所具备的共同特征。

2、PartⅡ Business Letters in International Trade,主要介绍进出口贸易各主要环节所涉及的各种函电。分为两章:

(1)Chapter One Negotiation of The Contract,共包括四节课的内容; Lesson 1 Establishing Business Relations。建交信函的写作内容、写作方法及相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 2 Enquiries & Reply。询盘信函的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 3 Offers & Counter Offers报盘和还盘信函的翻译和写作内容、方法、相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 4 Sales Promotion 促销信函的作用、用途及相关写作、句型、词汇 Lesson 5 Conclusion of Business。成交信函的写作、订单、形式发票和合同的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇。

(2)Chapter Two Execution of The Contract,共包括七节课的内容:

Lesson 6 Terms of Payment。与支付条款有关的各类信函的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 7 Establishment of L/C and Amendment。信用证的开立和修改信函写作、相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 8 Packing and Shipment。与包装和装运相关的信函翻译与写作、相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 9 Insurance。与保险有关的信函翻译和写作,投保、保险条款、险别等专业术语的表达方法。

Lesson 10 Complaints and Claims。投诉和索赔的写作内容、方法、相关句型和词汇。

Lesson 11 Agency。代理业务信函的写作和翻译。

Lesson 12 Invitation to Bid and Bids。招标投标业务信函的翻译和写作。附录: Modes of Modern Communications(主要介绍FAX和EMAIL)











PartⅠ Basic Knowledge of International Business Letters

Chapter One Basic Knowledge of English Writing国际商务信函写作的基础知识





Chapter Two Basic Knowledge of International Business Letters国际商务信函的基础知识。






PartⅡ Business Letters in International Trade Chapter One Negotiation of The Contract


2.学习目标:使学生了解商务合同议定的过程,并学会相关信函的写作。Lesson 1 Establishing Business Relations(建交信函的写作内容、写作方法及相关句型和词汇。)






Lesson 2 Enquiries & Reply(询盘信函的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇)Lesson 3 Offers & Counter Offers(报盘和还盘信函的翻译和写作内容、方法、相关句型和词汇)

Lesson 4 Sales Promotion(促销信函的作用、用途及相关写作、句型、词汇)Lesson 5 Conclusion of Business(成交信函的写作、订单、形式发票和合同的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇)










Unit 1 1.远处松林覆盖的群山沐浴在一种不知来自何处的略带紫光里.In the distance, mountains covered by pines were bathed in greenish purple light that seemed to comefrom nowhere.2.电影散场时,电影院出口人流熙熙攘攘,人们都纷纷涌出影院往家赶去。

When the movie over, the exit of the cinema was aswarm with people, and everyone poured forth and made for their home.3.她在用钱方面相当谨慎,总是偷偷把钱藏在床底下。

She is cautious about(spending)money, and always secretes it away under the bed.4.经过一周只有面包和豆子的贫困生后,他发现自己很难抵御这顿丰盛晚宴的诱惑。

After a weeks’s meager life of bread and beans, he found it hard to resist the sumptuous dinner.5.很多家长对孩子长大独立都怀有一种欣慰中交织着难过的复杂心情,可能是由于嫉妒孩子们拥有远离自己的生活,希望能完全拥有孩子。

Many parents harbor a mixed feeling of happiness threaded with sadness towards their children’s growing up and independence, maybe because they are jealous of their children’s life away fromthem, and wish to have their children all to themselves Unit 2

1.如果不处理好双方相互冲突的需求、孩子、事业、家务、医生帐单等琐碎事情,婚姻是夫妻幸福、孩子安全、社会稳定的源泉这种说法只不过是空谈而已.If the trivial things such as clashing needs, kids,career, housework, doctor’s bill etc.can’t be dealt with, its just a palaver about marriage as a source of bless for the couple, security for the kids and societal stability.2.女人婚后成为男人心理和身体健康的管家,因为妻子会定期督促丈夫去体检。

Women become the mans mental-and-physical housekeepers after marriage, because the wives would prod the husband to have a physical examination regularly.3.结婚不仅可以减少抽烟、酗酒和情绪问题,还有助于减轻压力,避免高血压、紧张性头痛等,促进身体健康。

Marriage can not only reduce the problem of smoking, drinking and emotional ills, but also help to lessen stress, circumvent high blood pressure, tension headaches etc, and improve physical health.4.婚姻所带来的好处是有性别差异的,比如,只有

延长寿命、减少癌症死亡率的作用对男性更明显,而不幸福的婚姻对女性的伤害更大一些.There are differences between the sexes in the benefits of marriage, for instance, only the maritally satisfied women can get relief when they come back home after a busy day at work as men do.The life-lengthening power of marriage and the lower cancer-death incidence are more obvious to men, while an unhappy marriage can do more harm to women.5.丧偶的人往往会情感失调,因为她们的大脑无法适应曾作为他们感情调节策略一部分的另一个人的突然去世。

The bereaved may tend to be dysregulated, because their brains are not used to the sudden pass-away of the other person who used to be part of their emotional-regulation strategy.Unit3 1.由于法案将会直接对他们未来的就业产生负面影响,年轻人是这次抗议的主要参与者。

Young people were the primary participants in the protests as the bill would have directly affect their future career in a negative way.2.新的就业法案在政界各层触发了辩论,同时引起大规模学生走上街头抗议和工人罢工。The CPE sparked debates among different political classes, and drewmassive protests from students in the streets and strike from workers.3.支持者宣称事业部分是由复杂和不容变更的劳动法所致,他们认为这些法律还阻碍企业的设立和扩张,使经济增长维持在低水平.Supports claim that unemployment is partially caused by the complex and inflexible labor laws which they believe have also helped keep economic growth at low level by discouraging business foundation and expansion.4.希拉克总统宣布,他将要求政府准备一项新的法案,其中包括两处修改:试用期降低至一年,另外雇主必须提供解雇缘由。

President Chiral announced that he would ask the government to prepare a new law including two modifications: the trial period would be reduced to one year, and employers would now have to give a reason for the dismissal of the employment.5.最低工资最初是为了抑制制造业中血汗工厂的激增而提出的一种管理方法。

Minimum wages were first proposed as a way to curb the surge of sweatshops in manufacturing.Unit 4 1,大难不死可以使你更坚强。创伤后带来的压力绝不是唯一后果。What doesn't kill you can actually make you stronger.Post-traumatic stress is far from the only possible outcome.2.这种对美好生活的更为宽泛的定义是一种深深地满足感和他人深刻关系的融合。

The broader definition of good living blends deep satisfaction and a profound connection to others.3.为了度过充实的人生,安宁、无忧的生活是不够的,我们也需要成长-有时是成长的痛苦。To live a full human life ,a tranquil carefree existence is not enough.We also need to grow-and sometimes growing hurts.4.结果是一些遭受痛苦最多的人可能对生活最有发言权。It turns out that some of the people who have suffered the most have the most to tell us about life.5.想要找到通过逆境成长的更普通的例子,看看生活中最大的挑战之一:为人父母。

For a more common example ity,look to one of life's ing.of growth through biggest challenges adversparent


写作目的(writing purpose)受众/读者(audience)构思过程(thought process)演绎式组织模式

(deductive organizational patterns)归纳式组织模式

(inductive organizational patterns)

直接组织模式(direct organizational patterns)间接组织模式

(indirect organizational patterns)写作修改的3个步骤

(three distinct stages of revision: adding on;moving around;cutting out)

管理沟通(managerial communication)组织沟通(organizational communication)人际关系与团队建设

(human relationships and team building)销售沟通(sales communication)商务文件(business documentation)国际交流(跨文化交际)

(international communication/ intercultural communication)

表达式写作(expressive writing)沟通式写作(communicative writing)简洁风格(clarity)简易风格

(the plain style)简明风格(concision)附件说明信函(cover letters of résumé)3类求职信函

(three general types of cover letters for job applications: the application letter;the prospecting letter;networking letter)后续询问信函(follow-up letter)致谢信函(thank-you letter)

谢绝工作回复(job rejection letter)接受工作回复(job acceptance letter)辞职信函(resignation letter)告别信函(farewell letter)

常见履历表格式(common résumé formats): 按年月顺序(chronological résumé format)按任职顺序(functional résumé format)复合式(combination résumé format)简短文件(short document)

信息咨询函(message to obtain information)谈判便函(messages that negotiate)说服沟通便函(persuasive messages)


商务备忘录版式(format of a business memo)商务备忘录功能

(function of a business memo)信函结构(structure of a letter)

信件和信封格式(styles of letter and envelop)会议纪要(minutes)逐字记录(verbatim minutes)决议记录(minutes of resolution)陈述记录(minutes of narration)

记录内容版式(minutes’ content format)会议议程(meeting agenda)会议筹划(meeting preparations)会议程序(3个环节)

(meeting process: planning & preparing, conducting, and following-up)

会议后续工作(follow-up activities)

后续文案职责(accountability of follow-ups)书面发言写作策略

(writing strategies for business presentation)书面发言的材料组织

(wring organization for business presentation)书面发言用语

(language used in a presentation)书面发言避讳用语

(language avoided in a presentation)人际沟通的功能

(functions of interpersonal communication)人际沟通的目的(purpose of interpersonal communication)人际沟通的4个阶段

(four general stages in interpersonal communication)

团队的特征(group characteristics)团队的角色(group roles)团队影响力(group influence)沟通结构(communication structures)企业前景(vision)企业使命(mission)

企业价值观(corporate values)企业目标(goal)战略计划(strategies)政策与流程(policies and procedures)业务流程的构成要素(15个)(content of procedures)业务流程的版式及内容(format of a procedure)商务文件的层次结构(3个)(tiers of documentation)ISO 9000 质量体系(ISO 9000 Quality System)商务蓝皮书(blueprint)

商务计划书(business plan)战略性计划书(strategic plan)战术性计划书(tactical plan)操作性计划书(operational plan)操作性管理(operational control)战术性管理(tactical control)战略性管理(strategic control)商务背景(business background)市场计划(marketing plan)财务预测(financial projections)行动计划(action plans)商务提案(business proposal)内部提案(internal proposal)外部提案(external proposal)招标提案(solicited proposal)非招标提案(unsolicited proposal)提案写作的简单模式

(simple form for proposal writing)提案写作的复杂模式

(detailed form for proposal writing)外部提案的结构要素(6个)

(elements of the external proposal: introduction;problem identified and defined;objective & goal set;solutions proposed;implementation & measuring;costs and timeframe estimated)内部提案模式的内容版式

(content format of internal proposal)征集提案(Request for Proposal, RFP)征集启示的基本要素(basic components of a RFP)提案评估(proposal evaluation)议程报告(agenda)行程安排(itinerary)

费用支出报告(expense reports)

项目进程报告(progress report)

人事评估报告(personnel evaluation)第一手资料来源(primary sources)第二手资料来源(secondary sources)引证信息(documenting information)解析数据(interpreting data)

常规商务报告(routine reports)

任务报告(task reports)

条目清单功能(itemized lists)

图表辅助功能(graphic aids)


协议的本质(essence of a deal)

合同的修订(contractual modifications)违约与补偿(breach of contract and remedy)律师费用条款(attorneys fees clause)合同免责(escape from contract)

第三方签字(third party signature)合同追加条款(contract rider)


商务谈判(contract negotiation)

合同起草(contract drafting)



合同(contract)合同有效性(validity of contracts)



Sales contracts 买卖合同

Contracts for supply of power ,water,gas or heat 供应电、水、气、热力合同

Contracts for loan of money 借款合同 Leasing contracts 租赁合同Financial leasing contracts 承揽合同Contracts for construction projects建设工程合同Carriage contracts运输合同Technology contracts 技术合同Safekeeping contracts 保管合同Warehousing contracts 仓库合同Agency appointment contracts 委托合同Trading-trust contracts行纪合同Brokerage contracts居间合同


Simulated Exercise 1 Mr.Jeffrey is making a call to Oriental Corporation from Sydney, Australia.He has no idea of the quote basis of Oriental Corporation and doesn't think the quote reasonable.Mr.Lu, the sales manager, answers the phone, making explanations to Mr.Jeffrey.Lu: Hello, this is Oriental Corporation, Mr.Lu speaking, may I help you? Jeffrey: Hi, I am Ben Jeffrey, we met at Guangzhou Trade Fair last month.Lu: Oh!Hello, Mr.Jeffrey, how have you been? J: I’ m fine, thank you.I’m calling to discuss the quote basis of your company with you? Lu: OK.What do you think of it? J: I have no idea of it, could you tell me the specification? Lu: Of course.May I have you specific inquiry? J: We’re planning to place an order for 500 bales.So, what’s the price? Lu:I’d like to give you the lowest price of 1500$ per bale FOB Sydney.J: Oh, I don’t think it is reasonable, after all, we have cooperated many times.Lu: I know, it is just for this reason that I try my best to give you a lower price.J: I was wondering whether you could give us a discount.You know, discount will encourage us to push the sales of your products.Lu: If the order was for a large quantity, say, 1000 bales, we will give you a 4 percent discount.J: That’s great.I will discuss it with my boss and then ring you for another talk.Lu: OK, please call me at any time.Simulated Exercise 2 Mark, manager of the Sourcing Department of Bestseller Company(a competitive clothing company), is answering a call from Janet Hung, the supplier, who is trying to recommend their new clothing materials.J: Hello, I’d like speak to Mark, please? M: This is Mark speaking, who’s that?

J: Hello, this is Janet Hung from London, we met at the Guangzhou Trade Fair last month.M: Oh, hello, how have you been? J: I’m fine, thank you.I’m calling to you for recommending our new clothing materials.M: Well, what the new materials are? J: There are three materials this time: acrylic, modal and flannel.Which particular items are you interested in? M: What about the flannel? J: This material is very soft and warm.It is very comfortable for people to wear.What’s more, it has a big market potential in the coming winter.M: What’s the quotation of this? J: 90$ per bale.M: Oh, I am sorry to say that it’s rather stiff.Could you give us a discount? J: Sure, if you place an order over 500 bales, I will give you a 5% discount.M: OK.I will discuss it with my boss and then ring you for another talk.J:Great, please call me at any time.Simulated Exercise 3 The clerk tells the client that no other terms of payment are accepted but Letter of Credit.But the client is reluctant to open a Letter of Credit because his order is not a large one and opening a Letter of Credit is really complicated to him.They are making negotiations over this problem and finally they work out a solution which satisfies both parties.Client: Well, we’ve settled the problem on price, quality and quantity.Now what about the terms of payment? Clerk: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.Client: I see.Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P? Clerk: I am afraid not.We insist on a letter of credit.Client: To tell you the truth, a letter of credit will increase the cost of my import.And it also inconvenient for us.Clerk: Oh, sorry.I can’t be of my help in that respect.Client: Also, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit.It will help me greatly if you could accept D/A or D/P.It makes no difference to you, but it does to me.Clerk: Well, you must know the importance that a letter of credit means to the exporter.Client: I know, but in view of our long-standing partnership, could you give me some convenience? Clerk: I am so sorry.We haven’t accepted other terms of payment.If not, you can consider to reduce your order.Client: Oh no, I won’t reduce my order.I’ll take the full quantity you offer, and I’ll arrange for the L/C to be opened in your favor.Clerk: That’s be fine.Thanks for your understanding of our payment policy.Simulated Exercise 4 Richard talks with Min Fang about the packing after having settled an order of another 180000 pairs of shoes.M: Thanks for your support to place such a big order.R:You’re welcome, after all, we have a long-standing partnership.Now could we discuss the package of the shoes? M: Sure.You can choose bulk packing, inner packing, carton packing and fiber board packing.R:So many choices that I am hard to make a decision.Could you give me a suggestion? M: Generally, we provide the inner packing and carton packing.I’d like to show you a sample.R:Yeah, that looks beautiful and economical.M: Do you have special requirements? If so, we can make it based on your instructions.R: What size is the inner packing? M: It depends on the size of shoes.R: OK, do you have anything to reinforce them? M: Yes, of course.We’ll strengthen them with plastic straps.R: That would be fine.I’ll take this package.M: OK.Hope this is a pleasant cooperation.Simulated Exercise 5 Mr.Oswald is making a complaint about the poor quality of the computers they purchased from ABC Company.Mr.Lee, a customer service clerk for ABC Company, is receiving him.Lee: Morning, this is ABC Company, may I help you? Oswald: I have a complain to make.Lee: May I know your name? Oswald: Mr.Oswald.Lee: What’s the matter, Mr.Oswald? Oswald: I have to complain about the poor quality of the computers we bought from your company.Lee: Well , could you tell me the specification? Oswald: We found the quality of the computers is not in conformity with what we stipulated in the contract.The computer configuration is far bellow the standard and didn’t meet the sample.Lee: We apologize for any trouble you have been put to by our error.We will deal with right away and we’ll be responsible for it.Oswald: OK.We’re looking forward to a settlement at an early date.Lee: I promise we won’t let you down.Oswald: Thank you and goodbye.Simulated Exercise 6 Mr.Li is a customer service clerk for China National Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation.He is answering a phone from Mr.Newman, who is making a complaint about the discrepancy between goods and samples.L: China National Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corporation, may I help you? N: Yes, this is Newman.May I speak to Mr.Li? L: Speaking.N: I have a complaint to make.L: What’s the matter, Mr.Newman?

N: When we receive the goods, we found the discrepancy between goods and samples.L: How could that be? Our products were strictly inspected by the China Inspection Bureau before delivery.Can you fax the relevance report for us? N: OK, I will fax it as soon as possible.L: I’ll take care of it.If it’s our fault, we’ll be responsible for it.N: OK, we’re looking forward to a settlement at an early date.Goodbye.L: Thank you and goodbye Simulated Exercise 7 Lucy, a senior foreign-trade major, is being interviewed by a Project Manager of XYZ Trading Company, Mr.Scotts.L: Good morning, sir.S: Good morning, Lucy, nice to meet you.Please take a seat.L: Thank you.This is my resume.S: Would you tell me something about yourself? L: Sure.I was graduated from Jilin University of Zhuhai College last month.majoring in foreign-trade.I had some internship experiences in a few multi-national corporations and have learned a lot from the work.I think I am qualified to this position.S: How do know about our company? L: Your company is outstanding in this field.I know many graduates want to join you.S: Why do you feel you will be successful in this work? L: Because I am very interested in this position and I feel my graduate school training combine with my experience is a good fit for it.S: What are your strengths?

L: I tend to look at things at various perspectives.I am extremely self-motivated, creative, organized, and have a strong desire to learn and to perform as much as I can.S: What is your greatest weakness? L: To be honest, I don’t have enough knowledge of trading business, but I am able to pick up new knowledge and skills quickly.S: So.If hired, when could you star work? L: I can star at any time.S: That’s all for the interview.Thank you for your interest in our company, We will inform you the results within a week.L: Thank you very much.Goodbye.S: Bye.Simulated Exercise 8 A group of foreign visitors is touring Xitang near Shanghai.Ms.Shao, the tour interpreter is accompanying the group.Create a dialog based on the situation with the help of the following tips in Chinese.S: Good morning, everyone.Welcome to Xitang, a charming, ancient town near water.I’m very glad to be your guide for today’s visit.E: Great, Ms.Shao.We can hardly wait to get to know this beautiful place.S: OK, I’d like to give you a brief introduction of Xitang.About a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Shanghai, Xitang is a hustle and bustle city, which is totally different from Shanghai.E: I think so.I have visited Shanghai last year, it’s a really busy city.S: Yes.Now, look at the ancient buildings, the bridges, and the boats, what can you think of? E: Wow!They give people a sense of mystery.S: Right.Look, over there.The diffuse mist is intoxicating.We can feel the fresh air now, and we can see the falling sunset with rose color at dusk.E: Oh, the local people’s life are so relaxing.S: Yes,the local people live a quiet and relaxed life for thousands of years.E: What a desirable place!S: Also, if you want to stay away from busy life in Shanghai and take a break, Xitang is the best choice.E: Thank you.I hope to have a chance to visit it again.

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