新概念大英2第三版复习资料Unit 7Multiple Choice

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第一篇:新概念大英2第三版复习资料Unit 7Multiple Choice

Unit 7Multiple Choice------Test Yourself

1.You cannot imagine how I feel ____ with my duties sometimes.A)overflowedB)overwhelmedC)overthrownD)overturned

2.Just in the middle of his speech, his head began to ____ and he fainted.A)turnB)rotateC)spinD)move

3.The men spent all day ____ water out of the flooded houses.A)absorbingB)suckingC)forcingD)pumping

4.The nation must follow its own policy and not be influenced by ____ events.A)exteriorB)extraC)inferiorD)interior

5.Teams of oxen pulled the heavy wagons into the ____ of North America.A)exteriorB)interiorC)internalD)external

6.A good boss always ____ responsibility to his assistants.A)removesB)delegatesC)refersD)leases

7.Allen placed too much ____ on sports and paid little attention to his studies.A)concernB)interestC)hobbyD)emphasis

8.The arguments are over now, and we hope no one will ____ them up again.A)stirB)boilC)disturbD)interfere

9.Sport provides a(n)____ for a teenager’s feelings of aggression or frustration.A)exitB)exhaustC)outletD)leak

10.I can ____ him to you for the job.He is a very good worker.A)recallB)promoteC)suggestD)recommend

11.This organization is completely ____ any political parties.A)relative toB)innocent ofC)independent ofD)characteristic of

12.The problems requiring immediate solution will be given ____ at the meeting.A)priorityB)urgencyC)superiorityD)emergency

13.The ____ for making application is tomorrow, so you’d better send in your form today.A)dateB)agendaC)terminalD)deadline

14.During the United States Civil War, many people in the South were forced to ____ their homes.A)withdrawB)withstandC)fleeD)fleet

15.Americans may have to ____ the number of privately owned cars and depend more on public transportation systems.A)break downB)cut downC)get downD)drop down

16.Our taxi was caught in a traffic ____, so we were late for the show.A)knotB)blockC)lockD)jam

17.Water evaporates(蒸发)into the air to make clouds.This same water then comes back to the earth as rain.Such a repetition is a form of water ____.A)cycleB)courseC)circleD)circuit

18.The ____ of the difficulty have not yet been fully realized.A)sizesB)scalesC)measurementsD)dimensions

19.These chemicals must be kept at a ____ temperature of 40°C.A)continuousB)consistentC)constantD)permanent

20.As a public figure, he knows well enough what he does will have ____ for society.A)effectsB)resultsC)influencesD)consequences

21.The church refused to ____ the king’s second marriage.A)consentB)sanctionC)creditD)speculate

22.Drinking alcohol is a real health ____ if carried to excess.A)hazardB)harmC)damageD)fatigue

23.The police set a ____ to catch the thieves.A.planB.deviceC.trapD.trick

24.He will ____ resign in view of the complete failure of the research project.A)doubtfullyB)adequatelyC)reasonablyD)presumably

25.It is ____ that strong vibrations made loud sounds and weak vibrations make soft sounds.A)vitalB)evidentC)essentialD)frank

26.The chimney was ____ clouds of smoke.A)dischargingB)dismissingC)disposingD)dissolving

27.When very angry, few people are able to act in a ____ way.A)rationalB)sensitiveC)toughD)legal

28.This crop does not do well in soils ____ the one for which it has been specially developed.A)beyondB)rather thanC)outsideD)other than

29.Books are ____ to scholars.A)indispensableB)boundC)accustomedD)indifferent

30.His proposal is very ____.We do not need any explanation.A)concreteB)loyalC)grayD)royal


1-5 BCDAB6-10 BDACD11-15 CADCB16-20 DADCD21-25 BACDB26-30 AADAA

第二篇:新概念 第二册 第三单元测试题


Quiz for L49-72


1.He left the group,(1)_____________(wonder)what they were talking about.2.My mother(2)________________(complain)the whole morning about the noise outside.3.Not(3)_________(want)to go to his teacher for help, the boy went to his friend.4.Failing in this exam means(4)___________(wait)for another year.5.(5)________you ever(6)_________(see)such a strange thing?

6.Have you finished(7)___________(repair)the broken toy?

7.When Mary got home, her mother(8)_________________(already bake)her birthday cake.8.They(9)______________(use)to leaving the doors open when no one was at home.9.The car needs(10)__________(wash).10.I can not find john anywhere, I think he(11)_____________(just go)out.11.On(12)_________(hear)the good news, they became very excited.12.The man took the money and(13)________(leave)in a great hurry.13.She(14)_________(receive)over 100 Christmas cards last year.14.She(15)_____________(use)to be on a diet, but now she eats anything she wants to.15.Do you mind my(16)_________(shut)the door?

16.(17)___________(Visit)China, a famous professor(18)___________(invite)to give a speech.(19)___________(Not speak)Chinese, the professor(20)_________(hire)a local interpreter.During the speech, the processor told the audience an(21)__________(interest)story.It took him several minutes(22)________(tell)the story.But when it was the interpreter’s turn, he

(23)________(speak)for only a few seconds, the professor asked how the interpreter

(24)__________(translate)his story n such a short time.The interpreter said, “Well, I just


(27)__________(laugh).” them a joke.And I asked them to

17.Big Ben(28)___________(locate)in London.It(29)__________(design)by Edmund Beckett and Baron Grimthorpe.Big Ben(30)_________(be)famous throughout the world, but nobody really(31)___________(know)why it(32)__________(call)Big Ben.Some people

(33)__________(believe)it(34)___________(name)after Sir Benjamin Hall.He(35)__________(be)in charge of the work in 1859.The story(36)___________(go)that Sir Benjamin(37)_____________(be)about to(38)__________(put)forward his idea, for the name for the big bell, when a man(39)__________(sit)in the front seat(40)__________(shout), “Let’s call it Big Ben.” Apparently that’s where the name(41)__________(come)from.18If you had applied earlier, you(42)____________(have)your passport by now.19.By the time you read this note, I(43)__________(leave)for New York

20.I could have save you a lot of trouble if you(44)__________(write)to me.21.I had my car(45)_________(repair)yesterday, so I can not drive you the store.II.用正确的介词填空(10分)

1.The passport is valid_______all countries.2.George is jealous ______his younger sister.3.I know he is slow______at understanding, but you have to be patient______him.4.He is not different_______anyone else.5.I am not familiar_______his novels and not very keen_______reading them.6.You should not be so sensitive ______criticism.7.He is not only indifferent_______other people;he is often extremely rude______them as well.III.直接引语变间接引语(9分)

1.“Keep quiet.” he said.What di he tell me to do?

2.“Send him some money.” he suggested.What did he suggest?


3.“Don’t worry about it.”he told me.What did he tell me?


1.She_________(hung, hanged)the clothes on the line.2.You should_________(raise, rise)the picture a few inches.3.I love________(lying, laying)in bed.4.Who is going to________(dress, dress up)as Father Christmas.5.This screw is __________(loose, lose)

6.He _______(laid, lay)the book on the table.7.We were________(amused, enjoyed)by the circus clown.8.Who_______(won, beat)the match?

9.The woman _______(fell, dropped)the tray.10.Your son has________(increased, grown)since I last saw him.V.阅读理解(26分)

Passage A天津

We provide summer English courses and you will enjoy learning about American culture and improve your English.The courses last for 4 weeks.They start at the beginning of July and August.Our teachers are very experienced.They teach English classes for 4 hours a day.You can choose between small groups of 2 or 3, or larger groups of up to 15.We provide weekly tests to see the progress you’re making with your language skills.We also provide books and other materials.As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA.You live with an American family and take part in American life.You have meals with them and do some activities with them, too.This is the most interesting part of the course.Many families create friendships with the students.Of course, if you prefer, we can arrange hotel accommodation.Of course, you can do many things in Los Angeles.Every day we have activities after class.You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or the famous beaches around LA.You can also go to various shopping centres, sports centres, movies and concerts.There are also weekend visits organized to San Francisco and other places of interest in California.Well, if you’re interested, please fill in our application form where you will also find our list of prices.The course must be paid for one month before it begins.1.How long do the English courses last?

A.4 days.B.2 weeks.C.3 weeks.D.4 weeks.2.Why do organizers(组织者)advise students to live with American families?

A.Students are not rich enough to live in hotels.B.Students can have meals with American families.C.Students can experience life in the USA.D.Students can teach American how to cook Chinese food

3.What’s the title of Paragraph 3?

A.TeachingB.Accommodation and Food

C.Sightseeing and Other ActivitiesD.The Famous Beaches Around LA

4.What’s the passage about?

A.A description of an English book.B.A description of an English course.C.A description of life in Los Angeles.D.A description of weekend visits to San Francisco.Passage B 温州

Frogs are animals that can live both in water and on land.There are more than 5,000 kinds of frogs on the earth.The earliest known frogs lived about 190 million years ago and the frogs today still look the same.Here are some fun things that you might not know about frogs.Enjoy!

The Biggest and the Smallest Frogs

Some frogs can be very big.The biggest kind of frog is the Goliath Frog in West Africa.Its body can be nearly 30cm long, about the size of a large cat.The Gold Frog and the Poison Frog are the smallest frogs in the world.They are less than 1cm long.Though the Poison Frog is very small, it is not weak at all.It is dangerous.Any animal that eats it will die very soon.The Best Jumpers

Frogs are very good at jumping.They developed jumping legs so that they would not be eaten by other large animals.Using their big strong legs, more frogs can jump over 20 times their own length.It is like a person jumping over about 30,48.The Australian Rocket Frog can even jump over 2m, which is 50 times its body length(5.5cm).That might be the reason why frogs are called the best jumpers on the earth.The Cryogenic Animal

Some frogs like the Common Wood Frog have a special ability to live in very cold places.When the temperature goes down, they become ice frogs.2/3of their body water freezes.Their hearts stop, and their breathing stops too.You may think they are dead, but in fact they are not.Maybe we humans can learn the way that the frogs do for medical purpose.5.The earliest frogs lived about ________ million years ago.A.20 B.30 C.50 D.190

6.The Gold Frog is one of the ________ frogs on the earth.A.smallest B.biggest C.strongest D.weakest

7.________ can jump over 2m.A.The Goliath Frog B.The Common Wood Frog

C.The Poison Frog D.The Australian Rocket Frog

8.What will happen to a Common Wood Frog at very low temperature?

It will die very soon.B.It will be an ice frog.It will become dangerous.D.It will become very small.Passage C 2012南京

You may have noticed that the world′s population is not evenly distributed(分别)around our planet.There are some countries where people seem to be living nearlyon top of each other because conditions are overcrowded.Then there are others where it seems that hardly anybody lives.What influences this unequal distribution of people? There are specific advantages and disadvantages of *diving in a certain area.The two main factors that influence people′choice of location are climate and resources.Climate is the usual weather conditions in a region.Areas that have bad weather are generally less deal as places to live in.The north and south poles at the top and bottom of the world may be beautiful in their rugged, natural way, but the disadvantage of the bitterly cold and windy conditions usually keeps people way.When it comes to climate, warm conditions and a normal amount of rainfall are advantage that attract people.Natural resources are things that we get from nature that help us survive.Each region offers different resources, and therefore attracts different groups of people.People who enjoy the beach car make their living by catching and selling the ocean′s many fish and other sea creatures.Those who prefer farming can take advantage of rich soil(土壤)in valleys near rivers.Some people are willing to accept the disadvantages of the terrible conditions of deserts or mountains in order to take advantage of the resources like oil or woods.9.The underlined part “on top of ”in the first paragraph most likely means_______.A.very close toB.on the highest part of

C.in control ofD.on the surface of

10.What are the main factors that influence the distribution of people?

A.Resources and oceans.B.Climate and rivers.C.Climate and resources.D.Warm conditions and rainfall.11.The writer thinks many people don′t live near the north or south pole because ________.A.they can′t get enough food there

B.they natural sights there don′t attract people

C.the unpleasant weather keeps them away

D.the length of nighttime is too short or too long

12.Why do people go and live in valleys near rivers?

A.The temperature isn′t too low in winter.B.the resources like oil can bring them much money.C.People can make their living by catching and selling fish.D.It′s easier for people to grow plants or keep animals.13.The purpose of the example in the last paragraph is to tell us _______.A.people cannot survive in cold conditions

B.different resource attract different groups of people

C.People usually prefer living at the seaside to living in mountains

D.a normal amount of rainfall is necessary for people to live in the desert




2、生物界中没有两个完全相同的两个个体,在同种生物中,——————与—————— 之间,或者————之间,都存在或多或少的——————,这种现象就是生物的————。






























第四篇:大英3课本复习资料 选择题和一篇阅读题



There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.True friendship must be based on ___b___ the joys as well as troubles.A)participating B)sharing C)owing D)possessing 2.He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a(an)____d___ member of staff.A)lasting B)eternal C)persistent D)permanent 3.Belief in the ___a___ of higher education is shared by students nationwide, so there are more and more students preparing for the entrance examinations for colleges.A)utility B)profit C)function D)advantage

4.I'm interested in ____c__ architecture so I travel to Europe very often to visit various famous buildings.A)classic B)authoritative C)classical D)influential 5.The critics found her latest novel rather __d___, and did not think highly of it.A)slight B)interesting C)decreasing D)thin

6.I never ___b___ she was the guilty one until she was arrested.A)understood


C)calculated D)informed 7.Till one day my mother, a(an)___c__ woman, seeing I had changed, followed me and saw me with a beautiful white woman.A)open-eyed B)sleepless C)watchful D)noted 8.The parents lost their son in the Vietnam War, and the tragedy ___d___ an eternal shadow on their lives.A)threw B)shaped C)tossed D)cast 9.Andrew has a very ___d__ way of dealing with junk mail--he returns it to the sender.A)sensitive B)sentimental C)senseless D)sensible

10.Fixed wages and ___b___ of promotion act as a disincentive to employees, so it is urgent to carry out the reforms in wages.A)inadequacy B)lack C)want D)need UNIT2

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.Cathy was shocked to __a____ the death of the old man, with whom she had talked the day before.A)learn about

B)learn from C)learn off D)learn on 2.The style of the dishes is moderately spicy, similar ___d___ Thai food, but definitely with our own character.A)on B)by C)of D)to 3.Hundreds of people have been arrested and there are reports from prison that there are many people ___b___.A)tortured B)being tortured

C)been tortured

D)torturing 4.To be frank, your project is not ____d__ with our company's long-term aims;we can't approve it.A)competitive B)comparative


D)compatible 5.To those who understand ___b___ service, it is no surprise that tension and emotional problems are so prevalent in our me-first society.A)self




6.The General Manager is responsible ____c__ the Board of Directors for the management and organization of the on-campus student accommodation.A)in



D)for 7.I end up getting my heart ___a___.For so many years, I was never expressive with my feelings.A)hardened



D)being hardened 8.It wounded her delicate __a____ to be addressed in such a vulgar manner.A)sensibilities



D)sensitivity 9.“Marquis,” said the boy, ____c__ to the man, his eyes ______ wide, and his right hand raised.A)turned ?opened

B)turning ?opening

C)turning ?opened

D)turned ?opening 10.This all changed in 1934 with the discovery of The Book of Margery Kempe in a library where it had ____d__ for four hundred years.A)laid hidden

B)lied hidden

C)lain hiding

D)lain hidden Unit3

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.A priest who looks after the ___b___ needs of an organization such as a university, hospital or prison is a chaplain.A)financial B)religious C)spiritual D)medical 2.She was sorry for her not having phoned.But she had been ____d__ busy preparing for the next exam.A)unavoidably B)inevitably C)inextricably D)incredibly 3.It is universally believed that an autobiography is often less __a____ than a biography.A)truthful B)true C)reliable D)honest 4.Believe it or not, I have done nothing wrong.At least I can face them with a clear ___b___.A)look B)conscience C)mind D)face 5.The ___c___ of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge;secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.A)rise B)reason C)improvement D)decline 6.Under democracy one party always ___d___ its chief energies to trying to prove that the other parties are unfit to rule.A)diverts B)turns C)dedicates D)devotes 7.It has been ____a__, and now even crucial, for China to invite experienced professionals from abroad.A)unavoidable B)inevitable C)sure D)certain 8.Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we ____b__ redason and science as our guidelines.A)adapt B)adopt C)abandon D)adore 9.These diseases ___d___ a vicious circle of poverty and hopelessness by depressing production.? A)increase B)worsen C)deteriorate D)reinforce 10.Peter loves his mother very much and he also loves his wife.To him, they ___b___ equally.A)value B)count C)weigh D)counter


There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.Kittens are more likely than older cats to carry the bacteria and to __c____ the infection to humans.A)transfer B)transplant C)transmit D)transform 2.Two Indonesians _____b_ bird flu, apparently after contact with sick chickens, raising the country's death toll to 115.A)have died from B)have died of C)have died for D)have died out 3.The writer was ___c___ in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.A)devoted


C)absorbed D)focused 4.Despite the financial tsunami, the committee could see no ___b___ for a pay cut.A)excuse B)justification


D)indication 5.The successful series was first co-hosted by Buck Owens and Roy Clark, and later on they appeared only occasionally, ____a__ for various guest hosts.A)having made room B)have made room

C)making rooms

D)having made a room

6.At least eight species have been ___d___ from human patients with phaeohyphomycosis(暗色丝饱霉病), causing infections that range from superficial skin lesions(损害、损伤)to disseminated diseases.A)suspended B)set apart


D)isolated 7.She would not feel nervous about having to teach that class.By October she ___b___ teaching for fifteen years.A)has been

B)will have been

C)is to be D)is going to be 8.If there is such an illness, we must concern ourselves ___a___ it as though we were having that illness.A)with B)about C)to D)on 9.The situation requires that citizens __b____ vote for a President who has the ability to improve the quality of life in the United States.A)could B)should C)ought D)would 10.The teacher wishes the students ____c__ more motivated, but he still helps the class as a whole, not just the ones who show promise.A)are B)would have been

C)were D)would be Unit5 There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.There are so many universities in China that it takes time to find one that will ___c___ your child's needs.A)match B)fit with C)suit D)suit with 2.As a matter of fact, when you ___b___ it, most of what he says doesn't make sense.A)think of B)think about C)think out D)think through 3.The taxi that he had ordered __d____ arrived and we drove off immediately so that we made it to the airport on time.A)just B)finally C)soon D)duly 4.Fresh watermelons are ___d___ available in most grocery stores when they are in season.A)very B)commonly C)easily D)readily 5.Opening the door, he found himself __c____ a dozen policemen with guns.A)confronting B)confronted with C)confronted by D)confronting at 6.Gina Fratini, David Neil and Benny Ong, __d____, became famous when the princess wore their designs.A)so on and so forth B)in addition C)as a whole D)to name just a few 7.More women are ____b__ positions of power in public life now no matter whether they're in developed countries or in developing ones.A)retaining B)attaining C)containing D)attending 8.After a violent earthquake, buildings and structures may __a___ serious secondary disasters.A)induce B)introduce C)increase D)reduce 9.It's impossible to conceive how any rational being could __b____ happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others.A)commit B)propose C)compose D)devote 10.People usually _____d_ Japan with such high-tech consumer products as DVDs, mobile phones and digital cameras.A)relate B)consume C)link D)associate Unit6

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1.In fact, the talks resulted ___C___ reducing the number of missiles.A)at


C)in D)upon 2.It took some time for Theresa to get used to her husband's ___A__.A)peculiarities

B)traits C)features


3.Firms can no longer safely ____B__ that every employee walking in the door has similar beliefs or expectations.A)suppose

B)assume C)presume D)postulate 4.The quality-____C__ life year(QALY)is a measure of disease burden, including both the quality and the quantity of life lived.A)adapted B)adapting C)adjusted

D)adjusting 5.Tools help people co-operate only ____D__ they help them share goals and terminology.A)when

B)on the condition that

C)so that D)to the extent that 6.Many of these individuals ___A___ the creation of this website, by contributing valuable observations and practical information about culture.A)have shared in B)have shared with C)have been shared D)are sharing 7.On her feet she wore linen stockings and prison shoes, and round her head was tied a white handkerchief, __B____ a few locks of black hair were brushed.A)from which

B)from under which C)out of which D)under which 8.The new secretary is a quick, __D____ employee, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.A)effective B)effectual C)infective D)efficient 9.To be considered chronically homeless, persons __B____ in a place not meant for human habitation or in an emergency shelter during that time.A)must be sleeping

B)must have been sleeping

C)should have been sleeping D)should sleep 10.In recent years, New Zealand's earliest colonial heritage and ____C__ landscapes are affected by encroaching incompatible development.A)associating cultural

B)associated culture

C)associated cultural

D)associating culture

二,《快速阅读3》64页unit4 passage4




















以太阳为中心,包括围绕它转动的八大行星(包含围绕行星转动的卫星)、矮行星、小天体(包括小行星、彗星)等组成的天体系统叫做太阳系 在北部天空的小熊座上有著名的北极星。北极星是颗不太亮的星星,但我们可以借助大熊座比较容易地找到北极星。大熊座的明显标志是由七颗亮星组成的北斗七星





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    第三单元重点 一、重点词语 旅游 幼龟 沙滩 侦察 企图 情愿 蠢事 返回 海鸥 补救 蝙蝠 清朗 捕捉 飞蛾 蚊子 避开 敏锐 铃铛 苍蝇 揭开 推进 障碍物 荧光屏 争先恐后 若无其......


    语文第三单元 shātān yúchǔn bǔzhuōzhàng ài mǐn ruìjiēkāi ( ) yòu guīzhēn chálǚyóu zāi huò naǐzhì bù zhé bù......


    2018新版PEP五年级英语下册第三单元复习资料 第三单元:一、重点词汇 january一月 February二月 march三月 April四月 may五月 june六月july七月 August八月 September九月 oc......