
时间:2019-05-13 14:56:28下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 2

My husband, an economical man, has a favorite saying: “A bargain is really a bargain when you don’t buy is.”


Yet he puts aside his economical ways when we dine out.不过,当我们到外吃饭时,他就把他节俭习惯抛到一边了。

He always gives a generous tip to our waitress.他总是付给我们的女招待一笔慷慨的小费。

If the service is terrible, he keeps back only a few pennies.如果服务质量糟糕,他也只是少给几个便士。

We recently treated our son and his girlfriend to a seafood feast near Cocoa Beach, Florida.Our waitress, a grandmotherly woman, was skilled in the art of waiting tables.She treated her customers as individuals.我们的女招待是位慈祥的女士,深谙餐厅服务艺术,她把客人们都看做是各有特点的个体。She remembered their special tastes, likes, and dislikes.她能记住他们的口味,喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。

She learnt all of these after only the briefest of conversations.所有这些她只是在(同客人)最简短的交谈后就知道了。

Unit 3

The old woman’s face collapsed a bit more,and her hands trembled as she put the can back on the shelf.她把罐头放回货架时双手不停地颤抖。

She hobbled past me toward the door, 她从我身旁蹒跚地走向门口,her torn and dirty clothing barely covering her bent back.破旧而又肮脏的衣服勉强遮住她佝偻的背。

For the rest of my shift, the image of the woman stayed in my mind.在余下的当班时间里,老妇人的形象一直在我的脑海中。

I was young and healthy, while she was old and sick.我年轻、健康,而且她却年老多病。

I wished with all my heart that I had acted like a human being rather than a robot.我真希望我当时表现得像一个人而不是机器。

I was sad to realize how difficult it was to keep our better instincts.意识到我们保持自身良好本性的力量是多么的脆弱,我感到悲哀。

Contrast对比;sharp明显;bent弯曲;tempted诱惑、吸引;barely仅仅、刚刚; courage勇气;proud自豪;stuff东西、玩儿;debated讨论;ignored不理睬、忽视; missing不在的、失踪的;instruments乐器;shocked使……震惊;hand劳工;fold折叠;arise起来、出现;put down放下

1、If you contrast fresh and frozen vegetables, you’ll find the fresh one taste better.2、The two parties had sharp differences of opinion.3、He bent his head as soon as he saw his teacher coming to him.4、I was very tempted to resign after my boss was so rude to me.5、The class had barely started when the fire bell rang.6、I am happy to present this gift to the hospital.7、Sue showed great courage throughout her illness.8、They were so proud belonging to such a find team.9、There’s a lot of interesting stuff in this book.10、The issue will be debated on Tuesday.11、What should I do? I tried to ask her, but she ignored me.12、My new book is missing.Please help me to find it.13、The gifted child knows how to play all these musical instruments.14、I was shocked when I won the first prize.15、At that time , I was a new hand in the factory and they gave me a lot

of help.16、Before getting into bed, I usually fold my clothes and put them on the

chair.17、Do you often arise early in the morning?

18、She put down the book and began to write an article on what she had just

read.1、他们很容易就能在这张桌上为你腾出位置。(make room for为……腾出空间)

They can easily make room for you at this table.2、把这两个计划仔细对照就可以看出一些不同。(contrast对照)

A careful contrast of the two plans shows up some differences.3、每天早晨她喜欢在公园里读英语课文。(take to开始喜欢上某事)

She takes to reading English in the park every morning.4、他是个精明的商人/聪明人,知道哪里最适合他的产品的销售。(smart聪明)He is a smart businessman /smart person who know the best place to sell

his products.5、如果我们在工作上花点心思的话,我们就能够把它做好。(put one’s mind to把心思放在……上)We can do the job if we put our mind to it.6、把你的衣服叠起来,别就这么扔在地上。(fold折叠)

Fold up your clothes and don’t just throw them on the floor.7、你们能赶得上那趟火车吗?(In time及时)

Will you be in time to catch the train?


You haven’t done the job properly—you’ll have to do it again.9、我们长话短说吧,我还要赶心机呢。(brief简短;短暂)

Let’s keep this conversation brief;I have a plane to catch.10、对朋友忠诚被世人称赞。(loyalty忠诚)

Loyalty to friends is praised by people.11、她的父母亲为她感到非常自豪。(be proud of自豪)

Her parents are very proud of her.12、我妹妹真是大方,买那么多东西送给她的朋友。(generous慷慨)

It is generous of my sister to buy so many things for her friends.



I.Phonetic Directions: In each of the following groups of words , these are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A , B, C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation by blackening the corresponding letter.1.A pleasing B treat C meal D pleasure 2.A polite B promise C flight D tide 3.A cheek B challenge C church D character 4.A nowadays B knowledge C slow D shower 5.A suddenly B schedule C update D budget

II.Vocabulary and Structure Directions: In this section , there are 25 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A , B , C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter.6.It was the kind of morning when you wake up and feel really.A live B living C alive D lively 7.I’m fed up with waiting.I won’t wait.A no longer B some longer C more longer D any longer 8 people watched the 1884 Summer Olympics.A Millions of B Millions C A million of D kept 9 There aren’t many people in tea house.I suppose it’s still early for people to have tea.A much B so C very D too 10 The government has promised to more money on education.A cost B spend C save D pay 11 In the past few weeks there was a sudden drop the world’s oil production A on B from C at D in 12 There was a noise outside , and Bill his flashlight.A got around B moved on C made up D reach for 13 you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else.A So B Since C While D Although 14 This has been used in space to produce electricity water.A not only ,but also B both , and C any more than D whether, or 15 I saw my father the building;so I went downstairs to meet him.A enters B entered C to enter D entering 16 I have never read such a book!A bored B bore C boring D born 17 Grandpa once a family of ten on seven dollars a week.A raised B arose C rose D risen He had been sent to England at the age of eight to a school in London.A tend B attend C trend D intend 19 We do the same job although I am senior him.A to B than C over D above 20 I won’t tell the secrets you say I can.A if B as long as C unless D once 21 I’d rather we skiing this year instead of hiking.A went B go C have gone G will go 22 If it hadn’t been Christine, I would never have met Michael.A to B on C for D with 23 she thought about what had happened , she felt A More , sadder B More , more sad C The more , the sadder D The more ,the more sad 24 Music has always brought comfort and to people throughout the world.A pleasing B pleased C please D pleasure 25 She never took a taxi , even though she could to.A offer B bear C afford D take 26 We had planned to play tennis but it was raining , we went swimming instead.A since B though C if D so 27 most kids prefer watching TV to reading.A In nowadays B Nowadays C Present days D Current days 28 I have the greatest confidence in John because he is honest, efficient and.A reliant B dependent C rely D reliable 29 It’s best if you can get someone local to show you the.A sight B sighting C sightseer D sights 30 The mist prevented him seeing very far.A off B away C from D to

III.Cloze Directions: For each blank in the following passage , there are four choice marked A、B、C , and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter.This story tells about the discovery of coffee.The sun was shining and it was warm.Khalde sat on the grass 31__ his goats.Some of them were eating grass quietly, some were lying in the shade under the 32__;some were playing 33_ the rocks;others were chewing the bright red berries on the nearby 34 Suddenly the goats that were eating_35_began to act very 36.They became very nervous and began to run __37_ excitedly.Khalde thought, “ They’re such happy goats.They are _38_the warm sun and mountain air.” But day after day, the same thing _39_, and soon Khaldi was sure those little red berries that _40_ on the wild

mountain bushes had a very strange effect on his goats.Khalde talked about this to a _41_ who lived in a nearby village.The friend, who liked to _42 decided to try the berries himself.He _43_some in a pot of water and drank the liquid that this produced.It tasted _44_!The man threw the liquid away, but some of the boiled berries fell into the _45_and began to roast(烘烤).The aroma(香味)that the roasted berries produced was 46 He thought, “If I cook the roasted berries in water, maybe the liquid will _47_better.” Sure enough, the _48__that these berries produced was stimulating(使兴奋)and _49_delicious.What was it? Coffee---the drink that people from all over the world _50_so much!31.A.feeling B.showing C.watching D.looking for 32.A.grass B.trees C.bushes D.plant 33.A.in B.on C.among D.over 34.A.grass B.plant C.trees D.bushes 35 A.berries B.grass C.bushes D.trees 36 A.happily B.noisily C.loudly D.strangely 37.A.into B.down C.around D.away 38.A.taking B.enjoying C.needing D.getting 39.A.happened B.remained C.took place D.broke out 40.A.found B.planted C.grew D.produced 41.A.friend B.stranger C.farmer D.villager 42 A.experience B.experiment C.examine D.exercise 43 A.put B.left C.boiled D.brought 44.A.good B.sweet C.delicious D.terrible 45 A.ground B.water C.fire D.pot 46 A.wonderful B.terrible C.bitter D.no good 47.A.sound B.feel C.look D.taste 48 A.color B.smell C.taste D.drink 49.A.simply B.nearly C.hardly D.probably 50.A.take B.make C.love D.dislike IV.Reading comprehension(20 points)

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by four questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter.Passage one Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when most of us would prefer sweets and ice-cream to meat and rice.Sweets and ice-cream are not bad for the stomach if we eat at the end of a meal.If we eat before a meal, they may take away our appetite.It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each day.When we feel hungry, it is a sign that our body needs food.When we feel excited, we may not want to eat.A long time ago, in English, some judge used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not swallow the bread, it was a sign that he was not telling the truth.He was telling lies.Although this seems very strange and rather foolish, it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth.A man who is worrying something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry.Because he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.51.According to the passage , ice-cream is often eaten.A.before a meal B.in the middle of a meal C.at the end of a meal D.when we feel hungry 52.Why do we have to form good eating habits? A.Because we want to eat more B.Because we want to keep fit C.Because we enjoy our meals D.When every family member is home 53.When does the writer saddest it would be better have our meals? A.When our work is over B.At the regular time every day.C.When the meal is still hot.D.When every family member is home.54.When do you think it is good to eat sweets according to the passage? A.When we are happy.B.When we have a good appetite.C.After a meal.D.Before a meal.55 What could a man do if he told a lie according to some judge in old English ? A.He could not swallow any dry bread.B.He could eat a lot of food C.He could hardly drink wine.D.He could swallow some dry bread easily.Passage two The water level of oceans rises and falls alternately twice a day.This movement of water is called tide.Tides are caused by the pull of the sun and moon on the earth’s surface;since the moon is much closer, it influences the tides more than the sun.When the moon is directly overhead, it actually pulls on the water that is below it.This causes the water level to rise because the water is pulled away from the earth.As the moon disappears over the horizon(地平线),the pull lessens and the water level settles back towards the ocean bottom.When the water reaches its highest level, we have high tide.And when the water reaches its lowest level we have low tide.From it lowest point, the water rises gradually for about six hours until it reaches high tide.Then it begins to fall continuously for about six hours until it reaches low tide.Then the cycle begins

again.56.The article says that the rise and fall of the ocean’s water level.A.influences the moon B.disturb the ocean bottom C.change the earth’s surface D.is called the tide 57 The article says that the moon’s influence on the tide is.A.less than the sun’s B.greater than the sun’s C.the same as the sun’s D.dependent on the sun 58.When the moon is directly overhead, it.A.calms the water below it B.pulls the water below it C.pushes the water below it D.does not influence the water below it 59We have a low tide when the.A.water starts to rise B.water starts to fall C.moon disappears over the horizon D.cycle begin again 60 The title below that best expresses the ideas of the passage is.A.tides B.ocean C.the moon D.the earth

V.Daily Conversation Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter.A.Mr.Philips , this is my friend Robert B.How are you recently, Mr.Philips C.Robert is a very good soccer player and has played it for years.D.I would like to introduce my teacher, Mr.Philips , to you.E.Are you and Helen in the same class.F How do you do G Are you and Helen from the same city H Robert likes music a lot and can play piano

Helen: Robert , 61.Shall we go and see him now ? Robert: Good.Let’s go.Helen : 62.Robert, this is my teacher Mr.Philips.Mr.Philip:How do you do , Robert ? Robert: 63 , Mr.Philips ? I’m glad to know you.Mr.Philips : I’m glad to know you , too.64 ? Robert: No.I’m in Mr.Brown’s class.Helen : Mr.Philips , 65..Mr.Philips : Has he ? I like watching soccer games.)

Translation Section A Directions: For this section , you are supposed to translate the follow 5 sentences

into English.1.我们打电话 时,她碰巧出去了。(happen to be/do)

2.他对人友好,而且很少发脾气。(friendly, rarely , lose one’s temper)3.在乡村生活之后我永远也无法适应生活在大城市。(get used to)4.直到昨天我才注意到杰克在送文件时犯了一个大错误。(not… until;make a mistake)5.我认为总的来说你已经非常幸运。(on the whole)

Section B Directions: For this section , you are supposed to translate the following 5 sentences into Chinese.6.Mary is a keen reader of love stories.7.The small town usually starts to come alive after dark.8.I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature(文学)9.Did you look the front door ?—I think so ,but I’d better make sure.10.When they got married they had lots of problems, but things worked out in the end.





例1You’ve already missed too many classes this term.You ______ just last week.A.missed B.would miss C.had missed D.have missed

例2Anne asked Tom ______ the key.A.when he left B.where he had left C.how he left

D.why did he left

2.与完成时 有关的时态

★现在完成时(have done)

since, for/ in the past few months, up to now


toy cars as a hobby becomes increasingly popular during the past fifty years.A




例2English ______ in a new way at my college in the past few years.A.has been taught

B.was being taught

C.has been taught

D.had been taught.★过去完成时(had done)

例3Anne asked Tom ______ the key.A.when he left B.where he had left C.how he left

D.why did he left

例4The chemistry class_____ for five minutes when we hurried there.A.had been on B.had begun C.has been on

D.would began

★将来完成时(will have done)


例5We’re late I expect the film_____ by the time we get to the cinema.A.had already started

B.have already

C.will already have started

D.have already been started.★现在完成进行时(have been doing)

例6It seems oil ___________ from this pipe for some time.We'll have to take the machine apart to put it right.A.had leaked B.is leaking


D.has been leaking

★过去完成进行时(had been doing)

将来完成进行时(will have been doing)



例7By the time you arrive this evening, _______for two hours.A.I will study

B.I will have been studied

C.I had studied D.I will have been studying.3.在时间和条件状语从句中不用将来时态


例1When the mixture_____, it will give off a powerful force.A.will heat B.will be heated C.is heated D.has heated

例2please be sure to telephone me the next time you ______.A.will come B.would come C.shall come D.come


例3Smith is to study medicine as soon as he_______ military service.A.will finish B.has finished C.finish D.would finish

例4No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she______ them.A.tries B.will try C.are trying D.have tried 4.考试小窍门





may not mustn’t need’t






+have done


例1I ________ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night A.might fall B.must fall C.must have fallen

D.can have fallen

★ can’t/could’t






+have done


★ may/might not




+have done



needn’t have done should have done should not have done ought to have done could have done



× Must do

√ Must have done



I would ask George to lend us the money if I ______ him.A.had known B.have known C.knew D.would know

If a better material ______, the strength of the part would have

been increased.A.had been used B.had been using C.being used


? 如果条件句中有were, had, shouldif

例3_____ the advice of his friends, he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his business.A.If he took B.if he should take

C.Were he to take D.Had he taken

? 含蓄条件句中虚拟语气的应用

But for/without

„„, otherwise/or„

„„, but/though„.做最好的自己


But for your help, I _____ the work in time.A.did not finish B.could not finish

A.will not finish D.would not have finished

Without electricity, human life _____ quite different today.A.is B.will be C.would have been

D.would be

He was very busy yesterday;otherwise he_____ to the meeting.A.would have come B.would come C.could come D.had come

We would have made a lot of money, but we


A.gave up B.had given up C.would give up D.were to give up

? 错综时间条件句

If I were you, I would not have missed the film last night.2.(should)+动词原形在某些从句中的应用

(1)当宾语从句从的谓语是suggest, request, insist, desire , demand, propose, order, command, arrange等动词时,如:

I suggested that we should go there on foot.注意:当insist表示坚持认为之意时, 不用虚拟语气,用陈述语气.如:

The man insisted that he had never stolen the money

(2)It is ordered/desired/decided/requested/strange/important/natural/ 等后的主语从句中

It is desired that we should get everything ready tonight

(3)advice, idea, order, plan, demand, proposal, suggestion, request 等名词之后的表语从句和同位语从句中.如:

My suggestion is that we should hold a meeting this evening


4.if only 引导的感叹句中

5.as if/as though引导的状语从句中

6.would rather后的句子的虚拟语气谓语动词用过去式

7.it is(high)time that „.句型中, 从句的谓语动词用过去式




The road is wild enough for cars to pass by.It is important for you to work hard.It is kind of you to help me.?不定式的时态和语态



The magnificent museum is said _____ about a hundred years ago.A.to be built B.to have been built

C.to have built D.to have being built


1)why not do表示委婉的建议

Why not_____Professor Li for help? He is kind-hearted and willing

to help.A.ask B.you ask C.to ask D.your asking

2)使役动词have, make, letto的不定 式。

例The teacher has the students _____ a composition every other week.A.to write B.written

C.writing D.write

While he was climbing the high mountain, he had his leg_____

A.broke B.break C.broken D.breaking

There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make


A.hearing B.being told C.to hear


3)表示生理感觉的动词如see, watch, notice, observe, hear后面接不定式做


With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy_____ to a hospital.A.send B.to be sent C.being sent D.sending 4)do something but/except do

There is nothing we can do _____ wait.A.but B.rather than

C.in spite of C.besides.5)记住下列不带to的短语

can’t but

can’t help but

had better 2.动名词


forget regret

stop go on



have trouble/problems/difficult doing something



feel like

spend/waste„doing something can’t help

need/deserve/want be worth

what about/how about 3.分词



例1During the discussion , Mr Boyd remained silent when asking his





例2Your experiment reports must be checked with care before_______ A.handed them in

B.them handing in

C.being handed in

D.handing them in

_______ in the air fuels give off heat.A.T burn


C.T be burned

D.Being burned


赵文通 时间状语从句

while/ when/ as/ until


no sooner„than/ hardly„when/ scarcely„when

the moment the minute the instant


It is/has been „.since„


now that

in that




as long as

provided that 3.让步状语从句


though although even if

even though while whatever


and, or, but Prefer

Prefer something to something

Prefer doing something to doing something

Prefer to do something rather than do something Prefer

Prefer somebody to do something

e.g : I prefer you to speak English in the class.1、a number of, the number of

a number of +

the number of +

2、able, capable, competent

able be able to do s.thA cat is able to see in the dark.capable be capable of +doing。


A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases.3、above allafter allat all;in all above all

But above all tell me quickly what I have to do 做什么。

after all 可位于句首、句中或句末。如After allyour birthday is only two weeks away后就是你 的生日。




He isafter allHe failed after allat alla small child

He doesn’t like you at all

Are you going to do it at all

If you do it at alldo it well

I was surprised at his coming at all

in all

There are 25,000 Inuit in all(In all, there are 25,000 Inuit)这儿共有25,000因努伊特人。

4、aboard, abroad, board, broad aboard I never went aboard a ship.abroad He often goes abroad.board The passengers are boarding the plane now.broad He has very broad shoulders.5、accept, receive accept receiveI received an invitation yesterday, but I didn’t accept it.6、accident, incident, event

accidenta traffic accident


event 也指国家和社会的事件。

7-accurate, correct, exact, precise accurateClocks in railway stations should be accurate.correct 的反义词是incorrect, wrong.exact 差”。它的反义词是inexact。

precise8、accuse, charge, sue accuse of His bossaccused him of carelessness.charge 常与withThe police charged the driver with reckless driving.sue 常与for Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house

9、acquire, require, inquire acquireacquire knowledge



inquireinquire a person’s name

requireWe require more help.10、adopt, adapt adopt Since they have no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl.He adopted our suggestion.adopt与adapt11、advantage, benefit, profit advantage

He had the advantage of good education.profit 多指报偿或报偿性的收入。如Did you make any profit last year?

benefit I get no personal benefit from the business.12、1affect, effect affectSmoking affects health.effectGovernment policy will not have any effect on us.13、afford, provide, supply


provide 和supplywithprovide /supply somebody with something的结构。

14、ago, before ago

before 可以单独使用。

I saw him ten minutes ago.我十分钟之前看到的他。

He told me that he had seen the film before.他告诉我他以前看过 这场电影。

15、agree onagree toagree with

agree on

The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month

agree to




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1、They are busy doing______experiments.(scientist)

2、Exercise ______the flow of blood.(stimulate)

3、Acting before thinking always _____in failure.(result)

4、The_____of computers has doubled in the last few weeks.(produce)

5、What are the latest _____?(develop)

6、Tom was preparing for an _____trip.(excite)

7、The lock is _____;it won't stop anybody.(defect)

8、This movie is rich in _____.(imagine)

9、One boy in the class had a fever,and soon other children became_____.(infect)

10、This ordinary-looking man is actually a very experienced_____.(detect)

11、Scientific_____has brought about many changes in factories.(manage)

12、That famous doctor's _____cured him.(treat)

13、Their house was _____in the war.(damage)

14、_____could prevent many serious diseases.(vaccine)

15、_____,Chinese people are receiving a higher income each year.(increase)

16、About ten people were _____injured in the traffic accident.(fatal)

17、The _____of the machine is easy.(operate)

18、The baby is very _____about the moving pictures on the TV.(curiously)

19、He went home after being _____from the prison.(release)20、The policeman tried to catch the two _____.(robbery)

21、The baby is _____to milk products.(allergy)

22、One of the _____is now working at your company.(twin)

23、His failure on the math exam _____him to study harder.(motivator)

24、As an _____worker,he is often praised by his boss.(industry)

25、Laura was highly _____for her performance in the play.(praise)

26、She is an _____and works in a big company.(accounting)

27、Yao Ming is a _____basketball player.(professionally)

28、Your application will be _____as soon as we receive it.(process)

29、He told a very _____stroy to the whole class yesterday.(interest)30、When _____are sent to different parts of the city ,they have to drive in order to carry their products.(salesman)

31、When the bad boys bullied him again,he _____back.(strike)

32、He bought three pieces of _____for his room.(furniture)


1、Louis Braille didn't give up studying _____he became blind by accident at the age of three.A.as though

B.even though



2、The wound isn't serious,but it may _____some discomfort.A.cause

B.result from


D.led to

3、A healthy diet creates a body _____to disease.A.insistent




4、When he came for the interview,Tom felt _____at first,but soon calmed down.A.nervous




5、The flower _____sweet.A.was smelt

B.were smelt



6、I made an _____mistake in my speech.A.embarrassed




7、Jim was made _____very hard.A.work

B.to work



8、This big stone _____at least a ton.A.weighs

B.is weighed

C.had been weighing

D.had been weighed

9、Nothing has _____from his efforts.A.resulted


C.been resulted


10、If you work hard,you will _____progress.A.be




11、Last evening,a fight_____in the cafeteria.A.broke through

B.broke down

C.broke out

D.broke up

12、The government needs to take _____to protect the endangered animals.A.measures




13、There is _____a book on the desk.A.no




14、_____you support me,I'd love to take part in the contest.A.Even if

B.As if

C.As long as

D.Even though

15、There is _____need to worry about the weather.A.not




16、_____any furniture in the room? A.Are there

B.There are

C.Is there

D.There is

17、You are _____to get the job if you make good preparations for the interview.A.likely




18、The news quickly _____among the soldiers.A.was spread


C.have spread

D.were spread

19、Emphasis should be put _____the development of our economy.A.in



D.at 20、Man's life is often _____to a candle.A.comparing




21、She has a good _____of smell.A.sensibility




22、It was on Monday night _____all this happened.A.as




23、He _____speak quickly when answering the questions.A.tends to

B.intends to

C.comes to

D.goes to

24、_____is 6 o'clock.A.There




25、He told me with _____that he could not come to the party.A.regret




26、According to a recent _____,in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.A.research




27、_____I had read the books on the reading list before the final exam.A.Only if



D.If only

28、It suddenly_____her that she had been been wrong all along.A.came to

B.came through

C.came round

D.came under

29、The study of idioms is as important as _____of grammar.A.this


C.the one

D.one 30、The problems we have today are similar to _____we had in the 1980s.A.these




31、The work was done _____her instructions.A.in addition to

B.according to

C.as well as

D.apart from

32、Can you tell Jack _____his twin brother? A.of






































[revitalized].使恢复生机 2 [awaken].(使)醒来 3 [performed].工作,运转 4 [supplement].增补,补充 5 [declared].宣布,宣称 6 [propose]提议,建议 7 [representing].代表,维护 8 [threaten] 威胁,恐吓 9 [reality].现实,实际情况 10 [sesure].有把握的,安全的 11 [suspended].暂停,终止 12 [strain].压力,负重 13 [preserve].维持...的原状,保存 14 [awarded].授予,奖励 15 [emphasize].重视,强调 16 [persuade].劝说,使信服 17 [enhance].提高,增强 18 [discard].丢弃,抛弃 19 [steady].(使)平静,(使)冷静 20 [remove].去除,去掉 他是个注意力不易集中的男孩。

He is a boy with little power of concentration.2 他对这项计划十分热心。

He is very enthusiastic about the plan.3 你的箱子里装着什么?

What does your suitcase contain? 4 那位参议员要退休了,他的席位将公开竞选。That senator is retiring and his seat is up for grabs.5 他在这次战役中被俘了。He was taken captive in this battle.6 单丝不成线,独木不成林。

One strand of silk doesn't make a thread;one tree doesn't make a forest.7 他在化学领域做出了巨大的贡献。

He has made great contribution in the field of chemistry.8 这个问题已经引起了广泛关注。

This issue has caused wide public attention.9 成功需要努力、坚持和运气的结合。

Success requires a combination of hard work perseverance and luck.10 我们想加强与他们的联系。

We want to strengthen our ties with them.The team will win the game if all the members are [at their best].Life would carry on [even if] there was a war going on.3 It is the third quarter [in a row] that the GDP is rising at 10%.4 The whole country has been trying to do [a great deal] more to help the disabled.5 He looked through [a number of] journals.6 She [wrapped] the book [up] in brown paper.7 You drank [at least] half a bottle of whisky today.8 A good family is [based on] trust.9 You mustn't [mistake] lack of formal education [for] lack of wisdom.10 He watches three movies a week [on average].11 He [lets down] a rope so that I can climb up.12 We will [make do with] that engine for the time being.13 Heavy rain will [wash away] the soil from desolate hills.14 Most people are so busy [making a living] that they forget to make a life.15 I [was shocked at] this sudden change in their attitude.16 The trees outside the windows [deprive] the house [of] light.17 They answered the teacher's questions [in turn].18 He was late [as a result] of traffic jam.19 She is very beautiful, and [what's more] , pretty kind-hearted.20 You will have to [go through] a severe test.



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