听力 Unit 1
1、C She´s loving,but doesn´t know how to show it.2、D Her father is admirable.3、A Love requires one not to give up on a person.4、D Go and see them more often.5、B What love means.6、A The importance of learning about love.7、D The man loves the woman though he is late again.8、C Said she was disappointed in her daughter.9、A Teacher and student.10、B Employer and employee 1.A The woman’s attitude toward her children.2.C She treats her lids rudely.3.B To act lovingly toword others.4.B Her children are able to show love.5.D Husband and wife.Unit 2
1、C The man has been exercising.2、C His strength needs improvement.3、B Eat different foods.4、A Doing a little running at first.5、D Exercise doesn´t always help.6、B Joining him in his running.7、C She has worn herself out.8、D Angela´s recent troubies
9、A In a clinic.10、A Doctor and patient.1.D The amount of exercise the woman should get.2.C She is running on the school track.3.A That she is exercising too much.4.B It is something that the woman’ss doctor told him.5.A Brother and sister.Unit3
1、D The President doesn´t know exactly how to change the education system.2、C He heard about it from a news report
3、B Because its students are successful.4、C Chinese lifestyles.5、C Spend more time studying.6、B They always appear to be joyful.7、A He is going to visit a German factory.8、C What will be discussed in the coming meeting.9、B Employer and employee.10、A In Brtain 1.B Sending Mandy to a special school 2.C The college entrance exam 3.A The woman is in favor of jukus 4.B Mandy is serions about her studies 5.D Husband and wife.Unit 4
1、B The use of Uncle Sam´s image.2、B The Statue of Liberty has had different meanings through the years.3、C She thought the farmer in the painting was holding a weapon.4、D To view symbols of the US.5、A That foreigners would associate the US with places of beauty and wonder.6、B Its people don´t give enough credits to its painters.7、D American Gothic.8、C It has a symbolic meaning for Americans.9、D On a bus.10、A Brother and sister.1.C On a tour boat 2.D Because he wants to write a paper for his class 3.B In 1884 4.B The Statue is taller than he had imagined 5.A The Statue’s base is about the same height as the Statue.Unit 5
1、B Because she had stayed with her mother so much already.2、C He was not a generous person.3、D Some advice their father once gave them.4、A He thinks the woman´s father has a right to die.5、B Respecting the memony of his mother.6、B Because she wanted to keep them from seeing something bad.7、B What happens after a person to dies.8、A The doctor will not help the woman die.9、D Brother and sister.10、D 86.1.B
A mother’s final advice 2.C 15 3.D To be loving and generous with others 4.D The mother would have said more if she hadn’t died 5.A Because she felt she understood the essentials of what her mother meant to say.翻译 Unit 1 1.No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。2.Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。
3.Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。
4.If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.老师回来时你敢告我的状,我就不再和你说话了。
5.Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和女儿一起生活。
6.Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.现在需要面对的事情是,如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。Unit 2 1.The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪。
2.All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。
3.No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。
4.Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。
5.If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并尽快咨询医生。
6.Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。Unit 3 1.In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,它是非常传统的。
2.Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them.教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。
3.In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of going to work directly.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。
4.As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。
5.It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。
6.The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.这所学校把为学生做好人生准备当作其职责,办法是倡导一整套能使所有学生受益的道德标准。
Unit 4 1.Everything considered, this city is the world’s most exciting city.从各方面考虑,这座城市都是世界上最令人激动的城市。
2.Though with no approval from his parents, he went ahead with his plan to study abroad.尽管没有得到父母的赞同,他还是继续他的计划出国学习。
3.The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of people.这座桥是以一位英雄的名字命名的,这位英雄为人民的事业献出了生命。
4.It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the painting whose face represented suffering yet strength.据说,画家是以她母亲为模特的。他母亲的面容沧桑却不失坚定。
5.The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.这位作家于1950年因出版一本小说而一举成名,小说的灵感来自于他和一位姑娘在农场的经历。
6.One story says that “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” whose real name was Sam Wilson, who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the US Army.有个故事说,US是“山姆大叔”的缩写,“山姆大叔”原名叫山姆·威尔逊,他曾和一名男子一起工作,这名男子和美国政府签订了一份合同,给军队提供肉食。
Unit 5
1.Not until he saw his mother lying in bed, dying, did he realize how much he loved her.直到看到弥留之际躺在床上的母亲,他才意识到自己是多么地爱她。
2.Taking into account of his recent physical condition, I think he has done quite well in the exam.考虑到他最近的身体状况,我以为他这次考试成绩还不错。
3.Mrs.Clark lies in bed motionless, and I wondered briefly if she is still alive.克拉克夫人躺在床上一动不动,一时间我都纳闷她是否还活着。
4.The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.整栋楼一片黑暗,只有三楼的某个窗户透着一丝光。
5.These soldiers have received very strict training and are well equipped to fulfill the new task.这些士兵接受了严格的训练,并且对完成这项新任务有充分的准备。
6.He reached for the phone, picked it up, and dialed the hotel’s number.他伸手拿起电话,拨通了宾馆的号码。
Unit 1 Although they may not be the world’s.....BACAD ADDCB BBACD CACDA 1、B competed 2、A ceremony 3、C all about
4、A examples
5、D aim
6、A disabilities 7、D respected 8、D wins
9、C in a way
10、B restrain
11、B but 12、B ending
13、A complete
14、C while
15、D held up
16、C anywhere
17、A pray 18、C
with which
19、D host、A pledging
Unit 2 Jim Fixx had been a heavy smoker...DCCAD ABDCB ABDAD ADCCA 1、D took up 2、C reaped、C by 4、A inspired 5、D considerably
6、A to 7、B evidence 8、D revealed
9、C suffered 10、B given
11、A acknowledge
12、B impact 13、D particularly 14、A However
15、D moderate 16、A result in 17、D summed up、C As with 19、C reward 20、A likelihood
Unit 3 Hyde was founded in 1966...BDABD BADCB BACCA BCADB
1、B rather than
2、D because
3、A before 4、B typically
5、D primary 6、B adopt 7、A is placed on
8、D expose
9、C led to 10、B available 11、B counsel
12、A to 13、C focus on 14、C share
15、A extended 16、B involve 17、C over
18、A assigned 19、D but also 20、B earn
Unit 4 When Henry Ford announced..ACBDB DACAB ACACC ADDAD 1、A affordable
2、C impact
3、B eventually、D strategies 5、B As a result 6、D ability 7、A feasible 8、C no matter where、A provided 10、B no longer 11、A packed 12、C explore 13、A attraction 14、C to
15、C restricted 16、A instantly
17、D on average 18、D cope with 19、A define 20、D dominating
Unit 5
Aging is a natural...BCBAD BDACA CACBA DDABA 1、B come up with 2、C tend 3、B konwn as 4、A dividing、D considered
6、B psychological
7、D due to
8、A to do with 9、C in general 10、A take place
11、C poorly
12、A dislike 13、C no longer 14、B where 15、A customary
16、D consideration 17、D increasingly
18、A as well as
19、B reduction 20、A very likely 听力 Unit 1
She’s much too cold and distant.CDADB ADCAB The woman’s attitude toward her children.ACBBD Unit 2 The man hasn’t been doing much.CCBAD BCDAA The causes for a person getting heart disease.DCABA Unit 3 The President has no idea how to.....DCBCC BACBA Sending Mandy to Japan to study.BCABD Unit 4
The advertisements seen in many places.BBCDA BDCDA At the Statue of Liberty.CDBBA Unit 5
Because she had beaten herself up about it already.BCDAB BBADD A mother’s happy life.BCDDA
How China Lives On the contrary, foreign culture is invading.We eat KFC, watch Japanese cartoon, and dress fashionable Korean clothing.We are apt to try new things from all over the world, but at the same time, we neglected our tradition, like rice dumpling, the Peking Opera, also beautiful modern Chi-pao.As a matter of fact, foreigners are crazier than we do about our elite.Chinese economy grows too fast to have the energy to keep an eye on other things.The government asks the executor to finish a Reconstruction Project in a certain period, so to complete it as soon as possible, they even do not take people’s profit into consideration.Our prospects are still good.I find our chance to be at least as those of any other nation and probably better.We have five-thousand-year long Chinese civilization.It is the most powerful reason.Finally we will reach our goal.
1、They are busy doing______experiments.(scientist)
2、Exercise ______the flow of blood.(stimulate)
3、Acting before thinking always _____in failure.(result)
4、The_____of computers has doubled in the last few weeks.(produce)
5、What are the latest _____?(develop)
6、Tom was preparing for an _____trip.(excite)
7、The lock is _____;it won't stop anybody.(defect)
8、This movie is rich in _____.(imagine)
9、One boy in the class had a fever,and soon other children became_____.(infect)
10、This ordinary-looking man is actually a very experienced_____.(detect)
11、Scientific_____has brought about many changes in factories.(manage)
12、That famous doctor's _____cured him.(treat)
13、Their house was _____in the war.(damage)
14、_____could prevent many serious diseases.(vaccine)
15、_____,Chinese people are receiving a higher income each year.(increase)
16、About ten people were _____injured in the traffic accident.(fatal)
17、The _____of the machine is easy.(operate)
18、The baby is very _____about the moving pictures on the TV.(curiously)
19、He went home after being _____from the prison.(release)20、The policeman tried to catch the two _____.(robbery)
21、The baby is _____to milk products.(allergy)
22、One of the _____is now working at your company.(twin)
23、His failure on the math exam _____him to study harder.(motivator)
24、As an _____worker,he is often praised by his boss.(industry)
25、Laura was highly _____for her performance in the play.(praise)
26、She is an _____and works in a big company.(accounting)
27、Yao Ming is a _____basketball player.(professionally)
28、Your application will be _____as soon as we receive it.(process)
29、He told a very _____stroy to the whole class yesterday.(interest)30、When _____are sent to different parts of the city ,they have to drive in order to carry their products.(salesman)
31、When the bad boys bullied him again,he _____back.(strike)
32、He bought three pieces of _____for his room.(furniture)
1、Louis Braille didn't give up studying _____he became blind by accident at the age of three.A.as though
B.even though
2、The wound isn't serious,but it may _____some discomfort.A.cause
B.result from
D.led to
3、A healthy diet creates a body _____to disease.A.insistent
4、When he came for the interview,Tom felt _____at first,but soon calmed down.A.nervous
5、The flower _____sweet.A.was smelt
B.were smelt
6、I made an _____mistake in my speech.A.embarrassed
7、Jim was made _____very hard.A.work
B.to work
8、This big stone _____at least a ton.A.weighs
B.is weighed
C.had been weighing
D.had been weighed
9、Nothing has _____from his efforts.A.resulted
C.been resulted
10、If you work hard,you will _____progress.A.be
11、Last evening,a fight_____in the cafeteria.A.broke through
B.broke down
C.broke out
D.broke up
12、The government needs to take _____to protect the endangered animals.A.measures
13、There is _____a book on the desk.A.no
14、_____you support me,I'd love to take part in the contest.A.Even if
B.As if
C.As long as
D.Even though
15、There is _____need to worry about the weather.A.not
16、_____any furniture in the room? A.Are there
B.There are
C.Is there
D.There is
17、You are _____to get the job if you make good preparations for the interview.A.likely
18、The news quickly _____among the soldiers.A.was spread
C.have spread
D.were spread
19、Emphasis should be put _____the development of our economy.A.in
D.at 20、Man's life is often _____to a candle.A.comparing
21、She has a good _____of smell.A.sensibility
22、It was on Monday night _____all this happened.A.as
23、He _____speak quickly when answering the questions.A.tends to
B.intends to
C.comes to
D.goes to
24、_____is 6 o'clock.A.There
25、He told me with _____that he could not come to the party.A.regret
26、According to a recent _____,in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.A.research
27、_____I had read the books on the reading list before the final exam.A.Only if
D.If only
28、It suddenly_____her that she had been been wrong all along.A.came to
B.came through
C.came round
D.came under
29、The study of idioms is as important as _____of grammar.A.this
C.the one
D.one 30、The problems we have today are similar to _____we had in the 1980s.A.these
31、The work was done _____her instructions.A.in addition to
B.according to
C.as well as
D.apart from
32、Can you tell Jack _____his twin brother? A.of
[revitalized].使恢复生机 2 [awaken].(使)醒来 3 [performed].工作,运转 4 [supplement].增补,补充 5 [declared].宣布,宣称 6 [propose]提议,建议 7 [representing].代表,维护 8 [threaten] 威胁,恐吓 9 [reality].现实,实际情况 10 [sesure].有把握的,安全的 11 [suspended].暂停,终止 12 [strain].压力,负重 13 [preserve].维持...的原状,保存 14 [awarded].授予,奖励 15 [emphasize].重视,强调 16 [persuade].劝说,使信服 17 [enhance].提高,增强 18 [discard].丢弃,抛弃 19 [steady].(使)平静,(使)冷静 20 [remove].去除,去掉 他是个注意力不易集中的男孩。
He is a boy with little power of concentration.2 他对这项计划十分热心。
He is very enthusiastic about the plan.3 你的箱子里装着什么?
What does your suitcase contain? 4 那位参议员要退休了,他的席位将公开竞选。That senator is retiring and his seat is up for grabs.5 他在这次战役中被俘了。He was taken captive in this battle.6 单丝不成线,独木不成林。
One strand of silk doesn't make a thread;one tree doesn't make a forest.7 他在化学领域做出了巨大的贡献。
He has made great contribution in the field of chemistry.8 这个问题已经引起了广泛关注。
This issue has caused wide public attention.9 成功需要努力、坚持和运气的结合。
Success requires a combination of hard work perseverance and luck.10 我们想加强与他们的联系。
We want to strengthen our ties with them.The team will win the game if all the members are [at their best].Life would carry on [even if] there was a war going on.3 It is the third quarter [in a row] that the GDP is rising at 10%.4 The whole country has been trying to do [a great deal] more to help the disabled.5 He looked through [a number of] journals.6 She [wrapped] the book [up] in brown paper.7 You drank [at least] half a bottle of whisky today.8 A good family is [based on] trust.9 You mustn't [mistake] lack of formal education [for] lack of wisdom.10 He watches three movies a week [on average].11 He [lets down] a rope so that I can climb up.12 We will [make do with] that engine for the time being.13 Heavy rain will [wash away] the soil from desolate hills.14 Most people are so busy [making a living] that they forget to make a life.15 I [was shocked at] this sudden change in their attitude.16 The trees outside the windows [deprive] the house [of] light.17 They answered the teacher's questions [in turn].18 He was late [as a result] of traffic jam.19 She is very beautiful, and [what's more] , pretty kind-hearted.20 You will have to [go through] a severe test.
1.The first type of judgment, the type where judging you is the end goal, includes court cases, grades in classes, and most competitions.译: 第一种判断,即把正确地判断一个人作为最终目的的判断,包括法院判决?、考试成绩及大部分比赛。
2.Our early training and our self-centeredness combine to make us believe that every judgment of us is about us.译: 我们早年所受的训练,加上我们总是以自我为中心,使我们认为对我们所作的每个判断都是关于我们本身的判断。
3.If college applicants realized how quick and impersonal most selection processes are, they’d
make more effort to sell themselves, and take the outcome less personaiiy.译: 如果大学申请人意识到大部分选择过程是多么迅速、多么不考虑个体需求,他们就会更努力地推销自己,并能更加坦然地对待录取结果。
4.I had a blanket wrapped around me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks.The cold never bothered him.译: 我当时裹着一床毯子,在轮到我的时候,我要把毯子分给爸爸一些,但爸爸说不用,他从不怕冷。
5.Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness.译: 他喜欢强调一点:那些闪亮的星星是对像我们这样住在荒野里的人的特别款待。
6.Venus didn’t have any moons or satellites or even a magnetic field, but it did have an atmosphere sort of similar to earth’s, except it was super-hot — about five hundred degrees or more.译: 金星没有像月亮那样的卫星或其他卫星,甚至没有磁场,但它有着与地球相似的空气,只是它的空气超热,大约有五百度甚至更高。
7.The two most important but apparently independent....译:大部分人所知道的凡·高的两个最重要但显然互不相关的特点是:他对色彩神奇、几乎具有爆发力的运用以及他糟糕的精神状态。8.Van Gogh suffered from epilepsy.....译:凡·高患有癫痫病,这种病会导致昏厥,可能是因为出生时脑部有缺陷。9.As art lovers, we acknowledge that.....译:作为艺术爱好者,我们承认凡·高创作了一些世人所知的最伟大的画作,并为他以后的许多艺术家提供了灵感。
10.It is not surprising that modern.....译:要是有人跟现在的孩子说他们长大后要“去工作以谋生”,他们往往会表现出一脸的茫然和沮丧,这并不奇怪。
11.The machines that make things make.....译:机器生产出来的东西很容易散架,而这样的东西要拿去修理的话费用非常高,不值得。12.Constructed as a piece of junk....译:这栋楼本来就是被当成一件垃圾建造起来的,所以当大楼变得破旧了,就会被当做垃圾扔掉,在原地盖一栋新的垃圾楼。
13.We may have isolated ourselves.....译:也许我们孤立自己并非完全处于本意,但是我们最后所处的处境,和我们一直的预期非常相近。
14.The truth is that if one can.....译:事实是,如果有人能承认自己孤单,纳闷这场战役他就赢了一半。但这一半却是那么 容易赢得的。二.汉译英
1.大部分雇主关心的...译:What most employers care about is not your self-improvement, but whatyou contribute to the company.2.无论结果如何....译:Whatever the outcome will be, do not give up easily.We should not underestimate our ability/ourselves just because of one failure in seeking employment.3.我的童年是在乡下度过的.....译:My childhood was spent in the countryside.At that time the skies were clear.Looking up to the sky at night, I could see countless stars.4.童年是一个五彩斑斓的盒子......译:Childhood is a colourful box, in which are beautiful dreams and interesting memories.5.尽管我们做了不懈努力.....译: Despite all the efforts we made, some great works of art got lost overseas.6.他有唱歌的天赋.....She is a genius in singing.If she had been given the opportunity, she may have been a famous singer.7.当被问到那种现代科技.....When asked which modern science and technology has influenced people’s life most, most people will choose the Internet.8.办公环境直接影响工作效率.....The office environment has a direct impact on work efficiency.Therefore it is vital to create a comfortable working environment for employees.9.大城市是他最不愿居住的地方.....The big city is the last place that he wishes to live in, for it is so bustling and crowded there that he finds it hard to bear.10.过去邻居们经常互相串门.....Neighbors used to visit each other regularly.But now they are used to staying at home and rarely stay connected unless it is essential.11.我们应该把精力放在工作上.....We should focus our attention on work rather than complicated personal relationships.
1.I like that singer a lot,but I haven’t been able to obtain(获得;得到;买到)his latest CD anywhere.2.Jim said he was very confident(确信的;自信的;有信心的)that the project would be successful.3.Nowadays people prefer to communicate(交流意见,沟通)with one another by e-mail.4.Being tall gave him an advantage(有利条件,优势)over the other players.5.He based his article on the relevant(有关的,有关主题的)information he had gathered.6.Role-play(角色扮演)is helpful(提供帮助的;有用的)in developing communication skills.7.Sometimes she eats a lot and sometimes nothing at all;she just goes from one extreme(极限;极端)to the other.8.My trip to Australia proved to be a most enjoyable(使人快乐的,有乐趣的)experience.9.It is assumed that the Internet is an efficient means(方法,手段)of communication.10.I am afraid that getting things changed is slow process.(步骤,程序;措施,方法)
11.Traffic is terribly bad nowadays,particularly(特别,尤其)in the city center.12.There are too many characters(人物,角色)in this novel;could you spare a few minutes and help me clear up my confusion?
13.Her behavior of smoking in public really astonished(是吃惊,是惊讶)us.14.All the students are interested in his lectures;apparently(显然;看来,似乎)he is a qualified teacher.15.She finds herself in conflict(冲突,抵触,争论)with her parents over her future career.16.The two parties finally overcame(征服,战胜)their differences on the matter of interest rate.17.Some strange customs have survived(经历...之后还存在)from earlier times.18.Please let us know if you can attend(参加,出席,到场)the meeting scheduled for the coming Thursday.19.She frowned(皱眉,蹙额)with displeasure as she was reading her son’s school report.20.Students are likely to let their minds wander(走神,开小差,错乱)if the teacher’s lectures are dull and boring.21.I always fell so guilty(有罪的,犯罪的)about not visiting my parents more often,but I do have lots of things to cope with every day.22.The local farmers sustained(蒙受,遭受)heavy losses during the flood season.23.The next morning we all went out to survey(纵览,审视,全面的观察)the damage caused by the fire.24.The sudden appearance of a tiger from the woods terrified(使惊恐,恐吓)us all.25.International students are required to carry medical insurance(保险)as a condition of enrollment.26.Adapting((使)适应,(使)适合)to a new culture is no easy task because there are lots of cultural differences to overcome.27.The film reveals(展现,显露出)the complicated social relations during the 1970’s.28.His mother criticized him for behaving(表现,举动)badly towards the guest.29.He is competent doctor and can handle(对付,控制)his patients very efficiently.30.His teachings have influenced(对...起作用,影响,影响力)the lives of millions.31.OK,I’ve done everything you asked.Now are you satisfied(满意的,满足的)? 32.Though small in size,this press(出版社)produces many entertaining(使人愉快的,有趣的,娱乐的)and educational books for children every year.33.If he dies without making a will(遗嘱),his closest relative will inherit(经遗传而得到,继承)the house.34.Whatever you say will not affect(影响)my decision;so it’s no use arguing with me.35.The whole world is now confronted(面临,遇到,勇敢的面对)with the problem of terrorism(恐怖主义).36.The escaped criminal offered no resistance(抵抗,反抗)when the police caught up with him.37.Being an introvert,I felt quite isolated(孤独的,孤立无援的)during the first few weeks of college life.38.Since we have only two professors of psychology,we have to restrict(限制,约束)the number of students on this course.39.Though she answered all the questions,she was not optimistic(乐观的,乐观主义的)about the result of the exam.40.Don’t be so selfish(自私的,自利的);let us share your books.41.Don’t mention that she has put on weight;she is rather sensitive(易生气的,神经过敏的)about it.42.The home address was incomplete,so the letter could not be delivered(递送).43.His father was finally released(释放)after he was proven to be innocent(无辜的),but he had already spent ten years in prison.44.Did he give you permission(许可,准许)to use his computer? 45.All rooms in this building are rented(租用)to students because it is close to their university.46.When she recalled her miserable(痛苦的,极不愉快的)days during the war,my mother would cry bitterly.47.When I told George that Maggie had refused to help,he exploded(爆炸)and walked out without saying anything.48.She pressed(压,挤)her dress smooth using a hot iron.49.With a motion(动作,姿势)of his hand,he urged us to follow him.50.As soon as she accepted the job,Janet started working with great enthusiasm(热情).51.Though she is over seventy,she is blessed(祈求上帝,祝福,保佑)with excellent health.52.The old woman was hurt so deeply by what his son had said that she trembled(颤抖,发抖)with rage.53.Just complete the attached(系,捆)form and return it in the envelope provided.54.The waiter inquired(打听,询问)whether we would like to sit near the window.55.You’ve been working all morning--you now deserve(应受,值得,应得)a rest.56.It is not that I don’t like this singer.The fact is that I am not very fond of(喜欢做某事)country music.57.The cost is directly related to(将...与...联系起来)the amount of time spent on the project.58.The story is so interesting that I cannot help reading the next chapter to find out(发现,查明)what’s going to happen.59.To a certain extent,(在一定程度上)it was my fault that we lost the match.60.Girls may bring their boy friends to the party and vice versa(反过来(也是这样),反之亦然).59.He is always ready to help others;no doubt(多半,很可能,必定)he’ll be willing to help you,too.60.The new vaccine(疫苗)may rid the world of(是摆脱掉)one of its most terrifying diseases.61.I assume that the misunderstanding between the two sides will be cleared up(彻底扫除;清理)soon.62.You must pay 2000 dollars;or else(,否则;不然的话)you will have to go to prison.63.We must fight pollution and protect our environment at all costs(不惜任何代价).64.I said he would forget,and sure enough(果然,果真)he did.65.He cannot ride a bicycle,let alone(更不用说,更谈不上)a motorbike.66.In his hurry(匆忙中)to leave the room he left his gold watch on the desk.67.It’s no use(做...是没用处的,无益的)worrying about Jim;he is now with his aunt who loves him and will no doubt take good care of him.68.He wants to improve his English by reading dictionaries,but in my opinion(在...看来)it is not an effective method of learning.69.I called Linda last night and asked her if the exhibition of Chinese paintings in her university was worth(值得做某事)seeing.70.The old man was sick of(感到厌倦;对...厌烦)having arguments all the time with his wife.71.“You really can’t imagine what I have gone through”,Mary said,choking back(抑制,强忍住)her tears.72.Compared with((与...)作比较;(与...)对照)growing up in primitive societies,growing up in today’s world is in some ways harder.73.When I first settled into(习惯于(新环境,新工作等))teaching in this small town,I felt very awkward,for my neighbors wanted to know everything about me.74.The boys would give anything(非常愿意,愿付出一切)to meet that football star.75.Tom refused into the room when Jane and I were in the midst of(在...中间)a conversation.76.It’s true that his father is a world-famous movie star,but Jack became famous in his own right(根据自己的能力或合法权利(而不依赖其他因素)).76.We didn’t plan it like that but it worked out(产生结果;发展为,结果是,锻炼,健身)very well.77.At first he found it extremely hard to fit in with((使)符合,适合,适应)his colleagues at the new company.78.When I was in my teens,I gradually grew apart(关系逐渐疏远)from my parents,only to realize how wrong I was in my later years.79.I’m sorry to hear that you’re suffering from a severe cold.No wander(并不奇怪;不足为奇;十分自然)you did not turn up at the party yesterday.80.It is not a healthy habit staying up(仍然醒着;不就寝)too late.81.I was annoyed with(有点生气,恼火的)my mother’s tight control over me and ended up shouting at her one day.82.The boy was scared of(惧怕做某事)his mother because she would always scold him if he did anything wrong.83.Because of my carelessness,I soon found myself in trouble(处于危险)again and then I realized that what my mother had said was right.84.He is not a very responsible person.For instance,(例如)he promised to come to our meeting,but never even respond when we invited him.85.The chairman of the Science Club summed up(总结,归纳,概括)the meeting by repeating the main points discussed.86.We hope that our research will have an impact on(对...起作用(有影响))the environment,especially the quality of air in cities.87.I know you are still angry with John but please be polite when you respond to(响应,反应,回答)his questions.88.Reading books and travelling across the country can surely expand your horizons.(增长阅历和见识)
89.My lecture today falls into(分成)three sections.90.Listen to her voice,you can hear her professional training at work.(在起作用)
91.During the examination period,I would like to shut myself off(使隔绝,隔离)from everything and just focus on my studies.92.I did so badly in my last two tests that I feel I am no longer in control of(掌管)my studies.93.I want to live a happy life,free from(摆脱(不相宜的人或事物)的;不受...影响的;免于困扰或损害的)problems and worries,but it is just so difficult.94.Unless you are in good shape((情况,身体等)良好)physically,you will not be able to climb the Great Wall.95.She is a very responsible lady;with her in charge,I am sure nothing will go wrong(不如意;不对头,遇到麻烦).96.We were half way on our journey when our car broke down((机器)停止运转,坏掉).97.I have lost my watch and I am quite certain I lost it on my way to(去...的途中)the computer room.98.The child is very independent.He wants to make all important decisions by himself(单独地;独自地).99.The litter girl is a dancing genius;she could dance in time(合着拍子或节奏)to the music as young as three years old.100.Our manager has to deal with(对付,应付,处理)all kinds of complaints the staff members make.101.She knew her subject from top to bottom and breezed through(毫不费力地通过考试)the exam in less than an hour.102.Several days had gone by(时光逝去;经过某处)before we found the missing dog.103.To my surprise(令某人惊奇地),I was given the job,even though I had sent in my application rather late.Cloze 1.Many of us these days are learning a foreign language.We are interested in learning another language because we know that knowledge of another language and culture will increase our career opportunities,broaden our horizons(眼界,见识)and enrich our life.Since learning a foreign language is of such importance,no doubt people are constantly looking for more efficient ways of language learning.Most people say the best way to learn a language is to stay in the country where it is spoken.It is true those who go to a native country have an advantage over these who don’t.But living abroad needs money,and not everyone can afford to do so.Those who don’t go abroad may turn to language schools for help.Language schools usually claim that they can teach students to speak the language they want to learn fluently within 3 to 6 months because they have more qualified teachers and better facilities.To a certain extent,a good teacher is indeed important in language learning, but it would be ridiculous to claim that any teacher has discovered a perfect way of teach English in every possible situation.In fact,there are as many good methods of teaching a language as there are good teachers,because every teacher is an individual with his /her own personality.What a student needs to remember then is to find out a method that best suits himself/herself.2.When I was a child,I was really proud of having a father who was a well-respected doctor.I beamed whenever my teachers said that I was set to become an honorable man like my father.However,all this changed when I grew into a teenager.I felt awkward that everybody around me only remember me as Dr.Song’s son.I protested and told them that I would prefer to stand on my own two feet.However,my complaints were never taken seriously and I continued to hear compliments about me,which were really meant for my father.I then grew very stubborn and even refused to call my father”Dad”.Although my father frowned whenever I called him “Lao Song”,my attitude towards him,as I now recall,did not change until I had a car accident one day.I hit a young man’s car and panicked as he threatened to beat me up when I told him I had no car insurance.When I got off my car and surveyed the damage,I could not help groaning.Out of fear,I told him “I’m Dr.Song’s son”.At this,a sign of recognition lit up his face;he smiled and forgave me.What could have been a very difficult situation turned out to be fine just because I was Dr.Song’s son.How thankful I felt towards my father.3.When a person is born,he/she has a set of personalities that make him/her different from others.Psychologists believe that colors are sometimes a good way to indicate how a person behaves and the way he/she responds to things that are happening to him/she.They can also reflect personality traits.Nonetheless,we cannot be absolutely sure about a person’s characteristics by just looking at his/her preference for certain colors.Therefore,we should not be harsh and critical towards a person just because he/she likes a specific color that does not represent some positive traits or characteristics.Psychologists also believe that everyone can develop or change his/her personality.For example,if an individual wants or correct his/her negative traits such as his/her immature behavior,he/she has to make an effort to do so.He/She has to be persistent and keep working hard to ensure that he/she can achieve
is determined,he/she can change the traits he/she inherits from his/her parents.The important thing is to change for the better and not for the worse.4.Being a good boss has never been easy for me.The most difficult part is not about work,but about dealing with relationships at the workplace.As each and every employee in my company is significant to its development,I need to give enough attention and care to everyone and to be approachable to all.At the start of the business,I encountered difficult situations and I was unsure what the best way was to handle them.For example,when an employee made a mistake,I hesitated about whether to scold him or her.Would I appear to be an impatient boss to my employees if I did so?Would they continue to make mistakes if I was too lenient?Sometimes,I had to settle disputes among the employees if they did not see eye to eye with each other on some tasks.This too was difficult.Should I blame any party or should I defend anyone?How would I bring them to see their differences and find solutions without hurting each other?Sometimes I also encountered difficult employees who seemed to feel miserable whatever I did for them.Life has never been easy,but I have learned the ropes along the way.The essential principle is to treat he employees sincerely,appreciate their contributions to the company and reward them accordingly.My employees are happy to have me as their boss,and are offering me all the assistance they could.They have great enthusiasm for their work and have contributed significantly to the company’s development.