英文写作 6 Why learn English为什么学习英语

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第一篇:英文写作 6 Why learn English为什么学习英语



A.Write a letter to your local English-language newspaper giving your view on a discussion that has arisen as a result of an article they published entitled “Why Do We Need English?”

B.Your letter must be written of about 200 words, excluding the addresses, etc.No.47, Haidian Road Haidian District

Beijing, China 100086

August 18,1999

The Editor Local English Daily

Wuhua Building Beijing, 100781

Dear Sir:

I have been following with great interest the discussion inspired by Mr.Wang Li's article “Why Do We Need English?” published in the Local English Daily of 20th May, 1999.The one aspect of the English language that most of your correspondents seem to be unaware of is its widespread use as the international language of diplomacy, commerce and technology.It is the language of the United Nations and its agencies as well as of many other international bodies.We would be foolish to confine our vision to our national borders only.We are still, after all, dependent on other countries for technical and industrial assistance.How can we hope to be economically and technologically independent if we are not able to communicate in these areas outside our own country?

English must be taught in all our schools, not only for the above reasons but also so that our students can go abroad to learn the techniques our nation so

urgently needs.We also need representatives who can command respect at the international conference tables of the world.And if English is the common

language of communications for world diplomacy, economics and defence, then let us be as fluent and proficient in it as possible, for the sake of our own country's advancement and prestige.Yours sincerely,Li Xiaohua






这20部电影可以学到的商业社会必须的经济常识,以及每天都发生着的经济欺诈。这20部电影都是英语国家孩子在学习商业知识方面必须看的影片。其中包括哈佛商学院一直排第一位的Wall Street,还有沃顿商学院排第一位的Trading Place,以及斯坦福要求商科学生必须看的Boiler Room。

1.Wall Street(华尔街)(1987)


2.Glengarry Glenn Ross(拜金一族)(1992)


3.Trading Places(颠倒乾坤)(1983)


4.Boiler Room(锅炉房)(2000)


5.Pirates of Silicon Valley(硅谷传奇)(1999)

比尔·盖茨与斯蒂夫·乔布斯在所有方面的看法,观点都是对立的。他们只有在一个事情上是绝对共同的,那就是尽一切可能封杀这个影片。硅谷的高科技公司是如何 孵化的,是怎么演变成今天这个样子的,不到25岁的年轻人利用了什么样的市场规则,又是如何让市场规则,让客户,让竞争对手形成一个共同体的。阴谋一个接 一个,层出不穷的点子笼罩在硅谷的上空。

6.The Coca-Cola Kid(可口可乐小子)(1985)


7.The Secret of My Success(发达之路)(1987)


美女。明天早晨醒来,发现你不过就是一个北漂的时候,不过就是陷入大上海茫茫人海中的 一个小小小小的水滴的时候,如何实现自己梦想中这两个无法或缺的元素。且看美国堪萨斯的男孩在纽约飘荡的历程。如果纽约可以代表近100年人类商业活动的中心,那么,任何21世纪的年轻人,你不得不面对大城市的喧嚣、躁动,美女可以让你实现金钱的梦想,同样,金钱也可以让你品味美女的诱惑。

8.In Good Company(优势合作)(2004)




10.Jerry Maguire(甜心先生)(1996)

做生意要拿出诚意来。这个影片为美国文化提供了两条经典的短语,风行美国经久不衰。show me the money 让我看到钱才是真的。任何生意都如此。怎么才能看到钱,什么情况下,你会忘记这一点,而且通常是客户劝你忘记这一点。生意中没有牢靠的友谊,这是你在创业 前必须要牢记的教训。做销售,建立大客户关系不容易。

11.Office Space(上班一条虫)(1999)

公司缩减规模,预备裁员的时候,这个哥们居然不知道,而且,就在裁员开始的那天,他却决定请假一天。他的两个办公室的好友已经处在被开掉的边缘,无奈,哥们 三个决定实施一个神秘计划,将公司帐号上的钱陆续转移,当然,通过木马病毒的方式。然而,由于这个哥们本来对办公室工作就没有感觉,于是,对于裁员特别轻松,满不在乎,公司高层偏偏就欣赏这样的态度,他居然被留下了。办公室政治课实战教材。市场经济环境中公司遇到危机时,裁员的本质动机,员工对公司的作用的核心意义都是必须要学习的商业社会的基本规则。

12.The Corporation(解构企业)(2003)



13.The Insider(惊爆内幕)(1999)

当商业秘密与巨额货币纠缠在一起的时候,阿尔8226;帕 西诺主演的主持人面对了两难的处境。在资本主义的商业社会,在没有约束的情况下,金钱可以换来什么?商业社会的本质是货币自由交换,只要你情我愿,交换什 么都可以,哪怕是交换对公众危害严重的吸烟的秘密。科学家的良知能否用钱收购,中国古语说的有钱能使鬼推磨,真的在外国对于鬼来说有效吗? 交易中的商业价值,交易中的定价原理,商业信誉在交易中的作用都是这个影片中活生生地展示出来的,商科学生必须要理解金钱统治人类社会的必然结果,以及这种结果具备的不可逆的特性。

14.The Hudsucker Oroxy(影子大亨)(1994)

一个缓慢叙事风格的影片。一个票房不怎么样的影片,一个懂商业的人说好的影片,一个社会大众看不懂的影片。一个公司的老板自杀了,似乎特别符合现在的萧条期 的潮流。然而,老板自杀了,其公司还蒸蒸日上呢,董事会的实权人物开始行动,行动的目的当然是私欲横流,监管呢?正直呢? 公司治理,企业董事会操作实战等都是这个影片不可多得的实战教案。


商业社会信任容易建立吗?谁值得信任、给钱的人值得信任吗?给你一个录用的机会就值得信任吗?影片中的大型软件公司暗指微软,公司老板也是用比尔盖茨为原型的。从斯坦福录用天才软件工程师毕业生,然后应付已经严重推迟了的软件发布日期。然而,信任却突然成了一个问题,一个公司,法律,个人,专业性之间复杂 的,纠缠不清的问题。毕业了,有的是大公司如同鳄鱼一样盯着你,不是用鳄鱼般的嘴,而是用诱人的薪酬,宽松的待遇包装起来的网,你已经准备好投怀送抱了吗?

16.Rogue Trader(魔鬼营业员)(1998)


17.Other People’s Money(抢钱世界)(1991)




19.What Women Want(男人百分百)(2000)


20.Barbarians at the Gate(门口的野蛮人)(1993)




英音 《真爱至上》

美音 《录取通知》《超人高校》《奇迹灰姑娘》《舞出我人生》


动作片 《危情谍战》 《勇闯夺命岛》,《国家宝藏》,《空中监狱》《居家男人》











动作片的话。。我推荐尼古拉斯凯奇的 勇闯夺命岛,国家宝藏,空中监狱。都很经典(入过你能忍受BW的话),其实凯奇也有不少好看的文艺片比如《居家男人》

经典的话我觉得还是 《拯救大兵瑞恩》和《乱世佳人》比较好,就看你喜欢不喜欢类型了。

再有,如果你想了解黑人英语的话 《绝地战警1,2》是绝对值得看的,相信我。



是等有了一定基础再看这个比较好。说到美剧,我建议你看英雄《heroes》,电驴上能搜到 yyets 的双语版本。越狱太紧张,我们老师就直呼受不了,当然我也喜欢越狱只是感觉不适合你现在的情况而已。



Learning English Summary


1.Even if do not understand you have to listen.When go on listening exercises, many students often complain that they do not understand, thus lost interest in listening in halfway.In fact, even if do not understand is also a study, but you do not recognize them.Although the temporary you do not understand, but your

eardrum has begun trying to adapt to a new language pronunciation, adjusting the frequency of your brain, ready to accept a new

information code, which itself is a leap.So remember:although you do not understand, you are making progress.2,Practice listening, to take full advantage of inadvertent psychological attention, and now, most of the students have a player, so whenever and wherever, whenever there is free time, you should listen to English tapes, put themselves in English language environment, maybe you could not hear clearly what to say, it does not matter, you can easily do other things, do not have to intend to listen to, as long as the environment around you with the pronunciation of foreign languages, will improve your listening.I feel, want to break listening should start a

slow start in English, such as the VOA listening English.Because those who start to listen to the standard rate of hearing the original data, is very unscientific, and it makes us self-confidence nurtured by just a huge hit, one of us would give up most of the people.when you practice listening ,first make sure a tape is totally

understood.What are entirely understand it? Is listening to every word? you can accurately repeat it, including every word.Secondly, we must be able to repeat the synchronization vivid.But we can not be satisfied, because these are some mechanical imitation, the rigid repetition.This mechanical repetition of oral and open to our ability to not have a “multiplier” effects.Our goal should be: learn to use their own words, to have heard about them, hear them try to use words, phrases.If you can do this, I believe we will soon improve English listening.二 Note The Word

Everyone to learn English, the most common method is to remember words, but the words of the explanation is dead, the use of language is alive and mechanical understanding will cause great misunderstanding.Therefore, the word is not the most important, the key is context.Can be said that the actual use of the word is not much value, then the amount of mechanical memory of the word big, it will not really

improve your foreign language skills.Therefore, we must cultivate the good habit of reciting the sentence because the sentence contains both the pronunciation rules, there are grammatical content, but also that a word in a specific locale-specific meaning.Also: do not study “antique English.” Any language is a living, every day development, learning the old language is no novelty, and basically no place available.Not fresh, not being, not the language of humor is not what we need to learn the language, so daily life, we have to read English newspapers, see more original video works to add new vocabulary.三 speaking and grammar

1, to learn standard English fluently and to others, but some students are able to read as the confused standards of learning.Each received a verbal materials, opened a few pages of a look, have read, and too easy to think of themselves inappropriate.In fact, the practice of spoken material, the content certainly not difficult, or impossible to drill.Read is not equal to say these things you have learned to express fluently, is the primary goal of verbal learning.2, do not use Chinese characters to write in English pronunciation.Learning a foreign language if the sound off, however, has not really

master a foreign language, but also harm the largest foreign language training is not conducive to the interest of further study.Some students marked in Chinese pronunciation of English, such as the “goodbye” recorded as “股的拜”, this is innovative, but learning English is absolutely no good.3.do not use Chinese characters to write in English pronunciation.Learning a foreign language if the sound off, however, has not really master a foreign language, but also harm the largest foreign language training is not conducive to the interest of further study.Some students marked in Chinese pronunciation of English, such as the “goodbye” recorded as “顾得拜”, this is innovative, but learning English is absolutely no good.The best way to learn spoken language, not to do exercises, not recited, nor is to look at grammar, butread aloud the text again and again, this approach aims to develop their own sense of language, only with a sense of language, can without hesitation when doing exercises , subconsciously write the correct answer.And, when you read dozens of familiar texts, many commonly used sentence will unconsciously blurted out, MR any so-called “foreign language thinking stage” will be unannounced.四 other

1, focus on “a set of teaching materials

The hands of some students now have many extra-curricular English teaching, but if the materials used today, and tomorrow but for the other, has lost a systematic study.I think the correct approach should be to select a set of materials to its main, and the remaining materials are as a supplement.Face test, just to do the question is obviously preparing for the

practice of palliative and do questions help us understand the kinds of questions can only play.but for us, is the key language capabilities.2, This is said that learning English is no ”Shortcut“.There is no shortcut to learn English, only the method is good or bad.3, looking for a study partner

Learning English should also have greater power.Every time you sit down to study, will need to concentrate in the short term listening and reading.But learning English is a long process that requires sufficient time to ensure that every day,.So many people started to learn English, to give up some time soon, because our English is not a continuous improvement process, but through a series of sudden increase and the interval did not seem to change with the stage, this is the so-called

”plateau effect.“ After months of study, you may not notice a huge increase in English, in these times, we are most likely to lose momentum and give up long-term study.To avoid such a good way phenomenon is not entirely a person to learn as much as possible.If you can not learn the language center, at least you should try to find a ”learning partner", so that you can encourage and support each other

4, On our attitude towards learning English at this stage

Learning English can not rely too much on the teacher.We have to carefully try to figure out a word we often say: a master-door, in each practice.This sentence points out the nature of learning.Any kind of learning is ultimately the students themselves, rather than the teacher, so we should not complain all day about the fast MR either, but with a kind of positive attitude to complete the MR layout of each task of any , no matter how difficult.


Learning English Summary 一.Listening

1.Even if do not understand you have to listen.When go on listening exercises, many students often complain that they do not understand, thus lost interest in listening in halfway.In fact, even if do not understand is also a study, but you do not recognize them.Although the temporary you do not understand, but your eardrum has begun trying to adapt to a new language pronunciation, adjusting the frequency of your brain, ready to accept a new information code, which itself is a leap.So remember:although you do not understand, you are making progress.2,Practice listening, to take full advantage of inadvertent psychological attention, and now, most of the students have a player, so whenever and wherever, whenever there is free time, you should listen to English tapes, put themselves in English language environment, maybe you could not hear clearly what to say, it does not matter, you can easily do other things, do not have to intend to listen to, as long as the environment around you with the pronunciation of foreign languages, will improve your listening.I feel, want to break listening should start a slow start in English, such as the VOA listening English.Because those who start to listen to the standard rate of hearing the original data, is very unscientific, and it makes us self-confidence nurtured by just a huge hit, one of us would give up most of the people.when you practice listening ,first make sure a tape is totally understood.What are entirely understand it? Is listening to every word? you can accurately repeat it, including every word.Secondly, we must be able to repeat the synchronization vivid.But we can not be satisfied, because these are some mechanical imitation, the rigid repetition.This mechanical repetition of oral and open to our ability to not have a “multiplier” effects.Our goal should be: learn to use their own words, to have heard about them, hear them try to use words, phrases.If you can do this, I believe we will soon improve English listening.二 Note The Word

Everyone to learn English, the most common method is to remember words, but the words of the explanation is dead, the use of language is alive and mechanical understanding will cause great misunderstanding.Therefore, the word is not the most important, the key is context.Can be said that the actual use of the word is not much value, then the amount of mechanical memory of the word big, it will not really improve your foreign language skills.Therefore, we must cultivate the good habit of reciting the sentence because the sentence contains both the pronunciation rules, there are grammatical content, but also that a word in a specific locale-specific meaning.Also: do not study “antique English.” Any language is a living, every day development, learning the old language is no novelty, and basically no place available.Not fresh, not being, not the language of humor is not what we need to learn the language, so daily life, we have to read English newspapers, see more original video works to add new vocabulary.三 speaking and grammar

1, to learn standard English fluently and to others, but some students are able to read as the confused standards of learning.Each received a verbal materials, opened a few pages of a look, have read, and too easy to think of themselves inappropriate.In fact, the practice of spoken material, the content certainly not difficult, or impossible to drill.Read is not equal to say these things you have learned to express fluently, is the primary goal of verbal learning.2, do not use Chinese characters to write in English pronunciation.Learning a foreign language if the sound off, however, has not really master a foreign language, but also harm the largest foreign language training is not conducive to the interest of further study.Some students marked in Chinese pronunciation of English, such as the “goodbye” recorded as “股的拜”, this is innovative, but learning English is absolutely no good.3.do not use Chinese characters to write in English pronunciation.Learning a foreign language if the sound off, however, has not really master a foreign language, but also harm the largest foreign language training is not conducive to the interest of further study.Some students marked in Chinese pronunciation of English, such as the “goodbye” recorded as “顾得拜”, this is innovative, but learning English is absolutely no good.The best way to learn spoken language, not to do exercises, not recited, nor is to look at grammar, but read aloud the text again and again, this approach aims to develop their own sense of language, only with a sense of language, can without hesitation when doing exercises , subconsciously write the correct answer.And, when you read dozens of familiar texts, many commonly used sentence will unconsciously blurted out, MR any so-called “foreign language thinking stage” will be unannounced.四 other

1, focus on “a set of teaching materials

The hands of some students now have many extra-curricular English teaching, but if the materials used today, and tomorrow but for the other, has lost a systematic study.I think the correct approach should be to select a set of materials to its main, and the remaining materials are as a supplement.Face test, just to do the question is obviously preparing for the practice of palliative and do questions help us understand the kinds of questions can only play.but for us, is the key language capabilities.2, This is said that learning English is no ”Shortcut“.There is no shortcut to learn English, only the method is good or bad.3, looking for a study partner

Learning English should also have greater power.Every time you sit down to study, will need to concentrate in the short term listening and reading.But learning English is a long process that requires sufficient time to ensure that every day,.So many people started to learn English, to give up some time soon, because our English is not a continuous improvement process, but through a series of sudden increase and the interval did not seem to change with the stage, this is the so-called ”plateau effect.“ After months of study, you may not notice a huge increase in English, in these times, we are most likely to lose momentum and give up long-term study.To avoid such a good way phenomenon is not entirely a person to learn as much as possible.If you can not learn the language center, at least you should try to find a ”learning partner", so that you can encourage and support each other 4, On our attitude towards learning English at this stage

Learning English can not rely too much on the teacher.We have to carefully try to figure out a word we often say: a master-door, in each practice.This sentence points out the nature of learning.Any kind of learning is ultimately the students themselves, rather than the teacher, so we should not complain all day about the fast MR either, but with a kind of positive attitude to complete the MR layout of each task of any , no matter how difficult.

第五篇:英语写作指导 英文感谢信(推荐)

• • • • 如何写感谢信

Thankyou letter 写作感谢信时,一定要言语真切,切忌夸夸其谈,华而不实。否则只会令人反感。此外,感谢信一定要写得及时,让对方感受到你的感激之情。

开头段表明写作意图,向对方表示诚挚的谢意。I am writing to express my thanks to you for …

主体段高度评价对方的帮助,列举为何对对方心存感激。一定要提及感谢的具体原因及内容。千万不要只是一味地感谢,而不道明需要感谢的理由。还可简明扼要地说明对方提供的帮助对你所起到的作用。或是从另外一个方面,如果没有别人的帮助会怎么样 if there was not you help …



1.Thank you for all your kindness and support during my trip/.journey 感谢您在我旅行期间对我的关照。

2.It was indeed a pleasure to have dinner with you.(确实 实在是)与您一起共进晚餐着实是我的荣幸。Deed 行为 作为 3.Many thanks for your warm hospitality.非常感谢您的盛情款待。

4.I’d like to thank you for the wonderful dinner you gave us today.非常感谢你今天以丰盛的晚餐款待我们。

5.Thank you for your kind cooperation during these years.感谢您在这些年里的友好合作。

6.I hope we will have a chance/opportunity for further cooperation.希望我们有机会展开更深入的合作。


7.I really don’t know how I can thank you enough.我真不知该怎样感谢你。

8.Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.从心底 我由衷地感激您。

9.If I can in any way return the favor, it will give me great pleasure to do so.如果我能做点什么来报答您的话,我非常乐意。

10.Thank you for the present.It’s just what I wanted.谢谢您的礼物,这正是我想要的。

11.I don’t know how to thank you for such a beautiful flower.真不知道要如何谢谢你送我这么漂亮的花。

12.Thank you for your help, I’ll definitely do something in return.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• 谢谢你的帮忙,我一定会回报您的。

My sense of appreciate is beyond my word.我对你的感激超出语言所能表达 Ican’t express my thanks too much.再怎么感谢你也不为过 My appreciate is more than I can say.It would be much harder without your general help.如果不是你无私的帮助这件事会困难的多 I am excited to find that there live a potential about our further cooperation.

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    弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧pesonel statement(introduction) good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your......


    Is Learning English Good or Bad? With the advancement of globalization, more and more Chinese people are learning English, which makes much influence in on one......