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由于各国的历史与文 化底蕴不同,各国人民在进行礼尚交往时的习惯也有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差别很大,若不了解,就容易引起不必要的误会和损失。例如,在中国近代史上,由于中国闭关自守,对西方不了解,在一次希特勒举行的宴会上,一位中国使节按照在中国的习惯用餐巾去揩拭刀叉,殊不知这种做法在国外是极不礼貌的,仿佛是在责备刀叉不干净。希特勒一见之下,立即命令侍者将全体客人的餐具一律重新换过,使那位中国使节窘迫难堪。再例如,李鸿章曾应俾斯麦之邀前往赴宴,由于不懂西餐礼仪,把一碗吃水果后洗手的水喝了。当时俾斯麦不了解中国的虚实,为了不使李鸿章丢丑,他也将洗手水一饮而尽,见此情景,其他文武百官只能忍笑奉陪。在文化方面就美国来讲,中国人赞赏推崇的愚公移山,令全拿搬家不当回事的美国人大惑不解,他们会用智叟的语调发问:“他为什么不搬家?”中国人以谦虚为美德,而美国人对中国人“水平不高,能力有限”的自谦并不以为然,相反地他会认为你缺乏自信,不知有多少留学生在美国因为“谦虚”而推掉了饭碗。如此相反的结论,如此巨大的反差,是东西方存在的文化差异的显现。


















第三篇:中美婚姻观差异 论文



(华北水利水电学院 外语系 河南 郑州 450011)


关键词:中美婚姻观 家庭条件共同爱好 生存环境 经济 社会价值观 宗教夫妻从相识、相知、相爱、相伴、到相守,要经历友情、爱情、同情、恩情的各种体验,而婚姻是对男女关系最直接的定位,无论哪个人在哪个国家都要面对。婚姻作为文化的一部分浓缩并反映了它所处社会的文化特征、道德信仰、经济与政治等文化现象值得我们深思,本文就中美婚姻观差异及其形成原因作初步探讨。

一 中美婚姻观对比



















二 中美婚姻观差异形成原因



































三 结论







5)席晓《由中西婚礼习俗看东西方价值观之异同》(《考试周刊》2008年29期)胡文仲,毕继万.跨文化非语言交际.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999 姜文华,洪杰.儒家思想与传统婚丧习俗.民俗研究,1996,2. 罗秀《简释中西方文化差异》(中南民族大学校刊)[William J Fitzpatrick,Jane Austin’s PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,Simon & Schuster,1964.6)Nark Schorer.Pride and Prejudice,Riverside Edition—B1,Boston,1956.7)董天冯丽博平玮(华北电力大学河北•保定071003),传奇传记文学选刊


The different concepts between US and China & The reasons for it

PEI Ge-ge

(Foreign language Department of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China)

Abstract: Chinese marriages are based on family conditions,while Americans ' marriages are based on the same hobby.Their different survival environment affect

the people' characters and influence people's thoughts of their respective marriages.Men and women in the economy of different status determine their positions in the

family, which determines the differences in their marriage.Social value is the

mainstream of different thoughts, and it indirectly affects the public's view of

marriage.Religious beliefs also play an important role in marriage customs and

marriages maintaining.Keywords: concept about marriage between US and Chinafamily conditionssame hobbyliving environmentthe social valuesreligions


Comparing the Education Between American and China

1.First of all, the differences of education between China and the United States is the primary goal of teaching:

Chinese primary education make children’ s intellectual development and high mark achievement as the priority goal.And China’s education emphasis on training students’ s quality of strictness and rigors.In the United States,there is only one purpose of primary:to cultivate children’ s creativity.And US’s education pays more attention to raise student’ s self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself.中国与美国教育的差异首先在于两国初等教育的教学目标不同:



2.Comparing the elementary education between American and China,people’ s universal view will be:

China’s elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought.US’ s education aims to build such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought.比较美国和中国的基础教育,人们的普遍观点:



3.The attitudes towards score are different:

To China’s children,a bad report card will let him receive pressure from all sides.Most Chinese students are aimed at “high score”.In the United States,however, every student’ s report card in the end of year is his/her private goods.Parents won’t give the child too much pressure.Score ,which is less important than capability in parents’ s mind.对待成绩的态度不同:



4.The view of knowledge is different between the two countries:

China’s emphasis on accumulation and inculcation of knowledge, then to help students develop respect for authority and knowledge,succession of knowledge and structure of knowledge system.The US focus on training students’ s actual ability of using knowledge.They pay attention to training students’ s spirit of doubt and criticism about knowledge and authority as well as expansion and creativity of knowledge.These two types of education show the static state in Chinese education and dynamic state in American education.They reflect the differences of the two countries’ s views of knowledge.两国在知识观上是存在差异的:




5.The studying environment provided by China and US is different:

China’s schools, under the restriction of exam-oriented education and the influence of traditional concept, it takes a two-stage strategy which is disjointed.In the primary stage,you have to lay the foundation.In the advanced stage,you will be able to do academic research.American schools encourage children to do research from an early age.They develop the ability of researching,solving problems independently and organizing the study study materials.两国在提供给学生的环境上不同:



6.The arrangements of the course are different:

For example, on the problem of foreign language learning,in China,students only have one choice-English when they are in basic education.The system of education does the unitary choice for all students.In the United States,students have more choices,which including Spanish,French,Latin and so on.And there are a kind of course in which teaching materials are not needed.They usually call it “family life”class.The course content contains sewing,cooking and increase of self-confidence.It teaches what is in our real life beyond books.It teaches students to make a better life.两国课程设置不同:



7.Different mode of education:

Chinese heuristic education exist a flaw, teachers give the suggestions of the answer to students and guide the students find“the only answer.”

The teaching methods in the United States, except guide students to understand and grasp the correct answer in class, and give students a place for free imagination to explore the unknown and potential answer.教育模式不同


8.Different college entrance examination system:

In China, in addition to a small number of talented people do not care the “entrance” Score, the others are base on examination scores of

admission.This is the only criterion.But in the United States,students choose at least one kind of various examinations every year, missed the first, it is excusable;missed twice, you can forgive......As a result, these test scores can be admitted as a very important admission criteria rather than the only criterion.高考制度不同


9.The burden of learning different:

In China, for the students ,their weekend is always canceled.Even the gorgeous holiday is still full of heavy work.The United States almost have a free day once a week.学习负担不同:


Chinese students’ homework: in order to consolidate the theoretic knowledge, it is so boring and uncreative.It takes students a lot of time.There is beneficial aspect.Although sometimes students have many exams in their student life ,it can be good for them.It can make them easy to pass the college entrance examination and accept the higher education.American students’ homework: Homework cultivate children innovative thinking and creativity.Not only does it develop good habits, but also cultivate independence, let the children easily adapt to the society.作业



11.Relations between teachers and students:

In China:Relations between teachers and students are like the elder and junior.Teachers often stand on the platform and they have a great distance with students, which make teachers in a prominent position, and make students afraid of teacher.In the United States: Relations between teachers and students are more like friends and colleagues.Students can be on friendly terms with their teachers.Teachers often have lessons below the podium, and they will approach their students and chat with them at pleasure so that students can get on well with their teachers.师生关系



12.Different family education:

1)American parents are open education.They pay attention to practical activities,and emphasize on developing the child in practice rather than preach.Chinese parents are enclosed education.They give priority to preach, and look down on the importance of practical activities.2)

Americans believe that let children do all the things to themselves.During the tasks,the children can improve the knowledge and accumulate the experience.Also they can increase the confidence and responsibility.In China,the parents have the only requirement for children is study.Even they can prepare everything for their children in daily life, and this lead to many Chinese children learned a lot of knowledge but useless.3)In the United States, children take part in the activities.Their sports activities time is abundant, and they have activity places everywhere.In China,children have less outdoor activities because the Chinese children learn from morning to night ,and they have lots of homework.家庭教育不同:







三 江 学 院


题 目中美家庭差异对比

学院 英语 专业 学生姓名学号 指导教师职称 指导教师工作单位

起讫日期 2016.11-2017.5

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In doing this thesis, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates.They generously helped me collect materials I needed and made many invaluable suggestions.I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the thesis would not have been what it is now.Particularly, I am deeply indebted to(自己填老师名字), who guided me throughout the entire process of writing this thesis.Her standards of academic excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience.Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the help of thoseindividuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude:(自己填大学名字), the university library and its staff.ABSTRACT Family is the basic unit of society, and family members of the rules of conduct, living habits often affect the formation of this family values.Family values are generally recognized, it gradually formed a prototype of the social value system.These national values also represent the image of the people of the country to a certain extent.China and the United States due to cultural traditions, ideas, social customs and other aspects of the differences led to the two countries in the family values of many differences.In the context of cross-cultural communication between China and the United States to compare family ethics, education, marriage, etc., correctly understand and understand the differences between family values between the two countries, to cross-cultural communication to remove obstacles.The core proposition of this paper is family values.It is well known that family values are the core of the cultural value research system, which plays a decisive role in the behavior of family members.And the family is the epitome of the socio-economic form, is the most basic unit of social composition, so the family members of the valuesdirectly affect their words and behavior in society, that is, the values of society as a whole depends largely on the family Values, it can be seen that the role of family values is very important.The impact of family valueson people is important because family values are the starting point for people to accept value education.Second, the family members of the values once formed, it will not easily change, it will exist for a long time, and even affect people's life.Therefore, the impact of family values on people is more far-reaching, broad and lasting.Third, family values are closely related to the development of society.Therefore, the study of family values is necessary and important.Based on the thinking of crossChinese and American family cultures.4.Differences between Chinese and American Families Values 4.1 The Values of Chinese Families

China's history is long, its deep heritage to the Chinese social form is very clear and difficult to change.Chinese society is a collectivist cultural group, the core value of individual behavioral interests must obey the collective interests, therefore, the behavior of family members to meet the collective interests of their loved ones.The most direct manifestation of Chinese family ethics is the strong clan concept.In the context of the ancient agricultural economy and society, most of the rural areas are homed with the same ethnic groups, clan or family organizations have the production, education and even self-defense functions, the family mayor, in accordance with the family management family members.Now, the development of economy and society makes the form of clan change, the clan split into a family, but the clan concept has been inherited, still stressed the harmony between different levels of family members.Strong hierarchical concepts and the traditional moral system makes the clan between the clan to strict compliance, such as the call must be accurate.Respect for the long and young people have been living in the family, the young people must respect the elders, daily life to the elders to please, respect for smoke, seat, let way, eat when sitting is also very particular about the elderly in his later years Need to be supported.Filial piety, raising children and other traditional concepts reflect the characteristics of Chinese families.A child in a family before the general situation is the need to live with their parents, and even after marriage and their parents live together is also affirmed and praised.Life contact in marriage is also very close, often together to eat, meet, in the Spring Festival and other important festivals will meet, greetings.This kind of spiritual contact and concern is a deep-rooted standard of Chinese family clan concept, often not with the social change, the development of the times and change.4.2 The Values of American Families The history of the United States is relatively short, as a new system from the British society split out of the country, it has before the traditional British classical social values, but more of a variety of cultural inclusion and recognition, and gradually formed a large fusion Of the nation.American society advocates the recognition of personal dignity, respect for human personality is the basic composition of its social value.The concept of family gradually formed in the family also makes the recognition of individual rights to the point where nothing is added.In the United States, both economic, political, and cultural are impacted by the principle of personality first, American family values are influenced by this principle.Therefore, in American society, often pay great attention to the cultivation of individual thinking, the collective concept is relatively lacking.From the American society to see the value of the composition of the family, you can understand that this family concept is individual-centered, respect for the individual on the first place.American children in adulthood, with independent ability, the family is independent of the individual, the young people will take the initiative to divorce from the original family, even in the major festivals did not meet the moral requirements, even if not family and Reunion is not condemned, which in a certain sense is respect for the individual's rights.Personal status is protected in a family, and the integrity of the family can not replace personal decisions.And in the family of their own relatives are more general terms, the title of the simplification is also to a certain extent, showing the recognition of social habits.China's respect for the class, the collective sense of identity makes in the decision-making of large things on the more consistent, more efficient transmission of information capabilities, but the personality has been a certain degree of repression;American concept too much respect for individuals, making the United States Collective concept is relatively weak, clan concept is not strong, some collective projects to be successful to do is relatively difficult.5.Differences in Family Education between China and America The family is the most important place for enlightenment education for children, and plays an important role in the development of good habits and the development of intelligence.Family education is the most important part of all the earliest education, it is the child's thinking mode and the formation of the world view of great significance.Deng Xiaoping once said: “The basis of national modernization in the talent, the basis of talent in education, education based on the family.” China is a country that attaches importance to family education, China's deep educational and cultural traditions contain excellent family education components.For thousands of years, many people in the field of family education hard work, accumulated a lot of fruitful results.The difference between Chinese and American educational concepts has always been the focus of discussion.In the family environment, we can significantly feel the impact of family ideas on the growth of children.Social environment mapping in the concept of family education, making the concept of family education in China and China have a huge difference.5.1 Family Education in China

Chinese education, we can see the phenomenon is often the child to comply with the teacher, the parents of the arrangements, conservative and objective accumulation of basic knowledge, divergent thinking is weak, the attitude of learning is also very obedient arrangements for elders, this compromise led to students Of stereotypes, sluggish, lack of creativity.In the family education, parents attach importance to the number of children, moral education, the traditional essence of Chinese culture to the modern society.In the formal education is often very important to the performance of the child, the academic performance as a good identification of a very important measure of the expectations of the child is very high, expect them to succeed, meteoric rise.This leads to the child's daily education is extremely strict, and will not consider the child's nature of the shape, not to find children grow up in line with their personality.Therefore, in China's education can often be extreme phenomena, there can be extreme genius, but also often caused by excessive pressure caused by tragedy.Chinese parents attach great importance to the social adaptability of education, they often in accordance with the established model to develop their children, but often overlooked from the child's physical and mental development characteristics to promote its growth.They look forward to their children have a bright future, more emphasis on academic tendencies, that the child as long as the results are good, what problems can be resolved.Whether the child in the future, whether to find a good career, whether in the good times through life, these are the purpose of parental education.Based on this expectation, many parents believe that the parents of the child's responsibility is to let them live better, parents give them how much happiness to give them how much happiness.If you can give children to create the most favorable living conditions, so hard and willing to.5.2 Family Education in America

American families place children's independence and autonomy in an important position, focusing on the ability of children to adapt to a variety of environments and to survive independently.They argue that the purpose of education is not to prepare a living, but to prepare for survival.What they emphasize is the value of shaping the mind, a value that is unrelated to utilitarian or occupation.Based on this concept, they attach great importance to the child's own exercise, such as labor training, will exercise, but the most fundamental is to adapt to a variety of hardships and training of labor ability.Through the labor, let the children from childhood to develop a sense of independence and love of labor habits.In the labor and hardships to overcome difficulties, temper the will, develop their own strengths, growth and talent, to develop hard, frugal good quality.They generally believe that the growth of children must rely on their own strength, so since childhood to focus on training their self-reliance and independent living ability.American family education is focused on the identity of the child's nature, giving children the freedom to judge the power of things.This psychological buffer makes the child in the learning process can accept a lot of innovative thinking, the child's education is not limited to basic education.Relative to the focus of Chinese education on basic education, the United States is more inclined to practice.American children's freedom of control over the weekend is far greater than the Chinese children.So we can see the Chinese children are in a pressure environment to come out, the United States children in the free and open space to learn things to judge and understanding.This practice of learning is more conducive to their integration into the community, but also give them a wide range of values to choose the face.The development of children in the American family education model is more comprehensive, which makes the children in the American family earlier self-reliance, early contact with the community, the vision is more open.Chinese children in the family, education is more conservative, lack of innovation in thinking, but the basic knowledge is very solid.American education of people-oriented, excessive human indulgence will produce a relatively weak basic education phenomenon.Two kinds of education only learn from each other, to find a suitable fit point in order to achieve the optimization of education.6.Conclusion

Under the influence of different cultural values of the two countries, China and the United States have significant differences in family values.In the traditional culture of China and the United States, Chinese families are mostly used for generations.US President Bill Clinton praised the Chinese family values.Indeed, thousands of years of Confucian culture created the obligations of family members in the Chinese family-a parental responsibility, mutual support and interdependence among family members;parental respect for children in American families , The child is very young to learn for their own American rights and mother fight.There are differences between Chinese and American family values.This kind of difference embodies the nationalities and regionalities.We can not simply summarize them with differences or fusion, but only analyze the commonness and characteristics of family values in different countries in different historical periods.Only by overcoming the prejudice of European and American cultural centers can help to deepen the understanding of the uniqueness and integrity of the national family culture and social culture in order to promote mutual understanding and exchange.Today, the traditional family values of China and the United States have been hit hard by the growing globalization, and have undergone tremendous changes.We can not say which family values are better.However, with the international exchange and cultural integration of the highly developed era, the Chinese family members of the independent consciousness and respect for the independence of the consciousness is strengthened, the US family will also promote family members to each other mutual cooperation and common development.We can not expect the perfect unity of Sino-American family values, and we expect to maximize the cost of integration of different family values.In a variety of different family values set up a bridge between the communication, so that the perception of another family values from unfamiliar to cognitive, but also by the recognition to recognition, and finally slowly blending through.Thus we can see that strengthening the study and research of family values in different cultural backgrounds is of great practical significance for us to engage in cross-cultural communication and build a harmonious society.References [1] Datesman, Maryanne, Joann, American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture ,published by Pearson Education, Inc.2005.[2] Bert N., Adams,Handbook of world families, Stage Publication Inc.2005.[3] Marvin B.Sussman, Handbook of marriage and the family, Plenum Press, 1998.[4] John Locke, Of Civil Government, Second Treatise, Chicago,Henry Regency Company,1999.[5] Schwab J J.Gray-Ice H.M., Family Functioning-The General Living Sytem Research Model, New York 233 Spring: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub1ishers, 2000.[6]孟小佳.论中美家庭在教育方式上的差异[J].前沿,2010,(11): 193~ 195.

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