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新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级


①jacket ②nine ③banana ④math ⑤shirt

⑥orange ⑦three ⑧P.E.⑨sunny ⑩cloudy









get up time _______________________ 2.They potatoes are __________________________________ 3.you How many rabbits can see _____________________ 4.this a is desk teacher’s _________________________ 5.the What’s weather in Qingdao like ________________ 三.选出不同类的单词。(10分)、()1.A.hen B.cow

C.goat D.fat

()2.A.rainy B.windy C.cloudy D.hello()3.A.blue B.shirt C.dress D.jacket、新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级

()4.A.one B.time

C.two D.thirty

()5.A.art room B.computer room C.kitchen D.music room 四.选出最合适的一项。(10分)

1.Welcome to our ______!A.school B.homework C.students.2.What time is it ? It’s ______.A.8

B.8 o’clock

C.clock’s 8 3.Is that your sweater ? ______.A.No, it’s not.B.Yes,it is C.Yes, it isn’t.4.What’s the weather like today ? ______.A.It’s sunny B.It’s too small.C.It’s very pretty.5.How much is this dress ? ______.A.Nice B.Too expensive C.99 yuan 五.选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。(10分)

()1.Do you have ________on you farm ? Yes ,we do.A.potato B.potatos C.potatoes

()2.What’s the weather like ? It's________.A.snow B.wind C.cold

()3.Can I ______my coat today ? No, It's too hot.新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级

A.put on B.take off C.wear

()4.It’s seven o’clock.It’s time _______get up.A.to B.for C.go

()5.Is this the TV room ? ________.A.No, it is B.Yes, is it C.No ,it isn’t


()1.Where’s the gym ?

A.It’s 11 o’clock.()2.What time is it ? B.I’d like some chicken

()3.Are these yours?

C.It’s on the second floor.()4.Can I try them on ?

D.No, they aren’t.()5.What would you like for dinner ? E.Sure.Here you are.七.读对话,打“√”或“×”判断句子对错。(10分)

Amy: Hi!Tom.I have a new classroom.Tom: Really? Let's go and have a look.Wow!It's big and nice.Amy: Look!A new black board, four fans and six lights.Tom: There is a new computer on the teacher's desk.How many students are there ?

Amy: Twenty.新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级

Tom: Great!Where is your seat(座位)?

Amy: It’s near the door.(1)Amy's classroom is small and nice.()

(2)There are four fans in the classroom.()

(3)There is a new computer on Amy's desk.()

(4)There are twenty students in the class.()

(5)Amy's seat is near the door.()


_________ 西红柿 _________ 土豆 _________ 豆角 _________胡萝卜 _________马 _________母牛 _________ 绵羊 _________ 母鸡 _________衣服 _________ 裤子 _________帽子 _________连衣裙 _________ 女裙 _________外衣 _________ 毛衣 _________ 短袜 _________短裤 _________ 夹克衫 _________衬衫 _________手套 _________ 围巾 _________ 伞 _________太阳镜 _________精致的


()1 A.orange B.sunglasses C.green()2 A.cheap B.tomato C.potato()3 A.expensive B.glove C.skirt()4 A.umbrella B.pants C.sock()5 A.goat B.sheep C.pretty()6 A.dollar B.horse C.hen()7 A.eighty B.whose C.mine()8 A.rainy B.hot C.pretty()9 A.forty B.thirty C.scarf()10 A.expensive B.hat C.sweater

十、找出不同类的单词并圈出.()1.skirt shirt short jacket 新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级

()2.lunch dinner cake breakfast()3.too five one nine()4.Chinese English math class()5.green read yellow white()6.A.dress B.library C.playground()7.A.eight B.seven C.yellow()8.A.garden B.blue C.teacher’s office()9.A.picture B.English C.music()10.A.computer B.dinner C.lunch


()1.It’s time _____ Chinese class.A.to B.for()2.Go to _____ garden.Water the flowers.A.a B.the()3.____ you have a library? Yes, I do.A.Do B.Are()4.Where_____ my sweater? A.is B.are()5.No, it’s ____.A.no B.not

三、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内.()1________ is your computer.A His B That C Hat()2 英语询问“现在几点了”: A What is it? B Who is that ? C What time is it ?()3 Is this a teacher's desk? Yes, ________.A.He is B.it is C.she is()4 ______ is my brown jacket ?It is on the chair.A.What B.How C.Where()5 What time is it? A.It’s 7 o’clock B.Time for P.E.新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级

()6___ this a library? A is B Is C Are()7 Our classroom is ___ the second floor.A in B on C near()8 It’s 3:00.It’s time __ PE class.A on B to C for()9 ___ is it? It’s 5:00.A What color B How old C What time()10 Whose is the shirt? It’s ____.A Johns B my baby brother’s C She brother’s

四、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语.A 栏 B栏

()1.What are they? A.It's four o'clock.()2.Is your teacher in the classroom ? B.Yes, she is.()3.Whose is it? C.They are books.()4.What time is it? D.It’s pink.()5.What color is his jacket? E It’s Amy’s


()1.Eat some noodles.A.你叔叔是干什么的?()2.Let’s watch TV.B.那是你的电脑。

()3.That is your computer.C.吃些面条。()4.I like the white jacket with the green skirt.D我们看电视吧

()5.What’s your uncle? E.我喜欢白毛衣来配绿裙子。

六、阅读理解,对的T,错的F。新 梦 想 教 育 疯 狂 英 语 四 年 级

This is my school day.I get up at 6:30 in the morning.Then I have breakfast at seven.I go to school at 7:30.It’s eight o’clock.It’s time for class.I have English class at 9:00 every day.Miss Lin is my English teacher.I like her very much.It’s 4:00 now.It’s time for PE class.I clean the classroom at 5:10.Then I go home at 5:30.I can’t watch TV in the evening.I go to bed at nine.()

1、I go to school at 7:00.()

2、I clean the classroom at 5:00.()

3、Miss Lin is my Chinese teacher.()4()

5、I watch TV in the evening.、I go to bed at 9:00.



(答卷时间:60分钟 总分:80分)

学校 姓名 准考证号

I.选出下列单词中不同类的一项,填序号即可。(每小题1分,共10分)()1.A.left B.right C.visit()2.A.pear B.bear C.dog()3.A.white B.puzzle C.yellow()4.A.pilot B.scientist C.factory()5.A.deep B.Friday C.Saturday()6.A.twelve B.fine C.nine()7.A.your B.yours C.theirs()8.A.cinema B.hospital C.sad()9.A.saw B.watch C.rode()10.A.cleaning B.colder C.thinner II.单项选择题,将序号填在括号内。(每小题1分,共15分)()11.---How are you?---_______ A.I’m eight.B.Goodbye!

C.Fine,thanks.()12.He likes _____ stories.A.read


C.reading()13.My favourite food _____ fish.A.is


C.are()14.My parents _____ busy last weekend.A.is


C.were()15.There are four________ in a year.A.seasones B.seasons C.season()16.What would you like ____ lunch?

A.for B.in C.at()17.He is ____ than me.A.big B.stronger C.tallest()18.Look!______ old man is sitting on the chair.A.A B.An C.Some()19.______ books on the desk? A.How many B.Which C.How much()20.I have some ______.A.words book B.word books C.words books()21.---Can you play ping-pong?---No,______.A.I can’t B.you can’t C.you can()22.Tom often goes to school _____ foot.A.by B.has C.on()23.Go at a _____ light.A.green B.yellow C.red()24.I am four cm _____ than you.A.taller B.stricter C.heavier()25.We ____ have a farewell party next Sunday.A.are going

B.do C.will V.阅读,根据内容选择最佳的答案,填序号即可。(每小题2分,共12分)

How do I like to travel(旅行)? Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport(机场)is usually far from the city.You can’t open the window.You can’t choose(选择)the food.Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe.Railway stations are usually in cities.You can walk around in the train and open the windows.You can see many interesting things on your way.I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars.You can carry many things with you in a car.But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.()39.Why do many people like to travel by plane? A.Because it is fast.B.Because it is big.C.Because you can choose the food.()40.Can you open the window in the plane? A.No,I can’t.B.Yes,I can.C.No,I don’t.()41.Which is not the good thing(好事)about the train? A.It is safe.B.It takes a little more time.C.You can see many interesting things.()42.Can you open the window in the train? A.No,I can’t.B.Yes,I can.C.No,I don’t.()43.Are there any bikes on the road? A.No,they aren’t.B.Yes,there are.C.No,there aren’t.VI.按要求写出下列各词或短语。(每小题1分,共10分)



47.younger(对应词)__________ 48.shoes_________(原形)


51.I(名词性物主代词)__________ 52.funny(比较级)__________

53.workers(名词所有格)________ VII.用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)54.His eyes are bigger than___________.(we)55.I ______ fish and tomatoes yesterday.(eat)

56.Jones went to the park and________ pictures.(take)57.Amy _________________ a doctor now.(see)58.She can ___________ to ten.(count)

59.I didn’t _________ music class last Monday.(have)60.Does Tom _________ books every day?(read)61.Let me ______________ cartoons.(draw)62.He likes _______________ English.(speak)

63.They ______________________ basketball tomorrow.(play)




1.一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时 一般现在时:主+V

要掌握V 变单三的规则。现在进行时:主+be+V-ing。要掌握V-ing的规则。一般过去时:主+V过去式

1)要掌握V变过去式的规则,以及常用不规则动词的变化。2)会做含be和行为动词的句子的句型转换。2.There be 结构

“There+is/are+(not)”结构表示“某地/某时有(没有)某人或某物” be是谓语动词,它和后面所跟的名词在数方面必须一致。

注:在并列主语的情况下,往往采用就近原则。如:There is a pen and two books on the desk.There are two boys and a girl in the room.There be结构的肯定式、否定式、疑问式和简略答语要掌握。3.情态动词

情态动词+动词原形 4.祈使句的否定句


冠词分为不定冠词(a、an)和定冠词(the)。a用在以辅音开头的单词前,如a road, a boy;an用在以元音开头的单词前,如an hour, an old man;

the的用法:①特指某些人或物前。②指上文提过的人或事物。③用在世界上独一无二的事物前。④用在序数词和形容词最高级前。⑤用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。⑥用在姓氏的复数形式前。⑦用在乐器前。⑧用在一些习惯用语中。6.可数名词与不可数名词 7.名词的单复数及所有格 1.掌握名词变复数的规则。

2.名词所有格:①’s表示。②如这个单词以s结尾,’表示。③表示两人共同拥有时,在最后一个名词后加’s。如 Tom and Billy’s deskTom 和 Billy共用的一张课桌

④表示两人各自拥有时,每个名词后都加’s。如Tom’s and Billy’s rooms are clean.Tom 和 Billy两人各自的房间都很干净。8.see、hear、find等类似的感官动词的用法 see sb do sth see sb dong sth

9.常用介词及连词的用法。in、on、at;and、but、so、or的用法 in、on、at后即可接时间也可接地点。

时间:in年、月、季节、世纪前,一天中的三个时间段;on星期、节日、涉及到日 at具体时刻、年龄、用餐,一天中正午、夜晚。地点:at后加小地方;in后加大地方


what、how、where、when、how much、how many等



Where be/do/does……from ?Where…….live ?What language ……speak ?

Where is ……?Why + 一般疑问句?(回答时用because引导的原因状语从句)What do/does sb.do?What is sb.?What is sb.’s job? How’s the weather ?What’s the weather like?

How’s it going?What do/does sb.look like?What kind of ……?What size of ……? How was your weekend?What about ……?How about ……?What did …… do? Where did …… go on vacation?Did …… go to ……?What do you think of ……? How do you like……?

二、词组 Uint1

be from=come fromwant to do sth.be interested inspeak English/say it in Englishlive inwrite to

little/a little few/a fewlike to do/doing sth.go to the movies/go to a movie/go to the cinema/go to see a filmtalk to/with Uint2

across fromon a busy streethave a walk/take a walk

in front of/in the front ofthe way to/on one’s way tonext to Uint3

be friendly tokind of/a kind of/all kinds ofplay with Uint4

in the day/at nighteveryday/every daycall sb.atUint5

thank forgo for a swim/go swimming/go to swimUint6

take a photoon vacationothers/the other/anotherhave a good time/enjoy oneselfUint7

look likestop doing/to do sth.a bit of/a little bitnot…any more/no moretell jokes/a jokeplay a joke/jokes on sb.remember to do/doing sthUint8

would likeat hometalk showblack/green teaUint9

do some readinggo shopping go for a walkplay tennishave a partyplay withlook fordo one’s homeworkstudy for

visit sb.play chessplay the guitarlisten tospend…on sth./in doing sth.Uint10

summer campthink of/aboutthe Great Wall

on vacationthe Palace Museumdecide to dobe lost/get losthave fun doing sth.find sb.doing sth.Uint11

in factagree with sbkey ringask sb.about sth.enjoy oneselfenjoy doing sth Thank you for doing sthUint12

sports shoesno talkingbe late fortoo many/too much/much toogo to bedbe in beddining hallat/in schoolhave to






()1.A.singing B.running C.swimming

()2.A.cap B.hat C.cat

()3.A.December B.November C.October

()4.A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Wednesday

()5.A.high jump B.long jump C.jump high

()6.A.bath B.past C.fast

()7.A.candle B.cake C.king

()8.A.fun B.run C.sun

()9.A.9:15 B.9:30 C.9:45

()10.A.15 yuan B.50 yuan C.13 yuan



()1.A.It’s 7:30.B.It’s 1:00.C.At 9:30.()2.A.It’s 8:30.B.It’s Monday.C.Yes, it is.()3.A.Yes, he is.B.He is Jiamin’s father.C.The one with glasses.()4.A.Do my homework.B.I’m running.C.No, I don’t.()5.A.I’m running.B.He’s playing.C.She’s painting.()6.A.No, thanks.B.Happy birthday.C.Thank you.()7.A.Yes, I do.B.I go running.C.No, it isn’t.()8.A.Watch TV.B.I don’t like cartoons.C.Yes, I do.五.听句子三次,写出句子中所缺的英文单词。(7分)

1.We’re having a _________ for Ben’s birthday.2.Look, some children are playing ________, some are __________.3.My favourite day is _________.4.We usually have _________ at _________.5.The man with a hat looks like a __________.六、听短文三次,判断下列句子是符合短文内容,如符合,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分)

()1.The children are in the classroom.()2.Xiaoling is skipping under the tree.()3.Mike is listening to the music.()4.Sally and Janet are sleeping near the lake.()5.There are six children.读写部分(50分)


()1.The lady in a uniform _______ like a policewoman.A.look B.looks C.looking

()2.Is it Sunday or Monday? __________.A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.It’s Monday.()3.I usually go to the park _______ Saturday.A.in B.on C.at

()4.Look, the little girl_________

A.is singing B.singing C.sing

()5.What do you do ______ you have free time?




()6.Christmas is __________.A.come


C.comeing()7.I ______ born in January.A.am



()8.It’s 7:30.It’s time ________ go to school.A.to




1.Subject(科目): ________________________________________________

2.Sport(运动): ___________________________________________________


4.Week(星期): _______________________________________



A: What do you _______ do on Saturday.B: I usually go shopping _______ my parents._______ you?

A: I ________ housework with my mother.B: Do you watch TV on school _________?

A: Yes, I do.十一、看图,选出描述图的句子,把句子编号写在题前括号内。(6分)


()What do you do when you have free time? A.I’m doing my homework.()What are you doing? B.At half past eight.()What time do you have class? C.I want to be a doctor.()What is you father like? D.I usually watch cartoons.()What do you want to be when you grow up? E.He has small eyes.十三、按实际情况回答下列问题。(5分)

1.What day is it today? _______________________________

2.What’s your favourite sport? ________________________

3.How old are you? __________________________________

4.Do you do housework on Sunday? ___________________

5.What do you usually do on Saturday? ____________________________


There is a school play on Thursday evening.The children will be a part in the play.Jiamin will be a white dog in the play.Yongxian will be a blue cat in the play.Mike will be a yellow mouse.Sally will be a pink bird.Janet will go shopping to buy these colorful clothes.Their teacher will help them.Their parents will come to the party.()1.There is a school play on Tuesday evening.()2.Jiamin need to buy a white clothes.()3.Yongxian will be a red cat in the play.()4.Their teacher will go shopping to buy these colorful clothes.()5.The children’s parents will come to school on Thursday evening.听力材料


A.take photos B.a pair of jeans C.do housework D.play football

E.go running F.Spring Festival G.a birthday cake H.watch Tv

I.have breakfast J.September


1.My favourite sport is swimming.2.Lily has a beautiful birthday hat.3.I was born in December.4.I usually go shopping on Thursday with my mother.5.I can do the high jump.6.Ben can run very fast.7.Monkey King is my favourite cartoon.8.The children are having fun on the playground.9.I usually go to bed at a quarter to ten.10.My sweater is 50 yuan.三、听句子三次,判断所读内容是否符合图意,如相符,请在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(10分)

1.There is some orange juice in the bottle.2.The lady is a Chinese teacher.3.Look, the girl is singing in the classroom.4.My brother likes reading very much.5.It’s October.Halloween is coming.6.They are playing badminton.7.The children usually get up at half past six.8.They are watching TV at home.9.It is Tuesday today.10.Mrs Green is cooking in the kitchen.四、听句子三次,选出相应的答句,并把其字母编号写在括号内。(8分)

1.What time do you go to bed?

2.What day is it today?

3.Which man is your father?

4.What do you usually do on Sunday?

5.What are you doing ?

6.Happy birthday.7.Do you take exercise every day?

8.What do you do when you have free time?


1.We’re having a party for Ben’s birthday.2.Look, some children are playing football, some are running.3.My favourite day is Sunday.4.We usually have dinner at home.5.The man with a hat looks like a cook.六、听短文三次,判断下列句子是符合短文内容,如符合,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分)

This is a picture of Baiyun Park.There are many children.Look, Xiaoling is singing under the tree.Ben is swimming in the lake.Sally and Janet are playing chess near the tree.Mike is listening to the music.They are very happy.



















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