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(二)·第二次平时作业客观题 1.― Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?

― _______

A)Don’t ask that.B)Go straight down this street.Turn left at the first traffic lights.You can’t miss it.C)No, I can’t say that.D)No, you’re driving too fast.参考答案:B 2.―_______

― Just over there at the second corner.A)Hello, sir.Tell me where the station is.B)Excuse me, could you tell me where the station is, please?

C)Good afternoon, sir.The station , please.D)Pardon, sir.Can I get to the station, please?


something in what he suggested.参考答案:D

14.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Can you find out _______her pen?

A)where Alice had put B)where had Alice put

C)where Alice has put D)where has Alice put


15.You can’t imagine _______when they received these gifts.A)how they were excited B)how excited they were

C)how excited they have D)they were how excited


16.I will give this book to _______wants to have it.A)whomever B)whoever C)whatever D)wherever

参考答案:B 3.Prices of daily goods _____online can be lower than store prices.A)are bought B)bought C)been bought D)buying

参考答案:B 4.Mr.Smith, _______ of the _______ speech, started to read a novel.A)tired;boring B)tiring;bored C)tired;bored D)tire;boring

参考答案:A 5.The net bar, _______last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A)open B)opening C)having opened D)opened

参考答案:D 6.I’m going to have my car _______this afternoon.A)to be fixed B)to fix C)fixed D)fixing

参考答案:C 7.The girl _______under that tree is my sister.A)is sitting B)sits C)sat D)sitting

参考答案:D 8.Let’s make it round 8 o’clock._______

A)You’re all right.B)Yes, I can.C)Please don’t.D)Would some time later be convenient?

参考答案:D 9.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Jane said, “Are you tired?” = Jane asked me _______.A)if I was tired B)if was I tired C)if I am tired D)if am I tired

参考答案:A 10.John said, “May I go with you?” = John asked me _______.A)if I might go with you B)if he might go with you

C)if he might go with me D)if he might go with John

参考答案:C 11.The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?” = The teacher asked me _______thinking about.A)what were you B)what you were C)what I was D)what was I

参考答案:C 12.When asked whether he had seen Jim, Tom answered, “_______”

A)Yes, I have.B)Nor have I.C)Certainly, he had seen him.D)Of course, I will.参考答案:A 13.What do you think of his suggestion? _______

A)It’s not the case.B)I don’t think so.C)I believe so.D)There’s

17._______you don’t like him is none of my business.A)What B)Who C)That D)Whether


18.We must do well _______the boss assigns us to do.A)that B)whatever C)whichever D)those

参考答案:B 19.I have not found my book yet.In fact, I’m not sure _______I could

have done with it.A)if B)whether C)how D)what


20._______is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.A)What B)This C)That D)It


21.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.I shall never forget those days _______I lived in the country with the

farmers.A)that B)when C)which D)what


22.Can you tell me the name of the city _______you visited last summer?

A)what B)where C)/ D)it


23.Is this the restaurant _______?

A)which you work B)in which you work C)for which you work D)

where you work in


24.That tree, _______branches are almost bare, is a very old one.A)whose B)which C)that D)it


25.This is one of the books that _______worth reading.A)is B)are C)has D)have





My Dream Everyone has his own dream.Some want to be doctors.Others hope to be scientists.My dream is to become a teacher.Teachers can not teach us many things at school, but they do their best to teach us how to learn.Thanks to them, we learn knowledge.And at the same time, we learn how to live a happy life.They spend most time on their students.They are great in my eyes.I hope to be a teacher because I admire teachers.I know it is not easy to make my dream come true.But I decide to study harder from now on.I am sure my dream will come true.My Happiness in Life

My sunshine in my lifeHow should I describe my life?It's a golden age because we have an interesting and colorful life.If you enter any classroom when you do self-study off school,you will find that students are making good use of their time.Some of the students are busy reading English or Chinese.Now we are studying hard,because study comes first now.In our PR class,we are no longer bookworms,but because so lively that we feel just like fish in the water.We hope to enter our ideal universities or colloeges after we graduate from our school for we will become trans——century talents in the near future.I am sure,in the future,when we look back on our lives today,we must can feelproud of ourselves!

We Love a Green World We visited the first scenic area is desert botanical garden.“Wow, there is lot of odd shape of cactus!” I was attracted by the shape of a cactus.A small spherical shape,pillars, and human.At this time, my heart had a question: why not cactus leaves? To solve the teacher in my heart: doubt them is their small body leaves.I excitedly said: “the original them small thorn, is their leaves!” Cactus is due to the adaptation of desertlife and maintain the loss of water is not only no leaves.From the desert botanical garden, we came to the second scenic spots: fossil forest,which is full of high fossil trees.I put a tallest tree with tree fossils than a tree fossilswere much higher than those of the tree now.We also went to many scenic spots, the scenic spot has green.This autumn I learnedmuch knowledge, let me find the nature has many secrets waiting for me to explore, we love the green world.



















答:任务是用刑罚同一切犯罪行为作斗争,以保卫国家安全,保卫人民民主专政的政权和社会主义制度,保护国有财产和劳动群众集体所有的财产,保护公民私人所有的财产,保护公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,维护社会秩序、经济秩序,保障社会主义建设事业的顺利进行。” 2.过于自信的过失有什么特征? 答:行为人已经预见到自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,同时又轻信能够避免危害结果的发生,故特征:



3.犯罪预备与犯意表示的区别是什么? 答:犯罪预备是指为了犯罪而准备工具或者为犯罪制造条件,而犯意表示是指行为人表达一个犯罪的意图,最大的区别是犯罪预备构成犯罪,而犯意表示不构成犯罪






答:是指刑法明文规定的、在全部刑事立法和司法活动中应当遵循的准则,即罪刑法定原则、刑法适用平等原则和罪责刑相适应原则 2.试述受贿罪与公司、企业人员受贿罪的界限。



(一)必须有威胁合法利益的危险发生 有威胁合法利益的危险发生,是紧急避险的前提条件。

(二)必须是危险正在发生 危险正在发生,是紧急避险的时间条件。

(三)必须是为了使合法利用免受正在发生的危险 为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身或者其他权利免受正在发生的危险,是紧急避险的主观条件。

(四)避险的对象必须是无辜的第三者 避险的对象只能是无辜的第三者,这是紧急避险的对象条。

(五)避险行为只能是在不得已的情况下实施 避险行为只能是在不得已的情况下实施,是紧急避险的客观限制条件。












4.自诉人指在法定的自诉案件以及被害人有证据证明被告人侵犯自己人身、财产权利的行为应当依法被追究刑事责任而公安机关或人民检察不予追究被告 人刑事责任的法定的公诉案件中,以个人名义直接向人民法院提起刑事诉讼,请求追究被告人刑事责任的人。

5.上诉不加刑指二审人民法院审判仅有被告人一方提出上诉的案件时,不得 改判重于原判决所刑罚的原则。





答:错。被害人是指其人身权利、民主权利、财产权利和其他合法权利直接 遭受犯罪行为侵害的自然人、法人或非法人组织。


答:错。审判公开制度是指导人民法院审理刑事案件和宣告刑事裁判,除依 法不公开的以外,应当公开进行,允许公民旁听,允许新闻记者采访、报道的法 律制度。4.有关国家秘密、个人隐私、商业秘密的案件,一律不公开审理。












答:由人民检察院立案侦查的案件包括:(1)贪污贿赂罪; 国家机磁工作人员渎职罪;(2)国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的非法拘禁、非法搜查、刑讯逼供与暴力取证、体罚、虐待被监管人、报复陷害、破坏选举、国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪得侵犯公民民主权利的犯罪;(3)需要由人民检察院直接受理并经省级人民检察院决定的国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的其他重大犯罪案件。4.简要列举人民法院直接受理的刑事案件。

答:根据《刑事诉讼法》第18条规定第3款规定:自诉案件,由人民法院直接受理。自诉案件包括:侮辱、诽谤案;暴力干涉婚姻自由案; 虐待案;侵占案。5.简述我国辩护的种类。

答: 我国刑事诉讼法中的辩护分为:











(4)专门管辖是指专门人民法院与普通人民法院之间,各类专门人民法院之间以及同类专门人民法院系统内部在审判第一审判刑事案件范围上的分工。我国目前已建立的受理刑事案件的专门人民法院有军事法院和铁路运输法院。1)军事法院管辖的是现役军人和军内在编职工的刑事案件; 2)铁路运输法院管辖的是铁路系统公安机关侦破的案件。



Unit1 1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog.― What can I do for you, madam?

― __________________

A)I want a kilo of apples.B)You can go your own way.C)Thanks.D)Excuse me, I’m busy.参考答案:A 2.― Good morning, sir.May I help you?

― __________________

A)No, I don’t buy anything.B)No, I don’t need your help.C)I’m just having a look around.D)Oh, no.That’s OK.参考答案:C

12.I _______to see my friend in hospital the other day.A)had gone B)went C)will go D)am 参考答案:B unexpected visitor.”

A)had B)would C)was going to D)did 参考答案:C

14.The chairman’s speech _______ the radio when I turned it on.A)was broadcast on B)was being broadcast on

C)was broadcasting in D)broadcast over 参考答案:B 13.“ Alice , why didn’t you come yesterday?” “I_______, but I had an

15.“How is the team playing?” “They’re playing well, but one of them 3.― Is there anything I can do for you?

― __________________

A)Nothing.B)Please show me that tie.C)Thank you for your help.D)You are welcome.参考答案:B 4.― __________________

― Can I see some sun glasses, please?

A)What are you doing here? B)What can you do for me?

C)What do you want? D)Can I help you in any way? 参考答案:D 5.― __________________

― It’s priced at 100 dollars.A)Is it the sale price? B)What does it come to?

C)How much do you charge for it?

D)Is it expensive? 参考答案:C 6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.By the time he was 12, Edison _______ to make a living by himself.A)would begin B)has begun C)had begun D)was begun 参考答案:C 7.Don’t get off the bus until it _______.A)has stopped B)stopped C)will stop D)shall stop

参考答案:A 8.Helen _______her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _______home.A)had left;would come B)left;had come

C)had left;came D)has left;comes 参考答案:C 9.“Would you like to play chess with me?” “Sorry, I have to finish my homework before my mother _______back.”

A)comes B)will come C)shall come D)has come 参考答案:A 10.He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _______from the university next year.A)will graduate B)will have graduated

C)graduates D)is to graduate 参考答案:C 11.Look at the clouds ―_______.A)it’ll be snowed B)it is to snow C)it is going to snow D)it’s snow



A)got B)gets C)are D)were 参考答案:A

16.This is John’s photo.We miss him a lot.He _______ when trying to

save a child in an earthquake.A)killed B)is killed C)was killed D)was killing 参考答案:C 17.There _______little change in the patient’s condition since he was

taken to the hospital.A)is B)has been

C)have been D)was 参考答案:B

18.I haven’t seen her_______.A)during three weeks B)since three weeks

C)three weeks ago D)for three weeks 参考答案:D

19.Mrs.Jones _______ about her hard housework.A)has been always complaining B)is always complaining

C)always complain D)has always complain 参考答案:B

20.“When is the lecture supposed to start?” “It _______ now.”

A)has about to start B)is about starting

C)is about to start D)is about start 参考答案:C Unit2

1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog.―_______

― It’s cloudy.A)How is the weather like today? B)How is the weather today?

C)What is the weather today? D)What is about the weather today? 参考答案:B 2.― _______

― 27 degrees Celsius.A)The temperature may be higher.B)How is the weather today?

C)What’s the temperature today? D)What is the weather forecast say?


3.―What’s the weather like outside?


A)I like the weather.B)It’s not very hot in summer.C)It’s raining heavily.D)The weather was very warm.4.Three of these we shall not need here, but they are worthy _____ a mention.A)to B)at C)for D)of 参考答案:D 5.― What’s the weather like today? every day.”

A)would B)should C)had to D)might 参考答案:A 17.“When he was there, he _______ go to that coffee house after work

18.“Sorry, I’m late.I _______ have turned off the alarm clock and gone

― _______

A)It’s muggy and damp.B)It’s like sunny.C)It’s freezing.D)It rains.参考答案:A 6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Tom, you _______ play with the knife.You _______ hurt yourself.A)won’t;can’t B)mustn’t;may

C)shouldn’t;must D)can’t;shouldn’t 参考答案:B 7.“Could I call you by your first name?” “Yes, you _______.”

A)will B)could C)may D)might 参考答案:C 8.“I hear you’ve got a new watch._______ I have a look?” “Yes, certainly.”

A)Need B)May C)Shall D)Should 参考答案:B 9.“Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach.I _______so much fried chicken just now.”

A)shouldn’t eat B)mustn’t have eaten

C)shouldn’t have eaten D)mustn’t eat

参考答案:C 10.“The lights are out.They _______sleeping.”

A)must B)can’t C)must be D)must being

参考答案:C 11.“Why hasn’t he turned up yet?” “He _______have missed the train, but I’m not quite sure.”

A)must B)may C)can D)should 参考答案:B 12.“How much shall I pay for the phone call?” “You _______.It’s free of charge.”

A)shouldn’t B)can’t C)don’t have to D)mustn’t 参考答案:C 13.“She _______go out at night by herself.”

A)dare not to B)dares not C)doesn’t dare to D)not dares to 参考答案:C 14.“A computer _______think for itself.It must be told what to do.”

A)can’t B)couldn’t C)may not D)might not 参考答案:A 15.“Sir, you _______be sitting in this waiting room.It is for women and children only.”

A)oughtn’t to B)can’t C)won’t D)needn’t 参考答案:A 16.“He ___D____without saying good-bye to them, for he always has good manners.”

A)mustn’t have left B)may not have left

C)shouldn’t have left D)can’t have left

back to sleep again.”

A)might not B)shouldn’t C)can’t D)won’t


19.“My dictionary has disappeared.Who _______ have taken it?”

A)should B)must C)could D)would 参考答案:C

20.“Write to me when you get home.” “_______.”

A)I must B)I should C)I will D)I can 参考答案:C Unit3

1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog.― What day is today?

― _______

A)It’s a fine day.B)It’s Monday.C)It’s March 3rd.D)It’s Christmas Day.参考答案:B

2.― Excuse me, can you tell me the time?

― _______

A)Yes, I can.B)It’s Sunday.C)It’s five thirty.D)It’s February 参考答案:C

3.―What’s the date tomorrow?


A)It’s May 15th.B)It’s Wednesday.C)It’s May.D)It’s Teachers’ Day.参考答案:A

4.― When is Valentine’s Day?


A)It’s in February 14th.B)It’s February 14th.C)It’s at February 14th.D)It’s to February 14th.参考答案:B

5.―How long will your trip take?


A)It will start tomorrow.B)It has two days.C)It took two weeks.D)It will take about two weeks.参考答案:D

6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Jimmy could do nothing but _______to his teacher that he was wrong.A)admit B)admitted C)admitting D)to admit 参考答案:A

7.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _______.A)to have rested B)resting C)to have a rest D)having a rest


8.Don’t forget _______the light when you leave the classroom.A)turning off B)to turn off C)turned off D)to have turned off


9.We agreed __C_____here, but she hasn’t turned up yet.A)having met B)meeting C)to meet D)to have met

10.She couldn’t help _______when she heard the bad news.A)cry B)crying C)to cry D)cried

参考答案:B 11.The question _______next year has something important to do with our daily life.A)to discuss B)discussed C)being discussed D)to be discussed 参考答案:D 12.It is careless _______the same mistake in your composition.A)for you to make B)for you making 3.―Excuse me, sir.Where is Dr.Brown’s office?


A)You can’t ask me.B)Pardon? I have no idea.C)Please don’t say so.D)Sorry, I’m new around here, too.参考答案:D

4.― Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?

― _______

A)Don’t ask that.B)Go straight down this street.Turn left at the first traffic lights.You

C)of you to make D)of you making 参考答案:C 13.We must do whatever we can _______those who are in trouble.A)to help B)help C)helping D)to have helped 参考答案:A 14.When I handed the report to Tom, he said that George was the person _______.A)to send B)for sending it to C)to send it to D)for sending 参考答案:C 15.I am sorry _______you the other day.A)to offend B)offending C)to have offended D)to offending 参考答案:C 16.The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him _______.A)not to B)not to do C)not do it D)do not do

参考答案:A 17.He warned me _______swimming alone because of the rain.A)didn’t go B)not go C)not to go D)not going 参考答案:C 18.You had better _______ to what he has to say.A)listen B)listened C)listening D)to listen 参考答案:A 19.He finds it easy _______English.A)to learn B)learning C)learned D)and learn

参考答案:A 20.I heard the girl _______next door yesterday morning.A)sang B)to sing C)have sung D)sing 参考答案:D Unit4 1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog.―Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Union Station?


A)You can’t miss it.B)I don’t know.C)Sure.Go straight ahead and take the second turning on your right.D)You will see it immediately.参考答案:C 2.―Excuse me, where’s the Capital Theatre?


A)There’s a statue near it.B)It’s two blocks away from here, along that road.C)I’ve got two theater tickets for tonight.D)Turn right and then you’ll find the cinema.参考答案:B

can’t miss it.C)No, I can’t say that.D)No, you’re driving too fast.参考答案:B 5.―_______

― Just over there at the second corner.A)Hello, sir.Tell me where the station is.B)Excuse me, could you tell me where the station is, please?

C)Good afternoon, sir.The station , please.D)Pardon, sir.Can I get to the station, please? 参考答案:B

6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences._______ time, he’ll become a first-class football player.A)Having given B)To give C)Giving D)Given 参考答案:D

7.Prices of daily goods _______online can be lower than store prices.A)are bought B)bought C)been bought D)buying 参考答案:B

8.Mr.Smith, _______ of the _______ speech, started to read a novel.A)tired;boring B)tiring;bored C)tired;bored D)tire;boring 参考答案:A 9.The net bar, _______last year, is very popular among the students in

this school.A)open B)opening C)having opened D)opened 参考答案:D

10.I’m going to have my car _______this afternoon.A)to be fixed B)to fix C)fixed D)fixing 参考答案:C

11._______from space, the earth looks like a blue ball.A)Seen B)See C)Seeing D)To see 参考答案:A

12.They found a _______old man _______on the ground.A)dying;lying B)dead;lied C)death;laying D)died;lain 参考答案:A

13.Most of the people _______to the party were famous scientists.A)invited B)to invite C)being invited D)inviting 参考答案:A

14._______the letter, he went out to post it.A)Writing B)Being written C)Having written D)Written 参考答案:C

15.The girl _______under that tree is my sister.A)is sitting B)sits C)sat D)sitting


16._______a reply, he decided to write again.A)Not receiving B)Not having received

C)Having not received D)Receiving not 参考答案:B 17.Seeing the sun _______above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.A)to rise B)rose C)rising D)being risen 参考答案:C 18.She is writing a letter to a friend, _______him to attend the meeting.A)having invited B)inviting C)to invite D)invited 参考答案:B 19.A cook will be immediately dismissed if he is found _______ in the kitchen.A)smoke B)smoking C)to smoke D)smoked

参考答案:B 20.Football is played in many countries _______it the most popular sport in the world.A)making B)makes C)made D)to make

参考答案:A Unit5 1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog._______

It’s nothing to worry about.I never liked it anyway.A)I lost my Walkman this morning.B)I feel awful.I’ve got a cold.C)I feel terrible, but I’ve left your tape somewhere.D)I’m sorry, but we don’t have that medicine.参考答案:C 2.Last year I missed a good chance to get promoted._______

A)Don’t worry.B)Don’t dwell too much on your past.C)You should blame yourself.D)You should satisfy with it.参考答案:B 3.It’s my fault._______

A)Don’t blame yourself.B)You should be more careful.C)Bad luck!D)Next time do better.参考答案:A 4.My dear!I made a mistake again._______

A)Be careful.B)Don’t worry.We can do something to make up for it.C)What a pity!D)You should worry about it.参考答案:B 5.What a poor job I’ve done!


A)Do it again.B)You can do it.C)Do your best!D)Don’t be upset.No one can do it better than you.参考答案:D 6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences._______books helpful to the students?

A)Is this B)Are these C)Are theirs D)Are they 参考答案:B

7.There’s not much news in today’s paper, _______?

A)isn’t it B)are there C)is there D)aren’t there 参考答案:C

8.William didn’t go to school yesterday, _______?

A)does he B)didn’t he C)did he D)doesn’t he 参考答案:C

9._______you see it, you will never forget it.A)Since B)Once C)Before D)As soon as 参考答案:B

10.Let me do it, _______?

A)shall I B)shall we C)will you D)will I 参考答案:C

11.He burst into tears _______he heard the sad news.A)the moment B)until C)that D)so 参考答案:A

12.I was sure _______the children would overcome all the difficulties.A)if B)of C)what D)that 参考答案:D

13.It is either my sister or my brother who _______the first to come.A)are B)will be C)was D)is 参考答案:D

14.Neither _______know how to manage it nor _______want to.A)do I;do I B)do I;I do C)I do;do I D)I do;I do 参考答案:A 15.Although he’s only 16 years old, _______ he has been a college

student for two years.A)but B)/ C)however D)and 参考答案:B

16.Read the text slowly _______ you may understand the story better.A)and B)for C)since D)because


17._______you will be fired.A)Either you agree to do so or B)Neither you agree to do so nor

C)Whether you agree to do so or

D)Not only you agree to do so but also


18.We know nothing about the man _______ he has come for the papers.A)if B)because C)unless D)except that


19._______before has our team been so active.A)Long B)Never C)Not D)Soon


20.You must get up early tomorrow, _______ I will go there alone.A)or B)and C)yet D)for 参考答案:A Unit6

1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog.Hello, may I make an appointment with the doctor?


A)Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B)Why didn’t you call earlier?

C)Certainly.May I know your name?D)Sorry.He doesn’t want to see


2.How about going to see a film together this evening? Let’s make it 6:30 at your place._______

A)Yes, it does me good.B)OK.I’ll be ready.C)I’d like that very much.D)What’s the best time to meet? 参考答案:B 3.Let’s make it round 8 o’clock._______

A)You’re all right.B)Yes, I can.C)Please don’t.D)Would some time later be convenient? 参考答案:D 4.Mike, I’m sorry to say that I won’t be able to keep my 10:30 appointment._______

A)Let’s make it 11:30 then.B)What happened?

B)she is watching TV at that time the day before

C)she was watching TV at that time the day before

D)was she watching TV at that time the day before 参考答案:C Tom _______.A)if you had finished your homework

B)whether he had finished his homework

C)whether had you finished your homework

D)if had he finished his homework 参考答案:B

14.He asked Tom, “Have you finished your homework?” = He asked

15.Yesterday the teacher told the students, “You will learn two lessons

C)You disappoint me.D)You can’t do so.参考答案:A 5.Excuse me.Do you think I could change my appointment from 2 to 3 o’clock? _______

A)Sorry, my timetable is full.B)No, you can’t.C)It’s not right to do so.D)It’s up to you.参考答案:A 6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Jane said, “Are you tired?” = Jane asked me _______.A)if I was tired B)if was I tired C)if I am tired D)if am I tired 参考答案:A 7.John said, “May I go with you?” = John asked me _______.A)if I might go with you B)if he might go with you

C)if he might go with me D)if he might go with John 参考答案:C 8.The old man said, “How old are you, little boy?” = The old man asked the little boy _______.A)how old were you B)how old you were

C)how old was I D)how old he was 参考答案:D 9.The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?” = The teacher asked me _______thinking about.A)what were you B)what you were C)what I was D)what was I

参考答案:C 10.When asked whether he had seen Jim, Tom answered, “_______”

A)Yes, I have.B)Nor have I.C)Certainly, he had seen him.D)Of course, I will.参考答案:A 11.Hans asked me, “Have you read that book yet?” = Hans asked me _______that book.A)whether I have read B)whether have I read

C)whether I had read D)whether had I read 参考答案:C 12.“Don’t be late again tomorrow,” the teacher said to John.= The teacher told John _______be late again the next day.A)don’t B)not to C)don’t to D)not 参考答案:B 13.He asked Li Hong, “Were you watching TV at this time yesterday?” = He asked Li Hong if _______.A)she was watching TV at this time yesterday

this week.” = Yesterday the teacher told the students that _______.A)you will learn two lessons this week

B)they would learn two lessons this week

C)they will learn two lessons this week

D)you would learn two lessons this week

参考答案:B Unit7

1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog.I think Tom works harder than Bill._______

A)I’m glad to hear that.B)I’m sorry for Bill.C)I’m sorry, but I can’t agree with you.D)Thank you for saying nice

things for Tom.参考答案:C

2.We should practice speaking English very often._______

A)Yes, we could.B)That’s what I think.C)I wish I should.D)With pleasure.参考答案:B

3.Are you for or against my plan? _______

A)I’m for your plan.B)I’m against it.C)You are wrong.D)It’s true.参考答案:A

4.What do you think of his suggestion?_______

A)It’s not the case.B)I don’t think so.C)I believe so.D)There’s something in what he suggested.参考答案:D

5.I think smoking in school should be completely prohibited._______

A)No problem.B)I couldn’t agree with you more.C)That’s bad.D)Nonsense.参考答案:B

6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Can you find out _______her pen?

A)where Alice had put B)where had Alice put

C)where Alice has put D)where has Alice put


7.You can’t imagine _______when they received these gifts.A)how they were excited B)how excited they were

C)how excited they have D)they were how excited


8.I will give this book to _______wants to have it.A)whomever B)whoever C)whatever D)wherever

参考答案:B 9._______you don’t like him is none of my business.A)What B)Who C)That D)Whether 参考答案:C 10.We must do well _______the boss assigns us to do.A)that B)whatever C)whichever D)those 参考答案:B 11.Hans has a new car.I wonder when _______it.A)he bought B)did he buy C)buys D)he is buying 参考答案:A 12.I have not found my book yet.In fact, I’m not sure _______I could

A)What’s the news? B)Do you know the eruption?

C)Is there anything wrong? D)Oh, did you hear that?


2.Did you hear what happened to John? _______

A)Who is John? B)John is a good man.C)No, I have no idea.What? D)John happened to be here.参考答案:C

3.Bill had a car accident and broke his arm._______

A)It’s impossible.B)Really? How terrible!

C)It’s too good to be true!D)Don’t cry!参考答案:B

4.John has been elected chairman._______

A)That’s too bad.B)That’s a shame.C)Oh, poor John!D)That’s have done with it.A)if B)whether C)how D)what 参考答案:D 13.The reason I plan to go is _______if I don’t.A)because she will be unhappy B)that she will be unhappy

C)what she will be unhappy D)for she will be unhappy 参考答案:B 14._______is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.A)What B)This C)That D)It 参考答案:D 15.Word has come _______some guests from Canada will come on a visit to our school.A)what B)that C)whether D)when 参考答案:B 16.The reason we’re so late is _______.A)for the car breaks down B)due to the car breaking down

C)that the car broke down D)because the car broke down 参考答案:C 17._______ the old man’s sons wanted to know was _______the gold had been hidden.A)That;what B)What;where C)What;that D)That;where

参考答案:B 18.The news _______to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.A)what we would go B)how we would go

C)that we would go D)where we would go 参考答案:C 19.I have no idea _______they have kept in touch with me by e-mail since last year.A)what B)how C)why D)when 参考答案:C 20.We don’t doubt _______he can make a good job of it.A)if B)that C)what D)why 参考答案:B Unit8 1.Choose the answer that best completes each dialog._______ There was a volcano eruption in Japan.terrific!


5.Did you know that Max got a scholarship to study in France? _______

A)He really deserves it.B)It’s hard to believe it!

C)It’s too far away!D)France is a beautiful country.参考答案:A

6.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.I shall never forget those days _______I lived in the country with the

farmers.A)that B)when C)which D)what


7.Can you tell me the name of the city _______you visited last summer?

A)what B)where C)/ D)it 参考答案:C

8.I don’t like _______you speak to me.A)the way of that B)the way in that C)the way in which D)the

way of which


9.Is this the restaurant _______?

A)which you work B)in which you work C)for which you work D)

where you work in 参考答案:B

10.That tree, _______branches are almost bare, is a very old one.A)whose B)which C)that D)it


11.The book _______is not in the library.A)that I need it B)I need it C)which I need it D)I need


12.He is a man with rich experience, from _______much can be learned.A)whom B)which C)what D)where 参考答案:A

13.This is one of the books that _______worth reading.A)is B)are C)has D)have 参考答案:B

14._______is known to all, there is no air or water on the moon.A)As B)Which C)That D)What 参考答案:A

15.Do you remember the day ten years ago _______I came to see you?

A)that B)when C)where D)how 参考答案:B 16.The sun heats the earth, _______is very important to living things.A)it B)that C)where D)which 参考答案:D 17.Spring is the season _______flowers are in full bloom.A)whose B)which C)when D)its


10.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Jane said, “Are you tired?” = Jane asked me _______.A)if I was tired B)if was I tired C)if I am tired D)if am I tired


asked me _______thinking about.A)what were you B)what you were C)what I was D)what was I 参考答案:C 11.The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?” = The teacher

12.Hans asked me, “Have you read that book yet?” = Hans asked me 18.It is our parents _______we depend when we are in trouble.A)whoever B)whom C)on whom D)that

参考答案:C 19.Tom is the boy _______, everyone thinks, will win the first prize.A)who B)whom C)whoever D)he

参考答案:A 20.Smoking, _______is a bad habit, is nevertheless, still popular.A)though B)it C)that D)which



(二)·第二次作业 1.What a poor job I’ve done!_______

A)Do it again.B)You can do it.C)Do your best!D)Don’t be upset.No one can do it better than you.参考答案:D 2.There’s not much news in today’s paper, _______?

A)isn’t it B)are there C)is there D)aren’t there

参考答案:C 3.William didn’t go to school yesterday, _______?

A)does he B)didn’t he C)did he D)doesn’t he

参考答案:C 4.Let me do it, _______?

A)shall I B)shall we C)will you D)will I

参考答案:C 5.He burst into tears _______he heard the sad news.A)the moment B)until C)that D)so

参考答案:A 6.Neither _______know how to manage it nor _______want to.A)do I;do I B)do I;I do C)I do;do I D)I do;I do

参考答案:A 7.Although he’s only 16 years old, _______ he has been a college student for two years.A)but B)/ C)however D)and

参考答案:B 8._______before has our team been so active.A)Long B)Never C)Not D)Soon

参考答案:B 9.How about going to see a film together this evening? Let’s make it 6:30 at your place._______

A)Yes, it does me good.B)OK.I’ll be ready.C)I’d like that very much.D)What’s the best time to meet?


_______that book.A)whether I have read B)whether have I read

C)whether I had read D)whether had I read


13.“Don’t be late again tomorrow,” the teacher said to John.= The

teacher told John _______be late again the next day.A)don’t B)not to C)don’t to D)not


14.Yesterday the teacher told the students, “You will learn two lessons

this week.” = Yesterday the teacher told the students that _______.A)you will learn two lessons this week

B)they would learn two lessons this week

C)they will learn two lessons this week

D)you would learn two lessons this week


15.Are you for or against my plan? _______

A)I’m for your plan.B)I’m against it.C)You are wrong.D)It’s true.参考答案:A

16.I will give this book to _______wants to have it.A)whomever B)whoever C)whatever D)wherever


17.Hans has a new car.I wonder when _______it.A)he bought B)did he buy C)buys D)he is buying


18.The reason we’re so late is _______.A)for the car breaks down B)due to the car breaking down

C)that the car broke down D)because the car broke down


19.We don’t doubt _______he can make a good job of it.A)if B)that C)what D)why


20.Bill had a car accident and broke his arm._______

A)It’s impossible.B)Really? How terrible!

C)It’s too good to be true!D)Don’t cry!


21.Did you know that Max got a scholarship to study in France? _____

A)He really deserves it.B)It’s hard to believe it!

C)It’s too far away!D)France is a beautiful country.参考答案:A

22.I don’t like _______you speak to me.A)the way of that B)the way in that C)the way in which D)the

way of which 参考答案:C

23.This is one of the books that _______worth reading.A)is B)are C)has D)have

参考答案:B 24._______is known to all, there is no air or water on the moon.A)As B)Which C)That D)What

参考答案:A 25.Do you remember the day ten years ago _______I came to see you?

A)that B)when C)where D)how




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