
时间:2019-05-15 11:28:56下载本文作者:会员上传




邀请信通常包括以下几个方面的内容:发出邀请;说明邀请对方做什么事;说明活动时间和地点;表达期待或感谢之情。一 文章结构




4.表明期待以及联系方式 Tips: 信中要说明关于活动的详细信息,包括活动时间、地点、内容,有时需要说明参加活动的人员。语气要热情真挚,但不要强人所难。

二 万能句型


The...will be held on....The activity is in honor of....You can also bring...together with you.May I have the honor of your accompany at dinner? We sincerely/ faithfully hope you can attend...You will be my most respected guest to come to...I wonder if there is any chance for your to come to…

I am writing to ask whether you would be willing to attend...It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you.There are also arrangements for … which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy.邀请信结尾常用句式

I would love for you to attend, so please let me know your decision.Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Please let me know soon if you decide to come.I shall be much obliged by a reply at your convenience.I would feel honored if you could come to...I am looking forward to your participation in...I really hope you can make it.We sincerely hope that you can make it.We would be honored to have you there with us.We would be looking forward to your participation in the party.The honor of your presence is requested.三 模板


Dear________,There will a ________________(内容)at/in________________(地点)on___________(时间).We would be honored to have you there with us.The occasion will start at ___________(具体时间).This will be followed by a _______(进一步的安排).At around______(时间)_________________(另一个安排)

I really hope you can make it before ____________(通知你的最后期限)

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 示例二:

Dear_____________ ,①_____________(开门见山提出事件/活动、地点、时间).②It would be pleasant/honored to have you here.③During the party/conference, we will have lots of activities you will be interested in.④First, ___________(要举行的活动内容一).⑤Second, ________(要举行的活动内容二).⑥I know/believe that you will be very interested in_____________.⑦For one thing, _____________(受邀请人参加的理由一).⑧For another, _____________(受邀请人参加的理由二).⑨The conference/party would not be complete without you!

⑩The party/conference will begin at 时间and we do hope you can come.Yours sincerely

Li Ming


假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:




1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结语已为你写好。


一. 根据题目要求以及我们上面提到的注意点,列出提纲:


第二段:主题句+拓展句1(出发及返回时间)+拓展句2(活动,such as……)


请回信(告诉我你的决定)。二. 完成初稿

三. 纠错及润色(重点检查写作要点、时态语态、人称、格式等)四. 定稿、誊抄【参考答案】

Dear Lucy,I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival.It is the day for the elderly in our culture.We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there.We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.We should be back around 4 o’clock in the afternoon.If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the gate at 9 in the morning.Looking forward to your reply.Yours

Li Hua






【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明。We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.中用了which引导的定语从句和句式spend time doing。此外,还有if从句以及一些短语如invite you to join us,for a visit to,make dumplings等。

PracticeI 假如你是育才中学学生会主席李华,你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛,希望附近某大学外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。






联系人:李华(电话:44876655)Dear Ms.Smith,I am Lihua, the leader of the Students Union of Yucai Middle School.I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for our English Speech Contest and be a judge.The contest, the theme of which is “Man and Nature”, will be held in the Room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15.What’s more, there will be ten students taking part in it.I am sure that it will be a great success if you can give us some precious remarks.I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.My telephone number is 44876655.I am looking forward to your reply.With best wishes,Yours,Li Hua

PracticesII 1.假如你叫李华, 你所在的学校拟在下个月举办美国电影节(American Film Festival)。请你根据以下要点给你的美国朋友Peter 写一封短信,邀请他给学生做一次讲座。信的主要内容包括:

1.讲座目的: 使学生对美国电影有所了解; 2.讲座内容: 简要介绍美国电影业的历史; 3.讲座时间:1小时30分钟左右



Dear Peter,Our school is planning to hold an American Film Festival next month.I'm writing to ask you to come and give a talk on American films and filmmaking industry.It will help us understand how the industry has developed into big business as it is today.This understanding should go a long way toward increasing their knowledge of American culture in general.Do you think one and a half hours will be enough?Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.

I'm looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.

With best wishes!

Yours,Li Hua



Would you be able to join us for lunch at the Swan Pavilion restaurant at 11:00 a.m.this Sunday? If you are prevented from coming, will you let me know?(2)邀请朋友参加活动

In view of your departure, we have planned a small send-off party for this Friday evening.The party is at 6:30 p.m.in our classroom.Do please try to come.(3)按照要求写六封不同内容的邀请信 a.Daniel, Would you like to come swimming with me next Monday afternoon? We could meet at the school gate at about 1:30 p.m.and then go together.Sally b.Dear Mr.Smith, There will be a meeting of our drama group on Saturday afternoon April 5, at 5 p.m.in our classroom, # 410, to discuss which play to put on for the English Evening.We would like to hear your suggestions and hope you will come if you possibly can.Selena c.Dear Marilyn, We are having a party in our classroom, #402, to celebrate the New Year’s Day.Would it be possible for you to join us on Friday, December 29, at 8 p.m.? we would be very happy if you could be with us.David

d.Mr.& Mrs.Johnson, We should be very glad if you could come to dinner with us at our apartment at about 7 p.m.on Wednesday, September 21st.We look forward to seeing you.Galaxy & Eric e.Dear Mr.Morrison,We should be very grateful if you could give a talk on American.Literature to students of the English Department on Saturday, April 19.if this subject does not suit you, any other interesting talks from distinguished visitors from various countries this semester and look forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.Yours sincerely f.Dear Joanna, Would it be possible for you to join us for tea at 4 p.m.this Saturday? March 8th is International Women’s Day.All the Chinese women members of our section are coming for a chat.You have been working here for about half a year.Everybody speaks highly of you and praises

your sincerity, helpfulness, and work commitment.Regretfully, we have not been able to meet very often as we are all busily occupied.Now this is a good chance.We would be very happy if you could manage to come.Yours sincerely,感谢信练习答案

(1)对别人的礼物表示感谢 a.Dear xxx,……The College Writer’s Handbook.……I am doing my best to improve my writing ability in English.This handbook will be of great help to me.…… Yours,(signature)b.Dear XXX, ……the bunch of fresh tulips you sent while I was in the hospital for medical treatment….Sincerely,(signature)C.Dear XXX, ……the painting from you for my birthday.…artistic.…hang it up in my room and … Yours,(signature)把信的中文翻译成英文 a.Thank you for the wedding gift.I put the black ceramic vase on mantel.b.The little brass travel alarm clock is exactly what we needed.Now Peter won’t have to phone the hotel desk—

He likes the way the alarm starts softly, then keeps on getting louder.Thanks again;it’s a wonderful gift.Cordially,(signature)(2)对别人的帮助表示感谢 将信中的中文译成英文 a.Dear Mr.Manning,…I took your advice—probably the best thing I ever did.Since then I have advanced several times with this company.The cooperation of the people here is better than I should really expect.I am sure my future is here.I want to express my sincere gratitude for your consultation and help and to wish you and your family a happy holiday season.b.Dear Vivian,How can I possibly thank you enough for your constant support during my traumatic separation and divorce… you had faith in me, and you listened while I talked out my tensions.You helped me when I needed help.(3)对被人的友谊表示感谢 将下面这封信翻译成英文 Dear Don,This gift is just a small thank-you for the friendship you showed me this summer.I will always think of you as a kind friend who took a real interest in both my work and life.将感谢词句填入三封信中 a.1.I would like to thank you for the help you gave me 2.I don’t know what I should have done without your help.b.3.Thank you very much for 4.I am really very grateful to you c.5.I am really very much indebted to you for the encouragement and help you have given me.根据情景写一封对别人的友谊表示感谢的信: Dear Cynthia and George, I find it hard to believe all you have done for us since Alan was so badly injured.You have assumed the family chores and duties: getting the children fed, sending them to school, bringing them home from after-school activities, putting them to bed, cooking our meals, and doing the household chores.It has been a wonderful relief for me.Your help has left me time to concentrate on the myriad details of hospital care, rehab care, police reports, insurance reports, and attorney contacts.I hope I will some day be able to repay all your help.Affectionately,(signature)(4)对别人的款待表示感谢 替代原来的词 a.vegetable salad b.iced watermelon, …colorful lights……hostess’ tap-dance 将信件中的中文译成英文 c.Dear Windy,I wish to thank you and Alan for your kind hospitality during my three days in Torrance.I thoroughly enjoyed the short trips to the city’s points of interest and the evening meal at your beautiful home.… d.Dear Carl and Ellen, It was wonderful of you to invite a “new couple on the block” to your party last Saturday.Ted and I were made to feel welcome and not at all like strangers.We appreciate your introducing us to your friends and our new neighbors.You are gracious hosts, and we hope to reciprocate before long.It was a delightful evening.…


a.Dear XXX,…But we suggest we talk about anything but work.We have had too much work all these weeks, haven’t you? Yours,(Signature)b.Dear XXX,……I have an engagement This Saturday afternoon.When I arrive I will sing a folk song for you as a penalty for my being late.Will this be OK? 根据所给情况写两封感谢别人邀请的信 a.Dear Tim,It is certainly a privilege to have dinner together with you and your friends at the excellent Sea Empress Seafood Restaurant.Since we haven’t seen each other for quite a long time, this will be a wonderful chance for us to have a good talk.Thanks again for your invitation, and I am looking forward to seeing you, Sincerely,(signature)b.Dear Mr.James,Thank you for your invitation to speak to your students.I will be happy to talk to them.To verify our discussion on April 2, I will present the current thinking on long-term investments in foreign countries to your class at 1:00P.M.on May 4 in room A402, Business Building on the Plymouth campus.I have enclosed a brochure that presents our company’s impression on global investments.It will give your students a specific viewpoint on the subject, if you wish to discuss it before my point, which will provide a broader view.Look forward to seeing you on May 4.Regards,(signature)




a.It was very kind of you to invite me to the dance party.I really ought to be there, but as our class is organizing a trip to Suzhou, I have no other choice but to go with them.I wish I had the extraordinary power of the Monkey King to produce another me.b.Thank you very much for your kind invitation to have a meal with you at a western-style restaurant, but I am afraid I have to decline because I am suffering from a bad cough.The fits of coughing even make me unable to sleep well at night.I am indeed very sorry to miss this wonderful opportunity to have a pleasant chat with you over a nice meal.c.I am very sorry for not being able to accept your invitation for dinner at your home.We are

having our short-term military training, as highly disciplined as real soldiers.But I will come to see you some time after the training is over.d.I regret very much that I can’t come to the alumni get-together.Please say hello to my former classmates.e.I have an important matter to tend to.So I can’t join you for the picnic in the forest Park.Roast meat is my favorite food.I believe I shall miss a great occasion.My greatest regrets!f.I have just received a letter from my uncle.He said he would arrive in Shanghai the coming Saturday.I must go to the station to meet him.I am afraid I can’t accompany you to the exhibition.Sorry to be causing you so much trouble.(2)根据所给情况写一封谢绝信 Dear Andy, Thank you for your personal invitation to attend the Old School dinner meeting on October 22.I regret that only yesterday did I accept an invitation to a meeting with a business group to which I have belonged for the past few years.Perhaps I can join you and our Old School gang next year.Thanks again for your invitation.Sincerely yours,(3)将信中的中文译成英文

Thank you for your invitation to speak before you fellow-workers about our success of sales promotion last year.Unfortunately, I have been scheduled to lead our sales meeting in Shanghai that week.… Perhaps Brain can help you.He was involved in all the details and could offer many suggestions.I sincerely appreciate your asking me.(4)把整封信译成英文 Dear Ms.Rogers,Thank you for the invitation to speak at your investment club’s annual dinner on May 18.I am sorry that because of previous obligations I will not be able to attend.I am sure you can find another investment counselor to address your group.And I wish you good investing.Sincerely.(5)参考所给英文信写一封谢绝参加某俱乐部邀请的信 Dear Mr.Adams, I appreciate your asking me to join the Tennis Club.I was a member of the Tennis Club a number of years ago but dropped out because of conflicts with my busy work.I have just moved to this town, bought a new house, and found a new job.With all this piling up on me, I don’t believe I could do my fair share as a participating member.I will keep your kind invitation in mind and hope to join you at a later date.Thank you for asking me.Sincerely yours, 拒绝别人的要求

根据四个不同的情境完成四封谢绝信 a.Dear Richard, Sorry we can’t loan you our barbecue grill for your backyard party in June.We don’t have it any more.We hadn’t used it for at least five years.Then, after three years trying to sell it, we gave up and

took it to the landfill about two weeks ago.We hope you can find one somewhere, and we wish you a fun-filled afternoon in June.Cordially, b.Dear Ellen, It’s true that at my age I am home most of the time.That’s why I agreed to baby-sit little Lisa once in a while.She is a sweet girl, but I must decline to continue because “once in a while” has become “too often”.Last week you brought her here three times, twice without calling me first.That is taking undue advantage of a person willing to be helpful.Sorry, but I am no longer available to baby-sit Lisa.Sincerely, c.Dear Frank, I’m disappointed, Frank, that you would think me capable of stating an outright lie for you.I can’t do it.That would put both of us in jeopardy.You got yourself into a bad situation, and it’s your job to get yourself out.Good luck, d.Dear Eva, Saying “no” to a simple request disturbs me, but I’ve been disappointed when loaning shoes and bracelets to friends.My shoes came back with a missing heel plate, and my bracelet catch was jammed.So I said to myself, “no more, not even to my best friend.”

I would like to loan you my favorite blue dress for your Saturday-night party, but just feel I can’t.I hope you can make some other arrangement.Love,道歉练习答案 为不端的言行道歉

a.把四句道歉的话填入信中: 4132 b.按照要求写道歉信

Dear Mr.Caronna, I am sincerely sorry for what happened Wednesday, and especially for my actions.I hope you will accept my apology.Please rest assured that nothing similar will occur again.Regretfully,Dear Nadine, I feel I must make a double apology for the fiasco yesterday at our group’s luncheon meeting.I should not have brought hyper little randy, and I could not control his behavior.My baby-sitter canceled at the last minute, and I was unable to get another.Then my eagerness to visit all of you overcame my judgment, which told me to phone and apologize for not being able to attend.I’m sorry for the disturbance I caused and will think more clearly next time.I ask for your forgiveness.Sincerely,Dear Angela, If I seemed to slink away from your delightful cocktail party Friday night rather than thanking you, it was because I was mortified---and still am.I am the one who ripped the back of your new sofa.I will be out of town until the middle of next week, but will call you as soon as I return.Arrangements can be made for an upholsterer to pick up and repair the damage, and I will pay for it.I’m terribly sorry for what I did and for your inconvenience.Will talk you next week.With regrets,c.将中文部分译成英文

This is a letter I never expected to write.It is an honest effort to apologize for what I said to you last evening at the company office party.… I admit I consumed too much delicious punch and lost control, but rest assured it will not happen again.Please accept my humble apology.Sincerely yours,为谢绝邀请而道歉 Dear Mr.Jones, Since accepting your kind invitation to dinner and the theater on March 2, I have learned of the serious illness of my mother and I will be leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.I am sorry to have to forgo a delightful evening with you.Sincerely,Dear Mr.Parrot, I am sorry I can’t accept your invitation for dinner and the concert on May 3.I have a budget meeting scheduled for that night and there is no way I can skip that meeting.With regret,为约定时间被迫推迟而道歉 Dear April and Edwin, I am sorry that the dinner we had planned for May 29 must be postponed.We are still looking forward to helping you celebrate your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.I will write soon what we can arrange in June.My sister is not expected to survive much longer and we have been asked to join the family in Beijing.Cordially,Dear Sonja, Hope you received my call on your answering machine in time to get another couple for bridge Wednesday afternoon.We had counted on being there, but my sister called from Los Angeles to say Mother is getting worse.We left right away.Perhaps we can get together in a couple of weeks.I’ll call you when I get home.Love,为未能履约而道歉

a.参照范例用填空形式完成: 3 b.根据情景写三封道歉信 Dear Mr.Radican, There is no excuse for my not meeting you for lunch yesterday, or at least getting word to you.I had the appointment written on my calendar, and I was looking forward to the occasion, but somehow I thought our date was for next Thursday.It was just one of those days.Please forgive me.I am anxious to talk with you and will phone you Tuesday to see if we can arrange a meeting before you leave town.I won’t let you down this time.Cordially,Dear Miss.Smith, This is an apology I feel embarrassed at having to make.I have no excuse for not checking my appointments calendar before dashing off to Denver—even if it was an emergency call.After looking forward for six weeks to meeting you and discussing your latest research results of the Matson Project over lunch, I feel bad about forgetting to even notify you of my absence.I will call you next week when I return and perhaps we can get together in San Francisco at your convenience.Please accept my apology.Sincerely,Dear Ms.Watson, I am sorry I was out of the office when you called Tuesday.I had told you I would be available any time during the week, but a labor problem at the plant required my presence Tuesday afternoon.Please phone and let me know when you will be in town again.I’ll try to forestall any emergencies that day.Sincerely,为未能及时做某事儿道歉

a.把适当词句填入下面信中: 3 1 2 4 b.参照范例自己写两封信 Dear Mr.Wilson,Please excuse my delay in answering your letter February 13, but this has been one of those busy, hectic periods beset with all kinds of deadlines.I hope you will find the data in my letter useful.Sincerely,Dear Mr.Parker, Last year’s issues of Business magazine that you lent me are being returned.I owe you a thank-you as well as an apology for not returning them sooner, as intended.I found the articles I was looking for and got much useful information from them.It was so kind of you to lend me these magazines, and I hop the delay has not been an inconvenience to you.Sincerely,






1.邀请信一定要写得明确、完整,不可给收信人留下任何疑问。如: “ I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Wednesday.” 这样的写法就不够明确,需要加上具体的日期和时间。该句应写成: “I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner on Wednesday, June 14, at seven o’clock.”



4.对于邀请信,在复信时应该明确地说明是接受邀请, 还是不能接受邀请。不能使用模棱两可的话。如: “ I’ll try my best to come.” “ I’ll come if I’m in town.” 等等,那样会使邀请人感到十分不安,应该明确说明去还是不去,以便让邀请人早做安排。


几月几日、星期几、几点钟等等。不应该这样写:“ I’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon…”,而应该写成: “ I’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon on Thursday, May tenth, at one o’clock.” 这样写,可以纠正你或邀请人可能弄错了的日期和时间。


邀请朋友赴宴(Inviting a Friend to Dinner)

Dear Zhang Ning,Will you and Mr.Wang Yi have dinner with us on Tuesday, the fifth of May, at seven o’clock?

It’s a long time since we have had the pleasure of seeing you and we do hope you can come.Sincerely yours,Elizabeth K.Benton ·接受邀请(Acceptance)

Dear Mrs.Benton,Wang Yi and I will be delighted to dine with you on Tuesday, the fifth of May, at seven o’clock.How nice of you to ask us!We are both looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Dr.Benton again.Very sincerely yours,Zhang Ning


Dear Mrs.Benton,I’ve been putting off this note until the last possible moment, hoping and hoping Wang Yi would get back from Shanghai in time for your dinner party.But now I must regretfully write that he’ll still be out of town on Tuesday, the fifth;and we therefore cannot accept your kind invitation for dinner on that day.It was sweet of you to ask us;and I know Wang Yi will be as sorry as I am to miss an evening with you and Dr.Benton.We know how delightful such evenings at your house usually are!Sincerely yours,Zhang Ning



Dear Li Ming,We have four tickets for a new movie Brokeback Mountain this Friday, the tenth.Will you and He Yi join us here for dinner at six sharp;and then go on with us later to the movie? We’ll be

looking for you Friday night, so don’t disappoint us!

Affectionately yours,Doris


Dear Doris,Delighted!We’ll be there Friday at six, and go with you

afterward to the cinema.How wonderful of you and Frank to ask us!….Affectionately yours,Li Ming·不能赴约(Regret)

Dear Doris,I think you’d better ask some other couple for Friday.He Yi is in Shanghai and won’t be back for another week.Wait till he hears what a wonderful evening he missed with you and Frank!Thanks for asking us, Doris.I’m certainly sorry we can’t say “yes”!

Affectionately yours,Li Ming



Dear Mrs.Jennings,I have just learned that my son, who is at school in Shanghai, was injured in a basketball game.Although the injury is not very serious, Lin Kai and I feel we must go to him at once;and we are leaving tomorrow morning.Under the circumstances, we must recall our dinner

invitations for Tuesday, the fifth of May… and plan on a later date for our party.I’m sure that you and Mr.Jennings will understand our anxiety, and will forgive this last-minute change in plans.Sincerely yours,Li Li



Dear Mrs.Benton,I’m very sorry to have to write you this letter!After accepting your kind invitation for dinner on Tuesday, May the fifth, I now

find that we cannot be there after all.Li Yong has just been called to Shanghai on business;and although he tried very hard to postpone the trip until after the fifth, he was unable to do so.We had been looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Dr.Benton;and we both feel very badly about this unexpected development.We hope you understand, and that you will not be inconvenienced.Sincerely yours,Wang ShanshanWriting Assignment 1:写一封邀请信,要请你的好朋友Elizabeth K.Benton 本周六晚7点到你家赴宴, 然后一起去电影院看新电影《金刚》(KING KONG)(The Eighth Wonder of the World.)。以Elizabeth K.Benton的身份给你写一封表示接受邀请的回信。

.以Elizabeth K.Benton的身份给你写一封表示不能接受邀请的回信。


写作指导之小动物篇(1)阅读新体验: 可爱的小鸭


走起路来一摇一摆的。它们的眼睛圆圆的,嘴巴扁扁的,红红的。它 们的脚也是红的,脚趾间是连着的,脚掌像两片枫叶。

他们很爱游泳,经常在碧绿的水面上悠闲的游来游去。有时追逐着 做游戏,有时伸长脖子,嘎嘎地天声高歌。游够了,它们就来到岸边 大口大口地吃水草。晚上睡觉时,它们总是反两条腿藏在胸脯下,脖 子缩进去。当有人靠近它们时,他们就会马上站起来,嘎嘎地叫着,好像是在向你好。你们瞧,我外公家这群小白鸭多可爱我是学习小主人 1你觉得文中哪些词语和句子写得好,说说你的看法。2你都认识哪些小动物呢?写下来,并说说它的样子 3用“勾出文中的拟人句。这样写有什么好处







我们家有一个非常漂亮的鱼缸,里面住着三只可爱的小金鱼。其 中有两只红色的,我经常分不清他俩谁是谁。时间长了,我发现其中 有一只身体的左下角有一个小圆点,于是我给它取名叫欢欢,另一只 就叫贝贝,还有一只就叫京京.他们的眼睛大大的,鼓鼓的,像一个个小气球。身体也圆鼓鼓的,吃 饱了更好玩,像要爆炸了一样。他们的红尾巴,总喜欢摆来摆去,像 一把把小扇子,漂亮极了。

他们可贪玩了。有时在水里游来游去,像在做游戏;有时在水草 里钻来钻去,像在捉迷藏;有时不停地吐泡泡,像在进行吹泡泡比赛。他们真是玩得不亦乐乎。

小金鱼还很贪吃。听妈妈说,金鱼是不知道饱的,你喂多少鱼食,他们就会吃多少,所以不知道的人,常常给金鱼吃很多,结果把他们 给撑死了。我给他们喂食时就特别小心,生怕一个不留神,就把他们 给撑着了。每次,鱼食才刚落入水中,他们便争先恐后地来抢食物,有的还特别狡猾,居然用头去撞伙伴;有的甚至就快跳出水面了。


我的三只小金鱼可有礼貌了,每当有人向它们靠拢时,还可以跃 出水面给大家表演节目,好像在欢迎客人的到来呢!


快乐写作 :


写前先想好你到底要写什么内容: ;再想想先写

什么,后写什么,还可能用上一些什么好词好句(一定得用上才学的拟人句 哟):先,老师要对学生习作的训练点心中有数。






























笔千言,离题万里”。怎样才能审好题呢?根据通常的作文题目的形式来看,一 般可分为命题作文和材料作文两大类。对命题作文的审题,就是要审查给定的文

章题目确定的具体要求,审清文题意图,明晰题外要求,确定“题眼”。通过审 题,明确作文的内容范围、时间范围、数量范围、人称范围、处所范围等。不能 超出给定的范围。对材料作文的审题,主要要从两个方面去把握: 一是与材料的





有的题目,对写作内容做出规定。所以,审题时,要确定题目规定的内容范 围: 记人的,要记什么人; 叙事的,要叙什么事; 写景的,要写什么景; 状物的,要状什么物,等等 B.确定时间范围

有的题目,从时间上规定了写作范围。因此,作文必须是反映规定时间范围内的 事。


有的作文题目,对选材的数量做出规定。审题时必须注意,不能超范围选题。选材多了,不但没功,反而有错 D.确定人称范围





就是作文题目中的关键词,它是作文标题意思的核心,是作文要反映的 具体内容的重点所在。

学习、做事都要抓住关键,这个道理用在作文上,就是要抓住 “题眼” 这个关键 G.确定比喻意义


题。我们平时见到的作文题中,有很多运用了这种修辞方法。因此,弄清文题的 喻意,就显得非常重要。例如,文题“难忘的一幕”,其中的“一幕”本该是指 舞台上的演出。但它具有比喻意义,可以用来说明生活中的一瞥、一个镜头、一 个场面等。因此,在作文前,必须先确定好它的比喻意义,以增加文章的内涵

五年级来说的话,作文的要求并不是很高 主要是帮助孩子把他想写出来的感受抑或是真正的体会给叙述出来就可以。由于年纪不是很大,没有必要去追求措词和造句的华丽程度 但是必要的修饰和优美句的应用也应该掌握 帮助孩子学会运用名人名言、谚语等增加文采 从阅读,基础知识,作文入手,还要掌握课本上的古诗,等重点课文的理解,能力嘛,能写出400字以上,600字以下的作文,还要有深度,有思想感情,能借物喻人,有修辞手法,语句通畅,有景物描写等(这是六年级的作文要求,如果能达到这种水平,那作文肯定能达到一类).多读书,多感悟




三、树立大作文观,听、说、读、写有机结合 一要注重审题;二要明确写作目的,立意要新;三是选材要有根据;四要讲究谋篇技巧,安排好篇章结构;五要注意文章分段,事先列小标题,作文提纲;六要注重文章写法,因文用法;七要妙用语言,用思想调遣语言。


四、作文大目标的逐年级分解: 一年级字词,二年级句子,三年级片断,四年级篇章,五年级综合,六年级提高。
































Dear Jane,We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema,Friday, the ninth.Will you join us? We'll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint us!

Warmest regards.Alice





Dear Professor Wang,On behalf of the Ohio State University and, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the

forthcoming 2004 International Conferenceto be held in

Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2004.You are an internationally scholar and educator.Your

participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation.If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon.We are looking

forward to your acceptance.Sincerely yours,Peter White


1、I'd like...to come to dinner 非常希望...共进晚餐

2、request the pleasure of 恭请...3、The favor of a reply is requested 敬赐复函

4、May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 恭请

6、I hope you're not too busy to come.我期望您会在百忙中光临

7、The reception will be held in...,on...招待会定于...在...举行

8、We sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend….我们期待您的光临

9、We are looking forward to...我们期待着....10、We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion 为此我们决定举办一次晚会

11、Please confirm your participation at your earliest

convenience 是否参加,请早日告之

12.On the occasion of



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    an informal invitationdear miss chang, we have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have y......






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