粉红猪小妹 英文笔记

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第一篇:粉红猪小妹 英文笔记

run along:1.走开 2.延伸,贯穿

例句:Alright,run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。

tuck up:折起

例句:WhenGeorge goes to bed, Mr.Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。

draughts n.〈英〉国际跳棋

例句:Peppa andDaddy Pig are playing draughts.Peppa和猪爸爸在玩国际跳棋。

parrot:n.鹦鹉 2.应声虫,学舌者




【学习笔记】重点词组讲解PeppaPig第一季:踏水坑1.muddy: adj.1.泥泞的 2.暗的,模糊的,糊涂的puddle:n.1.水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑muddy puddle: 水坑例句:Peppaloves jumping in muddy puddles.Peppa喜欢跳水坑。2 run along:1.走开 2.延伸,贯穿例句:Alright,run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。3.boot: n.靴子例句:If youjump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.如果你要跳水坑,你必须穿好靴子。4 look after: 1.注视2.照顾,照看例句:Peppalikes to look after her little brother, George.Peppa喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。5.mud:n.泥,烂泥例句: It's onlymud.那只是块泥。6 goodness me: 天哪7.mess:n.杂乱,脏乱; 脏东西;不整洁in a mess:又脏又乱例句:And lookat the mess you're in.看看你们有多脏。8.clean up:1.打扫;清理 2.(给自己)洗脸(洗手,洗澡)例句:Daddy,when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play,too?爸爸,等我们洗好,你和妈妈会和我们一起来玩么?9 up and down:上上下下例句:Peppaloves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.Peppa喜欢一上一下跳水坑。


【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.dinosaur: n.1.恐龙 2.守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西例句:Mr.Dinosaur is lost.恐龙掉了。2.scare: vt.恐吓;使惊恐 vi.受惊吓,感到害怕例句:Sometimes,George likes to scare Peppa with Mr.Dinosaur.有时候,乔治喜欢拿恐龙先生吓Peppa。scary: 使人惊恐的;吓人的;可怕的3.summer time: 晚餐时间 at summertime4.bathtime: 放松沐浴时光5.tuck: n.1.(衣服的)褶,裥 2.折叠

vt.1.塞进2.翻折3.盖住,卷起tuck up:折起例句:WhenGeorge goes to bed, Mr.Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。6.throw: 投; 掷; 扔; 抛例句:George'sfavourite game is throwing Mr.Dinosaur up in the air.乔治最喜欢的游戏就是把恐龙扔在空中。7.draughts n.〈英〉国际跳棋例句:Peppa andDaddy Pig are playing draughts.Peppa和猪爸爸在玩国际跳棋。8.detective:n.侦探,警探,私人侦探例句:It's a jobfor a detective.这是侦探的工作。9.wonder:vt.1.想弄明白;琢磨 2.感到好奇;对…感到惊讶;急欲知道例句:I wonderif this time you threw Mr.Dinosaur just a bit toohigh.我想知道你这次扔恐龙是不是扔得有点高呢。PeppaPig第三集:波丽鹦鹉

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.parrot:n.鹦鹉 2.应声虫,学舌者Parrot Polly 波丽鹦鹉2 Granny: 祖母,外祖母3.pet: 宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人例句:We have anew pet.我们有了一个新宠物。4.copy: 模仿,仿效例句:Mummy, Whydoes Polly copy everything that Granny says?妈妈,为什么波丽要模仿奶奶说话呢?5.teatime:下午茶6 Off you go: 你可以出发了7.hurray:好哇,加油,欢呼声,加油声 vi.欢呼8.pretend:假装,装扮,扮作,模拟例句:Peppa andGeorge are pretending to be parrots.Peppa和乔治开始假扮鹦鹉。PeppaPig第四:好朋友

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.on their own: adv.靠自己例句:Peppa andSuzy want to play on their own.Peppa和Suzy 喜欢自己玩。2.tiny: adj.极小的,微小的,微量的tiny little: 小小的例句:I'm a tinylittle fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。3.fairy: n.小仙子,小精灵例句:I'm a tinylittle fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。4.wand: n.1.棍,棒 2.魔杖,指挥棒例句:I'm goingto wave my magic wand...and turn you into afrog!我要挥舞我的魔法棒,把你变成一个青蛙。5.lonely: adj.孤独的,寂寞的例句:He feels abit lonely.他感到有点孤独。6.chip: n.炸马铃薯条例句:I'm makingchocolate chip cookies!我要做巧克力薯条饼干。7.lick:舔例句:Someoneneeds to lick out the bowl.有人需要舔碗。8.chest: n.胸部,胸腔例句:Peppalistens to George's chest.Peppa在听乔治的胸口。9.cough: 咳嗽Now, George, take a big breath in...thencough.现在,乔治,你做个深呼吸,然后咳嗽。10.loose adj.松的,宽松的,不牢固的; 不结实的;不坚固的例句:I thinkyour heart's a bit loose...我认为你的心脏有一点不好。11.plaster: n.膏药;创可贴;护创胶布例句:I'll put aplaster on it.我放一点膏药上去。12 temperature: 温度;体温例句:Suzy takesGeorge's temperature.Suzy 给乔治测了体温。13 sore: adj.疼痛的;酸痛的tummy: 胃例句:I have asore tummy.我有一点胃痛。14.tickle vt.& vi.1.发痒 2.愉快,逗乐15 rumbling n.辘辘声例句:I can hearit rumbling.我能听到它在辘辘叫。PeppaPig第5:捉迷藏

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.hide and seek: 捉迷藏hide: 隐藏;躲避;隐匿seek:寻找 探寻例句:Peppa andGeorge are playing hide and seek.Peppa和乔治在玩捉迷藏。2.counting:计算例句:He mustquickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishescounting.他必须在Peppa数好之前迅速找到地方藏好。3 upstairs: adv.在楼上 adj.楼上的 n.楼上例句:George,have you thought of looking upstairs? 乔治,你想过要看看楼上么?4.curtain: 窗帘;幕;遮盖物例句:Peppaisn't behind the curtain.Peppa不在窗帘后面。5.basket: 篮;筐

例句:George isin the toy basket.乔治在玩具筐里。PeppaPig第6:上学去

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.playgroup: 幼儿园2.look forward to: 期盼例句:George,are you looking forward to theplaygroup? 乔治,你想去幼儿园吗?3.be proud of: 为...感到骄傲4.petal: 花瓣例句:Now youpaint the flower's petals.现在你画花的花瓣。5.stalk: n.主茎,花梗,叶柄6 home time 回家时间例句:It's thehome time.回家时间到了。7 pick up n.接送例句:Thechildren's parents are here to pick themup.孩子们的父母来接他们了。PeppaPig第7:妈咪的电脑

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.at work: 在工作例句:Mummy Pigis at work.妈咪猪在工作。2.as long as: 只要disturb: 扰乱;打扰例句:Yes, aslong as you don't disturb her.是的,只要你们不去打扰她。3.lap: 膝部sit on one's lap: 坐在...的腿上例句:Can Georgeand I sit on your lap and watch youwork? 我和乔治能坐在你腿上看你工作吗?4.mend: 修理,修补,缝补例句:Daddy Pig,can you mend the computer?5.switch: 开关,交换机,转换switch off: 关掉,切断switch on: 开启例句:Maybe if Ijust switch if off...And then switch it onagain...也许我只要把它关掉,再开开来。6.expert: 专家,能手,专业7.disc: 唱片,碟,盘8.on earth: 究竟例句:What onearth is going on? 究竟进行得怎么样?


【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.camping:野营2.tent:帐篷例句:This isthe tentI had when I was a little boy!当我还是个小男孩的时候就有这个帐篷了。3.expert: 专家的,内行的,熟练的,有经验的例句:I'm anexpert at camping!我在野营方面是个专家。4.pole: 柱, 杆例句:Put thetent on thepoles, please.把帐篷放在杆子上。5.easy as pie 易如反掌6.peg n.系帐篷的桩7.hold up.支持, 支撑, 承受住,支持住,承受住,支撑得住8.tummy 胃9.stick 枝条, 枯枝, 柴枝, 棍, 棒10.campfire 营火, 篝火例句:Peppa andGeorge are helping Daddy Pig collect sticks for the campfire.Peppa和乔治在帮助爸爸猪捡树枝,准备篝火。11.splendid: 极好的例句:That's asplendid campfire!这是一个很好的篝火。12.rub:(使)相互磨擦;搓13.heat up:.变热.加〔煮〕热…14.cricket: 蟋蟀15.chirping 鸣叫16.owl: 猫头鹰17.fit in: 适合,融入18.cozy: 舒适的,惬意的例句:It waslovely and cozy in the tent!呆在帐篷里真是有趣又舒服。19.snore: 打呼打鼾PeppaPig第9:种籽变大树

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.gardening: 园艺2.seed: n.种子,萌芽;vt.1.播种例句:I'mplanting these seeds.我在种这些种子。3.hole: 孔,洞例句:I justmake a little hole and put the seedin.我只要弄一个小洞,然后把种子放进去。4.cover sth.with 覆盖earth: 泥土例句:Then Icover it with earth and water it.然后我用泥土把种子覆盖,再用水浇灌。5.strawberry: 草莓6.look after: 照看,照顾例句:GrandpaPig looks after Peppa's strawberryplant.外公猪照顾着Peppa的草莓植物。7.carrot: 胡萝卜PeppaPig第10:脚踏车

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.pumpkin: 南瓜,南瓜的果肉2.tricycle:三轮车3.race: 比赛。赛跑例句:Let's raceto Daddy Pig's pumpkin.让我们比赛骑到那个南瓜。4.bump: 碰,撞bump into例句:We have tobe very careful not to bump into it.我们必须很小心不要撞到南瓜。5.watch out: 小心,留神,注意6.stabilizer: 有安定作用之物,安定装置,水平尾翼7.steady: 稳定的,平稳的, 沉稳的8.let go: 放开,释放例句:Don't letgo!不要放手!9.hold on:坚持,保持,继续10.for ages:有一段时间了11.squash: 被压扁, 挤入例句:Peppa hassquashed Daddy Pig's pumpkin!Peppa把猪爸爸的南瓜压扁了。PeppaPig第11:新轿车

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.drive [ draiv] vi.驾车行驶;(朝一目标)努力争取;驱进; 会开汽车peppa and her family are going for a drive in their red carpeppa和她的家人去驾驶红色汽车2.roof [ ru:f ]屋顶,房屋; 最高部,顶部

Shallwe have the roof down? 我们的屋顶下

3、sound [ saund] vt.使出声,使发声;清楚地发出; 宣布,发表; 颂扬the car doesnot sound very well 汽车发出的声音不是很好

4、garage[ ?ɡ?rɑ:?n.车库; 汽车修理站;飞机库

5、fix [ fiks ]vt.固定;准备; 修理; 使牢固

6、mending [ ?mend?? ]v.修理,修补(mend的现在分词); 改[纠]正; 改善[进]; 恢复

7、press [ pres ]vt.压,按;逼迫; 紧抱

8、button [ ?b?t?n ]n.按钮,电钮;纽扣,扣子; 扣状物

9、squirt [ skw?:t ]vt.喷射,喷湿;注射PeppaPig第12:下雪了

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.wrap: 包,裹,覆盖;遮蔽wrap up 穿外衣;披围巾例句: But it's verycold outside, so you must wrap upwarm.但是现在外面很冷,你必须穿外衣,披上围巾,保暖。2.scarf: 围巾,披肩,领巾3.glove:(分手指的)手套4.footprint: 脚印5.snowball: 雪球6.snowman: 雪人PeppaPig第13:放风筝

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.kite: 风筝fly a kite 放风筝2.pick up: 改善,好转,增强例句:We'll justhave to wait, until the wind picks up abit.在风没大之前,我们只能等。3.windy: 多风的,风强的,坏天气的4.stick: 钉住,粘贴,使停止,粘住,放置例句:Watch outfor the trees!You might get the kite stuck inone.注意那些树,小心风筝可能会粘在某棵树上。5.nonsense: 胡说,废话,无意义6.rescue: 营救,救援;搭救;挽救例句:Daddy Pighas rescued the kite!猪爸爸挽救了那个风筝。7.be out of: 脱离了(状态)例句: And the kiteis out of the tree!风筝已经脱离了那棵树。PeppaPig第14:我的表姐克洛伊


1、threw [ θru: ]v.投(throw的过去式); 掷; 扔; 抛

2、cousin [ ?k?zn ]

n.堂[表]兄弟姊妹;远亲,同辈Today your bigcousin, chloe is coming to visit


3、yippee [ ?jipi: ]int.开心,快乐等时叫起来的感叹词


[ k?t? ] vt.赶上;接住; 引起; 看见vt.&vi.(使)被钩住,(使)被卡住n.抓;隐情; 捕获量; 挂钩

5、proper [ ?pr?p? ]adj.适当的,相当的,正当的,应该的,正式的,正常的6、chase

[ t?eis ]

vt.追捕;追求; 追寻; 镂刻n.追捕;打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽vi.追逐,追赶;追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑

7、sly [ slai ]adj.狡猾的,狡诈的; 暗中的,偷偷摸摸的8、race [ reis ]n.种,种族;(速度)比赛;(事件等的)进行; 人种vt.&vi.和……比速度,(使)参加比赛;(使)快速移动vi.(因为害怕、兴奋等)急速跳动;运转过快; 空转; 疾行


【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.fuzzy:模糊的例句:Everythinglooks a bit soft and fuzzy.所有的东西看上去都有点柔柔的,模糊的。2.grumpy:脾气不好例句:Daddy Pigcannot see a thing without them and it makes him verygrumpy.爸爸猪没有眼镜什么都看不见,这让他的脾气变差了。3 ridiculous:可笑,荒唐。例句:It'sridiculous.太荒唐了。4.pillow:枕头例句:Peppalooks under the pillows.Peppa看了看枕头下面。5.slipper:拖鞋6.If I move slowly, I won't bump into things.如果我走得慢一点,就不会撞到东西了11, Thank you for cutting grass.谢谢你割草。PeppaPig第16:打嗝


1、hiccup [ ?h?k?p ]

n.嗝;连续地打嗝; 暂时性的小问题; 短暂的停顿vi.打嗝

2、spoil [ sp?il ]

vi.变质;掠夺; 腐败vt.损坏,糟蹋;把(酒,肉等)放坏; 溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等); 抢劫,掠夺n.抢劫,掠夺;废品,次品; 成功所带来的好处;(开掘等时挖出的)弃土

3、cure [ kju? ]

vt.治愈;矫正; 解决; 消除vi.受治疗;被加工处理n.治愈;药物; 疗法; 措施

4、rub [ r?b ] [ vt.擦,摩擦;用……擦; 触怒;(使)相互磨擦vi.接触,摩擦;擦伤; 在困境中持续下去n.摩擦的动作;表面不平; 阻碍,困难PeppaPig第17:妈妈猪的生日

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 PeppaPig第18:妈妈猪的生日

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.birthday:生日Mummy Pig's Birthday 妈妈猪的生日2.whisper: 低声说,耳语,嘀咕,低语,小声说,私下说whisper it in your ear 偷偷低声告诉你3.decoration:装饰物,装饰品put up:把某物固定或紧固於某处引人注目,展示某物例句:We justhave to put up the decorations in the sittingroom.我只要在客厅里装上装饰品。4.bored:厌倦的,烦闷的例句:I wasgetting a little bored.我已经开始有点烦闷啦。5.choice:选择例句:Do I haveany choice?我还有别的选择吗?6.blow:吹例句:Blow thecandles out and make a wish!吹灭蜡烛再许个心愿!7.baby-sit:照顾(婴儿)例句:And GrannyPig and I are going to baby-sit the little ones.奶奶猪和我就来照顾这些小东西。PeppaPig第19:打扮

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.dress up: 装扮2.a box of: 一箱例句: Peppa hasfound a box of old clothes.Peppa找到了一箱旧衣服。2.make-up: 化妆用品例句:Peppa hasfound Mummy's make-up box.Peppa找到了妈妈猪的化妆包。3.powder: 施粉4.lipstick: 唇膏,口红5.getting + a.开始……(形容词)例句:But Georgeis getting a bit bored.但是乔治开始觉得有点乏味。6.dig: 掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)例句:Daddy Pigis digging in the garden.爸爸猪在花园里挖土。7.snort:(表示被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼例句:I want tomake big snorts, too.我也想发出这样的鼻音。8.have sb.done(被动)使某人做……例句:You reallyhad us fooled!你真的让我们都变傻了。PeppaPig第20:游园会

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.fete: 露天游乐会,游乐会the school fete 校园游园会2.face:面部face painting:面部绘画3.bouncy: 有弹性的,自大的bouncy castle 跳跳床例句:I like thebouncy castle the best!我最喜欢弹力堡(游乐场中一种充气的大型儿童游乐设施)。4.pussy cat n.猫,小姑娘例句:Are you apussy cat?你是小猫吗?5.creep: 慢慢地、悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走)6.lick:舔例句:Tigerslike to lick themselves clean.老虎喜欢把它们舔干净。7.kangaroo:袋鼠8.bounce:弹跳例句:Everyoneloves bouncing on the bouncy caste!所有人都喜欢在跳跳床上跳啊跳。PeppaPig第21:乐器

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1.musical: n.音乐片,音乐舞台剧 a.音乐的,声音美妙的,喜爱音乐的instrument: 器具,器械,仪器musical instrument:乐器2.tidy: 使整洁,使整齐,使有条理,整理例句:Mummy Pigand Daddy Pig have been tidying thehouse.妈妈猪和爸爸猪正在打扫房间。3.attic:(紧靠屋顶的)阁楼,顶楼4.nope: 不行,没有5.dusty:布满灰尘的,灰尘弥漫例句:They are abit old and dusty.它们有一点老,又布满灰尘了。6.violin:小提琴7.bravo:(喝彩声、叫好声)好哇8.tin: 锡制的 drum:鼓9.accordion:手风琴10.tune: 曲调,曲子,主旋律11.horn: 爵士音乐中的,管乐器,小号





1.muddy: adj.1.泥泞的 2.暗的,模糊的,糊涂的 puddle:n.1.水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑 muddy puddle: 水坑

例句:Peppaloves jumping in muddy puddles.Peppa喜欢跳水坑。2 run along:1.走开 2.延伸,贯穿

例句:Alright,run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。3.boot: n.靴子

例句:If youjump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.如果你要跳水坑4 look after: 1.注视2.照顾,照看

例句:Peppalikes to look after her little brother, George.Peppa喜欢照顾她的弟5.mud:n.泥,烂泥

例句: It's onlymud.那只是块泥。6 goodness me: 天哪

7.mess:n.杂乱,脏乱; 脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱

例句:And lookat the mess you're in.看看你们有多脏。8.clean up:1.打扫;清理 2.(给自己)洗脸(洗手,洗澡)

例句:Daddy,when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play,too?来玩么? 9 up and down:上上下下

例句:Peppaloves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.Peppa喜欢一上一下跳水坑。

PeppaPig第二集:恐龙先生不见了 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.dinosaur: n.1.恐龙 2.守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西 例句:Mr.Dinosaur is lost.恐龙掉了。2.scare: vt.恐吓;使惊恐 vi.受惊吓,感到害怕

例句:Sometimes,George likes to scare Peppa with Mr.Dinosaur.有时候,乔治喜欢拿恐龙先生吓Peppa。scary: 使人惊恐的;吓人的;可怕的 3.summer time: 晚餐时间 at summertime 4.bathtime: 放松沐浴时光

5.tuck: n.1.(衣服的)褶,裥 2.折叠 vt.1.塞进2.翻折3.盖住,卷起 tuck up:折起

例句:WhenGeorge goes to bed, Mr.Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。6.throw: 投; 掷; 扔; 抛

例句:George'sfavourite game is throwing Mr.Dinosaur up in the air.乔治最喜欢的游戏就是把恐龙扔在空中。7.draughts n.〈英〉国际跳棋 例句:Peppa andDaddy Pig are playing draughts.Peppa和猪爸爸在玩国际跳棋8.detective:n.侦探,警探,私人侦探

例句:It's a jobfor a detective.这是侦探的工作。

9.wonder:vt.1.想弄明白;琢磨 2.感到好奇;对…感到惊讶;急欲知道 例句:I wonderif this time you threw Mr.Dinosaur just a bit toohigh.我想知道你这次扔恐龙是不是扔得有点高呢。PeppaPig第三集:波丽鹦鹉 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.parrot:n.鹦鹉 2.应声虫,学舌者 Parrot Polly 波丽鹦鹉 2 Granny: 祖母,外祖母 3.pet: 宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人

例句:We have anew pet.我们有了一个新宠物。4.copy: 模仿,仿效

例句:Mummy, Whydoes Polly copy everything that Granny says? 妈妈,为什么波丽要模仿奶奶说话呢? 5.teatime:下午茶 Off you go: 你可以出发了

7.hurray:好哇,加油,欢呼声,加油声 vi.欢呼 8.pretend:假装,装扮,扮作,模拟

例句:Peppa andGeorge are pretending to be parrots.Peppa和乔治开始假扮鹦鹉。PeppaPig第四:好朋友 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.on their own: adv.靠自己

例句:Peppa andSuzy want to play on their own.Peppa和Suzy 喜欢自己玩。2.tiny: adj.极小的,微小的,微量的 tiny little: 小小的

例句:I'm a tinylittle fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。3.fairy: n.小仙子,小精灵

例句:I'm a tinylittle fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。4.wand: n.1.棍,棒 2.魔杖,指挥棒

例句:I'm goingto wave my magic wand...and turn you into afrog!我要挥舞我的魔法棒,把你变成一个青蛙。5.lonely: adj.孤独的,寂寞的

例句:He feels abit lonely.他感到有点孤独。6.chip: n.炸马铃薯条

例句:I'm makingchocolate chip cookies!我要做巧克力薯条饼干。7.lick:舔

例句:Someoneneeds to lick out the bowl.有人需要舔碗。8.chest: n.胸部,胸腔

例句:Peppalistens to George's chest.Peppa在听乔治的胸口。9.cough: 咳嗽 Now, George, take a big breath in...thencough.现在,乔治,你做个深呼吸,然后咳嗽。

10.loose adj.松的,宽松的,不牢固的; 不结实的;不坚固的 例句:I thinkyour heart's a bit loose...我认为你的心脏有一点不好。11.plaster: n.膏药;创可贴;护创胶布

例句:I'll put aplaster on it.我放一点膏药上去。12 temperature: 温度;体温

例句:Suzy takesGeorge's temperature.Suzy 给乔治测了体温。13 sore: adj.疼痛的;酸痛的 tummy: 胃

例句:I have asore tummy.我有一点胃痛。14.tickle vt.& vi.1.发痒 2.愉快,逗乐 15 rumbling n.辘辘声

例句:I can hearit rumbling.我能听到它在辘辘叫。PeppaPig第5:捉迷藏 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.hide and seek: 捉迷藏 hide: 隐藏;躲避;隐匿 seek:寻找 探寻

例句:Peppa andGeorge are playing hide and seek.Peppa和乔治在玩捉迷藏。2.counting:计算

:He mustquickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting.他必须在Peppa数好之前迅速找到地方藏好。3 upstairs: adv.在楼上 adj.楼上的 n.楼上

例句:George,have you thought of looking upstairs? 乔治,你想过要看看楼上么? 4.curtain: 窗帘;幕;遮盖物

例句:Peppaisn't behind the curtain.Peppa不在窗帘后面。5.basket: 篮;筐

例句:George isin the toy basket.乔治在玩具筐里。PeppaPig第6:上学去 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.playgroup: 幼儿园 2.look forward to: 期盼

例句:George,are you looking forward to theplaygroup? 乔治,你想去幼儿园吗? 3.be proud of: 为...感到骄傲 4.petal: 花瓣

例句:Now youpaint the flower's petals.现在你画花的花瓣。5.stalk: n.主茎,花梗,叶柄 6 home time 回家时间

例句:It's thehome time.回家时间到了。7 pick up n.接送 例句:Thechildren's parents are here to pick themup.孩子们的父母来接他们了。PeppaPig第7:妈咪的电脑 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.at work: 在工作

例句:Mummy Pigis at work.妈咪猪在工作。2.as long as: 只要 disturb: 扰乱;打扰

例句:Yes, aslong as you don't disturb her.是的,只要你们不去打扰她。3.lap: 膝部

sit on one's lap: 坐在...的腿上

例句:Can Georgeand I sit on your lap and watch youwork? 我和乔治能坐在你腿4.mend: 修理,修补,缝补

例句:Daddy Pig,can you mend the computer? 5.switch: 开关,交换机,转换 switch off: 关掉,切断 switch on: 开启

例句:Maybe if Ijust switch if off...And then switch it onagain...也许我只要把它6.expert: 专家,能手,专业 7.disc: 唱片,碟,盘 8.on earth: 究竟

例句:What onearth is going on? 究竟进行得怎么样?

PeppaPig第8:露营 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.camping:野营 2.tent:帐篷

例句:This isthe tentI had when I was a little boy!当我还是个小男孩的时候就有3.expert: 专家的,内行的,熟练的,有经验的

例句:I'm anexpert at camping!我在野营方面是个专家。4.pole: 柱, 杆

例句:Put thetent on thepoles, please.把帐篷放在杆子上。5.easy as pie 易如反掌 6.peg n.系帐篷的桩

7.hold up.支持, 支撑, 承受住,支持住,承受住,支撑得住 8.tummy 胃

9.stick 枝条, 枯枝, 柴枝, 棍, 棒 10.campfire 营火, 篝火

例句:Peppa andGeorge are helping Daddy Pig collect sticks for the campfire.Pe11.splendid: 极好的

例句:That's asplendid campfire!这是一个很好的篝火。12.rub:(使)相互磨擦;搓 13.heat up:.变热.加〔煮〕热… 14.cricket: 蟋蟀 15.chirping 鸣叫 16.owl: 猫头鹰 17.fit in: 适合,融入 18.cozy: 舒适的,惬意的

例句:It waslovely and cozy in the tent!呆在帐篷里真是有趣又舒服。19.snore: 打呼打鼾 PeppaPig第9:种籽变大树 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.gardening: 园艺

2.seed: n.种子,萌芽;vt.1.播种

例句:I'mplanting these seeds.我在种这些种子。3.hole: 孔,洞

例句:I justmake a little hole and put the seedin.我只要弄一个小洞,然后把种4.cover sth.with 覆盖 earth: 泥土

例句:Then Icover it with earth and water it.然后我用泥土把种子覆盖,再用水5.strawberry: 草莓 6.look after: 照看,照顾

例句:GrandpaPig looks after Peppa's strawberryplant.外公猪照顾着Peppa的草7.carrot: 胡萝卜 PeppaPig第10:脚踏车 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.pumpkin: 南瓜,南瓜的果肉 2.tricycle:三轮车 3.race: 比赛。赛跑

例句:Let's raceto Daddy Pig's pumpkin.让我们比赛骑到那个南瓜。4.bump: 碰,撞 bump into

例句:We have tobe very careful not to bump into it.我们必须很小心不要撞到南5.watch out: 小心,留神,注意

6.stabilizer: 有安定作用之物,安定装置,水平尾翼 7.steady: 稳定的,平稳的, 沉稳的 8.let go: 放开,释放 例句:Don't letgo!不要放手!9.hold on:坚持,保持,继续 10.for ages:有一段时间了 11.squash: 被压扁, 挤入

例句:Peppa hassquashed Daddy Pig's pumpkin!Peppa把猪爸爸的南瓜压扁了。PeppaPig第11:新轿车 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.drive [ draiv] vi.驾车行驶;(朝一目标)努力争取;驱进; 会开汽车 peppa and her family are going for a drive in their red car peppa和她的家人去驾驶红色汽车 2.roof [ ru:f ]屋顶,房屋; 最高部,顶部 Shallwe have the roof down? 我们的屋顶下

3、sound [ saund] vt.使出声,使发声;清楚地发出; 宣布,发表; 颂扬 the car doesnot sound very well 汽车发出的声音不是很好

4、garage[ ˈɡærɑ:ʒ

n.车库; 汽车修理站;飞机库

5、fix [ fiks ]

vt.固定;准备; 修理; 使牢固

6、mending [ ˈmendɪŋ ]

v.修理,修补(mend的现在分词); 改[纠]正; 改善[进]; 恢复

7、press [ pres ] vt.压,按;逼迫; 紧抱

8、button [ ˈbʌtən ]

n.按钮,电钮;纽扣,扣子; 扣状物

9、squirt [ skwɜ:t ] vt.喷射,喷湿;注射

PeppaPig第12:下雪了 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.wrap: 包,裹,覆盖;遮蔽 wrap up 穿外衣;披围巾

例句: But it's verycold outside, so you must wrap upwarm.但是现在外面很冷,2.scarf: 围巾,披肩,领巾 3.glove:(分手指的)手套 4.footprint: 脚印 5.snowball: 雪球 6.snowman: 雪人 PeppaPig第13:放风筝 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.kite: 风筝 fly a kite 放风筝

2.pick up: 改善,好转,增强

例句:We'll justhave to wait, until the wind picks up abit.在风没大之前,我们只3.windy: 多风的,风强的,坏天气的 4.stick: 钉住,粘贴,使停止,粘住,放置

例句:Watch outfor the trees!You might get the kite stuck inone.注意那些树,5.nonsense: 胡说,废话,无意义 6.rescue: 营救,救援;搭救;挽救

例句:Daddy Pighas rescued the kite!猪爸爸挽救了那个风筝。7.be out of: 脱离了(状态)

例句: And the kiteis out of the tree!风筝已经脱离了那棵树。PeppaPig第14:我的表姐克洛伊 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1、threw [ θru: ] v.投(throw的过去式); 掷; 扔; 抛

2、cousin [ ˈkʌzn ]


Today your bigcousin, chloe is coming to visit 今天你们的大表姐,克洛伊来访

3、yippee [ ˈjipi: ]


4、catch [ kætʃ ]

vt.赶上;接住; 引起; 看见 vt.&vi.(使)被钩住,(使)被卡住 n.抓;隐情; 捕获量; 挂钩

5、proper [ ˈprɔpə ]


6、chase [ tʃeis ]

vt.追捕;追求; 追寻; 镂刻 n.追捕;打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽

vi.追逐,追赶;追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑

7、sly [ slai ]

adj.狡猾的,狡诈的; 暗中的,偷偷摸摸的

8、race [ reis ]

n.种,种族;(速度)比赛;(事件等的)进行; 人种 vt.&vi.和……比速度,(使)参加比赛;(使)快速移动 vi.(因为害怕、兴奋等)急速跳动;运转过快; 空转; 疾行

PeppaPig第15:爸爸的眼镜 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.fuzzy:模糊的

例句:Everythinglooks a bit soft and fuzzy.所有的东西看上去都有点柔柔的,模2.grumpy:脾气不好

例句:Daddy Pigcannot see a thing without them and it makes him verygrumpy气变差了。ridiculous:可笑,荒唐。例句:It'sridiculous.太荒唐了。4.pillow:枕头

例句:Peppalooks under the pillows.Peppa看了看枕头下面。5.slipper:拖鞋

6.If I move slowly, I won't bump into things.如果我走得慢一点,就不会撞到东西11, Thank you for cutting grass.谢谢你割草。PeppaPig第16:打嗝 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1、hiccup [ ˈhɪkəp ]

n.嗝;连续地打嗝; 暂时性的小问题; 短暂的停顿 vi.打嗝

2、spoil [ spɔil ]

vi.变质;掠夺; 腐败 vt.损坏,糟蹋;把(酒,肉等)放坏; 溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等); 抢劫,掠夺n.抢劫,掠夺;废品,次品; 成功所带来的好处;(开掘等时挖出的)弃土

3、cure [ kjuə ]

vt.治愈;矫正; 解决; 消除 vi.受治疗;被加工处理 n.治愈;药物; 疗法; 措施

4、rub [ rʌb ] [

vt.擦,摩擦;用……擦; 触怒;(使)相互磨擦 vi.接触,摩擦;擦伤; 在困境中持续下去 n.摩擦的动作;表面不平; 阻碍,困难

PeppaPig第17:妈妈猪的生日 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

PeppaPig第18:妈妈猪的生日 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.birthday:生日

Mummy Pig's Birthday 妈妈猪的生日

2.whisper: 低声说,耳语,嘀咕,低语,小声说,私下说 whisper it in your ear 偷偷低声告诉你 3.decoration:装饰物,装饰品

put up:把某物固定或紧固於某处引人注目,展示某物

例句:We justhave to put up the decorations in the sittingroom.我只要在客厅里4.bored:厌倦的,烦闷的

例句:I wasgetting a little bored.我已经开始有点烦闷啦。5.choice:选择

例句:Do I haveany choice?我还有别的选择吗? 6.blow:吹

例句:Blow thecandles out and make a wish!吹灭蜡烛再许个心愿!7.baby-sit:照顾(婴儿)

例句:And GrannyPig and I are going to baby-sit the little ones.奶奶猪和我就来PeppaPig第19:打扮 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.dress up: 装扮 2.a box of: 一箱

例句: Peppa hasfound a box of old clothes.Peppa找到了一箱旧衣服。2.make-up: 化妆用品

例句:Peppa hasfound Mummy's make-up box.Peppa找到了妈妈猪的化妆包。3.powder: 施粉 4.lipstick: 唇膏,口红

5.getting + a.开始……(形容词)

例句:But Georgeis getting a bit bored.但是乔治开始觉得有点乏味。6.dig: 掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)

例句:Daddy Pigis digging in the garden.爸爸猪在花园里挖土。7.snort:(表示被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼

例句:I want tomake big snorts, too.我也想发出这样的鼻音。8.have sb.done(被动)使某人做……

例句:You reallyhad us fooled!你真的让我们都变傻了。PeppaPig第20:游园会 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.fete: 露天游乐会,游乐会 the school fete 校园游园会 2.face:面部

face painting:面部绘画 3.bouncy: 有弹性的,自大的 bouncy castle 跳跳床

例句:I like thebouncy castle the best!我最喜欢弹力堡(游乐场中一种充气的大型4.pussy cat n.猫,小姑娘

例句:Are you apussy cat?你是小猫吗?

5.creep: 慢慢地、悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走)6.lick:舔

例句:Tigerslike to lick themselves clean.老虎喜欢把它们舔干净。7.kangaroo:袋鼠 8.bounce:弹跳 例句:Everyoneloves bouncing on the bouncy caste!所有人都喜欢在跳跳床上跳PeppaPig第21:乐器 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.musical: n.音乐片,音乐舞台剧 a.音乐的,声音美妙的,喜爱音乐的 instrument: 器具,器械,仪器 musical instrument:乐器

2.tidy: 使整洁,使整齐,使有条理,整理

例句:Mummy Pigand Daddy Pig have been tidying thehouse.妈妈猪和爸爸猪正3.attic:(紧靠屋顶的)阁楼,顶楼 4.nope: 不行,没有


例句:They are abit old and dusty.它们有一点老,又布满灰尘了。6.violin:小提琴

7.bravo:(喝彩声、叫好声)好哇 8.tin: 锡制的 drum:鼓 9.accordion:手风琴

10.tune: 曲调,曲子,主旋律 11.horn: 爵士音乐中的,管乐器,小号

eppaPig第28:温蒂城堡 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.castle: 城堡 windy castle:温蒂城堡 2.view: 视野;视域;视线

a view from a(place)从……看出去的视野

例句:There's agreat view from the top of WindyCastle.从温蒂城堡上看出去有一个很好的视野。3.grumpy: 性情乖戾的

例句:When youmap-read, we always get lost and you getgrumpy.当你看地图的时候,我们总是迷路,然后你就心情开始不好了。

4.spy: 侦察,找出,发现 例句:I spy withmy little eye.5.secretly: 秘密地,背地里

例句:Daddy Pighas to secretly look at something and the others have to guess whatit is.爸爸猪要偷偷地看看什么东西,然后其他人去猜那是什么。6.route:路线

例句:This isthe best route.这是最好的线路。7.look out for: 当心… 留神… 提防… 8.fantastic: 极好的,极出色的(口)例句:The viewfrom the top is fantastic.从上面看下去的景色太好了。

9.look through: 彻底审查 10.telescope: 望远镜

例句:Thetelescope makes everything look bigger.望远镜让所有的东西都看起来更大了。11.wave:挥手,招手 PeppaPig第30:博物馆 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.museum:博物馆 2.full of: 充满 be full of 充满

例句:It's aplace full of interesting things that are veryold.那是一个充满古老有趣的东西的地方。3.throne:(国王的,女王的)御座,宝座

例句:This isthe queen's special chair.It's called athrone.这是女王专用的椅子,称之为宝座。4.crown:王冠,皇冠

例句:This isthe queen's golden crown.这是女王金色的皇冠。5.care for: 深深地爱,非常喜欢

例句:Is thereanything else you would care for, Queen Peppa? Peppa女王,还有什么东西你非常喜欢呢? 6.bow: 鞠躬,点头(表示尊敬或打招呼)

例句:You mustbow when you speak to me.你和我说话的时候必须鞠躬点头。


例句:He'ssomewhere in the room.它在这个房间的某处。8.bone:(+s)骨骼,身体,尸骸

例句:These arethe bones of a real dinosaur.这些是恐龙的骨骸。9.tuck in: 尽情吃 PeppaPig第31:秘密 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.secret:秘密

例句: It's yoursecret box!这是一个秘密盒子。2.proper:合适的

例句: You must havea proper guess.你应该好好猜。3.use up: 用完,耗尽

例句: And that's allyour guesses.Used up!这就是你所有的猜测,用完啦!

4.on the count of...当数到……

例句:On thecount of three, you each show what's in yourboxes.当数到三的时候,你们要一起展示你们盒子里的东西是什么。

5.custard: 蛋奶糊,牛奶沙司 doughnut: n.炸面圈,多纳圈(常含果酱、水果、奶油等)6.tuck in 塞入

例句:Come on.Tuck in.来,放进去。7.hide:藏

例句:I'm goingto hide mine in my tummy!我要把我的藏在我的肚子里!

PeppaPig第32:暴风雨 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.thunderstorm:n.雷雨,雷暴,雷雨交加 2.You are very welcome.你太客气了。3.cookie:小饼

例句:WouldTeddy or Mr.Dinosaur like a cookie? Teddy和恐龙先生会喜欢小饼吗? 4.thunder:n.雷电,雷声 5.rescue:拯救

Daddy Pig will rescue Teddy!爸爸猪会救Teddy的。6.for ages:好久,很久,很长时间

It won't rain for ages.它长时间里不会下雨。7.soak:浸,泡,浸透,湿透

例句:He'ssoaking wet!他都浸湿了。8.drip:滴出,漏下

Daddy Pig is using a bucket to catch the drips.爸爸猪用木桶来接水。

PeppaPig第33:接球 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.cheeky: 无礼的,不要脸的,厚颜无耻的 What a cheeky little one, pig Peppa is.What a + adj + sth + be 感叹句

例句:What acheeky little one, pig Peppais.Peppa真是个没有礼貌的小东西!

2.tease: 欺负,嘲弄,取笑

例句:MaybePeppa is teasing George just a bit toomuch.也许Peppa总是欺负乔治。

3.George can't throw the ball past MummyPig.乔治不能把球扔到妈妈猪那里。4.stick: 粘住,放置

例句:Peppawants to copy George but she's too big and has got stuck.Peppa想学乔治,但是她太大了被黏住了。5.too...to...:太…… 以至于不能……

例句:George istoo little to play ''Piggy in themiddle''.乔治太小了以至于不能玩接球游戏。

6.give sb.a helping hand.给某人帮助 helping hand:助手

例句:I justgave George a helping hand.我只是给乔治一点帮助。

PeppaPig第36:细腿先生 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.skinny: adj.极瘦的,干瘦的,皮包骨的 skinnyleg 细腿

2.come down stairs: 下楼 3.teapot: 茶壶

fill sth.with sth.使...充满

例句:Here,George, you can fill the teapot withwater.这里,乔治,你可以在茶壶里装一点水。4.spider: 蜘蛛

5.naughty: 顽皮的,淘气的,不听话的 6.panic: 恐慌,惊惶

例句:No need topanic.不用惊慌。7.fetch:(去)拿来,请来,接去

例句:I'll justfetch Mummy Pig.我去找妈妈猪来。8.braver: a.勇敢的

例句:Peppafeels a little bit braver.Peppa觉得有些勇敢了。PeppaPig第38:爱睡公主 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.sleepy: a.欲睡的;困乏的 sleepy princess 爱睡公主 2.promise: 保证 3.castle: 城堡

例句:Once upona time...in a castle, there lived a littleprincess.从前,在一个城堡里住着一个小公主。4.fierce: 凶猛的,残忍的

例句:Livingoutside was a huge, fierce dinosaur!在外面住着一头巨大,凶猛的恐龙。

5.wear out: 耗尽,(使)筋疲力尽

例句:Looking atherself all day in the mirror had completely worn herout.照了镜子一整天她已经精疲力尽了。

PeppaPig第40:爸爸减肥记 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.fit:合身的,健康的,强健的 2.program:节目

例句:Mummy Pigis watching a keep fit program ontelevision.妈妈猪在看瘦身节目。

3.bend: 使弯曲;使(被弄弯的东西)恢复原状 stretch:伸开,张开,伸展

4.naturally: 顺理成章地,自然地,当然地,天生地,本能地 例句:I'mnaturally fit.我正正好好。5.toe: 脚趾

例句:Touch yourtoes.碰到你的脚趾。6.be in charge of 负责

例句:Peppa,you're in charge of getting me fit.Peppa,你负责让我瘦身。

7.press-up: 俯卧撑 8.cheat 欺骗


9.somehow: 以某种方式,用某种方法;不知为什么,不知怎么地 例句:You've gotto get fit somehow.你要用某种方式瘦下来。10.pedals:(自行车等)的脚蹬子,踏板 11.whiz: v.飕飕掠过;急驰

例句:I whizzedall the way down the hill.我从山上一路疾驰而下。

PeppaPig第41:买东西 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.shopping: 购物

2.trolley: 电车,手推车,台车 例句:Daddy, canI sit in the trolley, too? 爸爸,我能不能也坐在小推车里面吗? 3.list:一览表,清单

例句:What'snext on the list? 清单后面一个是什么呀? 4.goody: 太好了

5.crisp: 油炸土豆片,炸薯片(有多种风味,袋装)6.checkout: 收银台

例句:This isthe checkout where all the food is paidfor.这里有一个买东西付钱的收银台。

PeppaPig第42:Chloe的木偶戏 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.expect: 【口】认为,猜想

例句:I expectUncle Pig will fall asleep after lunch, like he alwaysdoes.我猜想,吃完午饭叔叔猪要像平时一样睡午觉的。2.snore: 打呼噜,打鼾

3.cousin: 堂兄(或弟、姐、妹)

例句:Chloe Pigis Peppa and George's cousin.Chloe猪是Peppa和乔治的堂兄弟。

4.puppet: 木偶 theatre: 戏院,剧院,露天剧场

例句:This is mynew puppet theatre!这是我新的木偶戏。5.paint:(用颜料等)画,写 6.pointy: 非常尖的 例句: It needspointy teeth.它需要很尖的牙齿。7.spaghetti: 意大利细面条 PeppaPig第43:Peppa的生日 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.wake up:起床 wake sb.up 叫某人起床

例句:Let's wakeMummy and Daddy up!我们一起叫爸爸妈妈起床。

2.fall asleep:熟睡

例句:Mummy Pigand Daddy Pig are still fast asleep.妈妈猪和爸爸猪还没醒。3 happen:发生

例句:Do youknow what's happening next, Peppa? Peppa,你知道后来发生什么了吗? 4.magician:魔术家,幻术家

例句:No onewill know the magician is your daddy.没有人会知道那个魔术师就是你爸爸。5.trick:戏法,把戏,花招,技艺

例句:Daddy'sbeen practicing his magic tricks all week!爸爸练习那个魔术已经一个礼拜了。6.helper:助手 例句:For mynext trick, I need a helper from the audience.下一个戏法里,我需要从观众里找一个助手。7.secretly:偷偷地,悄悄地 PeppaPig第44:操场 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.frame:(家具﹑建筑物﹑车辆等的)框架,支架,骨架 2.slide: 滑滑梯

例句:SuzySheep, Danny Dog, and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide.Suzy绵羊,Danny狗和Rebecca兔在玩滑滑梯。3.swing:荡秋千

例句:Peppa isplaying on the swing.Peppa正在玩荡秋千。4.scare:1.使惊恐,吓唬 2.受惊吓,感到害怕 be scared of 害怕

例句:You knowGeorge is a bit scared of heights!你知道乔治有点畏高。

5.tire: 1.感到疲劳,感到累 2.厌倦,厌烦 6.free:使摆脱

例句:Peppa'sfriends are helping to free her.Peppa的朋友正在帮助她解困。7.bouncy: 有弹性的 PeppaPig第45:收拾房间 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.tidy up: 整理,收拾 2.dolly: 玩具娃娃

3.horrible: 可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,极讨厌的 monster:(传说中的)怪物,怪兽

例句:It lookslike a horrible monster!它看上去像一个可怕的怪物。4.trip: 绊,绊倒 trip over sb.绊倒某人

例句:Someonecould trip over and hurt themselves.会有人绊倒然后受伤的。

5.pop-up: 迅速的去某处,突然从某物中出来,迅速地把某物放到某处

6.tyrannosaurus: 暴龙 rex: 国王,君主 7.brontosaurus: 雷龙 triceratops: 三角恐龙

PeppaPig第48:海滩 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.stuff: 物品,东西,行李;装备 例句:What a lotof stuff!那么多东西!

2.spade:铲子,锄,铲凿 sunshade: 遮阳伞,天棚,帽遮 towel:毛巾 spotty:带斑点的,有污迹的

例句:Sunshade,beach-bag, towels, buckets and spades,and a spottyball.遮阳伞,沙滩袋,毛巾毯子,木桶铲子和一个沙球。3.sun cream:防晒霜

4.straw: 禾秆,稻草,麦秆,草帽

例句:Can I havemy straw hat? 我能带我的草帽吗? 5.paddle: 桨,船桨

例句:Would youand Peppa like to have a paddle in thesea? 你和Peppa在海里要用船桨么? 6.splash: 溅水,泼水,溅泼声 7.presto: 赶快,快 PeppaPig第49:洗轿车 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解

1.naughty: 顽皮的,淘气的,不听话 2.soapy a.涂着肥皂的,谄媚的,圆滑的

例句:Daddy Pighas some warm soapy water to wash thecar.爸爸猪拿来一些肥皂水洗车子。3.bonnet: 汽车引擎盖 4.sponge:抹布

例句: George hasdropped his sponge in a muddy puddle.乔治把它的抹布扔在了泥塘里。


6.panic: 受惊,惊惶

例句:No need topanic.没有必要惊慌。7.polish: 擦亮,磨光,推敲

例句:You go anddry yourselves while I polish the car.你们先去把自己弄干,我来擦亮轿车。PeppaPig第50:爷爷猪的船 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.abroad:上船

例句:Welcomeaboard, me hearties!欢迎上船哦,亲爱的们!2.captain:船长 3.petrol:汽油

例句:I don'twant to use up all my petrol.我不想用完我的汽油。4.afloat:漂浮

例句:I'msurprised your boat is still afloat.你的船居然还浮着,这使我太惊奇了。

5.rusty:生锈的 bucket: 桶,吊桶,水桶

例句:This oldboat can go faster than your rusty bucket any day, GrandpaPig.爷爷猪,这个老船比你生锈的水桶游得快。6.race: 和...赛速度,和...竞赛,(在速度上)试图超过 例句:Raceyou!我要和你比赛!7.count:数数

on the count of three 数到三


例句:The oldboat can tow us home!那艘老船可以拖着我们回家。9.ahoy: 喂

例句:Ahoythere, Grandpa Pig!喂在这儿,爷爷猪。PeppaPig第51:爸爸的摄影机 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.parcel: 包裹 2.close:近的,接近的

例句:You arevery close.你的答案非常接近了。3.instruction: 用法说明;操作指南

例句:Even Ineed to read the instructions!即使是我也要先读说明书。

4.purchase: 购买

例句:Thank youfor purchasing the movie 3000!感谢您购买 movie3000.5.shoot: 拍摄(电影,照片)

例句:I am eagerand ready to shoot your first movie.我很急切地准备好了拍你第一个电影。6.press: 按,挤,压,推,顶 press the button: 按按钮 7.peek: 偷看,窥视 No peeking!不许偷看!

8.frightened: 受惊吓的,害怕…的

例句:Oh, Georgeis frightened!噢,乔治受到惊吓了。9.Who is that meant to be? 那个人是什么东西?





1.muddy: adj.1.泥泞的 2.暗的,模糊的,糊涂的 puddle:n.1.水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑 muddy puddle: 水坑

例句:Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.Peppa喜欢跳水坑。2 run along:1.走开 2.延伸,贯穿

例句:Alright, run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。3.boot: n.靴子

例句:If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.如果你要跳水坑,你必须穿好靴子。4 look after: 1.注视2.照顾,照看

例句:Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George.Peppa喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。5.mud:n.泥,烂泥

例句: It's only mud.那只是块泥。6 goodness me: 天哪

7.mess:n.杂乱,脏乱; 脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱

例句:And look at the mess you're in.看看你们有多脏。8.clean up:1.打扫;清理 2.(给自己)洗脸(洗手,洗澡)例句:Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play, too?爸爸,等我们洗好,你和妈妈会和我们一起来玩么? 9 up and down:上上下下

例句:Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.Peppa喜欢一上一下跳水坑。




1.dinosaur: n.1.恐龙 2.守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西 例句:Mr.Dinosaur is lost.恐龙掉了。2.scare: vt.恐吓;使惊恐 vi.受惊吓,感到害怕

例句:Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr.Dinosaur.有时候,乔治喜欢拿恐龙先生吓Peppa。scary: 使人惊恐的;吓人的;可怕的 3.summer time: 晚餐时间 at summer time 4.bathtime: 放松沐浴时光

5.tuck: n.1.(衣服的)褶,裥 2.折叠 vt.1.塞进2.翻折3.盖住,卷起 tuck up:折起

例句:When George goes to bed, Mr.Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。6.throw: 投; 掷; 扔; 抛

例句:George's favourite game is throwing Mr.Dinosaur up in the air.乔治最喜欢的游戏就是把恐龙扔在空中。7.draughts n.〈英〉国际跳棋

例句:Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.Peppa和猪爸爸在玩国际跳棋。


例句:It's a job for a detective.这是侦探的工作。

9.wonder:vt.1.想弄明白;琢磨 2.感到好奇;对…感到惊讶;急欲知道

例句:I wonder if this time you threw Mr.Dinosaur just a bit too high.我想知道你这次扔恐龙是不是扔得有点高呢。




1.on their own: adv.靠自己

例句:Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own.Peppa和Suzy 喜欢自己玩。

2.tiny: adj.极小的,微小的,微量的 tiny little: 小小的

例句:I'm a tiny little fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。3.fairy: n.小仙子,小精灵

例句:I'm a tiny little fairy princess!我是一个小小的仙女公主。4.wand: n.1.棍,棒 2.魔杖,指挥棒 例句:I'm going to wave my magic wand...and turn you into a frog!我要挥舞我的魔法棒,把你变成一个青蛙。5.lonely: adj.孤独的,寂寞的

例句:He feels a bit lonely.他感到有点孤独。6.chip: n.炸马铃薯条

例句:I'm making chocolate chip cookies!我要做巧克力薯条饼干。7.lick:舔

例句:Someone needs to lick out the bowl.有人需要舔碗。8.chest: n.胸部,胸腔

例句:Peppa listens to George's chest.Peppa在听乔治的胸口。9.cough: 咳嗽

Now, George, take a big breath in...then cough.现在,乔治,你做个深呼吸,然后咳嗽。

10.loose adj.松的,宽松的,不牢固的; 不结实的;不坚固的 例句:I think your heart's a bit loose...我认为你的心脏有一点不好。11.plaster: n.膏药;创可贴;护创胶布

例句:I'll put a plaster on it.我放一点膏药上去。12 temperature: 温度;体温

例句:Suzy takes George's temperature.Suzy 给乔治测了体温。13 sore: adj.疼痛的;酸痛的 tummy: 胃

例句:I have a sore tummy.我有一点胃痛。14.tickle vt.& vi.1.发痒 2.愉快,逗乐 15 rumbling n.辘辘声

例句:I can hear it rumbling.我能听到它在辘辘叫。




1.parrot:n.鹦鹉 2.应声虫,学舌者

Parrot Polly 波丽鹦鹉 2 Granny: 祖母,外祖母 3.pet: 宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人

例句:We have a new pet.我们有了一个新宠物。4.copy: 模仿,仿效

例句:Mummy, Why does Polly copy everything that Granny says?妈妈,为什么波丽要模仿奶奶说话呢? 5.teatime:下午茶 Off you go: 你可以出发了

7.hurray:好哇,加油,欢呼声,加油声 vi.欢呼


例句:Peppa and George are pretending to be parrots.Peppa和乔治开始假扮鹦鹉。




1.hide and seek: 捉迷藏 hide: 隐藏;躲避;隐匿 seek:寻找 探寻

例句:Peppa and George are playing hide and seek.Peppa和乔治在玩捉迷藏。2.counting:计算

例句:He must quickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting.他必须在Peppa数好之前迅速找到地方藏好。3 upstairs: adv.在楼上 adj.楼上的 n.楼上

例句:George, have you thought of looking upstairs? 乔治,你想过要看看楼上么?

4.curtain: 窗帘;幕;遮盖物

例句:Peppa isn't behind the curtain.Peppa不在窗帘后面。5.basket: 篮;筐

例句:George is in the toy basket.乔治在玩具筐里。


上学去 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1.playgroup: 幼儿园 2.look forward to: 期盼

例句:George, are you looking forward to the playgroup? 乔治,你想去幼儿园吗?

3.be proud of: 为...感到骄傲 4.petal: 花瓣

例句:Now you paint the flower's petals.现在你画花的花瓣。5.stalk: n.主茎,花梗,叶柄 6 home time 回家时间

例句:It's the home time.回家时间到了。7 pick up n.接送

例句:The children's parents are here to pick them up.孩子们的父母来接他们了。

Peppa Pig第一季:妈妈猪的生日



Mummy Pig's Birthday 妈妈猪的生日 2.whisper: 低声说,耳语,嘀咕,低语,小声说,私下说 whisper it in your ear 偷偷低声告诉你 3.decoration:装饰物,装饰品

put up:把某物固定或紧固於某处引人注目,展示某物

例句:We just have to put up the decorations in the sitting room.我只要在客厅里装上装饰品。4.bored:厌倦的,烦闷的

例句:I was getting a little bored.我已经开始有点烦闷啦。5.choice:选择

例句:Do I have any choice?我还有别的选择吗? 6.blow:吹

例句:Blow the candles out and make a wish!吹灭蜡烛再许个心愿!7.baby-sit:照顾(婴儿)

例句:And Granny Pig and I are going to baby-sit the little ones.奶奶猪和我就来照顾这些小东西。

Peppa Pig第一季:海滩


1.stuff: 物品,东西,行李;装备

例句:What a lot of stuff!那么多东西!

2.spade:铲子,锄,铲凿 sunshade: 遮阳伞,天棚,帽遮 towel:毛巾 spotty:带斑点的,有污迹的

例句:Sunshade, beach-bag, towels, buckets and spades,and a spotty ball.遮阳伞,沙滩袋,毛巾毯子,木桶铲子和一个沙球。3.sun cream:防晒霜

4.straw: 禾秆,稻草,麦秆,草帽

例句:Can I have my straw hat? 我能带我的草帽吗? 5.paddle: 桨,船桨

例句:Would you and Peppa like to have a paddle in the sea? 你和Peppa在海里要用船桨么?

6.splash: 溅水,泼水,溅泼声

7.presto: 赶快,快

Peppa Pig第一季:爷爷猪的船



例句:Welcome aboard, me hearties!欢迎上船哦,亲爱的们!2.captain:船长 3.petrol:汽油

例句:I don't want to use up all my petrol.我不想用完我的汽油。4.afloat:漂浮 例句:I'm surprised your boat is still afloat.你的船居然还浮着,这使我太惊奇了。

5.rusty:生锈的 bucket: 桶,吊桶,水桶

例句:This old boat can go faster than your rusty bucket any day, Grandpa Pig.爷爷猪,这个老船比你生锈的水桶游得快。6.race: 和...赛速度,和...竞赛,(在速度上)试图超过 例句:Race you!我要和你比赛!7.count:数数

on the count of three 数到三


例句:The old boat can tow us home!那艘老船可以拖着我们回家。9.ahoy: 喂

例句:Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig!喂在这儿,爷爷猪。

Peppa Pig第一季:暴风雨


1.thunderstorm:n.雷雨,雷暴,雷雨交加 2.You are very welcome.你太客气了。3.cookie:小饼

例句:Would Teddy or Mr.Dinosaur like a cookie? Teddy和恐龙先生会喜欢小饼吗? 4.thunder:n.雷电,雷声 5.rescue:拯救

Daddy Pig will rescue Teddy!爸爸猪会救Teddy的。6.for ages:好久,很久,很长时间

It won't rain for ages.它长时间里不会下雨。7.soak:浸,泡,浸透,湿透

例句:He's soaking wet!他都浸湿了。8.drip:滴出,漏下

Daddy Pig is using a bucket to catch the drips.爸爸猪用木桶来接水。

Peppa Pig第一季:爸爸的眼镜



例句:Everything looks a bit soft and fuzzy.所有的东西看上去都有点柔柔的,模糊的。2.grumpy:脾气不好

例句:Daddy Pig cannot see a thing without them and it makes him very grumpy.爸爸猪没有眼镜什么都看不见,这让他的脾气变差了。3 ridiculous:可笑,荒唐。例句:It's ridiculous.太荒唐了。4.pillow:枕头

例句:Peppa looks under the pillows.Peppa看了看枕头下面。5.slipper:拖鞋

6.If I move slowly, I won't bump into things.如果我走得慢一点,就不会撞到东西了。

Peppa Pig第一季:买东西


1.shopping: 购物

2.trolley: 电车,手推车,台车

例句:Daddy, can I sit in the trolley, too? 爸爸,我能不能也坐在小推车里面吗? 3.list:一览表,清单

例句:What's next on the list? 清单后面一个是什么呀? 4.goody: 太好了

5.crisp: 油炸土豆片,炸薯片(有多种风味,袋装)6.checkout: 收银台 例句:This is the checkout where all the food is paid for.这里有一个买东西付钱的收银台。










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