
时间:2019-05-15 03:18:23下载本文作者:会员上传



渡词在文章中发挥着连接上下文的作用,学会恰当地运用过渡词会使文章连贯、流畅。1.常用于文章开始的过渡词语和句子(1)To begin with首先

例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.“首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。”(2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说

例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.“总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。”(3)First of all第一,首先

例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.“第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。”(4)With(the development/progress/growth)of(economy/society)...随着(经济、社会)的(发展、进步、增长)...例:With the development of society, women’s role has become more important than ever before in daily life.“随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。”(5)Recently近来

例:Recently,the problem(conflict, production)of grain shortage has become the world focus.“近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。” 2.常用于文章结尾的过渡词和句子(1)In conclusion最后,在结束时

例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.“最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。”(2)In brief简言之

例:In brief, family planning is of vital importance in China.“简言之,计划生育对中国具有重要意义。”(3)In a word总之

例:In a word, without mutual understanding, true friendship does not exist.“总之,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。”(4)It is high time that...到...时候了

例:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.“为了促进经济发展到该解决问题的时候了。”(5)It is only when...that...只有当...才...例:It is only when people become the masters of the country that science can serve the people.“只有当人民成为国家的主人,科学才能为人民服务。” 3.常用于表示先后次序的过渡词语及句子(1)first, second, third...第一,第二,第三

例:First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years.Second, she never missed a class.Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry courses.Fourth, she always worked hard.Her classmates were sure that she would win top award in Chemistry during her senior year at the university.“首先,她在一二年级时就选修了化学课程。其次,她从不误课。再有,她认真完成每一次化学试验。还有,她学习非常刻苦。因而同学们确信她在高年级时会获得学校化学大奖。”(2)To begin with...,moreover...,finally...,首先...,此外...,最后...例:There are a few reasons for his decision of studying law.To begin with, he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities.Moreover, his father is a lawyer.He has always encouraged him to do something similar.Finally, he is sure he can get a job after graduation.“他决定学法律有几方面的原因:首先,他对社会事物感兴趣,学习法律有助于他参与这些活动。此外,他父亲是个律师,一直鼓励他从事同样的职业。最后,他确信毕业后能找到工作。”(3)Meanwhile同时

例:Meanwhile, the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they will be ensured.“ 同时,孩子们的技艺与知识掌握得越好,今后的机会就越多。”(4)since then自此之后

例:Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations.“自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。”(5)Therefore因而

例:Therefore, if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured a bright future.“因而,如果父母们在其为孩

子们寻求的良好教育中加入这一点,他们的子女肯定会有一个光辉灿烂的未来。” 4.常用于表示因果关系及分析原因的过渡词语与句子(1)As a result由于...结果

例:Her performance in college was excellent.As a result, she has got a satisfactory job.“由于她在大学成绩优异,她找到一份令人满意的工作。”(2)Due to由于

例:My trip to Guang Zhou and Shen Zhen has to be cancelled due to the financial problem.“由于财务问题,我去广州和深圳的旅行取消了。”(3)consequently结果,因此

例:The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that neighboring country, and consequently, promised to sign the treaty.“该国政府不愿冒险与邻国发生冲突,因此答应签署条约。”(4)One may criticize......for......,but the real cause of...lies deeper人们可以因为...批评...,但是...的真正原因在更深层次

例:One may criticize the school authorities for the fire accident, but the real reason of the accident lies deeper.“人们可以就火灾事故批评校领导,但事故还有更深的原因。”(5)Among...reasons, one should be emphasized that...在众多的原因中,其中一点给予强调...例:Among the most important reasons, one reason should be emphasized that large pieces of cultivated land have been occupied, which results in the grain shortage.“在许多重要的原因中,其中一点应强调的是造成粮食减产是因为大量的可耕地被占用。” 5.常用于比较和对比的过渡词(1)unlike...与...不同

例:Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.“与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。”(2)In contrast...与之相比

例:In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder.“与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。”(3)On the other hand...另一方面

例:The life expectancy in developing countries has increased during the past

thirty years.On the other hand, the infant mortality has decreased from twenty percent to ten percent in the same period.“发展中国家的期望寿命在过去的30年间都增长了。另一方面婴儿死亡率同期由20%下降到10%。”(4)Likewise同样

例:Plenty of food must be packed for the journey;likewise, warm clothes will also be needed.“要带上旅行中吃的食品,同样也需要带上御寒保暖的衣服。”(5)similarly同样

例:If only one can make his audience understood, it seems insignificant if one makes some mistakes in his oral English;similarly, as to the audience, they are only interested in grasping the meaning, not actually mind or even hardly notice the speakers mistakes.“只要能使听众听明白,在口头英语中出一些错误是无关紧要的,同样作为听众也只对讲话者的意思感兴趣,根本不介意或几乎注意不到讲话者所犯的口语错误。”



1、用于“启”的过渡词语:generally speaking , in general , first of all , above all , on the one hand , in a sense(从某种意义上说), to start with(首先).2、用于“承”的过渡词语:secondly , also , in addition , for another thing, for this purpose , furthermore , what is more , for example , in other words , in fact , at the same time , from now on.3、用于“转”的过渡词语:after all , but , however , on the contrary , in contrast , otherwise , while , though , despite , in spite of , all the same , as a matter of fact.4、用于“合”的过渡词语:in a word , as a result , therefore , first of all , generally speaking , at last , in short , in the end , in conclusion(总之), on the whole , in summary.5、表示先后次序的过渡词语:first , second , next , eventually , finally , meanwhile , therefore , in the end.6、表示因果关系的过渡词语:accordingly , as a result , for this reason , duo to , owing to , therefore , because of , thus.7、表示比较和对比的过渡词语:in contrast with , similarly , be similar to , be different from , whereas , on the contrary , in common , in addition to, on the other hand.8、表示举例的过渡词语:for example , namely , for instance , such as

9、表示强调的过渡语:in , addition , moreover , what is more , besides , furthermore , in fact , naturally.



1.常用于文章开始的过渡词语和句子(1)To begin with首先

例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.“首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。”(2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说

例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.“总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。”(3)First of all第一,首先

例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.“第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。”(4)With(the development/progress/growth)of(economy/society)...随着(经济、社会)的(发展、进步、增长)...例:With the development of society, women’s role has become more important than ever before in daily life.“随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。”(5)Recently近来

例:Recently,the problem(conflict, production)of grain shortage has become the world focus.“近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。”

2.常用于文章结尾的过渡词和句子(1)In conclusion最后,在结束时

例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.“最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。”(2)In brief简言之 例:In brief, family planning is of vital importance in China.“简言之,计划生育对中国具有重要意义。”(3)In a word总之

例:In a word, without mutual understanding, true friendship does not exist.“总之,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。”(4)It is high time that...到...时候了

例:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.“为了促进经济发展到该解决问题的时候了。”(5)It is only when...that...只有当...才...例:It is only when people become the masters of the country that science can serve the people.“只有当人民成为国家的主人,科学才能为人民服务。”


(1)first, second, third...第一,第二,第三

例:First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years.Second, she never missed a class.Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry courses.Fourth, she always worked hard.Her classmates were sure that she would win top award in Chemistry during her senior year at the university.“首先,她在一二年级时就选修了化学课程。其次,她从不误课。再有,她认真完成每一次化学试验。还有,她学习非常刻苦。因而同学们确信她在高年级时会获得学校化学大奖。” 1(2)To begin with...,moreover...,finally...,首先...,此外...,最后...例:There are a few reasons for his decision of studying law.To begin with, he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities.Moreover, his father is a lawyer.He has always encouraged him to do something similar.Finally, he is sure he can get a job after graduation.“他决定学法律有几方面的原因:首先,他对社会事物感兴趣,学习法律有助于他参与这些活动。此外,他父亲是个律师,一直鼓励他从事同样的职业。最后,他确信毕业后能找到工作。”(3)Meanwhile同时

例:Meanwhile, the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they will be ensured.“ 同时,孩子们的技艺与知识掌握得越好,今后的机会就越多。”(4)since then自此之后

例:Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations.“自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。”(5)Therefore因而 例:Therefore, if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured a bright future.“因而,如果父母们在其为孩子们寻求的良好教育中加入这一点,他们的子女肯定会有一个光辉灿烂的未来。”

4.常用于表示因果关系及分析原因的过渡词语与句子(1)As a result由于...结果

例:Her performance in college was excellent.As a result, she has got a satisfactory job.“由于她在大学成绩优异,她找到一份令人满意的工作。”(2)Due to由于

例:My trip to Guang Zhou and Shen Zhen has to be cancelled due to the financial problem.“由于财务问题,我去广州和深圳的旅行取消了。”(3)consequently结果,因此

例:The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that neighboring country, and consequently, promised to sign the treaty.“该国政府不愿冒险与邻国发生冲突,因此答应签署条约。”(4)One may criticize......for......,but the real cause of...lies deeper人们可以因为...批评...,但是...的真正原因在更深层次

例:One may criticize the school authorities for the fire accident, but the real reason of the accident lies deeper.“人们可以就火灾事故批评校领导,但事故还有更深的原因。”(5)Among...reasons, one should be emphasized that...在众多的原因中,其中一点给予强调...例:Among the most important reasons, one reason should be emphasized that large pieces of cultivated land have been occupied, which results in the grain shortage.“在许多重要的原因中,其中一点应强调的是造成粮食减产是因为大量的可耕地被占用。”


例:Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.“与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。”(2)In contrast...与之相比 例:In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder.“与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。”(3)On the other hand...另一方面

例:The life expectancy in developing countries has increased during the past thirty years.On the other hand, the infant mortality has decreased from twenty percent to ten percent in the same period.“发展中国家的期望寿命在过去的30年间都增长了。另一方面婴儿死亡率同期由20%下降到10%。”(4)Likewise同样

例:Plenty of food must be packed for the journey;likewise, warm clothes will also be needed.“要带上旅行中吃的食品,同样也需要带上御寒保暖的衣服。”(5)similarly同样

例:If only one can make his audience understood, it seems insignificant if one makes some mistakes in his oral English;similarly, as to the audience, they are only interested in grasping the meaning, not actually mind or even hardly notice the speakers mistakes.“只要能使听众听明白,在口头英语中出一些错误是无关紧要的,同样作为听众也只对讲话者的意思感兴趣,根本不介意或几乎注意不到讲话者所犯的口语错误。”



(1)To begin with首先

例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.”首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。”

(2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说

例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.”总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。”

(3)First of all第一,首先

例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.”第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。”

(4)With(the development/progress/growth)


例: With the development of society, women’s role has become more important than ever before in daily life.”随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。”


例:Recently,the problem(conflict, production)of grain shortage has become the world focus.”近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。”


(1)In conclusion最后,在结束时

例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.”最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。”

(2)In brief简言之

例:In brief, family planning is of vital importance in China.”简言之,计划生育对中国具有重要意义。”

(3)In a word总之

例:In a word, without mutual understanding, true friendship does not exist.”总之,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。”

(4)It is high time that…到…时候了

例:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.”为了促进经济发展到该解决问题的时候了。”

(5)It is only when…that…只有当…才…

例:It is only when people become the masters of the country that science can serve the people.”只有当人民成为国家的主人,科学才能为人民服务。”


(1)first, second, third…第一,第二,第三

例: First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years.Second, she never missed a class.Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry courses.Fourth, she always worked hard.Her classmates were sure that she would win top award in Chemistry during her senior year at the university.”首先,她在一二年级时就选修了化学课程。其次,她从不误课。再有,她认真完成每一次化学试验。还有,她学习非常刻苦。因而同学们 确信她在高年级时会获得学校化学大奖。”

(2)To begin with…,moreover…,finally…,首先…,此外…,最后…

例: There are a few reasons for his decision of studying law.To begin with, he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities.Moreover, his father is a lawyer.He has always encouraged him to do something similar.Finally, he is sure he can get a job after graduation.”他决定学法律有几方面的原因:首先,他对社会事物感兴趣,学习法律有助于他参与这些活动。此外,他父亲是个律师,一直鼓励他从事 同样的职业。最后,他确信毕业后能找到工作。”


例:Meanwhile, the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they will be ensured.”


(4)since then自此之后

例:Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations.”自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。”


例: Therefore, if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured a bright future.”因而,如果父母们在其为孩子们寻求的良好教育中加入这一点,他们的子女肯定会有一个光辉灿烂的未来。”


(1)As a result由于…结果

例:Her performance in college was excellent.As a result, she has got a satisfactory job.”由于她在大学成绩优异,她找到一份令人满意的工作。”

(2)Due to由于

例:My trip to Guang Zhou and Shen Zhen has to be cancelled due to the financial problem.”由于财务问题,我去广州和深圳的旅行取消了。”


例: The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that neighboring country, and consequently, promised to sign the treaty.”该国政府不愿冒险与邻国发生冲突,因此答应签署条约。”

(4)One may criticize……for……,but the real cause of…lies deeper人们可以因为…批评…,但是…的真正原因在更深层次

例: One may criticize the school authorities for the fire accident, but the real reason of the accident lies deeper.”人们可以就火灾事故批评校领导,但事故还有更深的原因。”

(5)Among…reasons, one should be emphasized that…在众多的原因中,其中一点给予强调…

例: Among the most important reasons, one reason should be emphasized that large pieces of cultivated land have been occupied, which results

in the grain shortage.”在许多重要的原因中,其中一点应强调的是造成粮食减产是因为大量的可耕地被占用。”



例:Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.”与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。”

(2)In contrast…与之相比

例:In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder.”与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。”

(3)On the other hand…另一方面

例: The life expectancy in developing countries has increased during the past thirty years.On the other hand, the infant mortality has decreased from twenty percent to ten percent in the same period.”发展中国家的期望寿命在过去的30年间都增长了。另一方面婴儿死亡率同期由20%下降到10%。”


例:Plenty of food must be packed for the journey;likewise, warm clothes will also be needed.”要带上旅行中吃的食品,同样也需要带上御寒保暖的衣服。”


例: If only one can make his audience understood, it seems insignificant if one makes some mistakes in his oral English;similarly, as to the audience, they are only interested in grasping the meaning, not actually mind or even hardly notice the speakers mistakes.”只要能使听众听明白,在口头英语中出一些错误是无关紧要的,同样作为听众也只对讲话者的意思感兴趣,根本不介意或几乎注意不到讲话者 所犯的口语错误。”


1)To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening /To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to…(可用于分析建议类、原因分析类等议论文)

2)In the face of……some people take the position that……/some people come to believe that……, to which I can't attach/add my consent.(可用于批驳分析类议论文)知识性说明文等)

3)But many people feel puzzled about/over……(the changes/situation), so this essay is intended to……(可用于批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

4)Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still hold the view that ……(可用于理由陈述类议论文)

5)A comparison between these changes may be a good way to learn more about……(可用于对比说明文)

6)This situation/phenomenon/trend/tendency is rather disturb

ing/depressing, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/just what is to be expected.(可用于分析建议、批驳分析和原因分析等议论文)

7)This is what we are unwilling to see, so some way must be found out to……(可用于分析建议、对比分析、批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

8)Fortunately, however, more and more people come/begin to realize that ……(可用于分析建议、对比分析和各抒己见类议论文)

9)Unfortunately, things have worsened/come/developed to the point where ……(用于分析建议、原因分析、批驳分析、各抒己见类议论文和知识性说明文)

10)If we take a further/colder/closer look at this problem/matter, however, more secrets/grounds/chances/ways will be found out for……(e.g.……putting it right/taking action against it/improving it)(可用于分析 建议、对比分析、原因分析等议论文和知识性说明文)

12)But this(dis)agreement ceases to exist as soon as……(用于各抒己见、批驳分析、对比分析等议论文和对比说明文)

13)Perhaps, it is ideal/high time for us to handle the question seriously.(用于分析建议、原因分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

14)But different people hold completely different views(用于各抒己见类议论文和界说性说明文)

15)In that case, however, I prefer to……rather than……(用于理由陈述、比较分析、批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

16)(Un)Fortunately, there are still some people who act in the other way around.(用于分析建议和原因分析类议论文)

17)If this is true/the case, what accounts for such an issue(用于分析建议和原因分析等议论文)

18)The results of this survey/questionaire have aroused/drawn

nationwide / public attention/concern, which is why some great efforts are being made by our government/society.(用于分析各抒己见类议论文和举例、知识性说明文)

19)On the whole/As a whole/All in all, however, the

diverse/different/various meanings of sth.(e.g.On the whole, however, the diverse meanings of success to the people above can be boiled down to one connotation: Success is a realization of one's ideal.)



众所周知,要写出清晰流畅的文章,需要把文章中各部分巧妙地连接在一起。这样可使文章自然而别致,并能层层展开主题句,完整地表达中心思想。而过渡词(Transitional Words)是连接这些部分的纽带。



(1)表并列关系的过渡词:and, also,as well, as well as,or, too, not only…but also, both … and, either … or, neither…nor

(2)表递进关系的过渡词: besides, in addition(加之,除……之外), moreover(此外,而且), what’s more,what’s worse

(3)表转折对比的过渡词:but, however, yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, different from, despite, in pite of, whereas, unlike, nevertheless, not only…but also, here…there, years ago…today, this…that, the former…the latter, then…now, the first… whereas the second, once…now, on the one hand … on the other hand, some…others(4)表原因的过渡词: because, because of, since, as, for, now that, thanks to, due to(由于)

(5)表结果的过渡词:so, thus, therefore, as a result, so that, then, thereby, hence, so…that, such…that

(6)表条件的过渡词:if, unless, on condition that, as/so long as

(7)表时间的过渡词:when, while, after, before, until, as soon as, later, afterwards, soon, lately, recently, since, from then on, eventually, in the meantime, then, suddenly, at the same time, next, early this morning / year / century, after a while, in a few days, now, presently, finally, at last, all of a sudden, form now on, at present, immediately, the moment(8)表特定的顺序关系的过渡词:first, firstly, second, secondly, third, thirdly, above all, first of all, then, next, finally, in the end, at last, afterward(s)(后来), meanwhile(几乎同时), thereafter(在那以后), last, finally, eventually(终于)


in other words, that is to say, to put it another way(10)表进行举例说明的过渡词: for instance, for example, like, such as(11)表陈述事实的过渡词:

in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth

(12)表强调的过渡词: certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important, in fact, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously(13)表比较的过渡词:like, unlike, in the same way, similarly, similar to(14表目的的过渡词for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to(15)表总结的过渡词:

in a word(总之,简言之), in general, in short(总之), above all, after all, generally speaking, to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in summary 2.文章段落之间的逻辑关系主要由过渡词来完成,在修辞中称为启、承、转、合。“启”就是开头, “承”是承接,“转”是转折,“合”是综合或总结。



first, first of all, at first, in the first place, firstly, to being with, to start with, recently, now, at present, in recent years, in general, generally speaking, at present, lately, currently, It is often said that…, As the proverb says…,It goes without saying that…, It is clear/obvious that…, Many people often ask …(2)用于“承”的过渡词语


second, similarly, in addition, besides, then, furthermore, moreover, what is more, what is worse, for example, for instance, certainly, surely, obviously, in other words, especially, particularly, in particular, indeed, still, third, truly, in fact, at the same time, no doubt,It is true that…,Everybody knows that…,It can be easily proved that…,No one can deny that…The reason why …is that …, There is no doubt that…,To take…for an example(instance)…,We know that…, What is more serious is that…




but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, in any case, at any rate(无论如何), nevertheless(虽然如此), otherwise, or, or else, while, whereas, but, despite, in spite of..., yet, instead,I do not believe that…, Perhaps you’ll ask why…That’s why I feel that…

This may be true, but we still have a problem with regard to…,Though we are in basic agreement with …, yet differences will be found,(4)用于“合”的过渡词语


in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking,to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in summary, therefore, as a result, above all, thus,after all(毕竟), eventually, hence, in short, in conclusion, in a word, in sum(总之), on the whole(就整体而言), to sum up From this point of view …On account of this we can find that … The result is dependent on …Thus, this is the reason why we must…



1.学生习作 TV and website TV and website are popular media.They have something in common.Both of them make money from ads.Websites also have different sections.You may choose the one you are most interested in.They are different in many ways.Moving pictures are shown on TV with sound and interpretation.It makes you feel that you are just on the spot.The programs change every day.Professional TV reporters do the report for TV.Some information on websites change all the time.Not all of it is so updated.Everybody can write articles for websites rather than professional reporter.Every medium has its own features.It is hard to say which is better.这段文字用简单句表达,它们之间内在的逻辑关系含糊不清,意思支离破碎。如果使用过渡词,将单句与其前后合并,形成主次关系,就把一个比较复杂的内容和关系表达得层次清楚、结构严谨。修改后的文章:

TV and website Both TV and website are popular media.They have something in common.Both of them make money from ads.Similar to TV, websites also have different sections, so that you may choose the one you are most interested in.However, they are different in many ways.Above all, moving pictures are shown on TV with sound and interpretation, which makes you feel as if you are just on the spot.Then, the programs change every day and professional TV reporters do the report for TV.Unlike TV, some information on websites change all the time, but not all of it is so updated.In addition, everybody can write articles for websites rather than professional reporter.In a word, every medium has its own features, so it is hard to say which is better.修改后的文章用过渡词来衔接上下段

第一段第一句为:Both TV and website are popular media.They have something in common.第二段第一句为:However, they are different in many ways.第三段第一句为:In a word, every medium has its own features…

这篇短文每一段的第一句都是主题句,在每个主题句前使用Both…and, However, In a word使全文有序地衔接起来。


三、常用句型的使用 1.那就是(说)…;亦即…

That is to say, … = That is, … = Namely, …


We need to live a regular life.That is, we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and drinking in the daily activities.2.(A)基于这个理由 … For this reason …(B)为了这个目的 … For this purpose, …


For this reason, I have decided to take practicing medicine as my future career.3.我们有理由相信…

We have reasons to believe(that)子句 例:我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止。

We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.4.事实上

As a matter of fact, … = In fact, …


As a matter of fact, it is health that counts.5.(A)例如

… For example, …(B)拿…做例子 Take … for example.例:例如我们盲目地提高生活水准,却降低生活品质。

For example, we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.6.此外我们不应忽视…

Besides(In addition), we should not neglect …


In addition, we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.7.相反地… on the contrary, … = by contrast, …


On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around.8.另一方面… on the other hand, …


The government should enforce laws strictly.On the other hand, the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.9.然而很可惜的是… However, it is a pity that子句


However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.10.换言之… in other words, … = to put it differently 例:换言之我会尽最大的努力达成我的目标。

In other words, I will try my best to attain(gain, live up to)my goal.11.别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为…

It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't.I believe that子句 例:别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为…

It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't.I believe that if you have strong determination and perseverance, the success will certainly come to you in the end.12.从此之后我已发现…

Ever since then, I have found that子句 例:从此之后我已发现…

Ever since then, I have found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflicts in our daily lives.13.这样说来,假如…当然毫无疑问地…

In this light, if…, there can surely be no doubt(that)子句 例:这样说来,假如我们能善用时间,当然毫无疑问地我们会成功。

In this light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt that we will get somewhere.14.更严重的是…

What is more serious is(that)子句 例:更严重的是我们不珍惜野生动物。

What is more serious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.15.鉴于社会的实际需要…

In view of the practical need of society, ….例:鉴于社会的实际需要,愈来愈多人对学英语有兴趣。

In view of the practical need of society, there are more and more people interested in learning English.用于文章结论句 16.如果能实践这三点…

If one can really put the three points into action(practice), … 例:如果能实践这三点…。

If one can really put the three points into action(practice), he will surely be able to live a healthy and happy life.17.做这些简单之事,我们一定可以…

By doing these simple things, we surely can ….例:做这些简单之事,我们一定可以快乐出门平安回家。

By doing these simple things, we surely can go out of the door happily and come back home safe every day.18.如此我相信…

In this way, I believe(that)子句


In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to enjoy the bus ride like me.19.实践这些…

By putting them(the above)into practice, ….例:实践这些,在智育方面我一直能不断进步。

By putting them(the above)into practice, I have been able to make constant progress in intellectual education.20.(A)唯有符合此三项要求,我们才能…

Only by living up to the three requirements, can we ….(B)唯有通力合作,我们才能… Only with combined efforts, can we ….例:唯有通力合作,我们才能期望台湾不久有新的面貌。

Only with combined efforts, can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.21.最后,但并非最不重要… Last but no least, ….例:最后,但并非最不重要,教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。

Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.22.这证据显示…的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。

This evidence shows that the importance of ….cannot be overemphasized.例:这证据显示交通安全的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。

This evidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.23.由于这些理由,我…

For these reasons, I ….例:由于这些理由,我认为在台湾接受大学教育是明智的。

For these reasons, I think that receiving college education in Taiwan is wise.24.总而言之… In conclusion, … = To sum up, …


In conclusion, a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.25.因此我们能下个结论,那就是…

We can, therefore, come to the conclusion(that)子句 例:因此¸我们能下个结论,那就是世上自由最珍贵。

We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious as freedom in the world.26.如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地…

If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt(that)子句 例:如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地,我们就能精通英语。

If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English.27.因此,这就是…的原因 Thus, this is the reason why ….例:因此,这就是我重感冒的原因。

Thus, this is the reason why I caught a bad cold.28.所以,我们应该了解…

Therefore, we should realize(that)子句 例:所以,我们应该了解学英文不能没有字典。

Therefore, we should realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.29.因此,由上列的讨论我们可以明了…

We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion(that)子句 例:因此,由上列的讨论我们可以明了毅力可以克服任何困难。

We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion that perseverance can overcome any difficulty.30.1.从~观点来看… From the ~ point of view, … 2.根据~的看法…

According to ~ point of view, ….例:从政治的观点来看,这是一个很复杂的问题。From the political point of view, It's a complex question.总之,写作是一个循序渐进的过程,需要平时多读多练。适时恰当地运用一定的过渡 词和常用句型。这样坚持下去,你的作文一定会进步不少!



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