Remarks at the International Conference on the Peace and Security in Iraq 中华人民共和国外交部副部长李保东
H.E.Li Baodong, Vice Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China 2014年9月15日,法国巴黎 Paris, 15 September 2014 尊敬的奥朗德总统,尊敬的马苏姆总统,各位同事,Your Excellency President François Hollande, Your Excellency President Fuad Masum, Dear Colleagues,当前伊拉克局势对国际和平与安全构成严重威胁。应对好这一挑战是国际社会的紧迫任务。The current situation in Iraq is posing a serious threat to international peace and security.It is a pressing task for the international community to properly respond to this challenge.中国高度赞赏法国倡议举行此次伊拉克和平与安全问题国际会议。这对凝聚国际共识,共同帮助伊拉克走向稳定、和解、发展道路具有重要意义。
China highly commends the French initiative to convene this International Conference on the Peace and Security in Iraq, which will play a significant role in building international consensus and jointly helping Iraq embark on the path toward stability, reconciliation and development.我相信,这次会议将展现团结、协作的精神,成为各方携手努力,推动局势向好发展的新开端。I am convinced that this conference will demonstrate a spirit of unity and coordination and mark a new beginning for parties concerned to work together for improvement of the situation in Iraq.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,当前,中东地区局势正经历深刻和复杂变化。伊拉克在经历政治过渡阵痛的同时,更遭受恐怖极端势力前所未有的冲击。人们不禁要问,伊拉克及整个地区何时才能走向长治久安?我想答案应出自以下四个方面:
The Middle East is undergoing profound and complicated changes.Iraq is now suffering from both the throes of political transition and the unprecedented impact of terrorist and extremist activities.People cannot help but ask, when will Iraq and the entire region realize enduring stability and security? I think we may seek answers from the following four aspects.第一,伊拉克各派要加倍努力。伊方日前成功组建新政府,这是伊拉克政治和解进程的重要里程碑。我们感到由衷高兴。
First, all factions in Iraq should redouble their efforts.We are glad to see the forming of a new government in Iraq not long ago, which marks a milestone in the country’s political reconciliation process.中国希望伊拉克各派继续以国家为重、以人民为本、以稳定为先,持续推进政治对话和解,加强军事安全能力建设,打牢内部根基。国际社会应支持伊拉克新政府及其实施的改革举措,支持伊拉克内部和解进程,支持伊方加强反恐能力建设。
China hopes that all factions in Iraq will continue to give top priority to the interests of the nation and people and the stability of the country, advance political dialogue and reconciliation, and strengthen military and security capacity building, so as to lay a solid domestic groundwork for the political process.The international community should support the new Iraqi government and its reform measures, as well as the reconciliation process and counter-terrorism capacity building in Iraq.第二,人道援助要持续助力。伊拉克局势动荡背后是人道局势的不断恶化,数百万民众流离失所。国际社会应肩负起应有责任,切实履行承诺,向伊拉克新政府提供更多人道援助,为缓解伊拉克人民的苦难作出更大努力。同时,更应着眼长远,做好规划,帮助伊拉克尽早开展经济重建,摆脱贫穷、极端、暴力的恶性循环。
Second, humanitarian assistance should continue to play its role.The turmoil in Iraq has resulted in a worsening humanitarian situation and displacement of millions of people.The international community should shoulder its due responsibility, fulfill its commitment to increase humanitarian assistance to the new Iraqi government, and make greater efforts to help ease the suffering of the Iraqi people.Meanwhile, we need to take a long-term perspective and work out practical plans to help Iraq launch its economic reconstruction process as soon as possible and break the vicious circle of poverty, radicalization and violence.第三,反恐要形成合力。恐怖主义没有好坏之分,无论何时、何地、何人所为,都必须坚决反对。打击恐怖主义需要标本兼治、多措并举、协调一致,充分发挥联合国及安理会的主导作用。反恐不能搞双重标准,更不能把恐怖主义与特定民族、宗教联系起来。
Third, synergy should be forged to counter terrorism.No acts of terrorism should be tolerated.They must be firmly opposed no matter where, when and by whom they are carried out.In fighting terrorism, we should take multiple and coordinated measures and address both the symptoms and root causes.It is important to give full play to the leading role of the United Nations and its Security Council.Double standards should not be applied to counter-terrorism, nor should terrorism be associated with a certain ethnic group or religion.军事手段仅是治标之举,有关行动必须尊重当事国主权、独立和领土完整,符合《联合国宪章》宗旨及原则和国际关系基本准则。
Military means may only cure the symptoms, and relevant actions must be carried out on the basis of respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the countries concerned and in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic norms governing international relations.伊拉克当前局势凸显国际恐怖主义的新特点和新变化。国际社会要拿出新思路和新举措,切断网络恐怖传播、恐怖分子跨境流动、秘密恐怖融资三条通道,突出打击宗教极端主义等源头治理,最大限度地挤压恐怖主义的生存空间。
The current situation in Iraq has highlighted the new features and changes of terrorist activities in the world.The international community should come up with new ideas and measures to cut off the three channels used by terrorists to promote their activities, namely the online dissemination of terrorism, cross-border movement of terrorists and secret financing for terrorism.It is necessary to focus on religious extremism and other root causes of terrorism, and squeeze, to the greatest extent, the breathing space of terrorism.第四,医治沉疴故疾要从根上着力。此轮西亚北非局势动荡三年多,按下葫芦浮起瓢。我们必须认真反思,把握伊拉克、叙利亚等热点问题的联动影响,倡导综合治理,致力于政治解决,寻找各方利益的最大公约数。我们更要支持地区国家自主有序转型,探索符合自身特点的发展道路,为从根本上实现长治久安创造条件。
Fourth, deep-seated problems should be addressed at their source.This round of turmoil in West Asia and North Africa has lasted for over three years.Problems have cropped up one after another.We must reflect on the situation and draw serious lessons from it.We should bear in mind the ripple effects of hotspot issues such as Iraq and Syria, pursue a holistic approach, be committed to political settlement, and seek the widest common interests among various parties.More importantly, we should support regional countries in achieving independent and orderly transition and exploring development paths suited to their national conditions, so as to provide the foundation for achievement of fundamental and long-term stability and security.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,中方高度关注伊拉克局势发展,始终心系伊拉克人民的安危福祉。我们坚定支持维护伊拉克的主权和领土完整,支持伊拉克开展对话和解。我们对伊拉克人民遭受的苦难感同身受,愿根据伊方需求,向伊拉克提供新的人道主义援助。中国一直积极参与伊拉克和平重建,我们将继续开展同伊拉克的合作。我们将继续支持伊拉克反恐努力,并提供帮助。
China is deeply concerned over the developments in Iraq and has all along cared sincerely about the security and well-being of the Iraqi people.We firmly support sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq as well as the dialogue and reconciliation process in the country.We take the suffering of the Iraqi people as our own and stand ready to provide new humanitarian assistance in light of their needs.We will also continue to support and provide assistance to Iraq’s counter-terrorism efforts.各位同事,Dear Colleagues,中国与伊拉克人民站在一起。我们愿同与会各方及国际社会一道,为早日实现伊拉克的和平安全,为伊拉克人民早日重享幸福安宁而不懈努力。
The Chinese people stand shoulder to shoulder with the Iraqi people.We will continue to work tirelessly with other parties here at the conference and the rest of the international community for an early realization of peace and security in Iraq and restoration of a life of happiness and tranquility for the Iraqi people.谢谢大家。Thank you.
How to make comments in meetings
Almost everyone likes to express him/herself.Just look at the popularity of blogs.Making comments and/or criticism of what others say is a close second.In scholastic endeavors, One can write “letters to the editor” to comment on published articles.Some journal even have “discussion” section following each article devoted to this purpose.More frequently, audience in a meeting are given Q&A time following the presentation of each paper in a session to let people comment on the paper.Aside from legitimate inquiries, making a comment serves other purposes:1It lets the reader to vent his/her anger or frustration.Or it shows support for the opinion expressed.This form is most prevalent in anonymous comments for blog articles.We won't dwell on them.It helps to illustrate further the content of the presentation for other reader and the audience
3Show off the knowledge and expertise of the commentator.#2 and #3 are legitimate goals and represent a large percentages of all comments but are rather difficult to carry out.Done carelessly, it backfires on the person making the comments and leavesa bad impression of him or her on the audience.Yet in many meetings, I continuously see people make such foolish remarks with the hope that they are impressing others(出风头).The point is that to accomplish either #2 or #3 requires that you understand completely the essence of what the author/presenter is trying to say BUT the presenter is lacking the skill to convey the content.You on the other hand, know a better way of making the point and can do it orally in no more than a couple of sentences(一针见血).This is a task not easily done in real time nor can it be done for every presentation.But if done properly, both the author and the audience will be impressed by and grateful to you.What I recommend for young scholars eager to make a name for himself is to practice silently what I said in the above paragraph for each presentation you attend in a meeting(but don't actually do it).This practice has many virtues other than making you known.First it forces you to cut away all kinds of noise and chaff and get at the essence of a paper/presentation quickly.In these days of information overload, to be able to quickly decide the relevance of an item is a big
advantage.Second.To be able to re-organize a presentation in real time gives you practice to react quickly to questions and comments on your own presentation when
the time comes.Thirdly, to be able to be brief and to-the-point is a skill worth cultivating in your career.Lastly, to sense what others wanted to but was not able to convey and say it clearly and succinctly for him is the mark of a good listener/speaker.In short, I am not recommending that you get up and comment on every
paper/presentation you attend(for you will become a bore very quickly), but listen to every presentation as if you are going to with the italicized paragraph above in mind.Most of us will only have a few truly good ideas in life.The above recommended practice will help you to publicize your ideas when the time comes.Let me recall a personal incident years ago at a meeting in the US.An English speaker came with a set of transparencies in French(this is before the days of PPT and LCD projectors).His excuse is that he had just gave the presentation in Paris and it is “convenient” for him(i.e., he is lazy)to use the same transparencies even though he will be speaking in English to an English speaking audience.My reaction is that this is either disrespect for the audience or he wants to show off his knowledge of the French language.Either case is inappropriate.So I waited until the Q&A period, stood up, and said(in Chinese followed with translations of course)“ I asked the question in Chinese because it is more “convenient” for me to do so.”This brought down the house and I received a standing ovation.I may have made an enemy but won many friends in the mean time.Although this is a non-technical example, it does illustrate the point I am trying to make concerning “Making comments
很少有人不喜欢表达自己。只要看看博客的流行程度你就知道了。每时每刻都有人在评论或者批评别人的文章。在学术工作中,你可以通过写 “ 编读往来 ” 来评论已经发表的文章。一些期刊甚至在每篇文章后面都专设了“讨论”部分,目的也在于此。而更常见的情况是,会议听众在每篇论文报告后的问答时间里有机会就报告的内容发表评论。发表评论除了提出一些合理的问题外,还有其他一些目的:.读者可以借机宣泄自己的愤怒或挫折感,也可以表达对作者观点的支持。这种形式在博客的匿名评论中最为普遍。我们这里暂且不谈。.它有助于向其他读者和听众进一步阐明讲话的内容。.炫耀评论人自己的知识和专业水平。
我回忆起多年前在美国的一次会议上亲身经历。一位讲英语的人使用了一套法语玻璃幻灯片(这是在 PPT 和液晶投影仪之前的用具)。他的理由是他刚刚在巴黎做了这个报告,尽管他是用英语演讲,而且下面的听众也讲的是英语,他用同样的幻灯片比较 “ 方便 ” 一些(也就是说他很懒)。我当时的反应是要么此人对听众不尊重,要么他想炫耀自己的法语。但无论如何这么做都是不恰当的。因此,我等到问答时间的时候站了起来(先用中文然后用英语翻译了一下),我说: “ 我用中文问问题因为这对我而言更 ‘ 方便 '。” 我的举动博得了满堂喝彩,大家起立为我鼓掌。也许这样做我多了一个敌人,但同时赢得了许多的朋友。
尽管这是一个非专业性的例子,但它确实能够说明我在“如何发言”这个问题上想要表达的观点。(科学网 任霄鹏译 何姣校)