
时间:2019-05-15 03:58:58下载本文作者:会员上传


2017-2018学年第二学期初二历史开学检测题 无答案人教版



A.林则徐 B.李鸿章 C. 左宗棠 D.康有为 2.近代史上割占中国领土面积最人的列强是

A.英国 B.法国 C.俄国 D.美国 3.中国近代第一个不平等条约是()

A.《南京条约》 B.《黄埔条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》 4.在电影《甲午风云》中可以看到

A.李秀成的光辉形象 B.邓世吕的光辉形象 C.关天培的光辉形象 D.金兆龙的光辉形象


A.《南京条约》 B.《黄埔条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》


A.英国军队 B.法国军队 C.英法联军 D.八国联军


A. 洋务运动 B. 新文化运动 C. 辛亥革命 D.五四运动 8.“上海轮船招商局创办三年内,外轮就损失一千三百万两(白银),湖北官办织布局开办后,江南海关每年洋布进口减少十万匹。”以上材料说明洋务运动 A.使中国走上了富强之路

B.对外国经济势力的扩张起了一定的抵制作用 C.增加了清政府的财政收入

D.促进了民族资本主义的产生和发展 9.揭开戊戌变法运动序幕的是

A.组织强学会 B.“公车上书”

C.成立保国会 D.创办《万国公报》 10.下面关丁辛亥革命结果的叙述中,正确的一项是 A.结束了两千多年的封建制度 B.结束了两千多年的封建帝制 C.改变了中国的社会性质 D.完成了“三民主义”的任务


A.兴中会 B.华兴会 C. 同盟会 D.光复会


A、鸦片战争 B、五四运动 C、新文化运动 D、中国共产党的成立


A、鸦片战争 B、五四运动 C、新文化运动 D、中国共产党的成立 14、1915年称帝的是()

A.袁世凯 B.吴佩孚 C.孙传芳 D.张作霖

15、毛泽东领导的起义是()A、武昌起义 B、南昌起义 C、广州起义 D、秋收起义

16、中国革命在农村建立的第一个革命根据地是()A、井冈山 B、陕甘宁 C、中央 D、闽浙赣


A、百团大战 B、淞沪会战 C、平型关战役 D、台儿庄战役 18.新文化运动的性质是一场

A.资产阶级革命 B.资产阶级改良 C.反帝爱国运动 D.思想解放运动 19.年节”是为了纪念哪一历史事件? A.新文化运动 B.五四运动 C.中国共产党的成立 D.南吕起义 20.黄埔军校创建于

A.洋务运动时期 B.辛亥革命时期 C.国民大革命时期D.抗日战争时期 21.红军跳出敌人包围圈的历史事件是

A、飞夺泸定桥 B.渡过金沙江 C.强渡大渡河 D.越过大草地 22.最能反映日军野蛮暴行的是 A.九一八事变 B.血染卢沟桥 C.南京大屠杀 D.血战台儿庄


A.抗日游击队 B.抗日义勇军 C.八路军、新四军 D.红十字会 24.文献纪录片《走近毛泽东》中有这样一个情节:在西北坡的小院里,警卫员给毛泽东梳头时拔下一根白头发,毛泽东打趣地说:“打了三个战役,白了一根头发,值得!” 这是因为

A.粉碎了胡宗南对延安的进攻 B.实现了挺进中原地区的计划 C.取得了战略性人决战的胜利 D.渡江战役获胜,解放了南京 25.詹天佑主持修建的铁路干线是

A.滇越铁路 B.京张铁路 C.淞沪铁路 D.唐胥铁路





2、割占香港岛的条约是《北京条约》 错误:


















5、谈谈你的感想2分 四.材料解析题(22分)






(1)三则材料的内容分别出自三个条约,请写出这三个条约的名称。(6分)材料一条约:《 》; 材料二条约:《 》;

材料三条约:《 》。





材料一 夷之长技三:一战舰,二火器,三养兵练兵之法。……是书何以作?日:为以夷攻夷而作,为以夷款夷而作,为师夷长技以制夷而作。


材料三 我们现在认定,只有“德先生”和“赛先生”(民主和科学)可以救治中国政治上、道德上、学术上、思想上的一切黑暗。(1)请根据所学知识,说明上述材料分别是哪一派别的政治主张?这些主张各起了怎







()1.Mr.Li is one of _______ best engineers in this factory.A.the


C.a()2.—_______ does Mary surf the Internet?

— Every day.A.How long

B.How many

C.How often()3.Tom ran _______ Sam.They are both winners.A.as quickly as

B.as quick as

C.so quickly as()4.There will be less_______ and the environment will be better.A.trees


C.factories()5.Tony is really funny, he often makes me _______.A.laugh


C.laughed()6.Peel three bananas then __________.A.cut them off

B.cut them down

C.cut them up()7.They plan to have a party _______ Saturday afternoon.A.on


C.at()8.Every year, _______ people come to visit our school.A.hundreds

B.hundreds of

C.hundred()9.Bob didn’t go to bed _______ he finished doing his homework.A.because


C.however()10.If you study hard, you _______ good grades.()11.He’s a basketball fan and he wants to see Yao Ming _______ one day.A.himself



D.he()12____of the students in the class would like to go to school by bike in such terrible weather.A.All B.Both C.Neither D.None()13 —Do you still have a headache, Bill?

—No, it’s_____.I’m all right now, mum.A.gone B.run C.left D.dropped()14.—Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party?

____________.A.Yes, I would B.Yes, I’d love to C.No, I wouldn’t D.No, I don’t go

()15.You ________ be late for class.You must get to school on time.A.must B.can C.can’t D.may


Do you know Tu Youyou? She is a famous Chinese 1.She shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine(诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)with two other foreign scientists.She is the first Chinese woman to 2 the prize.She found artemisinin(青蒿素)with her 3.She first tried the medicine on herself, 4 she wanted to make sure that it was safe(安全).“As the head of the group, I had the responsibility(责任).” The 85-year-old scientist spoke to CCTV 5 her work.Artemisinin is a 6 for the world people from the traditional Chinese medicine.It has 7 many lives.Tu Youyou expects Chinese medicine to 8

more people all over the world.We can learn a lot from Tu Youyou.We should do 39 useful for people.If we want to be successful, we should keep on working hard with our group and 40 give up.()1.A.dentist























A Dear Sonia,I am having a party for my 13th birthday.Can you come to my birthday party? It will be a wonderful party.My parents will help me organize it.You can listen to some pop music and you can see a big birthday cake.I think it’s much bigger than my mum made for me before.It is as big as a desk.Did you see such a big cake? It will be a special party, too.It’s also a ball.You can dance to the nice music.But you have to take a partner(伙伴).The party begins at 7:00 pm this Friday.Welcome to my house.If you come to my party, you will have a great time!Don’t forget to take a partner!

Lily()1.This is an invitation___________.A.to Sonia

B.from Sonia

C.to Lily()2.There will be a very___________ at the party.A.big desk

B.big cake

C.small cake()3.The underlined word “ball” means ___________.A.basketball


C.dancing party()4.They will have the party ___________.A.next Friday

B.on weekends

C.in the evening()5.If Bob goes to the party, he may take a ___________ with him.A.ball


C.birthday cake

B 阅读下面图表,完成6-8 题。

Programs Bob Bob’s father Bob’s mother sports shows loves loves can’t stand talent shows loves likes loves soap operas doesn’t like can’t stand loves action movies likes doesn’t mind doesn’t like()6.Who loves sports shows?

A.Bob’s father.B.Bob.C.Both Bob and his father.()7.What can’t Bob’s father stand?

A.Sports shows.B.Action movies.C.Soap operas.()8.Which program can Bob and his parents watch happily together?

A.Action movies

B.Talent shows.C.Soap operas.C(5小题,计10分)阅读短文,然后在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。

Reading plays an important role in our life.There are some public libraries in Xiangtan city.Xiangtan City Library is the best library and it’s also the largest one.There are thousands of books for people of all ages.People can borrow books for free if they have a library card.Xiang tan Children’s Library is the most popular on weekends and holidays.Many parents take their children there because there are many hand-painted books for children.Children are interested in them.Book Bar is another kind of public library in parks.The Book Bar in Huxiang Park is the most comfortable and beautiful.You can read books and have a rest after exercising in the park.But there are fewer books.Come and enjoy reading in the public libraries in your free time!11.___________________ in Xiangtan city Names Comments(评价)Xiangtan City Library It is the best and 12.___________________ one.It has thousands of books.People can borrow books for free if they have a library card.Xiangtan Children’s Library It is the most popular on weekends and holidays.There are many 13.for children.14.___________________

It is the most comfortable and beautiful.There are 15._______________ books.You can enjoy reading after exercising in the park.D 阅读回答问题(共5个小题,计10分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。

Do you like rice cooked with eggs? Can you make it? Let me tell you how to make it.Before cooking, you have to prepare the ingredients: a bowl of rice, two teaspoons of vegetable oil, a spoon of salt and three eggs.First, clean the pot.When the pot is hot, pour two spoons of oil into the pot.After the oil is hot, break three eggs in it and put a bowl of rice in the pot.Next mix them up and cook for a few minutes.Then add a spoon of salt.Rice cooked with eggs is OK.Finally put it on a plate.You can eat it.It is really delicious.Do you want to have a try? Cooking is not only for mums.Enjoy cooking, enjoy life.16.What can you learn to cook from this article?

17.How much vegetable oil do you need?

18.When should you pour the oil into the pot?

m 19.How long should you cook it?

m 20.Do you want to have a try? Why or why not?





Problems and worries are normal in life.Students these days often have lots of worries.They have problems with their schoolwork or friends.What can they do about this? 1.Talking to someone helps a lot.Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.In the end, 2.她和她的父母交谈了。To her surprise, they were really understanding and bought her a new one.3.他们要她更小心点。She says she will always share her problems with her parents in the future.Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.4.It is best not to run away from their problems.They should always try to solve the problems.The first step is to find someone they trust to talk to, such as their parents.5.They have more experience and are always there to help them.In English, sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.(二)、完成对话(5小题,计10分)

根据上下文及右框的选项,将下面的对话补充完整。A: Hi, Mike.How was your vacation?

B: 6.().I had a great time.A: Where did you go? B: 7.().I visited Beijing University.A: Who did you go with? B: 8.()

.A: Nobody? I saw many beautiful photos in your QQ zone.9.()


B: I took most of the photos by myself.A:10.()

? B: By using a selfie stick(自拍杆).A: That sounds interesting.B: That is.If we try something new, life will be more fun.四、英文作文(10分)


第三篇:八年级寒假作业四: Unit 4 检测题(无答案) 人教新目标版

辽宁省凌海市石山初级中学八年级英语上册 寒假作业四 Unit 4 检



()1.It took me hour to do my homework yesterday.A.a B.an C.the D./()2.—How do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school foot.A.in B.on C.by D.with()3.We have____ books to read every year.A.three hundred B.three hundred of C.three hundreds D.three hundreds of()4.—Let’s play computer games after class.—Great!That must be than having classes.A.fun B.funny C.many more fun D.a lot more fun()5.The boys goes to school Monday to Friday.A.from B.to C.with D.from to()6.I usually go to work bike but today I go to work a bus.A.by , by B.in , in C.by , in D.in , by()7.—When did you get _ this morning? —At 11:00.A.home B.to home C.at home D.in home()8.— does it take you to walk home? —About twenty minutes.A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How far()9.— ? —She goes to work by boat.A.How does she go to work? B.When does she go to work? C.Why does she go to work? D.Where does she go to work?()10.— is it from here to the station?

—Not very far.It’s ten minutes’ ride.A.How long B.How far C.How much D.How many()11.It will take me two weeks _the work.A.finishing B.finish C.finishes D.to finish()12._ Sunday morning ,he usually gets up very late.A.In B.Up C.At D.On()13.We often go to Beijing_.A.on feet B.by a car C.by train D.by the train()14.What time is it? It’ .

A.Sixteen past one B.Seventy to two C.Wednesday D.Decem,ber 12th()15.What do you Changchun? A.like B.think C.think of D.get to


Tom wakes__1 early in the morning.Then he gets up.He always eats his breakfast at about 7:00.He has bread and milk for 2.He leaves the house at 7:30.He 3 never late for school.Tom has four classes in the morning.At about twelve he comes 1 for lunch.In the afternoon he has two classes.After school is 5 he does his homework and plays with dother children.In the evening,Tom’s 6 come back from work.They 7

supper together.After supper, Tom

newspaper or story-books.9 he watches TV or listens to the radio.10 about nine o’clock, he goes to bed.()1.A.up B.out C.down D.in()2.A.supper B.lunch C.breackfast D.dinner()3.A.has B.is C.will D.can()4.A.school B.ding-room C.restaurant D.home()5.A.out B.on C.over D.up()6.A.father B.mother C.parent D.parents()7.A.have B.take C.make D.get()8.A.looks B.reads C.sees D.watches()9.A.Sometime B.Somtimes C.Some time D.Some times()10.A.On B.In C.At D.For 三.阅读理解 A A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down.The bus conductor(售票员)came to them for their money.The mother said, “I want one ticket to Oxford,” and gave her a shilling(=12 pence).The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, “How old are you, young man?”

The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, “I’m four years old at home, and two and a half on buses and trains.”

The mother took six pence(便士)out of her bag and gave the money to the conductor.The conductor gave her one and a half tickets.根据短文,选择正确答案。

()6.One day the mother took a bus _____.A.to a small city B.to get some money C.with her son D.to get a ticket()7.The mother gave the conductor ______ pence in all(总共)that day.A.12 B.16 C.10 D.18()8.The mother was _____.A.not honest(诚实)B.honest C.very clever D.not clever()9.The conductor asked _____ how old he was.A.the mother B.the little boy C.the bus driver D.the mother and the son()10.The boy was ______ years old in fact.A.four B.two C.two and a half D.six and a half

第四篇:八年级寒假作业五:Unit 5 检测题(无答案) 人教新目标版

辽宁省凌海市石山初级中学八年级英语上册 寒假作业五 Unit 5 检



()1.What do you usually do _______ Saturdays?



C.in D./()2.—Can you come to my birthday party?—________.Yes, I’d love.B.Sure, I’d love to.C.Sorry, I can.D.Yes, I would.()3.----Sorry, I have to look after my brother.----That’s too ______.Maybe _______ time.A.bad , another B.bad , other C.good , other D.good , another()4.Thanks for ________.A.asking B.ask C.asks D.to ask()5.Can you _________ my house to have a meeting tonight?

A.come over to B.come back to C.leave for D.have a look at()6.—Let’s play volleyball this afternoon.—No, I can’t.I have to go to __________ doctor.A.a B.the C.an D./()7.—Can you go to the concert with me ___________ Sunday? —Sure, I’d love to.()8.I’m sorry I have to _______ for the English test



C.studying D.studied()9.Can you ______ to my birthday party?



C.come D.visit()10.Sorry, I’m too busy today.I have __________ homework to do.A.much too B.too much C.too many D.many too()11.Thanks a lot for ________ me __________ your party.A.invite , for B.invite , to C.inviting , for D.inviting , to()12.Mary can’t play with us.She is ___________ her baby sister.A.babysit B.babysat C.babysitting D.babysits()13.—Can he come to the concert? —_____.He has to study for the math test.A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.Yes, he can.D.No, he can’t.()14.---Do you want to go to the cinema with me?---Sorry,I’m busy __________midnight.A.to B.till C.from D./()15.Tomorrow he __________ to the mall with me.A.go to B.going to C.is going D.goes to 二.句式转换


1.She can come to the concert this evening.(改为否定句)She __________ ___________ to the concert this evening.2.Can you come to my party?(肯定回答)__________, ___________ love to.3.Let’s go to the movie.(改为同义句)1

___________ ___________ going to the movie? 4.Jim has to study for the English test this evening.(对划线部分提问)___________ ___________ Jim have to do? 5.We are going to have a guitar lesson this morning.(对划线部分提问)___________ ___________ you going to have a guitar lesson? 6.It is Monday today.(对划线部分提问)is it today? 7.He has to look after his mother at home.(改为一般疑问句)he look after his mother at home ? 8.Thank you for inviting me.(改为同义句)______for your ________.9.He can go to the concert this evening.(改为一般疑问句)______he _____to the cancert this evening? 10.I’m going to the movies with some friends.(提问划线部分)______are you going to the movies ______? 三.补全对话, 根据对话内容与上下文,完成对话,每空填一词,缩写算一个词。A: Hello.Jim.____________(1)you go to the movies __________(2)me ? B: _____________(3)are you going to the movies ? A: __________(4)7:30.B: Great!__________(5)love to.A: By the way(顺便说), next Friday is my birthday.Can you come to my ___________(6)____________(7)? B: Sure.Are you having it in your home ? A: Yes.Don' t____________(8)to tell Tom.I hope he can come , _____________(9).B: OK.I think he would _____________(10)to come.四.完形填空

Mary is 1 American schoolgirl.Now she is in Beijing 2 her parents.Mary doesn’t know Chinese, 3 she is studying Chinese.She often 4 Chinese to her Chinese friends.Sometimes they don’t understand her because she can’t speak Chinese 5.It’s Sunday morning.She is walking in the street.She 6 to go to the zoo to 7 elephants and monkeys, but she doesn’t know 8 to go there.She asks a Chinese boy.The boy can’t understand her.Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper.She draws an elephants on it , and 9 the picture to the boy.The boy understands now ,then he shows Mary the 10 to the zoo.()1.A.a B.an C.the D./()2.A.by B.with C.about D.in()3.A.and B.or C.but D.so()4.A.speaks B.tells C.says D.talks()5.A.good B.well C.nice D.fine()6.A.lets B.has C.wants D.helps()7.A.see B.look C.find D.watch()8.A.when B.how C.where D.which()9.A.reads B.passes C.gets D.shows 2

()10.A.way B.road C.street D.picture 五.阅读理解

It was Jimmy’s birthday and he was five years old.He got a lot of nice birthday presents(礼物)from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum.(鼓)“ Who gave him that thing?” Jimmy’s father asked when he saw it.“ His grandfather did,” answered Jimmy’s mother.“ Oh,” said his father.Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much.He made a terrible noise(噪音)with it, but his father didn’t mind.He was working during the day and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening , so he couldn’t hear the noise.But one of the neighbors(邻居)didn’t like the noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp(锋利的)knife and went to Jimmy’s house while he was hitting his drum.She said to him, “ Hello, Jimmy, do you know, there is something nice inside your drum? Here is a knife.Open the drum and let’s find it.”()1 Jimmy got a lot of nice presents from his _________.A classmates B friends C teachers D family()2Who gave Jimmy the drum? A His father B His mother C His neighbor D His grandfather()3 Why did Jimmy’s father not stop him from making noise with the drum? Because ______.A he liked Jimmy very much.B he didn’t mind.C Jimmy was in bed D Jimmy only played in the evening()4 One of the neighbors _________.A liked Jimmy very much.B enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum C wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife.D didn’t like the noise at all()5 What did Jimmy’s neighbor really want him to do? To ___________.A stop him making noises B make a noise on his drum with a knife C show him how to hit the drum D find something nice in his drum

第五篇:八年级寒假作业八: Unit 8 检测题(无答案) 人教新目标版

辽宁省凌海市石山初级中学八年级英语上册 寒假作业八 Unit 8 检




1、What did you ________ yesterday? A.buy B.bought C.buys D.buying()

2、She went ________ a drive after work last Friday? A.to B.for C.in D.by()

3、There _______ lots of popcorn in the kitchen last night.A.were B.had C.are D.was()

4、Do you have ________ to say about this? A.something else B.anything else C.else something D.else anything()

5、Gina hang out with her friends _________.A.last Sunday B.on Sunday C.every Sunday D.next Sunday()

6、—Did your parents sleep late on weekends? —________.A.Yes, they did.B.No, they don’t.C.Yes, they were.D.No, they weren’t.()

7、________ the class, the students left the classroom one by one.A.At the end of B.In the end C.By the end D.At the end()

8、Did you visit my school ________ there was a big library.A.how B.what C.where D.when()

9、Which of the following is not the city of the USA? A.New York B.Hawaii C.San Francisco D.Chicago()

10、—What do you think of sleeping outdoor at night? —________.I like it.A.That sounds terrible.B.It’s awful.C.It sounds exciting.D.Good idea.()

11、Ted cleaned the room on his day _________.A.of B.off C.down D.away()

12、This morning she came to school __________ than usual.A.late B.later C.latest D.latter()

13、What about going _________ with us? A.fish B.fishes C.fished D.fishing()

14、He had to help his parents __________ on the farm on weekends.A.work B.working C.works D.worked()

15、What __________ the matter with your little dog yesterday evening? A.is B.was C.are D.were


I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zoo.When you are __1__, you can go there with your family.__2__ the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, deer, __3__, rabbits and other animals.Elephants are the __4__ animals on land.I __ 5__ there is a baby elephant in our zoo.So I want to __6__at it.Yu Xuan wants to go with me.She says, “ __7__we go there together?” “Sure!” I say.“We can __8__ a good time there.But let's __9__ there at half past four.I have __60__ homework to do.”()1.A.busy B.free C.young D.clean 1

()2.A.In B.On C.For D.Near()3.A.monkeys B.monkey C.two monkey D.one monkeys()4.A.youngest B.smallest C.biggest D.tallest()5.A.listen B.listen to C.hear of D.hear()6.A.looks B.have a look C.see D.have a see()7.A.Can B.Could C.Shall D.Would()8.A.get B.have C.be D.has()9.A.goes B.go C.to go D.going()10.A.few B.little C.much D.many 三.用括号所给单词的适当形式填空。Class 9 1(have)a great time on the school trip.They 2(go)to Blue Water Aquarium for the day.First they ___3____(visit)the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about 4(shark).Then they ____5____(watch)a dolphin show.After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and __6____(see)a big octopus.After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and ___7___(buy)lots of gifts.Finally, tired but happy, they ___8__(take)the bus back to school.At the end of the day, the science teacher __9___(be)very happy because the class monitor ___10__(clean)the bus after the trip.四.同义句转换

1.What else did you buy ? What _________ _________ did you buy? 2.What was your last day off like? _________ _________ your last day off? 3.They had a great time on the school trip.They _________ _________ on the school trip.4.It rained all day.It rained _________ _________ _________.5.He isn't coming back in a week,I think.I _________ _________ he _________ coming back in a week.五.阅读理解:

(A)Some children wish to be writers some day.They want to write stories or books for people to read.That's good!It's good to write something for people to read!But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers.They should read a lot of books, instead(代替)of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.There is more fun in reading, you want to look for more books to read.Before you decide(决定)to be a good writer, you'd better say to yourself, “I must read more and more!”()1.This article mainly tells us that ________.A.some children wish to be writers some day B.it is good to write something for people to read C.reading can be helpful for us to become a good writer D.writers like to read more books for fun 2

()2.Some children want to be writers ________.A.because they want to be good readers B.to write stories or books for people to read C.to find good work some day D.to get more money to keep a family()3.It's good for children ________.A.to do a lot of reading B.to watch TV in the evening C.to have wishes only D.to be good writers right now()4.Reading can ________.A.help you to be a good player B.help you write well C.make you work better D.make you watch more TV at home()5.From the passage we know that ________.A.all children like to be writers B.people like to read for children C.all writers are children D.children need to read more and more books

(B)I have a dream.One day in the year of 2008 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, I, an 18-year-old university student, am going to be a guide for many foreign athletes, news reporters and tourists.I'm going to tell them many stories about China, a nation of 5,000 years of history.I am also going to tell them in English about Beijing, a city of 3,000 years of history.So I am going to study harder from now on.I'm going to speak English and write in English as much as I can.Do you want to have a dream like me? 判断正误,正确(T),错误(F)。

()1.The writer is going to be an athlete when he is 18 years old.()2.The writer is 18 years now.()3.Many news reporters are going to Beijing for the Olympic Games.()4.Beijing is a city of a long history which is 5000 years old.()5.The writer wants to study harder at English for his dream.



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