
时间:2019-05-15 04:33:19下载本文作者:会员上传



【摘 要】在全球化背景下,中国的传统文化备受瞩目,饮食文化是其中的重要部分。了解中式菜肴的英文名称能够为外国友人提供方便、同时也可以介绍宣传中国文化。但是由于中西方的文化差异,中式菜名的翻译过程中存在着不少误译的问题。本文结合中餐菜谱的翻译,明确提出对中餐菜谱翻译中文化差异的处理策略,进而阐明文化因素在语际翻译中的重要性。





比如,贵州有道名小吃叫“丝娃娃”。实际上是一层类似春卷皮的薄皮在里面包着各类素菜,看起来很像被包裹着的婴儿,于是此而得名。但有些译者将它译为“Silk Baby”。许多外国朋友一听到这个名字便感觉害怕而不敢食用。

再如,夫妻肺片的翻译如大导演的电影那样阴森恐怖――丈夫和妻子的肺切“Husband and wife’s lung slice”;早在清朝末年,成都街头巷尾便有许多挑担、提篮叫卖凉拌肺片的小贩。20世纪30年代四川成都有一对摆小摊的夫妇,因制作的凉拌肺片精细讲究,风味独特,小生意做得红红火火,一时顾客云集,供不应求。一些常来品尝他们夫妻制作的肺片的顽皮学生,用纸条写上“夫妻肺片”字样,悄悄贴在他夫妻俩的背上或小担上,也有人大声吆喝,“夫妻肺片,夫妻肺片……”。一天,有位客商品尝过他们夫妻俩制作的肺片,赞叹不已,送上一个金字牌匾,上书“夫妻肺片”四个大字。从此就有了“夫妻肺片”这一小吃。



第一,注重菜名的信息功能,保证菜名能够提供准确、足够的信息,而不能简单地按照中式菜肴的名称直译。如:把“麻婆豆腐”译成Pockmarked woman’s bean curd、把“八仙过海 ”译为Eight Immortals crossing the sea、把“鱼香肉丝”译为Fish-flavor shredded pork,这样会使外宾茫然或误解。














西方人所追求的是一种理性的饮食观念,他们在制作食物时,基本上是从营养的角度出发的。强调采用新鲜的原料,在烹调过程中保持原有的营养成分及味道,蔬菜基本上都是生吃。譬如,沙拉的制作方法极其简单,即把蔬菜,水果等混合起来。所以看到沙拉时我们对于其所含的原料,配料就会一目了然。在翻译的过程中也应当直截了当。如:sunshine salad胡萝卜色拉; home-made vegetable salad家常蔬菜色拉; fruit salad水果色拉。
















文化适应性(Cultural Compatibility)是翻译中的一个重要概念,它指的是译者对某种文化意义或内涵的把握,读者对译作的接受程度及相应的审美判断效果。中国文化源远流长,博大精深,很多菜名都具有历史来源。对于对中国传统文化了解甚少的中国人来说了解这些菜肴的命名尚且是挑战,对于外国人来说更是如此。尤金?奈(Eugene Nida)认为:“大多数关于翻译理论的讨论可以归结为充分考虑通过各种尝试办法,使读者接近文本或使文本接近读者。”文化菜名独特的文化含义是西方人所难以甚至无法理解的。在翻译时,译者很难找到现成的与之完全对应的表达,这种情况下,通常的做法是避虚就实,即将实质性的菜名进行英译,放弃其中的一些文化含义,以增强其文化适应性。


文化菜名所包含的文化内涵是西方人难以理解的,误译的文化菜名会使他们不敢品尝。文化适应性原则要求译者在进行翻译时要尽量贴近译语文化,从而使读者在文化心理上产生共鸣。因此在把中餐文化菜名进行英译时,一般采用写实性命名法,将菜肴的材料、烹饪方法、味型等重要信息翻译出来,让外国友人一目了然。例如“百鸟归巢”实际上是由鸡腿、猪肉、鹌鹑蛋和竹笋丝做成的,鸡腿、猪肉、鹌鹑蛋象征“百鸟”,竹笋丝,表示“巢”。要对等翻译的话,很可能会出现误译。最好根据菜名组合进行翻译,可译为“chicken and pork with egg and bamboo shoots”。再比如“麻婆豆腐” 现音译为 “Mapo Tofu”。






事 中 看 中 西 文 化 差 异

一、课 程 目的 【知识目标】:让学生了解中西方不同的文化背景,不同的思考方式。【能力目标】: 1.通过故事分析,培养学生观察事物,分析归纳问题的能力。












事 中 看 中 西 文 化 差 异



洋人:“你们中国人的确是一个勤奋的民族。” 中国人:“怎见得?”

洋人:“每当我早晨经过街道,常常可以看到路旁的招牌写着„早点‟两 个大字,提醒过路上班的人,不要迟到。”










中国人眼里的山珍海味(delicacy of the Chinese cuisine),包括燕窝(bird„s nest),鱼翅(shark‟s fin),鲍鱼(abalone),熊掌(bear„s palm)等等。其实大部分中国人也并不清楚为什么这些都是好东西,或是它们的营养成分到底在哪里。对它们的追捧恐怕也只停留在老祖宗传下的观念。而外国人觉的这些是奇奇怪怪的食物

动物的内脏 鸡心,鸡肺,猪肠,猪肚,好像没有什么动物的内脏是我们中国人不吃的。咱们中国人自己在一起吃得香,而老外就是觉得动物的内脏很恶心,只能丢弃,不能用来作东西吃。而事实上动物的内脏除了增加你体内的胆固醇含量,没有其它什么营养价值。中国人喜欢用”吃哪儿补哪儿”来为吃动物内脏辩护




一次外国友人参加一对年轻华侨的婚礼时,很有礼貌地赞美新娘very beautiful,一旁的新郎非常高兴代新娘说了声:“哪里!哪里!”不料到,外国人摸摸脑袋,用生硬的中国话回应说:“头发、眉毛、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴都漂亮!”结果引起全场哄堂大笑。


一位学校领导向教师们介绍新来的美国老师 Ladies and gentlemen, I„m delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown.She is a very good teacher from the USA.对这番话,美国女教师却一脸难堪的样子。





Ladies and gentlemen, I‘m delighted to introduce to you a new teacher from the USA., Miss Ann Brown.She is a doctor of American Literature with experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language.特别忠告:介绍客人要介绍客观事实,不要主观评论。要注重身份,不要着眼外貌。

而在婚礼上,如果有人赞美新娘漂亮,中国的新人虽然非常高兴,但嘴上却会很谦逊的说“你过奖了”,“哪里,哪里”等。而西方人却会很高兴大方的接受赞美,并道谢“Thank you!”西方人就是不了解这 “哪里!哪里!”是自谦,才只好说处处都漂亮。



Chinese: You look pale.What's the matter? American: I'm feeling sick.A cold, maybe.Chinese: Go and see the doctor.Drink more water.Did you take any pills? Chinese medicine works wonderful.Would you like to try? Put on more clothes.Have a good rest.American: You are not my mother, are you?


美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾往往被视为弱者。给对方出主意或提建议时,不能使对方认为自己小看他的能力。美国人对上面第一句话的反应通常是“Take care of yourself.I hope you‘ll be better soon.”不必教人怎么做。中国人则以出主意提建议表示关心,而且以兄弟姐妹或父母亲人的口吻,或以过来人的口气,这对美国人行不通。


如:1)I'm sorry to hear that you've got a bad cold.2)I hope you'll be all right very soon.3)Take extra care of yourself.4、邀请:




5、笑一笑: 中国太奇妙了


文化差异:中文中动词的使动,主动,被动用法都不明显,都得在特定的 语境中才好理解。而英语就有明显的不同,主要靠助动词be,do来体现


一个外宾想上厕所,便对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”(我可以方便一下吗?)而翻译却把somewhere误解为“某处”,因而回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”(行,中国你哪儿都可以去。)外宾不禁愕然。



1.Public lavatory意为“公厕”,在公共场所,厕所门上都标有Gent’s(男厕),或Ladies’(女厕),有时也标有Men’s, Men’s room, Gentleman’s, Women’s Women’s room.如:Where is the Gent’s?(厕所在哪儿?)If you would like a wash, the Gentleman’s is just over there.(如果要上厕所,男厕就在那边。)2.toilet是最常用的一个词。可指“公厕”,也可指“私厕”。例如:I wonder where the toilet is.(我想知道厕所在哪儿。)3.lavatory是个客气的词,但不如toilet常用 4.bathroom是书面语。5.loo是一个口语词,在英国用得很普通,主要指私人住宅中的厕所。如:Excuse me, would you like to tell me where the loo is?(请问,厕所在哪儿?)6.powder room是美语,女士常用。如:I would like to powder my nose.就表现了美国人的幽默。

7.wash room, washing room, westroom常用于美国英语。

8.W.C.是water closet的缩写,常用于英国英语,表示“有抽水没有设备的厕所”,有时也可用手势表示,即拇指和食指圈成圆,其他三指向上,模仿成英文W和C的形态。

9.John是俚语。如:Last night I went to visit John twice.(昨晚我去了趟厕所。)10.go and see one’s aunt是俚语,常用于英国英语,表示“上厕所”“去大便”。






肖雪冬 201321020375 在《现代汉语词典》里,饮食的义项有两个:一个是名词性的,指“吃的和喝的东西”一个是动词性的指“吃东西和喝东西”,强调动作。

在英文中,饮食的概念可以有以下表达方法:“food and drink”意即“吃的和喝的东西”;“diet”意即“通常所吃的食物”,也可以指“日常的膳食”;“bite and sup ”则是指“吃东西和喝东西”。些有关“饮食”的解释中,我们可以看出,“饮食”一词的基本语言学含义比较简单,无非就是吃喝的东西或吃喝的动作。但我们深究起来,“饮食”就变得复杂了。饮食如果仅仅是吃饱喝足,为什么在吃饱喝足的同时,有这么多繁文缛节?为什么一种食物对一个地方的人来说是天赐美味,而对另一个地方的人来说则敬而远之,甚至有的地方更是避之不及呢?有人为吃什么而苦恼,而有人却为吃不饱而烦恼。饮食本身是本能的,而吃什么,如何吃,在哪里吃,则体现出不同族群的不同特点,体现出文化性。



















中西饮食保存着各自的特色,同时也在诸多方面存在着各式各样的差异,当然,这些差异都具有相对性,几千年来的东西方文化的交流也促成中西方的饮食文化的不断融合。全球化态势下的跨文化交际使得多样的饮食文化不断的互补与兼容。今天,享受东西方各具特色的饮食已成为当代人日常生活中司空见惯的事情。我们在大街上随处可见法式大餐、KFC, Macdonald, Pizza hut等西方的舶来饮食,而中国菜馆也开遍了全世界。



【摘要】在世界全球化的今天,国家和民族间的交流亦越发频繁。而“吃”作为一种可以拉近彼此距离的交流手段,理应加以重视。“吃的文化”即饮食文化,也是文化交流中不也或缺的重要部分。本文将就中西饮食文化从饮食观念、宴会礼仪及饮食内容三大方面加以比较,展示中西餐饮文化差异,以便更加顺利的进行中西间的跨文化交际。【关键词】中西方 饮食文化 差异




在中国,“吃”不仅仅是“吃”,它被赋予了丰富的意义。古语有云“民以食为天”,可见饮食一事在国人心中的重要地位。而“民以食为天”的这种思想,也被很多学者称为“泛食主义”。饮食,在国人心中不止是一种对“胃”与“味”的满足,它亦溶于人们的生活之中,与精神世界挂钩。例如,以前人们一见面的寒暄语就是“吃了吗?”,可见古来人们都把“吃”或为“吃而准备当作很重要的事。”小孩出生的时候要办满月酒,成人结婚时要办婚宴,高寿安康时要办寿宴,长辞人世时要办丧礼,诸如此类,中国人的一生都与饮食紧密关。“吃”可以被看做一种传递心理沟通交流和表达礼节的方式。“泛食主义”在汉语i也有充分的体现。易中天先生曾在《闲话中国人》中写道:“如前述把人称为‘口’,吧职业称为‘饭碗’等。又比如思索叫做‘拒绝’,体验叫‘品味’,嫉妒叫‘吃醋’,幸福叫‘陶醉’,司空见惯叫‘家常便饭’,轻而易举叫‘小菜一碟’„„ ”1 可见“民以食为天”的中国人心中及生活中,饮食的重要性。




中国人受儒道两教长期的影响,追求“仁”“爱”,想要创造的是个和谐的社会。这样的社会群体的主导价值观,必须是“集体主义”。从“一人得道,鸡犬升天”到“亲谊、乡谊、世谊、年谊”之交等,无不打上中国群体文化的烙印。3 而在宴饮同时,中国人也喜欢围坐在一个大圆桌旁,觥筹交错,把酒言欢,敬酒聊天,欢声不绝于耳,而且共同享受桌上的菜肴。一片其乐融融之景象。




而西方人没有这样的面子观念。他们盛大的西餐宴席通常不过是六道菜,而且其中只有两道菜算上是菜,其余不过是陪衬。平时宴请,饭菜更为简单。在美国,有时候朋友聚餐会采取大家作贡献的手法,称之为“Potluck”,即每人都带一样菜,让大家共享。4 即使是在举行party时,也只是提供一些简单的食物,不提供主食。可见西方人注重的不是食物的丰盛,他们是要借助party或宴请来调节气氛,让客人享受更美好的时候,利于之后的交流。





中国有“一寸光阴一寸金”,西方有“time is money”,但是在赴宴的时候,其实中西方还是有差异的。中国人更倾向于“迟到”而西方人更倾向“准时”。

在中国,宴席之上,“迟到”之举非常常见。当然,对此,宴请人也一般会左后准备。早早安排瓜子花生之类的零嘴供来宾消磨时间。当然邀请方不会将客人们的迟到作为不礼貌的行为。而在西方国家,正式的宴会要求要准时,若是迟到最好不要超过十分钟。而且迟到之时,一般会说再过几分钟就到了。但是要是超过二三十分钟而不告知对方,就会被看作一种失约行为,对方可不必等待。对于很重视诚信的西方人,会照成很不好的印象。2.3席位安排的差异 中西双方进餐的座次也反映着文化二代差异,而且大不相同。2.3.1“南北”对“左右”

中国自古就有“南尊北卑”的传统观念。古代皇帝都是面南而坐,而臣子们偶的是北面称臣,所含有后来“面朝南”在中国人心中就变成了一种身份地位高的象征。所以在宴会上也是朝南的作为为上座,朝北为下坐。而西方人则是把地位的高低由“左右”来划分。虽然在古代西方社会,最尊贵的客人的座位是在主人的左边,这是应为人们习惯于用右手握匕首,刺杀坐在左手边的人。如果将最尊贵的客人安排在主人的左手卫生知识,不仅他刺杀不方便,主人还有制服他的优势地位。6 但是今天,已经不存在安全的这个问题,但由于心理保护的需求,多将主宾席放在主人的右侧,形成了以右为上以左为下的规矩。2.3.2“男尊女卑”对“女士优先,男女平等”







1.易中天.闲话中国人[M].北京:华龄出版社,1996.第17-18页.2 杜学增.中英文化习俗比较[M].北京:外语研究与科研出版社,1999.第171页.3 顾嘉祖.跨文化交际:外国语言文学中隐蔽文化[M].南京:南京师范大学出版社,2000.第74页.4 胡文仲.跨文化交际学概论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.第165页.5 单是坤,王敏.民族文化心理与中西饮食文化之对比[J].山东省农业管理干部学院学报,2005.(2).6 Edward T Hall.The Silent Language[M].New York:Anchor Books,1990.第86页



by Xu Aifang

June, 2007 Xiaogan Unversity


This paper, through analysis of the differences between Chinese and English countries’ dietary cultures, points out several influential facts in interpretation of dietary culture at tables, and briefly discusses some methods for interpreting Chinese dishes into English.Food, an essential prerequisite for the existence and development of mankind, remains a close relation with culture, and food culture varies with nations.Therefore, there are great disparities between China and the English countries in ideas, attitudes, contents and functions of dietary cultures.This paper endeavors to analyze the cultural differences and their rooted causes in Chinese and English dietary cultures from the perspectives of concept, etiquette and content.At last it emphasizes that the interpreter’s cultural awareness plays an important role in the interpretation.Key Words: dietary culture;Chinese dish names;cultural awareness;C/E interpretation





Contents 1.Introduction ··············································································································· 1 2.The differences between Chinese and English countries’ dietary cultures ·········· 1

2.1 Differences in concept ··························································································· 1

2.1.1 Sensibility vs.practicality ············································································ 1

2.1.2 Complexity vs.simplicity ············································································· 2

2.2 Differences in table manners ················································································· 3

2.2.1 Different table-wares: chopsticks vs.forks ·················································· 3

2.2.2 Different concepts regarding the time of attendance ···································· 3

2.2.3 Different arrangements of seats ···································································· 4

2.3 Differences in contents ·························································································· 4

2.3.1 Refinements vs.nutrients ············································································· 4

2.3.2 Differences of dish names ············································································ 4

3.Some points for interpreting Chinese dishes into English ······································· 5

3.1 Some methods of dish names’ translation ····························································· 5

3.1.1 The preparation work ···················································································· 5

3.1.2 Literal translation ·························································································· 5

3.1.3 Liberal translation ························································································· 6

3.1.4 The combination of literal and liberal translation ········································ 6

3.2 The cross-cultural awareness of the interpreter ····················································· 7

3.2.1 Study the dietary culture ··············································································· 7

3.2.2 Know the level of guests’ understanding of Chinese culture ······················· 7

3.2.3 Actively participate in the cultural communication ······································ 8 4.Conclusion ·················································································································· 8 5.Notes ·························································································································· 10 6.Bibliography

On the Cultural Differences of Diet between China and English Countries and Some Points for Interpreting Chinese Dishes into



In recent years, with the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the influences of entering the WTO, the international communication activities between China and foreign countries are becoming more and more popular.Making friends during banquet is a kind of common form of communication.It is a good way to show one’s love and friendship to others, help to create a harmonious cooperation atmosphere between business partners to publicize the Chinese dietary culture.The Chinese people, who are well known for their hospitality both at home and abroad, should not miss such chances to introduce their various delicacies to foreign friends.On such occasions, the interpreter, as a bridge over people from different countries, plays a tremendously important role in the process of their communication.However, in recent years, some interpreters are often misunderstood by foreign guests because of their lack of cross-culture awareness and their inability to translate some Chinese dish names correctly.They do not know much about the differences between Chinese and English countries’ dietary cultures and do not pay enough attention to the translation methods for the Chinese dish name, which affects the spreading of Chinese dietary culture all over the world, and even sometimes makes foreign friends confused.Therefore, the author of this paper feels that it’s necessary to analyze several differences of Chinese and English countries’ dietary cultures, probe into some Chinese dish names’ translation methods, so that the Chinese profound dietary culture could be spread in a better way.2.The differences between Chinese and English countries’ dietary cultures

Different peoples and countries have different dietary cultures;their richness and diversity of different nationalities are also the embodiment of their creativity.China, Britain, the United States and other English countries have some different views and attitudes toward diet, and these differences might hinder interpreters from translating properly and spreading Chinese dietary culture in a better way.2.1 differences in concept 2.1.1 Sensibility vs.practicality

In China, diet has developed to a very important part in people’s life.It is almost beyond any other material and spiritual forms, and this has been apparently reflected in people’s daily life.The seven so-called basic daily needs: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauces,5 vinegar, tea, all have deep relations to diet.Eating goes through a man’s whole life.When one was born, his parents would hold a birth celebration.Later when he was one month old or one year old, the family would get together and have a party again.When growing up, he would have birthday parties, wedding party and even funeral dinner held for him by his descendants when he passes away.When a visitor comes, he would prepare for the guest a formal dinner, which is called welcome dinner.He would invite friends to have dinner together when he moves into a new house, is promoted in his company or has solved a serious problem.All these show that people in China like eating with much emotions, for dinners have provided them lots of chances to show their love for friends, and exchange information.Even some emotional turmoil would be calmed down during the dinner time.Behind the form of eating, there are a profuse psychological and cultural significance, as well as people’s recognition and understanding of society, which embody a more profound social meaning.Eating not only has some original communication function, but has already transformed into an adjustment of social life and psychology.In Britain, U.S.A.and other English countries, eating is regarded as a way of communication and a necessary survival means.American psychologist Abraham Maslow divides human’s needs into five levels in his famous theory Law of Demand.Eating is classified into the first layer, which is the lowest level of human requirements.Lin Yutang, a famous Chinese anthropological scholar, once said, “The diet concepts of people from English countries are different from those of the Chinese.They think that eating is just an act giving your body nutrients, like injecting fuel to a machine, to ensure its normal operation.As long as they are healthy enough to resist diseases, they care little about other problems.”[1] Therefore, in the minds of the English people, eating just plays a life-sustaining role in their life.We can see clearly that the English people would not assign more important missions to eating, which has been done by the Chinese people for a long time.2.1.2.Complexity vs.simplicity

There is a fundamental difference between Chinese andd English countries’ banquet concepts.Chinese people pay much attention to the dinner itself and its arrangement.They provide profuse wine and courses, including ten main courses at a formal banquet, besides snacks, desserts, rice or noodles in the whole procedure of a dinner.The more sumptuous dishes the host prepares, the better the host’s hospitality and guest’s social status are reflected.In English countries, grand banquet is usually no more than six dishes and much simpler when it is only a kind of common dinner.Sometimes friends in the United States would all contribute to a dinner, which is called potluck, [2] and means that each person has taken a dish for sharing.It is evident that it creates opportunities for friends to get together and exchange ideas.It is reminiscent of friendships and provides access for them to get

information.It is subject to the concept of English countries’ banquet that the most important thing of a banquet lies not in the dishes themselves, but in the diversifying form of liberalization.The owner should try to create a relaxing, harmonious and cheerful atmosphere, let the guests enjoy the freedom of a wonderful time.Generally, that is the first purpose of a banquet in English countries.2.2 Differences in table manners

Table manners seem to be especially important both in China and English countries.Different table manners have formed during centuries because of different cultural backgrounds.An excellent interpreter always knows how to take advantages of such differences to make the interpreting process smoother.2.2.1 Different table-wares: chopsticks vs.forks On the dinner tables, the most obvious difference is the choices of their table wares.The Chinese use chopsticks to clamp rice and dishes, while people from English countries cut food with their forks.Clearly, these different consumption patterns are not an accidental phenomenon.Since ancient times, the Chinese people have been farming on land, and nowadays the majority of the Chinese are still farmers.In such a cultural environment, people usually live on cereal-based food, tending to live and work in peace, stressing the preciousness of stability, opposing aggression and attacks.While many people from English countries were hunters in the past.They lived on meat-based diet.In order to be able to survive in the cruel circumstances, they must be good at hunting, and be offensive, aggressive.Gradually they have developed an adventurous character trait.[3] These two cultural preferences are almost contrast to each other.So what is reflected in the diet tends to be the choices of their table wares and their eating ways.2.2.2 Different concepts regarding the time of attendance Punctuality seems to be a common term that is appreciated by every person.But people from different cultural backgrounds have different understanding of this term.Some people habitually can’t be punctual.American renowned anthropologist Edward T.Hall, one of trans-cultural founders who study human relation thinks that time is a kind of commercial food which can be treated and used in different ways.[4] So no matter in what situations, people from English countries arrive on time.However, in China, people are prone to be late except in some very formal and very important dinners.Shanshanlaichi is usually used to describe such guests who are going to attend friends’ party not on time.Various reasons cause people to be late when attending dinners.To westerners’ surprise, the host accepts their unpunctuality, and has prepared some entertainment activities for the other guests during the waiting time.Both the host and guests feel it is common, not regarding it as impolite.In contrast, in English countries being late when one is invited to attend a dinner party is thought to be impolite to the host and the rest of the guests.So when an English guest is at a Chinese

dinner, waiting, the interpreter should give proper explanations when some Chinese friends are late, so as to eliminate misunderstandings.2.2.3 Differences in the arrangements of seats The arrangement of guests' seats is also an important way to show people's social status and personal relationship.In different countries, the layout of seats is different.Hall once said “space speaks”[5] to describe the role of space.In China, the guests who are usually respected most would sit in the south of the table.The common friends sit in the north part of the table.While in ancient times, people from English countries thought the seats beside the host were the most respectable places.Another difference is the woman's social status.In ancient times, Chinese women had no social status, being subordinate to men.Although Chinese women's social status has been proving and women can have dinner with men now, there is still such a phenomenon that women sit together at one table, and men sit at another table.In English countries, there is a slogan called woman first.In English countries women have taken important social places from an very early time.Women and men have dinner together and they usually sit together, which embodies that women and men are equal.2.3 Differences in contents 2.3.1 Refinements vs.nutrients

Great differences also exist in diet contents.From ancient to modern days, Chinese dietary culture has been improved to various dietary branches such as Lu, Chuan, E, Min, Shu, Zhe, Xiang, Hui.The dishes' exquisiteness has been embodied in every branch.This dietary consciousness has penetrated into the whole process of dietary activity in an unconscious way.The process of choosing the materials, cooking, matching, using table-wares and even the eating environment, all have highlighted the dishes' exquisiteness.Compared with Chinese food, English countries’ food is simple, lacking a kind of nice atmosphere.Moreover, their cooking technology is inferior to China’s and many branches of English food were brought in from foreign countries.But judging from their nutrition value, English countries’ food emphasizes on their nutrition, and tries to make the food unsalted and keeps the balance of various nutrients.The English people think that eating is just a way to keep fit.No matter what they eat, no matter how simple the dinner is, they keep their eyes on their nutrition, and are sometimes ignorant of their taste.2.3.2 The difference of dish names

The names of Chinese food include lots of Chinese history stories and information of Chinese culture.For instance,东坡肉,宫爆鸡丁,霸王别姬,佛跳墙, etc.On the contrary, English dishes' names are much simpler.We can see what we'll eat from the names of dishes.For example, Kentucky fried chicken, Italian noodles and fries beefsteak etc.This phenomenon has also reflected English people's fast pace of life.8 3.Some points for interpreting Chinese dishes into English 3.1 Some methods of dish name's translation

The names of Chinese dishes are really rich.No matter what dishes the interpreter has to translate, he had better tell the foreign friends what materials they contain, how they are cooked and so on.If time permits, the interpreter could give an introduction about their nutrient value, related folk stories, and history stories, which will not only promote their appetite, but spread our Chinese dietary culture and make the atmosphere more harmonious.3.1.1 The preparation work

Before interpretation, the interpreter has to make some preparations.Firstly, he should get to know the theme of the interpretation work, including the professional knowledge in other various fields if possible.These are the basic elements for doing a nice job.Secondly, the interpreter has to learn some relevant terminologies.E.g.:

The words or phrases of cooking: simmering, stewing, braising, frying, boiling, baking, steaming, smoking, scolding, stuffing;to quick-fry, to stir-fry, to deep fry, to twice cook, to pan-fry, to roast, to toast, to rinse, to grill, to spice, etc.The words of condiment: brawn sauce, white sauce, tomato sauce, onion, ginger, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate sugar, vinegar, salt, etc.The common ingredients: pork, fish, fillet, bean curd, sparerib, garlic, beef, steak, mutton, lamb chop, chicken duck, shark-fin, abalone, scallop, sea cucumber, bird's nest, bear's paw, monkey's brains, etc.The ways of using a knife include: slicing, shredding, filleting, dicing, cubing, grinding, mashing, etc.The main taste: salty, chilly, spicy, hot, sour, sweet, etc.3.1.2 Literal translation

Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original.[6]

That is to say, the interpreter can translate a dish with its cooking method, its ingredients or its taste.E.g.: 红烧鱼 : Braised fish in brawn sauce

冬菇菜芯: Winter mushroom with green cabbage 青椒肉丝: Shredded pork with green peeper 怪味鸡: Multi-flawed chicken 炒肉丝: Sautéed pork slices 炖牛肉: Stewed beef

清蒸桂鱼: Steamed mandarin fish 煎鸡蛋: Fried eggs

回锅肉: Twice cooked pork or double cooked pork[7]

If there are large numbers of cooking terminologies in the interpreter's mind, it won’t be too difficult for him to translate the dish names literally, and would not cause misunderstanding in most cases.3.1.3 Liberal translation

Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the literal meaning or the word order of the original.[8] It is the word elegance that the names of Chinese dishes focus on.In order to keep their elegance, many dish names are completely different from their original materials.E.g.: 炒双冬 is translated into fried winter mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots, because 双冬refers to winter mushroom and winter bamboo, but from the Chinese name we don't know what we will eat.三鲜汤: Soup with fish, shrimp and pork balls.The interpreter has to refer to its original materials.Many names of Chinese dishes use metaphors to add their vividness

翡翠虾仁: Stir-fried shrimps with peas

积雪银钟: Stewed mushrooms with white gangues 蚂蚁上树: Sautéed bean vermicelli with spicy meat sauce.These names, if translated literally, might cause misunderstandings.Here the author exemplifies the translations of several Chinese dishes just for reference.For examples, some people translate 霸王别姬 into “the king is saying goodbye to his beloved woman”;全家幅is translated into “a photograph of the whole family”, which make the quests feel confused and still don't know at all what they will eat at last.3.1.4 The combination of literal and liberal translation This translation method means that some dishes can be translated literally, but some explanations should be added.They can be divided into four groups.The first group refers to those names of dishes that include some famous people’s names.For example, 东坡肉can be translated into “poet Dong Po’s braised pork”.Then the interpreter should explain that Su Dongpo was a famous poet in the Song Dynasty.毛式红烧肉can be translated as “chairman Mao’s stewed pork with soy sauce”, then the interpreter can add that Chairman Mao was a great leader in China.麻婆豆腐can be translated as “bean curd with minced pork in hot sauce”, and then you add that Mapo was the creator of this dish.The second group relates to the names which include places.For example, 北京烤鸭can be translated as “Beijing roast duck”, then you add that Beijing food is always delicious and wonderful.成都子鸡can be translated as “stir-fried small chicken in Chengdu style”, with explanation that Sichuan food is characterized by its spicy and hot flavor.It’s spicy and hot.[10]

The third group means the dishes which contain folk stories.叫花鸡 can be translated into “beggar’s chicken”.There is a legendary story connected with it.The interpreter had better tell the story that it was said that long ago there was a beggar who stole a chicken one day.He was pursued by the owner.He was almost caught when he suddenly hit upon a good idea.He smeared the chicken all over with clay which he found nearby and threw it into the fire he had built to cook it.After a long while the beggar removed the mud coasted from the fire.When he cracked open the clay he found, to his astonishment, that the clay together with the feather had formed a hard shell in which the chicken had been baked into a delicious dish with a wonderful flavor.That night he had a very enjoyable meal.Hence the name the dish.[11] The last group dishes refer to the names that are catered for an auspicious atmosphere and a festival cultural psychology.This type of names can be directly translated into Chinese cuisine names, and then the interpreter should add the ingredients of these dishes.E.g.全家福can be translated as “a happy family”, but the interpreter should add that it’s a a combination of shrimp, pork, beef, chicken, lobster and mixed vegetables with brown sauce.龙风配can be translated as “dragon and phoenix”, but the interpreter should add that it two separate dishes in one plate.On one side is lobster meat in Sichuan chili sauce, which is an inviting;on the other is house special chicken, which never fails in delighting.[12] 3.2 The cross-culture awareness of the interpreter

Interpretation is actually a cross-culture communication, in which the interpreter should have a strong sense of the two cultures and the translation should be made as clear as possible.The interpreter should have not only bilingual skills, but also bicultural ability.Some of the interpreters regard interpretation as cultural interpretation.[13]

Interpretation often fails if the interpreter ignores the cultural factors and can not act as a good communication exchanger.Interpretation of the names of Chinese dishes is actually a process to introduce Chinese dietary culture to the foreign guests.In this particular case, the interpreter’s cross-culture awareness is important and is reflected in three points.3.2.1 Study of dietary culture

In order to understand the original language and culture, that is to say, the Chinese language and the Chinese culture, the interpreter should learn the Chinese dietary culture, know the cultural backgrounds of the names and know the raw materials and the methods which the names actually concern.Meanwhile, the interpreter should introduce the Chinese dietary culture to the foreign guests timely and appropriately if possible.3.2.2 Know the level of the guests’ understanding of Chinese culture.According to the guests’ understanding of the Chinese culture, the interpreter can

determine the translation methods.Usually with his sensitivity of translation, the interpreter would know under what circumstances the literal translation would make foreign guests have no obstacle in understanding, such as people’s names, places metaphoric names and the names with stories.Those names’ translations are often relying on the knowledge and cultural backgrounds that can be understood by the guests.At this time, based on the literal translation, the interpreter should add explanations to mend foreign guest’s cultural gaps and put the source language culture into the target language culture if possible, so as to make the translation acceptable and promote cultural exchanges well.3.2.3 Actively participate in the cultural communication

The interpreter is not only an intermediary but also an active participator at a dinner.The interpreter has the responsibility and obligation to promote the exchange of mutual understanding and communication.Under certain circumstances, the interpreter should use their dual-cultural knowledge to explain the cultural differences and misunderstandings which might be caused by the communicators who lack understanding with each other.For example, at a banquet, when ordering Chinese dishes, the interpreter can remind the officials to pay attention to the foreign guest’s national culture and psychological tastes, avoiding ordering the taboo food, such as vinegar pork, pig heart and so on.In short, in order to complete impromptu interpretation task, the interpreter has to make full preparations to understand and become familiar with some cooking terminologies and the corresponding English expressions, to understand the diet-related knowledge and cultural backgrounds, to use the translation strategies flexibly for on-the-spot translation, to take advantage of its double cultural ability to promote mutual understanding and communication, to introduce foreign friends the Chinese food culture timely and appropriately.4.Conclusion This paper compares the cultural differences of diet between China and English countries and gives a general illustration on some influential points concerning how an interpreter can do a good job in translating Chinese dish names into English.Firstly, it points out that a very important factor in the interpretation work at tables is the interpreter’s knowledge of the cultural differences between China and English countries, and analyzes eight differences from four aspects.Secondly, it suggests three translation methods and demonstrates them with a large number of examples to show the essential role that translation methods play in interpretation work.Last but not least, from other aspects it analyzes the importance of interpreters’ cross-culture awareness, In a word, culture differences, translation methods and cross-culture awareness are important influential factors in interpretation work at tables.I hope this paper will be of some help to those

people who are interested in interpreting Chinese dishes into English, and will, to a certain extent, promote the cross-culture exchanges between China and English countries.13

Notes [1] 杜学增.中英文化习俗比较[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.1999(3):15-18.[2] 胡文仲.跨文化交际概论[M] 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.2000(1):23-25.[3][13] 刘丞华.文化与人格—对中西文化差异的一次比较[M] 合肥:中国科技大学出版社.2002(1):11-14.[4] [5] Edward T.Hall.The Silent Language [M].New York: Anchor Book, 1990(4): 61-62.[12] 黄海翔.中餐菜单英译浅谈[J] 中国科技翻译 1999(2):22-24.[6][8] Guo Zhuzhang.A Practical Course in Translation between English and Chinese [M].Wuhan: University Press.2005(5):10-12.[7][10] 刘萍.中式菜肴名称的口译[J].中国科技翻译 2001(1):65-67.[9][11] 任静生.也谈中菜与主食的英译问题[J].中国翻译.2001(2):45-47.14

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