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法国作曲家莫里斯·拉威尔(Manirce Ravel 1875—1937)在1875年3月7日生于法国南部靠近西班牙的山区小城西布勒(Ciboure)一个工程师家庭。父亲是瑞士人,母亲是西班牙人,在他的创作中,经常会出现法国和西班牙的民族音乐元素。拉威尔 的父亲虽然是个平民工程师,但对艺术极度热爱,拥有非常丰富的音乐知识,有极高的音乐修养。在对拉威尔的音乐教育上也是非常重视的,并努力培养拉威尔成为钢琴家。可以说,父亲是拉威尔音乐道路上的启蒙老师。拉威尔曾这样评价其父亲:“音乐修养比大多数音乐爱好者要高得多,他知道怎样开发我对音乐的兴趣,怎样在恰当的时机激发我对音乐的热情”。在充满艺术氛围与宽松自如的环境中,拉威尔如鱼得水的吸收着各种各样的音乐元素,为他多样性的民族音乐创作打下坚实的基础。









艺术联盟是拉威尔和瑞卡多·维涅两人在1902年发起,自称“捣蛋帮”(Societe Des Apaches)。是对有创新精神的艺术家进行支持的团体。每当其中的人有创作或是有新的想法时,成员们都会相互鼓励,进项研究和讨论并且支持其创新精神。这在一定程度上也帮拉威尔开阔视野,拓宽了他的音乐研究的道路。当时,俄罗斯和西班牙的音乐让拉威尔沉醉其中,他把这些充满异国情调的音乐元素放到他的创作里,使其











而在这背景上则可以看到个别音调或简短动机呈现——这是西班牙民间音乐的歌曲与舞曲样式的概括,它有时是忧郁的冥想主题,带有几乎觉察不出的东方色彩,现有两个现有两个单簧管相隔八度奏出: 谱例5

而有时则完全是典型的西班牙旋律进行,像这样的旋律模式,我们在作者的《西班牙时钟》中、在德彪西的《格拉纳达之夜》和其他作品中都长可看到: 谱例6






带有一种神秘和警觉的意味,而在这多次反复的音型之上的乐队变奏(木管乐器上几近于滑奏的流畅音阶和其他一些简短的旋律),又显得十分轻快,几乎带有虚幻的色彩。但是,随后出现一个带有朗诵调特点的舞蹈旋律: 谱例8

之后,音乐的速度随即转快,主题从b小调移入升g小调,显得比前便更加有力,这个主题只有属和弦构成。值得注意的是,这主题只有属和弦构成,这是西班牙舞蹈音乐富有特点的手法之一。乐曲的中段出现由英国管的独奏乐句,这是一种热烈的冥想性独白,情绪有点抑郁,同前面的活跃激烈形成对比: 谱例9:

英国管的简短叙述才刚开始,前一首“夜曲”的四音动机便蓦地出现,并立即把音乐带入最后一段。现在,英国管的旋律被长笛和 单簧管半音下行的急速乐句所取代,马拉加舞曲的固定动机在低音弦乐器中又隐约可闻,最后音乐在十分轻柔的气氛中淡然消失。


“哈巴涅拉” 是起源于古巴哈瓦那的一种较慢的二拍子舞曲,19世纪中叶传入西班牙,在西班牙有很大发展,而且广泛流传到欧洲各国,在法国也引起很多作曲家的兴趣。此曲是最早写出的一个乐章,作曲家在将其收入进《西班牙狂想曲》时,连一个音符也没改变可见这首乐曲非常精致并富有浓郁的西班牙风格。






儿童组曲《鹅妈妈》法国作曲家拉威尔的《鹅妈妈》组曲,原来是四手联弹钢琴组曲,是一部名副其实的儿童组曲 — 采用儿童题材、为儿童创作、供儿童演奏的组曲。采用儿童题材 — 内容取材于法国作家贝洛(1628—1703)、奥努瓦夫人(约1650—1705)和 博蒙夫人(1711—1780)的童话;为儿童创作这部组曲是1909年拉威尔为他的好朋友哥台勃斯基的两个孩子创作的,并把这部作品献给了他们;供儿童演奏——1910年4月,这部组曲在巴黎独立音乐协会的一次音乐会上初次演出时,担任钢琴四手联弹的是六岁的韦尔热尔和十岁的拉米。《鹅妈妈》作为一部地道的儿童组曲,似乎只差作曲者不是儿童了。但拉威尔告诉我们:“我写这部组曲,目的是要唤起童年时代的诗意,因此手法就必须单纯,一切表面的效果只好摒弃不用。”可见作曲家也是怀着一颗童心来创作的。






在该曲的第一首乐曲“森林中睡美人的帕凡舞曲”中,使用了古老的帕凡舞曲。这支舞曲很简短,共有十二小节,它的速度缓慢,旋律融合了法国民间音调和巴斯克族音调,出了三个半音的进行之外,几乎都是自然音进行,有五声音阶的倾向,他那柔顺而倦慵的旋律具有摇篮曲的特点: 谱例12





阶的音列之中,乐曲是从弦乐合奏开始的,它的节奏便是古老的萨拉班德舞曲。下面这一段是用独奏小提琴和钢片琴奏出的一段主体: 谱例13





拉威尔在艺术上有其独到的见解,他说:“严格地说,我不是一个„现代作曲家‟,因为我的音乐远不是一场„ 革命‟,而只是一种„进化‟。虽然我对音乐中的新思潮一向是虚怀若谷、乐于接受的,但我从未企图摒弃已为人们公认的和声作曲规则。相反,我经常广泛地从一些大师身上吸取灵感(我从未中止过对莫扎特的研究),我的音乐大部分建立在过去时代的传统上,并且是它的一个自然的结果。我可不是一个擅长于写那种过激的和声与乱七八糟的对位的„现代作曲家‟,因为我从来不是任何一种作曲风格的奴隶。我也从未与任何特定的乐派结盟。”









[1][美]唐纳德·杰·格劳特:《西方音乐史》[M],人民音乐出版社,1996(1)。[2]沈旋 粱晴 王丹丹 :《音乐史导学》[M],上海音乐出版社,2008(1)。

[3]冯志平:《西方音乐史与名作赏析》[M],上海音乐出版社,2008(1)。[4]张式谷 潘一飞:《西方钢琴音乐概论》[M] 人民音乐出版社 ,2006(2)。[5]于润洋:《西方音乐史》[M],上海音乐出版社,2006(3)。[6]杨民望:《世界名曲欣赏》[M],上海音乐出版社,1987(2)。[7]林逸聪:《音乐圣经》[M],华夏出版社,2000(1)。







1密 级








周均梅 指导教师:





中 国  康定

English Department

Sichuan University for Nationalities

Analysis of Lexical Teaching in Senior High Schools

by ZHOU Jun-mei

A Thesis

Submitted to the English Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Degree of B.A.in English

Sichuan University For Nationalities May 2013 Thesis Supervisor:






Analysis of Lexical Teaching in Senior High Schools


In terms of vocabulary teaching in senior high school, the traditional pattern has caused lots of problems to both the teachers and students.The domestic and abroad scholars, devoted to language teaching, generally believe that lexical knowledge is pretty crucial for the use of language and the comprehension of writings.Since the New English Curriculum, innovative ideas and teaching methods are introduced in most senior high.From the survey I conducted, the achievement it has got can’t be ignored.Based on the New English Curriculum, this essay aims at exploring the rules and approaches in vocabulary teaching, and it can be divided into three parts: first, the recent situation of words teaching under the reform.Both the positive and negative sides are presented, and key questions are put forward.Second, the rules one should obey, namely, words’ rules, students’ characteristics on physiology and psychology, and the memory law.Last but not least, some practible ways on this topic, like using contexts together with any other methods(such as roots, affix, and derivative terms), phonetic teaching, classification and utilization of words, and combination of related words, are provided.Key words: vocabulary teaching;factors;effective methods



Here I owe the most sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Xiao who leads me to finish this article.I thank her for her endless patience towards me and smart guide in mentality.She impressed the definition of teaching methods on me, and let me know that what I write must be practical and effective.Based on this, a survey among students seems a must.Therefore, I appreciate those friends who helped me finish the survey among freshmen in Southwest Petroleum University.As far as I am concerned, it is tough work to convince the freshmen to believe this is an innocent survey.Obviously, this investigation is very critic to my essay.And I thank them to analyze the questionnaire.I’ll also grateful to my classmates, because they gave me appropriate suggestions, and recommended me many useful books.As to some parts of my essay, they raised very meaningful questions and shared their opinions with me, which benefited my article a lot.Thus I realize that my essay have to be referred to the real situation in the class of senior high schools, the objective of the New English Curriculum, and some rules teachers need to obey.Last but not least, I thank my family very much.During my stay at school, they encourage me all the way, and provide me with careful care and sufficient money.What’s more, they are my inexhaustible.iii

Contents 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………i Abstract………………..………………………………………………….………ii Acknowledgements..………………………………………………………….iii Introduction………………………………………………………… …………..1 Chapter One The present situation of lexical teaching in Senior High schools.........................................................................................3 1.1 Definition Positive phenomena are showed: teaching approaches of teachers and study methods of students are both improved.......................3 1.2 Negative aspects: unavoidable problems exist…………………………4 1.3 Questions are put forward…………………………………………………..5 Chapter Two The rules and factors that teachers should obey during their teaching……………………………………………….6 2.1.The rules and factors that teachers should obey during their teaching………………………………………………………………………….…6 2.1.1 The rules in vocabulary itself………….………………………… …… ….6 2.1.2 The factors of students’ physiology and psychology……………………..8 2.1.3 Teaching procedures should be in line with the memory law...................9 2.2 Feasible teaching approaches on English lexicon………………………9 2.2.1 The importance of the context and extra-curriculum reading……………9 2.2.2.Using the context as a medium to convey multiple effectual lexical teaching approaches……………………………………………………………….11 2.2.3 Activities to help remembering words……………………………… ……14 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....15

Bibliography….………………………………………………….… ……………16 Appendix A….………………………………………………….… …………......17 Appendix B….………………………………………………….… ……………..19


Analysis of Lexical Teaching in Senior High Schools


Since 20 century 70s, with the further researches into acquisition of language, we can recognize clearly that the mastery of vocabulary is quite crucial for language understanding and language output(Wang Jing,2009:11).The famous linguist Wilkins said: ―Without grammar, we can hardly express something;while without words, we can not express anything.‖(Wilkins D.A.,1972:85)So if one wants to learn a language well, the most basic thing he needs to do is learn words.While in traditional teaching pattern, teachers usually teach words solely.That is: they teach students to read new words, and give students the meanings, some collocations, and then ask them to remember.That is force-feeding method of teaching,aiming at increasing the quantity of words, not the quality of words’ output.As a result, students will be in a state of ―passive‖, very negative and lack interest, to some extent.Successful learning is forged out of learners’ motive and impulse, compiling methods of studying materials , interesting ,etc(He Keyong,2002:334).There is no doubt that teachers are supposed to respect students’ emotion and interest, to obey the memory law.Besides, most words have not only a single meaning, and they are connected with other words and phrases closely.Quite a few linguists consider that teachers can not teach vocabulary solely.They should provide concrete context and typical sentences to teach, classify words due to meanings, expand interrelated words(synonyms, antonym, hyponymy),adopt topic inductions(based on a certain topic, students are going to imagine other words and collocations), and also conduct ways of roots、derivatives and compound words.But vocabulary is the sign of one’s thought, we learn and use them constantly because they can convey some meaning, and offer us ideas(He Keyong, 2002:344).To have a solid knowledge of learned words, students should practice them in real situations, and promote ability of using them.There is also another thing we should pay attention to that among the information we have forgotten, 80% is acquired at the first time of learning, and we lost it within 24 hours, after which the forgetting rate will decline(Li Guanyi, 2007:8).Besides observing this rule ,students also need remember the words repeatedly and regularly.Moreover ,as a teacher, presiding students actively output vocabulary rightly by using communicating principles of teaching is necessary In this essay ,I intend to discuss some factors influencing results of teaching and effective teaching methods for vocabulary, coming up with an approach of putting new words in contexts , and then students can think out their own ways to quicken and fortify their memory, such as working in groups to show special ways of remembering words ,using roots and derivatives.Chapter One The present situation of lexical teaching in Senior High schools.1.1 Positive phenomena are showed: teaching approaches of teachers and study methods of students are both improved.The modern education of China focuses on students’ quality education, and promotes their all-around ability.In line with this objective, the New English Curriculum was conducted at the beginning of 21 century, aiming at upgrading students’ mind, lighten their study burden, and make them more skillful in practice.In terms of the reform, the English teachers are required to plan the classes fit for the traits of teenagers’ physiology and psychology, linguistic rules of acquiring linguistics, in order to meet different needs of students.The questionnaire conducted among the freshmen(whose hometown is Chengdu)in Southwest Petroleum University this year, is named ―Questionnaire on how the Senior High students study English and remember English words‖(It is abbreviated as ―Questionnaire‖ in the following contents).From questions 11-14 in the Questionnaire, one can judge that English teachers have noticed that students play an most important role during lexical teaching, so that they have been adopting a series of effective approaches to present new looks in class:

 To introduce cooperative and inquiry learning process, and lessen students’ study burden to give more time and space. To change the dubious and sole way of explaining and extending vocabulary, to practice the learnt words in certain contexts, and to set scenes to use them. To adopt new and interesting ways(the Natural Approach/ Total Physical Response/ the Silent Way/Audio-lingual Method, etc.)based on students’ features. To apply multimedia which gather pictures/sound/letters/ video together besides the basic teaching device like chalks and blackboards, thus make the word

teaching more vivid and direct, and making the students more impressive on what the teacher imparts.While teachers’ aim is not to teach knowledge but methods, thus drawing out their study potential, achieving the goal of teaching.During the New English Curriculum, students’ study is more and more drew our attention.Among the Questionnaire, questions 6、8、11、17、24、26、27、30、31 have showed that:  They have realized that they themselves are the master of study;therefore they summarize effective approaches of learning and remembering vocabulary and discuss their doubts actively. They are exploring the rules of study constantly, classify the words which are similar in pronunciation, spelling, meaning, or have opposite meaning;they are also engaged in analyzing lexical roots, the speech, derivation and collocation.Then they can easily form a memory system. Besides applying what they have learned in practice, students use their spare time to learn extracurricular material, enriching their mind.From these phenomena we can conclude that the lexical teaching methods of Senior High schools in Chengdu are efficient to some extent.However, there are also many aspects need improving because there are some unavoidable problems.1.2 Negative aspects: unavoidable problems exist

The New English Curriculum is certainly a kind of reform, and it can be more effective in exploiting students’ potential and interest in applying the knowledge, which adapts to the social development better.Nevertheless, the solutions are always accompanied with problems.The reform helps to promote, while it never can achieve its goal in a short of time.The traditional lexical teaching still prevails among the Senior High schools, which means not that all the traditional ways are useless, but one needs to remove its bad ones.From questions 1、15、19、28 , one can conclude some drawbacks:  The teacher, as a leading factor, and the textbook, as a classroom center unscientifically dominate the whole class, making students have little time and

chance to think and participate. The teachers teach nonstandard pronunciation, causing students’ difficulties in listening and communication;the teacher imparts words solely without any context and explains words simply, causing students’ great troubles in translation and comprehension. The teacher goes against the memory law because he/ she doesn’t lead students to do review, and rarely put them in use. The teacher seldom expand the words to other usage except in the book, making students can’t master and use them flexibly.These problems led to some ―problem students‖.From questions 3, 4, 5,7,25, one can get the following troubles of the students. Most students are quite reliable on their teachers, short of perseverance, can’t review the learnt vocabulary regularly actively, and don’t look up words in dictionaries. Most students have got used to the teacher acting as a leading factor in class, reciting words repeatedly in order to pass exams. Students can use what they have remembered to solve practical problems, and can’t flexibly understand the words in other contexts and scenes.1.3 Questions are put forward.These negative sides are not produced in one day, and they are brought by the traditional teaching which has profound origins.That’s to say, we can’t handle them in one moment.It is the specific situations that one takes in account to reform the previous teaching selectively.Only borrowing the essence of lexical teaching overseas and innovate new approaches, can one succeed.Therefore, what causes these problems in lexical teaching? Certainly it connects closely with the necessary factors of the class: teachers, students, textbooks, the vocabulary itself, teaching approaches, etc.However everything has its rules.So in the teaching procedures, what kind of rules will the teachers obey and what factors they need to notice? Is there any effective lexical teaching methods?

Chapter Two The factors and rules that English teachers need to notice in lexical teaching.2.1 The rules and factors that teachers should obey during their teaching.2.1.1 The rules in vocabulary itself

Each language has an abundant glossary, and every word is unique, but not isolated(Lan Chun, 2009:82).Without connection with those elements to which it closely relates to, the teaching is ineffective, and efforts don’t get reward.In order to make the teaching procedure promptly and effectively, and deepen students’ impression, comprehension and flexibility of using the words, teachers must analyze a certain word in different perspectives, as well as what it is associated with.Phonetic factors.Linguisticians believe that though the definition of vocabulary is various, the relevant basic content it refers to is just a matter of sound and meaning(Lu Guoqiang, 2007:1).From questions 10 and 23, one can judge that it is a popular recognition of students that the standard pronunciation helps a lot to listening and spelling.As a matter of fact, the standard pronunciation can benefits their expressions.Therefore, teachers ought to lead students to analyze phonetic symbols, spell and articulate correctly.Then students practice in this way repeatedly and regard it as a way of remembering words, which can avoid learning by rote.―Tease‖, taken for example, is pronunciated [ti: z].Before teaching students to read it, teachers can ask them to count how many vowels there are, whether every vowel has a corresponding pronunciation, and if they have, then how to?

Through analyzing, one can know that there are 3 vowels, among which, the ―ea‖ in the middle reads [i:], and the ―e‖ at the end is silent.From this, students can see that there is just only one vowel sound in the phonetic symbol, so‖ tease‖ is a single syllable.In that way, it is stressed.Those words like eat, meat, neat, least, beat, contain ―ea‖ reading [i:].Besides, teachers will also guide students to find out differences between [t]and[d], [i:] and[i], [s]and[z].Thus students will master some

pronunciation rules themselves, generalize some words containing the same pronunciation, and they can learn vocabulary by themselves in the long run.Word-formation.Aimed at fostering students’ ability to decompose word-buildings, and strengthen their understanding, the approaches like conversion, derivative, compound, acronym, blend, backformation, etc, are introduced.Here, examples are given about the former three kinds.Conversion.Among the English words one learns, the words whose part of speech can be conversed account a large proportion.For example, ―look‖ is usually used as a verb means ‖看‖ in Chinese.While in the phrase ―have a look‖, it is a noun.What’s more, when it refers to the expressions on face, it is a noun.Another example, ―head‖ is usually used as a noun, meaning ―头部‖ in Chinese.While when it acts as a verb, it means ―to lead‖, ―to entitle‖.Here examples are given to show nouns changed into verbs.Besides this, there are also adjectives changed into verbs(like better), adverbs changed into verbs(like out), adjectives changed into nouns(like the old), etc.Derivations.Generally prefix and suffix are added to words to alter their part of speech and meaning.For example, ―-r‖ is added to the verb ―write‖, and the noun ―writer‖ is formed.―Dis-‖ is added to the verb ―like‖, then the antonym ―dislike‖ got.―Ness‖ is added to the adjective ―nice‖, and then the noun ―niceness‖ formed.The following are some common affixes:

Noun affixes:-ness,-or,-er,-tion,-ence,-ian,-ess,-ty,-al,-sion; Verb affixes:-fy, en-,-ize,-ate;

Adjective affixes:-y,-ed,-ful,-tive,-able,-ing,-ish,-less,-y;Negative affixes: dis-,il-, im-,-in, anti-, mis-, non-;

If students have mastered these common affixes, they can be more skillful in applying words in practice.Compound.Compound words are formed by two or more words, which are easily understood.For example, a noun and a noun: policeman, blackboard, weekend, airplane, chairman;a gerund and a noun: waiting-room, living-room, dining-room;a adjective and a noun: gentleman, blue-sky, warm-heart, present-day.Besides, there 7

are also compound words that consisting of adjectives and verbs, prepositions and nouns, verbs and adverbs, adjectives and adverbs, etc.Very word has its unique traits and if students find and take advantage of them, they can go further and avoid cram up.2.1.2 The factors of students’ physiology and psychology.Education must adapt to students’ growth.It must be based on the development situation of personal physiology and psychology, development rules, mature mechanism, as well as fit for a certain level of growth, the developing order, all-round cultivation, uniqueness, etc.Thus, education can be a reliable insurance(Li Sen &Chen Xiaorui,2009:59).The Senior High students are transmitting from youngsters to adults, and finalize their shapes and personalities.Though their bodies and minds become mature gradually, their intelligence is more and more perfected, and their improvement on the faculty of memory, judge, logic thinking is outstanding, there appear many conflicts and contradictions.Above all, they strengthen their self-consciousness, independence of judging things, and competence of analyzing;on the other hand, their psychology is so unstable and sentimental that they are easily disturbed by outside things and will easily rebel others.Second, their perseverance increase to a higher level, and they can control and drive themselves to some extent;however, they still lack of willpower, and easily turn impulse and paranoid.Third, they are very enthusiastic and self confident;but they are also conceited.When they fail, they can never recover and then they will feel the study is boring.In addition, the day they step into the Senior High schools, they begin to burden all kinds of pressure, especially the college entrance examination.This results in their anxiety, tense, and tiredness.Based on the above analysis, one can judge that those students’ potential to learn is endless.But if the English teachers merely add the task of remembering and doing exercises, or just tell them some skills to cope with exams, their subjective initiative, activity, and the ability to think can’t find a way out.As a result, teachers, the ones that they can depend on, will one day make them lose their own thinking and creativity.Therefore, under the New English Curriculum, tedious lexical teaching approaches should be renewed, students’ potential needs exploiting, and passing exams is not that important as previous.To find out efficient methods, in what way students want to be taught must be taken into consideration.To sum up, I think that the approaches which can activate students’ initiative and interests, that to say, fit for their physiology and psychology, deserve the description ―efficient‖.2.1.3 Teaching procedures should be in line with the memory law.The great psychologist, H.Ebbinghaus discovered that lethe begins upon the moment the study stops.While the process is not heterogeneous.First, the Lethe’s speed is fast and quantity large, and then its speed will slow down and quantity small(Yang Hong&Wu Tianwu&Wang Chengxiang, 2006:143).As to daily study, teachers need to supervise and urge students to make a plan of remembering vocabulary and conduct it regularly.Sometimes, tests are supposed to be given to help them consolidate their impression and understanding.To deal with the newly learnt words, teachers can introduce this method: remembering the words every a unit time.For example, a student learns 10 words in 5 minutes in the morning;and uses another 5minutes to review in the middle of the morning;and repeats the review in more times until the student can remember all of them.What’s more, in daily class, teachers repeat the words to make them notice and review.In addition, contexts and scenes are supposed to be introduced.2.2 Feasible teaching approaches on English lexicon.2.2.1 The importance of the context and extra-curriculum reading.There is no doubt that all kinds of efficient methods have been put forward and applied in practice.Among these methods, one can find out that the most popular ones are like conversion, derivative, compound, acronym, blend, backformation which have been mentioned above.What’s more, introducing some social common sense by using the target word, giving students some scenes or contexts to figure out the word’s meaning, making some comparison between the similar words and

phrases, using the target words to tell or make up stories which can interest students, are also prevail among the Senior High classes.However, the context is the crucial factor or medium which determines different connotations of the same word, that is to say, without the context, a word’s diverse meaning can’ t be conveyed, and this word means little to the learners.As a result, learners can understand the same word in different texts, let alone use it flexibly.There is a common view that different contexts can endow the same word different connotation.On the other hand, individual words are critical in building blocks in text-meaning construction, efficient in converting graphic symbols into sound or meaning or information, and indispensable in comprehension(Keiko Koda, 2007:29).All in all, reading texts and studying glossary are simultaneous, and each of them benefits the other.From this reason, one can judge that lexical learning or teaching can’t be separated from the context.But in the textbooks, there are indeed many writings and grammar points, which are mastered by the students skillfully.Then why they can’t understand other texts from extra-curriculum materials, consisting of the same vocabulary they have learned? And why they can’t use the same glossary elastically in another way which is different from the usage in the text book?

That’s because students are lack of extra-curriculum reading.Repeated contact with a large amount of words in print is potential to gaining scholarly glossary, and developing techniques for studying new words from texts.It is quite necessary.While in most Senior High schools’ English classes, the textbook is the main-oriented material and teachers spend little time to notice the importance of extra-curriculum reading to students’ study.And then students have the excuse that it is not necessary to read other things because their main objective is to pass exams and get high scores and the teachers design the exams in line with the textbook.So this is a vicious circle in our education.So, from here, one can discover the reason for the students do little extra reading in English.If effective methods are intended to acquire, extra reading must be encouraged and studying new words in personal-suit ways should be incited.Nevertheless, teachers can’t spend much time in guiding students to do extra-reading in class because the class time is limited and the chief aim is to meet the syllabus’ requirements.Therefore there must be a plan, which both can make teachers have time to lead students to do extra-reading, and doesn’t affect the teaching procedures.But how to design that kind of plan? 2.2.2.Using the context as a medium to convey multiple effectual lexical teaching approaches.To assure the normal teaching process, teachers can lead students just do extra-reading once or twice a week.However, there are so many good methods to teach words.And if teachers merely use only the context, that will be tedious and soon the students will get bored.So how can the teachers balance the context and the vivid atmosphere?

As far as I am concerned, using the context as a medium to convey multiple effectual lexical teaching approaches.Well, maybe it makes people feel confused.Let me explain.Teachers can choose one passage from the extra-reading exercises as an example, but the passage must be suitable for students in both the degree of difficulty and rationality of arranging the new words.In that case, teachers have to figure out which level of English and vocabularies have the students are in, which part the students know well and which part they should make efforts to remedy.Referring to the passage ―After Divorce‖ in Appendixⅱ, one can see clearly how to make it.First, the passage is given with the 10 new words which are going to be learnt, and phonetic symbols are showed just after these words to facilitate students to pronounce.Second, after students finish the whole passage, they ought to know the main idea of the passage.Then, they’ll do a test.In the text, 10 questions are designed directed against the 10 words one by one.These questions are mainly about the words’ meaning, and conducted to let the students to dope out their meaning according to the context.Each question has 3 options that show 3 kinds of meaning of the same word, and students are required to choose the best one due to their

understanding.Third, the teacher leads students to analyze these questions one by one.While I have mentioned that each has its own traits, so various ways are encouraged to use that is to say, each word has a special way to learn.The specific learning procedures of each word is showed obviously in Appendixⅱ.And here I just select some typical points to discuss.Take the first word, ―split‖ for example, this word is very simple, but it is not easy to remember because its pronunciation /split/ and spelling will easily make students mix it with ―spilt‖, ―slip‖, ―splice‖, ―spiel‖ etc.So I suggest that teachers can use phonetic factors to remember.Above all, teachers teach students to enunciate the phonetic symbol ―sp‖, and to generalize some words containing the same sound: speed, space, spot, speak, spic, etc.Then, teachers can teach students to articulate the sound ―spl‖, and classify some words owning the articulation, splat, slake , spleen, splice, spore, etc.Therefore, the word ―split‖ can impress students well with its pronunciation.In addition, teachers can introduce the phrases ―split the vote‖, ―split the ticket‖ to students.In this way, students can learn something about the American election as well as the phrases themselves.I think this is better than only explaining the word or phrases.The same way is also applied to explain the second word ―parochial‖, the third word ―welfare‖, the fifth word ―utilities‖, etc.Another way is to use derivatives.For instance, the forth word ―comfortably‖, here I adopt derivatives.First of all, this word is derived from ―comfort‖, from which one can get a series of words.Com-in ―comfort‖ originally means combination/commonness, or serves as a root to stress the tone.And the ―-fort‖ originally refers to strengthen/enhance/reinforce.So the word ―comfort‖ can be explained in this way: if people come together to strengthen their union and care each other, the world will be peaceful and people will be cozy.Based on this, ―comfortable‖, ―comforts‖, ―comforting‖, ―comforter‖, ―comfortably‖ are got.The same way is suitable for the seventh word the eighth one ―extended‖.Then, I must mention that using interesting story to arouse students’ interest in

learning the knowledge the teachers are talking about is very popular nowadays.In the passage After Divorce, the word, ―teased‖ whose archetype is ―tease‖, is imparted through a fair tale.To explain the phrase, I use the story of the Crow and the Fox which has been very familiar to all the students in their childhood.Here it is used to show the fox cheats the crow to drop the meat from her mouth with a cunning strategy.This action of the fox is called ―to tease out the meat from the crow‖.Among the ten words, the tenth one ―hardship‖ is a compound word.In this situation, when learners meet it, first of all, they need to find how many words subject to ―hardship‖.It is easy to know that there are two words in it: ―hard‖ and ―ship‖.―Hard‖ means strict, severe, difficult, tough, solid, rigid, etc, and ship is a noun and verb meaning a large boat which carries passengers or cargo.Furthermore, it means a kind of relationship, ability, or situation, like judgeship, friendship, headship, relationship, etc.In this case, hardship can be explained this way: a sort of difficult situation.Besides all of above, I also use turn scenes into sentences which contain target words to require students to think out the word’s meaning in differences.This is used on the word ―split‖, ―teased‖, ―extended‖ in the passage After Divorce.What’s more, giving students target word’s synonymies and anonyms which I have used to explain nearly all the ten words.Perhaps limited by the passage, many interesting and effective methods are not adopted in these words.While if possible, teachers can integrate more in teaching.For example, telling differences between two or more words and phrases, making dialogues, reciting tongue twisters, making up short stories.Forth, after learning all the words, students are asked to reread the passage and redo the questions.At the same time, their speed should be much quicker.Fifth, students may forget what they have learnt very quickly within 24 hours.Consequently, the next class, teachers have to review those words for them.But, that will make the students passive.Therefore, students need to do the review themselves.They should work in groups, and each group has 2-3 people.The task is

that each group has to come up with a way to deepen the memory of at least two new words.They can copy the teachers’ way but their explanation must be correct;they can also create new ways like singing a song, playing a game, reciting something, doing some comparison, etc.However, since time is limited, their review should be controlled within 10 minutes.And every class, 2 or 3 groups are supposed to perform.As to the rest of the words which have been learnt last time but not reviewed by groups’ performance, teachers can help students go through them in 5 minutes.2.2.3 Activities to help remembering words.Although some students have a very large vocabulary, they always do badly in exams.To some extent, it is because they don’t know how to use them.And they are under great pressure of the college entrance examination, and have much exercise to do.So, English teachers can plan some activities to arouse their initiative in lexical learning, and use their mastered glossary in practice.These activities can be words’ competition, using given words to make up a short story in 5minutes, singing English songs, watching interesting movies and then taking notes to repeat the plots in English, debates, etc.Whatever ways teachers apply, the aim is to enhance the students’ ability of using what they have learnt in practice.This benefits a lot to their listening, reading comprehension, writing, speaking, and even single option.And this method can also lessen their stress, finding some pleasure similar to the undergraduates.14


It’s easy to point out the drawbacks of teachers’ teaching pattern;it’s a bit difficult to figure out the reasons;the most difficult thing is to feel the feasible ways of teaching and they will turn out effective in practice.While teaching lexicon is a very applicative technique, in that case, if one designs new methods to teach, he must conduct it in class.And based on observe and study teaching situation and the average level of the student body in a certain school, one can come up with the authentic problems and set a point where teachers should focus on their weak parts and make great efforts to improve.Only in this way can the methods agree with the real conditions, and turn out successful.As to new teachers, raising some new approaches to solve teaching lexical problems is not an easy thing.Therefore, except doing and analyzing investigates, and comparing different results caused by different methods, they need to consult those teachers who have rich experience, and good at managing the whole class.Perhaps not all the suggestions those teachers give are suitable for a certain school, but one can combine the advice with the local situation, and come up with the way fit for the class.That’s to say, selecting the ones fit the teachers’ personalities and the students’ study.Besides that, as I stated before, taking the factors: rules in vocabulary itself, students’ physiology and psychology, the memory law into consideration is really an important stage.And the method, using the context as a medium to convey multiple effectual lexical teaching approaches is just a minimum one, and whether it suits specific classes, one needs to implement it and refine it.Anyway, this procedure is mainly to explain in all kinds of ways.Thus, it can not be avoided that the students will get tired to some extend.Therefore, I propose some activities which interest students and provoke their potential.And of course, teachers need to consider the local conditions.Generally speaking, watching movies, performing a play, holding a debate, etc are all ways to make students learn something and happy.Bibliography 崔刚,孔宪遂,《英语教学十六讲》,北京:清华大学出版社,2009。


Wilkins D.A.Linguistics in Language Teaching.Cambridge: MIT press, 1972.何克勇,《英语词汇及起源》,北京: 清华大学出版社,2002。

李观义,《具有中国特色的外语教学法》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2007。Keiko Koda.Insight into Second Language Reading.Beijing: Cambridge University press, 2007.伍谦光,《语义学导论》,长沙:湖南教育出版社,1998。



The text in this document is

original Contextual Spelling Check 50issues

     

 Spelling(50)Ignored words

Commonly confused words Use of articles(16)

Incorrect use of prepositions(2)Pronoun agreement(2)

Punctuation within a sentence(61)Capitalization(1)Closing punctuation Writing style(27)Vocabulary use(26)Grammar 160issues

Punctuation 62issues

Style and Word Choice


Appendix A 新课改下高中学生对英语学习和英语单词记忆问卷调查


调查人数:100人 调查时间:2012年9月1日~2012年9月9日






















7.你在读英语文章碰到生词时,会查字典吗 ?()

















































19. 你阅读除课文以外的其它英语读物吗?()

























































Appendix B After Divorce My parents divorced/ di′v ɔ:st /(离婚)when I was two, and the repercussions/、ri:p ə `k ʌ ʃ ə n/(影响)of their split /split/lasted long after it was final.My mother was a parochial /p ə`rəukiə l/school teacher who earned just enough to stay off welfare/`welfεə /, but not enough for us to live comfortably/`k ʌ mf ə t ə bli/.Utilities /ju:`tiliti/in our home were shut off(不够用)from time to time, and it seemed like we would never catch up.My mother also worked nights, so after school I would go to my grandparents' house.I spent little time with my mother because she worked during the week, and eventually(最后)on weekends, too.My most painful memories of that time are not of being teased/ti:zd/ for my limited wardrobe/`w ɔ:dr əu b/, or the times we had no running water because my mother missed payments.The most difficult experience was watching my mother cry at night, while I hugged her and told her I loved her.Through all this, I learned so much.I came to value education, family and faith.I worked hard in school, and earned good grades.I learned from my mother's example(she went back to school after three children and a divorce)that it is important for a woman to go to college and not depend on a man.I came to value extended/iks`tendid/ family support and developed a close relationship with my grandparents and cousins because I was with them so much while my mother

worked.Last, my faith became very strong.Although my mother was very busy, she made sure we all went to church together every Sunday.Most important, we did not blame God for our situation.Instead, we thanked Him for the good things in our lives.We were grateful for the people who cared about us, for not being on the streets, and for good health when we did not have health insurance/in`ʃ uərəns /.My parents' divorce caused hardships/`ha:dʃip/ and pain, but it was also an experience that I would not change because of how much I learned.1.What does the word ―split‖ mean?()

A.An opening(裂缝)made violently as by pulling apart;B.A break or separation in some relationship.C.A promised or claimed share of loot(战利品)or money.2What does the word ―parochial‖ mean?()

A Relating to or supported by or located in a parish(教区);

B.Narrowly limited in outlook or scope;C.Some place which is too far away or remote.3.What does the word ―welfare‖ mean?()

A.Governmental provision of economic support to people in need.B.Something beneficial that aids or improves someone’s life or well-being.C.A contented(满足的)state of being happy, healthy and prosperous(繁荣的).4.What does the word ―comfortably‖ mean?()A.In mental comfort(舒适);without stress.B.In physical comfort.C.In financial(经济的)comfort.5.What does the word ―Utilities‖ mean?()

A A company that performs a public service;subject to government regulation.B Some daily tools or things used in household such as soap(肥皂)and washing powder.C The quality of being of practical use.6.What does the word ―teased‖ mean?()A.Feeling mild pleasurable excitement.B.Mock or make fun of some one;playfully.C.Annoy(使 烦恼)persistently(不断地)7.What does the word ―wardrobe‖ mean?()

A A tall piece of furniture that provides storage(储存)space of clothes;has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes.B Collection for clothing belonging to one person.C Collection for costumes(服饰)belonging to a theatrical(剧院的)company.8.What does the word ―extended‖ mean?()A Quite long in duration(延长);B Great in rang(范围)or scope(视野)C Became large in material(物质)rang or stretched forth 9.What does the word ―insurance‖ mean?()

A Promise of reimbursement(退还,偿还)in the case of loss;a kind of business paid to people or companies that so concerned about danger that they have made B Written contract or certificate of insurance;

C Protection for the safety of somebody or something.10.What does the word ―hardships‖ mean?()

A Situation in which your life is difficult or unpleasant, often because you don’t have enough money.B Ships which is old and can’t work well.C Some problems which are hard to solve.Following is the teaching procedures: 1.Split.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciate it correctly.Then give them its part of speech.And its elementary meaning is‖分开、分裂、断裂、分担‖,which in English we can connect it with‖cut/share/break/crack/segment/disagree/divide/sever/separate,etc‖.Moreover, Split can be transitive verb, intransitive verb, adjective and noun.What’s more ,students can associate the opposite meaning:―联合、团结、联系、结合‖,which in English we can say ―unite/connect/combine/together/same/cooperate, etc‖.②Give students the following sentences and ask them to figure out what split means in each sentence:

*If something splits or you split it, it is broken into parts.*A split in a group is a disagreement between its members.*A split is a long crack.*If some people split something, they share it with each other.③ Giving some usage of split in order to help students to consolidate their impression about it.Ask them whether they know ―split the ticket/split the vote/split one’s side‖.Then Teacher explains them in details.*split the vote:(the candidate, the small parties)to attract another candidate’s or party’s votes causing destruction to both sides and makes the third win.And this usually happens in the western countries.*split the ticket: to vote for more than one party.*split one’s sides: to laugh very happily so that one will press his belly.④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―split‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 1.2.Parochial ①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciate it correctly.Generally speaking, it is adjective.When teaching this word, Teacher shows the meaning in English;at the same time, students guess it in Chinese.For example, parochial is closely connected with parish;it also refer to ―narrow/limited/ short sighted/small-minded‖ ②Parochial school.It is a kind of religious school, as a sort of assistant education of normal one in West countries, especially America.Another narrow usage is that it refers to the grammar schools of Christianity established by small parishes.As to British education, the parochial schools set up by the national religion form the basis of the educational system assisted by the state.③Some collocations and use in scene.For example: *parochial affairs;

*He is too parochial in his outlook because he is in parish.④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at parochial in the passage, identify its 21

meaning and finish exercise 2.3.Welfare.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.In English, its meaning is very similar to or closely connected with benefit/prosperity/interest/advantage/health/peace.So students can guess its basic meaning is ―福利、健康、安宁、幸福‖.And it is a noun.②Next analyze its formation to make it impressed on students.From its spelling and pronunciation we can jude that welfare consists of two parts: ―wel‖ and ―fare‖.―Wel‖ is similar to well, and we can treat it as ―good/fine/well‖;on the other hand, ―fare‖ convey the meaning ―fee/the price of ticket/food‖.In that case, the compound word ―welfare‖ is associated with benefit/prosperity/interests, etc.③ Teacher gives students some expressions of welfare in our daily life.* welfare fund

*social welfare

*welfare state

*child welfare

④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―welfare‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 3.4.Comfortably.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.In English, its meaning is very similar to or closely connected with cosines/ease/pleasure, etc.What’s more, it is an adverb.② Point out that comfort is comfortably’s derivation.Let’s start from the derivation, comfort(it can be a noun and a verb), which can be divided into two parts: ―com‖ and ―fort‖.The root ―com‖ is interrelated with combination/commonness, that is to say, it means ―共同的‖in Chinese;on the other hand, it serves as a root to stress the tone.The root ―fort‖ is closely linked with strengthen/enhance/reinforce, which mostly means ―加强‖in Chinese.So the word comfort can be explained in this way: if people come together to strengthen their union and care each other, the world will be peaceful and people will be cozy.Comfort +-able(an adjective derivational morpheme, meaning‖可……的‖ in Chinese):comfortable(舒适的);

Comfort +-ing(an adjective derivational morpheme, meaning possessing a certain quality): comforting(令人舒适的);

Comfort +-er(an noun derivational morpheme, meaning a kind of people or thing): comforter(安慰者、羊毛围巾);

Comfortable +-ly(an adverb derivational morpheme): comfortably(舒适地);

Comfort +-s(a plural derivational morpheme,standing nouns): comforts(令人愉快的人或物)③Give some expressions used in daily life, and set a scene to make students to use them in conversation.*comfortably off

*creature comforts

* comfortable winner ④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―comfortably‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 4.5.Utilities.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.Teacher leads students to figure out its archetype ―utility‖, which can be both a noun and a adjective.Being a noun, it possesses two parts of meaning.On the one hand, its meaning is abstract, sharing the same connotation with effectiveness/use/function to some degree;on the other hand, its meaning is concrete, sharing the same connotation with service/ public welfare/tool/implement to some

degree.Being an adjective, it means useful in many ways or works.Teacher gives definitions or examples to make it more clear to students:(1).The utility of something is its usefulness.(2).A utility is an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays for.② In English, the root ―util-‖ refers to ―use‖.In that case, ―-ity‖ is added to it to form a word ―utility‖, connecting with ―use‖.③So Teacher show students some utility’s phrases.First, let them guess;And then give them the answers;Last, set some scenes to practice.*utility pole

*domestic utility

*utility service

*utility room

*utility theory ④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―utilities‖ in the passage, identify it-s meaning and finish exercise 5.6.Teased.①Giving basic information about this word, which is: Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.Teacher point-s out that its archetype is tease, which can be a noun and a verb.As a noun, it has the meaning of ―someone who likes laughing at or playing jokes on others‖.As a verb, it means ―to laugh at others or make jokes about them in order to embarrass, annoy, or ups-et them.‖ Teacher shows students several sentences to deepen their comprehension.*My brother is such a tease.*The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.*The other boys tease him because he is fat.②From tease, one can get teaser, possessing the same meaning as ―someone who likes laughing at or playing jokes on others‖.What’s more, it refers to ―a difficult question, especially in competition‖.For example, whether to accept this offer is really a teaser.③ Teacher uses the tale of the Crow and the Fox to explain the phrase ―tease out‖.ThenTeacher gives a conclusion: the phrase means using some cunning way to get certain information / solution/secret/profit, etc.So in this tale, the fox tries to tease out the meat from the crow.More sentences are imparted: *They try to tease out the answer without appearing to ask him.*The thief intended to tease out the key to the door from the baby.④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―teased‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 6.7.Wardrobe.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.It is a nou-n.When one sees this word, he can get the same meaning from closet/bureau, and kn-o w that it means ―a tall cupboard or cabinet in which one can hang your clothes‖.More sentences are showed to students:

*Someone’s wardrobe is the total collection of clothes that they have.*She stuffed her clothes in the wardrobe.② Wardrobe can be divided into two parts: ―ward‖ and ―robe‖.Ward: as a noun, it means ―a room in a hospital which has beds for many people, ofte-n people who need similar treatment‖(病房)or ―a district which forms part of a political constituency or

local council‖(行政区、选区).*Ward off(v.avoid)

*warder(n.someone who works in a prison supervising the prisoners.)

*warden(n.doorkeeper/the head of a county)

Robe: a loose piece of clothing which covers all of your body and reaches the ground.(睡袍)For example, she put her robe on the chair.*Work robe

*baby robe

To sum up, the word, wardrobe can be explained this way: a cabinet where one’s clot-hes are deposited.③Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―wardrobe‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 7.8.Extended.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.First, Teach –er shows students its archetype ―extend‖.Extend is a transitive verb and intransitive verb.And ―extend‖ contains two-faced meaning.On the one hand, it approximates to reach /increase/expand /enlarge /stretch/ magnify /broaden/ lengthen out, meaning ―延伸、增大、扩大‖ in Chinese.On the other hand, it approximates to donate /give grant supply/ furnish /contribute /allot/ provide /present, meaning ―给予、捐赠、分配‖in Chinese.Some examples are given: *The boss extended money to create new products.*This metal will extend when it is heated.②Extend can be separated into two parts: ―ex-‖ and ―-tend‖.Ex-: A: to make something out, such as exclude/expel/expose/extract, etc.B: something or someone is no longer the one it or he once was, such ex-wife, ex-president, ex-colonial.Tend-: A: to notice/ look after /care/mind, etc.B: something is likely to happen frequently;someone is likely to behave/say in a certain way.To sum up, ―extend‖ basically can be explained this way: something is likely to get larger/more/longer/out/spread.More meaning of it is show in the following sentences: *This speech has extended for two hours.(持续)*This paper extends to a lot of practical problems.(涉及)*I’m glad that you extended my mother an invitation.(发出)③Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―extended‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 8.9.Insurance.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.Generally speaking, it is a noun, meaning an arrangement where you pay money to a company, and they pay money back once something bad occurs to you, such as if your belongings are stolen or damaged/ if you catch a severe disease(保险);What’s more it also refers to some measures done to make up great loss in future(保险措施).②Teacher tells students that insurance’s verb is insure(intransitive and transitive).And insure can be analyzed as following: insure consists of two parts: ―in‖ and ―sure‖.In-: inside;in power;on position or it is a negative affix.Sure: certain;firmly assure something;and it can be both an adjective and adverb.Therefore we can explain ―insure‖ in this way: one is certain about something heartily(确

定);one promises somebody something(保证);one safeguards somebody/something(保护).Moreover, some synonyms are offered: *assure



*certify ③Teacher introduces some expressions used in daily life: *insurance company

* insurance act

* insurance law

*insurance amount

*insurance industry ④Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―insurance‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 9.10.Hardship.①Giving basic information about this word, that is :Due to phonetic symbol in the passage, Teacher leads students to spell and pronunciation it correctly.It is usually used as a noun, approximating to ―difficulty/ trouble/ handicap, etc‖.②Two parts(hard and ship)forms ―hardship‖.From this, hardship is defined as a compo--und word.Hard: strict, severe, difficult, tough, solid, rigid, etc.Ship: a noun and verb;a large boat which carries passengers or cargo.Furthermore, it means a kind of relationship, ability, or situation, like judgeship/friendship/leadship/relationship, etc.So in hardship,-ship means a kind of situation, and hard refer to difficult.Thus, hards--hip signifies a sort of difficult situation.③Based on these analyses, Teacher lets students look at ―insurance‖ in the passage, identify its meaning and finish exercise 10.25
















14、关键词,key words,注意加s,因为关键词有几个,是复数;每个关键词中间用“;”隔开,英文每个关键词语第一个字母不要大写;

15、题目下一行写“数学与应用数学2008级(1)班”,英文翻译“Mathematics and applied mathematics2008(1)class”;


17、参考文献,这四个字顶格写,序号用[1] [2] [3] [4] [5],括号不要用【】这种,在序号要后空一格,如

[12] 谭小江,伍胜健,复变函数简明教程.北京:北京大学出版社,2006.[13] 夏志,一类复变函数极点阶数的确定.渤海大学学报(自然科学版),2005.18、行距一般为1.5倍;









随着生着生产力的大发展及国际分工进一步深化,世界产业结构发生了较大的调整,服务业逐渐成为世界经济结构的重心,也成为各国经济增长的主要动力。伴随着经济全球化进程加快,国与国之间依赖加强,贸易往来密切,当今国际服务贸易迅猛增长,日益成为国际贸易的主要对象和内容,由此导致服务贸易在国际贸易中的地位不断上升,亦成为一个国家或地区经济的国际竞争力的重要标志。在服务业中,生产者服务作为服务业和制造业的粘合剂 ,成为先进工业化国家后期工业化的重要特征。中国作为发展中国家,制造业发展迅速,但服务水平较低,服务贸易存在大量的逆差,尤其在高新技术含量和知识含量高的生产者服务贸易上与发达国家差距显著,缺乏国际竞争力,成为产业价值链中较薄弱的环节,直接影响和制约着中国在经济全球化中的国际分工格局与利益分配。基于对中国生产着服务贸易研究,结合相关理论,本文引用实证描述了中国生产者服务贸易的发展现状,接着通过对一些实际数据进行深入分析,提出了我国生产性行业所存在的问题,并针对性的给出了政策建议.【关键词】生产者 服务贸易 进出口结构 现状 对策

























几乎被标红,说明与相似文献存在重合和高度相似,经过以上方式结合,本句可改为: 过热故障中出现的过热容易与变压器正常运行下的发热相混淆,后者是因为其绕组和铁芯会出现铜损和铁损的现象,这是正常运行过程中的发热,而变压器过热故障是受到有效热应力造成的绝缘加速劣化,具有中等水平的能力密度。



上世纪九十年代以来,在生产力提高、科技进步、跨国公司活跃等因素的共同驱动下,经济全球化席卷全球,世界经济越来越成为一 个整体,跨国公司根据其战略部署在世界范围内对生产要素和资源进行优化配置和重新整合,这导致国际贸易和分工的方式悄然发生 了变化,由传统的产业间分工模式逐步演化为同一产品不同工序和区段上的分工体系,即产品内分工。


从20世纪末以来,在新的科技革命及跨国公司迅速发展的带动下,全球经济日趋一体化,各国经济在世界范围内实现了竞争与协作相结合的良好共存局面。在全球范围内,各生产要素由于跨国公司的快速发展实现了优化配置和重新整合,从而使国陈贸易和世界分工的方式产生了适应新时代要求的变化,传统的产业分工方式开始转变为因产品在工序和区段上的差异而进行的分工方式,这也就是我 们所说的产品之中的分工。


























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