周小川在银行间市场清算所股份有限公司开业仪式上的讲话 2009-11-28

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第一篇:周小川在银行间市场清算所股份有限公司开业仪式上的讲话 2009-11-28

Address at the Opening Ceremony of the Shanghai Clearing House

Dr.Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People’s Bank of China

November 28, 2009 Shanghai

Mayor Han Zheng, Distinguished guests, Dear colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning.Today, we gather here to celebrate the establishment of the Shanghai Clearing House.This is a milestone in the development of China’s inter-bank market.On behalf of the People’s Bank of China(PBC), I’d like to extend warm Shanghai government and people for your gracious support.As a key component of the financial market system, the inter-bank market is playing an increasingly important role in macroeconomic management, fund allocation, pricing and risk management.The People’s Bank of China is committed to developing the inter-bank market.Over the past few years, efforts have been made to enhance financial innovation, improve the market-based mechanism, and expand institutional investors on the market.The inter-bank borrowing market and the inter-bank bond market totaled 114 trillion yuan, an increase of 560 percent from that in 2003.Nominal turnover of interest rate derivatives recorded 924.32 billion yuan, 6.56 times that in 2006, while nominal turnover of exchange rate derivatives registered US$917.9 billion, 7.07 times that in 2006.Transactions on the inter-bank foreign exchange market also multiplied.The rapidly developing inter-bank market needs more efficient and secure clearing services.In June, the PBC launched the net value clearing service for spot over-the-counter(OTC)transactions in the inter-bank foreign exchange market, which effectively reduced bilateral credit sizes and lowered clearing costs.The centralized clearing of OTC transactions is an international issue.Centralized clearing systems for over-the-counter spot trading and derivatives transactions of foreign exchange and interest rate products have been set up in advanced countries and in emerging market countries such as Brazil and India.More importantly, following the financial crisis, countries have reached consensus on controlling financial transactions risks.Countries agreed that lowering counterparty risk and ensuring effective supervision and regulation are the key to ensure secure and orderly development of the OTC derivatives market, which can be best achieved through centralized clearing.In April, the G20 agreed to introduce centralized clearing for Credit Default Swap(CDS)








银行间市场的快速发展客观上要求提供更加高效安全的清算服务。今年6月,人民银行在银行间外汇即期询价市场推出了净额清算服务,有效降低了双边授信额度和清算成本。从国际经验来看,世界各国都非常重视场外市场的集中清算问题,美欧等发达国家和巴西、印度等新兴市场国家都先后建立了针对外汇或利率等场外现货和衍生品交易的集中清算制度。特别值得关注的是,在这次国际金融危机发生后,各国在控制金融交易风险方面形成了共识,即保证场外衍生品市场安全、有序发展的关键是降低交易对手风险和进行有效监管,而建立集中清算制度能够为此提供最有效的技术保障。今年4月,G20集团就信用违约互换(CDS)交易采取集中清算达成共识,目前CDS交易的congratulations on the founding of the Shanghai Clearing House.I also thank the 清算所的成立表示热烈祝贺!对上海市委、市market has grown in both depth and width.In 2008, the turnover in the inter-bank 大机构投资者队伍,银行间市场的深度和广度周小川在银行间市场清算所股份有限公司开业仪式上的讲话

2009-11-28 1 transactions, and efforts to do this are already under way in U.S.and EU.Building an efficient financial system that is resilient to systemic risks is the focus throughout China’s financial reform and development.It is also the expectation from the central government.The inauguration of this professional and independent inter-bank clearing house represents a significant effort made by the PBC to address the global financial crisis, deepen financial market reform, enhance financial infrastructure and to promote Shanghai’s evolution to an international financial center in line with the arrangement of the central government.We believe that, with its comprehensive centralized clearing service to the central counterparty, the clearing house will provide efficient and financial innovation.The clearing house is also expected to help foster the philosophy that transactions, clearing and settlement are independent from one another.It will enhance market transparency, improve the availability of information on transaction and participant exposures, better guard against systemic risks, and safeguard financial stability.As an important intermediary that serves the inter-bank market, the Shanghai sense of risk prevention.It should work to build itself into a well managed, market-based, international, and professional institution to better meet the demand for ever increasing and diverse services.It is important to improve various arrangements, including membership, security, mark-to-market on a daily basis, and risk provisioning, and to enhance risk management to ensure secure, efficient, and stable functioning of the clearing system.The establishment of a sound corporate governance and a strong professional team are also critical for the clearing house to provide better services.Ladies and gentlemen, we have made significant achievements in developing China’s financial markets.The prospects are promising, yet our task is demanding.I hope that, with a keen awareness of responsibility and a spirit of innovation, the clearing house will provide secure, efficient, and low-cost clearing services for inter-bank participants.It is also my hope that the clearing work together to make concerted efforts to promote the rapid and sound development of China’s financial markets.Thank you.集中清算已在美国及欧盟逐步推行。




谢谢大家!cost-effective clearing service, and will provide technological support to advance 能够进一步提高清算效率,降低清算成本,并Clearing House is expected to focus on providing services, and develop a strong 上海清算所要深入贯彻落实科学发展观,牢固house will have the support from all shareholders and market participants.Let us 提供安全、高效和低成本的清算服务。希望各


2009-11-28 2


Address at the Opening Ceremony of the Shanghai

Clearing House

Dr.Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People’s Bank of China

November 28, 2009 Shanghai

Mayor Han Zheng, Distinguished guests, Dear colleagues, Ladies and

gentlemen,Good morning.Today, we gather here to celebrate the establishment of the Shanghai Clearing

House.This is a milestone in the development of China’s inter-bank market.On

behalf of the People’s Bank of China(PBC), I’d like to extend warm

Shanghai government and people for your gracious support.As a key component of the financial market system, the inter-bank market is

playing an increasingly important role in macroeconomic management, fund

allocation, pricing and risk management.The People’s Bank of China is

committed to developing the inter-bank market.Over the past few years, efforts

have been made to enhance financial innovation, improve the market-based

mechanism, and expand institutional investors on the market.The inter-bank

borrowing market and the inter-bank bond market totaled 114 trillion yuan, an

increase of 560 percent from that in 2003.Nominal turnover of interest rate

derivatives recorded 924.32 billion yuan, 6.56 times that in 2006, while nominal

turnover of exchange rate derivatives registered US$917.9 billion, 7.07 times

that in 2006.Transactions on the inter-bank foreign exchange market also

multiplied.The rapidly developing inter-bank market needs more efficient and secure

clearing services.In June, the PBC launched the net value clearing service for

spot over-the-counter(OTC)transactions in the inter-bank foreign exchange

market, which effectively reduced bilateral credit sizes and lowered clearing

costs.The centralized clearing of OTC transactions is an international issue.Centralized clearing systems for over-the-counter spot trading and derivatives

transactions of foreign exchange and interest rate products have been set up in

advanced countries and in emerging market countries such as Brazil and India.More importantly, following the financial crisis, countries have reached

consensus on controlling financial transactions risks.Countries agreed that

lowering counterparty risk and ensuring effective supervision and regulation are

the key to ensure secure and orderly development of the OTC derivatives

market, which can be best achieved through centralized clearing.In April, the

G20 agreed to introduce centralized clearing for Credit Default Swap(CDS)周小川行长在银行间市场清算所股份有限公司开业仪式上的讲话 2009年11月28日 尊敬的韩正市长,各位嘉宾、各位同仁,女士们、先生们: 上午好!今天,银行间市场清算所股份有限公司在上海正式成立,这是我国银行间市场发展史上的一件大事。我谨代表中国人民银行,向上海政府和各界给予清算所的关心与支持表示衷心感谢!银行间市场是我国金融市场体系的重要组成部分,在宏观调控、资金配置、价格形成和风险管理中发挥着日益重要的作用。近年来,人民银行积极推动银行间市场发展,加大金融产品创新力度,进一步完善市场运作机制,扩不断提升。2008年,银行间同业拆借市场和银行间债券市场交易量合计达114万亿元,较2003年增长5.6倍;利率和汇率衍生品名义成交额分别为9243.2亿元和9179亿美元,分别是2006年的6.56倍和7.07倍。银行间外汇市场交易量也成倍增长。银行间市场的快速发展客观上要求提供更加高效安全的清算服务。今年6月,人民银行在银行间外汇即期询价市场推出了净额清算服务,有效降低了双边授信额度和清算成本。从国际经验来看,世界各国都非常重视场外市场的集中清算问题,美欧等发达国家和巴西、印度等新兴市场国家都先后建立了针对外汇或利率等场外现货和衍生品交易的集中清算制度。特别值得关注的是,在这次国际金融危机发生后,各国在控制金融交易风险方面形成了共识,即保证场外衍生品市场安全、有序发展的关键是降低交易对手风险和进行有效监管,而建立集中清算制度能够为此提供最有效的技术保障。今年4月,G20集团就信用违约互换(CDS)

交易采取集中清算达成共识,目前CDS交易的congratulations on the founding of the Shanghai Clearing House.I also thank the 清算所的成立表示热烈祝贺!对上海市委、市market has grown in both depth and width.In 2008, the turnover in the inter-bank 大机构投资者队伍,银行间市场的深度和广度


1transactions, and efforts to do this are already under way in U.S.and EU.Building an efficient financial system that is resilient to systemic risks is the focus throughout China’s financial reform and development.It is also the expectation from the central government.The inauguration of this professional and

independent inter-bank clearing house represents a significant effort made by the PBC to address the global financial crisis, deepen financial market reform, enhance financial infrastructure and to promote Shanghai’s evolution to an international financial center in line with the arrangement of the central government.We believe that, with its comprehensive centralized clearing

service to the central counterparty, the clearing house will provide efficient and financial innovation.The clearing house is also expected to help foster the

philosophy that transactions, clearing and settlement are independent from one another.It will enhance market transparency, improve the availability of information on transaction and participant exposures, better guard against systemic risks, and safeguard financial stability.As an important intermediary that serves the inter-bank market, the Shanghai sense of risk prevention.It should work to build itself into a well managed, market-based, international, and professional institution to better meet the demand for ever increasing and diverse services.It is important to improve various arrangements, including membership, security, mark-to-market on a daily basis, and risk provisioning, and to enhance risk management to ensure secure, efficient, and stable functioning of the clearing system.The

establishment of a sound corporate governance and a strong professional team are also critical for the clearing house to provide better services.Ladies and gentlemen, we have made significant achievements in developing China’s financial markets.The prospects are promising, yet our task is

demanding.I hope that, with a keen awareness of responsibility and a spirit of innovation, the clearing house will provide secure, efficient, and low-cost

clearing services for inter-bank participants.It is also my hope that the clearing work together to make concerted efforts to promote the rapid and sound development of China’s financial markets.Thank you.集中清算已在美国及欧盟逐步推行。提高金融体系运行效率、防范系统性金融风险,是我国金融改革发展的永恒主题,也是中央对金融部门的明确要求。设立专业的、独立的上海清算所,是人民银行认真贯彻落实中央部署,积极应对国际金融危机影响、深化金融市场改革、加强金融基础设施建设、推进上海国际金融中心建设的重大举措。我们相信,建立专业的独立清算所,为银行间市场提供全面的、以中央对手方为主的集中清算服务,将为金融产品创新提供必要的技术支持,同时,也有利于实现交易、清算、结算相互独立的理念,提高银行间市场的透明度,及时完整地获得市场交易和参与者风险敞口的信息,更好地防范系统性金融风险,维护金融体系稳定。作为服务于银行间市场的重要中介机构,树立大局意识、服务意识和风险防范意识,以建立一个规范化、市场化和国际化的专业清算机构为目标,更好地满足市场成员日益增长的、多元化的服务需求。要通过建立和完善清算会员、保证金、逐日盯市、风险准备金等各项制度,进一步加强风险管理,维护清算系统安全、高效、稳定运行。要严格按照《公司法》的要求和现代企业制度的标准,建立和完善公司治理结构,加强人才队伍建设,不断提高为银行间市场成员提供集中清算服务的水平。女士们,先生们,我国金融市场发展成就斐然、前景广阔、任重道远。希望上海清算所铭记使命,开拓创新,努力为银行间市场成员家股东、市场成员积极关心和支持上海清算所的发展。让我们共同努力推动中国金融市场快速健康发展!

谢谢大家!cost-effective clearing service, and will provide technological support to advance 能够进一步提高清算效率,降低清算成本,并Clearing House is expected to focus on providing services, and develop a strong 上海清算所要深入贯彻落实科学发展观,牢固house will have the support from all shareholders and market participants.Let us 提供安全、高效和低成本的清算服务。希望各

周小川在银行间市场清算所股份有限公司开业仪式上的讲话2009-11-28 2






















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