
时间:2019-05-15 05:34:41下载本文作者:会员上传




The Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics logo has a single Chinese character on a traditional red Chinese seal.The English words “Beijing 2008” are written with a Chinese brush below it.At the bottom of the picture, there are the five rings of Olympic Games.The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinese character “jing” which means “capital”.The image carries the message that today's China is not only a nation with a long and glorious history, but also one full of modern dynamics.First and foremost, this logo is a journey to the future, the emblem for China moving towards the 2008 Olympic Games.What is more, it is a symbol of the city's promise to make the Games a success.Accordingly, this emblem represents the heart of an ancient culture embracing the modern world, the spirit of a people moving towards a new destiny.In my view, first of all, the Olympic Game represents the spirit of sports.Arms flung wide, it invites all people and the world to share in the city's history, beauty, energy, and its future.In addition, it is a gesture of friendship and hope that the community of nations will unite in peace through sports.参考译文





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Studying Abroad.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents.Importance should be attached to studying abroad.There are a great many advantages of studying overseas.First and foremost, living and studying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world.On a university campus, international students are likely to encounter their counterparts from various countries and areas and are exposed to diverse ideas and values.What is more, overseas experience is the best opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages.There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken.Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile.In the first place, in addition to knowledge, overseas students can gain precious experiences that those who stay at home will never have.Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to the growth of adolescents.3、网络

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Internet.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:




In recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with Internet.As is known to all, it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line, either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work‟s needs.On the one hand, no one denies that Internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life.As a college student, I get on line every day to exchange information through e-mails with my net friends.But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle.Thus, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence.After all,Internet is invented to enrich our life, and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain.4、考试

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Views on Examinations.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:




In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject.Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormous.To begin with, examinations lower the standards of teaching.Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques.No subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations.In addition, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits.As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students‟ academic development.If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?


Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Teacher I ever Know.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:




In my life I have met a great many teachers who are really worth recalling.But perhaps the most unforgettable one I ever know is my English teacher.What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities.First of all, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning.He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field.6、求学信

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for admission into a college or university.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university.My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a bachelor‟s degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students.Third, what is the situation regarding accommodation?

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party.Write an invitation letter to them individually:




Dear Snoopy,I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr.Guo Jing‟s wedding ceremony with Ms.Huang Rong to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 p.m.on April 1, 2007.As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy.The occasion will start at seven o‟clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony.This will be followed by a dinner party.At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student.You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting.Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college.1)要求下学期换一个新房间;



Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next semester.I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate‟s inconsiderate behavior.For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him;for another, he regularly holds noisy parties.In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments.I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own.Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words.In your speech, you should:




Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing!To begin with, I would like to make a brief introduction to myself.I am the president of Motorola(China)Electronics Ltd.The following is my introduction to the conference.First, it is my great honor to be here with all of you and declare open the Conference of International Trade Cooperation.Second, on behalf of our company, I would like to express my heartfelt welcome to all the guests and delegates.Last, I believe our cooperative efforts are sure to be productive.I wish all of you enjoy yourselves during this conference and hope the above information will help you.If you have any question for me, please feel free to ask at any time.Thank you for your attention.10、告示

Directions: The Students‟ Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest.Write an announcement which covers the following information:




You should write about 120 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.Chinese Speaking Contest

February 3, 2008

To improve students‟ ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students‟ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week(10 February)at the Students‟ Auditorium.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week.Five professors will be invited to be judges.The first six winners will be given awards.Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students‟ Union

Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureI remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart 2010年作文预测——地震慰问信

A Letter of Condolence慰问信

中国青海玉树大地震灾害严重,已造成***多万人无家可归。请你代表 我校写一封慰问信向灾区人民 表示关怀和慰问。





Dear victims,A powerful earthquake hit your hometown,Yushu in Qinghai province month ago.It is also a terrible natural disaster for our whole nation.It has caused both financial and life loss.Until now,approximately seventy thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more were injured seriously.Six million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed.These days we keep watching the staggering death roll(名单)and hearing the heart-wrenching(揪心的)stories from the Yushu earthquake.We are so much saddened(悲哀)that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers.I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster.And we are so much touched by the true outpouring of effort and emotion from all over the country.You are not alone and you won‘t feel lonely.Our whole nation is a big family,and every member would like to give a helping hand by all means,such as donating money,time,energy and blood to the people in the stricken area.We,1.3 billion Chinese people shed the same tear sharing the same hopes.A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened.A majority of Chinese people are doing whatever they can to lend a hand.I believe,with the assistance of people in all walks of life,your after-disaster reconstruction will be dealt with at a fantastic speed.The stricken area will soon be restored.And I hope you can pull yourself together and muster up courage to face the future.We will overcome any difficulty,because we are Chinese.Ten thousand people beat everything with a single undying heart".Try to look on the bright side of things.The future will be bright,cheer up!

Yours sincerely



Dear victims,The earthquake which happened one month ago in Qinghai province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation.It has caused both financial and life loss.Until now,fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and many more were injured seriously.Five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed

We are sorry about this accident.It„s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers.I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster.Our whole nation is a big family; every member would like to give a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake.We must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed.A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened.I believe the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and other warm-hearted people‘s help.The future will be bright,cheer up!

Yours sincerely



Dear victims,A week ago,I was shocked at the news about the earthquake in Yushu.And I‘m very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the greatest disaster after 1949.And there are 40075 people who are found dead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500 million people who are homeless.The floor was ripped through,many blocks and houses were seriously damaged,and even were as flat as a pancake.I‘m deeply moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teams who are in the frontline.I,standing for my school,comfort your victims and survivors with our warm heart.Moreover,we contribute a large amount of money to you.And our school will try our best to help you.Last but not the least,I hope we all have the confidence to rebuild your home after the disaster.Only when we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster.Good luck and best wishes to you!

Yours sincerely


Dear victims,On the 14 of May in 2010,an incredible and unknown earthquake suddenly happened in Yushu,Qinghai province.Almost half of China was affected.It was a huge calamity to Chinese people.Until now,there are nearly 50 thousand people who died in this earthquake and more people injured.Many people lost their relatives and fell into the deep sorrow.And they also lost their homes and hometowns.A large number of buildings were damaged.What‘s more,many children and students lost their lives because of the collapse of schools.And their parents who suffer from this big calamity can’t accept the fact until now.All of the Chinese people begin to act and do everything they can when they hear the news.Almost every one of us contributes a great number of money and goods which people in Qinghai need.As students,we don‘t have enough money to donate,but we should do all that we could do.What’s more important,we consider that we can help Qinghai people rebuilt and their home and live happily.Yours sincerely



Dear James,In today‘s newspaper,I read about the recent events in your town and I am writing to extend my deepest condolences.It broke my heart to see all those pictures of those whose homes have been destroyed in the tragic hurricane.I couldn„t believe my eyes when I saw a little girl crying on the roof of her house asking for help.I am really worried about you and your family,and all your friends there.I am crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound.I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you,and I want to extend to you my unwavering support.Our government and many nongovernmental organizations are initiating various campaigns to urge people to donate money and necessary things to send to America.I donated all my allowance that I have been saving for years.I feel extremely sorry for this tragedy,and I will be looking forward to hearing from you.Please pass my concern on to your parents.Yours Sincerely,***


Dear friends,I'm awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown.Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster,you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Thinking about your present situation,we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help you.I,as the chairman of student union,on behalf of all my schoolmates,express our most sincere pity and care for you.Besides,we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you,expecting that it can help you go through the difficulty.A better hometown can be rebuilt.Therefore,never give up whatever happens.Remember we won‘t be far away when you need any help!

Yours Sincerely,转自:育路英语四级考试网



关键字: 婚礼贺词 婚礼祝词英文 结婚的贺词 结婚贺辞 结婚贺语 新婚贺词 新婚贺词英文 英文婚礼祝福

语英文结婚祝福 英文結婚祝福語 英语婚礼祝福语


Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.May Peace,Health,Happiness and Bright Future attend both your bride and yourself until the end.值此新婚之际,请接受我的衷心祝贺。愿你和新娘永远和睦、健康、幸福、前程辉煌。

I wish you both the best of luck and, ever-increasing happiness as the years go by.愿你俩福星高照,幸福与日俱增。

I wish you both all the luck and happiness life can offer。


Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimony with...and very best wishes for all the good future in the world.请接受我对你和……的神圣结合的最诚挚的祝贺,并祝愿你俩幸福无量。

Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon your recent marriage.值你新婚之际,请允许我加入祝福的行列。

My husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperous life together.我丈夫和我一同祝愿你俩美满幸福,白头偕老。

Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day.正值阁下新婚之禧,恭贺幸福无量。

My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union!


My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的;况贺。

Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the good things.(我们)愿你俩婚姻美满幸福。

Best wishes from one of your old friends on your engagement.在你们订婚之际,请接受一个老朋友最美好的祝愿。

My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

I take great pleasure in sending here with a little wedding present in celebration Of the happy event.喜送小小礼品一份,庆贺这一大喜大吉之事。

We send you both our love and best wishes for every happiness that life can bring.我们谨向你俩祝贺,愿你们的婚后生活无上幸福。

Let me wish you and your bride every joy and the best of everything.祝你和你的新娘幸福欢乐。

I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.我希望你俩的共同生活美满幸福。

May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.愿你们事事如愿,美满幸福。

May every happiness be yours on this wedding day.Let an old friend of yours send her love and congratulations to you and the groom.值此婚礼佳日,祝愿幸福无量。请接受一位老朋友对你和新郎的衷心祝贺。

The news of your recent marriage having reached me,I beg to offer my most sincere congratulations.获悉新婚之喜,请接受我最诚挚的祝贺。

My wife and I are very delighted to hear the news of your marriage.We send you both our love and hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.听到你们结婚的消息,我们感到万分高兴。


I heartily congratulate you upon your choice of your partner for life since l can't think of two people more suited to each other than you two.I wish you all the happiness in the world.我衷心祝贺你选择了终身的伴侣,因为我不知道有哪一对夫妇能比你俩更相配的了。愿你们尽享人间的欢乐。

My sincere congratulations on your happy marriage and my best wishes to you two for a lifetime of happiness.最诚挚地祝愿你新婚快乐,并向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

The best of all good wishes to you both.祝愿你俩幸福无量。

We wish you both many more anniversaries, each happier than the last.我们祝你俩今后的周年纪念日一次更比一次幸福。

My heartiest good wishes on the 20th anniversary of your marriage.May the years to come bring every blessing to you both.在你俩结婚20周年纪念日之际,致以最衷心的祝意,愿你们年年岁岁称心如意

Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to you both for along life and an ever—lasting happiness。


I send you warm congratulations and hope that there are many more years of happiness ahead for both of you.我向您致以热烈的祝贺,愿你们幸福长寿。

Congratulations to you both and may the years ahead bring you continued joy and contentment.向你俩祝贺,愿时光老人赐予你们持久的幸福和满足。

Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness.祝你们百年幸福。

On the occasion of your silver wedding anniversary,I send to you both hearty congratulations and best wishes for health,a long life and happiness.




1.坚持天天背单词,对重点词汇和短语,要多造句,在用中记,在语境中记。2.注意常用熟词的生义,这一向是同学们比较容易忽视的点。如:1)She asked me for an advance on her salary.(n.预付(款))

2)The picture looked nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬)

3)What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.(v.相当于)

4)I must check my bank balance.(n.差额,余款)

5)Hunger drove her to steal.(v.迫使某人(做不好或不快的事))3.掌握构词法知识

对高考考试说明上所列的前缀和后缀要烂熟于心,并熟记这些前缀和后缀的含义 前缀有5个:dis, in, re, un, non 后缀有17个:-able,-al,-an,-ful,-ive,-er,-ese,-ist,-ment, ness,-tion,-fy,-ian,-ing,-ise/ize,-ly,-teen 4.归纳具有特殊形式的词汇 如:只有复数形式的名词。

① 一些成双成对的名词通常只有复数形式,可单独作主语,动词用复数形式,也可用...pair/pairs of修饰,作主语时动词取决于pair的形式。常见的有:jeans(牛仔裤)、headphones(耳机)、trousers(裤子)、clothes(衣服)、pants(短裤)、glasses(眼镜)、shoes(鞋子)、sunglasses(太阳镜)、scissors(剪刀)、compasses(圆规)

②一些食物名词只有复数形式,常见的有:noodles, vegetables, snacks ③一些固定短语中的名词只有复数形式,常见有的:express one's thanks to sb.(向某人表达感激之情), a letter of thanks(一封感谢信), in high/low spirits(情绪高涨/低落), have sports(进行体育活动)。④一些不可数名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有:news(消息), means(手段)⑤一些专有名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有:the United States(美国)、the United Nations(联合国)、the United Kingdoms(英国)、the Arabian Nights(《一千零一夜》)5.坚持每天阅读














细节题是阅读理解部分最简单的题型。如果你能在原文中找到对应答题点,想选错几乎是不可能 的事情。高考的细节题排列,其答题点和题目出现的顺序是一一对应的。



72.Why did Loftus ask the volunteers to answer some questions?

65.Right after McKenzie came back, the other children were _____.69.In what way is the Snowdonia Centre different from the other two holidays? 59.Where can visitors have lunch?

64.Parents with small children visiting the gallery ? 以上五道题,着重关注的点分别是:72—Loftus,volunteer;65—McKenzie,children,69—Snowdonia Centre,holidays,59—visitor,lunch,64—parents,children,gallery。


B.归纳题(主旨题best title)


1.Something in chocolate could be used to stop coughs and lead to more effective medicines, say UK researchers./ 2 …The researchers said that the obromine worked by keeping down a verve activity(神经活动)/3…theobromine caused no side effects such as sleepiness.首段只有一个句子,提出句中的核心名词chocolate,coughs,medicines。段末的两句话,都有一个词theobromine,虽然不确定这是什么,但可以保证一定和段首的chocolate,coughs,medicines所形成的逻辑链条有关。所以,综合这些信息,大概可以推断文章主要分析chocolate能够治疗coughs,当成medicines,因为里面有theobromine,而且没有什么side effects。因此56.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? B便成了自然之选。A.Codeine: A New Medicine B.Chocolate May Cure Coughs C.Cough Treatment: A Hard Case D.Theobromine Can Cause Coughs







修辞的使用在书面表达中算作很大的亮点,双重否定也是种修辞,只要稍加注意,可以在文章中设计双重否定的句子。例如想表达“邮递员天天准时到”,如果写成The postman comes on time every day,不如变成双重否定The postman never fails to come on time就变成了亮点句。几乎每个人对生活的态度都不同程度受到地震的影响,写成双重否定There was hardly a man or a woman whose attitude towards life had not affected by the earthquake.应用类似的修辞会在高考中为你的作文加分。〃陈述不如倒装妙

在高中阶段只需掌握倒装的四种形式,足以应对书面表达。1.否定词开头:如果写出的句子中有否定词,例如I will never marry you.不如变成倒装,用否定词开头Never will I marry you.其他的否定词,如not, seldom, hardly等开头后面的句子倒装都是比较好的句子。

2.地点状语开头: 一个建筑物位于什么位臵,或什么地方有什么东西,都可以应用倒装。例如:图书馆位于学校的中央Our library is in the center of our school.变成倒装 In the center of our school lies our library.想表达河岸上有很多花On the bank stand some flowers.天空中繁星点点In the sky hang little stars.这样做的好处之一是倒装本身就是高级结构,第二是倒装后把真正的主语放到了句子的末尾,后面还可以继续加从句,使整个句子再呈现更多的亮点。例如In the center of our school lies our library,which is between the garden and the teaching building.3.Only+介词短语:例如“只有通过这种方式我才能提高英语” Only in this way can I improve my English.其他的例子还有Only by taking exercises can we keep healthy.4.形容词+as+主语+be动词:例如Young as I am, I can manage it;Rich as our country is, we have a lot of problems.其他例子还有Badly injured as he was, he managed to take down the car’s number.很高兴收到的你的来信:So glad am I to hear from you.在高考中要尽量使用一两个倒装。〃主动不如被动巧

也许是受中文思维的影响,现在大部分人的英语作文几乎整篇文章都使用主动语态。其实在英文中,被动语态的使用是很重要的。因为英语是一门客观的语言,而汉语是主观的语言,英语中经常用物称或形式主语开头,强调一件事发生在什么人身上。如果能在文章中用一两个被动语态,就会使整个文章句型更加丰富。例如:我们每次可以借五本书最多借十天 We can borrow five books at most, and we can keep them for ten days.这句话如果写成:At most five books can be borrowed at a time and they can be kept for ten days,分数会更高。





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需提供居民身份证或临时居民身份证复印件(正反两面,有效期内); 2.固定居住地址证明:(任选其一或多项)

         户口卡(簿)复印件; 水、电、气最近三期缴费单; 固定电话最近三期缴费单; 单位开具的集体宿舍证明; 房屋租赁合同(协议);

自有房产证明;小区物业管理费缴费单据; 街道开具的住址证明;

最近二期的信用卡月结单或最近三个月的个人所得税完税证明; 能证明其有固定居住地址的其他证明材料。


        政府机构、企业开具的最近三个月的正式工资单或收入证明(需加盖公司章或部门章); 银行代发工资的存折/账单复印件(需显示最近三个月薪水入账信息); 最近三个月的个人所得税完税证明复印件; 社会保险扣缴凭证复印件; 自有房产证明复印件;




 中银淘宝信用卡特色服务指南.pdf




8th Augest Dear Mary, I came here to see you because I have something urgent to consult with you, but you’ve happened to be out.I shall be grateful if you can find time to contact me with a call as soon as possible.Richard 译文:玛丽,我来看你,恰遇你外出。我有急事和你商量。请尽快找个时间和我联系。谢谢你。


8月8日 2.通知(告示)(Notice)


⑴ 上方居中写上Notice或NOTICE以引人注意。

⑵ 正文的下面右下角写通知单位名称或人名。⑶ 发出通知的日期放在中文的左下角。

⑷ 正文内容简洁,说清通知内容以及进行活动的时间地点以及参加活动的对象。

⑸ 通知时间地点可运用“There be” 句型 eg.There will be a sales meeting in Room 302 ,at 4:00p.m.on 15th January.或 A sales meeting will be held „尽可能不用第一人称 We shall hold a sales meeting„(误)Sample 通

应广大学生的要求,学生会邀请著名公司(BSCompany)中国公司的人力资源部Human Resources Department 经理Mrs Tailor来校为全体学生讲座。内容:如何为应聘面试做准备 时间:5月22日晚 7:00-8:30 地点:多媒体(Muti-media)教学大楼320教室 希望广大学生,特别是即将毕业求职的学生前往听讲


Mrs Tailor, manager of Human Resources Department of Human Resoures Department of BSC Company,the famous multinational company in the world, will give a lecture on Preparation for an Interview at 7:00 p.m.on May 22.The lecture that will last one and a half hours will be held in Room 320 of the Multi-media Building.All of the students, especially those who will graduate and apply for jobs are invited to attend the lecture.The Students’Union

提示:关于书信格式,重点看3中的 ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ 其它内容参看例文。



⑴ 信头:位于信笺的右上角,一般从信笺中间或稍右落笔,先写寄信人的地址,后写日期。(一般公函或商业信函的信纸上都印有单位或公司的名称、地址、电话号码等,因此就只需在信头下面的右边写上写信日期就可以了。)

⑵ 信内地址,即收信人地址:在一般的社交信中,信内收信人的通常省略,但是在公务信函中不能。将收信人的姓名、地址等写在信头日期下方的左下角上。

⑶ 称呼:是写信人对收信人的称呼用语。位置在信内地址下方一、二行的地方,从该行的顶格写起,称呼后面一般用逗号(英式)。

①写给亲人、亲戚和朋友时,用Dear 加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直呼其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏)。例如:My dear

Father, Dear Tom等。

②写给公务上的信函用 Dear Sir , Dear Madam 或 Dear Madam or Sir

③写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加上姓氏或姓氏和名字。例如,Dear Prof.Robert White, Dear Dr.John Smith.⑷ 正文位置在下面称呼隔一行,是信的核心部分。和中文信不同的是,正文中一般不用Hello!正文部分应开门见山,说明写信的目的,如果是回信,要先提及对方的来函,答复对方提出的问题和事情,然后再写自己要谈的事情。


⑸ 结束语:在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号。不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同。

写业务信函用Truly yours(Yours truly), FaithfullySincerely yours(Yours faithfully)等。⑹ 署名:低于结束语一至二行行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始,在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字,以便识别。职务、职称可打在名字的下面。写给亲朋好友的信,就不必再打了。

注意:在三级B的写作考题中,不加信头、信内地址的书信居多,但考生需了解信头的写法(参看下面所附例文)Sample: 请以重庆应用技术学院建筑系主任王勇的名义给美国的著名建筑学专家Dr.Robert White先生写一封邀请函,邀请他于今年十月光临该校讲学,并诚恳地希望他能接受邀请。收信人地址:State University of New York, 685 Baldy Hall,New York 14260 Chongqing College of Applied Tech


May 10, 2003 Dr.Robert White

State University of New York 685 Baldy Hall, New York 14260 U.S.A.Dear Dr.White, We are pleased to learn that your work in the field of architecture is well known, and I would like to invite you to our college to give us a lecture in October this year.Architecture has always been the top priority in the Chongqing College of Applied Technology, and we would be honoured to have you speak to us.I sincerely hope that you could give us a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours

Wang yong


写邀请信开头段的常用语句和套话 I am writing to invite you to… I wonder if could come ….I would like you to come ….How would you like to join us in …? 写邀请信结尾段的常用语句和套话

My family and I would feel honored if you could come …

We would be looking forward to your presence in the party.I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.I really hope you can make it.例文

Dear Mr.And Mrs.Smith,We haven’t seen each other for months.Kate and I would be very happy if you could come to dinner with us on Friday May 2 at six o’clock.Several other old friends will join us.It will be at our house, and there will be a party afterwards, starting at about 8 p.m.You are welcome to stay the night as there is plenty of room, though it would help if you could, let me know in advance.Hope to see you then.Yours,Li Ming 信体二:感谢信

感谢信开头段常用句式和套语 I am writing to express my thanks for…

I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for…

I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for… I am very grateful to you for… 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套语

I must thank you again for your help and kindness.I am most grateful for your…

Please accept my gratitude(感激),now and always.例文

Dear Mr.Jackson, I am writing this letter to thank you for the hospitality you gave me when I stayed in San Francesco.It was the first time I have been to San Francesco.During my stay, you let me live in your house.You gave me some very good advice of where to visit.What is more, at the weekend, you drove me to the Bay Bridge and the Fisherman’ Wharf so that I had a wonderful time in the city.I sincerely hope someday when you come to Beijing for a visit someday in the future, I could repay you for your kindness.Once again with many thanks.(106词)

Yours sincerely,Li Ming 信体三:致歉信


I am writing this letter to express my regret… I am writing to apologize for…

I would like to give you my apology for… I am very sorry to say that…

I must apologize about(not)doing sth… Please accept my sincere apology for…

I am writing to say sorry for… I am terribly sorry , but …


Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Please allow me to say sorry again.Please accept my sincere apology.例文

Dear Tom, I am overjoyed to know that you are coming to Beijing for a five-day visit and yet I’m terribly sorry to say that I am not able to meet you at the airport on the day of your arrival beacause I have to chair an international meeting that morning.I hope you will understand me and therefore forgive me.In order that you won’t have any difficulty coming to my house, I have asked a friend of mine named xiao Lin to meet you instead.On the day you arrive, Xiao Lin will wait at the exit and drive you to your hotel.I will call you immediately after the meeting.Wish you a happy journey.Yours sincerely,Li Ming



I write this letter to apply for the position(职位)that you have advertised(登广告)in Beijing Youth on„

I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a…

I’ d like to apply for the position advertised by your company in China Daily on(日期)„ I’m interested in the position of your company… 申请信或求职信结尾段常用句式和套话

I hope that you will invite me for an interview.I could give you futher information.Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you.The enclosed resume(随信附简历)gives futher details of my qualifications(资格), and I would appreciate it if you could give me an opportunity to have an interview.例文:2004年6月真题



Words for reference: 技术学院 Technical College 企业管理 Business Administration 速记与打字 shorthand and typing

June 25th, 2004 ABC Company Dear Sir or Madam,secretary

I am writing to apply for the post of the secretary to the general manager.I am 24 years old and graduated from LongJiang Technical College.I major in Business Administration and I have performed in all courses.I have learned shorthand and typing,and the speeds are 90 words per minute and 70 words per minute respectively.Thank you for considering my application.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours Sincerely,Wang Manli



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