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广东外语外贸大学沈家慧:Unity in diversity


日期: 2012-04-19



Unity in Diversity Good morning ladies and gentlemen!Are you familiar with the greeting “Long time no see”? Few decades ago, this might be considered as an awkward Chinglish expression and scorned by westerners.But nowadays, not only leaning Chinese is popular in the western world, but also some Chinglish is accepted too.Culture is just like the grammar of our behaviors.Adopting different ways to perceive the world and react to different situations, China and the West are bound to face clashes between each other.Then what is our attitude towards all these cultural clashes? Is it a life-and-death struggle? Are we going to fight to replace each other? No!The cross-cultural communication and interaction is different from Caesar‟s trip to Asia Minor.We come, we see but we never try to conquer each other.Instead, we need each other.And this becomes strong motivation for us to transform the inevitable clashes into achievable coexistence.In order to work this out, an open mind and a strong determination are required.Here I would like to share my own experience with you.The first time I met with my American teacher Allen, I tasted the bitterness of cultural clashes.“Why are you so quiet”, he asked, disappointed by our silence.The Chinese traditional reservation clashed with the individuality advocated by western culture.Faced with this problem, Allen and my classmates decided to work together to overcome the challenge.Finally, my classmates and I became active and confident in speaking out our own voice, while Allen learned to be more patient with Chinese students.Indeed, we are different, China and the West.We perceive the world from different angles.We come across clashes when interacting.But it doesn‟t matter.Because if we, the individuals, are willing to acquire an open mind and be determined to embrace diversity, we can achieve unity and mutual understanding.Since individuals are the units of their cultures, China and the West are also able to achieve unity in diversity from the perspective of culture.And we are already on the way.While I am learning the Principles of Management written by Peter Drucker, the MBA students in America are taking the Art of War, the Chinese classical masterpiece, as their required course.While we are watching the inspirational speeches of President Barack Obama, westerners are holding a book named On China written by an old China hand, Henry Kissinger.While Chinese Kung fu made its way into western world, Hollywood movie established its position in Chinese market.Ladies and gentlemen, unity in diversity is achievable.Remember what Albert Einstein said, “Each of us shines in a different way, but this doesn't make our light less bright.” China and the West, it is the different ways we shine that light up this diversified world instead of a single spot.It is the different ways we shine that provide more possibilities for better cooperation.It is the different ways we shine that enable every individual to enjoy a more colorful life.So Chinese and Westerners, let us be open-minded and determined to embrace each other.Our differences have diversified this planet.And now our efforts towards unity are going to change the world from a mess cultural smelter into a fantastic mosaic.Thank you!宁波诺丁汉大学张苡:Cultural clashes vs.cultural coexistence between China and west: my personal perspective


日期: 2012-04-20




Ladies and gentlemen, during the long and fierce competition , I would like to sing a small piece of song to all of you at first, 'All the warriors in this world /Join the passion of this master of soul/ From the Chinese hills and shore/We still listen to Bruce Lee battle call……' You might be quite familiar with the melody , yes ,this is a song created to eulogize Bruce Lee, a most iconic figure known throughout the world.He is brave, confident and hardy.He is widely considered to be the most influential martial artist of the 20th century, and a cultural icon.Bruce was not born ever successful, once he was just a naughty boy learning Kung Fu and studying in Hong Kong.Due to the frequent street fights he caused and other bad conducts, the boy was compelled to be sent to live in the United States.However, it was just the emigration that changed his life.After moving to America, Bruce Lee did not change who he was but still devoting himself in martial art.He won countless boxing matches which led him to be discovered in Hollywood and became a film star.However, the success does not follow previous ways.By portraying Chinese nationalism in films ,Bruce fights for his dream bring the word 'Kung Fu' in English.He adds Chinese elements to movies he starred in and change martial art into a kind of art.The culture clashes between traditional Chinese Kung Fu and modern western film culture does not lead to cultural conflicts, instead, the culture coexistence contributes to the birth of a brand new cinematic element, Kung Fu.By playing Chinese Kung Fu in the west , Bruce Lee reveal a new era of filmic actions which subtly shows the combination of Chinese aesthetic with the western freedom and enterprising spirit.By playing Chinese Kung Fu to Chinese, Bruce Lee proved the nation that traditional Chinese martial art is extensive and profound that we should always be proud of.By playing Chinese Kung Fu to the world, Bruce Lee reveal the strong power of culture coexistence , inspiring the world to communicate more and create new ideas.To many, culture clashes seems like a negative concept.However, the process of globalization enables various cultures to create and to shine.Famous chain restaurants Dawning East are opened.Taken example by western food culture as KFC or Macdonald, the restaurant is now extremely welcomed in southeast China.Movie series like Hua Mulan and Kung Fu panda which combined Chinese and western culture are receiving enormous attention.Confucius Institutes are established around the world, which let more people understand eastern spirit and to construct new ideas between eastern and western spirits.As we can see, new cultures emerges shining with diverse features like rainbows.Classic cultures become monumental for the new is alive to last which enhance the lasting influence of the original.So, let the cultures meet and coexist, let the new born and shine.中国传媒大学陈洁昊:A Century’s Dance


日期: 2012-04-17

陈洁昊:中国传媒大学选手, 第17届21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛冠军,同时获得中国日报社21世纪报最具潜力奖,托业最佳风采奖,与麦格希演讲艺术之星。

个人简介:中国传媒大学大二学生,主修英语播音专业。在2011年中国大学生模拟APEC大会中获 得全国冠军。演讲稿:

My great-great-grandfather was very nervous, even though he had done it thousands of times.He and his teammates held their breath in total darkness…waiting for the music.At the age of 101, he knew it was likely his last chance to compete in a dancing contest.The drums kicked in and, slowly but surely, he started the moves of Gaoshan--a folk dance unique to my part of China.The music was serene...the motion was graceful....and everything was so harmonious.And then, everything changed!

The tempo sped up.The dancers started shaking their hips.It was completely unexpected but yes, they were dancing modern disco.I was delighted, but not everyone liked it.Some argued that the traditional dance was compromised by the inclusion of Western fluff.So I asked Angong, “Why not just do a typical Gaoshan dance?”

“Are you kidding me, sweetheart?” he replied.“Where would we be without some clashes and conflicts?”

That was Angong‟s gut reaction, but what he implied set me thinking.“Where would we be without some clashes and conflicts?”

Looking back on the life of my great-great-grandfather, it was a journey marked by clashes every step of the way.When he was a teenager, China‟s door was busted wide open.He cut off his ponytail following the end of Qing---China‟s last feudal Dynasty.During the day, cars ran alongside rickshaws.At night, jazz clashed with Chinese opera.Dancing was a luxury reserved for the rich and privileged.When the People‟s Republic was founded in 1949, Angong danced on the streets with joy.After years of unrest, he felt a sense of belonging and new possibilities.That was the moment he knew he wanted to be an artist.After the Cultural Revolution, Angong witnessed China‟s reform and opening-up.Both Deng Lijun of Taiwan and the Carpenters of America were huge stars at the time.For the first time in years, Angong didn‟t have to follow one set of doctrines or one form of dancing for that matter.Angong‟s personal journey mirrored the transformation of a nation, a transformation encapsulated in the life of a man who pursued artistic expression.Please remember, Angong and his generations were born into a China that was struggling to keep at bay an outside world that threatened China‟s self-perception and self-rule.A century later, this is a different China, and fortunately, a China that has learned lessons history had to offer, and now it seeks to re-engage the west.Angong was a man of his times, but he has always been open to new voices, new ideas, new dances.He adapted, changed and grew by learning from the world around him, both Chinese and Western.By being open to each other, we can grow in unexpectedly beautiful ways, just like my Angong‟s disco Gaoshan dance.Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you to join my great-great-grandfather and me as we dance with a spring in our step into that great unknown that will be our future.北京外国语大学刘宇寒:Cultural Clashes and Coexistence: Intercultural Marriage


日期: 2012-04-17


When I turned 20, my mum had a big talk with me, a talk regarding my upcoming romance and marriage.“Find a good boy who really understands you.Foreigners? Not suggested.” As I felt quite amused about my mum‟s restriction on my choice of future husband, she continued with a very serious look.”You‟d never truly understand a person from a different country.Cultural clashes will drive you crazy---different languages, customs, values and beliefs, even diets.Everything that first appeared exotic and charming may later become cultural barriers.Trust me, honey.Don‟t risk it.”

I never really thought about problems in intercultural marriage until recently I had a conversation with my American teacher Cyrus, who married a Chinese lady in Beijing five years ago.According to him, cultural clash is a year-round house guest in their family.From a simple cuisine on the dinner table to a million-yuan decision of buying a condo, everything in life can reflect their cultural difference.Did the day-to-day clash drive him crazy like my mum anticipated? Cyrus said the key to their peacefully living together is to always think and ask a little more.To many, this advice almost sounds like a cliché.But for a couple from completely different cultures, it‟s an effective solution that they learnt the hard way.Only when every confusing sentence is asked to be explained, and every unfamiliar encounter discussed, can true harmony be achieved in Cyrus‟ marriage.Whenever he feels irritated or baffled by his wife, he thinks a bit further about their different cultural backgrounds.“Could her silence mean dissatisfaction?” “Should I be more implicit in expressing refusal?” In Cyrus‟ exact words, he didn‟t just marry a 28-year-old Chinese lady, but a 5000-year-old culture, beautiful yet very sophisticated Cyrus‟ marriage inspired me to ponder on intercultural communication.Within an intercultural family, neither party attempts to dominate nor gets assimilated to the other.Instead what spouses want is to stay in a happy and stable relationship together.Similarly, what diverse cultures seek for also isn‟t a life-or-death struggle, but to friendly co-exist without sacrificing their own uniqueness.As Samuel Huntington wrote in The Clash of Civilizations?” We will be modern, but WE won‟t be YOU.”

The right way to move from cultural clash to cultural co-existence is exactly what Cyrus reflects on his intercultural marriage: think, ask, and try harder.Try harder to overcome the tendency of egocentrism but to respect cultural diversity.Try harder to avoid imposing our own decision on others but to communicate constructively.Try harder to find out the problem-solving access to a win-win outcome.Cultural clash is inevitable and constant.Just like my teacher Cyrus, he could never escape from disagreement with his beloved Chinese wife.In the era of globalization, to wane or wax, our fate is associated.To transcend differences, only when we identify with one another, only when we recognize shared objectives, only when we work hard towards the goals, cam harmonious coexistence be attained not only in a small family, but the big world.Thank you!西安翻译学院姚潇: Survive vicissitudes of history, Strive for coexistent victory


日期: 2012-04-20



February 25th was a peculiar joyful day for many Chinese netizens, a lot of Chinese internet users found they somehow regained their access to Google‟s social network site on that very day.This was followed by the message inundation on US president Obama‟s page.„Every current topic on Mr.Obama‟s Google+ page attracted hundreds of Chinese comment‟ BBC reported, „they talked about occupying the furniture and bringing snacks and soft drinks‟.Of course we know those furniture were misunderstanding of Chinese internet jargons, referring to the first several posts in response to the original poster, but it did get on the nerves of almost every foreign reader.Lacking of the

mutual-understanding towards each other‟s culture, this awkward translation has become the laughingstock among us after tea and dinner.Yet explanations can be found given the history.Traditional Chinese culture attached importance to Feudal Culture and Agriculture.While the western one is practically capitalized and industrialized.Consequently we've encountered the cultural clashes.As Yan Fu said „Chinese follows form while westerner pursues freedom;Chinese survives among conventional restraints while westerner values the conspicuous result.The word „sofa‟ was originated from the expression „so fast‟ that the westerner used to describe how swift, free they are able to post on the internet.However, some Chinese netizen took that for „sofa‟ merely from the pronunciation rather than the western cultural background.Following the form of the feudal morality for thousands of years, we are embedded with the concept that those who came first and at the top of the social ladders should be given prior seats, i.e.sofa in this case.So if we further develop the coexistence of different cultures, there will be less misunderstanding being caused.A friend of my father has benefited greatly from the mixture of two cultures.He‟s been with cancer over years, according to conventional restrains of traditional Chinese medical science, he would not have done physical surgeries because that will ruin the completeness of one‟s body.But the modern western medical Science values the maximized effects regardless of those Chinese taboos.Fortunately, he was cured by the mixture of the amazingly effective gamma knife and the interventional therapy of Chinese herbs, he now leads a happy and healthy life after having been diagnosed cancer for 10 years.See? If we further develop the coexistence of different cultures, there will be more lives being cured.Well, Modernization and globalization resulted in the existence of cultural clashes.And the above-mentioned facts shows that clashes exist for a reason.To survive among those cultural clashes, we should

cultivate an open mind to receive different cultures and rejuvenate them as an integrated one to help coexist perfectly.The city I am living in is a good case in point.Receiving from different cultural elements, authentic Chinese heritage and modern western highlights, visitors to my city were impressed by the perfect harmony that the bell tower, city wall and the terra cotta warriors lived with the surrounded Starbucks Macdnalds and KFCs.Ladies and gentlemen, We survived the vicissitudes of the history, and we will strive for the cultural coexistent victory!

安徽大学王慧斌:Let It Fall or Rise


日期: 2012-04-20


选手简介: 王慧斌,出生于古城河北邯郸。现在就读于安徽大学中文系,大三。虽然为如愿进入英语系,但作一个英语翻译的梦想从未放弃,并一次次的自我挑战着。10年获得“外研社”杯演讲比赛安徽省一等奖;11年获得“希望之星”英语风采大赛全国前二十,获得“优胜奖”;11年9月有幸受邀参加了中欧辩论赛。希望在这次比赛中再接再厉。


Hello, everyone!My topicis Let it Fall or Rise.I would first ask you to entertain this scenario.At a future time your child approaches you and asks, “Is the panda the symbol of the United States?” Or with equal enthusiasm, “Did kung fu originate in the Western world?” The young learner, expressing an interestin this art, comments,“It is cool!I want to learn the technique to protect you!”

How will you react? By prohibiting American content in your home? By outlawing American television entirely? Definitely not.But, how can these things, iconic of Chinese tradition, come to represent another culture thousands of kilometers away? Before answering this question, please shiftyour attention to contemporary Chinese society.The 5000 years of brilliant history is now inundatedwith narratives, artifacts, and images from other nations.Certainly we are benefiting from the experiences brought to us from outside;brought through the saturated media presentations of a distant land.But there must be limitations or compromises.Macaois a case inpoint.Itnot only preserves the 400-year essence of oriental and occidental cultural exchange, but presents the possibility of coexistence between two diverse traditions.We wouldbetterembrace the exotic and differentthan turnhostile and defensive.Being magnanimous is at the core of Chinese culture.Being showered withthe world‟s diverse culturepreserves the integrity of that sensibility.By demonstrating our willingness to be open, wewill also demonstrate our value as a society gaining further recognition on the world stage.Many of us on occasion dress in Western attire.We don a pair of jeans or a T-shirts without reflection.However cheongsam, Qi Pao originatingfrom Manchu-shows new signs of life as fashion.Imbued with some Western elements, cheongsam has gone beyond national borders embracing the international fashion arena.However,caution must be exercised in this diversified world.It is still a musttoprotect and keep the uniqueness of one‟s tradition and culture, whether internationally popular or not.We welcome Starbucks‟ arrival in China, however,the embodiment of American fast food culture, has no place in the Forbidden City.We welcome foreign festivals, a popular diversion in China, but they should not supplant our own.Sinceother countries can adopt our culture and glorify it, why cannotChinahighlightChinese traditions and practices? Why should not our own culture be equally appealing?

It isa pity that, as a nation, we want forvigor and vitality.Our futures are better served in rekindlingChinese traditions, not diminishing them.We, as a modern nation, must recognize the limits and liabilities inherent in excessive globalization.We cannot and should not abandon the splendid accomplishments of the past.Instead, we should become the modern harbingers of these glorious legacies.By preserving these traditions, we can serve as the new vanguard, introducing Chinese culture for generationsto come.Thank you!


日期: 2012-04-17 华中科技大学陈骁:Only Love Can


自我介绍:Xiao Chen, alias Lucas, is an elite student of translation.Majoring in Translation & Interpreting in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, one of the top universities of China.Invited guest delegate to University of Harvard, student of the year 2011 of his province, winner of supreme honour of HUST.Been to 10 countries, able to order food in 4 languages.Had his premiere interpreting at China-UK Workshop on Space & Technology, later interpreted at 4 different international meetings.Working as a translator for his university website, English announcer at broadcast station, and one of the most popular teachers at METEN English language training school of Wuhan.Been a regular member of Volunteers‟ Union of Wuhan for three years, devoted to volunteer work and organised Care Victims of Earthquake program.Enjoys football, travelling, light music and thoughtful films.演讲稿:

On December 7, 1972, aboard the Apollo Spaceship, a photo was taken that changed human‟s view of the world.For the first time, people around the world saw that the planet we call home as a delicate, beautiful blue marble.We could see land, sea, winds and clouds but no political or cultural boundaries at all.However, if we zoom into the picture, we‟ll find that people are inclined to group themselves by national boundaries.In his book Clash of Civilization Samuel Huntington gave us a new opinion that more than national borders, people are actually grouped into different cultures by various boundaries, such as faith, hobbies and goals.Despite the disputes among nations, coexistence of culture will take the overwhelming tendency.If you‟ve watched Kony 2012 on Youtube, you would probably know that people on all the continents, people in different jobs are united by the same goal of tracing out Kony, the devil military commander in Uganda, before the end of 2012.Famous people supporting this campaign include Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie and millions of Chinese netizens.No matter in China or in the United States, the goal of world peace and conscience join people‟s efforts, and these efforts will bring people to mutual understanding and cooperation.We are ONE.Besides this big event, I‟d like to share with you my stories with Couch-Surfing Community.This amazing community encourages its 3 million members all around the world to host travelling strangers;not knowing each other before, they only need to contact another member on the Internet and make a booking.I‟ve been a Chinese member of this community for 3 years, and I stayed over by local people around Europe and America, together we cook dinners, exchange experiences, hang out in the cities…all of them are totally free!As a big traveller, I have been to so many countries and met so many people, but didn‟t feel uncomfortable at all, because I know even though I‟m Chinese, he‟s German, she‟s American, we share the same faith and love.With faith and love we unite!You may say, oh, that‟s only in Couch-Surfing Community, 3 million people are much too small in the world.No.Actually, people in the whole world are essentially similar.Martin Luther King says, “I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits.” I‟m always convinced that people can get along in harmony, despite their differences.Coexistence is the trend.What we can help is to learn from each other.For instance, we Chinese can learn community spirit and voluntary devotion to environment from Westerners;while Westerners can learn closer family bonds from us.When you commit to learning to love to trust, you will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.Ladies and gentlemen,we should have every confidence in China and the Westthat cultural clashes cannot overweigh coexistence.Let us remember Dr.King‟s words, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can;hate cannot drive out hate, only love can.”


other than for funerals and weddings 除了去参加葬礼和婚礼之外 other than to live an independent life 除了过一种独立的生活之外 other than that they appealed to his eye除了它们很吸引他的眼球之外 but other than that, he'll eat just about everything.但除此外,他什么都吃 other than that it's somewhere in the town center除了知道他在市中心的某个地方 shouldn't have been to the cinema last night昨晚你不应该去看电影 would have;told him the answer会告诉他答案 they needn't have gone at all他们根本不需要去

must have had too much work to do一定是有很多工作要做 might have been injured seriously可能受了重伤 it is a wonder to find令人惊奇地发现

It is a surprise for us to find我们非常吃惊地发现

it is a waste of time to argue with him与他争论是浪费时间 It's a comfort to know令人宽慰的了解到 It is a relief for us to learn我们宽慰的了解到

If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.要是这部喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众

She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.她从未对自己的能力失去信心,因此她有可能成为一名成功的演员

I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.我从未受过正式训练,我只是边干边学 As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in popularity.随着产品进入国际市场,他们的品牌知名度越来越高了

She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her money was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.她可以编造一个故事,说自己被窃贼打昏,所有的钱都没了,但她怀疑自己是否能让这故事听起来可信 No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.谁都不清楚他是否故意迟到了这次访问,可是这引起了对他更多的批评

Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into the affair in person.据报道

These workers regret yielding to the management's advice and going back to work.Now they are again faced with the threat of losing their jobs.这些工人后悔

You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.你只需填写一张表格

Their car broke down halfway for no reason.As a result they arrived three hours later than they had planned.不知为什么

The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later.那位官员卷入了一场丑闻 The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a time and his business is 这个靠救济过日子的人

Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.现在汽油的价格是几年前的两倍 Theirs is about three times as big as ours.他们的屋子大约是我们的三倍大小

Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America.拉丁美洲电话客户

the fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for calls made over fixed lines移动电话的资费 can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire可以传送高达标准

Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house.我父母不是对我的教育投资

Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the past.如今 In order to be successful, a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace.一家公司 Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job.与申请这个职位

For students, nowhere is better than the library, where all the books are at their disposal.对于学生而言 We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, expand cooperation in more areas and seek further development through joint efforts.我们要充分利用好这个平台 You might as well go there to see whether there is the information you need.你不妨去那看看 We might as well call it freedom.我们不妨称之为自由吧

You might as well ring and tell them you're going to visit them.你不妨打电话告诉他们 We might as well walk home.我们不妨走回家吧

We might as well find an easier one to read.我们不妨找一篇容易一些的读吧 This little man is not so innocent as he appears.这位小个子男子

There's nothing I can do about the problem, so you might as well turn to Professor Wang for help.王教授 Both sides speak highly of the fruits in their cooperation in different areas, and hope that the cooperation can be furthered.双方高度评价

On the one hand, an image of being close to the people can get a new policy more easily accepted.一方面

His sense of loneliness rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length to himself and his pets and the television.他孤独的感觉时起时落

After all, money is not everything.The richest people are not necessarily the happiest.毕竟

出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。If you move 一些女性完全可以不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的工资。但是为了家庭,她们放弃了工作。Some women 你怎么为这样粗鲁的行为辩护?你将会为此付出沉重的代价,因为他们己经以低毁名誉的罪名起诉你了。How can you 批评有其重要作用;我们可能当时不喜欢它,但是它能激励我们去做更伟大的事情。criticism 他毫不让步的行为遭到公众的反对,这使得他陷人了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地。his 即使你失败了,也不要被失败伤害,更不要被失败左右。记住:失败是学习过程中必要的一步;它不是学习、的结束,而是学习的开始。Even if you fail 如果没有查理·卓别林,世界电影史就会不一样了。If there had been 令人感到宽慰的是,他的努力最终给予了他长期渴望的结果—他成功地发现了这种疾病的原因。It was a 查理·卓别林是最伟大、最广受热爱的电影明星之一。从《流浪汉》到《摩登时代》,他拍摄了许多他那个时代最有趣、最受欢迎的电影。他最出名的是他扮演的一个人物—年轻可爱的小流浪汉。Charlie chaplin 卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他1914年第一次在电影中出现,两年时间内他就成了这个国家最有名的人物之一。Chaplin was an 查理·卓别林对20世纪初期每个人的生活都产生了影响。与有史以来的任何人相比,他让更多的人欢笑,改变了人们看待这个世界的方式。Charlie chaplin had an 1977年,查理·卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋友,以及全世界数以百万计的影迷。On Christmas day in 1977 据报道这个男子曾在私下说:“许多救济对象在欺骗我们,因此,作为补偿,我们有权让他们对我们点头哈腰。The man is reported

我们考虑了你的背景与经历,很遗憾地告诉你,我们目前没有适合你的工作机会。After considering 我没能按奥斯卡的暗示去做,相反,我反驳了那个妇女,结果她竟然是我们的新经理。I failed to take 需要有人来充当穷人权利的捍卫者,因为这一体制太容易被滥用。There needs to be someone 我的车子在高速公路上抛锚后,我打电话向警察求助,20分钟后他们赶来帮我。I called the police for 他热爱艺术,却经受了巨大的痛苦—贫穷与误解。He was passionate 发展中国家认为信息技术是促进经济发展的途径,但一些国家在估算成本与选择技术方面缺乏经验。The developing countries 据说地球拥有的地下水量大约是其拥有的河流和湖泊水量的三千倍,而且地下水要干净得多。The world is said to have about 3000 任何人都能照出好照片—问题只是你是否在合适的时间和地点。Anyone can take good photos 通过在他们的学校和图书馆安装计算机,这些社区的领导们表明他们决心不在技术上落后。By installing 当他开始创办这家公司时,他想他将能在市场上与那些顶级公司并驾齐驱,可是他现在失望因为他没有成功。When he started the company 佛罗里达的一对夫妇在建造一座他们称之为未来之家的房子,它既能抵御咫风,又与周围环境十分协调。A florida couple is building 新的机制并不像他们预期的那样有效,因为数月过去了,但管理效率并没有明显改进。The new mechanism 我不想不必要地吓唬你,可你最好还是面对事实,看看一些数字吧。I don’t want to scare you unnecessarily 孤独的特点是一种与世隔绝感,而独居则是独自一人却不感到寂寞的状态,它能引发自我意识。Loneliness is marked by a sense 孤独是一种消极的状态,你会感到失去了某种东西。你可能与别人在一起仍然感到孤独—这也许是孤独最痛苦的形式。Loneliness is a negative state

独居是一种与自我相约的积极的状态。独居是值得向往的,是独自一人、享受自我愉快而又充实的陪伴的一种状态。Solitude is a positive 梭罗说,一个人即使身处同伴之中,如果不对他们敞开心扉,仍会感到孤独。Thoreau says that loneliness

(So you want to be…)BACDB ABACA DCDAC DBCAD(It is doubtful that…)CBCBA CDADC DAACB DACBA(The challenges faced…)BCADB ADCAB DACBD BCADB(We are living in…)CDABB CDBCD ACBDC DBACC(Have you ever experienced…)BDABC CDDBA CBACD BCADC(In many respects ,)ACDBA CBBCC DDBDA BAADC(Our society structure affects…)DACBD BCBAC DBADB ACADC

(Online education expanding,awaits innovation)ADDBDCB too dangerous or too costly restrict enrollment half(How to make peace with your workload)CDCBBBA only twice a day the more that’s expected of you books

(American universities)MHAINGFDLB(In june of 2008)IBGCKLEFHO(When it comes to…)CDCAD(A theme is emerging…)BCCAD(The prospects for…)DBBAB(It’s time to stop…)CBADA

keep pace with the rising prices与不断上涨的物价保持同步 would have telephoned him会给他打电话

before they could sign the contract他们能签署合同之前

the more likely you will pass the exam你通过考试的可能性就越大 the audience couldn’t help yawning听众禁不住打起了呵欠

To ensure(that)your customers contact you in time为确保你的客户及时与你联系 is said to have been translated into twenty languages据说被翻译成20种语言 the control of television by mass advertising大众广告对电视的控制 in case of power failure以防停电

had followed my instructions按照我的指令去做








【单词时间标记记忆法】 当学习一个新单词时,先按照音标把这个单词准确地读出来,并对照着写出这个单词,记住它的意思,然后在这个单词边写下当天的日期,以后根据日期每隔两天复习一遍,直到自己能熟练地读出、写出为止。











dabble v.涉足,浅赏

daguerreotype n.(早期)银板照相 dally v.闲荡,嬉戏 dalliance n.戏弄,玩弄

dampen v.(使)潮湿,使沮丧,泼凉水 dainty n.精美食品,adj.娇美的,挑剔的 dandy n.花花公子,好打扮的人 dandified adj.打扮得像花花公子的 dangle v.悬挂,吊胃口 dappled adj.有斑点的,斑驳的

daredevil adj.n.胆大的(人),冒失的(人)dart n.飞镖,v.急驰,投射 dashing adj.有活力的,有朝气的 daub v.涂抹,乱画 daubster n.拙劣的画家 daunt v.使胆怯,使畏缩 dauntless adj.勇敢的,无畏的 dawdle v.闲荡,虚度 deadlock n.相持不下,僵局 debacle n.解冻,崩溃. debase v.贬低,贬损 debauch v.使放荡,堕落 debauchery n.放荡,沉缅酒色 debility n.衰弱,虚弱 debilitate v.使衰弱

debouch v.流出,进入(开阔地区)debrief v.向…询问情况,汇报情况 debris n.废墟,残骸 debunk v.揭穿真相,暴露 debut n.初次登台,初次露面 debutante n.初次参加社交活动的少女 decadent adj.颓废的,衰退的 decadence n.衰落,颓废

decamp v.(士兵)离营,匆忙秘密地离开 deceit n.欺骗,欺诈 decelerate v.(使)减速

decibel n.分贝(音量的单位)deciduous adj.脱落的,落叶的 decimate v.毁掉大部分,大量杀死 decipher v.解开(疑团),破译(密码)declaim v.高谈阔论,雄辩,大声说 declamation n.高声说话,高调 declassify v.撤销保密 declination n.倾斜,衰微 declivity n.倾斜面,斜坡 decode v.译解(密码)decompose v.(使)腐烂 decomposition n.腐烂,崩溃 decorous adj.符合礼节的,相称的 decorum n.礼节,礼貌

decree n.命令,法令,v.颁布命令,公告 decrepit adj.衰老的,破旧的 decrepitude n.衰老、破旧 decry v.责难,贬低(价值)

deed n.行为,(土地或建筑物的)契约、证书 deem v.认为,视为 defame v.诽谤,中伤 defamatory adj.诽谤的

default n.拖债,未履行的责任 defect n.缺点,瑕疵 v.变节,脱党 defection n.脱党,变节 defendant n.被告 deference n.敬意,尊重 deficiency n.缺陷,不足 deficit n.不足,赤字

defile v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道 definition n.(轮廓等)清晰,定义 deflated adj.灰心丧气的 deflect v.偏离,转向 deflection n.转向,偏斜

deft adj.灵巧的,熟练的(a deft hand能手)defunct adj.死亡的,过时的 degenerate v.退步,堕落 degrade v.降格,降级 dehumanize v.使失掉人性 deify v.奉为神,崇拜 deification n.神化,崇拜 deity n.神,神性

dehydrate v.除去水份,脱水 deign v.屈尊,惠允(做某事)dejected adj.沮丧的,失望的 dejection n.沮丧,颓丧

delectable adj.赏心悦目的,愉悦的 delectation n.享受,愉快 delegate n.代表 delete v.删除

deleterious adj.(对身心)有害的,有毒的 deliberate adj.深思熟虑的,v.慎重考虑。delimit v.定界,划界 delineate v.描画

delinquent adj.疏忽职务的,有过失的 delinquency n.失职,罪行 delirium n.精神错乱,发狂 delirious adj.精神错乱的 delta n.(河流的)三角洲 delude v.欺骗,哄骗 delusion n.欺骗,幻想 deluge n.大洪水,豪雨 delve v.深入探究,钻研 demarcate v.划分,划界 demean v.贬抑,降低 demeanor n.举止,行为 demobilize v.遣散(军人),复员 demography n.人口统计,人口学 demolish v.摧毁,拆除 demolition n.破坏,拆除 demote v.降级,降职 demur v.表示异议,反对 demure adj.严肃的,矜持的 denigrate v.污蔑,诽谤 denizen n.居民,外籍居民 denominate v.命名,取名

denomination n.命名,(长度,币值的)单位 denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局 denounce v.指责,揭发 dent n.缺口,凹痕,v.弄凹 denture n.假牙

denude v.脱去,剥蚀,剥夺 deplete v.倒空,耗尽 depletion n.耗尽,枯竭

deportment n(尤指少女的)风度,举止 depose v.免职,废黜 deposition n.免职,沉积 depravity n.堕落,恶习 depreciate v.贬低,贬值 depredation n.劫掠,蹂躏 deprivation n.剥夺,丧失 depute v.派…为代表或代理 deputy n.代理 人,代表,副警长 derangement n.精神错乱 derelict adj.荒废的,被弃置的 deride v.嘲弄,愚弄 derisive adj.嘲弄的

derivative adj.派生的,无创意的 dermatology n.皮肤(病)学 derogate v.贬低,诽谤 derogatory adj.不敬的,诽谤的 desalinize v.除去盐份 descend v.下来,下降 descendant n.后代,后裔 descry v.远远看到,望见 desecrate v desiccate v desiccant n desideratum n designation n desirable adj desirous adj desolate adj despicable adj despoil v despondent adj despotism n despotic adj destitute adj destruction n desuetude n desultory adj detached adj detachment n detain v detection n deter v deterrent adj detergent a deteriorate v detest v detonate v detonation n detour n detoxicate vt detractor v detriment n detrimental adj devastate v devastating adj.玷辱,亵渎

.(使)完全干涸,脱水。.干燥剂 .必需品,要求 .指定,名称,称呼 .值得要的,(女人)诱人的.渴望的

.荒凉的,被遗弃的 .可鄙的,卑劣的 .夺取,抢夺

.失望的,意气消沉的 .专制,暴政 .专横的、暴虐的 .贫乏的,穷困的 .毁坏,毁灭(的原因).废止,不用 .不连贯的,散漫的 .分开的、超然公平的 .分离、超然、公平.拘留,使延迟 .查出、探获 .威慑,吓住 .威慑的,制止的 .净化的,n.清洁剂 .(使)变坏,恶化 .深恶,憎恶 .(使)爆炸,引爆 .爆炸(声).弯路,绕行之路 .除毒,解毒 .贬低者 .损害,伤害

.损害的,造成伤害的 .摧毁,破坏 .破坏性的

deviant adj.越出常规的,反常的 deviate v.越轨,脱离

devious adj.不正直的,弯曲的 devoid adj.空的,缺少的 devotion n.献身,热爱,虔诚 devour v.吞食,(一口气)读完 dexterous adj.灵巧的,熟练的 dexterity n.纯熟、灵巧 diabetes n.糖尿病

diabolical adj.恶毒的,狠毒的

diaphanous adj.(布)精致的,半透明的

diatribe n.(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说 dichotomy n.二分、本质对立 dictate v.口述、命令 dictator n.独裁者 dictum n.格言、声明 didactic adj.教诲的、说教的 didactics n.教学法 die n.金属模子,印模 dietetics n.饮食学,营养学 dietitian n.营养学家

diffuse v.散布,(光等)漫射,adj.漫射的,散漫的 diffusion n.传播,散布

digress v.离题,把(话题)离开 digression n.离题,枝节话 dilapidated adj.破旧的,倒塌的 dilapidation n.破旧、荒废

dilate v.(身体某部位)张大,扩大 dilatory adj.慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 dilemma n.困境,左右为难 dilettante n.半瓶醋,业余爱好者 dilute v.把(液体)弄稀、弄淡 dilution n.稀释、渗水 diminuendo n.(音乐)渐弱 diminutive adj.小巧可爱的 dimple n.酒涡,笑靥 din n.喧闹声,嘈杂声 dinghy n.无篷小船、小艇 dingy adj.肮脏的,褪色的 diplomatic adj.外交的,圆滑的 dipsomania n.嗜酒狂 direful adj.可怕的,可怖的 dirge n.哀歌、凄凉之曲调

disabuse v.打消(某人)的错误念头,纠正 disaffected adj.(政治上)不满的,叛离的 disaffection n.政治上不满,叛离 disagreeable adj.讨厌的、乖戾的 disarray n.混乱,漫无秩序 disaster n.灾难,大不幸 disastrous adj.灾难性的 disband v.解散(团体)disbar v.取消律师资格 disbarment n.取消律师资格 disburse v.支付,支出 disbursement n.支出,开支 discern v.(费劲)识别,看出 discernment n.眼光、洞察力 discharge v.流出,释放,解雇 disciple n.信徒、弟子

disciplinarian n.严行纪律的人,严师 disclaim v.放弃权利,拒绝承认 discomfit v.使懊恼、难堪 discomfiture n.狼狈,难堪 discompose v.使失态,慌张 discomposure n.失态,慌张

discontented adj.不满足的,不满意的 discordant adj.不一致的,不调和的 discourse n.演讲,论述 discourteous adj.不恭的,不敬的 discredit v.怀疑,n.丧失名誉 discreet adj.言行谨慎的,小心的 discretion n.谨慎,审慎 discrepancy n.不同,矛盾 discrete adj.个别的,不连续的 discriminating adj.有辨别能力的 discriminatory n.歧视的,差别待遇的 discursive adj.散漫的,无层次的 disdain v.轻视、鄙视 disdainful adj.鄙视的

disembodied adj.无实体的、空洞的 disencumber v.排除(障碍),摆脱(负担)disengaged adj.空闲的,无公务在身的 disfranchise v.剥夺…的权力(尤指选举权)disgorge v.呕出,(水)流走 disguise v.假扮,掩饰 disinclined adj.不愿的 disinfectant n.消毒剂

disingenuous adj.不坦白的,不真诚的 disintegrate v.分裂成小片,瓦解 disinter v.挖出,掘土 disinterested adj.公正的,客观的 disjointed adj.脱节的,杂乱的 dislocate v.使脱臼,把…弄乱 dislocation 脱节,** dislodge v.逐出,取出 disparage v.贬抑,轻蔑

disparate adj.迥然不同的,不可并论的 disparity n.不同,差异 dispassionate adj.平心静气的

dispatch v.派遣,一下子做完、吃完n.迅速 dispel v.驱散,消除

dispensable adj.不必要的,可有可无的 disport v.玩耍、嬉戏 disposed adj.愿意,想干 disposition n.处理,天性、气质 dispossessed adj.被剥夺财产的 disputant n.争执者,争论者 disputatious adj.好争辩的 disquiet v.n.担心,焦虑 disquisition n.长篇演讲,专题论文 disreputable adj.品格不端的,见不得人的 dissemble v.隐藏、掩饰(感受,意图)dissimulate v.隐藏、掩饰 disseminate v.散布,传播 dissent v.不同意,持异议 dissenter n.持异义者 dissident n.唱反调者 dissipate v.(使)驱散,浪费 dissipated adj.浪费的,放荡的 dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的 dissonant adj.不和谐的,不协调的 dissonance n.不和谐(的音调)dissuade v.劝阻,阻止 distend v.(使)膨胀,胀大 distension n.膨胀 distillation n.蒸馏

distinction n.区别、差别,知名 distinguished adj.著名的,卓越的 distracted adj.心烦意乱的.精神不集中 distraught adj.心神狂乱的 distress n.痛苦,悲痛 distressing adj.使人痛苦的 disturbance n.扰乱、骚动 diurnal adj.白昼的,白天的

divagate v.(文章或谈话)离题,漂泊 diverge v.分歧,分开 divergence n.分歧,分开 diverse adj.不同的,种种的 diversity n.多样,变化万千 divest(of)v.卸下盛装,剥夺 dividend n.(股份的)红利 divulge v.泄露,透露

dock v.剪短,扣除…的一部份

doctrinaire n.空论家,adj.教条的,迂腐的 dodge v.闪开、躲避 doff v.脱掉(外衣,帽子)doggerel n.歪诗,打油诗 dogmatic adj.教条的,教义的

doldrums n(海洋上的)无风带,情绪低沉 doleful adj.忧愁的,消沉的 dolorous adj.悲哀的,忧愁的 dolt n.笨蛋,傻瓜 doltish adj.愚笨的 domain n.领土,领域 dome n.圆屋顶 domesticate v.驯养(动物)domesticity n.(喜欢)家庭生活 don v.穿衣,戴帽 dormant adj.冬眠的,静止的 dorsal adj.背部的,背脊的 dose n.(药)剂量,一剂 dossier n.卷宗,档案 dotage n.老年糊涂,溺爱 dote v.溺爱,昏愦 doting adj.溺爱的

douse v.把…浸入水中,用水泼 dowdy adj.不整洁的,过旧的 down n.绒毛,汗毛

downcast adj.意志消沉的,朝下的 drab adj.枯黄色的,无聊的 drabness n.乏味 drainage n.排水,污水 drawbridge n.吊桥

drawl v.慢吞吞说,拉长腔调说 dreary adj.沉闷的,乏味的 dredge v.用挖泥机疏浚,疏通 dredger n.挖泥船 dregs n.渣滓,糟粕 drenched adj.湿透的

dribble v.(液体)往下滴,淌 drizzle v.n.下毛毛雨,毛毛雨

drizzly adj.毛毛细雨的(a drizzly day)droll adj.古怪的,好笑的 drollery n.滑稽

drone v.嗡嗡地响,n.单调的低音 dross n drove n drudge v dual adj ductile adj duel n duet n dulcet adj dunce n dune n dupe n duplicity n duration n duress n dwarf n dwindle v dynamic adj dynamite n dynamo n dyslexia n dyspepsia n.浮渣,糟粕 .畜群,人群

.劳碌,做苦差事,n.劳碌的人 .双重的

.易拉长的,易变形的,可塑的 .决斗 .二重唱

.(声音)悦耳的,美妙的 .蠢材,笨人 .沙丘

.受骗的人,上当者 .欺骗,口是心非 .持续的时间 .协迫

.侏儒,矮小的植物v.阻碍…的正常发育.日渐减少,变小 .动态的,有活力的 .炸药,扣人心弦的事 .发电机 .阅读 .消化不良(


4.3.他需要多少船务人员才能使他的游艇(yacht)航行?(crew)How many crew does he need to sail his yacht? 4.虽然她的新书没有上一本好,但是我还是喜欢它。(not quite as)I enjoyed her new book though it’s not quite as good as her last one.5.我从未遇到过如此善良的人。(never before)Never before have I met such a kind person.5.3.她没有什么爱好 —— 除非你把看电视也算是一种爱好。(unless)She hasn’t got any hobbies — unless you call watching TV a hobby 4.他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。(first-hand :He said that he had got the information first-hand from the Mayor himself 5.既然你不能回答这个问题,我们最好问问别人。(since)Since you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else 6.3.社会活动从未耽误她的学习。(in the way)Social activities never get in the way of her studies.4.直到1911年人们才发现第一种维生素(vitamin)。(It is not until...that)It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.5.很明显,自然灾害是造成这个国家经济危机的原因。(crisis)Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the country’s economic crisis.7.3.他正在做一个新项目,年底前必须完成。(work on)He’s working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.4.他们让我们使用他们的实验室,作为回报,我们则让他们分享研究成果。(in return)They are letting us use their lab, and in return, we are sharing with them the results of our research.5.诸如打电话,听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间。(take up)Such things as making and answering telephone calls take up most of the secretary’s time.8.3.这种疾病正在蔓延,所有儿童都有被传染的危险。(at risk)The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk.4.信息通过电话线从一台电脑传到另一台电脑。(transmit)The information is transmitted from one computer to another through a telephone line.5.杰克是个相当好的赛跑运动员。他在大多数情况下都能获胜。(more often than not)Jack is a fairly good runner.He wins more often than not.4.1961年2月14日下午7点30分,沙比那548号航班起飞了。飞越大西洋的航程是很惬意的。第二天一早,飞机飞临布鲁塞尔的机场,没有任何异常。驾驶飞机的路易斯·兰布莱奇机长,没有发出任何遇难信号。该地区没有暴风雨,也没有大风。事实上,天气很好,暖和而晴朗。






























1977年,父亲过世了。要是他还健在,能亲眼看到我入选议会,他一定会引以为荣,满心欢喜的。我相信,此时此刻,他就在天堂注视着我 注:约翰·路易斯是美国参众议院中代表乔治亚州第五选区的议员








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